A New Start in Life part 37

A New Start in Life Part 37


This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.

Now we all loved shopping but shopping for wedding dresses brought things to a whole new level – and I mean a whole new wonderful level of shopping!

We had a slight problem in that Charley had only been at work for less than a year she had some money saved so the wedding dress would through necessity be modest.
We three insisted that we would pay for our own bridesmaid’s dresses and I insisted on paying for the flower girls (3) – we were hoping for a pageboy but James my nephew flatly refused.

Robs parents were so thrilled that their son was getting married that they would pay for the reception but Charley insisted that she also paid something towards it. (And she calls me principled!) And they supplied the page-boy Robs 4 year old nephew.

So we were going looking today simply looking! So the first place we went to was Debenhams.
We wandered around the bridal section and Charley was taken by a full-length dress in a cream colour. We saw some bridesmaids’ dresses that would complement Charley preferred dress then it was off to other shops.
Storing these dresses in our memory banks.

At the end of the day we were completely shopped out and hadn’t bought anything.
On the tram home Charley commented, “Gee wedding dress shopping is hard work – they are all so nice.”
We simply had to agree with her.

That night we were all going out in a group Giles and I; Conan and Kelly; Shonali and Si and finally Charley and Rob.
Charley had been right with Rob going out away from the university environment he had really come out of his shell now he was much more assured and confident but he was still the perfect gentleman.
We gave the two lovebirds a lot of stick about their forthcoming marriage but as usual with us it was all good natured.

On a personal level I was sad that Charley would be moving out the flat once she was married but on the other hand I was so very, very happy for her
I really had to face up to the facts that with steady boyfriends the gang of four would soon be splitting up as life intervened.
I surmised that these relationships were serious and soon we would be going our separate ways BUT I knew for certain that we would always be the best of friends.
But on nights out like this I hid my sadness behind a cheerful smile and flirting with Giles unashamedly.
At work Shoni, Kel and myself were now an integral part of the company we had been working there for nearly 2 years. Shoni was head of her section working on mainly Graphic Design.
Kelly was now the main software engineer while I was head of a department of one – namely me doing the security side of the systems forensics and investigation.
Loren was now married to her long term boyfriend Greg (and that was a great day) she was now 5 months pregnant and very excited about becoming a mother her hours in the office are now minimal leaving most of the day to day stuff with Kelly and I.

Loren’s hen night was brilliant we jetted off to Grand Canarias where even though I had a villa we all stayed in a hotel and created absolute mayhem!
This was the first time I had ever been on a hen night and it really was an eye opener with all the drinking games fancy hen night dressing up (I was a sexy nurse) – this gave us ideas for Charley’s hen night in a few months time.

Charley had finally decided on the wedding dress and it suited her down to the ground it was simple and understated but stunning (I thought) it really suited her svelte figure and complexion - and yes it was the one that caught her eye the very first day we went looking at wedding dresses!

Charleys dress.jpg

Now it was our turn to decide which bridesmaids dresses to choose as usual with us we argued constantly as what suited one didn’t suit the others time was now not on our side as there was only 2 months to go.
Finally Charley took control and showed us the dresses she thought would go with her dress and as usual she was bang on! And they suited all of us. And yes they were the ones we had seen in Debenhams on the very first day!


And we also managed with the help of my cousins to choose the flower girl dresses, which were so cute
So now we were all ready for Charley’s wedding the time went very quickly and soon it was Charley’s Hen Night she knew we had something planned but OH BOY was she in for a surprise!

First we dressed her in a bunny girl costume with ‘Learner Bride’ splattered all over it she was then decorated with balloons made from different coloured condoms!

Then accompanied by her sexy nurses and sundry other girl friends (all dressed up in fancy dress) we hit the town.
After a couple of pubs we were all mellow then came the first of her surprises a strip-o-cop.
A really hunky guy dressed as a policemen ‘arrested’ Charley for causing a disturbance in a public place.
Once she was safely handcuffed the show began – he was really hunky and when he got down to his budgie smugglers he was well endowed.
At first Charley was mortified then she got into the spirit egging him to take more off and threatening us with all sorts of retribution! Little did she know!!!

Then we headed for New York, New York one of our favourite nightclubs where Loren had surprise number 2 waiting. We settled down with our drinks when one of the all male girl group (a drag group) got Charley onto the stage and immediately started their routine with Charley up there with them.

By now Charley was very mellow and joined in with gusto she really got into the spirit of things and was ready to strip off when we rescued her!
Finally we got home about four in the morning all of us the worse for wear. We undressed a very drunk Charley and put her to bed (with a strategically placed bucket next to the bed) Then we three went to bed.

Luckily Charley’s wedding was the next weekend (Saturday) so she had all week to recover (and she needed it)
Friday came and she was a bag of nerves so to help calm her down I had booked a spa day for the eight of us as a surprise.
What Charley didn’t know was that Ceri was here for her wedding and my Aunty Val joined us along with Beth and Jayne (my cousins).
Uncle Frank and Aunty Val were acting as Charley’s parents with Uncle Frank was giving her away
When Charley saw Ceri she was an emotional wreck in fact the four of us were as we were so pleased to pleased to see her again.
It was so relaxing that the rest of them didn’t tell me off – usually we share the costs but not this time.
We had manicures, pedicures, facials, body wax, mud therapy treatment and a really excellent massage accompanied by some wine and canapés all in all it was a very special day for a very special person.

Ceri came back to the flat with us as she was staying with us so it was the five of us together again.
Ceri had finished her degree and then she surprised up by telling us that she was working in London at London Zoo for 2 years to gain experience this was really great news.
Later in the evening she came up to me and gave me a hug saying, “How did your operation go sweetheart?”
I assured her that I was now fine and so very, very pleased that it was all over.

Wedding day arrived and 7:30 am found all eight of us at Paula’s salon getting our hair done this not only included hair but the plaiting of pearls in our hair – Oh and we also had out three flower girls with us! Izzy, Annie and Millie to add to the rush. Along with their mums and my Aunty Val so the place was rammed to the rafters and all of Paula’s girls were there to glamorise us all!
Paula who was a great friend to us all was also going to the wedding so she had to get ready as well.
We had arranged to change at Paula’s and the wedding cars were organised for 1:30 along with Uncle Frank!

Miraculously we were all ready and Uncle Frank escorted a ravishing looking Charley to her limousine I was very close to tears when I looked in the mirror realising that I was actually a bridesmaid – me who was born into the wrong body now was a bridesmaid!

I think Aunty Val realised what I was thinking as she came to me and slipped her arm around my waist and whispered, “You next love.” I shook my head but she said, “It will be love – I had a dream last night and it will be you next!” (After my Indian experience I am open to any weird happening)

At the church we organised ourselves and the flower girls (who were supposed to strew rose petals in front of the bride) and us three behind the bride with a very proud Uncle Frank who had Charley on his right arm.

And that was it until the reception. Everything was a blur the ceremony, the pictures going to the reception on the arm of my hunky boyfriend Giles resplendent in his morning suit.

Everything returned to normal as I entered the Hotel where the reception was to be held. Giles was telling me how the flower girls were a bit enthusiastic and there were flowers everywhere except in front of the bride.
We all enjoyed the reception the best man was Conan whose speech was like a weather forecast and really funny.

Then came the night-time where the first dance had me crying Charley looked radiant and Rob so proud of his gorgeous new wife.

As we took to the dance floor to finish the dance with Charley and Rob I heard Giles say, “Susie will you marry me – soon.”
Turning to look at him I asked, “Are you certain you know we can never have our own children?”

He looked at me tenderly answering, “I am so certain that I want to shout it from the rooftops Susie I love you with all of my heart.”
I didn’t need to think about it, “Yes, Oh Yes when, when can we marry?”

Kelly heard this last bit and let out a whoop then yelled at the top of her voice, “Listen up everyone – Our Susie’s getting married.”

This caused mayhem Charley grabbed me kissing me saying, “Oh Susie I’m so very happy for you, and you deserve every happiness.”
My friends gathered around us wishing us all the happiness.
Now we had decided I was so very blissfully happy and the night passed like I was in a dream.

My Aunty Val came up gave me a hug and a kiss saying, “I told you so – or rather your mum told me this would happen” I looked at her and she nodded.

This amazed me my parents were still in the background watching over me. I whispered to myself, “Thanks Mum I only wish you could be here.” Just after I said this I felt a really warm comforting glow envelop me. (Was I being watched over? Or was I loosing my marbles?)

One thing I was absolutely certain about (and I think this came from my past life) was my wedding dress was going to be as girly as possible.
This was MY big day and in truth a day I never thought would happen. I never in my wildest dreams thought when I set off on my journey to woman hood that I would ever be married.

So now for the preparations for my big day. My Uncle was giving me away we were going to get married in Durham.
Even better than this as the Cathedral was my Aunt and Uncles parish church we had permission to be married there I simply couldn’t get my head around this – me actually getting married in a world heritage building.

My Aunt and Uncle organised the wedding and reception which I insisted I paid for as my mum and dad had left me comfortably well off so it was arranged that the wedding was in the Cathedral and the reception was in the Castle along with the night time dance.
The reception was in the Senate Room as it was smaller and the night time dance was in ‘The Great Hall’
The date for the wedding was set for December the 15th as this was the university vacation and the first date the cathedral could accommodate us so we had about 6 months to arrange things.

When the four of us started looking for my wedding dress - especially when they saw the style I was looking at Kelly moaned, “Oh god Susie’s going all girly girl on us.” But the four of them stuck by me, realising how excited I was.

Finally after me trying on several of the big floaty traditional wedding dresses my best friend Kelly had quite enough of it, “Susanna Johnson!” she started, “Face up to it these type of dresses simply don’t suit your body!”

I was devastated, as I had set my heart on a huge satin and silk wedding dress.
Shonali carried on, Kelly right Susie with your height and stupendous figure you should look for a different style.

“But what shall I do” I wailed time is getting short! “Absolute rubbish” Kell snapped, “We have months yet.”
We were in the city centre having this heated discussion heading to the next bridal shop.
“In Here” Kelly ordered, “We need some help!” As she said this she veered off into this very upmarket bridal salon.

Big gob Kelly didn’t hesitate but went right up to one of the girls and announced, “My friend here is looking for a wedding dress” (talk about stating the obvious!) She continued, “She has her heart set on a ‘princess style dress’ which to be brutally frank make her look like something you put on top of a wedding cake!”

“Kelly Jackson they don’t” I spluttered it was no good she stared me down and said, “They do!”

The poor sales girl must have been used to this as she took it all in her stride and calming Kelly down after soothing my ruffled feathers she started showing me other styles all in silk satin and lace and all (I must admit) absolutely gorgeous but the were not what I had set my heart on ................ still.

It was well into October before I decided on my dress I originally wanted a floaty princess dream dress I ended up with the dress below. Not very floaty – but I loved it.


And as miss smarty-pants Kelly said, “Perfect Susie absolutely prefect for you it really shows your assets off perfectly.

Now for my bridesmaid dresses this time they decided what they wanted to complement my dress and when I saw what they had picked I was really happy, as their dresses would complement mine perfectly.


What with work and my wedding I was so very busy but there were two very sad times for me when Kelly and Shonali moved out of the flat to move in with Conan and Simon.
That was traumatic for me as I thought of these girls as my family but in truth nothing much changed we saw each other every day at work and got together every weekend for shopping and going out as a group every week.
And there again I knew it was going to happen. But it was really quiet in the flat

My hen night well they dressed me in fancy dress (naughty school girl) with a sign saying ‘Learner Bride’ and once again balloons made of condoms.
We hit the clubs. I got a sexy caveman strip-a-gram in one pub and at New York, New York club four scantily clad hunks dancing around me in a very sexy manner, which the others and I joined in (we were that drunk)
To say I was rough the next morning is putting it mildly in fact it took me two days to feel anything like human.

Then 2 days before my wedding the four of us moved up to Durham complete with dresses and of course Paula and Ceri who were the 4th and 5th bridesmaids. Paula was the hairdresser for us all and being a really good friend she had left her shop to be run by Chantelle her second in command.
I stayed with Aunty Val while Shoni Ceri and Kell were at Beth’s home and Charley and Paula were at my other cousin Robins house.

Of my wedding - I had a most wonderful day remembering everything (unlike Charley’s wedding) and I relished every moment.
Walking down the most amazing aisle towards the Altar on the arm of my Uncle Frank who looked so very proud.
As I took my vows I waited with bated breath for someone to announce to the world I was born a boy but no one did.
When the simple gold band was slipped on my finger I felt the same warmth that I felt at Charley’s reception and I thought that my parents were showing their approval – silly I know but I believed in it.
Then we signed the register and finally Giles and I walked down the aisle to the grounds where the photographs were taken. I was so blissfully happy.

Next to the small reception, which was spectacular the staff was so very friendly and professional the transition to the night-time was seamless and the first dance was memorable as Giles took me into his strong arms I thought I was going to swoon with pleasure. He wouldn’t tell me what song he had chosen all he would say it that it summed his feelings up perfectly.
So when the DJ asked for the Bride and Groom to take to the dance floor I had to pinch myself then the music started and I went all to mush – and I mean MUSH!

First Dance

After the dance I was a total wreck as tears of joy coursed down my face – no one had joined us for the dance it was our dance and our song I am so happy that I trusted my gorgeous husband.

Finally we retired to the suite we had for the night the Bishops Suit which had a four-poster bed where Giles really made me his wife that night.
Enough to say I am not giving any details away except for the song below which was how I felt as he made passionate love to me. (You may have heard this song before but it sums up my feelings)

First Night

Then we moved into my apartment. It did take Giles a while to come to terms moving into my apartment as he had this stupid macho thing that he was supposed to provide but after he realised how much the place meant to me and when I pointed out it was all paid for so we could spend money on more serious things like exotic holidays he saw my point of view– he was so thoughtful and I loved him so much it hurt.

Now we had to find wedding dresses for Shonali and Kelly they were going to have a double wedding in Leeds.
Waiting for the tram into town were three girls Kelly, Shonali and Susanna we were going to meet our other friends Charley, Ceri and Paula.

As I said earlier they were meeting Charley, Ceri and Paula in town to go shopping for 2 wedding dresses and 4 bridesmaids dresses though one of them would have to be a bit bigger as Charley had just found out she was pregnant!
And by the time of the wedding she would be six months pregnant.

This was bitter sweet as I could never give birth but I was so very, very happy for Charley.
Already Giles and I were discussing adoption not right now but in the future. I had also suggested a surrogate mother using Giles’s sperm we would have children one way or another.

Again we trawled the Bridal Salons the third time in 2 years looking for wedding dresses for the two of them and Kelly Jackson my best friend actually decided on a princess style dress similar to what I wanted when I got married!


When I pointed the fact that she had talked me out of a dress like her’s all she said was, “I suit a dress like this – you Susie didn’t!”
I spluttered in indignation as Kelly and I were the same shape and size – so how come my dream dress suited her and not me!

Shonali as a gesture to her Indian roots was going to get married in a Sari so we bridesmaids (me, Ceri and Paula) with Kelly’s blessing decided that to be totally different we would also wear the sari.

Now that opened another can of worms – as far a wedding sari’s goes there are a multitude of colours each more beautiful than the one before it was months before we had decided on what sari we were going to wear


Shonali’s wedding Sari, it was made of pure silk and hand embroidered and suited her down to the ground


Our saris were slightly different but complemented Shonali’s perfectly and the three of us loved them.
Ceri and I had worn sari’s in India but Paula hadn’t once we had shown her how elegant a garment sari was she was hooked – as we told her it’s impossible not to be graceful when you are wearing one.

Kelly and Shonali’s hen night! They were well on their guard after Loren’s, Charley’s and my hen night so we really had to think out of the box for something very special for the two of them.
They had decided that they were having the night in Manchester as most of their friends were there and their friends in Leeds were up to hiring a mini bus for the hours or so journey across the Pennines. So Manchester it was.

Now down to the planning and it took Loren, Charley, Paula and myself to pull all this together – these two girls were going out with a BANG!
As usual we got them ready we dressed Kelly in a naughty angel costume and Shonali in a sexy skin-tight red leather (complete with tail) devil costume.
As usual we did an extravagant make up job on them and the usual condom balloons.
As I was blowing them up I commented, “I’ve blown up more of these things than I’ve used!”
Charley who was with me quipped, “You sure about that Susie?” No answer to that so I stuck my tongue out at her!

Once we got them ready escorted by assorted naughty angels and imps we set off.
After causing absolute mayhem in a few pubs we got to an inconspicuous venue where the majority of the party of 30 were busy getting mellow! (Read tipsy)

THEN our apprentice brides got the show (and shock) of their lives it was called ‘The Adonis Cabaret Show’ it was 2 hours of chiselled hunks of beefcake there were firemen, soldiers, policemen, cavemen and Apes???????

All presented by the most amazing compare - a drag artiste who was absolutely amazingly, stunningly, brilliant!

It was 2 hours of outrageously camp entertainment and it was BRILLIANT and everyone loved it.
Next it was to the nightclub ‘Tiger, Tiger’ this had seven rooms playing all sorts of different music from retro classics in the Groovy Wonderland Room to Ibiza style dance music in the White room and it did stupendous cocktails!

I think we outdid ourselves planning and carrying off this without the two of them knowing – this was all thanks to our boss Loren who masterminded it from afar – Charley, Paula and I were the foot soldiers.
This was all part of a package called the ABSolute sPECtacular weekend and included 2 nights accommodation for everyone it cost a bit but all the girls chipped in and made it work.

It was about 6am Saturday morning when we got home (my place as Giles was away in Ibiza for the stag do) absolutely shattered and ready for a full days sleep (hence the 2 night accommodation for the other girls Ceri of course was sleeping at our place (sharing with me.)
We got Kelly and Shoni ready for bed and tipped them into it then the three of us hit the sack waking up around 5 in the evening!

As Saturday was totally lost we had a very quiet pampering night while we recovered.
The following Friday we decamped to Leeds complete with my husband (I absolutely love saying those words - My Husband)
We stayed at the wedding venue the Met Hotel that is right in Leeds city centre and had parking space, which is rare in the city centre.
Saturday was the usual manic day hair and makeup to be done and of course getting into out dresses – or in our case saris so the wedding had 3 traditional bridesmaids and 3 in saris.
The wedding was a wonderful civil ceremony and I wept all the way through I was so very, very happy seeing my best friends getting married.
I managed to pull myself together for the photos and the rest of the night.

Halfway through the evening I was sitting quietly remembering so many things when the two brides – my best friends, joined me.
Where Charley was I haven’t a clue resting somewhere I would imagine, as she is getting quite big with her pregnancy and she tires easily.

We sat quietly for a while then Shonali stirred and asked, “Did you ever think things would end up like this?”

I stirred out of my reverie and answered, “Where has the last 4 years gone?”

Kelly answered this saying, “We’ve all grown up and now we’re all married. Did you ever thing you would end up being a married woman Susie?”

I gave a wry smile answering, “No but I dreamed about it.”

It was Shonali who put thing into perspective asking, “And are you happy – truly happy with your new life?”

To this I gave a beaming smile saying, “I am absolutely living the dream I am madly in love with a wonderful man AND I am now complete – all thanks to you two.”
As I said this I felt that warm glow envelop me – this time it lasted for a minute or so and in my mind my family were still with me looking after me.

We carried on talking about the last four years Kelly wondered out loud, “I wonder where the crazy tea drinking yachtswoman is?”

I stirred and asked “I take it you mean Ayeshu?”

Kelly gave me that look when I’m being stupid and retorted, “Susanna Johnson oops sorry Wilson exactly how many people do we know that live on a yacht?”

“Ok, Ok she’s the only one” I admitted continuing “But she was great, some character.”
Shonali chipped in here, “And she made a great cuppa.” We all agreed that she was not wrong there.

“And those wonderful Ozzie girls we met in Brisbane.” We all were quiet after Shonali had mentioned them as they had both died in a tragic car accident – it was so sad as they were so giving to complete strangers.

A voice that I knew so well broke our reminiscing causing us to come back to the here and now,
“Come on you three it’s rude for the two stars to be missing and I want my wife to dance with.” I gave my husband a beaming smile and extended my slim feminine hand to him – I was truly in a wonderful place.
The three of us did as we were bidden and went back to the Hurley Burley of the wedding three stunningly beautiful girls – one who had a secret she was well on the way to forgetting.

And now my story is finished as we are in the present day. It has been a very long and very emotional journey for me but I am now a totally fulfilled woman, wife and mother – yes you did read this correctly as we have just adopted a beautiful two month old baby girl – my life is complete at the moment until we adopt our next child which will not be too long.
I am still working but as the company I work for has grown a lot in a very short space of time we have a small crèche where our children are looked after during working hours (it pays to have a boss with a young son and half a baby daughter Loren is due to give birth in about 4 months time – So the crèche was Loren’s brilliant idea)
Kelly’s also pregnant with twins – typical she has to outdo us! And Shonali and Si are having fun practicing so hopefully it shouldn’t be too long before Shoni falls pregnant.

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