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A New Start in Life: After losing his family in a horrific road accident Stephen takes refuge in being Susanna part time. However a girl acquaintance visiting his flat accidentally discovers his secret.
Stephen then confesses that he wished that he could become Susanna and makes a very important decision that will give him the new start in life. He starts to live as Susanna with the help of his two best girl friends.
The next morning I awoke and remembered yesterday night I gave a wry smile wondering how Kell was feeling this morning.
Kelly was OK as long as you discount the monumental hangover she had.
She couldn’t remember a thing about last night so we took great delight in telling her every lurid detail and it must be said embellishing the story somewhat!
So as well as feeling rough she felt very ashamed of herself.
She took her medication! Medication now that rung some alarm bells for us so we read the leaflet and discovered that alcohol will (not may) give an adverse reaction – well it certainly had done this!
Hopefully once she returned to full strength she would be able to stop taking this medication. But until then we decided to help her by not drinking very much ourselves.
The big news of the day – as far as I was concerned came in a letter giving me the date for my operation I had to go into the hospital on the 13th February for my operation on the 14th Valentines Day! How very appropriate!
There was also a list of 3 appointments for me to undergo tests prior to surgery. I was so excited I was bouncing soon I would be complete!
The girls were so happy for me I realised I was really lucky to have such good friends as these.
We had a really mundane weekend then on Sunday afternoon I became a wreck trying to decide what to wear for the presentation on Monday smart business like but with an undercurrent of sexy!
This time it was my bed that was covered in clothes I must have emptied not only my extensive wardrobe but also most of Kelly’s. Finally after what must have been my 200th outfit the three of them took me in hand and told me what I was wearing!
My outfit consisted of a floral print dress in muted pastel colours this had short sleeves and a round neck the hem was 3” above my knee. I wore nude tights with black court shoes, a black jacket and handbag. Over this I would wear my calf length cream wool coat. Once it was all assembled and I was in the clothes I realised that the girls were (as usual) right.
The finished look was young business like but subtly sexy as the dress was form fitting showing a hint of my figure without being ‘In your Face!’
The next morning I spent some time with my electric tongs giving my hair a bit of a wave so it framed my face. My makeup was subtle but brought out my best features (and disguised the others)
Finally I was ready just before Loren was due to pick me up. Nervously I got into her car she nodded satisfied at my appearance and we set of to the other end of Media City for the presentation.
As I took off my top coat anxiously I looked at Loren and asked, “Do I look ok?” she gave me a warm smile saying, “Perfect Susie exactly what I meant – oh and how’s Kelly?”
I explained about Kelly and her medication, which gave us both a good laugh and went some way to easing my tension before we met Loren’s partner and her brother
The presentation went very well with Loren doing all the work all I did was assist her and answer some questions the clients had about our work.
But I think we did well.
While I cleared up the presentation room Loren, Greg and David went to discuss the contract.
I was happily clearing away singing to myself when a voice startled me, “You sound happy” I sucked in my breath in surprise swinging round there was standing in the doorway a guy of about my own age.
He was leaning casually on the door watching me tidying up. “I’ll give you a hand,” he said entering the room.
“No you’re ok I’m managing” I managed to say - but he DID look Ohhhhhhhh gorgeous!
He didn’t stop simply came close to me and started tidying up the wires and things.
As we worked I was secretly eyeing him up. He really was very handsome. Standing about 6’ 2” (He was a lot taller than I even when I was wearing 3” heels)
He had a shock of light brown hair cut in a modern style.
With gorgeous blue eyes and nice lips with a firm jaw – he was a hunk!
He was quite slender and looked like he kept himself in shape all in all I must admit I liked what I saw and my heart started beating a bit faster.
As we finished he turned to me saying, “Hi I’m Giles you are?” “Oh” I managed to say, “I’m Susanna – Susie to my friends.”
He cocked an eye at me saying, “Am I a friend because I’d certainly like to be!”
This flustered me a bit I managed to stammer, “Oh, oh yes that’d be nice!” (What did I just say!)
He grinned at me - he had a lovely smile one that sent me all wobbly he said, “Care for a drink after work then we can see if we can be friends?”
Again his directness left me stammering, “O, oh yes that’d be nice.” “Great” he said, “If you give me a phone number I’ll give you a ring when I leave work to pick you up.”
In a bit of a daze I gave him my office number adding, “I finish at five.” He grinned that grin at me saying, “In that case I’ll be outside your office waiting for you now let’s get this stuff to your car.”
I managed to say, “Err I don’t have a car my boss drove me and she has the keys – but thanks anyway.”
He smiled that smile at me saying, “That’s a shame I’d like to spend more time with you but still I’ll see you after work – bye.”
As he went through the door Loren entered the room, “Crikey Susie you’ve worked fast.” She commented!
Between Giles and myself everything was packed up ready to leave. I shook myself out of my trance and managed to make a sensible reply, “Oh I had some help.”
Loren grinned at me saying, “Not that hunk I passed in the corridor?” I nodded saying, “I think it must have been.”
Loren smiles saying, “He was quite good looking – another conquest Susie?”
I could feel myself blushing as I stammered, “Errr, no well yes, err maybe!” then I tailed off before I made myself look any more stupid I had never been so effected by one person!
And he was gorgeous.
On the drive back Loren was very excited, as the company had gotten the contract with a promise of more work.
As she drove she told me, “Thanks for your help today it took a lot of pressure off me.” I protested that I had done very little but she was having none of it.
We arrived back at the office and I got back to work. Time passed very slowly as I was thinking about tonight and meeting Giles.
I mentioned this to Shonali and as usual she nearly had me married off!
About three in the afternoon Loren came to me and said, “Susie would you come into the office for a few minutes?”
My heart sank this was where my time at work ended if I wanted to work here I would have to apply with other candidates except I couldn’t do this as I would be in hospital having my operation!
I followed her in like a prisoner going to the gallows. When I got there the two men who owned the company were there (Loren’s Partner and her brother in fact Loren herself was also a partner in the business) – so my employment was going to end in style!
I was asked to take a seat and I sat on the edge the seat my hands clasped on my knee anxiously twisting my fingers.
Even though I knew this day was coming now I was actually stopping work I was really sad and to be honest a bit upset.
David cleared his throat and began telling me, “Susanna you realise that this position you were so good as to cover was a temporary one?” Miserably I nodded quietly saying, “Yes I did understand that.”
“Good” he carried on, “My sister is really impressed with your commitment and work ethic in fact she has told me that she really enjoys working with you.”
I glanced at Loren in thanks and said, “I’m glad about that I’ve enjoyed working with her.”
“That’s great,” he said, “Because we would like to offer you the permanent position if you want it!” I sat there with my head bowed then I realised what he had just said!
I raised my head and looked at the three of them, “W, w, what?” I stammered (like a total idiot) he repeated that the job was mine if I wanted it. “Oh” my brain was mush then I managed to pull myself together.
I looked at Loren who was grinning broadly she gave a small nod.
I felt myself breaking into a beaming smile as I answered, “You mean it, you really mean it?”
All three of them nodded at that. I was soooo excited I exclaimed, “Yes oh yes please! Thank you so much. I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations - honest!”
Loren couldn’t stand it she got up came around the desk and gave me a hug telling me, “My brother is a terrible tease – he could have told you a lot faster than he just did. Now are you certain you want the job?”
I was bubbling with excitement and answered, “Yes oh yes I’m so very relieved I thought...........” Loren finished for me saying, “You thought that we were going to release you didn’t you?”
I nodded then I remembered! Clapping my hand to my mouth I exclaimed, “Oh! Oh No! Loren I’m so sorry I can’t take the job!”
My tears started to flow I simply couldn’t take my dream job because of my operation – BUT that had to come first!
She looked at me exclaiming, “Why ever not Susanna? I thought you enjoyed working here!” When I looked at the two men through my tears they also looked baffled.
I wailed, “I do love it here! But I’m going into hospital for an operation in February – it wouldn’t be fair on you with me being off work!”
Greg (Loren’s partner) asked could it be postponed for a few months?
Loren had caught on straight away and answered for me, “No Greg it cannot be put off! Susie’s put this off for too long now. She need’s her operation!”
I smiled weakly at Loren in thanks she had figured out what my operation entailed.
She sat down opposite me and took my hands calming me down.
In a soothing voice she asked, “How long after your op will you need to be off work?” I sobbed, “About 4 to 6 weeks so in total about 2 months. Oh that way too long for me to be off work – I’m so sorry to let you down!” I was back crying again.
Loren turned to the two men and said, “Look you two could you leave us we’re going to talk girl stuff – and you don’t want to know.”
As with most men where women’s health is concerned they cleared off very quickly. I smiled my thanks to Loren.
She still had hold of my hands and asked, “I assume the hospital visit is for your final operation?” I sniffed and nodded.
“Right” she briskly said, “That is far more important than any stupid job!
We’ll get cover for you for your time off! I want you working here ok?” I nodded smiling through my tears sniffling, “If you’re certain Loren.”
“I’m certain – now there’s the simple matter of getting temporary cover for you.” She answered somewhat sardonically.
I was so relieved and so happy impulsively I threw my arms about her neck and hugged her telling her, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you I’m so happy!”
She hugged me back telling me to go and get myself cleaned up and we’ll talk about getting a stand-in for you later.
I left the office and went to the ladies room to tidy myself up. Shonali saw me going and as usual followed me in.
When she saw that I’d been crying she was very concerned until I told her my news her reaction was to hug me and say, “I told you so. Oh it’s going to be great working together.”
I smiled happily at her agreeing then I commented, “There only the slight matter of finding someone to stand in for me.”
Instantly Shoni retorted, “Kelly, she did the same degree as you – she could stand in for you – you never know the three of us could end up working together.”
I thought about this. Kelly’s degree was in Software Engineering and Advanced Routeing.
Mine was in Computer Forensics and Software Engineering.
Kelly would be perfect.
Excitedly I told Shoni, “You are brilliant! Kell would be perfect! I’ll speak to Loren and suggest Kelly.”
After all it was just over a month before I went into hospital so I had better try my very best at work.
As I retouched my make up Shoni asked, “Any idea when you’ll be home tonight?”
I thought for a second then answered, “Well this is only a drink after work so I would think about seven – why?”
With an airy wave she said, “Oh nothing really just that I’ll know how much you fancy him by how much after seven you are!”
I smiled affectionately at my best friend saying, “Ok, ok he is really cute though a smile that sends me wobbly and such a gorgeous tight bum!”
We were both laughing as we left the rest room. I went straight to Loren and suggested Kelly to cover for me assuring her that Kelly is usually such a sensible straightforward girl – nothing like she was on Friday.
Loren commented, “At this rate we’ll soon have everyone in your flat working for us! Could you ask her to come in for an interview in a weeks time if she is interested.”
We then went on to talk about my remuneration package as a permanent staff member. She apologised that she couldn’t pay sick pay while I was in hospital but to be honest I didn’t expect any and really didn’t mind.
I was now enrolled into the profit sharing scheme as well as being eligible for the share buying scheme.
It was after five when I grabbed my coat and handbag there was no sign of Shoni so I assumed that she had already left for home.
As I left the office I spotted her and she was talking to Giles! Giving him those big brown eyes I really felt a stab of jealousy and sorrow that my best friend would do this to me!
As I approached Giles spotted me and instantly that smile worked it’s magic on me! Shoni turned and said, “See I told you she would be out in a minute.” Then she continued, “Don’t get jealous Susie! I saw this hunk loitering about the place and asked him if he was waiting for you – so I kept him company oh and asked him if there were any more hunks like him in his office.”
I tucked my arm into Giles’s in as much as to say he’s mine keep off – what was the matter with me! Shoni was my best friend we would never do anything like steal each other’s guys!
I have been with guys before – but none has even come close to what feelings Giles awoke in me.
With other guys I had been with it was totally different I needed them (as I justified to myself) to establish my budding status as a girl after all I had never done what ‘normal girls’ had done grown up around boys having to be a girl around boys and experiencing stolen kisses and I suppose the fumbling around that inexperienced kids do.
No me, being me I went at it full tilt cramming years of knowing boys into a couple of years!
I was lucky in a way as I couldn’t get pregnant, I couldn’t catch an STD and apart from the periods the girls made me have I didn’t have them. (if you see what I mean)
But after India and me discovering what was stopping me having my final operation – now I had decided to become a total woman (I was 22 after all) I would only give myself to my husband!
Talk about a U turn this was the U turn to beat all U turns! Slapper to nun in one easy step!
The three of us walked towards the tram stop me snuggling into Giles when we got to the stop I waved goodbye to Shoni as we got onto the tram taking us to the city centre where we went into a trendy wine bar to get to know each other better.
For the whole of the time we simply talked about one another getting to know each other I felt really at ease in his company and we really seemed to hit it off something was happening inside me I was feeling sensations I know I shouldn’t have.
Giles was a really nice guy and the way he talked to me made me feel like I was the centre of his universe – silly I know but WOW he did have some effect on me.
“Oh, oh” he suddenly said, “We had better make a move it’s already nine!” We had been talking for 5 hours and I didn’t want the night to end but I knew it must, as we were both at work the next day.
We walked to the tram stop and as we waited for my tram he put his arms around me holding me close to him.
It sounds melodramatic but I nearly swooned with the closeness of him I was in a world of my own when I realised he was speaking I tilted my head up saying, “Pardon...........” the rest of what I said was muffled as he gently kissed me on the lips.
The kiss lasted for a second or so when he pulled back saying, “Oh Susie I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me!”
I pretended to play it cool but my insides were total mush never had a kiss done this to me before.
“What were you saying before....... well you know?” I asked smiling dreamily at him.
He looked at me answering, “I was asking if I could see you again?”
I smiled coyly at him and told him, “I’d love that” just then my tram arrived as I boarded he said, “Drink after work tomorrow?” I nodded and waved as the tram pulled away.
Getting off the tram I was walking on air needless to say I got a lot of ribbing for getting home so late.
Shoni took me to one side saying, “Susie I’d never do anything like that to you – the look of hatred in your eyes was horrid! Please believe me.”
I knew she was telling the truth and I hadn’t realised that I had given my feeling away.
I smiled ruefully and told her, “Shoni we are best friends I know we wouldn’t do anything as awful to each other. I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me.”
As we hugged she said quietly I’m glad we’re still friends.
I was appalled and exclaimed, “Shoni we’ll always be friends it’s just....... Well it’s just that....... “
For once I was lost for words; quietly Shoni said, “I take it you like him?” I gave her a radiant smile answering, “Oh yesssssss he’s so dreamy!”
She gave my arm a friendly squeeze saying “Good I’m happy for you – let’s get to bed shall we.”
As I lay in bed I was wondering why I suddenly felt that way when I saw Shoni talking to Giles I hated jealous people now it seems like I was one – this was so not me!
The next morning as we had breakfast I casually mentioned the Kelly that I had arranged for her an interview for a temporary job – mine while I was recovering.
She was really excited until I said to her, “Remember the woman who was with me last Friday when you were errr well tipsy?” “Yeeesss” she slowly answered.
“Well” I carried on briskly as I put my coat on and picked up my handbag, “That was Loren – she’s doing the interview!”
As we left the flat the stricken look on Kell’s face was something to behold.
Both of us were chuckling as we walked to the tram stop Shonali said, “You have a wicked sense of humour Susanna Johnson.”
I grinned back at her and said, “Just a little but I’ll put her out of her misery tonight.
And I’m so embarrassed about yesterday I simply don’t know what came over me I’m so, so very sorry– I’m not usually a jealous person.”
Shoni looked at me smiling and said, “I know what’s the matter with you.” “What!” I asked. My best friend simply smiled and said, “I think you’re in love for the very first time!”
I had no reply to that but simply said, “Oh” as our tram arrived.
I worked steadily away then about eleven my phone rang it was Giles I simply couldn’t help it a warm smile came to my lips. “Just a quick call Susanna your friend will she be with you tonight?”
I felt that surge go through me a little coldly I answered, “Yes why?” “Well I was wondering if she fancied a blind date with a friend of mine tonight when we meet?” He continued.
I was so relieved and very mixed up I managed to answer, “Is he as hunky as you?” (did I actually say that to him?)
“I’ll have a look he’s stood with me now” he replied I giggled at this he had a good sense of humour – well he made me laugh.
“No! Not quite Susie but he’s not too bad!” I heard some talking at his end of the phone then Giles came back telling me, “He says he’s better looking than I am – but...” I butted in, “I don’t think so! You’re cute! (Did I just say that – what was happening to me?) I’ll ask Shoni and phone you back – ok?”
I wandered across to Shonali who was interested but she was also aware of how I may feel. I confided in her that I wasn’t used to feeling jealous and it really disturbs me, as I didn’t want to become one of those clingy insecure girls!
I really had to sort myself out and I said as much to Shonali.
As usual she spoke a lot of sense telling me, “Well Susanna only you can do that! But look at it logically you are a stunning girl! You are confident, intelligent and very, very likable so why feel insecure – please think about it Susie?”
I phone Giles back and he said they would meet us after work – and maybe a meal or something?
I was happy at this then thought about what Shonali had said to me.
Getting out my small mirror I critically looked at myself and was reasonably happy with what stared back at me.
Shonali was right I was reasonably attractive so why was I acting this way? This was something I was going to have to tackle.
We left work at five and sure enough the guys were outside waiting for us Giles looked gorgeous and his friend Si (short for Simon) was quite fit too!
I could see that Shoni was really interested. We started walking and ended up at a place called the Dockyard, which was a rustic style pub.
This was right opposite the BBC building the food was burgers and such like BUT really good (as Giles put it Kick Ass Burgers.)
We got to know the guys better and I began to see that Giles was really genuinely interested in me, which eased my insecurities a good bit.
Si and Shoni were getting on like a house on fire this was brilliant so again it was nine when we finally arrived home after arranging to go on a double date on Friday.
The days passed slowly for me very slowly. Kelly arrived for her interview and impressed Loren so early in February I started handing my job over the Kelly.
This was easy because as we had been to Uni together and we lived together we thought on the same wavelength.
Charley and Rob were still going very strong they were an item. Charley so far had not got a job and it wasn’t for the lack of trying.
As the time came for me to go into hospital she said to me very seriously, “Susie at least I’ll be able to look after you when you get home I’m certainly not going to start working until you’re fit and well.”
This started an argument between the two of us and eventually I made her see sense look after me by all means but if a job suddenly appeared then take it – after all I would be a big girl after my operation literally!
The more I went out with Giles the more my feeling of jealousy receded. I thought about what Shonali had said to me and as usual with me I analysed her words to death.
My conclusion was that she was right - oh so right as usual I was so lucky to have her as a friend.
Many times I looked in the mirror and studied my reflection with my doe like eyes and sculpted facial bones full lips and cute nose I realised that I could hold my own with any girl.
So over the course of a month my insecurities disappeared – But even so when I was out with Giles I found myself looking at other girls and imagining them trying to steal Giles from me.
This may sound strange but when we first got together I would have happily clawed any girls eyes out if they had even looked at him – now after a month all these feelings had gone and I was so very pleased so very, very pleased I had learnt a valuable lesson in girlhood one some girls never learn.
Now the time was approaching for me to begin the next phase of my life!
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Ah ha! Susie's finally back to her old shenanigans!
After 3 chapters of celibacy, I'm stunned that Susie didn't crash tackle Giles to the ground and rape him! She certainly gets the hots for some men doesn't she?
I still wonder what Loren has in-store for Susie? I wonder if Susie can hold back before her operation? I also wonder if the little guy in the fridge who turns the light on and off ever takes a holiday????? .....Chrissie, will any of these three questions be answered in the next chapter?
Yes definitely!
Your questions may be answered in the coming episodes except for the little man in the fridge - I'm still trying to figure that one out.
She got the Job
I kind of figured she would Suzzie & Kelly that is.
Now we know why Kelly was acting the way she was adverse reasion with the mixture of alcohol and medication.
I'm glad Kelly & Sholni have Bo's of thir own like Charley I wish everyone the best epically Suzzie
Love Samantha Renee Heart