A New Start in Life part 33

A New Start in Life Part 33

The Girls Mk2.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.

Charley’s face was a study her mouth hung open in surprise she looked at me and stammered, “I, I, I, I never said that!” she declared.
I simply grinned and answered, “Oh yes you did Charley Willis” “When” she retorted. “Well it was somewhere between you asking me if I had made love to Rob and me telling you what happened” I triumphantly told her. “Now do you love him?” I asked.

Charley went all quiet on me and finally answered, “Yes, yes I do.” I was so happy for her we had travelled half way around the world for her to find love in cold, soggy England!
I shuffled across the sofa and gave her a big hug saying, “I’m so very happy for the two of you.”
Charley returned the hug thanking me and asking again if I minded to which I answered, “Good Lord no we would never have made it – but you and Rob - well I have a feeling you’ve both found a soul mate.

I knew what Rob was like so I had to ask, “Does he have any idea?” Charley shook her head saying, “You know Rob Susie, he’s so nice he would never assume anything.”
I nodded at this Rob was one of natures true gentlemen quiet, unassuming, diligent and stunningly intelligent he needed a strong girlfriend like Charley.

So I simply said, “Then tell him how you feel I think you’re just what he needs!”
I gave her a hug and finished off by telling her, “I’m so pleased for you. I’m off to bed cos tomorrow I have an excited and nervous Shonali to get to a job interview!”

Charley gave an, “OH! I forgot about that. I’d better get some shuteye as two of us stand a better chance with Shoni!” And with that we both went to bed.

The next day was sheer hell! Shonali usually so calm and steady was a nervous wreck!
When I woke up and went to make sure she was awake her bed was covered in clothes – god alone knows what time she had got up!
I talked her into getting a shower while I did breakfast for the three of us AND I told her that Charley and I would decide what she was wearing for the interview.

So while a grumbling Shoni got showered I a made a full English breakfast for the three of us.
Dressed in her dressing gown Shonali arrived along with Charley and we tucked into the breakfast. Then we went to get Shonali ready.
Sorting through the clothes on her bed (which used to be neatly hung in her wardrobe) we finally decided on a Emerald green skater style dress that came about 2” above her knees this dress always had looked good on her it was a Jersey Fabric with a random faded black leaf pattern. We paired this with barely black tights and smart black court shoes a short black jacket.
When we looked at the finished article Shonali looked every inch a young professional woman out to impress – which is what we wanted.

We styled her hair and made sure her make-up showed her to her best - especially her wonderful expressive eyes.

I lent her my cream coloured wool overcoat and cream knitted hat (It is December in England and is COLD – you need more than a short jacket) finally we had to leave for her interview making sure that everything she needed (which was not a lot) was safely in her smart but feminine brief case/handbag.

We caught the tram to the area the interview was being held all the time prepping her – making sure she knew the right things to say; then we arranged to meet her in a nearby coffee shop.

Outside the building she straightened her shoulders gave the two of us a weak smile and headed for her first job interview.
Charley looked at me and said, “Phew that was hard – she was a wreck. I expect I’ll need you guys to do the same for me when I go for a job.”
I didn’t fully understand what Charley had said until we sat down in the coffee shop with our skinny latte’s then the penny dropped.

As I sat down I gasped, “Charley you mean you are thinking of working in the UK?”
She grinned and nodded saying, “I was wondering when you’d catch on – look I’ve nothing much to go back to the States for you guys are more like my family than my family so --------“
I prompted, “And there’s Rob?” She looked steadily at me and slowly said, “Yep then there’s Rob.”

We left it there and sipped out coffee. I stirred and said quietly, “I’m so happy you’ve decided to stay with us – I love you like a sister and was worried about loosing you.”

She grinned and said, “I hope you’re not going to get all emotional on me!” I sniffed away my tears and lied, “Of course not!” “Liar” she grinned then continued, “I wonder how Shoni’s doing?” “Hmmmmmmm” I responded.

To take our mind off things we decided to make our Christmas card list. So I got my diary out of my handbag and we started and it was quite a comprehensive list covering half the world!

We were into our second Latte when Charley looked up and said, “I’ll go and get another coffee – here she comes!” and sure enough Shoni was coming across the square heading towards us.

She joined us and was beaming as she told up all about her interview, which had lasted for nearly an hour and had gone well.
They would let her know by the end of the week if she had been successful (this meant we had three days of Hell until Friday as she would be a mess until she new one way or the other!)

Luckily for us we didn’t have to wait a week as they phoned the very next day telling her that the job was hers if she wanted it.

Needless to say she accepted and was told to start on the following Monday after she had hung up she exploded with a whoop of pure joy – so we had to go out that night to celebrate!

We got dressed ready to party: my dress was a glittery multi coloured mini dress reaching about 4” above the knee angel sleeves round neck and a back zipper.
I wore black tights and 4” towering heels in black patent. I had a small shoulder bag.

Shonali had decided on a sparking gold tunic top tight black PU mini skirt (Read wide belt) with diamond pattern black tights and black and gold 5” ankle strap shoes.

Charley had on a red bandage style mini dress form fitting that really suited her She had black fishnet tights and black ankle strap patent shoes.

We spent time doing out make-up especially highlighting our eyes with glitter eyeliner and mascara we were sex on two legs.

We looked good and we knew it.

We hit the city centre and toured the local pubs and clubs ending up at New York, New York in the centre of the gay village a really great place where we knew that we wouldn’t be hit on by ass holes.
We were not interested in guys we were three girls having fun and wanting to dance.
As we sat at a table catching our breath from dancing Shonali said to me, “Remember when we first came here? You were still doing stiff dad dancing! Now sweetie you’re all girl a real mover!” I answered, “God that seems like ages ago but soon I will be all girl to match.”

Charley was ready to dance again and soon we were dancing away having great fun.
We arrived home about three in the morning and slept until late. I had an appointment to have tests done so I would be ready for the New Year and the new me! (My operation and I simply couldn’t wait)

We went to see Kelly at the weekend and arranged for the New Year in Leeds – there was a proviso to that in-so-much-as Shonali didn’t know what she would be working.

Christmas well we left this hanging as we were all spending it with our families – with the exception of Charley and she could choose between three families.

Shonali who confided in me saying, “Susie, I have a feeling that Charley will go to Rob’s for Christmas!”
I will admit that I was sceptical but when I thought about it the were awfully close now – in fact I knew that Rob had spent some time at night at our place. (I didn’t think he was a virgin now!) I didn’t say anything to Charley but I was really happy for her!

Kelly looked stronger even though it was only a week since we last saw her she actually went clubbing with us on the Saturday night.
This was much to her mum’s distress but we promised to look after her and were home by 11pm much to Kelly’s disgust – but she was dead beat!
We had to leave on Sunday to get our working girl to work on Monday Morning – not good if you are late for your first day!

Monday morning was a repeat of the interview day except Shoni had less time to mess about deciding what to wear. We reminded her that she was 22 years old so dress your age finally she decided on a shift dress with a floral pattern sensible block heeled shoes with matching accessories.
The look was young, trendy and sensible as she left for work we wished her luck then Charley and I flopped down exhausted and it was only 7:30am!

Charley and I went to buy Christmas cards and some present’s as it would soon be the festive season.
We also made enquiries about Charley finding work in the UK. Charley’s degree was in media studies where she specialised in 2D and 3D computer animation and visual effects.
When we looked on the UKBS website we found that there is a chance that she would get a work permit for these specialties and as there is a Media City in Salford there may be a chance there – Shonali works in the area so we would get her to keep her ear to the ground.

So now it was Charley and I trawling through the job vacancies! Shonali arrived home after her first day absolutely hyper as her first day had really gone well.
The company she worked for was a very young, very new company and as such couldn’t pay high wages but from what we could gather it had big ideas and good potential contracts with some of the larger companies.

I hoped and prayed that the company would survive for my best friends sake. We told her about Charley wanting to stay in the UK and Shonali was over the moon, phoned Kelly and told her.
We spent the night doing each other’s nails and writing our extensive pile of Christmas cards. Which we posted the very next day.

By the second week of December I had decided to stop looking for a job until after Christmas.
I was wrapping Chrissie presents up when my phone rang, I didn’t recognised the caller’s number so was a bit wary answering, “Hello Susanna Johnson.”
“Oh Hi” a pleasant sounding woman answered, “My name’s Loren Epstein – you don’t know me but your friend Shonali gave me your number.”
I was a bit taken aback as we had a tacit agreement not to give out each other’s phone details.

I realised that the woman was still talking and I had missed some of he conversation so when she paused I asked, “Sorry I missed a lot of what you just said – the connection is not very good.”
She chuckled and answered, “No problems Susanna it was just to see if you are interested in a temporary position as we have one that has suddenly become vacant and Shonali mentioned you!”

Interested was I ever interested but I tried to be cool calm and collected about it – but failed miserably!
The upshot was that an hour later found me dressed in a pale lilac two-piece suit heading towards Salford Quay for a job interview as a temporary software engineer my head was spinning!

I had everything I needed in my voluminous handbag I alighted the tram and walked the short distance to where three weeks before we had dropped a very nervous Shonali off.

Now it was my turn I entered the building and approached the receptionist gave her my name and whom I was to see then I sat down.

In less than a minute a woman of about mid 20’s approached saying, “Susanna? Hi I’m Loren Epstein please come this way.”
I followed her into her office, which had Internet Security Manager on the door – this gave me an idea of what the job was.

Loren apologised for the short notice but a rival company had poached the guy that used to work for them.
Which meant that they needed someone to fill the vacancy until the New Year when a permanent position would be advertised and the correct procedure would be followed. (I figured that it could well improve my chances of getting a job if I was willing to help out).

I showed her my degree and went through the interview. Finally she said, “Look I’ll cut to the chase Susanna I am desperate as you may gather you have the correct degree and you come across well - so the position is yours if you want it!”

I was elated and all semblance of calmness disappeared I excitedly answered, “Want it – Oh yes please! When do you want me to start?”

She was about to answer when I carried on saying, “But before you answer there is something I must tell you that may make you change your mind about me.”

She looked concerned and joked, “You’re not a mass murderer are you?” I grinned despite myself answering, “No not that bad – I think! But I am a trans-sexual.” And in case it didn’t click I added, “I was born a boy!”

She looked steadily at me and I thought that I had blown it with my honesty then she looked me up and down and said, “Thank you for telling me – it must have been hard for you. I have to admit I would never have guessed you are a very pretty young lady.”

I stood up saying, “I’ll go then, sorry for wasting your time.”

She looked puzzled and asked, “I don’t understand Susanna don’t you want the position?”
I turned and looked at her saying, “I thought that with me ........ Well you know I thought that you wouldn’t want to employ someone like me.”

“Susanna come and sit down.” She ordered me.
As I sat knees together hands in my lap she looked at me shaking her head. “You asked me when could you start – yes?”
I nodded afraid to speak so she carried on, “How about now! I can show you around then explain what I would like you to do – then I suggest that you and Shonali come across to the coffee shop with me and I’ll buy you lunch!”

I was astounded I had a job well a temporary job. I asked, “You mean you don’t mind about me?” she shook her head saying, “Not in the slightest Susanna.”

“Please call me Susie” I chipped in. “Ok Susie” she carried on, “It doesn’t matter in the slightest you came across as a self confident, knowledgeable and very honest young lady – so do you accept the offer?”

I absolutely beamed answering, “Yes oh yes thank you ever-so-much!” She came around the desk and embraced me saying, “You are more than welcome – now let’s keep your secret just between ourselves ok?”
I nodded unable to speak I was so emotional – I HAD A JOB!! Well a temporary job but still a job.

We talked about money as Loren showed me around. This was a newly formed media company competing with some big named outfits.

As such the wages were really on the lower end of the scale but there was a profit’s sharing scheme (which didn’t apply to me as I was temporary) where the employee’s received a percentage of the profits of the company. There was also a scheme where the employees could own shares in the company.

On our tour around the offices I saw Shoni and waved to her. I could tell by her face she was wondering if I had got the job – I would have thought the beaming smile on my face would have answered the question.

I was taken back to an area close to Loren’s office and shown to my work area and Loren explained what she wanted me to work on.
She worked from a desk opposite mine – the office was for as she put it “Official business and chilling out.”

She took her time showing me the systems and different levels of access the time passed really quickly it was great actually putting what I had learnt into actual use!

It only seemed a few minutes when Loren said, “Let’s go and find your friend and grab some lunch – and I’ll find out more about you!”

We went and found Shoni who greeted the news with a squeal and a big hug then we got our coats and headed for the coffee shop for a light lunch.

There we chatted away Loren telling us about the company and how she had helped set it up.
It turned out that she helped set it up along with her partner and her brother so it was a family run enterprise that had some big idea’s all of which seemed to my young eyes very achievable.
She mentioned the salary scale saying, “At the moment we simply have to set our remuneration package at the low end until we either grow of fold.
But once the first years trading is over and we are still in business expect the package to increase.”

We in turn told her of our recent tour of America, New Zealand, Australia and of course India.
Many of our adventures had her in stitches and gasping in amazement.
Finally she asked, “Susie can I ask you a personal question?” I really felt comfortable with Loren so I answered, “Sure go ahead my life’s and open book.” Shonali gave a snort of disapproval but as usual I ignored her.

“Susie” Loren started, “Are you an errr well are you, I mean have you,” I put her out of her misery and finished, “If you mean am I a complete girl – the answer is no but I am getting my final operation early next year.”
Loren smiles in relief and commented, “Thanks for being so honest with me – but I have a feeling your friend disapproves of your total honesty.”

She cocked her eyebrow at Shonali who answered, “You bet I disapprove. When Susie meets anyone instead of introducing herself as Susie and letting people make there own mind up about the attractive girl in front of him or her. NO our Susie introduces herself as Susie the attractive girl who used to be a boy – it’s so very wrong of her!”
I looked alarmed as I could see that Shoni was very upset and was on the verge of tears!

“Shoni” I gasped, “I never realised you felt so strongly about this.”
Shoni waved her hand and managed to say, “I’m sorry Susie I love you dearly and I don’t want people to hurt you with your honesty. I really wish you would get it into your head that you are a girl, nearly a woman and a bloody attractive one at that – accept your femininity as much as you embrace it.”

I was shocked at my friend’s emotional outburst.

Loren said quietly, “Susie if I were you I would really listen and take notice of what your friend says.
I know I have just met you and I admire your honesty. But you really had no need to tell me about your past!”
She looked steadily at me before continuing, “Think about it! All your qualifications and papers you need for work are in the name of Susanna Emma Johnson! As Shonali says you scream femininity no one need ever know and as Shonali said some people may use this knowledge against you – please think about it dear.”

I was dumbfounded and looked from one to another finally I managed to mumble, “Ok thanks I never realised – it simply seems wrong to lie to people.”

Shonali gave another of her unladylike snorts and commented, “You’ve been around that Charley Willis for too long!”

So on the walk back to the office while I was deep in thought Shoni explained to Loren about Charley our best friend.

As we got to the office door Loren said to the two of us, “It’s our Christmas Party in two weeks time I really hope you can make it and please bring you friend Charley with you.”
She smiled and continued, “There’ll be people from other small companies there who maybe able point her in the direction of work after all her degree is quite a rare commodity!”
Then she added, “And don’t worry I’ll introduce the three of you to people who may be able to help. In our small world it’s not what you know but that is important! In-so-much-as who you know!”

The rest of the day passed really fast I found that I really loved being at work! I loved the challenge and as it was a small company I loved the way they just let you get on with your work and very soon I was immersed in their systems my software engineering theory was really being tested practically and not found lacking.

It was about five in the afternoon that I sensed that I was not alone and when I looked around there stood Shonali, “Ready for home Susie?”
Loren then walked up smiling and added, “You don’t have to learn everything in one day Susie – now scoot off home we’ll see you tomorrow.”

Picking up my coat, handbag and scarf I made ready for the cold outside, by now it was quite late.
Shoni and I linked arms in as friends do and headed to the tram stop. “Shoni” I started, “Thanks for mentioning me for the job – you’re a real friend.”
Shoni simply smiled and answered, “Well if I can’t help my best friend out!” I gave her arm a squeeze and we continued our walk.

Once we were on the tram I quietly said, “I’m going to do what you and Loren want me to do – from now on I’m Susanna Johnson end of story!”
“Susie I’m relieved that you have finally seen sense.” She squeezed my arm then we sat chatting away about work, the weekend and what we were having for tea!

Getting home we found that Charley had made chowder so we had her fish chowder and lovely warm crusty bread!
We told her about our day and also about the party in 2 weeks she got a bit excited about this.
Also Shoni told her about my decision not to tell anyone who asked about my past life.
She looked serious and commented, “About time girl. About time.”

We then settled into a routine and as Christmas approached I found out what I would be working which didn’t matter one iota as I adored work.
But my boss (Loren) kept me grounded and made sure that I didn’t stay late.

I was working up to midday Christmas Eve then started again the day after boxing day working until New Years eve then start again the 2nd January.

This was because the company had a potentially new contract starting the first week in January and the work was needed to ensure we were ready.

The night of the Christmas Party arrived and we finished work at three pm to get ready and by we this meant everyone from the managing director down to the receptionist.

Getting home we filled the Jacuzzi added some scented oils and the three of us slipped into the hot soothing waters letting the bubbles do their work.
Next were hair, nails and cleaning up eyebrows. Finally we completed our makeup and then into our party frocks.

My dress was a deep red fit and flare mini dress the dresses main colour was black with a red flock/lace overlay and a wide black hem. It was sleeveless and had glitter all over it was gorgeous with it I wore 4” black ankle strap shoes nude tights I had a small black handbag with a silver chain and a black faux fur ¾ jacket.

Shonali’s dress was a form fitting jade green ‘Lipsy’ designer dress it was a V necked mini dress it sparkled had lace sleeves and bodice but was lined to prevent too much being shown.
Shoni teamed the dress with black tights and 4” black ankle strap suede shoes. Matching suede evening bag and a cream wool coat.

Charley’s dress was a stunning Julien Macdonald scuba midi dress this had an animal print insert at the front while the rest of the dress was a blue floral design it was a stunning dress with a nipped in waist. Charley finally decided on barely black tights and black 4” velvet court shoes and a velvet clutch bag. Her coat was a purple fit-n-flare knee length coat.

Before we went out we checked each other over looking for imperfections deciding we looked good we took a selfie to remember the night, sent a copy to Kelly just to annoy her then we set off for the party.

We had a brilliant night the party was at a city centre venue and while modest was good fun.
Loren looked really great I met her partner who was the business manager I also met Loren’s brother who set up the company.
He greeted me by saying, “So you are Loren’s young protégé? I’ve heard so much about you from my sister.”
I was a bit shy wondering what he had heard about me so I smiled sweetly and behaved naturally towards him. Oh and I danced with him a couple of times.

As promised Loren introduced us (mainly for Charley’s benefit) to people who worked for other companies.
One company is particular seemed very interested they produced computer animations for the big TV companies and were always on the lookout for graduate 2D and 3D animators.
So Charley’s phone number went into the book of their director - we thought out of courtesy to us.
Though she promised that she would phone Charley in the New Year.

We spent the night dancing either just the three of us or sometimes some of the men decided that they were brave enough to split the three of us. And sometimes it was just a group of girls – Loren loved to dance but her partner hated dancing so she danced with us.

Finally about three in the morning the party broke up some were worse for wear but the three of us while we had consumed some wine through dancing all night we thought we were quite sober.

We said our goodbyes to those that were left (including Loren her Partner and brother) and headed home getting to bed about four in the morning! Thank the lord tomorrow was a Saturday.

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