A New Start in Life part 12

A New Start in Life Part 12
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred,
NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs. Some mild sexual descriptions in this episode.


We were all dressed in a similar manner tight jeans and a warm top. I was well layered as I had a bra, camisole, blouse and a pullover on. (It was a cold Sunday in England) mind you watching Brad in his shorts could keep me warm!

The entry door buzzer sounded and through the CCTV we saw it was the Guys we told them we’d be right down picking up our warm jackets and hand bags we headed downstairs.
Today my jacket was a wool three quarters double breasted coat in red it was quite fitted and kept my bum nice and warm but also I think it looked sexy.

We kissed as we met – it just felt so right! Feeling Brad’s arms around me was really wonderful.
The car this time was another 4 x 4 this time a Range Rover Vogue in black and very nice.
This was Brad’s so it would seem that as a lawyer he was obviously making some money I had found out he was 25, which was a few years older than me.

He was only a junior in his firm but I sensed that he was very competitive and ambitious. I think this is why I felt that it was a pure animal attraction between us.
Where as with Gill my feelings were something deeper I would have to talk to Shonali about how she felt about me going out with Brad as well as Gill.
I know we had spoken about this before but this time I was considering sleeping with Brad – but not yet!

We got to another football ground where we found out it was an away match. Brad and Clive went to change so we were left with John. Needless to say Kelly was all over him like a rash!
I watched her closely without obviously staring as this was something I needed to know - real girls learn this as they grow up.
Me I had to learn this on the hoof so to speak by watching my best friends in action.
Kelly for instance normally so practical, straight talking and foot in mouth Kelly had become different.
Not totally but she had modified herself to become a slightly scatter brained blonde she was considered when she spoke – she was playing the blonde bimbo card! And doing a good job of it as she would fool anyone who didn’t know her!

Shoni and I stood together not really watching the football but talking. I broached the subject of how she felt about me going out with Brad while going out with her brother Gill.
Her answer was typical Shonali thought through and to the point she told me, “Susanna you’re now a young girl and young girls have fun – remember the song?” (Cindi Lauper)
I nodded so she carried on, “Then have fun there is plenty for time for a serious relationship later in your life. Just have fun and experiment go out with different men. Have a talk to Gill and explain that you’re not yet ready for a serious relationship - if he waits for you well and good but if he finds someone else – well then it just wasn’t meant to be. – But talk to him face to face and explain this to him he’s not daft he’ll understand.”

I thanked her saying, “You’re a good friend the best I love the two of you so much it hurts.”
She squeezed my arm saying, “And we love you too I’m so glad we met and so happy to be your best friend – along with the blonde bimbo there. I saw you watching her - she does it well doesn’t she?”
I simply nodded, then commented, “I’ve been watching you too” “I know” she smiled “and...........”
I grinned at her and asked, “Just how do you make those eye’s of yours smoulder like that? When you turn those eyes onto any guy he’s no chance you can twist him around your little finger!”

She laughed out loud at that telling me, “I long ago found out that my eye’s can get me most things where men are concerned first with my brother and dad. And then later with boyfriends Men are great but at times they are just suckers.” She was grinning as she told me this.
Then she carried on, “Mind you young lady I’ve been keeping an eye on you!” She continued; “Oh, and what about me” I responded somewhat warily.
Smiling she told me, “You change when you’re talking to a guy you fancy. Your boobs are thrust towards him. But you act all shy, chaste and unobtainable also you hang onto his every word! You tend to agree with him AND when you walk and he’s behind you Girl you’ve got one super sexy wiggle to your booty!”

“I don’t!” I protested, “Oh but you do girl. So you see we all have different ways of attracting guy’s and it seems you have found your own. You were destined to be a girl do you realise that Susie?”
Thoughtfully I nodded and looked at Shoni quietly I said, “Yes............ Yes you are so right.”

Eventually the game finished and we waited for the guys to get showered and changed when when they appeared we found out which pub was supplying the food and headed for it.
(Most Saturday and Sunday football are run from pubs these provide free or subsidised food in return for the extra custom)
As we sat with our drinks and food we simply talked. Now it had been pointed out to me as usual Shoni was right.
I was acting exactly like she said - but what the hell! This was the new me and when we went to the toilet I made sure that my booty had a really sexy wiggle!
In a mirror I could see our table - and yes Brad was most definitely watching my bum!

As returned from the loo I sat beside him again it seemed natural for me to put my hand onto his thigh. But what I didn’t realised was that after a few minutes I started gently stroking his thigh! When I realised what I was doing I stopped so as I didn’t send the wrong signals and simply held his hand.

We declined their offer of a night out as we were at uni tomorrow but we arranged to meet them next Friday after we had done some studying arranging to meet them at New York, New York about ten.

Kelly told us that her and John were heading home we could follow. Then Shoni and Clive left I think they trusted Brad to be alone with me also by now I felt comfortable with this.
We walked to his car (he only drank coke when driving) and it was snowing I was happily snuggled into him. When we got into his car he took me into his arms kissing me passionately.
Then I shivered and he realised that I was cold so we got into the car where once inside he drew me to him again and we continued where we had left off outside.
In spite myself I found myself responding with real enthusiasm! I allowed his hands to roam all over my body only stopping him when he entered the forbidden area of my ‘pussy’ it was not that time yet! I wasn’t that easy and my mind was not fully made up

He rubbed my breasts even through the layers of clothes I had on I could still feel him. I shuddered because this was Goooood in fact it was better than Goooood it was wonderful I was breathing rather heavily with supressed passion.
It was a lot warmer inside the car so I unbuttoned my jacket and struggled out of it of course this allowed him better access to me!
I wondered how long I should or could hold out and decided that it would be some time before he got inside my panties.
I was not going to be an easy lay I respected myself more than that! So I was going to make him wait if he managed to wait on my terms then I would give him my ‘virginity’
As he rolled my nipples (through my clothes) I moaned, I simply couldn’t help myself I decided to explore myself and my hand slid down his body and soon I was gently rubbing the wonderful bulge in his trousers.
Then I realised that I was really giving him the big ‘Come On’!

As I rubbed his manhood, he moaned, and shuffled around to make himself more comfortable. What with the rather large bulge he had he must have been a bit uncomfortable.
I had been that engrossed in what I was doing that I never noticed his hand was now under my clothes it was only when I felt his cold hand actually on my bra and touching my skin that I realised what was happening!
I gave a start! He instantly removed his hand whispering, “Sorry Susanna I got carried away you are so beautiful.”

I took my hand away from his crutch (somewhat reluctantly) and whispered back, “It’s me that should be sorry leading you on like this! You are all excited it must be so hard for a man.”
Then I realised what I had just said and commented, “And it certainly was hard!”
We smiled at each other he murmured; “I was quite enjoying what you were doing.”
I kissed him and admitted, “So was I but it was wrong of me to lead you on. I’m so sorry but we’ll have to take it slowly.”

We carried on making out for some time I think he was somewhat reluctant to say it but he finally said, “I’d better get you home you’re friends will be wondering where you’ve got to.”
Smiling and enjoying a final long passionate kiss I told him, “I doubt it I’ll probably be the first home.”
As we drove home I was lost in my thoughts suddenly I realised he was talking to me, ”Sorry” I said I was miles away, “Thinking about me I hope” he answered.
All I did was smile at him, “I said” he repeated, “Where you live is some student accommodation it must cost you a bomb in rent”
I then related to him the story of my family being killed and how I had ended up with everything.
He was very concerned and seemed genuinely sorry for me when we parked outside home he cupped my face kissing me gently on my lips and whispered, “You poor girl. You’ve been through it lately I promise I won’t put any pressure on you. You’ve had enough to cope with without some horny guy.”

I was very touched by this and slid my arms around his neck and told him, “That’s very sweet of you I appreciate it and I really I hope I’ll sort myself out soon.” We kissed for some time finally I left his car and headed upstairs.

Of all the bloody luck! I was the last home and was greeted with, “Well, well look what the cat’s dragged in! What kept you?”
Lamely I managed to stammer, “Oh you know, this and that.” Kelly turned to Shonali saying, “Looks like our little girl’s growing up she soon won’t want us around to cramp her style!”

I was horrified and appalled saying vehemently, “Don’t ever say that I’ll always want you. You two are my best friends I’ll always want you!” I ended up sniffling, Kelly hugged me and said, “I was only joking poppet we love you too”.
Then while we had our now regular communal bath in the whirlpool with the obligatory wine and scented candles (it was about eight in the evening) we compared notes on the guys.

The next week at uni was nothing out of the normal except it was the first time I had appeared in public in a swimming costume!
We (read they) decided that as well as keep fit we were going to swim twice a week also they talked me into going to dance class on a Saturday mornings.
The first time in the swimming baths I slipped into my red one-piece swimming costume.
It was high cut around the legs luckily I was well waxed in the area so no stray hairs were visible the back was very low cut to the base of my spine and the neckline ‘V’ was between my breasts also the costume had padded bra cups which thrust my boobs out!

When I came out of the changing room a large full-length mirror confronted me! I stood in shock as Shoni and Kelly joined me. In a panic I hissed, “I can’t wear this it’s barely covering me!”
“Absolute rubbish” Kelly told me, “It’s the same as ours you look sensational” I wasn’t convinced and stammered, “B, b, b, but I’m half naked!”
Kelly was unperturbed telling me, “So are we you’re the same as us and we’re not making a fool of ourselves are we?”
“But you’ve always been............. Well you know” I managed to splutter. Kelly looked vexed and hissed, “Yes we’ve always been the same as you a girl! Now let’s get swimming.”
They turned and left me standing in front of the mirror. Feeling foolish and somewhat shamefaced I followed them into the pool and slid into the water.
Eventually I relaxed and really enjoyed swimming with the girls and it must be said the attention three young fit girls got from the men in the pool.

After we had showered and dried ourselves we dressed we left to get back to our studying. Kelly commented to Shoni, “Next time we’ll make her wear her bikini!” “Good idea” Shoni replied.
I was appalled and begged them, “No, please not yet let me get used to a one piece first! Please” I pleaded.
“Ok” Kelly said, “As long as you’re not a silly girl next time. Oh and don’t forget you’ve dancing class on Saturday AND you’ll be wearing a leotard and they’re skimpy and tight so no hysterics young lady – or else” she threatened.
Cowed I promised her I would act sensible - anything not to wear that bikini – well not just yet.

When you think about it our life was very full. Our final year at uni and there were still some lectures to attend but many tutorials. We went swimming at least twice a week also the gym twice a week. Then there was the dance class on Saturday for 2 hours (I’ll talk about this next).
Add to this seeing the guy’s Friday and Saturday night Football Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
And we still did the pub quiz on Wednesday and went for an evening drink with the rest of our year.
On top of all that there was still shopping, cooking, washing, ironing, pampering days for us stressed girls and the usual 1001 things that fill a very busy but very enjoyable schedule.

Dance class. –Now back to that! They never told me what they had enrolled us to do the only thing they said was that they thought it would really help me with my deportment and put the finishing touches to the way I walked and held myself as a girl.

The told me that they were joking about the leotard as the lesson was disco dancing I must say I was happy about that. I must have been like a lamb to the slaughter for them! The first time we arrived at the dance school for our hour of disco dance lessons I had brought a sports bra and matching pink vest loose fitting dance trousers and trainers.
Fine you may think and for the second lesson this was ok as it was an hours disco dancing.
But for the first hours lesson this was most certainly not ok! As I soon found out.
When we arrived Kelly passed me a small bag to my horror when I opened it - it contained a leotard this was black and very form fitting! Also a pair of ballet shoes!
What those bastards that I love and call my friends had done was enrolled me in a beginner’s ballet class!

I was very close to revolting and they could see this in my face so they took me to one side to show me DVD’s of ballerina’s pointing out the grace and elegance that the training gives them.
I had to admit that these women were so elegant and graceful the epitome of feminine movement.
It was Shonali who as usual swung the argument telling me, “Look Susanna we have taught you how to act and move as a girl but at times you do have some habits carried over from before. (She could never bring herself remind my what I used to be) Ballet lessons will get rid of these bad habits and then you will be perfect.”

So I agreed and after a few weeks I started to really enjoy the lessons. I found out very early that I would never be a ‘proper’ ballerina but I was competent.
And another unforeseen consequence of the rigid ballet regime was that over the weeks my legs started to look really good! They were good before but now they (If I say so myself) were sensational my leg muscles and bum tightened giving me a lovely butt, pert and firm.

One weekend we had Kelly’s and Shonali’s mum and dad come to visit us. I was so excited I drove the girls crazy insisting that the place was spotless.
They were coming to see (as Kelly so subtly put it ‘A wrinkley’s gig’ (Status Quo or something similar) at the arena on the Saturday night so they arrived on Friday were leaving on the Sunday night as we only had 4 bedrooms Kell and Shoni slept with me – I loved sleeping with my best friends!
We still used the forth bedroom as a ‘dumping’ ground so we only had three usable bedrooms.

It was great to see them again we were complimented on the flat and Kelly mum remarked on how clean Kelly’s room was.
We were not seeing the guy’s Friday but were seeing them Saturday. By now we had been going out with them for about 5 weeks and I think Kelly was sleeping with John. But I wasn’t sure about Shoni. I did know that I was very close to sleeping with Brad.
So we went out for a meal on Friday with the families. Saturday after dance class us five women went shopping while the two dads went to football at Manchester City ground apparently Manchester United were playing away.

Saturday night we saw the guy’s and they took us to ‘The Lola Lo” which is a fun bar and grill we had a great night.
Afterwards as Brad and I were ‘making out’ I gave him a hand job relieving the pressure in him, as he had been the perfect gentleman with me.

He was driving that night as they were playing football on the Sunday Morning so he didn’t drink. We were in his car. I was wearing a dark red Lurex mini dress very stretchy so it clung to me.
I couldn’t wear a bra as it would spoil my outline! So the boobs were all mine - every little bit of my nearly ‘C’ cup was all mine!
I was so happy that I listened to all the advice and didn’t have the implants when I first started my new life
My shoes were towering 5” red patent and I had a short black velvet jacket Brett commented earlier in the evening that her would find it hard to keep his hands off me – little did her know he had no chance of doing that.

In the car he was all over me stroking, caressing, fondling, and I was over him like a rash. Tonight I had decided that our relationship was going to another level!
I could sense his excitement and feel his erection. Tonight he was very large down there (way bigger than I ever had been!) He was stroking my leg and happily I let him. Emboldened his hand went higher but he found the barrier of my tights - with a dress this short tights were the only option but I didn’t stop him. While I couldn’t feel what a woman feels when her ‘pussy’ is fondled I could still act!

So moaning and writhing I caressed his erection then as I faked an orgasm (though I was quite close to having one myself) I unzipped him and slid my hand inside to feel his erection.
He held his breath waiting for my next move, which was to take my hand away. He sighed, thinking I had changed my mind but all I was doing was unfastening his trousers so I could get better access to my goal!
I whispered to him to the lift is bum, so I could slip his trousers down, then I got his shaft out!
“Oh my” I breathed he was about 8” long and an inch across the purple head glistened and when I slid my hand along it’s length it twitched! Just then I shuddered as I orgasmed (without any direct contact with my boy clittie).
I put my hand around him and he moaned my name as I moved my hand my hips moved in time we were kissing and one hand was up my skirt the other busy with my boobs! And it felt wonderful!

As we both headed towards a climax he moaned, “Oh Susanna I want you so much so very much!” Then he bucked and grunted as his seed shot all over. As I was directing his manhood he caught most of it on his trousers and shirt however my hands were sticky with his seed.
So very slowly and sexily I raised my hand to my lips and licked my hand clean this act was enough to make me orgasm again and also showed him that I was willing to go further.

I was amazed just how far I had become a girl not only did I look right. What I had just done felt completely right so why couldn’t I go that one step further and become a full girl!

I tucked Brads now limp member back into his underpants he fastened his trousers back up and returned his attentions to me stroking me, fondling me, gently massaging my nipples making me orgasm again, I whimpered with passion.
“Oh God” Brad moaned, “I want you so much”. By now I was ready to give myself to him, but not in the back (or front) of a car!

I whispered back to him, “And I want you but not here I want it to be special.” He looked at me I watched carefully for any sign of triumph in his eyes but saw nothing more than tenderness he kissed me gently saying, “Are you sure Susanna?” I simply nodded not trusting myself to speak.
Kissing me again he whispered, “I’ll make sure it’s special sweetheart as long as you are sure” “I’m certain” I sighed.

He drove me home outside my door he kissed me deeply asking me, “See you next week?” “I sincerely hope so” I smiled. I’ll phone you through the week, ok?”
I simply smiled as I headed through the door wondering what would unfold.
I was thinking to myself that I’ll have to mention this to Jill when I see her and the hypnotherapist this coming Tuesday.

I wondered if I’d be the first one home - but no Shonali was home and she looked really miserable.
When I asked he what was the matter she burst into tears between sob’s I managed to find out that Clive had been violent towards her when she had refused him sex!
She was blaming herself really beating herself up finally I managed to get her talking sense and she told me that the only reason she didn’t want sex was that she was finishing her periods and had some bloating and nausea.
But he simply wouldn’t listen he called her a selfish cow then started hitting and grabbing her to prevent her leaving.
However she managed to escape and flagged down a Taxi to make it home. My happiness instantly evaporated as one of my best friends had been abused and hurt.

I got her to show me her arms they were bruised in several places where he had grabbed and held her! She had a red mark across her face where he had slapped her then lifting her dress she showed me finger marks on her thighs. From the look of them he had grabbed her hard as the marks of his fingers were clearly visible on her silken skin.
Then she showed me her breast they were livid and the bruising was already very noticeable.

I was really angry in fact I was incandescent with rage! If I could have got hold of the bastard I’d have clawed his eyes out and cut his balls off!
I said “Shoni we’ve got to report this to the police - we simply have to!” It took me half an hour to persuade her.
Luckily Kelly arrived home and once I had told her what had happened to Shoni didn’t even ask she simply phoned the police.

I was cradling Shoni in my arms stroking her wonderful thick silky hair cooing really sweet nothings to her hopefully comforting her.
Kelly came and sat on the other side so we were once again our group of three but this time instead of protecting and comforting me we were looking after another of our own – Shonali.

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