A New Start in Life part 5

A New Start in Life Part 5

The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


My experience of having a period was to say the least enlightening it was uncomfortable and to start with painful though as the week progressed the sore boobs, cramps and bloating lessened as did the mood swings so by the time I was ready for my appointment with my counsellor I was used to the slight bloating also wearing and changing my maxi pads how I longed to be back in thongs! But what it did do was show me what every natural woman has to go through. Mind you I was lucky, as I didn’t have real periods and I could choose to not have them in future.

I dressed for my appointment Jill as I called her. I wore girl briefs as I was still wearing a pad until tonight black 50 denier tights a mini flippy skirt in beiges as it was cool my top was a cream jersey roll neck with lace trim underneath that I had a cream lacy camisole. I wore my black wool wrap around coat with fur hood and a cream knitted hat which I thought looked quite cute if I say so myself and my every day brown boots with a 3" wedge heel.

My appointment was for 10am so I was meeting the girls at university after it. I made my way into town and window shopped on the way to Jill's office now I was living full time as Susanna I found shopping even window shopping great. Before this in my past life it was soooo frustrating not to be able to look in windows at dresses, skirts and tops I liked without attracting attention now I could really study them and imagine what they would look like on me and no one noticed me!

I arrived at the offices and gave my name to the receptionist sat down and automatically picked up a copy of 'Hello' magazine.
The door to Jill's office opened and I heard my name called, smiling I got up and entered, I was surprised when Jill greeted me as she would a friend with a swift hug and an air kiss.
"Well Susanna how have you been and how was your experience of having a period" she asked. I answered truthfully that in myself I had been great after deciding to live as I knew I should a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was embracing my new found femininity especially with the help of my two friends.
Then I told her about my 'period', the sore boobs, stomach cramps, bloating, mood swings and the rest. Then as I finished off as I realised I was whinging so I apologised by saying, "Well you know these things you don't want a pseudo girl whining at you".
She looked sharply at me and said very slowly and clearly, "Susanna, you are not a pseudo girl! I repeat not a pseudo girl you are a real girl as far as the rest of the world is aware so get used to it! That is if you are certain about the course of your life!" Sheepishly I nodded and told her, “Kelly and Shonali constantly rebuke me for forgetting I was now a girl but it's hard denying 18 years of life as a boy. BUT I am certain that this is how I should be!”

She agreed with me and said, "I would really like to meet your two girl friends they sound perfect for you." "Girl friends" I snorted, "Do you know they wouldn't let me take my false boobs off when my real boobs hurt! They told me that girls can’t remove their boobs just because they are having a period".
She grinned widely at this, "Good for them you will appreciate their help as time goes by." I smiled, "I appreciate their help now I love the two of them to bits" then thinking I had put this wrong I stammered, "As friends not in any other way – I mean".

Jill, glance at me and said, "The three of you live together don't you?" I nodded so she carried on, "Do you ever see them naked" I nodded saying, "Just about every day when we are getting ready for Uni or to go out." It was her turn to nod and she carried on asking me, "And how do you feel seeing them naked" I thought for a moment and answered, "Well I'd like boobs like Shonali and Kelly has such super soft skin I would love mine to be like her's though my legs are better than Kelly's but Shonali's are longer than mine!"
I was about to continue when Jill laughingly stopped me, "Ok, ok I get the picture! But what I meant was do you feel anything sexual?" I stared at her and honestly replied, "No, no why should I these are my friends" then I thought about what she was getting at and continued, "OOOOOOh! I see what you mean a guy should get very excited with two beautiful naked girls in front of him. But like I said I don't these girls are what I am aspiring to be I see them as my friends".
She made notes and smiled at me, "That's fine Susanna, perfectly normal in a girl such as your self. Now what about your periods you are in the lucky position to decide if you want to continue with periods or stop taking the medication and not have periods the choice is entirely yours."

I thought for a while, weighing the pros and con's and decided, "Well Jill a lot of women go through periods like I have just had. And even though I wish there was medication that would give me less severe symptoms but I assume there isn't so I would like to continue with the medication".
She looked at me with surprise and commented, "You are determined to have the a total woman experience aren’t you Susanna?" I nodded saying, "Except for taking the final step".
She responded to me saying, "Of course but we will deal with that in the coming months, don't worry about this. Now the medication I am giving you is a sort of birth control preparation which you take for 3 weeks then miss a week – your period. And then you start again this will give you your cycle. What you will get are a sort of withdrawal symptoms for the week of your period."
I listened to this and commented, "I understand but how will the pills you give me affect the implant I am getting on Friday?" "Good question" she said, "The pills I give you will actually complement the implant meaning you will be getting a slightly larger dose of hormones than with the implant alone".

She wrote me a prescription for six months supply of my birth control pills (this sounds funny, but there it is) passed it to me and said, "Susie I said earlier that I would like to meet your flatmates and I really mean this. So do you think the four of us could meet up socially so we can talk freely?"
I considered this and said, "I don't see why not – if you think it would help" She nodded saying, “I think it will really help so you name the time and place and I'll let you know if I can be there."
I thought for a while then inspiration hit me, "Well every day after Uni we all meet up at the Cross Keys for a glass of wine and a game of pool and then we go and get something to eat".
She grinned and said, "I see some things never change do you get there about four?" I nodded and she continued, "Right I'll see you there tonight – if you don't mind the company of an old woman. And is the Indian restaurant down the road any good? As it used to be?"
You mean the Mahal? She nodded and I continued, "Yes we go there occasionally and it's good and you're not all that old". Smiling she said, "Thank you for that anyhow if I meet you at the Keys and treat the three of you poor students to a meal after we have had a drink - how would that be?
"I think that would be fine especially with Shonali as she loves that restaurant!" We both stood up and she said, "I'll see you tonight then" and again gave we a squeeze and a hug "Oh she said can you make an appointment for next month with the receptionist please Susanna" Cheerfully I replied "Yes sure thing and we'll see you tonight".

As I left I was walking on air, I went to the chemist and got my prescription I also bought some body lotion and conditioner we all used, and on a whim some new perfume I liked the smell of it was 'Vera Wang's Look'' it was fresh and citrus and seemed to suit me.

I got back to Uni about eleven thirty and joined the lecture at lunch I asked the girls if they minded meeting my counsellor and explained the deal saying that she was really nice.
The lure of a free meal especially at one of Shoni's favourite restaurant tipped the deal.
The rest of the afternoon passed quickly as we were heading for the Christmas Exams we had to get our study plans right as we had about six weeks until the Christmas break. Which to me meant six weeks until I had my Adams Apple reduced my vocal chords slightly tightened and my nose changed to a more feminine shape.

As usual when the lectures finished we headed to the pub, discussing the work we needed to do before the Christmas exams. It seemed like our social life was going to be curtailed a little so between us we decided not to go clubbing on Fridays keep our nights out for the quiz night and Saturday pool night and of course our evening drink after lectures.

When we reached the pub, much to my surprise Dr Harvey was already there talking to the owner she saw me enter and waved the landlord smiled at us and said, "I didn't realise you girls knew young Jill" I was amazed and managed to stammer, "Err - well only I know her she's" Jill butted in then saving me, "A friend of Susanna's. I used to come in here when I was at Uni and Bill here remembered me we were just reminiscing". She introduced herself to Kelly and Shoni who were a bit wary meeting her wondering what she wanted to know.
As it happened we talked for a while then the rest of the crowd came in and we had a few games of pool. Much to our surprise Jill was an excellent pool player and for once we whopped the lad's asses!
By now Kelly and Shonali were completely at ease and were treating Jill as one of the crowd. We left about five thirty and made out way to the Indian Restaurant. Kelly said to Jill, "Excuse me for saying you don't dress like a doctor or act like one either!" Jill laughed she was dressed in burgundy jeans a cream sweater and black boots with a 3" heel the jacket she wore was a pink shiny padded zipped front parka.
"And how should a doctor dress and act?" she asked Kelly. Kell thought for a second and conceded, "I see what you mean anyhow we sure whopped the guys didn't we Susie" I had to agree on this we got to the Indian and sat down once we had drinks and ordered our food Jill became very business like.
Susanna will have told you that I wanted to meet you - mainly to see what you were like and secondly to see how you both feel about the situation if I can get a feel for this I think I can help Susanna with her transition"
"Now" she continued, "What do you see when you look at Susanna?" Kelly and Shonali looked at each other and Shonali answered, "That’s simple a girl no that’s wrong a pretty girl who for some reason thinks she was once a boy!" Jill laughed out loud at that and said, "I couldn't have put it better myself how do you think of her when you see her naked? Are you uncomfortable?”
Again Shoni answered, "No not in the slightest she's a girl plain and simple! Her legs are better than Kelly's" (Kelly snorted at this) "Her skin needs a lot of work to really become super smooth but we have her moisturising very regularly it shouldn't take too long for it to be as smooth as Kelly's. But she is one of us – if you see what I mean – our girl friend."
The food came and we served ourselves then continued with the conversation Jill asked, "How do you feel about Susanna wanting to live as she is?"
This time Kelly answered, "We both think its great she is a lovely, caring person who is very sensitive and loving. It’s obvious she was born to be one of us this is what Shoni and I are helping her to become! Call it a crash course in woman hood if you like – she even has a boyfriend!" "I don't," I exclaimed! "You do so" Kelly shot back at me, "What do you call Rob then?" Oops I had forgotten about Rob, "He's not a boy friend" I protested "well why do you spend a lot of time kissing him?" Kell responded.
I was stuck then Jill looked at me and asked, "And does he know about Susanna?" Shoni answered this, "Yes from the start and he says all he sees is an attractive girl".
Jill continued, "And you Susanna how do you feel when he kisses you?" The three of them looked at me and I could feel myself blushing finally I managed to say very quietly, "I like it, it makes me feel all nice and secure all gooey if that makes sense." Jill realised that this was hard for me and changed the subject to everyday things like fashion, make up and boys.
The meal went really well and as promised Jill paid for it despite the three of us protesting, as we left and started walking home Jill said to us "Susanna is very, very lucky to have you two to help her through the coming years many girls like Susanna have to do this alone and face all sorts of problems and bigotry. With the help of two good friends like you Susie will adjust very well!
I don't know if you are aware of it but you offer Susanna hints all the time and you are very discreet"
The three of us just looked at each other in amazement as none of us were aware this was happening! Jill left us and we went back to the flat to digest this evening's events.

We got back to the flat and I took my hormones and anti androgen pills and finally removed my breast forms as my 'period' was officially over, but the girls insisted that I enter my dates in my diary just as they do to warn me when my next period was due. (Even though I run out of tablets and that reminds me) the two of them are making me experience the full female routine.

They were both impressed that I had chosen to continue with my 'periods' because they thought that with my symptoms being quite severe I would chicken out and take the easy route.
As I creamed my chest area after removing the breast forms Kelly walked in to borrow a T shirt of mine, as she passed she remarked "You know it doesn't look right you with no boobs" I had to agree it not only looked strange I felt strange not having the comforting weight on my chest.
So our lives progressed, the next quiz night when Rob walked me home I was especially nice to him after being bitchy during my 'period' but I warned him that when I have my 'periods' they are quite severe and I will get mood swings.
He still couldn't figure how I was having periods so I told him they were hormone pills that when I don't take them I experience the symptoms of a period!
Anyhow back to me being extra nice to Rob, on our walk home I let his hands roam about my body more than I usually do, of course he got a real hard on which I rubbed for him from the outside of his jeans, I will admit I wanted to give him a hand job but this would come later. But it was going to come, as I Susanna was ready to progress.

My implant was put in place and I asked my cosmetic surgeon if he could reshape my nose into a cute feminine shape at the same time he shaves my Adams Apple.
He said that there would be no problems in this and confirmed the date for the operation, this was to be the Monday after the University closed for the Winter Break so I would have 6 weeks to recover.
We were working really hard for the upcoming module exams as I said earlier the three of us were doing computer science degrees Kelly in software engineering and CISCO advanced routing. Shonali in Software engineering security and web building (she had stopped graphic design). And me I was studying software engineering along with computer forensics and investigation.

As the weeks edged closer to Christmas during my time attending counselling I bought presents for Kelly and Shonali some sexy underwear, ear-rings and matching pendant and a bottle of their favourite perfume. I also bought Rob a small present a computer game he liked and a pen and pencil set I was also determined to give him some relief from the erections I gave him each week – poor guy.
Kelly and Shonali both asked me to spend the Christmas Break with their families I was really touched but I fobbed them off saying I was having some work done and needed to be at my flat.
I hated lying to them but told myself it was not really lying as I was having work done to my nose, Adams Apple and vocal chords!
As an extra Christmas present I arranged with and interior designer to redecorate our bedrooms telling her each of our favourites colours and tastes then with the advice of the designer I booked a decorator to translate these designs into reality while I was in hospital for my operations.
Every week I was inspecting myself for signs that the hormones were doing their work looking in the mirror I couldn't really tell so without my false boobs and wee vee Kelly measured me as a girl should be measured bust, waist and hips; the first few times, they were most definitely male numbers Bust 36" (no cup size) waist 32" Hips 33".weight about 136lbs, light for a guy, but heavy for what I wanted to weigh which was about 125lbs.
So every week until the Christmas break I was weighed and measured, bust and hips remained the same, but my waist reduced to 29" this was due to the diet I was on, but my weight remained the same, we discussed this and I also discussed it with Dr. Harvey and was told that the probable reason is the fat is subtly redistributing to conform to the female distribution of subcutaneous fat, hips, thighs and hopefully boobs but as yet no sign of boobs.
Mind you to my mind I was actually starting to get a female figure, waist and hips I was so excited.

We finished our exams the week before Uni closed for the Christmas break on the Friday night we decided to hit the clubs so we bathed and carefully dressed by how the girls had cured me of any traces of shyness such as pulling the hems of my skirts down to try and make them longer or showing too much cleavage.
Now after some 2 months I looked, acted and thought like a 19 year old girl. The outfit I chose was a black patent leather micro mini skirt teamed with a form fitting white low cut stretch satin top with sparkles all over my shoes were black patent ankle strap shoes with a 5" stiletto heel and a 1" platform. Underneath I wore a thong white push up bra and white patterned 30 denier tights if I say so myself I looked hot!
When I looked in the mirror my long pageboy haircut was now my own hair and my nails were my own but only ¼" of an inch long my handbag was a medium sized black shoulder one.
Shonali wore a figure hugging yellow stretch jersey mini dress with a sweetheart neckline, she had teamed this with black ankle boots with a 6" heel and a 1" platform, and she had styled her hair so her luscious long hair fell over her right shoulder caressing her right breast.
Kelly was dressed quite conservatively but WOW did she look HOT! Her dress was a floral design on a white background to call it figure hugging is wrong it was painted on her!
It had a low crossover bust feature and the back was open to about half way down her back. The hem was about 3" above her knees attention was drawn to her small waist by a 3" wide black belt she also had black patent shoes on again with a 6" stiletto heel and a small matching hand bag with a gold chain.
When the three of us stood before the large mirror Kelly said "girls we are going to knock em dead tonight"!

We clattered down the stair to the bus stop, chattering away to each other mainly about the exams and how we felt we had done also about the Christmas break and the plans we had made. Both of them tried to get me again to come to visit over the Christmas break but again I begged off but I promised to text them regularly to keep in touch and if I felt lonely to go and visit them - they were really good friends.

By now after a few months of living as Susanna and being tutored every waking hour of the day I was well on the way to becoming Susanna I was totally at ease with wearing micro mini skirts and dresses towering heels, skirts, dresses and skinny jeans in fact I was becoming the girl I always wanted to be.

The club was packed when we arrived the girls are allowed straight in where the boys have to wait we saw the guys we knew from coming to this club and where I got my first kiss as a girl. By now they had 'steady' girl friends so all we did was acknowledge them then got down to the business of dancing Susanna loves to dance! Stephen never liked dancing! The three of us danced all night until about three in the morning we did dance with some guys but mainly we danced together we made our way home happy and ready for bed, Kelly and Shonali were travelling home in the afternoon. I was seeing Rob that same night he was taking me for a meal and then??????? Who knows!

When we got home we were taking our make up off and moisturising when Shoni said, "Let's all sleep together as it's the last time we'll see each other until next year" "Great" I said, "I love sleeping with you guys" so we all got ready for bed and piled into my larger bed all had satin nightdresses on and as we cuddled together I felt really close to these girls my special girl friends we fell asleep all cuddling together bodies entwined.

The rude sound of the alarm roused us at ten that same morning somewhat bleary eyes we got up and prepared for the day. Kelly and Shoni went to finish their packing while I tidied up and did the breakfast.
I noticed that Kelly had left the dress she had on last night in my room. So I asked her. "Kell you know the dress you wore last night could I borrow it for tonight?" She looked at me and I thought I had overstepped the bounds of friendship then she grinned, "Special date is it with Rob I assume?" I looked a bit sheepish Kelly came over and hugged me, "Of course you can borrow it in fact you can borrow any of my clothes since we're the same size!" Shoni walked in and Kell grinned at her, “Guess who's got a date tonight?" Shoni put a stupid guessing look on her face finger on her lips, "Err you?" Kelly shook her head, "Well its not me so it must be Susanna!" By now I was blushing furiously.

Kelly grinned and continued and it must be a special date as she's borrowing my painted on dress! Shoni gasped, "Well who's going to be a lucky boy tonight I wonder?" "No, no!" I protested, "You've got it wrong!"
Shoni came and put her arm around me, "Only kidding you enjoy yourself – right. Do what YOU think is right not what anyone else expects you to do – right? And remember all we have taught you?" I nodded then she carried on, "Where's he taking you?"
I shrugged my shoulders; "All I know is for a meal he wouldn't tell me anymore. It’s a surprise he told me."
Kelly snorted, "Well it will be a surprise when he see's you in THAT dress if there's dancing involved you can bet you'll be getting prodded in the belly by him!"
Again I blushed then she carried on, "Tell you what that black fur jacket of mine goes well with the dress you can borrow that if you want" "Oh thanks Kell I will" I responded very relieved mainly because that was what I was going to ask next.

We all went to the station about midday and said a very tearful goodbye both of them again made me promise to keep in touch and visit them if I got lonely as they both lived in Leeds so if I went to see one of them I would see them both. And it wasn't far from Manchester to Leeds but this depended on how quickly I healed after the operation.

I got back home and hung Kell's dress on my wardrobe went to her room and found her black fur jacket and hung that up. While I was there I made sure everything was put away as the decorators were coming in first thing Monday morning.
I did the same with Shoni's room and took the bedclothes off both beds I would wash these over the holiday period.
The contract with the designer and decorators was that they would do all the moving of furniture and covering of things that could not be moved also the interior designer would ensure the soft furnishings were bought and put in as per the design. For the three rooms it was costing me a few thousand pounds but as the flat was mine so in my mind I was adding value to it.

After this I started to get ready for tonight, I removed my breast forms and Wee Vee then had a nice long soak in the bath after drying myself I used scented body lotion all over my body making sure I was completely hair free. My next job was a full-face mask using cucumber extract pads around my eyes.
While these were doing their job on my face I listened to my IPod and relaxed. My fingernails were ok but my toenails needed doing so after I had taken the face pack off I did them a deep red colour.
Looking at the clock I still had an hour and a half to go. So I turned my attention to my hair I had washed it on Thursday so I gave it a really good brushing until it shone then with my hair drier and curling tongs I styled it into the shoulder length pageboy cut that really suited my features. Once I was totally satisfied I powdered myself around my groin and wiggled into my Wee Vee I was now starting to look like Susanna.
Before putting my breast forms on I carefully checked around my own breast area to check for growth. I thought that I could feel a slight swelling around my nipples but dismissed this as wishful thinking as I had only been on hormones for nearly 3 months.
I applied the surgical adhesive and attached my breast forms; after they were secure I stood up relishing the weight of my breasts.
Make up was next and a sultry smoky eye's look was the order of the day. I had been taught make up by Kelly and Shonali and I had a tutorial app on my IPad; so starting with contouring my face I progressed to the smoky eye make up, through to applying false eyelashes then finally my lips making them full and luscious.
Looking at myself in the mirror I could have cried I looked every inch Susanna a 19 year old girl nearly ready to go out on a special date – apart from clothes that is!
I now had half an hour before Rob picked me up so it was clothes time. White satin thong paired with matching balcony bra (even though my boobs didn't need pushing up) barely black hold up stockings completed my underwear. I had decided on stockings because the dress was long enough for me not to show the tops every time I sat down.
Finally the dress the same floral patterned white stretch dress that Kell wore last night it was lined in a satiny material and as it slid around my body and felt wonderful. I eased the shoulders onto my own and then started to zip the dress up my god as it tightened around my body it was really tight I finally got the zip up and the hook and eye fastening done up and wiggled, literally wiggled my way to the mirror.
I LOOKED FABULOUS! The dress clung to my every curve – not that there were very many though with the dieting I was slender so when I sat down and there were no little rolls of fat showing around my belly however the black belt once tightened gave the illusion of a waist
I slipped on my 4" black patent ankle strap shoes with the 1" wedge these tightened my leg and bum muscles making my bum prominent I wiggled up and down getting used to walking in such a tight dress which made my walk very feminine.

For my jewellery I chose gold drop ear rings, with an aquamarine stone on the end of the drop coupled with a filigree necklace studded with aquamarines half a dozen gold bracelets and my glittery pink faced watch. I studied my finished look in the mirror and I must say I looked good - fantastic in fact.
I gave myself a spritz of perfume on my throat between my boobs and on the back of my knees. The doorbell rang - startling me!
I started hyperventilating as my first big date had arrived I wiggled over to answer the door checking through the spy hole and sure enough it was Rob and he had a suit on.
I took a deep breath and opened the door he looked at me with his mouth hung open! "Well I said do I look ok?" I asked. He collected his thoughts and answered, "Ok, you look amazing!" I smiled my thanks and said, "I'm nearly ready come in while I finish.” He came in and looked around curiously, "Nice flat you have Susie where's Kelly and Shoni?" I answered him from my bed room, "They went home this afternoon" while I was saying this I was putting the essentials into my black patent evening bag namely make up, scent, brush, purse, phone, tissues all the essentials a girl needs.

Picking up my borrowed black fur jacket I wiggled into the living room saying, "Well I'm ready. Are you sure I look oh?" He stood up and walked towards me, "You look fantastic, absolutely amazing" his arms slid around my waist pulling me gently towards him he kissed my lips my arms slid around his neck and I responded to his kiss with gusto, responding to him with every fibre of my being.
We parted and he looked me in the eyes, "You know Susanna you have such beautiful green eyes and you look absolutely stunning! I don't know if I can behave myself!”
I smiled at him coquettishly and said, "I can't wait" leaving a hint of what may come later.
He held my jacket so I could slip my arms in and we left as we went down stairs I warned him not to walk so fast as with this dress I can only take little steps.

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