A New Start in Life part 4

A New Start in Life Part 4
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with little sexual content, but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


I arrived home well before the girls and decided to attach my breast forms and wee vee, as I didn't feel right without them. I cleansed my chest area well spread the surgical adhesive evenly and placed my breast forms in place making sure they were positioned correctly. As I smoothed the thin latex down to merge with my own skin again I thought again how well these breast forms were made and how well they matched my skin tone.
Once my breasts were firmly in place I savoured the weight on my chest, enjoying the bounce of my boobs.
Next for my wee vee, this was a masterpiece of the prosthetic makers art, it was a skin tight (literally) latex copy of a female vagina, complete with a patch of downy pubic hair. I fed my penis down a tube so I had to sit down like a girl when I went to the toilet. It had an artificial vagina with which I could have sex also if I wanted I could also have anal sex! As it was made for me it had the same skin colour as my own and could not be detected even from close up! Kelly and Shonali were amazed by it when the three of us were getting ready if we were all nude or partly clothed you couldn't tell the difference between us!
As I finished Kelly and Shonali arrived from uni and while we made our tea I told them everything the surgeon had told me. They could see I was disappointed not being able to get my breasts done straight away.
But Shonali the ever practical on hit the nail right on the head when she said, "Well Susie it's only a year after all you don't want massive boobs do you?" I shook my head saying, “A nice C cup similar to you two will suit me fine.”
I also didn't tell them about the operations I was going to have during the Christmas break I would see if they noticed but knowing my eagle eyed friends I was pretty certain that the would!

After tea we started getting ready a nice lazy bath followed by facial cleansing, body lotion and a small glass of wine while the facial masks did their work.
After this we did each others hair and then make up foundation, blusher, false eyelashes (I needed help putting these on and they took some getting used to) eyeliner, eye shadow in shades of purples and lilacs to match my dress. Then we got dressed I slipped my thong on enjoying the way the string rode up the crack of my bum!
My new tan tights then my halter top dress. I undid the side zipper wiggled my way into the dress did the zip up and fastened the halter at the back of my neck. I fluffed the skirt out and looked in the mirror OMG!
I started to doubt my choice of dress as it was a bit revealing - just then Kell came into my bed room and squealed that she adored the dress it was so me and I was very brave to wear it for my first night clubbing as a girl.
I mentioned I was a bit worried but she told me to stop fretting and get finished as we were going to have another wine before hitting the town. I slipped my shoes on tying them tightly around my ankles I made my way into the living room.
Thanks to the girls forcing me to practice walking in high heels I found it easy to walk in my 5" heels! Their lessons were hard but they worked every day I had to follow this mantra.
Back to be straight! Girls do NOT slouch next chest pointing to the heavens this shows your boob's off to the best advantage! DO NOT bend your knees when walking or else you look like a chimpanzee! When you put your feet on the floor heel then sole. If this wasn’t enough I had to practice walking on every type of surface from carpet to wood flooring.
Another way they figured which height of heel I was ready for was they had me wear a 3" heel next I had to stand on my tip toes if the heels came an inch off the ground then I was ready to wear that height of heel as my calf muscles were ready for the strain.
I was lucky, in 4" heels I passed this test so I started in 4" and now I can easily manage 5” though it does make me stand tall (remember I’m 5’ 8” without heels)
I sashayed into the living room Kelly commented that I was walking well in the 5", mind you they had a 1" platform. I sat down, making sure that I did not display my underwear and sipped the glass of wine waiting for me.

"Susanna, a few ground rules we girls always follow. Rule 1 is we go out together we stay together we keep an eye on each other and we go home together understand"?
I nodded my head and said, "Makes sense I take it that's why girls always go to the toilet together." "You've got it in one" Kelly said, "Even if you find a hunky guy"

"This is something I need to talk about what happens if I do get picked up?" Shonali giggled, "It depends how you feel about him and if you are ready for guy’s. If you fancy him let him kiss you. If you don't fancy him just fob him off usually they soon get the message. Then if you really, really, really fancy him and if he asks you go out with him then you have to make your own mind up."

I took all this in and commented, "I don't know if I could, well you know kiss a guy. I don't know if I'm ready for that."
Kelly too my hand and in a serious tone told me, "Susanna, you are for all intents and purposes a girl now forget you were ever male and get used to being female you are an attractive girl and you will attract attention. If a really hunky guy comes onto you try a kiss - you never know you may like it! Whatever you do for god's sake don't let anyone know you were a male else it could turn nasty there are still a lot of bigots out there!"

This scared me a little what if I made a mistake? What if I was read could I go through with this? Shonali touched my arm and said comfortingly, "Look we know you are worried but how about until you are really comfortable just the three of us dance together?"
Kelly chipped in, "In fact until you are comfortable we'll dance together its still fun." I was a bit upset that I was spoiling their fun and chances of meeting guys I thought for a minute and suggested a compromise, "Look guys let's go and enjoy ourselves. Sure we'll dance together but, let's see how it goes – ok?" So we agreed on my compromise.

As it was a bit cold we decided on putting jackets on I put on my grey faux fur, which went reasonable well with my lilac dress so we clattered into the cool evening three girls on their way to the town.
No one batted an eyelid about me all night we hit a few bars but all the time were careful with our drinks due to the nasty practice going around putting date rape drugs in unattended drinks.
We never left our drinks this was another sharp learning curve for me! Also when we got to the nightclub being single three girls we got straight in while the guys had to queue up another plus for the girls.
Dancing now this was a revelation to me. When I lived as a man I was, to put it bluntly a crap dancer stilted, self conscious and clumsy.
Over the week the girls had been teaching me to dance like them show the world you are a lithe sexy female (they said) move flowingly and enjoy the music. As we made for the dance floor Shonali said in my ear, "Remember Susie you are a sexy girl just like the rest remember what we've practiced and follow the two of us and the other women on the dance floor and you'll be fine."

At first this was easier said than done but soon I loosened up – alcohol could have had something to do with this! And I started to feel at ease shaking my booty so to speak I was really enjoying myself when three guys came and asked us to dance!
Kell and Shoni looked at me and I thought well why not so I took the lead and said yes. One of the guys took my hand and I went onto the dance floor, Kell and Shoni followed and I noticed stayed very close to me.
I found out that it wasn't really scary dancing with a guy and I actually started to enjoy it. We danced for a while then about one in the morning the slow dances started. I was a bit slow getting off the dance floor and found myself being held in the arms of a man!
Kelly looked at me over the shoulder of the boy she was dancing with and mouthed OK to me I nodded and carried on dancing.

It felt really funny to be in the arms of what after all was another man his arms around my waist holding me. My arms were around his neck. My boobs resting against his chest, so far he had been the perfect gentleman and I hoped he would stay this way.

When the second dance started I rested my head on his shoulder like the other girls were doing and really relaxed. I could feel his fingers gently rubbing the bare skin on my back where the zipper finished and it felt really nice.
Chris the guy I was dancing with was asking me all the questions a guy asks a girl he is trying to pick up my name, where I worked, do I have a boyfriend (that made me smile), would I like to go out with him sometime (that made me worry) then as the lights dimmed further I took my head off his shoulder to say that I think we should sit down but something went wrong with my timing and he kissed me straight on the lips!
For a second I froze then thought what the hell and relaxed (alcohol again?) how did my first proper kiss as a girl feel like?
Well it felt nice! He was a gentle kisser did not force me to open my mouth he just kissed and stroked my bare back and hair. I was starting to enjoy it when I felt something pressing against my belly – he had an erection!
Once again I panicked but thought I would draw more attention if I created a fuss so I finished the kiss and whispered that I think we ought to sit down.
He was really nice and took me back to where we were sitting. Kell and Shoni joined us a couple of moments later the six of us sat down Kelly and the guy she was with went to get drinks (keep an eye on the drinks – remember) while Shoni and I chatted with the guys Shonali's guy was called Jim, Kelly's Dave and mine Chris. I couldn't believe I was calling him my guy!

We left about three in the morning got our jackets and the three lads offered to walk with us to the taxi stand. They helped us on with our jackets and we started the short walk as Kell and Shoni were holding hands with their boys I slipped my hand into his hand he gave a slight squeeze and I have to admit it did feel nice.
I huddled close to him and enjoyed the feeling he then slipped his arm around my waist so I cuddled even closer Kelly glanced back and cocked her eye brow at me. All I could do as smile and give a little shrug.

We got to the taxi rank and stood in the queue. I still had his arm around me and it was natural for him to kiss me. I found myself responding and enjoying it his hand caressed my bum!
I let him do it a couple of times then moved his hand back to the small of my back he whispered sorry to me and gave the excuse that having such a beautiful girl like me in his arms he got carried away and gave me a peck on the cheek. My arms were still around his neck and much to MY surprise I pulled him gently towards me and KISSED HIM ON THE LIPS! What was happening to me???
They asked to see us again and gave us their mobile phone numbers. We said we would call during the week. Then three of us piled into the cab breathless sorting our skirts out as the cab took us home. "Well Susanna how was that" Shonali asked. I was breathless and elated! I had just spent my first night clubbing as a teenage girl.
I smiled well beamed is nearer the truth and babbled, "It was great, absolutely great I enjoyed every minute of it! God I'm sooooo lucky to have friends like you two." By then we had arrived home and paid the taxi then headed upstairs to the flat.

"And how was it being kissed by a man? You seemed to be enjoying it" Kelly asked. I thought for a second then answered, "The first kiss was a mistake! I was going to ask him to sit down but, well, you know he just sort of kissed me. I’ve got to say I froze but then thought that if I make a fuss it would seem bad so I went with the flow."
"But what was it like?" Kelly pressed me. I smiled and simply said, "I liked it, really liked it then do you know what!" I took a deep breath and continued, "He got a hard on kissing me! ME I gave him a hard on!"
They both collapsed on the sofa in gales of laughter. I was totally confused what did I say that was so funny. Eventually they subsided into fits of giggling. "Oh Susanna" Shonali managed to gasp, "Just look at your self! You really are drop dead gorgeous! If its any consolation Jim had a hard on!" Kelly chipped in, "And so did Dave so you weren’t left out!”

"Oh" I said somewhat sheepishly, "I mean I gave another man a hard on ME!" Kelly said "Susanna YOU MUST FORGET YOU WERE EVER A MAN, understand!" The way she emphasised this really brought it home to me the gravity of what I was trying to accomplish. "Sorry Kell" I said contritely, "It's just well you know, but I mean, I'll try, I'll really try." I sniffled as I could feel tears brimming.

Shonali put her arm around me to comfort me, "Susanna, Susanna, Kelly's right, you have to try and forget you were ever a boy for me and Kell it's easy we have always been girl's. You really, really, really have to believe that you are now the girl you have always wanted to be! You really do now let's go to bed as we have a big days shopping tomorrow" I smiled tearfully at Shoni, "Thanks, I'll try I really will"
We went to our respective bedrooms and undressed putting our nighties on and met again in the communal bathroom taking our make up off cleaning teeth going to the loo, moisturising our faces the usual thing a girl does before bed which was where we went to next – bed.

I lay in bed thinking about what the girls had said to me they were right of course I really must try and forget that I was ever male – easier said than done but I really must try.
The thought that I had given a guy a hard on really thrilled me in a strange sort of way.
I began to wonder what it would be like to touch another (sorry I'll try again) a man's shaft to run my fingers along it, maybe taste it well maybe not yet – but to take his hard shaft in my hand and!!!!!
For some reason I began to feel excited the more I thought about it the more excited I became and I had not even touched myself. In truth I had a 'soft erection' not a very large one then WOW an orgasm hit I let out a little cry then a moan as a wonderful feeling washed over me.
Even though I honestly had no idea what a female orgasm felt like I thought that my orgasm was more like a female one than a male one! While it was intense my semi flaccid penis ejaculated in waves each one more intense than the one before - it was wonderful.
Having my wee vee on my semen dribbled down where I peed from! So I really had to clean myself up after doing this it was about 3:30am when I finally drifted off into sleep. Where I had vivid dreams about Chris making love to me – and I mean vivid dreams! I woke up about 9:30 having had a wet dream!!!

This time I took my wee vee off any really washed and cleaned myself, looking at my clittie, I had made the conscious decision to call my male bits after female bits while my clittie was big for a girl is was small for a man – good.
I slipped back into my satin pyjamas slipped on my wedge mules (for now Kell and Shoni would not let me wear flats at all) and satin dressing gown and went to boil the kettle to wait for Kell and Shoni.
I sat there sipping my tea when Kell walked in, "You're up early Susanna" I gave a wry smile, "I just woke up and thought if I had another 10 minutes I’d fall back asleep and wouldn't be up at ten so I got up." I made her cup of tea put it down and gave her a hug "Thanks” I whispered, “Thanks for helping me. Thanks for being there for me and I really believe that I am and have always been a girl."

She looked embarrassed and hugged me back, "Susanna, Susanna you don't have to thank me for nothing just you remember you make a very attractive girl and you are going to give many men a hard on, so just get used to it, it’s a fact of life that when you are dancing close with a guy you suddenly feel this 'thing' poking you in the stomach – gross, you'd think that they could at least control it!"
I giggled and said, "I don't think it's that easy" then we both dissolved into fits of giggles. We were still tittering away when Shoni came in, "What are you two giggling at?" "Oh" Kell managed to get out, "We were just discussing how gross men are like when you are dancing with them and you get prodded in the stomach".
Shoni grinned, "I totally agree there! It's really gross you'd think they could control it!" This last comment sent Kell and I back into fits of giggling.
We carried on discussing men and their gross habits as though I was a biological woman it wasn't until a few years later that I found out that this was a plan they cooked up to help me feel female.

We finished our tea then went to get changed as I slipped my wee vee back on and took my hormone pills I decided on a cotton "Joe Brown" sweetheart dress in taupe with red trim around the bust line straps and seams. It came about four inches below my bum so I teamed it with black leggings my shoes were black 4" cloth wedges and my large handbag was the same.
I slipped on an oversized coat/cardigan which was lined - as being November it was cool I kept the make up simple, eye liner, mascara, eye shadow in browns, blusher to highlight my apples and lipstick in a rich plum colour.
We met up and I got the approval for my outfit from my teachers then we were out to catch the bus to town to meet the other girls at Starbucks in the shopping mall.

While we were on the bus we discussed what I would need. More panties, more bra's, socks, leggings, tights, some clubbing skirts and tops, some skinny jeans very tight and very feminine, everyday tops, everyday shoes (with heels, flats come later) two pairs of boots one pair for everyday, one pair for going out, the list seemed endless but as they explained once we get this lot I have the basis for my wardrobe!
We can add to it every Saturday when we go shopping then in the spring we start getting my summer wardrobe together. "Oh" Shoni exclaimed, "We need to add a couple of swimsuits to the list then Susie can come swimming with us."
I was about to protest when I thought 'what the hell I enjoy swimming'. "Swim hats" Kelly announced, "She will need then to keep her hair from getting wet". I had just found out that even a simple thing like going swimming is different for us girls!

We arrived at Starbucks each of us got a small skinny latte and waited for the others to arrive they were girls from our course who were going shopping and wanted company so after the last girl arrived we hit the shops.
I have never had so much fun in my life. Apart from getting my shopping we each tried on dresses, skirts tops and bought freely if the price was right.
I got some more ear rings and costume jewellery a ¾ cream jacket with a funnel collar a full length woollen winter coat in burgundy in a wrap around style, some scarf's and a couple of woolly hats, one in pink the other in cream.
I totally forgot time and who I was which cemented it deeper that I have always been a girl always I just had to keep repeating the mantra until I totally accepted it.
We all arranged to meet up at the pub we use after lectures later in the evening as we went home I was on cloud nine I was in heaven.
Waiting at the but station there was a photo booth so the three of us went and got our photo's took singly then the three of us managed to squeeze in for a group photo.
They came out great on the way home Kelly cut the photo's into individual ones and we each had a picture of each other in our purses and one of us as a group.

When we got home we had a quick tea put away our shopping then got ready for the night out. The girls relented and let me wear jeans for tonight they were pink stretch denim with sparkly patterns on the back pockets that looked like they had been painted on me. However they made up for letting me wear jeans by making me wear 4" black ankle boots and a figure hugging stretch velvet top with a sweetheart neckline which showed a fair bit of my 'assets' when I bent down.
Shoni also wore a tight cream satin top, which also put her assets on display! Kelly on the other hand wore a tight red leather mini skirt with a loose fitting tunic top and knee high black patent boots with a 4" stiletto heel.
As she put it when we left the house the three of us will win at pool because we'll put the opposition off, her with her short skirt, us with our boobs!

When we got to the pub it was very busy the other girls were there so were a lot of the guy's from University by now being Susanna for a whole week I was comfortable with my new self.
I was becoming more self confident and with Kelly and Shonali's help I was not only becoming more feminine but acting more feminine (another thing they have drilled into me every day is that girls are more smiley giggly and happy looking than guys!) so I have become more smiley giggly and touchy-feely but I am now naturally happy because I am living as I want to.

The night went great, Kell was partly right we did win some pool games, more than the girls normally win but the guys still beat us.
Rob a guy who was doing a post grad in medieval history sat next to me and started chatting. I found that I liked him but I didn't know if he knew about me. So the next time we went to the toilets I asked Shoni what she thought. While we touched up our make up she thought and by the time we put some scent on she said, "Susanna it's up to you. But you know it's not right to lead him on at this stage." She smiled and continued, "It really must be hard for you sweetheart. Especially since Kell and I keep you trying to forget who you were. But you could just say that you are not what you appear to be. And if he probe's just say that you are transitioning" she cocked and eye brow at me, "Hope that helps Susie" ( Because I chose my name late in life at 19 I preferred to be called Susanna I don't mind Suzy or Susie, but I don't like Sue or Susan! Strange aren’t I) Then she continued saying, “Mind you once you are a complete girl then that’s a different thing!”

This gave me something to think about as I walked back. When we got near the table Rob's face lit up when he saw me Shoni whispered to me, "A friend of mine knows him he's on the same faculty as she is. He is a nice guy so it looks like you have an admirer the way he looked when he saw you he's a bit sweet on you". I smiled at the quaint phrase Shoni used 'sweet on me'.

He moved when we got back to the table and I sat down, as I did so our arms brushed and to be honest such a simple thing felt nice we spoke for sometime. The others went to play pool leaving us to guard the table as the pub was very busy now and tables and chairs were in short supply.
Taking this opportunity I decided to tell him that I was not what I seemed to be. I took a deep breath, "Rob, I have to tell you, I'm not what I seem to be!" He looked me straight in the eyes and quietly said; "I know" we were both quiet for a little while I took a sip of my white wine spritzer.

Then he continued "Susanna I know about you. I was not going to mention it in case you think I'm one of those people who prefer girls like you because I'm not! I prefer girls and you are one of the most attractive girls I have talked to for a long time.” He paused then carried on, “I'm a bit in turmoil myself. When I look and talk to you, you scream girl, your whole persona shouts girl. But all I know is you are a special girl one that I am very comfortable to be with."
I couldn't help myself I asked him, "Is this because of my looks or is it because I am a girl with a couple of extra bits?" He thought for a moment then said, "When I talk to you, when I look at you your extra bits just don't exist all I see is you and I would like to see you again".
I was quite touched by this and touching his arm I simply said, "Thank you I would like that". We arranged to meet up at Uni then I said to him, "What about the other guys what are they going to say about - well you know!"
I stopped because I just couldn't put what I was trying to say into words. "Look Susanna" he said taking my hand, "Let me deal with that though I don't think it will be a big issue."

The next time we went to the toilet the three of us went together again as we redid our make up I casually mentioned that Rob wanted to see me again. Shoni said, "Have you told him" I nodded "And" she prompted, so I continued, "Well he knew he's in turmoil as I am but he told me that all he sees is me not my extra bits – what should I do?"
Kelly instantly said, "See him again" Shoni also agreed adding, "One date can't do any harm – can it?"

Again when we went back to the table Robs eye's lit up when I sat next to him he took my hand. I said nothing as we sat and chatted to the rest of the guys at the table there were an assortment of girls and guys - seven of us girls and 6 guys. All told it was a great night. About midnight we decided to make our way home Rob asked if he could walk me home and looked disappointed when I said I walked home with my flat mates but Kelly told him that he could walk the three of us home laughingly he agreed “Three for the price of one!” Shoni giggled.
We walked home me on one arm Shoni on the other when we reached our flat Rob asked to see me again.
I was a bit unsure until he said, "Look why don't we go to the pub quiz at the Feathers on Wednesday night the four of us – sort of neutral ground."
Kelly said, "You can tell you’re post grad that's a brilliant idea,” she kissed him on the cheek adding, “You are nice ----- come on Shoni let's leave these two alone" at that the two of them went inside grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats.

Left alone with Rob we looked at each other and burst into laughter, "Well" he said, "What are we going to do now?" I stopped laughing looked him straight in the eyes and softly said, "That's up to you.”
He stopped laughing and looked at me for a second. I thought he was going to turn and walk away but he gently smiled and slipped an arm around my waist, "I can think of something" he huskily said as he pulled me towards him. Oh-my-god he was going t kiss ME! Knowing about me he wanted to kiss ME! My arms slid around his neck as our lips met he kissed me deeply it felt oh so wonderful.
Rob knew all about me yet here he was kissing me exactly as if I was a girl I was in heaven.
Our kiss continued and I felt his tongue brush across my lips, I opened my lips and his tongue slipped inside my mouth and tenderly played with my tongue my senses were reeling.

As we parted he whispered, "See you on Wednesday." A final kiss then he turned and left. I went up to the flat walking on air of course the girls wanted to know everything that happened so of course I told them (girls tell a lot to their best friends) and I finished with, "And I got poked in the belly" in fits of giggling we went to bed.

We continued with our lives University Monday until Friday. Friday clubbing sometimes seeing the guys we met on my first night clubbing they still asked to see us!
Saturday nights at our student pub the Cross Keys. Sunday hair wash doing each other’s nails catching up with course work. And then there was Wednesday! Oh Wednesday we went to the pub quiz at the Feathers. Rob and I in one team Kell and Shoni in their team they were very diplomatic leaving once the quiz was over.
This left Rob to walk me home he was very nice an absolute gentleman who happened to kiss very well. I had my first BOYFRIEND! And he had nearly felt my boobies - nearly but not quite he was my first love.

I continued taking my hormones then after three weeks I took the last of the ones that would cause me to feel what a period was like!
I took the last of them on Tuesday morning when I went to bed on Tuesday night I still felt OK.
When I woke up on Wednesday morning I noticed that my boobs felt sore not my false boobs my real little boobs.
In fact my false boobs felt as though they were pressing on me I mentioned this to Kell in passing, she looked at me and said "apart from that you are ok?"
When I mentioned that I also felt a bit bloated she yelled, "SHONI, SHONI come here quick". Shoni arrived at a run wondering what was the matter, looking at the two of us standing there with no disaster she asked, "What's the matter? I was just brushing my hair."
Kell grinned, "Our little girl here has just started her first period!" "What!" Shoni and I exclaimed in unison. "Suzy, tell her how you feel" I explained how my boobs hurt and how I felt a bit bloated as I said this a grin spread across Shoni's face, "Well she really has. We had better show her what to do how to keep fresh." And with that I was hauled back to the bedroom and ordered to change my thong for a pair of panty briefs and to put my pad in place put some spare pads in my handbag along with a spare pair of briefs.
As Kelly had also just started her periods I had to go to the toilet at uni when she did and change my pad when she changed her tampon!

By that evening I felt really bloated and my boobs hurt so much I decided to remove my breast forms and revert to the ones that sat in my bra. I mentioned this to my two tormentors and they flatly old me to keep them on as girls cannot simply take their boobs off.
That night was the quiz night I was feeling bloated and my boobs were sore. I was irritable with Rob and then Kelly when I caught her mouthing to Rob, "Time of the Month" but I still enjoyed kissing him and he was gentleness itself.

By Thursday I has stomach cramps bloating and tender boobs and boy was I was tetchy. Kelly actually sympathised with me saying, "Susanna, you are getting the full period experience quite a few girls get periods as bad as you’re having. I'm lucky I get bloating and tender boobs! And Shoni is very lucky she sails through her periods without any symptoms"
The following Tuesday after a week of period misery for me and many other girls in the same situation I started taking my hormones again also I got a phone call from my councillor Dr Harvey making me a appointment for the next day!

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