Out of the Ashes, Part 6 - Wednesday and beyond.

Out of the Ashes, Part 6 – Wednesday and beyond

{Well, here we go, the final chapter in which I hope to wrap up all he loose ends and plot danglers I have given you over the previous five parts in one part. It is a bit longer than the others but I could not see an easy way of writing the conclusion in anything but one longer section}

I think Ingrid was a bit displeased that I didn’t share her bed last night. After all, we’d done that very thing in the Hotel the night before. In my eyes, there was no choice. I wanted to be mentally ready for meeting the Insurance Loss Adjuster in the morning.

That said, I tried to make amends for my absence by gently kissing her on the cheek as we sat down to breakfast the following morning.

“I need to be sharp for my meeting with the Insurance Man this morning,” I said trying not to put my foot into it too much.

“I know,” came the slightly strained reply.

“You were right you know.”

“Right about what?”

“Me having too much on my plate at the moment. Hopefully once the meeting today is over and done with, I can think about other things for a while.”

“What other things?” asked Ingrid.

“Well, me and you for one thing.”

Ingrid didn’t say anything but just nodded, her head.

I took a deep breath and said,

“So far we have been dancing around in some sort of phoney engagement…”

Then I realised what I’d said.

“Sorry, engagement is probably the wrong word.”

“I understand.”

Then Ingrid looked at me in a way that I’d never seen before.

“Can you remember last Friday night, when neither of us could sleep?”

I nodded my reply.

“When you came in and sat down I wanted to rush over and hug you. Especially after you curled up your legs underneath you.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I was afraid….”

Then she continued,

“You know very little about me. I need to tell you some things before we get too far and… well, breaking up is so hard to do if there are secrets involved.”

I couldn’t disagree with that.

“I know pretty well everything about you. After these past few days, there can’t be many skeletons left in your closet now can there? There are a few things that I need to tell you before we go any further.”

I looked at Ingrid earnestly and said,

“Do you fancy me, failed tranny and all that?”

“You are most certainly not a failure and yes I do. Since early Saturday, things have become a lot clearer in my life.”

“What? Even after all what Lindy did you your car?”

“Yes, even after that,” she replied smiling.

Then she looked at me in that strange way again.

“Gotterdamerung! This is so hard. I think I love you.”

I could not believe what she’d just said.

I tried to say something but my mind and mouth would not cooperate.

“Don’t say anything until I have told you about the skeletons that are filing my closet.”

I was still reeling from what she’d said. All I could do was to nod my head.

“I… I have to get ready to meet the Insurance Man. Can you drop me off at my old home? Once that is over we should try to talk.”

Ingrid smiled.

“Yes. That is best.”

An hour later, Ingrid dropped me off outside the ruins of my former home. There were two men already there along with Mrs Patel. She’d already supplied them with a mug of tea as the North Easterly wind was bringing a chill to the morning.

“Hello Mr Patel, Gentlemen. I’m Sarah Robinson, formerly known as Peter.”

As I said it, I realised that I must start to do something about my identity and my change of name.

“I’m David Thompson, the Loss Adjuster assigned to your claim. This is Jeremy Pearce, my Quantity Surveyor come Civil Engineer. We’ve already had a look at the structure and the Fire Officers report is accurate enough. It is best if the old structure is taken down and supports put in to brace the adjoining properties until rebuilding can begin.”

That pleased me a lot.

“You are going to authorize a rebuild then?”

Jon smiled at me.

“That is what your policy allows for,” he said in a totally non-committal sort of way.

“Is there going to be any problem over the fact that the damage was caused by Arson?”

He smiled again.

“I don’t think so. Charges of Arson have bee brought against the person who did it so that is pretty clear cut.”

I shook my head.

“Perhaps you don’t know that she may be extradited to Australia to face other more serious charges.”

He thought for a few seconds.

“I will need to check with head office about that.”

“I can’t see how her location will have anything to do with my claim? I do work in the Insurance Industry myself so I have so understanding of claims processing. I work for ‘May & Downs Re-Insurers’ in the City.”

Suddenly their attitude changed.

“It won’t but for a claim this size, we have to rule out any chance of fraudulent claims.”

“If I were trying to defraud your company, I’d have made some provision for myself post the fire. As it was, I was left with just the clothes I was wearing at the time as I am sure it says in the Police Report. Everything I own was in the house as you well know, I spent a considerable amount of money renovating the property as your estimator reported when he visited the property last September in order to assess the right amount of value for both the property and contents.”

I hoped that my use of the correct language would win him over. It didn’t.

“Nevertheless, I will have to make a report on the damage and the likely costs of rebuilding. This will also include a section on the possibility of fraud being committed.”

My anger was visibly rising but I was determined to keep externally calm.

“When will a decision be made? I need to know because I can’t keep imposing on my friend’s couch for the indefinite future. As you are aware there is provision in the policy for Accommodation costs to be met in the event of the house becoming uninhabitable. I am also applying for an ex-gratia payment from the contents section to enable me to buy some clothes.”

“Once again, I will need to check things over with my superiors before any provision can be made,” came his total non-committal reply.

Then he looked at his watch.

“If that is all, I will submit my report and you will be informed in due course.”

He said his goodbye to his colleague and made a hasty retreat.

When he’d disappeared out of site, Jeremy, the Quantity Surveyor said,

“Don’t mind him. He thinks he is God’s gift to the Insurance Industry. From the copies of the Police and Fire reports I’ve seen and looking at the damage, my guess is that your claim will be approved in full very soon.”

“Thanks for that but I really don’t want to count my chickens before they have hatched so to speak.”

He nodded. Then he dug into his Briefcase and pulled out several sheets of paper.

“Here, fill these in and send them to the address on the front. That will get you the ex-gratia payment sooner than relying on that big head,” he said handing me the bundle.

“Thanks. I’ll do that straight away.”

Then I changed the subject a bit.

“Is there any chance that the rebuild could… well make a few changes to the property?”

“What do you mean? It will have to be done according to Building Regs. We couldn’t allow any changes that would jeopardize that.”

“No, that isn’t it. I mean to make just one large room downstairs and upstairs, one huge bedroom and a larger bathroom. Naturally, It could be returned to its original state with a few stud walls.”

Jeremy smiled at me.

“If the costs are not more than would have been replacing the old property exactly, I don’t see why not?”

I grinned.

“Would that include some steels so that I could add a loft extension at a later date?”

“My, you have thought this through haven’t you?”

I shook my head and said,

“No not really but No 56, just along the street is internally, just like that. Plus if you look at the other houses in the road, a good few already have loft extensions. It makes sense to me to have the steels for the extension put in place while the opportunity is ripe.”

He grinned again.

“Are you sure you didn’t set this fire yourself?”

I laughed back.

“I wish. If I had, I’d have made sure I was wearing a proper Winter Coat instead of this thing, it is perishing cold today.”

He didn’t reply but just smiled.

After saying goodbye, I said a quick hello to Mrs Patel before making my way back to Ingrid’s.

By the time I returned to Ingrid’s home, it was getting dark. Her flat was quiet. She left me a note saying that she’d gone to the supermarket. After clearing up the mess I’d left behind earlier I was at a bit of a loose end so I went into my bedroom and did my nails. I chose a dark blue polish from the selection of makeup that Ingrid had given me. As I waited for it to dry I sat remembering the events of the past few days. I could not recall a more topsy-turvy week in all my life. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I failed to hear Ingrid returning.

I got to a point in my thoughts when I felt that someone was watching me. I turned around and there was Ingrid with a smile on her face.

“Sorry, I was miles away. Let me help you with the groceries.”

“You were and don’t bother, I looks like you need to do that thumb again?”
I looked at my nails and sure enough, I’d smudged my left-hand thumb.
I ignored it and stood up and helper her put things away. All she did was sigh and then get on with unpacking the bags of food.

Eventually she said,

“Are you going to tell me how you got on with the insurance man or do I have to wring it out of you?”

“Oh! Sorry! Not much to tell,” I lied.

“They will have to agree to fund the rebuild. When they do, they will send me a list of builder they use and I am to get plans drawn up for the build. Stuff like that.”

Then I laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
I smiled back at her,

“I’m laughing at us. We are acting like a married couple.”

Then I went silent as I realised what I’d said.

Ingrid’s expression changed as well.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,” I uttered quickly.

Then she gave me the ‘you are forgiven’ smile.


Then she paused.

“I think you are right.”

“What do you mean right?” I asked.

She put down the load of bread that was in her hand and took hold of mine.
“As I said before, I feel right with you and don’t want to lose you.”

“What? When I was making a fool of myself?”

She just smiled.

“I listened didn’t I? I don’t throw you out did I? Did I complain when you left the toilet seat up?”

I had to chuckle at that one.


She smiled back at me.

“When you turned up on my door looking like you did, I had real reservations about letting you in. Then you opened up to me in a way that no other man has ever done, at least for quite some time. You were open and honest with me.”

I didn’t know what to say.

“If you hadn’t been truthful with me, I would have known it. That was one of the good things to come out of my PHD. I am very good at knowing when men are lying to me.”

“But… What did I say to you to make you think that… well, feel right with me.”

She looked me in the eye.

“I know this is too early after your breakup with Lindy but I really don’t want to lose you.”

To say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

“I don’t know what to say…”

Ingrid smiled.

“Did you say that you had bought rings for you and Lindy?”

“Yes, why?”

“Show them to me.”

I found the ring box in my Handbag and gave it to her.

She opened the box and smiled.

“Very nice. Really you if you don’t mind me saying.”

That cheered me up no end.

Then she took one out and slipped it onto her right hand ring finger. Then she took hold of my right hand and did the same.

“There, until we get to know each other better, and want to move to the next step then… well I think that will show us how we feel about each other.”

My heart was pounding like mad.

“Ye… Yes. I really don’t know what to say?”

“Don’t say anything. Help me get the dinner started and we can talk about me. You know very little about me.”

Then she grinned.

“When you do, then I won’t argue if you want this ring back.”

That unnerved me no-end.

“What do you mean?”

“Later. I’ll tell you all later. It is going to be hard for me to do it so I want to do it properly.”

We were still holding hands so I squeezed hers and smiled.

We’d just finished preparing Dinner and it was in the oven to cook when her phone rang. This was a different ring tone to her normal one.

“Shit,” muttered Ingrid as she went to pick it up.


“Hallo Mutter. Ich hatte vergessen, dass du kommen würdest.”

“Wann wirst du hier sein?”

“Das ist gut. Ich werde dich bald sehen.”

Without waiting for a reply, she hung up with an truly awful look on her face.

“That was my Mother. She and my Father are going to be here in about half an hour. I’d forgotten that they were coming over. They are going for my Uncle Andrew’s Fiftieth Birthday pary.”


Then I added.

“I’d better get all my stuff together and leave you to it.”

Ingrid gave me ‘that look’ again.

“No you won’t. You are staying in my bed. They can sleep in your room.”

Then she took the ring from her right hand and put it on her left. Then she looked at me.

I did the same and said,

“Just for the time they are here?”

“Ja, yes,” she grinned.

The next thirty minutes were chaos in the flat. I moved all my clothes into Ingrid’s room while she stripped the bed and made everything tidy.

Then we set about getting changed and properly presented for the inevitable inspection.

Finally, Ingrid said,

“That will have to do. I need a drink before they arrive.”

Then the front door bell rang. They’d arrived. No time for that drink.

As Ingrid went toward the front door, she slipped into some very high heels that she’d placed right there for this event. I wondered why she’d do this. It wasn’t long before I found out.

“Mother, Father, this is my partner Sarah,” she said proudly but somewhat nervously as she showed her parents into the room.

Her father was a good 6ft 6in tall. He stood upright, not like that stoop that a lot of very tall men seem to adopt. Her mother was more my height.

“Sarah, I’d like you to meet George and Astrid, my parents.”

George was glaring at his Daughter. Astrid was looking at me with a sheepish grin on her face.

“Ingrid, I want to have a word with you NOW,” commanded her Father.

“Lets go into your bedroom then,” replied Ingrid confidently. It was obvious that she’d been expecting this confrontation.

Astrid smiled as me when she saw the look of concern on my face.

“Don’t worry Sarah, if I know my daughter even a little bit, she will give as good as she gets from George. Why else would she wear those heels but to look him straight in the eye and tell him to mind his own business?”

Then to my surprise she gently held my arm.

“Now Sarah, you are not what you seem are you?”

I looked worried.

“Don’t worry, I grew up in West Berlin. There were many people like you there. It was very Bohemian unlike most of the rest of West Germany.”

I tried to smile. It was difficult. I’d never been read that easily before.

“What gave me away?”

Astrid sighed.

“Your Adams Apple. Otherwise, not too bad.”

Despite her words I didn’t feel very happy.

“George won’t notice though. He thinks Ingrid is a Lesbian. I’ll tell him when we get home so your secret is safe with me.”

“But…. Why are you being so nice to me?”

“I could see as soon as Ingrid opened the door to us that she’d changed. Then I saw you and knew that you were the reason why. She is happier than I have seen her since she was a child. Why wouldn’t I be thankful?”

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

We both turned our heads towards the door to the spare bedroom. Ingrid was almost shouting in German at her father.

Astrid laughed.

“She’s just told him that he ignored his family when he married someone 10 years younger than him and a ‘German’ at that.”

I was worried that this might sour things totally.

“He’s secretly proud of his Daughter. Seeing you and her together is just a bit of a shock. He’ll get over it in a few days. His bark is worse than his bite. That comes from being a Sergeant Major in the Guards.”

I sort of knew that he’d been a soldier and had met Astrid in Germany but now a few things started to fall into place. In many ways, Ingrid was like her father. Instead of barking an order, she would give me a look that said, ‘do it or else’.

George calmed down a bit over Dinner. Thankfully with a little bit of quick thinking on my part there was just enough to feed four instead of two.

I sat quiet most of the evening watching Ingrid chatter with her parents. It was amusing to listen to sentences that were mostly English sprinkled with bits of German. All three of them were totally comfortable in both languages. I really envied them in their ability to talk to together. This was something I’d never been able to do with mine, after all, they’d gone off sailing around the world when I was twelve leaving me to be looked after by Rose. Then they’d gone and gotten themselves killed in a Typhoon in the South China Sea. I couldn’t go with them because even sitting in rowing boat on the Serpentine was more than enough to make me as sick as a dog.

George left us and headed to bed around 10pm saying, “I’ve a big day tomorrow so I need to get fully rested.”

I looked at Astrid and Ingrid who both smiled back at me.

When he’d gone to bed, Ingrid said,

“He’s meeting up with a load of Army Friends for a shooting competition at Bisley followed by a regimental dinner at Pirbright. He won’t be back until Friday morning so we can spend the day together.”

This pleased me no end. George had a rough exterior but I am sure that inside there was a good man but I felt that it would take some time for him to come around to who and what I was.

Thursday Morning

George was up with the larks so to speak. He’d gone by the time I crawled out of bed just before eight. I was never really a morning person so I was rather relieved that he’d gone by the time I surfaced.

The three of us sat around the kitchen table drinking tea when Astrid asked,

“As we are going shopping today, what sort of styles do you have in mind for the clothes you will wear to work next week?”

The question hit me in two ways, firstly I’d forgotten about going back to work and I’d never even given work clothes a thought.

Then she turned to Ingrid,

“I suppose you are still wearing those baggy tops and plain trousers?”

There was a stony silence in the room.

Ingrid’s silence made me think about the Ingrid I knew from work. I realised that she had tried to hide her obvious beauty. It was almost as if she was ashamed of it.

“Yes. But what is wrong with them?”

Astrid smiled.

“From what I’ve seen of Sarah, she’s more stylish than you are. You have a beautiful body my darling yet you hide it away.”

I had to bit my lip otherwise I would have laughed. Ingrid gave her mother an awful look.

Astrid just took it in her stride. I was really warming to her, which was ok by me because I knew that I wanted to be with Ingrid for the rest of my life.

“My daughter has been known to dress well. Very well in-fact but since she finished her studies, it is almost as if she has retreated into a shell on anonymity in her dressing. Now girls, are we going to correct this or are we not?”

This time I couldn’t contain my giggles any longer.

Then I said to Ingrid,

“Ingrid, you have a very beautiful body. One that I’ll never have but I’ll be proud to be at your side if you want me too but there is one proviso, and that is ‘you have got it so flaunt it girl’.”

It took a few seconds for what I had said to register then a huge smile broke out on her face.

“Does this mean?” asked Astrid.

“Yes mother, I guess that we are officially an item.”

“About time too. You two have been sparring like some married couple ever since we arrived. I am so glad that you have finally got that sorted. Now we have some serious spending to do.”

I guessed that Ingrid didn’t have ‘lots’ of spare cash, what with here Mortgage to pay every month. I tried to hide my concerns.

“Don’t worry Sarah, today is on me. Consider it your engagement present although I never expected to have to buy it for two women.”

“Astrid, I can’t let you do that. Pretty well everything I buy will be covered by the insurance company.”

Astrid looked at me and said,

“Nien, I have made up my mind. Today is on me.”

We hit the shops in the west end with a vengance. Well it was after a few stern word from Astrid got Ingrid’s enthusiasm up. It wasn’t until we hit one of the medium priced chain stores that I got going. They had a knee length pencil skirt that looked perfect.

I tried on a size 14 and … it was ok. Nowhere near tight enough for my liking. Before the fire this would not have been a problem because I’d simpley have altered it myself. Rose has taught me dressmaking as soon as I started dressing seriously. That was no longer an option so I was considering ‘making do’ with the one I had on.

“Try on a size 10,” said Ingrid.

“A 10? You have to be joking,” I replied.

“No. Try it. The fabric is very forgiving.”

Well, I tried it on and well, it was perfect. Really tight at the knees. Following that there was no stopping us although I did wonder at what Ingrid was doing when she bought a matching bra and knickers set in bright red.

Then a few shops later, Astrid and I almost collapsed on the floor of the shop laughing.

“You aren’t going to wear that to work?” I asked between laughs.

Ingrid smiled, holding up a red and black silk basque.

“Well, you are going to make an impact on your first day so I might as well do the same. This will look good yes?”

Both Astrid and I had to agree that given her previous appearance at the office, this would certainly get a reaction. The black fishnet stockings worn on top of opaque red ones was a masterstroke.

“What about shoes?” asked Astrid grinning broadly.

That was the trigger for more shops and debate before we both ended up with three new pairs of shoes. By then it was lunchtime so we adjourned to a pub just off Marylebone Lane.

We’d just started to eat our food when my phone rang.

“Hello Inspector. What can I do for you?” It was the Inspector from Shepherds Bush Police Station.

I listened intently to what he had to say. As he did so, my mouth dropped open in amazement as what I’d heard.

At the end of his news, I said,

“I don’t think I’ll attend.”

I smiled at my companions.

“I really want to move on with my life now but thank you for letting me know about the hearing. Will you be sure to let me know the outcome?”

“Great. Thanks again.”

I hung up to see to inquiring faces looking at me earnestly.

“There is an extradition hearing this afternoon. Apparently Lindy has decided not to fight it. The Inspector was asking if I was going to attend it. As you heard, I declined. I’d rather be here with you two. She can go to hell for all I’m concerned.

Then I smiled,

“Besides, there are a few more things to buy aren’t there?”

Ingrid smiled back at me.

The three of us arrived back at Ingrid’s home tired out but happy with the day’s endeavours.

Astrid and George left the following morning leaving Ingrid and myself at something of a loose end. She soon rectified that by taking me to get a manicure while she had her hair done.

I watched her getting her hair dyed with a certain amount of envy. My hair was nowhere near long enough to get a feminine styling. One day, I said to myself I would get my hair done properly and dispense with having to wear a wig.

After lunch and with a good deal of nerves, I called the HR department at work to inform them that I would be returning to work the following Monday and that I would like to be called Sarah from now on.

I agreed to visit the HR department on Monday to complete the forms to change my records.

We spent the weekend together really getting to know each other. I found out that Ingrid hated Cucumber while I loved them. The reverse was the case for ‘Black Pudding’.

The following Monday morning.

“Come on sleepyhead. Time to make yourself beautiful for work. This is your big day.”

I stuffed a pillow over my head in the hope that Ingrid would go away.

She didn’t.

Instead, she started to tickle my feet. In the end, her ‘persuasion’ worked and I got out of bed and got myself ready for my ‘big day’.

The big problem for us was that one small bathroom and two ‘women’ don’t really work well together when it comes down to getting ready for work. This would take some time to sort itself out.

“When we get our own place we must have a bigger bathroom!” complained Ingrid as I accidentally jogged her arm as she was trying to put on some mascara.

A little later than planned but still with four working eyes between us we arrived at our offices close to Cannon Street Station.

The usual office hubbub felt welcoming until someone saw us walking through the door arm in arm. Within a few seconds, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at us. More than a few mouths dropped wide open.

Ingrid’s desk was at the other end of the office to mine. Without a word, I kissed Ingrid lightly on the cheek and she sat down at her desk. I walked to my desk but I didn’t sit down. Everyone in the office was looking at me.

“A good morning to you all. My name is Sarah. It used to be Peter. Some of you may remember him? My dear colleagues, the new and improved Ingrid and I are pleased to meet you all.”

Then I took off my coat and hung it up just as Peter had done for several years and sat down at my desk remembering to smooth my skirt under my legs as I sat.
I glanced over at Ingrid. She was having a hard time stopping herself from laughing her head off. I’d teased her about what I was going to say ever since she decided that I should return to work on Monday. To be honest, at the time I didn’t have a clue. I still hadn’t one right up to the time we walked into the office.
There was an uneasy silence until the joker of the office, Patrick Murray said,

“So which toilet will he use now?”

Several of the women just glared at him.

Meg Young, our office supervisor spoke next,

“Patrick, as you well know the company has a policy on Transgendered Employees. They are to use the facilities of their chosen sex without question. I for one welcome Sarah back into our happy family even more so after the loss of her house in such awful circumstances. At this time, she needs our support. I can see that Ingrid has already pitched in to help. If there is anything else we can do I am sure that Sarah will let us know. So can everyone get back to work?”

I breathed a sigh of relief at Meg’s statement. I felt a lot better after that. My joy was short-lived as Meg went back into her office, made a few phone calls and she came over to my desk.

“Peter please come into my office right now,” she said in a very firm voice.

I looked at her somewhat startled but her face said that she wasn’t very happy.

“Certainly Meg,” I replied standing up.

Then she called down the office to Ingrid, “Ingrid! Please join us.”

We joined Meg in her office. She closed the door firmly.

“Now you two, what game are you playing? First Peter comes in and wants to be called Sarah. Then Ingrid comes in looking like a lady of the night!”

I tried. I really tried but I couldn’t stop a little snigger from escaping.

“Meg,” said an indignant Ingrid,

“I am not dressed like a prostitute.”

“What’s with the heels, that frankly obscene top and those fishnet stockings then if they are not what a high class hooker would wear?”

I had to admit that she had a point but Ingrid really turned me on with that outfit and I was the one she was wearing it for.

“I have decided that I have worn clothes that hid my true person for far too long. Besides, I now have someone to dress up for.”

She smiled at me and took my hand.

Meg looked as if she was about to explode.
“I’ll have none of that lesbian goings on in my office.”

I smiled and replied,

“Ok Meg, if you accept that I am now living as a woman then fine otherwise, you have to make up your mind one way or the other? Are you accepting me as a woman or not?”

She glared at me with daggers in her eyes.

“Get out of my office. I’m going to see what HR have to say about all this.”

We hightailed it out of her office and went back to work. All of our colleagues were bursting to talk to us but were afraid to do so while Meg had her beady eye on everyone.

Meg stood in her office glaring at us. I waved at her.

She reacted by storming out of her office and headed for the lift. She was going to report me to HR for being a something unmentionable. As soon as she’d stepped into the lift several of my female colleagues got up from their desks and came to mine.

“Sarah? That is a nice name,” said one of the older women

“My daughter in law is called Sarah.”

“You were always a dark horse Peter, sorry Sarah. Now we know why don’t we girls,” commented Julie Barnes. She sat at the next desk to me. She smiled and added,

“What have you done to Ingrid? She is beautiful.”

“Yeah. I know. Meg called her a prostitute.”

They all laughed.

All to soon, our chattering was broken up by the return of Meg.

She looked livid. Instead of confronting us, she stormed into her office, grabbed her coat, handbag and stormed out again. We all looked on in amazement.

Just after lunch, I excused myself and headed for the ladies. Ingrid joined me.

“What happened to Meg?” she asked.

“I don’t know but HR want to see me at four. I an can only think that she was told that HR already knew about me and that I was perfectly within my rights to dress like this under their policy of sexual equality.”

I smiled at her.

“Everyone liked your outfit.”

She grinned back

“Yes I know. I think I’m going to have to spend a lot more money in order to keep up my appearance.”

“Well, I think you look stunning so it will be money well spent if you ask me.”

We then kissed long and hard. I felt right at home.

Epilogue – The following Friday Evening, after Dinner

“I’ve been busy translating this all week,” she said putting a hefty tome onto the table.

“This is my PHD Thesis,” she added as she extracted another document from her bag.

Ingrid looked a little anxious as she handed the document to me.

“It is a study on why men use the services of a Dominatrix. In order for me to write it, I had to become one. I think that was why I went off men… well until Sarah came into my life that is.”

My reaction was to…

Start laughing my head off. It all made perfect sense.

Then I kissed her long and hard.

“That’s all in the past isn’t it?” I said gently when we came up for air.

Ingrid just smiled at me.

The End.

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