Drew & the Half-Term Break Chapter 15

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 15
A Gaby fan-fiction
By Sharp
The Lincolnshire Battle.


Like Venutius before him the bones of Hadrian where sent to Bradford University. There they where scanned into a computer and DNA taken.

Helena. “Give him Green Eyes & Light brown hair. A computer picture of Hadrian was produced & then the Picture of Venutius was placed with it. The newspapers reported the discovery of both bodies’. From the North there was great unrest when it was discovered the bones of a Yorkshire king had been removed from his grave. Likewise the people of York wanted the Emperor's body returned to his capitol city of Ebor.

Helena went on television, "It has been decided to hand the bones to the family of these two great men.” "

One reporter for Northumbria Television asked how they could decide on this?"

Helena, "We have genetically tested a considerable area of Yorkshire & found matches." "It is the family’s intention to inter both sets of remains in the Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in Skipton. This was the Heartland of the Brigantine kingdom. While York was the capitol of Roman Britain. Both lead caskets will be sent to the Yorkshire museum in York. There they will be on display with life like wax figures dressed in Roman clothing.”

Back at the site Visitors where flocking to tour the site. Gaby had some of the Gurkhas & Chinese dress up in Romano British clothing. & occasionally she & Maddy would appear in full war-dress. The site turned out to be a great success Gaby asked two of the Gurkhas families to stay & help with the security. Three ladies approached Gaby. We are all Archaeologists & would Gaby consider appointing them as curators of the site?”

Helena, "Wendy here was the chief conservator for the National museum of Wales & these are her daughters. She also is of the Sisterhood."

Gaby, "You can have a security team of fifty who will also do re-enactments for you. I expect a report daily & Nena expects a report on how much you take each day. "If you have any trouble you are to contact me directly.”

Gaby & her main group departed unseen by anybody else. The High Priestess performed the wedding of her daughter & Helena on the top of Mount Sharphaw with the family all watching on. Shortly after their departure back to Skipton, back at LCC an employee was been hauled over the coals for not paying the bill to GB.

One member of the council was saying perhaps we could pay it & get the site back. The lawyers for LCC said, "Sorry you have lost out on this the court ordered it be handed to GB & this has been carried out. You could appeal but that will cost you more than the original amount you owed. As you will have to pay GB’s costs.

The Mayor, “Stop all legal attempts. You are sacked for ineptitude." She then turned to her secretary. "Get me a helicopter to take me to GB headquarters in Skipton & I will try diplomacy.” Unknown to her the one who had been sacked ordered the bailiffs to go and seize the site.

By helicopter the flight only took 15 Minutes. The helicopter landed in the grounds of the Castle. Ria asked to see Gaby & was lead to her. Gaby was on her computer when Ria was shown in.

Ria, "I came personally to try and sort this mess out."

"I have sacked the person responsible for the whole fiasco."

Gaby, "I thought you would have prosecuted him for defrauding you of the two million he took."

Ria, "Sorry I know nothing about this can you explain."

Gaby explained and showed the proof of the theft.

As she did so Gaby received an urgent email from Wendy, "That the Ghurkhas where currently repelling attackers from the LCC. Gaby had a face like thunder as she spoke to Ria.

"So you thought to distract me while you took the site by force."

Ria, "I ordered all legal challenges to be stopped this is not my doing. Come with me in the helicopter & I can get us there in 15 minutes.

Gaby. "I can get us there faster than that but first we collect the backup team.

Maddy, "We are all ready to go & repel the invaders. Maddy was in the uniform of Nester.

Kat appeared, "I understand one of our properties is been attacked. I have brought the Bavarian & Liechtenstein regiments & the Federal army is on standby should it be needed.

Shona appeared, "Mother the Ghurkhas & Chinese regiments are ready.”

Lady Anne & Lady Francis, "We once again lead the White coats."

Ria was looking uncomfortable as Gaby sat upon a white horse & said, "Come we go to sort this mess out." They rode through the castle gateway & the next second they where in the Roman Town. The Gurkhas stopped fighting the bailiffs & bowed before Gaby.

Gaby & her others-elves merged as one.

Gaby, "You what do you think you are doing. Trespassing here can cost you dearly.”

One of the bailiffs, "We received orders from the council to seize this property."

Gaby, "In that case you have just declared war on the state of Bavaria for this property belongs to the kingdom of Bavaria & the federal government in Berlin will not be happy. For waging war on me carries a 25 year sentence in jail which I am sure my Northumbrian courts will up hold."

Ria stepped forward, "Let me see that warrant & who signed it.” The warrant was signed Jo Kin.

Ria, “Where are the police officers?" They where waiting across the road.
Ria, "These men are trespassing on property belonging to a foreign government remove them please.” Before she had finished speaking the troops started to melt away. "Now can we sort this mess out?"

Maddy, "There is still one thing to do first."

Ria, "Officer I want you to arrest Henry Green of 27 Roman Way on charges of grand theft & charges of instigating a attack on a friendly state. Henry was having his tea when the police arrived to arrest him. The bulk of the missing money was found in his bedroom. Further finds included a plot to kill Gaby & terrorist connections. The news only stated there had been a re-enactment of Boudica's attack on Lincoln.

Gaby, "Ria I have a proposal to put to you. In future LCC pays GB rent for the site. LCC are responsible for staff wages & security in future. GB will undertake the maintenance costs of the site & we split the revenue between us."

Ria, "I will have to look at all the details."

Nena, "It would be best to set up a separate company who can pay both parties while LCC pays rent directly & in the event of non payment all revenue to be paid to GB. Ria signed the contract. Wendy & her daughters remained as curators the Gurkhas where recalled & local people did the security & re-enactments. It proved to be a gold mine for both parties.

Stanwick Fort.

A few days later Gaby received a visit from the Prime Minister Gordon Brown who said, "We have a serious problem. Most of the Royal family where wiped out by the terrorist attack in London. We managed to get almost all the terrorists but a couple escaped. We also would like to extradite Henry Brown. Eight female members of the family including the Queen are still unaccounted for." "We have recovered the Queens 4x4 from the North Sea & think she & the others may have been swiped to their deaths while escaping. This brings me to my next task. We had to check with Mr. Goodwill here who was the next in line as someone had been killed. It turns out you are the next in line & as such I have the task of offering you the Crowns of Britain."

Gaby, "Once the remaining terrorists are caught the Queen may turn up. I would be willing to act as regent until she can be declared dead which is seven years time. I then I would accept the throne of Britain. Now as to the matter of the extradition. The prisoner will stand trial in Northumbria for the crimes he committed there. In addition several other countries want him to stand trial for the murder of their nationals. Elizabeth did you hear all that. If you want to return then you can & it is yours otherwise I will have to take on the job. Elizabeth. Remember though your decision affects the others as well as you. If you decide to stay with us. Somehow eight bodies have to be found & matched with your DNA.”

A week later eight bodies were washed up on the coast of Norfolk. After testing it was decided it was the missing Royal family. The Prime Minister Gordon Brown turned up at the Castle & said, the missing members of the Royal Family have turned up on the Norfolk coast. "I have to organise a state funeral for all these Royal. Long lives Queen Gaby.”

Gaby, “This is a job I did not want. I liked Elizabeth & I still hope she turns up." Several weeks later two Irish men tried to attack Gaby. They were taken out with the Gurkhas.
The Prime Minister came again to see Gaby & tried to persuade her to move to London. Gaby, "You can forget about me moving to London. This is my official home & considering what happened in London is far safer. Yes I will be head of the country. I will never be dictated to as to the civil list. As far as that goes abolish it. I will take the income from the royal estates & the Government can pay me the same as my chief minister & others that have to do official work will get at the same rate as ministers.”

"All official function are to be paid for by the Government. The government continued planning for a coronation. Gaby Emailed Prime minister Brown that Elizabeth had turned up at the Castle & was resting. The Prime minister turned up & tried to persuade Elizabeth to return to London with him.

She refused, "From now on this is my Home at least I am safe here. I also need the time to train Gabriel so she can do my job." The papers where all reporting the miraculous survival of Elizabeth. When none of the others had.

One day Helena came in rather excited & asked if they could all have a trip to the Ripon area. Gaby agreed. They went by coach.

Helena, "I came across this article on the Internet that the NYCC had been attempting to purchase all the land that comprised the Stanwick fort & Palace complex that once belonged to Venutias. So far the NYCC had failed in their bid.”

Amanda, Barbara & Nester, "Our Stanwick." Eventually the coach found the land they had been discussing & up on the hillside was a small single story cottage.

Gaby, "We walk from here & the rest of you may go shopping in Ripon. Maddy, Darcie, Little Rose & Lily along with Marie, Candy Amanda & her daughters all set off walking to the cottage. Eventually they got there Gaby knocked at the door.

A gruff voice said, "Come in.”

Gaby, "There are several of us."

The old man, "Tha sounded like a herd of elephants coming up track."

The old lady, "Take no notice of him lassie. I know why you are here. Years ago my ancestors promised to look after this land & return it to its rightful heir when asked."

The old man, "I told yon other lot what we wanted & they went away with tails between their legs."

The old lady, "Come closer so I can see you clearly."

Gaby went closer. "The both of us will soon go to meet the Queen of Heavens. When we go will you promise to put coins in our eyes, Mouth & ears & across in our hands. Lay us on this table & set the place alight."

"The old man, "Well are you going to ask how much brass we want for this place.”

Amanda, "We will give you one golden penny."
The old lady spits into her hand and holds it out, "The deal is done."

"We have no children to pass the land on to. Now you can sign the deed & the land is yours again. One more thing can you give me a kiss before I go."

Gaby gave her a kiss and as she did the old lady said, "Thank you that I lived to see this day." We will meet again soon but on another plane.”

The old Man, "You must lay her as you promised & no doctors.” They did as he instructed.

The old man, "Remember only the Empress controls the water." He gave his wife a kiss & died. Gaby & the others did as requested & gave then the funeral they desired.

Maddy, "Why the Viking type funeral."

Little Lily, "They both knew who they saw in front of them & they serve Gaby in Heaven now."

Darcie read the document & laughed & said. "They have returned it to you."

Amanda. Do you know what Venutias revenge is?" Two days later they received an official from the NYCC he was making an offer to purchase the site.

Gaby, "Tell your chief archaeologist I am assembling the most eminent team to investigate the site.”

That night Gaby said, "Humber, Ouse, Swale, Wharfe.”Aire & Ribble this night show what time forgot. Show the Roman folly that man may know once again what happened at Stanwick. Light of the world keep my footsteps dry."

Gaby & the others were having breakfast when they received a phone call. It was the county Archaeologist who said, "I understand you own Stanwick can you get over here as fast as you can as something has happened here over night.”

The Archaeologist said there was a cloud burst during the night & it has washed away all the sand & topsoil. He said, "I was driving to work this morning when I discovered this." Impaled on fortifications were thousands of bodies.

Gaby went to inspect one of the bodies, "At least now we know what happened to the missing legion that walked out of York never to be seen again.”

The archaeologist, "All these finds must be recorded. You are going to need a lot of security until all the finds are collected & recorded.”

Gaby, "I already have a team but considering the size of the site if the local Universities & colleges wished to help we would appreciate it.”

Near the main road was one area that had been untouched. Gaby, we will need a base for operations & somewhere to live until this is sorted out. Contractors moved in straightway fencing off the entire site & putting up Porta Tents & Porta cabins. By the end of the day all the accommodation was sorted. Power had been installed & water connected. Canteen facilities had also been provided.
Using laser pinpointing the Skeletal remains where all pinpointed & there GPS recorded. One by one they where bagged up & taken to Bradford to the archaeology unit. In Bradford they checked for any DNA & C14 to give a date. Sheffield did some dendro chronology & Thermo Luminescence tests done on some of the items. They came with the same date as Bradford. Eventually all the skeletal remains where removed & the Archaeologists. Moved on to the next trap to find more Roman remains along with another standard.

The county Archaeologist, "It is hard to believe that they all died 2000 years ago. I wonder why they were all left in place & never removed as the Romans normally did."

BBC Look North was invited up Helena did the talking. "Due to a freak of nature. The long suspected battle site of Stanwick had been discovered. According to Roman records 3 legions of a thousand men took part. This does not tally with the amount of bodies we have recovered. So far we have found the remains of at least 100,000 Roman or Romano-British soldiers attacked the fort. So far we have recovered over 75,000 Roman remains including the lost legion. RAF Catterick has made space available to safely store the skeletal remains as there are far more than the universities can deal with. Eventually they got to an area where there were very few Roman remains & only one or two Celtic remains.

On the North side it was the same again. On the West there were twice as many remains & it was obvious that a very intense battle had taken place here. The surprise was on the East there was no defences at all only the river. Helena followed the river downstream & called Gaby in a cave downstream was more remains all wearing the uniform of Roman Soldiers.

No more remains were discovered. A plot of land near to where they died was bulldozed & all the Remains where to be interred in one mass grave. Gaby had a plaque erected which said This plaque is to the 20 Brigantine warriors & the 255,021 men of the three Roman legions who died as enemies but now lay side by side. They all looked at the computer simulation of where the remains had been recovered.

The county Archaeologist, "It is very strange as we have very few Brigantine remains. Yet thousands of Romans who were supposed to win the battle. Where are the other bodies because there must be some?"

Barbara, "Not if an elite force kept the Romans at bay while the others escaped & sacked York, London & Lincoln.”

The county Archaeologist said so you think this could have been an opening battle rather than the final.”

Barbara, "Well seeing as we discovered both Hadrian’s & Venutias graves near Lincoln I would presume they both died there & the date we have for that site is later than this. I must confess though I thought we would have recovered more Brigantine warriors than we have done unless they were recovered & disposed of.”

Gaby looked at the map & said, "What is that?"

The county Archaeologist, "It is called Hells mouth. It is a cave system that runs under Stanwick & comes out here.”

Gaby, "I think I know how the Brigantines escaped but we will need to search for the entrance." The Following day they found the entrance to the cave system. Ariel & Gaby followed the system to Hells mouth."

Helena joined then, "This was the escape route. The Celts worshipped the water gods. Could the Celts have found another cave & put their dead there?"

Gaby, "Helena, Amanda, Maddy, Nester, Marie, Little Rose & Lily. I want you to hold hands & we can try & find out what happened. All their minds merged as one. They saw all but two escapes. The Celts took their dead with then. They watched the Celts Throw the bodies into a pool & then dive in after them. They watched as the Celts seated their fallen comrades around a stone table. Then they went along a passage way & Out of view. The next scene they saw was the sacking of York by the same group. They watched the burial of Venutias & Hadrian at Lincoln & the total devastation of London.

Gaby, "Helena we will have to check the Os maps & see if there are any well nearby.

Ariel, "There is Neptune's Rest. It is a spring of pure water."

Maddy, "According to legend the gods where walking the face of the earth. Neptune & his brothers got thirsty & Neptune stamped upon the ground and a spring of fresh water arose. They all looked at each other.

Ariel & Lorelei, "We might be needed this time for the diving."

The following morning Gaby was talking to the NYCC archaeologist & was saying. "We have Hells mouth & Neptune's Rest are there any more sites nearby names after the ancient gods.”

The Archaeologist, "Strange you should ask that as I was staring at Odin’s Wrath.” Pointing to an out crop of rocks rising to a pinnacle. Over there is Loki's jest this was another smaller outcrop of rock. That escarpment is known locally as Frey's leap.”

Gaby, "In other words this site is the central to all those sites. Can we send somebody to the top of each to those sites & see where the centre actually lies. The Archaeologist sent people to all but Neptune's rest.

Ariel & Lorelei dived into the crystal clear pool & went down. Swimming through the waterlogged tunnels they eventually came to a great cavern with a golden door. The door was inscribed with all sorts of Celtic designs. The door opened easy & they found themselves in a large room. There was a stone table & seated round the table was the remains of a thousand soldiers. There were twenty places left empty & one at the top of the table.

Ariel, Gaby will have to see this but the others with the exception of Maddy will never make it." They got hold of Gaby & Maddy & said we have something to show you come with us.

When Gaby saw the table, "The others must take their seats with Venutias. Nobody noticed that twenty skeletons had been removed from the mass grave, as all of them had not been place in yet. Gaby, Maddy, Ariel & Lorelei placed each of the skeletons on a seat & then Gaby placed Venutias on the high chair. "

Gaby, "Sleep again brave warriors.”
As they were leaving they noticed another cave & decided to explore. Inside this cave were vast quantities of Armour & weapons. Maddy noticed the chests & went to inspect them. Gaby noticed the chests where inscribed with initials look this has VL. This has CL & this has BL. They went through into another room.

Ariel, "We need the companions of Drew to explore further. Gaby made note of the position & saved it.

Gaby, "The next time we return we will all keep dry. "That night Gaby related what they had discovered."

Maddy. "Tomorrow while the others are occupied we go & explore further.” As they looked they discovered room after room. Some were empty while others had gold, Silver, & Jewellery in great store.

Zita, "Come look at this". "It was a room well furnished with mosaics upon the walls & floors. "Look". "Even the dresses are still in good order after all this time.”

Darcie, "If we where to wash them perhaps we could all try them on." They removed all the dresses & the chests with the initials. Back in the castle they examined the boxes while the dresses where being washed. Gaby inserted her ring as she had done before. The casket opened inside was a golden crown & all the regalia. Including a sceptre like the one Gaby already had.
Amanda was next to open hers inside was another crown & regalia but there were also a severed head.

Amanda, "That is the Welsh king." Barbara & Nester where the next to open their chests in side was the regalia of princesses.

Gaby, "These are the other keys." Starting with Darcie the remaining wives opened a box each & also found regalia of a Celtic Princess. Gaby discovered the Sceptres could be joined as one. Zita said the dresses where ready to try on. Gaby already had her eyes on a golden dress while Maddy spotted the silver.

Once the wives where dressed, "Gaby said, "Put on your full regalia." They did as instructed. Gaby transported them all back to the Rooms. Once they were in the room it started to glow.

A voice, "Welcome again mistress. In times of strife you will be safe here in the protection of the Fairy Glen.

Tinkerbelle, "Tell Oberon he has guests waiting."

The door opened to reveal Oberon who said, "Not many realise, Neptune's Rest leads to Oberon's Palace."

Gaby said in that case we must return these to you."

Oberon, "If I had not wanted you to have them I would have kept them myself." Oberon looked at Tinkerbelle, "When did you intend to tell me I was to be a grandfather again."

Gaby, "Until now nobody but us two knew she was having more children."

Oberon, “Like your sisters who I see have also arrived you can keep nothing from me.

Gaby, “All that Armour is it the real thing?”

Oberon, "It all is yours as are the boxes of gold. The others will never find the entrance.”

Gaby noticed the old couple & went across to greet them. The old lady curtsied; "I told you we would be meeting again. This time though let me get you a drink & some food.”

Tinkerbelle, "Gaby was this the old Couple who asked to be burnt in the cottage? Gaby meet Fred & Alice they are fire sprites & do my father’s bidding. They where my nursemaids at one time & are bound to me & mine."

Oberon led the group back through the golden door to the cave where Gaby had left the Skeletons around the table. There appeared to be merriment coming from within the cave. A man arose & bowed to Gaby, "Thank you for restoring all my elite warriors. They will always be at your command".

Gaby, "Venutias?”

"Once I was known by that name. Now I have retired until you call me to service again Empress” He turned to Amanda. "Now you can return my brother to me."

Amanda handed him the Head of the Welsh king which they had laid on the table." Venutias kissed the head & almost at once the body regenerated.

Venutias, "Next time bring Hadrian for he deserves to eat with us." Gaby disappeared & returned with the casket. "Helena kiss your husband as you used to in life. Helena kissed the casket & Hadrian appeared before them.

Gaby, “We will return from time to time for I want to know more about you both."

Venutias, "You already have all the memories but now you have the key as well."

Helena, "Gaby I was right you look like a female Venutias."

Venutias, "My male self died long ago only my female self survived.

The following day the NYCC archaeologist approached Gaby, "There is no more to discover here. I want to put a proposal to you. This site is of great historical importance & I was wondering if it was possible to turn it into a Living museum. What I propose is placing fibreglass Romans on the Defences as we found them. Have tape playing of sword fights. Inside though we have Celts doing what they have to do.”

Maddy, "I have an interest in ancient fashion & so did Nicole in fact we have an interest in Celtic designs. Would you like to see some Celtic dresses as worn by Royal Princess such as the wife & daughters of Venutias?"

The Chief Archaeologist, "I would like that very much."

Nicole, "Come Saturday night & you can have the banquet as well.”
Fishmonger & Archaeologist

Saturday the pack was once again walking through the town of Skipton & Nicole said, "Let’s go and see if the service has improved in the House of Frazer store. They meet up with a new girl who was very helpful & they noticed the staff seemed to be paying more attention to customers.

Maddy said to the girl in the electrical section. "Do you sell CDs?"

The girl, "Not at the moment but I can suggest it to the manager. Perhaps after he mentions to the head office a customer has been requesting an item we may have it before the end of the week.

The girl rang the office & told the manager of the request. Before the girls left Gaby had a message from Elizabeth with the request to sell CD's. Elizabeth had already given permission.

Maddy called back at the desk, "When you get these disks in please give me a call." Maddy handed her a card.

As they walked down the High Street. Maddy noticed the fish stall, "Have you any more of that fish."

The fishmonger, "I do not but I can check with my brothers to see if there is anymore at Fleetwood." He spoke into the phone. "My brothers can get hold of five stone of the fish as nobody but you wanted it."

Maddy, "We will pay your brother's transport cost in addition to the cost of the fish."

The fishmonger. The cost will be  £15.00 &  £10.00 transport costs should be enough.”

Maddy, "Are you sure?"

The fishmonger, "You are the only person who ever wants to buy this fish."

Gaby, “We will take all you can get."

Maddy, “If you & your brothers wished to join us you could also come for your tea."

Zita, "It will be a seafood feast."

The fishmonger telephoned his brothers who promised they would bring him some clean clothing.

Lorelei, "Whilst we are here we might as well take all but your dressed crabs." As they were talking a lady came & bought the dressed crabs.

The fishmonger, "Do you need any more fish?"

Pegi gave him the list, "My nieces are having a bit of a party tonight."

Back onto the telephone again to his brothers. "Yes we have all that fish but it will clear us out for tomorrow.”

George instructed his two brothers, "To bring the lot has he had just sold it all. They said they would be there in about an hour. He promised that he would book a hotel room for the three of them. So they could wash & change before going to the party.

Gaby, "Try the Black Horse at the top of the high street." The fishmonger was surprised when he got in there. The pack continued on their shopping trip next stop was Principles but they could not find anything they liked.

As they were leaving Principles. Maddy noticed the charm bracelet In Samuel’s the Jewellers. "Look it has Dolphins, Sea Horses. Fish & Star fish".

Darcie, "We all like that bracelet have on show in the window. Have you enough in stock for us all to have one?"

The sales assistant, "We would be 9 short but the Keighley store has them & I can reserve them all if you can collect them. Do you have a discount card because this would be worth a lot on it." Darcie handed the discount card over & the receipt." Gaby took the receipt & momentary vanished before returning with the nine Bracelets.

Down to the bottom of the High Street & the girls piled into Superdrug. Ariel, "I could do with some new make up for tonight." After getting what she wanted they visited Woolworth's.

Lisa, "Look Ariel they are selling your life story & they are having a closing down sale."

Tracy, "There is a whole series of the little mermaid."

Tricia, "There is a whole series of underwater Archaeology here that Andi would like." Unnoticed by the others Gaby went & placed an order for one of each DVD & asked the girl if she could bring them to the castle tonight after work finished. They continued on their shopping spree & came to a bookstore. Gaby & Andi noticed they were selling discounted computer software. They both look to see if there was anything that interested them.

Gaby picked one box up and paid for it. Andi, "What did you get?"

Gaby showed her the box. Maddy said, "Somebody has slipped up that is not supposed to be released until next week."

Andi, "All the packing is genuine & it is not a copy or beta issue."

Gaby, "Elizabeth is going to like this she wanted me to get her that for her birthday.”

They crossed Keighley Road & made their way to the top floor of the co-op now trading as Westgate. There they made for the cafe & placed their orders. After having a drink it was back to shopping. They looked round most of the concessions. Some of the group bought some small personal items. They crossed the road & went into the video store & out again. Going up Sheep Street Helena noticed a photography shop.

Helena, "They are selling reproduction maps of the town through the ages." Amanda went in with her as the shop was only small & they bought two sets of the maps. As they were going up the street they noticed a shop selling Rocks. They went in & bought several rocks that had been split open & had Crystals inside.
Next shop they visited was Extras. Here they purchased some more make up. Slightly higher they visited a shoe shop but again did not buy. Eventually they got to the top of the High street. As they got there they met up with the fish monger who said his brothers had just arrived & where going to make the delivery.

Lorelei, “In that case we had better go back & take delivery." The brothers carried the boxes in to the old kitchen for the girls. "My mum & her sisters & my sisters will take it from here."

Ariel, "The rest of you are banned from the kitchen tonight but you can prepare the great hall.” It did not take long to prepare the great hall & Gaby had made use of the stones they had bought.

Elizabeth, "We could project the underwater scenes on to each of the walls if we connected the computers & the projectors.” Elizabeth, Gaby, Andi & Maddy took one each. They tested it out & it worked perfectly.

Elizabeth, “Those disks I have altered slightly as you will see later. That night their guests arrived. The fishmonger & his brothers where the first guests to arrive & they looked rather smart. The next was the NYCC archaeologist. They were shown to a table & given a drink.

The brothers, "It reminded them of kelp but the drink was quite nice. On one table the brothers noticed all the girls were dressed like Mermaids.

George, "They have certainly gone to town on the underwater theme. They even have somebody dressed as Neptune"

The meal progressed & as promised all the courses where fish. James, "George I did not realise that fish could be served in so many ways."

George, "I think we may have just landed ourselves a good contract."

The final dish was brought in & the girls went to the top table & said, "Father Neptune we bid you share the Empress fish with us. With that everybody tucked in to the fish. After the meal the dancing started.

Neptune approached the brothers, "The fish you brought was top quality. I have to ask you to supply us on a regular basis. This is the list in addition here is a small bonus for supplying us with the Empress fish.” He handed the brothers an envelope each. George thanked him. Back at the table the brothers realised the envelope contained a considerable bonus.

Neptune, "Family & friends we have these young men to thank for supplying us with tonight's feast. They will shortly be leaving us, but let it be known they will always be welcome here or in my home. I believe that you must soon return so you can restock again. Let all know you receive the protection of Neptune.” The brothers left for their room as they did indeed have an early start.

The Archaeologist, “I like the costumes you have gone to town with the undersea theme.”

Gaby, "You found us easy then?"

The archaeologist, "To be honest I came early looking for my sisters as I have not heard from them for a couple of weeks. My twin worked for the house of Fraser & I went there looking for her. Since our parents died abroad I have been sending money to help with my younger sister’s upkeep. I live in Northallerton & that is over 40 miles away. Today I find the family house sold & strangers in there. I asked in the store & nobody knows where my sisters are. One girl did tell me that somebody had been arrested about a week ago but she thought that was a man."

Gaby, "Are you going to ask me to dance?" They got up & did a waltz. “I am glad to see you dance well."

"When my sisters went dancing I was always dragged along. My late mother said you never know when it will come in handy."

Gaby, "That is a cute tattoo you have on your wrist."

The boy replied my sisters have the same tattoo as do our cousins. I think our mothers must have had a thing for this particular tattoo."

Gaby, "Ariel do you mind dancing as I am feeling rather worn out." Arial took over dancing & she also noticed the tattoo but said nothing. "Uncle may I have a word with you."

Neptune, "What can I do to help you?"

Gaby, "I have seen a trident with a small crown more like a tiara than the Crown your daughters have upon their mark."

Neptune, "Was the mark like this?"

Gaby, "Yes"

Neptune, "That was used by both my sisters but I have not seen them for a long time." "Where did you see the mark Gaby?"

Gaby, “See the boy dancing with Ariel he has it & he said his sisters & cousins do also."

Lorelei took over dancing with the young man, "Sister you are needed."

Ariel went over to her father, "On his wrist is almost the same sign as mine but the crown is smaller.

Neptune, “We could do with getting him & his sisters & cousins all together & having a chat with them.”

Gaby, "His sisters are here but he does not yet know it.” Maddy was the next to dance with him. Lorelei had managed to extract from him it was his cousin He had talked to in the store & that she was coming round later. Zita was next to dance with him.

Maddy, "Apparently his other cousins work for GB Archaeological services & will be here for the presentation.”

Neptune, "Good it is better if we keep them all together. Gaby do you intend to dance in the last ballet tonight. I was wondering if you could persuade my nephew to partner you & get him to drink this. It will not harm him but it will knock him out for a short while."

They had the presentation & the Archaeologist then said, "Gaby If we could open the area to the general public it would be like a living museum of Roman British life. Gaby noticed four girls had joined him. Not the three.

Maddy, “Constance brought my CD from the store & asked what time her cousin would be leaving so I invited her in."

Little Lily & the other youngsters where the next entertainment. Then it was the turn for the older ones.

Gaby, "Come join me in the final dance."

He looked at his feet, “I have the wrong shoes."

Gaby, "Take them off & dance in your bare feet we do not mind."

He took of his coat & tie & said, "I will dance now." Neptune noticed how elegantly he danced. In the final scene he was supposed to drink this draught. He did so & collapsed. His sisters & cousins carried him to a side room.

Maddy, "Darcie has gone for the ECG machine. You had better strip him as he is your brother."

The youngest sister, "My brother had larger boobs than I have this caused the others to look."

Andi, "I think this is your sister & not your brother.”

One of the cousins said, "No look he has a Willie."

Maddy, "There are some good fake ones about the only way is for you to give it a good tug & if it comes away it is a false one. His sister & cousins all wanted to prove Maddy wrong & all joined at giving it a good tug. They got the surprise of their life when it came away & nothing was left. Except a slight bloody mess.

Zita, "It looks like she has started her period & I have brought some pads for her.”

While she slept her sisters & cousins did her hair & nails. One of the girls said we cannot call our sibling any longer by his male name. We need a new name for her."

Constance, "If we call her Lavinia Amelia she will have both her mother’s & aunt’s names. When she awoke. Lavinia found she was in a giant bed with her sisters & cousins. Lavinia looked round rather disorientated.

Constance, "Lavinia you are going to have to stop pretending you are a boy for when you collapsed we all found out you are a girl. We have been challenged to a swimming race. Lane one & Two me & you leading our sisters & cousins. Lane three Ariel leading her sisters. The remaining lanes Gaby's family & friends”.

Gaby decided to go for the breaststroke & managed to win her heat. Josie came in second. After a very tiring day swimming

Gaby. "Lavinia your parents where & when did they die?"
Constance spoke, "The plane landed in the sea off Rhodes." "Our parents where never found & yet like us they where good swimmers."

Zelda, "Can you show me where on this map the plane was found?"

Constance pointed to an area. "It was around there the wreck was found.

Zelda, "I think I know where they might have landed."

Galadriel, "I think you may be right."

Gaby looked puzzled as Zelda said, “We have another sister who offended the gods & was banished to an island. We heard rumours she changes men into pigs & things.”

Isle of Cirece.

Gaby, "If they all had the sign of Neptune they would be protected."

Gaby, “Ariel, Josie, Lorelei & Maddy & all three aunts’ Pegi, Lindi & Linda & of course we must not forget the most powerful mind reader had we.” Gaby changed the settings to the one Zelda had given her they found themselves on an island.

A lady looking like Galadriel approached them, "I did not see you arrive."

Gaby, "No Cirece you would not”

Cirece, "Only my daughters call me that these days."

Gaby, "Cirece your magic can not harm us so we might as well go to your house & await your daughters.

It did not take long before the daughters came running in & said, “Mum there are strangers on the island & they are not afraid of us.”

The eldest girl, "There is an enchantment that prevents men from talking to us or mother.

Cirece, "It was the curse of the gods no man may set foot on the island whilst I am here.”

Gaby, "Your sentence has long since expired."

Cirece, "Yes it has but I cannot get home."

Gaby, "Your sisters await your return. First though we need your help we are looking for four who may have landed on this isle.”

The eldest daughter, "If they where men then they now will be swine."

Gaby, "All four carried this sign."

Cirece looked puzzled. The eldest daughter," I have seen that mark but we cannot help them. Come with us. There laid in a shallow salt pool were the four missing parents.
Gaby, "Help carry them to the house.” Once in the house Gaby asked, "Are all your daughters here now?”

Cirece looked around and said “yes.” The next second they were back at the castle.

Cirece looked around & said, "Where are we?"

Gaby, "Never mind where we are help get these to the pool & get in with them." They carried the four to the pool & placed them in it

Gaby, "This is fresh water & should soon dilute the salt in their bodies."

Cirece was helping with one when Neptune turned up. Cirece was ready to flee but Gaby said, "You will come to no harm here & I think Neptune has something to say to you."

Neptune, "Gaby unless these two get this they will die but my sisters will be OK."

Gaby poured the elixir down their throats. Neptune said, "Cirece today you helped return my sisters thank you."

Constance & the others came, “Is it true. You have found them?"

Gaby, "They are all very week but there is nothing a good feast cannot put right. Come to the pool & see yourselves."

Constance, "Mum, Aunt” they looked up as Constance dived in to be with her mother.

The mother, "Where are the rest of the mermaids then?" Cirece & her daughters got out as all the mermaids dived in. The two mothers looked around and one said, "I have four children & four nieces. Who are all these?"

Ariel, "My father sends greetings to his little sisters."

Constance & Lavinia turned to Ariel, “You are our cousin also?"

Ariel, these are my sisters & aunts.

Lorelei, "Aunts there are changes you may not like but there was nothing we could do to stop it." "You both married mortal men & denied your heritage. Because you had been too long out of salt water it reacted & sent you in to a coma. When you marked your husband’s they became one with you & everything you have they now have."

Gaby, the day the plane crashed was the day you lost your husbands. Each of you shared your life force with your partner." They like you became immortal but now as your identical twin." For a second Constance's mother screamed & then calmed down & then said, "Well that puts paid to any more mermaids in the family & I am not getting married again."

"Good to hear that sister. After spending time here you may feel different about more children. Now there are four of you instead of two."

Gina came running in. "George is at the gate. He has managed to get even more of that fish.
Neptune. “In that case it is my turn & my partners to prepare the meal. As they were getting out one of the mothers realised there was four girls & not three & a boy.

Lavinia, "Mother it must be something to do with the genes you passed on to us. Before I came here I had developed in the chest & then I fainted & awoke a girl.”

Constance, "Aunt we can confirm that for we helped strip him when he collapsed after dancing most of the night."

The youngest daughters, "Lavinia Amelia is our sister & we are proud of her."

Constance, "We decided out of respect for you that she should have both mother & aunt’s name.”

Lavinia turned to Gaby, “You recognised the mark on me & my sister did you not?"

Gaby, "I realised your mark was similar to Ariel & Lorelei only the crown was smaller."

Lavinia, "In that case if I told you I know of a similar Mark. The Crown is the same as mine but there are a sun & moon under it."

Sue & Juno had been listening to this. "You did say both a sun & moon?"

Gaby, "Where have you seen the mark.”

Lavinia, “It is rather funny we all became flat mates & the other two Jackie & Jade work for IBM in their Harrogate office. Until a month ago we all lived together. We still go dancing together with me as Lavinia; (Yes sisters I called myself that long before you decided I needed renaming) we still go out every Saturday night. I should be due to meet them in town tonight as I have persuaded them to come to the Bliss night-club with me."

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