So, I figured it was probably time for me to put up a more recent pic of myself. It's been a LONG time since most of my befores... But first, here's one more before:
This is what I looked like while I was slipping into my worst depression, the one that sent me near comatose and that caused me to vow to "fix" my battle with depression once and for all... Indirectly leading to my discovery that I am in fact female and have been hiding it deep inside me all my life.
But here's what I looked like the other day at school when one of the girls did my makeup for class:
I'm actually smiling! Smiling that's actually touching my entire face! Nothing forced, no hidden pain lurking behind that smile.
That's not saying life is all rosy and peaches and cream and everything else nice... Far from it. But I can actually have genuinely happy moments like this. That's something.
And now I'm making myself tear up... *grabs tissues*
Not just you! always brings me to happy tears to see someone else find success. I'm so happy for you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Thanks Drea!
I still have a loooooong way to go... but at least I'm on the right path now.
Abigail Drew.
Very cute!
You're looking great, girl. I love your hair!
Red MacDonald
The hair.
Is actually a wig. I wish I could have hair that long all of my own already... I bought the hair back when we were doing hair extensions and one of the other girls made the wig for me on my OWN HEAD. So it's made specifically and perfectly FOR ME. And only 100 bucks.
When my own hair is long enough I'm going to get more hair (though a little bit shorter! For summer!) and get it sewn in.
That should last a good six months before I need to replace it, again with longer hair, and I'll just go back and forth between long and short styles until my own hair is long. Though I dunno, I might just stick with it a little shorter. I went straight to the long from the super short buzzed off boy hair, and while I love it, it does get in the way sometimes. I might like something a little bit shorter more. Like, just above the shoulders maybe.
I know that'd suit me features wise just as much as long hair, intellectually... And it'd certainly be easier to work with... But...
Abigail Drew.
long hair
I have hair down past my waist. When wet anyways natural wave brings it up quite a bit.
I keep it up by wrapping it up into a high tail twice. It takes a fair amount of shampoo and conditioner and about 2 hours to air dry or 20 minutes via hair dryer.
It's actually somewhat easier to play with long hair than short hair. Long hair you just leave after it drys. Short hair tends to look awful unless it is just so. Long hair does blow around in the wind but on the other hand short hair can get just as messy. Short hair is also resistant to many styles while long hair isn't.
It's up to you really. I like long hair for my needs. Put into a double tail and go crawl around under cars or let loose and brush with a clip and im ready to go out. Fancier hairstyles are just not in the budget for me so this works.
Besides contrary to Dorothy's opinion I'm NOT a girly girl!
This is I guess medium length. It goes basically just below my shoulder blades in back at it's longest. It's heavily layered.
EVEN LONGER, or just above the shoulders, will probably be easiest either way. This length is just short enough to constantly shift back around in front when I'm working on something that has me bending my head forward. I could buy clips and stuff and clip it back, I suppose, but I kinda like just letting it loose. Braiding is out with the wig, it leaves my natural hair peaking through. I have a feeling that sew-ins will be about the same.
Honestly. Just the fact that it's a wig/sew in limits my styling options more than length will once I get my own hair longer.
Abigail Drew.
Very pretty!
The picture says it all! :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm super happy for you
and you look great!
You look gorgeous.
Undoubtedly, it's the smile that makes the biggest difference. I wish you could put it in bottles and sell it. With a smile like yours, you'd become a millionaire.
You've come a long way...
Glad the smile is real...
Best wishes,
Abigail Drew, Supermodel
Wow, who's that happy looking girl? Dang. Good on you!
The smile says it all.