Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-27

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-27

Chapter 27

We’re into the second batch of blueberry ice cream that old Mrs. Anderson had made for us when the cops showed up. Kaylee’s sticking close to me enough that I’m holding her and trying to sort of radiate comfort and that I’ve got her and its safe now, to her with my powers.

She’s leaning right into me with her weight right into my boobs pressing them into hers and it’s so on purpose too. and jeeze I really want to be with her and yet I want to be with Shy after what happened and her being that amazing and there’s another part that’s upset that I kinda froze and got scared and all girly about these guys and the way they seen me sexually and wanted actually wanted me freaked out and scared by that and that well…had me… freaked out.

And getting freaked out has me upset because that’s never happened to me before. Before I’d been right in there mixing it up.

And my male pride is really smarting over that and yet there’s this whole instinct thing that’s saying that this is the way that it goes with Sh’uan and T’uan…and I’m the touchy feely girly one of the two.

And that….has me feeling this whole thing I think that girls feel when their guys step up and defend them from stuff like that.

God my life is so damned complicated.

I go and find a place for us to sit on some flipped over berry flats and just kind of take a breather and think.

“Dylan?” Kaylee asks leaning over to look at me.


“Are you okay?”

“No…I’m trying to deal with my male pride.”


“Why? I froze when they started in on us.”

“So you were scared? That’s normal.”

“Not for me, it’s just since the start of the summer I’ve been changing and this time I really, really didn’t recognize myself. I don’t freeze like that.”

“You’re not the same person Dylan, what guy’s guy was there and what you used to be has changed…heck your whole body has gone through some serious changes you can’t expect to be the same person too.”

“I know, in my head that makes perfect sense if I’m being logical and stuff I mean yeah…but emotionally it’s totally different feeling I should have done more.”

“Dylan…look it’s not exactly a secret that I sort of see you way more as a girl and that’s why I’m so into you.”

“Yeah I know.”



“But…you were scared but you still put yourself between them and me. It says to me that okay you might have been scared like me in the same way as me but you still stood up and put me ahead of you and that’s incredibly romantic.”

“It is?”

“Yes, it makes you one hell of a stand up girlfriend.”


Kaylee leans over a little more and she kisses me long and slowly and deeply and it’s good…really good especially being kissed and touched in this sweet girl and girl way that’s so soft and so sweet and yet as much as this is a girl thing I’m getting this almost side-guy thing going on.

Two girls making... out frenching and touching and nipples hardening and…yeah that’d turn on most guys and guess what…I’m definitely guy enough right now.

We break the kiss when the two trucks from the sheriffs department show up with a flatbed towing truck to take statements and find out what happened.

Okay…it’s kind of interesting and it pisses me off a little because they pulled up and I had this sense of them wanting this to be blown over the whole boys will be boys don’t upset the tourists mentality from them.

That’s a kinda common reaction in tourist towns actually keep them happy, keep the money flowing and all that garbage. Part of me is really, really pissed because uhm…hello that was sexual assault…or something and it was really uncool.

And then their attitude does a complete one eighty when they see mom.

Bikini top, straw hat on jean cut offs and sneakers but right in her cleavage is her shield on its chain. She might be state but I’ve lost count of the times mom’s left the cottages to help these guys out.

I’m grinning now.

Those little assholes might have just as well picked on their daughters now.

We get called over to ask a few questions as well as Jax and Shy who don’t seem to be in any more trouble that Kaylee and I are because of what happened and they say they’ll be talking to these boys and their folks and they then end up taking the ATV’s on the flatbed and impounding them.

That at the least will cost them money to get out and mom points out that they’ll likely be at the hospital and that they should take the beer they had on the ATV’s as evidence of drinking and driving and drinking under aged.

Actually after our statements mom leaves with them and we go back to raking berries and we keep going until it starts to get dark out.

Yeah that makes for a long day really in the fields but its good money if you’ve done it before or you’re like Cheyenne and can copy the way that the others are doing it that are really good.

It actually takes me awhile to do that myself…actually it’s likely easier for me because I’m sort of copying from Cheyenne who’s helping me get it down. It might seem like cheating but it’s actually learning more than cheating but it’s deeply learning by feel.

And it takes the creeps off my mind and back into focusing on making some money. It would be nice no matter how much that I’ve changed to go back home with a really good chunk of change in my bank account.

We’re tired and sweaty all over again and sticky but not in a good way but from the berries and dirty and more than ready to call it a day but the time we’re done. Kaylee limps lightly over to me not that she’s hurt but it’s a long time on your feet on uneven ground when you’re not used to it and she kisses me.



“If I talk to my folks do you think it’d be okay if I stayed with you?”


“Tonight and through raking, it’d save a lot of gas and bother.”

“Sure…just let me ask Dad.” And Cheyenne…I don’t want to step out of bounds with our relationship.

“Okay I have to call and ask permission too.”

She kisses me again and walks off with her phone and I head over to where Dad’s at. “Hey…Uhm can Kaylee…?”

“Yes as long as her folks are okay with it I heard what she said and it does make sense…but you’re going to be careful…you have protection?”

“Yes, of course I do.”

“Show me.”

I pull out my wallet and show him my condoms. “There’s more back ay the trailer too.”

“Good make sure okay, and be careful. I’m going to go and get your mom.”

“Okay thanks Dad.”

“Hey, I’d rather have all of you safe and together where we can check on you then off somewhere doing something stupid because you think stupid was the option.”

“Thanks Dad.”


“Yeah Dad?”

“Fifty bucks.”


“Fifty dollars, she’s staying with you and while I’m trusting the two of you to be safe you’re still having a girl over so fifty dollars.”

“Mom never…”

He smiles and cuts me off. “Yes okay you can deal with you having Kaylee stay over or I can.”


Okay so there’s a definite upside to this but it’s…sigh. Him and the money or dealing with Mom.


I nearly physically hurts getting taken like that. He takes the money I pulled from my now nearly barren wallet and gives me that Dad smile. That age and treachery smile.

I sigh and walk away nursing my wallet to go talk to Cheyenne who’s actually had picking blueberries into some of the sandwich bags.

“You’re not sick of them yet?”

“Nope, I’m stocking us up.”

“Okay, why?”

“For when we go back to you home. I want to have some frozen for when we want them and I want to make some things or try to make somethings with them.”

“You don’t have them home?”

“No we have to bring them in like a lot of things and that’s kind of a bother so we just eat the local stuff which is still good just these are a treat.”

“Okay, actually I don’t mind them either since it’s just the end of the summer thing here for us too.”

Cheyenne looks at me. “So…Kaylee’s staying over huh.”

“Looks like it are you sure that you’re okay with this?”

She looks at me again and it’s that sort of exasperated with the girl guy vibe coming off of her. I raise my hands. “Sorry…sorry I just wanted to be sure.”

Shy sighs. “It’s okay; it must be a Shuani thing…”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well I’m female but Tuani and I’m not stressing over this, but you’re a guy but Shuani and you’re all girl stressing over the whole deal so…”

I slide my hips to one side and set on hand on them and the other one I’m giving her the finger.

Shy gives me this hungry guy look that actually gives me some shivers and she smiles. “More than enough time for that Dylan.”

“Uhm…yeah…so where will you…”

“I’ll crash with Jax.”

“He might…”

“No, he won’t I’ve been sort of pulling his feelings he has towards me more towards how he feels about friends.”

“Empathic friendzoning?”

“It’s actually way better than rejection to the friend zone verbally. He likes me sure and the thing is your brother’s kind of a guy-slut. And that’s semi okay it’s biology but me guiding that like and want to screw her auto response into hey she’s a cool chick is better because we’ll actually be friends.”

“Isn’t that like mind control?”

“No, I can’t make him do thinks or even think things I’m just taking what he’s feeling and turning his instinct to be with a girl he likes and putting it in his mental file box he uses for his friends.”


“I’m not hurting his feelings if anything he needs a few actual female friends instead of ex’s and people he’s dated if just for perspective.”

“It’s still sort of changing him.”

“It is but so is interacting with someone this, this is on a different level.”

“But you could do bad stuff with things like this.”

“Dylan you…anyone can do bad things even without our abilities its intent.”

“Okay but just…”

“Look he likes me as a friend right now anyways; it’s just that I’m taking out the sex factor between us.”

“Oh well that’s better then.”

“Okay? We good?”

“Yeah sorry it’s just so much to process and with the things you did today…”

“Aaah…yeah sorry for freaking you out but that was me sort of in fight mode.”

“Sort of?”

“Oh yeah we can do more and a lot worse if we really have to. HAVE to Dylan not want to. Think of what I did as our powers letting us do all those crazy old martial master stuff.”

“Okay it’s just a little bit…”


“Yeah…it just drove that home.”

“We are human Dylan just different is all.”

“Okay…just it’s going to take time.”

“I know, trust me it’ll take all your life.”


“Feeling when to or not to, learning and mastering it and all of that it’s a lifelong experience for all of us Dylan but you will get more used to it.”

“Oh good.”

I lean down and kiss her. “I’m going to go check on my girlfriend.”

“Oh so she’s you’re girlfriend then what am i?”

“You’re my boyfriend of course.”

Cheyenne’s grinning and she/he goes back to hand picking berries.

I head over to Kaylee and she’s smiling and yet a bit frowny.

“What’s up?”

“I can stay over but my mom is so not happy with me and you. She’s very put out with this being me being away from then with my lesbian boyfriend.”

I hug her. “Hey, not everyone is cool with people being people…it sucks but she’s at least trying.”

“Yeah, my dad likes you sort of…you’re respectful. He said use protection and don’t spend all your money.”

“Sound advice and pretty much what my Dad said too.”

“But what about your mom?”

“Mom’s a bit more protective you might get taken aside for some of talk or something.”

“Oh crap.”

I hug her until Jax and the others are ready and we dog pile into the car…oh…as Jax’s friend Shy get’s shotgun and isn’t squished in the back with five others.

I’d be pissed but I’ve got Kaylee on my lap and my arms around her touching and holding onto soft and fun bits as we go her place first to pick up her things.

We’re all starving by the time we get back to the cottages.

*(Arrowhead NSA facility.)

Agent Marc Foster walked through in his first tour of the place and it was very odd. Built like a copy of the NORAD bunker this place had full security and then some. He was stopped by another agent who checked his ID’s and was wearing a black SWAT helmet.

They passed him one too and flipped a switch.

“What’s that?”

“It’s your tinfoil hat.”


“It’s protection, so they don’t climb into your head.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’ll see Agent Foster, you’ll see.”

They actually went in really deep, deep enough to need a golf cart and he was then taken down many more levels in an elevator until they reached a detention block.

He saw guards and techs and all wearing the helmets too but as far as he could tell there was just the one cell.

“Just one cell?”

“One per prisoner, one per floor.”


“Unshielded, too close together they can link up and help each other.”

“I don’t understand, who can?”

The unnamed agent flicked a switch and the lights came on in the cell and there was a guy? Maybe one of those trans things but they were in a straight jacket and sitting on a bed with long dark hair and these really ultra intense blue eyes and they were staring at both of them and there wasn’t even a flinch from the darkness to the bright lights.

“So who is he?”

“She, as far as we can tell this one’s mostly female.”

“Mostly?” He frowned.

“Yes, tests have told us that they’re a nearly perfect blend of both genders.”


“You’re looking at an alien.”

“Aliens aren’t real.”

“Oh I assure you that they are and they’re been here a long time infiltrating our planet.”

“So why is she here?”

“Other than colonizing our planet and our country?”


“I don’t know, she hasn’t broken yet.”

“What have you tried?”

“Everything but surgeries.”

Agent Foster looked at the other agent. Did he mean torture?

The “woman” in the cell nodded looking right at him.

“She just…”

“Yes, apparently we can only jam them so much.”

“So how do we know what we know?”

“Some weren’t as strong as this one.”

“So why was I picked for this again?”

“Your work in HS for one and the fact that you have a combat record stating that you are polygraph resistant and have been tortured before. Not everyone can handle working here. Or in the field.”

“In the field?”

“We have a device…a sort of detector for them using their powers in a big way.”


“They have these crystals that they use as batteries and others as focuses. Our machine can sometimes tell when these things are active on the ley lines.”

“Ley lines? Wait isn’t that witchcraft bullshit?”

“Yeah but think of it as the earth’s lines of EM energy they use it and tap it and we’re getting so where we can be able to see sometimes when they do.”

“And I’ll be headed there to bring them in?”


“And then?”

“Then we determine if the threat that we’ve learned of is true.”


“We have witnesses, witnesses from their world that came over here.”

“More aliens?”

“No human’s just like us but survivors from their Earth.”

“Their Earth?”

“Yes, one where their world escalated into a global nuclear war and all manipulated by these creatures here the so called next evolution of humanity…”

“How can we trust these people?”

“Because they were all dying when the got here. All of them and they contacted us first as soon as they came through.”


“They’re all dead except for one of them who survived their treatments.”

“Oh…and we still believe them?”

“We’ve been chasing these things for almost twenty years Agent Foster, trust me they are indeed lethal and dangerous and if they meant us no harm then why are they hiding? They’re out there and they’re causing humanities fall…just look at now compared to the eighties…our economy, terrorism, it’s all connected.”

Agent Foster felt his blood run cold…he loved America but he had seen it turn crazy and almost unpatriotic and then there were all the things that happened…if these things could get in your head…others.

He turned and glared at the thing in the cell and “She” glared back.

“I’m more than ready to do my part sir.”

“Good, let’s get you in to meet the general and get you fully briefed.”

They started to leave when some of the guards moved and “She” was up against the plated glass of her cell staring at them and she whispered to them in a voice that had been lacking water for quite a while.

“You have no power over me, I will go home Donald…Marc…”

She stared and he couldn’t break her gaze it was that intense until he was pulled away and his head started to pound.


I stare at then until they leave…They’ll come soon the gas is already filling my cell…I meant what I said. They don’t have power over me no matter what they do to me.

My power is elsewhere…with Stevie…and with Dylan…my Shua-bonded and my son…

I cough and fight the effects of the tranq-gas as much as I can.

~I’ll get free…I’ll find you both…~


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