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Love and Old Books…Finale
It changed everything that weekend and I mean it changed everything…
I will remember that night forever but the next day too. I woke up and it was chilly even with it being summer but the smell of the water coming in off the beach was still heavy in the air and there’s nothing like it really the smell of salt water that close. It mixed with the sounds of the waves hitting the beach and the smell of us, of Valerie sleeping there beside me.
I rubbed some more thankful, so thankful wetness from my eyes with my thumb and then I rolled over and spooned her wrapping an arm around her and the blankets and just holding her.
Smelling her skin, her hair.
There are some perfect moments in this world.
Part of me wants to do the gallant thing and get up and make her breakfast in bed and another part of me just wants to be her with her holding her. I opt for staying put right where I am because it’s so nice just right here and actually I never thought ahead to making breakfast here at the cottage so there’s the leftover lobsters and some salad fixings left.
I just stay there until I am rewarded with her waking up and I hear that little yawny breathe and the Mmmm…and the sigh as she shuffles back into me more.
“Thank god.” She sort of says sleepily.
“Hmmm what?”
“I was sort of scared last night was a dream.”
“No, it was real and it was beautiful.”
“Yeah it really was Ryan; it was the best weekend of my life.”
“Yeah…before this I was alone. And when I was transitioning the few people that I screwed up enough courage to be with weren’t healthy people to be around.”
“I get that, I’ve had some really bad ex’s.”
“Mine…well when you’re going through things like I was your self esteem takes some really bad hits…when people treat you and tell you stuff for so long it starts to stick.”
“I’ve been there…not as bad but I’ve been there.”
“I’ve been so broken deep down for so long Ryan I don’t know what to do now.”
“Well…how about shower and then we get ready and head out and stop somewhere for a nice breakfast?”
She rolls over and we’re looking at each other and it’s really open and it’s really shy and hard too. I meant it when I say I get some of what she’s talking about. I can only imagine what she’s been through just so she could finally be herself.
I am going to make it better…I can’t fix that stuff for her but maybe I can be worth it? I want to be worth it. I’m not prince charming or any of that stuff but maybe I can be the person…
I want to be the person who carries her off that ride she’s so sick of being on. Y’know when life’s just been so extra lifey that all you want to do is get off that ride because it stopped being fun a long time ago.
I reach over and brush some of her hair out of her eyes and I lean in and softly kiss her…those sweet little over and over kisses until she does this cute little satisfied sigh from her nose.
We get up and share a few more kisses and we’re even shy about being naked in front of each other out of the bed so sheets it is.
Women…or maybe the right woman can take something as simple as a bed sheet and make it look beautiful on her.
She’s getting the water hot in the shower when I sneak a picture of her like that the blanket tucked around her and her hair messy but not it’s more just hanging down in this really natural way…and she’s just stunning like that. Yes I’m biased definitely but even artistically it’s true.
I know I should’ve asked but she might have been shocked or too self conscious to get just this shot. I’m taking picture more since I’ve started seeing Val. I want them; I want connection and want for us to have history.
I put the camera away and take my turn in the shower while she’s getting dressed and her make up on. We leave the sign for the place to be made up by the staff here and I take the rest of the food with us I bought fifty dollars worth of lobsters and getting them off the dock like dad did instead of the lobster pound let me get about a dozen small markets or medium lobsters and we used only four of them last night. I take a couple of garbage bags there from under the sink and fill them with some ice from the fridge and put the bag of lobsters in there until I can get to by a styrofoam cooler.
I do take the trash outside of the cottage though because I don’t know when they come to do the place up and I don’t want to leave that smell there.
I stop by the office to get my deposit and we head off to get some breakfast. There’s a nice little sort of mom and pop coffee shop we pass as we’re driving through town and we stop there and we have blueberry French toast and coffee. I’m not a huge fan of blueberries having raked a ton of them as a kid but at the same time when their done right.
This is really thick cut bread that’s been pre-toasted and then they soak it in the egg before frying it on the flat top then they slice it partway open and they put some cream cheese inside and when they serve it it’s with like stewed blueberries like a blueberry short cake and they toss some fresh ones on to finish it and some powdered sugar to garnish it.
We get a few slices of bacon on the side and we split one order of the French toast because it’s really huge like a two inch thick slice of homemade bread. It’s really good though and I might just steal the idea.
Good coffees and a bathroom break and we’re good until we get to Borden where the Confederation Bridge is and we stop for gas there and I get a cooler for the lobsters.
I know this neck of the province really well so I get off the bridge and take a right at the overpass and head out through the old roads that take you up through the real southern most part of the Acadian coast. It’s a neat drive if you’ve never been with the fishermen’s homes and the drying and smoking houses in Petit-Cap or as the locals call it Little cape and then into Cap-Pele which is another bigger village and home to some lobster men and some herring processors and a crab plant but also Bell-Aire take out.
It’s open so I stop in with her and it’s changed a little it’s a bit bigger now but still that M’mere and Gran-Pere places that do old hand cut fish and chips and have been for three generations. It’s not the fish though as good as it is here but the clams…local picked and shucked cherry stone or belly clams and just done right…like make you eyes roll back in your head right.
Dad always stopped here and so did I as a teenager when we’d go to see bands just up the old road in Shediac…I saw Bryan Adams and Meatloaf and Loverboy place in Shediac at Parlee beach. But we always came here for the food. Actually the food here even then is that good I saw Kim Mitchell here out on the patio back then with his band back when he had “Patio lanterns.” On the charts.
While we’re waiting I’m telling her about some of the stuff I used to do down here and the things we saw as kids and show her some of the pictures they have behind the counter of people who’ve stopped here that are famous.
Valerie likes the clams though not her favorite thing which is good to know but she eats all of her fries and half of mine. Yeah I think fries are a girl thing but these are perfect with those dark brown edges but the rest being just this dark golden color and they’re seasoned with Acadian seasoning…mostly salt and white pepper but there’s some sugar there too and a little onion powder…not enough to notice unless you know that it’s in it but it does make you go hmmm…when you eat a chip.
I really should call them chips, they’re not fries these are hand cut with a paring knife here no chip maker here.
It’s a bit early but it’s a well worth it pit stop.
Shediac…we’ll I drive through it and Shediac is nice but it’s really touristy but I do stop us off at the giant lobster for pictures. It’s the thing for the town, it’s a lobster fishing town so they have this huge concrete lobster there that is enameled and painted to look like the real thing.
That she loves.
The rest is pretty much hitting the highway once we get to Moncton and then it’s a long drive home so a stop for a coffee and a bathroom break and we head back home with the windows down some and the stereo playing.
It’s just past seven when we pull into her place and we sit and we look at each other.
“I had a really great time Ryan…”
“I did too; part of me doesn’t really want this to stop.”
“I know but…it’s…I don’t want to rush this and jinx it.”
I lean over and kiss her softly. “We won’t, we just take it slow and get past stuff like this.”
“Not knowing what to do or say after the weekend we had. I have no idea what to do right now.”
Valerie laughs a bit and smiles as she tilts her head back closing her eyes. “Thank god it wasn’t just me.”
“No not just you I pulled up here and my brain said now what? And promptly shut off.”
“Well you’re doing pretty good.”
“You’re worth striving for.”
“Ryan……” Her eyes widened and her breath caught… “No I’m…”
“You’re amazing, and funny and smart and quirky and beautiful.”
“No I not I’m a mess inside and out!” She’s getting embarrassed and blushing and sort of hiding her face in her hands but she’s sort of smiling too through all of it.
“I’m messed up; life’s messy Valerie we make a pretty good fit if that’s the case.”
“But I’m…”
I cut her off with a leaned forward long deep kiss and break it when we’re running out of air. “Yes, yes you are.”
“Ryan…” She says my name with a breathy sigh and it is such a sound…
We kiss again and soon it’s more and more kissing and it’s the desperate lonely people kissing falling into that almost teenaged dating making out kissing and before long we’re there in the dark together and she finally stops me.
“I’m sorry…sorry but I have to work tomorrow…” She’s breathless and beautiful and her make up’s a mess and she still looks perfect.
“Okay…yeah me too.”
I help her out of the car and get the bags and she’s hurrying downstairs way ahead of me and we hit a milestone in Us…a funny one too and some people don’t think it’s big but you get to another spot in a relationship when the person you’re with goes to the bathroom and you know it.
I break out laughing when she says out loud. “Ohhh…damn too much coffee.”
The eep she did and then the giggling after was pretty awesome too. We kiss and she walks me back upstairs to the car and have another kiss.
I turn to leave and then turn and walk the few steps I took away and kiss Valerie deeply and passionately and over and over leaning us against her doorway until we get to that need to come up for air thing again.
I think my eyes are glassy from that whole high of kissing her and being with her and I walk backwards to my car while she watches me and I open the car door. “I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch?”
I get in and I head home and after unpacking my stuff and putting the lobsters in the fridge I hit the bed and sort of partly sleep…partly dream of Val and partly miss her already.
I sleep in a little late…I did wake up early and for a bit I wavered over the phone and calling her to see if she needed picked up to go to work. But I really don’t want to push it or to smother the embers we have no matter how hot they seem right now.
So I get to work on some of my orders and even start working on several other things that I want to try to make and that I need to sell.
And I spend some time on my computer too mostly looking for some of the things that I want…
God am I crazy already I’m thinking as I pre-order…Brilliant Earth…heart shaped…yes…okay just the stone first. I reserve that and I’ll get the size later.
Okay after that I needed a drive so I went to get just a few things that I need.
I make lobster rolls for her and some for the girls at her work. To me one of the jobs a boyfriend should do is to do unexpected cool or caring things so that she can be all yay! And then make them sort of jealous too.
I get a good sub bun for her from Subway subs and I bought some soft dinner rolls at the grocery store and a can of shrimp and some real butter and some celery salt and some cream cheese and some potato chips.
My grandmother on my Dad’s side made the best lobster rolls and I’ve never forgotten them first you take the canned shrimp and drain them a bit you still want it fairly damp and you mash it to smooth bits with a fork and then you add a teaspoon of sugar…yes you want this slightly sweet thing going on…it doesn’t stay sweet since you add the shrimp can full of mayo/miracle whip to the mixture and a little bit of black pepper and a quarter cup of the cream cheese. I just loosely mix it and let it sit. The flavors all mix and the sugar gets mostly blended away. While that’s going on I put butter and some of the celery salt in the microwave and melt it.
Then it’s just shucking out the lobster meat and I put on a pot of water for the shells and bodies to make stock…lobster doesn’t freeze well not even cold packs but the stock does and that’ll make a kick butt chowder sometime. And at the price I’m still not tossing it away.
Sorry off track…
I brush the rolls with the melted butter and the celery salt and toast them and the sub bun and not lettuce just the lobster…but it’s all big chunks and by the time it stir it all in their coated in this cream cheese sweetened shrimp mixture and that shrimp just sort of pushes it over that line of good to great with the hint of celery without the celery and the butter and the toasty and everything.
I make Val’s the sub-bun which is the honey oat whole wheat one and cut on the bias with two sections and a couple of lobster tails I save out just for her and a big handful of potato chips in a little sandwich baggy and put it into a Tupperware container and do the same with these little two by two inch dinner rolls mini lobster rolls and a separate container for the rest of the chips and I head in a bit early.
I get three red roses in a mini bouquet thing too really quickly at the flower shop and head inside about five minutes or so before her break.
“Hey you.” I say when I come up to the nurse’s station with a smile and she comes over with a smile and there’s some interested and nosy looks.
“Hey…” She smiles this big smile seeing me. It feels so good getting that smile, when someone that you’re in love with is happy to see you. “You’re early?”
“Just a little, I wanted to catch you while the other girls were around.”
“Yeah, I made dinner and I thought it’d be neighborly if I dropped off a little something for the girls here too so they wouldn’t feel left out.”
“Oh what?”
I pass her the Tupperware for them and the thing with the chips inside. Valerie takes it and she opens it and coos. “Lobster rolls!”
“I have yours right her and…” I pass her the three roses. She takes them blushing and smiling and there’s that look of this teenaged girl in her eyes like she’s getting to show off in front of all the other girls.
I kiss her long and sweetly. “Thank you for the amazing weekend on The Island.” Oh if you’re from here when people say The Island they assume its P.E.I. She kisses me back and she takes my arm and we head out. The other nurses are already tearing into the mini-rolls and we wave as we head outside to sit on the bench and I turn the radio on and she kisses me pressing me against the car.
“You know that you’re wonderful right?” God I could live forever in that light there coming off of her.
“You did this on purpose didn’t you?”
“Yes…” I grin at her.
“No one’s ever done anything like this for me Ryan ever…” She’s smiling but tearing up and I wipe them away.
“Well that’s their damned stupidity, I can see a beautiful amazing woman that makes me feel happy, really happy for the first time in a long, long time…You deserve to be treated and cared for.”
“No one’s cared before until now.”
I hug her tight and pull her into a kiss and sit us down in our spot at the bench. “Just because no one had Valerie it doesn’t mean that you never deserved it.”
“You my girl have a nice butt.” She giggles and blushes. I smile at her and tuck some hair away. “You’ve always deserved to be treated like this Val.”
She ducks her head and blushes and I hold her for a bit before opening her food and waving it under her nose. “These are my dad’s mother’s recipe.”
She liked them.
……………………………………That was our big weekend and the start of the big stuff in our relationship. It was also when we started to stop questioning the how we just seemed to click together and just start to just enjoy each other.
We still ended up working me getting my stuff out and then taking the odd on-call in job at shops and even doing some dog carts. No…I’m not being cliché but they’re for dogsledders…they train their dogs in cold fall weather off season so it’s sort of like a dogsled with wheels. They sell them online in a few places and there’s none close by and with northern New Brunswick only a few hours away plus Maine and Quebec being close I make some pretty quick money welding together a few and selling them a hundred to a hundred and twenty bucks cheaper than average.
Mine are recycled scrap metals that I get from various places when I’m looking for other parts for my pieces when I don’t want to order something. Old mountain bike frames are good for this.
Money’s kind of needed more than usual now.
But even working and with the her at the store we have a pretty decent amount of time together since I’m able to work when I want to being self employed. Okay sometimes it’s three in the morning but sometimes that’s when I do my best work.
But the old days of just working to keep busy are fading fast.
It’s really nice to have a life…to have somebody. We stay close to each other and close to home during the week Val works eight shifts on then six days off every two weeks and she gets at least every second weekend off so that’s great and she has the store open during the evenings after she gets off work so I’m usually over there and we do actually read stuff together as much as we make out.
I wonder what the customers think of the couch behind the cash now. We spend a lot of time there. We have a stereo and a laptop there too and some of the best evenings I think are the ones where she’s lying there with me and we’re watching some movies or just reading.
I actually have showed her some really great books too. The Xanth novels have her giggling and even snorting a little.
Giggly girl snorts are adorable especially when she gets all embarrassed and covers her face after doing that.
Everything is fun, better.
You know how many things you don’t do just because you’re alone and feel what’s the point. Valerie is….even when we’re apart we’re together. Facebook some times, PM’s and e-mails even just on speaker phone sometimes.
But there’s so much I want to do with her, to show her. Have with her too.
We go biking sometimes just because we can and it’s way more fun together. Not cycling…that’s a sport we just hop on regular bikes and go. Not that there’s anything wrong with the other. Actually Valerie knows a lot about that and she follows it sometimes.
We do lazy things like go for long walks or spend a Saturday morning in Elliot’s this little hipster popular café and we nurse coffees and sit on the love seat there and read the Saturday newspapers deciding on what to do the rest of the day.
Sometimes Sundays are the farmers market or yard sales. I actually like both because the farmers markets support local stuff a whole lot so it just feels good to shop there and yard sales sometimes have things that I want for work. Like those old decorated tin TV dinner tables. Valerie actually came up with the thought of making them into lunch boxes by bending them. So now you can find them on my website to buy.
She’s got a good eye for things like deals and clothes and quilts and stuff and me…I love holding her hand and us just being us as we do these things.
It was a month though after our weekend trip to the island before we slept together again. Yes really…who’s place? When? After? All that stuff really. We tried it at my place first…the whole thing was nice but she hates my bed. Actually my bed fit’s the rest of my place and the whole guy place look and feel of it. All the other times have been me staying over at her place and even though it’s small it’s Val’s.
I could sleep forever in that bed with her.
Big step two came in September when I take my bed back and the couch and the chairs to the store. They’re still on payments but they’re pretty good about it. The sales guy gets that single guy furniture isn’t couples furniture.
So I get Valerie to help me pick out stuff with me we both like.
I swear the little things like that makes her so happy.
I do get why, and making her happy and her letting me know…it means a lot.
Yes…a lot. I’m that insecure that her telling me when I did good matters a whole lot. I’ll never really admit it just like every other guy out there but to me after some bad relationships and a youth and teen life of not being one of the accepted guys. I can’t really put into words the way it feels when she looks at me and she’s happy…and hearing it…
I had some…some of the ex’s were the this is owed me type of girls and a couple were sort of nice but at the same time…distant?
All I’ve ever wanted was give and take, fifty-fifty…someone who’s as grateful to have me and of the things that I do as I am of having her in my life and all the things she does for me.
When I look over ay her and she’s getting something from some little old lady at a yard sale table and looks over at me and just smiles at me because…just because. It will hit me so hard that I’m so much in love with her It hurts…that achy good being brought to tears oh my god experience.
She gives me that smile because we’re picking out furniture together.
It’s why I try stuff with her…
Date weekend in Moncton to go to the bowling alley over in Riverview just so we can go on an actual roller-skating date. But Moncton’s great for the whole weekend with Magnetic Hill…it’s an optical illusion where you put the car in neutral and you seem to be going uphill by coasting. I haven’t been there since I was like seven or eight and the same for her. Then there’s the zoo there and it’s worth it just to see the animals and to walk together with her through the place. There’s shopping at Champlain Mall and pizza from Vito’s which is a landmark place to eat in Moncton and honestly only iffy unless you get their pepperoni pizza. Thin crust, lots of sauce, and their house pepperoni which is on it in two ways ground up almost like hamburger and their four inch wide slices…there’s a lot of bars in Moncton so we actually went out bar hopping and dancing taking cabs and having fun with people we don’t know that first night we were there.
It was fun, I’m not a drinker not anymore and neither is Val but we had enough for a fun night that we hadn’t had for at least five years for me and seven for her since either of us went to a bar.
She looks damned good in a little black dress and stockings and heels.
Actually it was my first time with a girl that wore stockings and the garter belt and the sexy fancy playboy bunny lingerie. It was the first time a woman had ever given me oral sex too…All I can say is wow…no WOW and really that doesn’t cover it at all.
Saturday night I returned the favor for my first time too and just like I’d have said last night. She said it was an intimate thing she thought she’d never get to try. She was so nervous and scared…because of the way she used to be she didn’t know if it’d be okay.
It was more than okay, actually the way she moved and cried out once she started to feel things over her nervousness was such a turn on. I think I did good…I’ve read a lot of steamy porn stories in my years with more than enough long drawn out slow scenes to try some of that myself.
Guys…if she’ll let you do…
And staying at the Delta Moncton, which was bought and renamed that but it’s the oldest and nicest hotel in Moncton meant a really nice bed and sleeping in that Sunday morning with room service. That was another first for both of us having room service together and being all romantic and loving and we even made love again that morning before getting showered and heading home.
October came fast and it was one of the best months I had in a long, long time…First we did Thanksgiving together at my place. There’s only the two of us but we cooked a turkey anyway. I did stuff from home where my house was right across the yard from my dads folks and we’d all eat over at my grandparents.
Val cried.
Fighting most of her youth with being different for who she was she didn’t have a lot of good family holiday memories. It was just more people telling her she was wrong being who she was. You shouldn’t get picked on by your cousins for being gay and your parents should at least stand the hell up for you when your Aunt tells your mother she shouldn’t have ever had you.
I slid my arms around her as she was setting up the table…she had stopped and had been just sitting there lost in thought and bad memories. I know they were the bad ones…her eyes get a shade darker almost when she’s hurting like something’s clouding over the light inside her.
“I kind of pretty much hate your family.”
She sort of bitter laughed. “Yeah me too…I’m sorry just sometimes it’s all still there…”
“You never have to be sorry honey. It’s part of who you are and I love who you are.”
“Even the broken stuff huh…Ryan I don’t even know how to have a functional holiday.”
“Yes even with all the broken stuff. I get to hold you and kiss you…(I kiss the nape of her neck.)…and give you presents.”
“Yeah…” I kiss the nape of her neck again and smile on her skin and take out a ring box. “I though since we’re really going steady and then some and I really am so thankful that this would be a nice thing for us.”
Her breath catches and she open the box. No, it’s not the big engagement ring thing but the first jewelry I bought her, I bought us and in the box are two Claddagh rings. His and hers in the silver band style and that celtic braid style around it. I had inscribed inside. ~You’ll always be holding my heart.~
“I thought that the words fit both of us.”
“Ryan…” Her voice gets all shaky and weepy.
I hold my hand out. “How about it?”
She nods and she’s all tears and sniffles and shaking hands that are wiping at her eyes as she takes the men’s ring and slides it on my finger. She even takes my hand and kisses it holding onto it and I tighten my hug around her and kiss the nape of her neck again. I softly say “I Love You Valerie.” while I’m pressed there so she can feel my words on her skin.
She starts to break down and cry…both good crying and bad crying and I sit us on our couch we picked out and pull her into my lap. I hold her and take the ring for her and slide it on her hand and she shudders and bawls some more.
(Sniffle-sobs.) “I…I..I Love You too!” More crying and a muffled. “M’surry…” into my chest.
I smile and even chuckle a little because I know why and what she means. “It’s fine honey, you know the holding you, the tears, the shoulder…I want all of that Valerie…I want to be the guy you can go to and cry the hurt out every bit as much as I want to be the guy who makes you smile.”
(Sniffle-sob.) “I Lubb yew.”
“I know. I love you too.”
We were there for awhile and Valerie actually cried herself to sleep and I settled her on the couch and covered her in one of the quilts we bought yard saleing and I head into the kitchen to make Thanksgiving dinner.
Dad’s turkey recipe…crispy bacon chopped up with pears and fresh sage and a little thyme and chunks of butternut squash. I peel and core the pears it’s all supposed to flavor the bird but also be a mash too. I peel but put whole carrots on the bottom of the roaster like a rack and then add apple cider for the liquid and salt and pepper the turkey. Cover it in tin foil shiny side in and put it in the bottom oven.
I make potatoes for mashed potatoes and use some to make potato dressing. That’s a favorite of mine. Mashed up potatoes, cream, some fine diced white onion, a little sage and a little thyme some salt and black pepper and a handful of dried summer-savory. That gets all mashed and put in a casserole dish to get baked off in the oven.
We never really did the green bean casserole thing or the baked sweet-potatoes with the marshmallows. I do have some frozen mixed veggies as a side just so it’s kinda healthy and stuff and I make homemade cranberries. Just water, fresh cranberries a cup of sugar in the slow cooker and my secret…raspberry jello mix. See it changes the flavor just a little but it sets up when it’s cool and you can slice it or spoon it for leftover sandwiches.
I cheated for dessert and bought it from the bakery downtown. A big pumpkin pie and an apple pie and yes there’s ice cream and canned whipped cream too.
She looked so amazing when she food sniffed her way into the kitchen still sort of sleepy and with her hair messed up and her eyes still a little red…yeah really she was rubbing her eyes with her hands and when she looked at me from the kitchen doorway she gave me that look that just…
Everything I’ve ever been through or will go through she’s worth it.
Just yeah…
We ate in the living room instead of the dining room table covered in the quilts denned up together watching movies together.
Pretty in pink, Say Anything, A Walk to Remember, The Princess Bride…
We dozed turkey sedated and snuggled in tightly and it really was a perfect thanksgiving.
…..Her next day she worked after the holiday weekend I sent her flowers to her in the morning with the note saying. “I am so Thankful to love you Valerie.”
Yes I did it to be both sweet and for bragging points.
………………………………..Then it was Halloween as we put up big signs and decorated the store and we had trick or treaters coming there. We played movies and music and dressed up. I went as Frankenstein and she dressed as Jessica Rabbit. After ten we went to the Bellton FD Halloween ball a charity dance and just had a really good night.
………………………November, November was good busy but good I had a lot of rush orders and a lot of money going out…gold and getting a stone set isn’t cheap. But it was really worth it.
But as busy as we were we did one major thing…
She rolls over and looks at me. “Hmm…”
“December’s coming.”
“Mmm…yeah…what do you want for Christmas Ry?”
“You already got me babe.”
I pull her close to me. “I know but I want you home.”
“I am home?” She stares at me until it clicks and her eyes go wide. “You mean…”
“Yes, move in with me. I want our first Christmas together to be our first Christmas together.”
She kisses me and presses to me and rolls me over so she’s on top…she only stops kissing me to pull off her night shirt.
“That’s a yes?”
The rest of the month besides working was moving and getting things settled. As a guy you sort of lose some stuff in the what we’ll keep thing but it’s not a big deal most of my stuff is our stuff and our collections kind of blend together.
One of the bedrooms that was sort of storage we make into our library…stereo, really great bookshelves a nice comfy couch and a chair so we can have our own little nerd zone and sort of have a company friendly living room.
We’re actually still in touch with some of the people we met that weekend in Moncton. Mostly online but hey you never know and we both have some work friends too.
And the stuff we’re not keeping as ours goes in her basement place and we rent it out as a furnished apartment. It actually didn’t take long to rent it either when you list it in an LGBT site. Yeah there’s some bigoted landlords out there. Actually their rent with utilities covers two thirds of her mortgage now and to have more us time she hires a part time girl.
…………………….Then December….we got the tree, the wreath, we decorated and did the lights. Valerie baked…I can cook but other than a boxed cake mix I can’t bake too well. Valerie can bake and for the first time in her life she’s doing Christmas baking.
She was never allowed to before…and since thanksgiving it’s like she’s taking some stuff back for herself. No we’re not eating half of the stuff there’s parties and presents we’re doing up, some for work both hers and mine and even the store.
She bought a huge bunch of Harry Potter books online for cheap used and she put them on sale but made Hogwarts in the shop window out of gingerbread. The entire month she’s just so alive…and I’m falling in love even more and even deeper.
Okay you want a good Christmas date? Val took me out and we had Christmas songs on her phone and a basket of Christmas cookies to pass out and a thermos of hot chocolate and a blanket and she got us on the back bench seats of the city bus and we snuggled in and kissed cuddled listen to music and passed out cookies while we went round and round the town on the bus looking at the Christmas lights.
It was perfect and awesome and corny as heck and I loved it. I love that stuff…I want to do this every Christmas…
She gets me.
We have a really good Christmas not a lot of presents because we really don’t need much but we still buy little things…okay maybe not little things but it was really fun to see her gush over her easy bake oven and those kits to make the friendship bracelets. I got her a stuffed teddy bear too and it took her awhile to notice the gold necklace heart pendant around it’s neck.
I love Val’s happy Squee sound she makes out of pure joy.
She bought me some really nice things too. A steam punk pocket watch and a Dr. Who colored scarf that was wrapped around this huge DVD boxed set. A nice leather jacket and black steel toed boots made by Harley Davidson.
It was a very cool Christmas.
We actually didn’t cook that much beyond the baking and instead we bought Kentucky fried chicken as a treat for us since we’d been actually not hitting the fast food. There’s never really been the need since we both like making meals together having really missed stuff like that in life.
We went out for New Years actually not just out but away. Down to Halifax were we stayed at the Sheraton hotel and casino and they hold a big party there and we spent that nice gambling a little but mostly dancing and actually getting all dressed up.
Valerie in her first evening gown/real cocktail dress looking amazing and me in the first tuxedo I’ve ever worn. It was swanky and expensive and it went on my credit cards…but so worth it. All dressed up and so was everyone else and these great big windows they have where we can watch the fireworks.
Champagne and the count down and everything…the whole dream.
I’ll never regret the cost and it was one of those fairy tale moments in life. And really, really…if you could, even if you’d have to work your butt off to pay it off wouldn’t you just to say that you did?
It was another amazing weekend.
I bought the tux and her dress we’re keeping those.
………………………….January…was work and life and winter…it’s so nice being able to not have to go to work and her being off and just rolling over and spooning with her during a snowstorm.
Despite the work and the News Year trip we do take another weekend off and go to Crab Mountain to go skiing. Well I ski and try to teach her, we stay mostly on the bunny hill/kids slope but it’s still fun. I even try snow boarding.
I suck at snowboarding.
But seeing her laugh and giggle at me eating a face full of snow a dozen times…worth it. Her in her ski suit…worth it. But a small cabin with hot chocolate and a fireplace and her needing me to warm her up.
Worth it.
I smile when it came and I wrap it up really carefully.
Valentines day.
Valerie’s day.
I call it that because she loves it wistfully. She’s never had a valentine’s card given too her before or after ever in her life. She loves then just because of the idea of them, she always has. Always did.
I had to be a real sneak about this too. I begged and pleaded with some of her girls at work so someone had to be sick so she got called in the night before.
Three hundred dollars to a guy I know at the local cab company….
At the stroke of midnight as soon as it was valentines day a rose was delivered to her by cab with a valentine card on it saying ~I Am in Love with You.~
One AM…two roses, two valentines and so on.
She tries to call me only to get my voice mail and my message. “If this is the love of my life calling I’m afraid I’m too bust planning the rest of your surprises please leave a message at the tone.”
In an eight hour shift she sent me forty two messages and some were just sobbing happy crying.
The cab was there to drive her home in the morning.
*** Valerie…
I think my heart’s breaking it’s so full…I…I never thought Ryan existed. I never thought I’d meet someone like him.
Okay…I did and I thought I’d always get to see him walk past me not seeing me or just being turned ill by my past or…or that I’d drive him away by being so messed up.
I keep pinching myself all the time, fingering the Claddagh ring all the time. Sometimes I wake up just to watch him sleep…touch him so he doesn’t vanish.
The cab takes me home and I head into the house.
There’s a valentines card on the floor…and some rose petals too, and another card and another card like a trail into our bathroom.
I don’t hear him but there’s a steaming hot bubble bath ready for me, rose petals in the water and my red satin dress from New Years set out and my favorite things…my favorite perfume, make up, my and frankly his favorite lingerie.
There’s a glass or flute of champagne there too.
Just how much attention has he been paying to everything I….I already know…I love him so much it hurts…it hurts in the most amazing stunning take my breath away make my heart race way.
And he’s not a perfect guy…he’s been hurt, he’s got scars on the inside too and honestly I need that…someone not damaged…I’d been way too scared.
He’s that quiet, shy, romantic boy that wanted this but was pretty much told he wasn’t good enough.
I get that, get feeling like that…hell I went on meds for it. Yeah it went that deep.
But to see him shine like this, to see him get to be the guy that he wanted, needed to be actually was inside it just.
I never knew that being a woman was like this…I never though of me being that for somebody.
And now Ryan…and all this…
I take my bath and music starts playing as soon as I’m in the water and the bubbles. I can help but to smile…cry some too. It’s just so…My life has never been the movie with the happy ending.
I bath and get dressed, I take my time and really go all out to make myself as pretty as I can. My hands shake so much I have to redo my make up twice.
But when I come out…the only lights are candles…dozens of candles…he’s even got them in these little near globe glass bowl things in water…
It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite books. ~Even a hovel looks like a palace in candlelight.~
He’s read those books…bought them from my store when we first met.
I see Ryan there and he’s in his tuxedo and he looks so handsome in it. Just like my own Prince Darius…okay minus the sword but he’s holding a rose.
“Dance with me Val?”
I swallow. “Sure, I’d love to.”
We meet in the middle of our bedroom and we start to slow dance and the music changes to just the music and it sounds like it’s a country song…right now that doesn’t matter. Nothing matters really because of all of this.
Then Ryan clears his throat and he actually starts to sing to me as he’s holding me close and dancing with me…
Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone,
Or anything
I can hear your thoughts, I can see your dreams
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life,
with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do,
Baby I'm amazed by you.
The smell of your skin,
The taste of your kiss,
The way you whisper in the dark.
Your hair all around me,
Baby you surround me
Touch every place in my heart
And it feels like the first time
Every time.
I want to spend the whole night
In your eyes
I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life,
with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do,
Baby I'm amazed by you….
And I’m bawling my eyes out…It’s…It’s…Oh god!
He takes me gently in his hands and cups my wet face and runny make up and he kisses me…he kisses me over and over in the strongest, sweetest, most gentle way.
It’s the end of The Princess Bride Kiss…
He guides me over to our bed and helps me sit down before I fall down and after another kiss he passes me a present…wrapped in red velvet cloth and a satin ribbon it’s beautiful and I’m raccooning my eyes wiping away the tears so I can see.
I unwrap it as gently as I can.
I know it’s a book.
I love books.
Books and manga and even comics are the only reason I’m here…I was able to pick up a book, read a story and fall into it and out of the hell my life was before transitioning. I was her, I could be her, feel her feelings be the me I really was when everything else just wanted me to curl up and die.
It’s a big hard covered book in this pink-white marble swirl and on the cover is the picture of our two rings sitting place together on a valentine card and a rose behind them… The card says.
~My Valentine.~
I look inside and gasp…it’s one of those books you send pictures in and they make a book for you with them…I’ve seen wedding books and baby books made like this but nothing like this…the paper is colored pink and in this valentine heart shape are all these pictures of us or me from…from our weekend on P.E.I. on to New Years Eve and in each page he’s written things…sweet romantic things like little blurbs and even quotes too from some of our books, or movies and some are right from him.
The last page has a that heart and all it has in it is the words…
~Say yes.~
I look at him trying not to bawl again outright and he’s there in the candlelight in his tux with his own tears running down his face and he’s staring at me so…just with so much…
And he’s hold a diamond ring in front of me cut in this perfect little heart…
“Please Valerie…Be My Forever…Be My For-Always.”
I lose sight of him in the blur of tears and I nod over and over and he slips that ring over my shaking hand.
(Happy-Bawly-Sob.) “Y..Yes.”
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Thank Goodness!
I paid attention to the major tissue alert and was prepared!
Thanks Bailey for this so very sweet story of healing. :)
You're Welcome Grover!
I was really trying to nail the healing part along with the romantic side of things while hoping not to lose the readers in Ryan's POV.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
that was...
a hell of a wrap up to a great love story.
it even had a new turkey recipe in it. (do you do thanksgiving in october up there?)
thanks for sharing in with us.
Thanksgiving in Canada is a
Thanksgiving in Canada is a Monday in early October. Same day as Columbus Day in the states. And I want to try that lobster salad recipe, if I ever manage to have leftover lobster.
Great story, Bailey! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks Miranda:)
I'm really glad that you enjoyed the story and the recipes. You'll like the recipe it's really that little bit of sugar and the shrimp that hits that oh? What is that place. Though I do have lots of great recipes for lobster and seafood.
I've lived to one degree or another in every part of the Maritimes including Newfoundland.
*Huge Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Yes LoneWolf, There is a Turkey day:)
It's a much beloved holiday here and in October makes more sense to this Canuck. You guys are way too close to Christmas with it to me. Which one's more accurate I don't have a clue but it's pretty much the same minus the football and the parades.
Oh you can do the veg-rack thing with celery too. That's good for roast beef Jus or Gravy. 1/2'ed apples for pork.
*Hugs and Howls.*
Bailey Summers
Mmm, Lobster... <3
Oh Supreme Lord And Master Of Yummyness, your storytelling makes me orgasm like a glamorous Amazon with a strapon would if I were post-op... = )
*Post-Orgasmic HuggleSnoggleNuzzleyourcheekPurrsoftlyintoyourearHappytailswish* ^_^
That was a great compliment Extravagance:)
The Lobster recipe can be repeated too of course with shelled prawns though I suggest cutting every second tail in half or...adding just a little it of steamed white fish or a second can of shrimp or crab for body. The little bit of whitefish is cheaper.
I've lots of seafood recipes being raised in the culture:) I'm willing to share too.
*Great Big Huggles.*
Bailey Summers
sniffles and cries, and hits Bailey on the shoulder for making her weep like a little girl ....
thank you, Bailey. Cant really say much more.
Hugs Dotty:)
Thank You honey that's a huge compliment I'm so glad that you enjoyed this:)
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey a Proud Big Brother.
Bailey Summers
Wonderful, Happy Story
It just got more and more optimistic as our two characters fell deeper and deeper in love. It's been a good week for happy stories. Thank you Bailey.
I like Happy Stories especially for Love Stories.
I'm so glad that you liked this Portia. It was hard to get started in Mid-flu but it was worth it.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
wonderful and hope filled
My cheeks hurt from smiling so much once we started Valerie's view of Valentine's Day. I think I'm stuck with this smile for a while now, just like I'm stuck with the red sniffly eyes.
I'm a sucker for Really Happy Endings and this wonderful story delivered. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Bailey.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Ending it on Valerie's POV just felt right when I was finishing
it Jemima. I really liked writing this and showing off some of home and some RL bits and pieces places and feelings.
Thank You so much for the wonderful comment/compliment:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Damn you Bailey!!!!!!
Sitting in a Starbucks parking lot, bawling my eyes out.
Just.... Ow.
Sorry...Happy tears hopefully.
It's really a huge compliment though that you've said this.
*Huge Hugs*
Bailey Summers
What a fantastic love story!
Thank you!
You're so Welcome Abby:)
I'm really glad that you enjoyed this story and that it ended on the right happy notes for so many.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Now I need to go rehydrate.
*Blushes...* Coming from you that's a huge compliment.
You're such a great talent. I'm really glad you liked it that much:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Romance, thy name is Bailey!
There is just no competing with you, girl.
This story makes me say my name ... **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Yay! Does that mean I get all the prizes!?
Thank you seriously though. It really means a lot that you liked this so much. Coming from you it's a great compliment:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
"(Happy-Bawly-Sob.) “Y..Yes.â€"
Thanks soooo much!
That means a huge amount!
*Big Hugs for Little wings*
Bailey Summers
(Happy-Bawly-Sob.) “Y..Yes.â€!!!
Bailey, how do you do it? There's puddles on the floor from my eyes, l love this story. What I would give to have that feeling of love you so eloquently expressed here. Thank you Ms. Summers for sharing this with us all! Great Big Hugs, Taarpa
I think that all of these stories to our needful places.
I'm really glad that you enjoyed this story Ms. Taarpa and hope that we all get to find and feel something like this for ourselves sometime.
*Great Big Hugs Too*
Bailey Summers
It's all been said before
.... but I just read this story and couldn't help commenting to tell you how much I enjoyed every part of it.
It's the most romantic valentines day I have ever heard of even in books... and the ending was soooo beautiful I could feel the love!!
Thank you so much for sharing this vision of love and old books with us!!
Everything said above about how great this story is- is true and then some!!
Thank You so very, very much Amy.
I really enjoyed writing this so I'm really glad that you were caught up in this:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers