Antifreeze...Part 7.


Antifreeze…Part 7.

It’s the sound of the sizzle that wakes me up and the chatter of little voices and hearing Grams and Grammy being said from the kitchen. I open an eye to see Stacy looking at me still under the covers. I think she was watching me while I was sleeping.

“Yhgnn…Morning sis.” I yawn and oh…I’m feeling all of yesterday adding up on me still and the very unused to feeling of crashing in a pile on the floor.

“Morning….you look just so amazing when you sleep Shayne.”


“Huh? I need coffee you want to try that again?”

Stacy blushes. “No…not that I’m not Serr, but you look so….”



“I am a girl Stace.”

“I know and after seeing or rather not seeing that last night I get it but there’s part of me still hearing Shayne and my little brother is what I’m still getting….sorry?”

“Nah, its okay…we really still don’t know each other yet sis and I might have changed but your guy’s memories haven’t.”

“So we’re good?”

“Yeah we’re good.”

My eyes go big and feel two hands squeezing my breasts from behind. “Mmmm…I wanna get to know you better too…” I squeal and bat her hands away rolling over to stare at my snickering sister Sarah.


She starts snickering and I grab and tickle her and she screams then I’m screaming as Stacy starts in on me and then someone grabs a pillow and the it’s two on one as they double team me and I squawk for help and get reinforced by my niece and nephew. We’re all breathless and laughing by the time we’re done and there was a pillow casualty and there’s foam all over the floor.

I look up to see mom in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room leaning against the doorframe almost hugging it. She’s smiling and there’s tears in her eyes.


“I’m okay…I’m more than okay girls…it’s…it’s just been a long time since there’s been laughter in the house.”

I’m the first one but we all jump up and go over to hug her and even Stacy’s kids wriggle through to get a hold of a leg each. She’s crying and laughing as we all hug and tickle her too and Shawn comes over and hugs us all tightly in that guy way and we finally break for breakfast.

Chris and Uncle Roth are cooking together.

Okay I love doing girly things and doing things with a bunch of other girls in the kitchen is always a good time for me. It’s something I picked up from being with the Mexican girls and loved the way you kind of bind together as you do things together.

But wow….the sight of two tough strapping guys in the kitchen together making breakfast is really kind of hot. Yeah one’s my Uncle but the others my boyfriend…

Muscles and t-shirts and denim and just manliness but in that we’ll protect you, we’ll love you and we’ll provide…apparently provide includes them cooking breakfasts.

There’s stuff there I’ve never had but heard of. Pancakes and buckwheat pancakes, bacon but also chopped steak? Pan gravy made off the steak and dark with little bits of good things in it like pepper and fried onion, Grits…I like grits especially in the cold months and Uncle Roth finishes with a cast iron pan out of the oven with homemade biscuits inside.

Chris smiles at me and he pulls out my chair and he leans down and kisses me deeply as he sets down my coffee.

“I can so get used to this.” I say quietly to him despite us not being alone and stretch up in my seat to kiss him back and to reach up and run my fingers through his shorter hair.

“Good.” he simply says and kisses me some more until we get some pointed coughing from the others and both Mom and Stacy are looking at us mom’s sort of happy tearful and Stacy let’s out this big sigh…

We break the kiss and I blush looking at them. “Sorry you guys.”

Mom waves it off. “No, no honey it’s alright it’s nice to see two young people in love.”

Stacy sighs again. “Yeah what mom said only it’s good to see one of us girls get it right.”

“Stacy…” I reach over and take her hand.

She holds mine and she gives me a sort of happy-sad smile. “I’m okay Shayne it’s just fresh is all. Hey, it’s not like I’m the only woman that this has happened to.”

“Still it’s not right and you’re…ow!” Sarah gives me one of those older sibling swats in the back of my head. “What was that for?”

She grins and gets a coffee. “Being a dumbass.”

“Being a dumbass…?”

“Yeah you were going to say something completely guilt ridden and retarded like how you’re sorry for rubbing your happy in our faces.”

“I…I uhm…” I’m turning red because yeah…I kind of do feel guilty. I’m in this really good place with Chris and they’re…

Stacy looks at me. “Shayne…Is this the best relationship you’ve ever had?”

“Yes, oh god yes…” I look at Chris and blush and Sarah does the twin bit finishing with.

“Then you’re due, hence the smack stop being a ‘tard.”

Chris is chuckling and we sit together to eat and he looks at me and I look at him and we’re doing that sort of stare odd so connected we have telepathy thing going on as we eat breakfast together smiling and sort of leaning on each other our chairs are that close together.

We are trying to sort of tone it down though when really as good as he’s been and the way that he’s been treating me I just want to take him back to our hotel room and make mad passion…

“Chris…?” Wow…it just came up like a wave on me.

He’s staring at me...Blink, blink, blink… “Yes?”

I raise an eyebrow and softly smile.

He raises an eyebrow and he smiles…oh hell…him and that smile-porn smile.

“Maybe we should go back to our hotel and check on things?”

“Good idea.”

“Just in case.” I bite my lip.

They’re chuckling at us as we leave taking our things and heading out in a hurry. We’re not long getting into the hotel and to our room and we start to passionately kiss. And then we’re stripping off each others clothes and dammit I love that.

There’s nothing quite like having a man that you really care about and that cares for you gently taking your bra off for you. It’s only really beat by the feelings of his large strong hot hands running over your breasts and making and soothing that ache all at the same time and after sleeping in my clothes and my bra it feels extra nice.

My brain does a little girly squeal-sigh as he bends down and he sucks a nipple into his hot wet mouth. “Oh…oh yes Chris…”

He takes his time with me too, alternating between each one and his hands reaching up to cup and caress and when his mouth leaves he’ll replace it with his thumb and forefinger and gently rub them back and forth while they’re still wet. He stops only to not pinch then with those digits, oh those fine happy digits he holds my popped out fully aroused nipples like that and he does these sweet little tugs on them.

He’s gentle and he’s soft and YES I realize it’s like he’s milking me but I don’t care! Oh this is one of those feelings that curls my toes into the carpet and makes me moan as my eyes roll back into my head.

A little more…a little more and with a little whimper squeal of happiness I make a sweet mess out of my panties.

Then he keeps that up but with both hands on both of my breasts as he’s kissing me. I’m panting and achy inside and out in all the right ways when he breaks the kiss.

I walk Chris back to the bed but once we’re there I turn him around. “Here…sit.”


I’ve never done this with him yet but I sink down to my knees and guide him to my hungriness. He tastes amazing…yes he does and while I’m sure that being head over heels in love with Chris has so much to do with it…I like doing this kind of thing with a guy that I honestly care about. Yeah I’m actually not bad in bed but the fact that I like oral and that I’m actually pretty good at it is sort of the equalized between me and a lot of GG’s.

They’re always about the eww factor but so often not when it comes to themselves on the receiving end.

But this is different, this is oral love making and not sex and this is about me bringing him pleasure and drawing it out and making his fingers slip through my hair as I make him feel so good…and it’s not just the oral. I’m right there level with his leg and it’s my first really good look at it.

He flinches when I touch it at first and I pull off. “Did that hurt?”

“No, it’s just been…you’re the first person since to touch it other than me.”

“Oh…” I turn my head and I make love to his leg.

No, not dry humping dog stuff…

I touch it, feel it scars and all then I kiss some of the places there that look like messy gunshot scars and then the gashed scars and the surgical scars…I run my lips over those places, brush the raised bits of white scar tissue with my nose…find another spot with a heavy scar and kiss…and suck on that scar….or another one…You can make love real love to someone’s hurts to their scars and see that kind of beauty that they have there just for going on, just for surviving.

I do go back to my original intent and I make it long and drawn out and just when I think he’s getting close I switch to his leg, or another scar that I can reach while still kneeling.

When Chris does cum its hard and it’s long and thick…I taste and savor it and I like it. I really do it’s more to me than just his man stuff since it’s Chris it’s essence, it’s part of him and yeah he makes all the difference. I do something I haven’t done in years and that’s made oral love to a man without a safe on him and swallow.

No none of that other stuff that I said about that really fits either as he cries out. “Oh Shayne….Shayne, Shayne, Shayne…” I look up at him meeting his eyes and it’s as simple as I’m swallowing because I love him.

And I really try to let him see that in my eyes.

And I see in his eyes that…

That he loves me back…and there’s tears there in his eyes and he strokes my face with his thumbs. “God you’re beautiful…just so beautiful…”

It real doesn’t take too much for me to be on my feet and then on him and taking top and kissing him and straddling him and then we’re pretty quickly getting into it and he rolls me over onto my back and before long we’re making love.

And it’s face to face, eyes meeting and each other just falling into the eyes of the other and there’s contact there…real contact and emotion. It’s more than I ever had in any relationship of any kind really.

Picture looking into the eyes of that person that’s just changed everything…so much it’s as deep and personal and sexy and erotic too as any French kissing or any kind of kissing could be.

And there’s smiles, and pleasure sounds and loving expressions there too. I’ve my legs up and around his waist and his hands run over my legs and my hips and under to cup and hold my bottom ….god that…he’s holding me right off the bed like that and my butt cheeks are firmly in his strong hands as Chris moves in and out of me.

It’s amazing and we change places and positions and the entire thing is just beautiful enough to send us both to tears several times as we get so, so intimate…we get intense a few times and there’s a couple of times where I’m crying out in glory and I’m face down in the sheets and my hands are fisting into the sheets as Chris doesn’t make love to me, or fuck me but he for really lack of better words…fucking makes love to me.

And through most of it I’m getting a deeper and deeper grip on the fact that I want more. I want more for him and more for us and I want to go all the way and transition fully. It’s not the I’m broken with “It” kind of knowing but this deep solidly growing need that I want to be as complete a woman as I can be.

Honestly, really... really honestly Chris is that guy that makes even T-girls like me feel my ovaries.

And not in that sexual way but in another sexual way and I would be very happy to have his babies if I could.


Oh God yes…

It’s that time you get in your life again when things become all crystal clear again and you know exactly what it is that you want…need out of life and I want to be a woman…a fully transitioned woman and I wan to be married, I want a home and a family…I want…

“Chris…Chris….?” I’m panting and I’m a little not frantic but…excited…terrified.

“Yeah…are you okay…?” He…He’s worried, cared that he hurt me.

“I okay…I’m okay…Chris…?”


“I want it all…”

I don’t have to even say what I mean and he pick me up from the bed and slips an arm around me to hold me up and kisses me his other hand touching my face… “Everything?”

“Yes, everything I can have.”

“Kids?” He asks looking at me.

Oh sweet heaven help me there’s this spark there and look of hope in those eyes of his that hurts, hurts so pure and so good that these big fat tears spill out over my eyes and down my cheeks… “Y..yes…?”

“Even if we adopt?”

More tears…sobby happy huge tears. “Yes!”


And it’s Chris so it’s good.

Did you know that when you’re not actually having sex…when you’re just stopped and holding each other like this you’re still making love? I didn’t. I couldn’t even really wrap my head around what love’s actually like.

It’s why we write and talk about it so much.

I think we’re still just trying to describe it.


We don’t do anything the rest of the day. It’s Memorial Day and while we could be there for the services and the parade downtown but after the last few days, and yesterday it’s just exactly what we both needed I think to stay together just the two of us together in bed.

I enjoy it so much when Chris is holding me but I get a lot out of the other way around too. There’s something inside of me that enjoys snuggling up to him and the way his strong back feels pressed into my breasts and I get to hold him. And it’s also easy for me to reach down and rub my hands over his bad leg like that.

Okay I’m going to sound all new age and like I’m the stereotypical Californian but I’ve been to a few massage places, tried even working at a few of the more dubious ones and I really do think that there’s something deeply healing in a way about touch.

I mean just human contact is really important when you think about it. I mean there’s hospitals that ask for volunteers to come and sit and hold and rock at risk babies and it helps and then there’s that whole therapeutic massage and acupressure and that reiki stuff.

Chris is like an old content cat too. I massage and rub the right spots there on that leg and he does this male kind of grumble-purr-groan and sort of melts into the bed a bit more. I love the feeling that I get by invoking those kinds of feelings and sounds from him in a non-sexual way.

And we just hold each other and we talk. We talk about the stuff I’m going to need to do to get my ID’s settled and we even look things up like who to see and where to go online.

It turns out that I’m protected under the Minnesota Human Rights Act as to my current status and to get my ID changed I need my birth certificate and letters stating since I’m pre-op that I have GID and I am in the process of transition. That’s easy enough to get since we all have that information at the club and confirmation from the doctors that we use as to our desire to change our genders.

I make the call to Michelle to get said papers faxed up here to the hotel’s front desk. Which gives us and excuse to get out of our room while it’s being cleaned and we get the number and have it all set up for them to come for us at the pool when the papers get faxed to us.

I see a couple of guys in a car watching the lobby from the parking lot and just the way they look and the way that the car looks I think it’s members of Steven’s church here spying on us.

I can see them staring right at me because I’m wearing a short robe but it’s open, just more or less to have something on my shoulders and I’m in a bikini. And they’re looking; I do notice that I’m getting a bunch of stares from some of the staff too.

Chris and I head to the pool. “I guess I really am out.”

“Definitely looks like hon.”

Hon…I love that he’s calling me that, I really do. Chris stops and gets us two sodas from one of the vending machines and still sort of in the lobby he leans me against the machine and he kisses me in front of everyone.

I’m hitting mega blush time because PDA’s of any kind are still really new to me. And Chris doesn’t seem to be worried at all about being seen in public with me or that I’m pretty much been outed.

I also notice that Chris and the fact he’s semi hard hasn’t gone unnoticed by some of the women here in the hotel both in the staff and some of the others staying here. Hey that’s right that’s for or about me ladies.

I take his had and we head to the swimming pool and spend the afternoon swimming and having just some relaxed fun even just lying in the sun. No we’re not outside they have an indoor pool here and there’s some astro-turf on one side with deck-chaises out so you can sort of pretend you’re some place beach like.

We even fell asleep until the girl at the front desk shows up with my faxes. I thank her and we head to our room to get changed and we’re partway up the hall when we see two men, the ones from the car that was in the parking lot there between us and our room.

They actually look like clean cut guys, dress pants and polo shirts but the look in their eyes though is that same look that some of the scum bags that show up at the club have. The bad assholes that like to hurt women.

“Look it’s the fag and the tranny.”

I look at them. “I don’t know you guys; I don’t have any quarrel with you.”

“Yeah y’do hand over the papers.”

“No. They’re mine and the money’s mine.”

“That money’s Steven’s and he’s already promised that to help the church.”

“You’re a church don’t you have enough money?” Chris says.

“Shut the fuck up fag.” He starts toward us and so does the other guy. “Those papers are the property of the church y’know. It’s going to be used for a lot better things that you fudgepacking freaks.”

He swings on Chris and the other one goes for me. I’m not a fighter, just not really in me. I’ve been hit more than a few times and I am good at ducking punches and stuff so that’s what I’m trying to do while trying to get to our room.

I get socked hard in the eye after about swing seven at me and I wobble and my ears are ringing and I feel sick. He grabs me and I…I…surge forehand to him and I lick him on his face.

Yep, I licked him.

Yes I’m trying not to vomit.

“Aaah! What the fuck you freak! You licked me!?” He belts me with a back hand I see stars and hit the floor and feel my nose bleeding.

I stay down but look at him and laugh. “Enjoy it.”

“Enjoy what?”

“Being such a macho asshole fucker I just gave you AIDS.”


His friend jumps back really far from all of us the one that attacked me looks shocked. “What do you mean I got AIDS!?”

“I licked you so it’s going to happen…It’s a gay disease y’know? First it doesn’t attack your immune system it attacks your blood and the hormone making stuff in your body…you’ll just stop being all fucking macho like you are right now. And then you’ll change…you’ll change. And the stuff in you that makes you a real man will start dying and leaving the other stuff.”

“Ot…other stuff…”

“Girly stuff even if you’re not a girl it’ll hit…how do you think there are so many of us? The government don’t want people to know but it’s a plague…a plague and you have it…you’ll be sucking cock and loving it in days…”

I smile at him and his friend. “Both of you…”

They both freak out and run off screaming, literally screaming and trying to get out of there…and as far away from us as they can. “Don’t crowd me!”… “You either!”… “No!”… “We gotta get to the hospital!”… “I don’t want a dick in my butt!”

I sit up more and look at Chris. “I can’t believe that worked…?”

Chris is right over to me limping hard. “Shit, shit Shayne! Baby are you okay?” he’s going to kneel down and I think he took a hit to his leg. I push myself up and he hugs me tight. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

I hold him back and I kiss him and he’s shaking…there’s some of the look there in his eyes though from the other morning there. “I’m okay…I’ve had worse I’m okay…”

“You shouldn’t have been hurt! I shouldn’t have…”

“Chris…”……………. “Chris look at me…”

He looks at me. “I’m okay, I know, I know you were holding back, that you were trying not to kill him.”

He stares at me and I kiss him deeply, and sort of guide and set him to sit on one of the end table things in the hallway. I kiss him hard again and again until he blinks and he’s back to normal Chris.

He hugs me right after that and let’s out a big deep sigh.

“Did I hear you say that you just gave him AIDS and that AIDS was going to make him gay?”

I giggle and regret it with my sore nose. “Yes…ow…”

“And that worked?”

“I was kind of betting on these guys not having a real idea of what’s really what from their whole church thing.”

He’s smiling a little bit at least as he’s shaking his head and we hear the “Bree-oop!” of a police siren. We head to the one of the windows and look out and the police are here and they’ve cut their car from pulling out and two police people are arresting them.

They’re screaming. “You’re arresting us?!”…………. “We’re on the lord’s work!”…… “That faggot and the tranny gave us AIDS!”…….. “Unhand me whore, know your place!”……… Oh, oh that last remark was made to one of the police there which is a woman and she almost get’s elbowed in the face and the guy actually tried to take something off of her belt.

Out comes the baton and she smacks his hands and he yowls and she shouts out RED! And then she takes a step away and her partner does too covering as she pepper spays both of them.

I’ve never actually seen that happen before and they’re screaming in pain and holding their faces and gagging…the vomit comes next and the police snag them and get their arms down and behind them and then cuff them keeping clear of the vomit.

The other two officers are coming inside. I look at Chris. “Come on lets get a bag and a change of clothes.” He nods. “Yeah…we’re going to need them huh?”


We get to our room and I’m just grabbing some clothes to take with us when there’s a knock at our room door. I left it open. I knew that they’d be headed here.

“Excuse us the hotel staff reported the sounds of a fight here and they were sure that the two of you were involved.”

I look at them. One’s the younger officer from yesterday. “We were assaulted over the papers officer.”

He looks at me. “Will you be willing to come downtown and make a statement?”

“Yes officer of course and I want to press charges too.”

“They started this?”

I gesture to my face. “I never hit him officer and I’m willing to bet he’s wearing some of my blood.”

“Alright then we’ll get this sorted downtown?”

“Please, and sorry for this disturbing your holiday officer.”

“Not a problem Miss, there’s usually something.”

We get down to the station and Chris was allowed to take his truck and we drove between the two police cars and went inside. We went over everything that happen twice as an EMT had me checked out and a woman from the Sheriffs department and county coroner took evidence. The one I licked wouldn’t shut up about me licking him and giving him AIDS and he wanted me charged…and he didn’t want to become a faggot.

And the fact they were rude and abusively dismissive didn’t help them one bit. Not even when the Minister showed up and the church’s lawyer I suppose.

That’s when it got real.

He looks at me like he wants to punch me too. But Chris stands up when he does and he takes steps back behind his lawyer. The lawyer is going on about how Steven is the executor of dad’s estate and that all dad’s papers belong to him and that I could be any scam artist from anywhere trying to swindle my family.

The police chief looks at the younger officer from yesterday. “You were there yesterday Sam? You want to tell me what’s going on?”

We go over the whole thing again and include the papers and the pictures and the paperwork to have me legally declared dead.

The church’s lawyer is trying to object to this all coming out like we’re actually in court and that there’s no proof that I’m who the Private investigators says that I am. The fact they can check my cellphone pretty easily and my home phone and seee that Mom was calling me and that she had initiated contact first and had even told the young officer that herself yesterday was enough to convince him to arrest the two that assaulted us and tells the Minister and the church layer to defend their cases in court when the time comes.

They then say I licked one of them in the fighting and threatened to infect the guy with AIDS. Despite that not really how it spreads or very low chances like kissing is I’m ordered to get escorted to the hospital and tested since my blood may or may not be infected and I was bleeding.

Mom and the others meet us at the hospital and after some long hours of waiting we get the test results back for both Chris and I both saying that we’re both clean. I was pretty sure he was and I know that I was. I get tested once a year for the club and it’s been longer than a year between Terry my ex and Chris.

Oh Terry…he wasn’t really something I wanted to think about, just another liar that said he had feelings for me but just really wanted a “Hot She-male.” Yeah we lasted about three weeks before instead of us getting closer I was seeing just more and more chaser douche bag out of him.

But it’s really good to know we’re clean.

They let us go and we head back to the house after packing up and paying at the hotel. We have a police escort to make sure we don’t skip town until more of this is settled. We tell them that’s fine, that we’re going to be staying at Mom’s for the rest of our time here.

Steven’s there waiting for us with Janice and he’s out of his truck and he’s pacing and angry. As soon as we’ve parked he storms over and hammers on my window with his fist.
“What did you do!?”…. “What did you do you little bastard!?”

The cops are out of the car in a hurry. “Back away from the truck sir now!”

Steven gives them a look that just screams fuck off and die at them but he backs off. He paces some more and he’s got papers in his hands the whole white and blue of legal documents.

“Steve? What are you pissed off about now? What else did you dream up?”

“What else? What fucking else…what did you do? What the fuck did you say to her to get her to betray dad and me like this!?”

“I honestly don’t know what you’re ranting about.”

Janice sneers. “Likely story you freak.”

I’m honestly confused. “Sorry but I haven’t a fucking clue.”

“THIS!!!” He rages getting in my face and waving the papers in my face.

“Sir! Back away!” The cops yell at him and he stares at them like he forgot they were there.

I reach out and take the papers from him and he spins on me and goes to hit me and I stand there and jut my face out at him. “Go ahead Steve, go ahead it’s not the first time I’ve been smacked around today.”

The cops run over and get between us and walk him back. “Last warning sir.”

He stares at me…..several minutes pass and he blinks a few times. “How’d that happen.”

“Two fellows called Jarid and Nathan decided they wanted to get you my papers.”

“Bullshit they’re good men they’d never hit a woman.”

Janice pulls him back from me and the police. “They were defending you Steven, That’s NOT a woman, it’ll never ever be a woman so it’s alright.”

He turns and stares at her. “Alright?”

She points at the legal stuff in my hand. “They did that, things were nice, they were normal until somehow they slithered back here just like the serpent did Steven…they poisoned you own mother to turn on you and dishonor you.”

Mom steps over with Uncle Rothman. “No, Shayne had no idea that I filed those papers.”

Steven gets mad looking again and glares at mom. “You’re nothing but a cheap whore you know that? Dad knew it, you trapped him into marrying you…he fucking told me that you did…and now? Now you turn on him and his memory and his wishes and me?”

She’s crying, there’s tears running down her cheeks. “Yes, yes I did because I can’t trust you! I can trust you like I couldn’t trust him!”

I’m staring because the last time I really seen her mad was that effed up night that I was outed. I start looking through the papers and Mom’s fighting the appointment and handling of dad’s estate by Steven, it’s a motion to have him pulled and to openly go over everything in the will and the assets and things. She’s getting dad’s will declared void.

Janice hisses at us all catty and bitchy. “You’re just rotten to the core aren’t you…you betray the best son you have, embrace the lies and perversion of this thing!…See Steven! See? They were worried for your immortal soul and soldier for you as god commands we do.”

He steps further back from us anger melting into hurt and pain. “We’ll fight this, we’ll fight this and I’ll win, this was all dad’s dying declaration.”

Mom’s crying and she stares at him no matter how hard it is. “He’s dead Steven, he’s dead and I’m not going to let him beat me or any of you kids anymore. He’s not going to steal any more of our lives.”

“No!, No you’re fucking lying! Dad was a man with a strong faith! He believed, and it was you! You the one that kept hurting him! You kept Pushing him and Pushing him until he had to do what god commands and strike the evil out of you! You were the one that tainted us!”

He’s screaming at her and at us and he looks like he just might stoke out too he’s screaming that much.

Mom looks at him and she’s crying but she’s standing her ground. “Until everything’s decided this is my land and my yard and my house. I want you and your wife to leave.”

“I’m not…!”

The police get closer. “Sir, you’ve been requested to leave the property, you have to leave or we’ll be forced to charge you with trespassing!”

Steven backs off but Janice stalks over and snatches the papers from me. She’s close enough in that moment she glares at me.

“You should have died, I’ll make you wish that you had whore.”

One of police pulls her back and turns her so she can follow Steven.

I’m watching them pull out squealing tires and spraying dirt and stuff everywhere.

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