Started with a Prom Dress - 8 - Danica Lea Walters


Started with a Prom Dress - 8
- Danica Lea Walters

By Jessica C

Previously… She refreshed my make-up, fixing a hairstyle to go with the crown; helped me up to meet the press and go to the Princess’ Ball and Reception. A special joy was when I found a nine-year-old boy and drew him to me... the boy was crying, “I was told I can’t be a princess.”
…“Princess Danica, how would you comfort this young boy?” “Everett, I am proud that you would hold me as a role model. It speaks well of your character in being here tonight. You have the character and inner beauty to me, you are worthy of a princess’s love...”

I was too tired to do anything but I pulled Dawn in with me. I fell asleep holding her. Five hours later, I brushed back my hair, put on an ordinary swimsuit, grabbed and beach towel and made my way to the beach shortly after 7:00 am. Several photographers were delighted to get photos of me away from the formality of the Miss Teen Contest or official appearances in the future.

Present in this chapter… “Dawn so what do I do now?” “… I suggest you get on with being a girl!”
“Danica Lea, I baptize you…” Moments later I was taken into surgery as I was bleeding inside and my life was threatened with an infection and uncertain problems.
Dr. Pamela White “Your body, mind and spirit need you to be patient as you come to terms with being a young woman.”

I said to Dawn, “Dawn, what do I do now? This was supposed to be a neat shared experience that was supposed to end yesterday, having done our best and lost. I’m no Princess.”

Dawn said, “I suggest you get on with being a girl, who was selected to be Teen Princess of the New Jersey Shore! You already inspired one more boy to want to be as good as a girl,” Dawn suggested visiting Minor League baseball teams in New Jersey, leading the crowd in singing the National Anthem, before the game or “Take Me Out to the Ball Park” during the 7th Inning stretch.

I knew of two teams and soon found out there were six teams in New Jersey. Four teams quickly said yes but the short minor league baseball season and my schedule allowed only three for the remainder of the summer. I picked the Trenton Thunder of the Yankee farm system, the Bridgewater Patriots, and a third-team the Sussex Sky Hawks. After I was at Trenton all six were scheduled for the beginning of the next season.

Dr. Myrt, Dawn, Denise and I went to the Trenton Thunder game of Thursday. The Trenton manager allowed me to say hello to his players before the game, but they were not allowed to officially greet me until the end of the game. I can give testimony to their good hands-on and off the field.

I was fortunate Dr. Myrt had me on a short leash, keeping me in her sight. I was surprised a high school girl would get so much attention. Denise and Dawn said I needed to get over being so naive as a girl. I was thankful my vagina appliance held its secret well. I received a baseball jersey signed by the team. Half were not signed until after I was wearing the jersey. Two of the players already had stints up to the Yankees.

Much of the week at the shore was pure rest, fun and getting used to everyday life as a girl. Dr. Myrt did talk to me about meeting with a Dr. Pamela White and getting surgery that Dr. Deb anticipated I would need. Debbie, Dr. Deb Walters was under a lot of criticism for the changes I was experiencing. Some were stating she was ethically and professionally wrong and irresponsible for my change.

If the change came within the coming months, it would be both to my relief and exoneration of my sister. If the projected changes happened even within a year it would exonerate Deb, but might come only after medical sanctions were brought against her for medical violations.

I knew in my struggle to be a girl I might have overstepped ethical boundaries numerous times, but it was done by me and way before knowing Dr. Deb. Come Friday as the day wore on I thought I was run down from all my adventures, and I was not smart enough to take it easy. I collapsed in a boy’s arms on a dance floor. It even took Kevin a minute to realize for sure I was not faking. I was emergency airlifted to our hospital.

Dr. Pam White shared with me, I had taken my male body, thrown it into limbo; finally having used enough real products to jump-start my body’s production of female hormones to match my feminine psyche.

The resulting surgery came the coming week and lasted 3.5 hours, with my Sis and Dr. Myrt watching in the teaching theater surrounding that surgical suite. Dr. Pam suspected it would be at least a half a year or longer before I would experience my body menstruating, as my body was now maturing as a female.

Dr. Pamela White stated straightforwardly to me, “Your body, mind, and spirit need you to be patient as you come to terms with being a young woman. Your youth and pride want you to believe you already know much more than you do. The truth is quite the opposite; if you want to enjoy a long life of enjoying being a woman, pay heed to what I say.”

“The truth if mistaken shortly may cost you dearly and result in hurts no one can undo. You will have enough of those experiences as a woman through the normal course of life.”

Dr. White met with my sister and my mother, apart from my knowledge, telling what she had discovered through the surgery. She expected in time my body and life would be fully in sync with me being Danica.

I was happy as I became awake, back in my hospital room that Pastor Ramona was there to greet me and give a prayer of thanksgiving. I surprised her and Debbie by asking about being baptized as Danica Lea Walters. She was not sure if it was needed by God but understood my desire to affirm God’s love of me.

I was back home and we drove to The Bridgewater Patriots game to renew my reign as Miss Teen Shore Princess. They had a CD made from my songs at the Miss Jersey Shore Princess Contest. 1,000 were given away at the game. I was given another 1,500 copies. I quickly asked what I was to receive or what charity would be the benefactor. Teen Girls at Risk (TGR) received $500 from the team and another $3,000 plus in donations from the 2,342 in attendance.

A dance at the ballpark was almost as well attended as the game and players and their dates and families mixed well with the crowd. That night created new chemistry between the team and the community. It was nice for me and Debbie as it was less than 5 miles from our new home.

There was one player Eli that I danced with and exchanged numbers. A year ago I might have looked at him as someone I wanted to be like. He was a very good ballplayer. It made me wonder a little about the athlete in me, but right now I was a girl hot for a guy wondering if he saw me as good enough.

He commented, “Danica, to me you are a princess but what I feel needs to wait.” I gave him a big kiss as the evening closed; we walked our different ways. I did enjoy seeing him once on an off day.

Back home, I met with Pastor Ramona about being baptized. Dawn stayed over that night and we were talking about guys and the response they cause in us. Dawn and I had both taken showers and were at various stages of drying and doing our hair and getting ready for bed when we realized again how much we meant to each other.

I had cooled down from the shower and had on a cute satin baby doll nightie on. I was once again warm and damp. I was going to quietly go and talk to Debbie. I tried to sneak out, Dawn asked, “If your concerns are the same as mine, we might as well talk to your sister together.”

“Debbie, we need to talk to you about a very sensitive subject, but we don’t want to be in trouble with you,” I asked?

Debbie smiled and asked us to sit down and explain. She was not surprised that we were in love as well as best friends. “I am more comfortable speaking as a Sister and not as a Mother. A friend Louise and I had a similar problem when we were growing up. A best friend is a good choice to explore who you are and learn about your bodies, but it’s also complicated by how much you love each other.”

“I cannot so much answer for you to encourage you to take your time and make good decisions. As Danica’s guardian, I do not want sexual exploration to become such a major part of this time in your life. I strongly suggest you both gargle well and wash your hands well with an antiseptic soap. Don’t take your hands from one spot to another as you risk transporting germs. What is normal in one place of your body is not in another area.”

Dawn spoke up, “So you’re giving us permission and suggesting we do it.”

“No,” Debbie said, “I do not want you to have sex per se, but honestly, yes girls to explore their sexuality, and sometimes with a special girlfriend. I am glad you are sharing with me and do not want it to be wrong nor a secret you keep from me. Remember what I tell you comes from a big sister who is also a doctor. I cannot speak for Dawn’s mother, only as Danica’s guardian.”

I ask, “Did you see yourself as a lesbian when you were making out with Louise?”

“Yes, and you will meet her as we usually see each other at least once a year. She is Louise Fischer now and they now live in Baltimore. Before you ask, I have never fallen out of love with her, but as her best friend I respect as best as possible that she is married and already has begun a family.”

Somewhere in the conversation, we have a group hug. Dawn and I were back in my bedroom sharing my bed. Dawn was the first to approach me, as we kissed lips, her hands were between my legs seeking to find what turned me on and take me deeper.

I would stroke her back, face or hair and allowed myself the pleasure of being passive. We both enjoyed our time together. Dawn was delighted as well as surprised by how my body responded as a girl. We both knew though I technically shouldn’t, I was now a girl. I experienced an orgasm as a girl was to see the color of fireworks in the form of fountains bursting in my body with various degrees of heat and power of flow and bright colors in my mind's eye.

With my sounds Dawn sought to place a pillow over my head, “You cannot make loud sounds of joy, love groans.” Several times we would just lay side by side enjoying the warmth of the other's body, the gentleness of their breath.

Somewhere well into the morning, sleep settled in until we woke. After showering we walked from my house to Dawns. I had the joyous reminder of how I missed her younger sisters, Jaz and Cassie. Cassie came with a toy crown, “I knew you a princess.”

Mrs. Miller welcomed us and made breakfast before going to church. She talked about what she was hearing about me as a young woman and my reign as a princess. Pastor Ramona asked her as an Elder to assist when I was baptized. I was to be baptized as a believer received from another church.

What I sought was the affirmation that Jesus/God loved me. I loved God and was not worried about expressing what I believed. I still felt the judgment from my blood family and took personally expressions of hate from others. I wanted affirmation of God’s love. I wished I had, had more time with Pastor Ramona, she was very helpful in me understanding my faith.

Debbie picked me up and took me to church, we would sit with the Millers. Debbie was on one side with Cassie nestled next to me, then Dawn next to Jaz and their Mom as we sat in church. The Millers and I were still family, kinda. Now Danica Lea and Debbie Walters were immediate family for me.

Debbie left shortly after worship, to make more rounds at the hospital as she was on-call duty. Tonight I would be home alone. Deb had once again permitted me to research her practice and patients. I heard my phone ring and even now I had not remembered I brought a purse. Sis was calling, suggesting I get in some bicycling. I was to call Ms. Johnson at school in the morning, making sure I was registered and had a class schedule for the beginning of school.

I called the school in the morning and Ms. Johnson was to be my counselor and was in if I wanted to drop by for a visit. I called Dawn and we rode to school together. A year ago bicycling was for little kids, but Sis helped me to grow up and shape up. The two-mile ride was enough to show I needed more exercise


Seeing Ms. Steph Johnson again brought a warm chill reminding me, she knew my other sister Michelle. Ms. Johnson warmly greeted us and took us to her office. She congratulated both of us for our participation in the Miss Teen Jersey Shore contest and my being crowned Princess. She pulled out a small pile of pictures to give to us. She had attended the latter part of the contest. She suggested Dawn look at them while we went over my schedule and goals.

Ms. Johnson said, “Now as Carl, were you in a college-prep program or not? That will influence some of our decisions as we go on.”

I told her, “Yes but I had dropped my language class as I found a college that didn’t require it.”

“So you know most colleges prefer two years of a foreign language. Your aptitude tests show you should be very capable. We have Spanish, German, Japanese and Latin offerings would you be willing to take one of those language classes if they still have room?”

I said, “I hear Spanish was easier and in some areas more useful but I would like to take German.”

“Frau Harper is considered a very good teacher and I think Frau Danica would do well in her class.” Steph checks, “Yes her first-year class still has three openings.”

Dawn interrupted us, “Who are this girl and woman posing with Danica? The girl is in several pictures with Danica and the background on a few more.”

“That girl is Brianna and the woman’s name is Michelle.” Hearing Michelle’s name causes me to look up and then look at Ms. Johnson.

“Ms. Johnson”…

“Please call me Steph, and if I anticipate your question right. Yes, Michelle is your older sister and Brianna is your niece.”

I started to ask, “Why…” but I began to cry and I was soon crying out loud and unable to speak.

Steph said, “She’s very proud and happy for you. Both she and Briana want to know if you ever want her in your life again? ...Did you hear Brianna call you her aunt?”

“I heard her mention an aunt, but I didn’t take it to mean me. I didn’t recognize her mother. I didn’t recognize my sister, what does she think of me?”

Dawn said, “The photos and the distance they came seem to speak loudly for them wanting to be in your life.”

Ms. Johnson was on her cell phone but I hadn’t heard it ring. “Someone would like to say hello,” she said, handing me the phone. I heard, “Hi Sis, it is good to talk to you.”

It wasn’t Debbie’s voice and through my tears, I said, “Hi Michelle, Brianna is beautiful and so are you.” I am sure it took me minutes to say that short statement. But hearing her and feeling her love over the phone was worth whatever time it took. Everything I worried about seemed too insignificant; simple statements of love were not enough but I said them anyway.

We visited over 30 minutes like nothing. I put her number in my cell phone and asked for Brianna’s. “Aunt Dani you were so great in your contest, I knew you would win. You were so popular with the people there. They were talking about you on the boardwalk and wherever we ate. Is it okay if I tell people now that you are my Aunt?”

“Yes Niece; I'm only sorry I don’t know you better. But who would want or care about me like that?”

“I tell my friends you are the ‘Princess who is’. They have been following you on Facebook and Twitter. Could we be friends on FB”

I said, “Yes, but wouldn’t the family be better?”

Finally, I needed to say goodbye to my Niece and share a kiss with my Sis over the phone; knowing I would see them but not sure when. Steph had me sign up for t chorus or band and suggested I consider going out for a sport. I chose to go out for cross-country to get in shape, JV basketball if I could make the team and softball in the spring.

Dawn suggested I take a course called “Women in Literature and Composition”. It was a small group class one had to apply for and was not automatically accepted. “If you get in and have not yet been knocked off your ‘Princess’ podium, you will be there.”

My Sis, Debbie showed up and reminded both Steph and Dawn they were invited to dinner, but they needed to give us time to put it together. Sis like Michelle knew the basics of what was to happen. We finished my schedule, which Debbie and I had to sign and then Debbie went back to work. Dawn and I went bicycling. We were all to meet for dinner at 6:00 p.m.

We made chicken Alfredo, a fresh fruit salad and bread for dinner served with water and sun tea.

Steph asked, “Is there anything you don’t like?”

I quickly responded, “Yes: a two-year term as a princess, being asked out by a guy I didn’t like, or receiving an ugly gift that I needed to say thanks for.” I went on, “My life had blown up in front of me but landed in nice places. I understand the gifts of family and friends. I do not have the biggest pile of stuff, neither am I a pauper.”

This Sunday I am to be baptized, before beginning a new school. I’m to begin working for the gift store, Fife and Drum. With Washington Rock, the Crossing and many places that George Washington slept so close by, it seems fitting to work at such a store.”

The store has picked up a few new shoppers who came to check out this year’s salesgirl. Gabe a football player came in with his mom and younger sister. Later, he came back with a friend Stephen hoping I remembered what they liked. In a technology day and time, handcrafts such as a needlepoint kit meet a certain fancy.”

I said, “Gabe bought a kit for his sister, but when he brought her to pick a pattern and material Cherie and I talked him into a kit for himself." He needed to go on the web and check out Rosie Greer as having first broken the football/needlepoint barrier, lol. I didn’t tell him I already sold a similar kit to Stephen. I hope to go out with one or both of them.”

I said, “My running early every day is helpful though I don’t think I will be very competitive this year."

A few days later I met, Patti a new friend on the cross-country team and she got angry at me. I asked her, “Why are you running with a group you can keep up with.” I knew she wouldn’t improve if she did that.

Patti said, “I won’t be the #2 runner until next year after 1 and 2 graduate.” I suggested by the end of the season she could be #2 or #5 unless she reached her potential. I was in the same running group for about two more weeks until they no longer made me run hard. By that time Patti was now two groups ahead of me.


Like Carl, I didn’t do half as much, save dreaming about who I wanted to be. Wednesday night, Debbie got called in to do a surgery and I was up in the amphitheater to watch. It is like science fiction to me. It would have grossed me out if I was not so taken by my sister working on another person.”

As we left the head nurse said “Congratulations on the good news.” Marge the nurse explained my progress and development as a female had led to sanctions being lifted off of Dr. Deb. Seemingly someone intervened and forced the allegations and charges to be reviewed and dropped from her record.

Sis had allowed me to go back to using the pill not as hormone therapy, but as birth control. She did not want me to have sex, but neither did she want me to be trusting Stephen if I did not. She and I both knew the time was getting closer. We had already been doing light petting.

We wanted to talk to me about oral sex like I had with Jeff as a boy, but that now seemed a lifetime away. I wanted a new start. Debbie, Dawn and once again Mrs. Miller was my chief support and guide system. They were very helpful, but not in giving me the answers and decisions I needed to make.

Going to a new school was great for a new start. Enough people knew me and I knew my way around the school enough to be helpful.

When I got the reading list for Women in Literature and Composition I was glad to see I had read three of the recommended books already. Reading had become easier, and the results fed my appetite to be a better student. Different from last year when I was an outsider; now I was seen as competition by some and a friend by others. Some groups and individuals were open to me and others were not.

Debbie told me, we were back to reality and with the new house and the Miss Teen Contest. We now needed to live within a tighter budget. Meaning there were not to be more new clothes. Several classmates realized it and I was no longer so special. I heard someone comment, “A princess in pauper’s clothes.”

It hurt but I knew it was not true, I was still much better off than many, but I couldn’t wear my princess like wardrobe very many places. Sis was making me put away  ¾ of my money so most of my extra money went to pantyhose, makeup and basics. Debbie did buy me an extra nice set of running shoes.

My first day of school was like our first cross-country meet, I was back in the pack. I felt good after the first time both were done. The second day I had PE and it felt strange going into the girls’ locker room. Dawn looked at me with a smirk and teased me, but others did not know why.

We did running and other exercises to measure our capabilities. My ego was a bit deflated while I generally averaged 70-85% for a junior girl. When they measured dexterity I was below 50% of the girls. Dawn and Patti slapped my butt and said it was from too much princess living. Princess expressions would quickly become old if I didn’t enjoy being a girl so much. Actually, as a boy I had not developed the dexterity most girls develop quite naturally.

Joan and Beth at the gift shop appreciated my work and took me aside to help me practice various craft skills our customers were interested in. Along with my art class, I learned such things such as painting in different styles, especially for crafts and those beginning to learn. My teacher initially laughed when I asked if handwork like cross-stitching and quilting were art.

She asked, “How might you enhance a picture of a nude woman by using different stitches or fabrics?”

I said, “It would add a degree of difficulty, but its sense of tones and texture could do things paint might only allude to.” Joan had a fair size picture of a nude woman she had done but had shared with very few. It was best received by feminist women. My art teacher, as well as Joan, acknowledged it to be a piece of fine art.

It was only viewed by the female students but they were quite intrigued with how it presented a woman in a pleasing way that they had not previously experienced. Two of our gifted art students worked hard to take a piece of their old artwork and seek to use needlepoint as a refining step in developing their pictures.

Both students did a good job after learning various stitches, but Stephanie Mills did an exceptional job and the art instructor would enter her piece in an art competition the following summer for new artists.


Back to now, Dawn and Denise found my thought patterns enjoyable, usually, taking them outside of their boxes in thinking about normal girl stuff. We started to run around more and more as a group, not worrying about boyfriends, knowing the guys would show up when wanted. Denise said, “It is quite freeing not having to worry if it was something a guy would like to do. If he doesn’t like it or want to go it’s not my concern.”

One simple example was going to watch guys play football at one school or another was not a big deal. We could even like how a guy on another team looked.

Dawn and I would often bring out our keyboard and guitar after the band put its stuff away after halftime. Once we played Three Blind Mice after an official blew a call. Since we were not the official band, the Coach was able to find it amusing. After we finally got a call to go the way we played “Amazing Grace”. We did hear on Monday someone thought it was out of line to use a religious song in such away.

It was funny as we found ourselves playing 60s tunes so parents and grandparents could get it. One of our favorites was “Big Girls Don’t Cry” used when an opposing player over-reacted. Once we were asked to refrain and we went into a tune sing the words of a Connie Francis hit, “I’m sorry, so sorry, please accept my apology.” An official had his hand on his flag as we stopped.

Some people said they were now staying for the full game to see what we might play. When we played my old high school I am not sure if the Principal did not recognize my warped sense of humor. While we won the game, I was glad both teams played well.

I was surprised when we ran against them in a three-team cross country meet I finished 14th which was my best time and showing so far in the season. It was the first time I pushed myself through to my second wind. Crest Ridge which had a good team placed four runners and almost a fifth in front of me.

Debbie took me out for pasta or we had it at home the night before a meet. She was pretty good at being a proud parent most whenever she could. Likewise, if I had my homework and papers on time, I enjoyed helping in her research for working up her patients and their ailments. I was now very ethical stayed away from knowing the patients’ identities.

It was four weeks into school and homecoming was coming up in two weeks. Several of us nominated Dawn for Homecoming Queen, and she tried to get me to run as well. While I always liked an excuse to dress up; I didn’t enjoy competing with Dawn. While Dawn should have won in my book, a Senior girl Carly Jackson won and Dawn as runner-up to another Senior girl Tricia. Dawn and I do like the idea of a senior usually being Queen.

I was impressed with the school as Tricia was not a traditional beauty queen, but she was a beautiful person in ways that far out-shown most of us in high school. Stephen who was selected to be in the King’s court was designated to be Tricia’s escort. I did not mind losing a few dances to her, but I ended up losing my boyfriend as they hit it off.

An added bummer was I planned to be a ballerina for the Halloween dance and Stephen was going to be a “Wooden Soldier”. Dawn suggested I ask a guy who graduated last year, who was into dance. I came to know Mason because he was one of Jeff’s invisible boyfriends.

Dawn stayed after me to ask him to the dance which I did, and he agreed. He was nice and buffed and made a good soldier. He insisted I learn a few ballet moves. In case we were selected for our costumes, he wanted us to be able to fit into the character. Debbie’s mom was more than happy to come and help me with moves and to get into character.

I liked Mason plenty and we did date a bit, despite his being gay. He said he liked going around with girls and I knew the feeling. On one date we got quite excited, I felt the need to tell him I planned to remain a virgin a while longer. He mentioned oral sex as well as another way of me having him. He even caught the fact that I was not repulsed at the idea.

We did not talk again about the possibility until the Halloween costume party was over. We did win first prize for costumes in character as well as tied for overall. We went to my home, but Dr. Deb had been called to the hospital as she was again on-call.

I wouldn’t have let him in if I knew beforehand that my sister was gone. But he was in and I had already been turned on during the evening and we were mutual in our interest. I first had him orally hoping that would satisfy us both. But seeing him not only excited the idea of swallowing him but caused me to wonder what it would be like to have him inside my butt.

I called Debbie and I would not be saved by her returning any time soon, as a charge nurse shared she was overwhelmed and would be for a while. I spread a comforter in the living room behind the couch as I pulled him down and undid his zipper. He was a good size guy, but not too big to be very uncomfortable. Dawn rang and text my phone, but I wasn’t going to be distracted and turned it off.

I redid my lipstick before settling over him and first kissing his head. It was exciting to feel the warmth of his head and to feel it swell up and grow hard. My lipstick felt like a sticky cream adding to my enjoyment. Then I took him into my mouth and began to slide down his shaft. Swallowing him was nice and not difficult and after I pulled back once and went down again Mason also got into a rhythm. I was back over his head when I felt him throb and was ready when he burst in excitement. I did not let up and got him to groan and go into an orgasm.

I don’t know if he collapsed or just relaxed and dropped back down as I cleaned him up. I was lying next to him still hot and not more than fifteen minutes when he was getting excited again. I felt his hands come around my hips and after my panties and I scooted my hips up to make it a little easier. Then I began to have second thoughts. We both knew he wasn’t going to enter my vagina but if he was going to have me I wanted to enjoy it as well.

Stephen was all but too happy to please me and warm me up. He was not a stranger to nibbling on a breast or lightly touching the lips of my vagina. He was even somewhat a gentleman as I began to have second thoughts. He was putting some gel on me when I began to pull slightly away and then paused.

“Danica, please either say ‘no’ or get up and walk away, but if you stay I am going in you.” He asked if I would roll over but I spread my legs and raised my butt. I wrapped my legs around him as I felt him come into me. It was as nice as I remembered it as Carl.

This time it would be Mason pulling out away and coming back down that got me into a rhythm. I was pleased as he took his time, letting me enjoy myself and begin to come into orgasm before he started to intensify his thrusts. I could feel the warmth of his cum when I realized I had not taken precautions. It felt too good and it was too late to worry about so I hugged and kissed him as we finished our time together.

It was quite late by the time he left I had cleaned everything up and was in the shower. I was feeling bad both by what we had done and by the fact I had acted more as Carl betraying that I was now Danica. I was restless and still awake when Debbie came home.

I got up and wanted to visit and Debbie was sensitive to the fact something happened, but I could also see she was exhausted. She asked me, “Are you okay? Is it something we need to talk about now or is it something that could wait until I get home tomorrow.”

I told her I was okay and things could wait until tomorrow. I was somewhat relieved and just shared the light stuff as she got ready for bed. She was happy we won one of the costume awards. She shared briefly about her evening having three emergencies, one being a trauma surgery.

I went to bed but did not get to sleep; Debbie woke me back up and said we needed to talk. “Why was this comforter out and now in the laundry,” Debbie asked? “You know you haven’t been back on the pill long enough to protect you?”

“We didn’t have that kind of sex”… I broke into tears. “But I was wrong and I am sorry. It was what I wanted to talk about.” Debbie was upset I had unprotected sex. Instead of grounding me she placed me on what she called a short leash. I would need to be up-front about what I was doing and get permission. “Make sure you don’t hurt yourself or other friends with STDs.”

That Debbie needed to say this; this early was upsetting for both of us. But at least I wasn’t on the run and had someone I could share with. We cuddled and I fell asleep there and woke up as Debbie was getting ready for work. It was her weekend to be in the Clinic. We agreed that the afternoon would be shared time.

I got a phone call about 9:15 a.m. asking to be in the Thanksgiving/Holiday Parade in the next city over. They already had the float but needed to change personalities riding it. They wanted me to do it with Mason with the theme “Even Princesses have dreams”. They had talked to the people at the Jersey Shore Princess contest and received enthusiastic permission.

When I tried to tell them ‘No’ they asked me to think about it and get my mother’s response before I decided. I was sure that Debbie would say ‘No’ so I agreed to talk to her and get back to them. When I opened up the morning paper Mason and I made the news in the area news section.

Denise called and she was on her way over as we were to go out with Dawn and friends. It reminded me I was to be working 10-5 at the Fife and Drum. I hurriedly got ready and went to work. Denise was nice enough to drive me and I shared about the request to be in the Holiday Parade. She was excited for me and told me she and Dawn would be on my case if I didn’t do it.

Joan and Beth at the gift shop had seen the morning paper and said they were glad I remembered to come into work. The seven hours went quickly enough, several women commented on our picture and wonder if it was true I was to be in the Holiday Parade. It didn’t hurt my sales total for the day and I enjoyed the attention.

Debbie called having seen my note; I was to get home and clean up for a dinner out. She did comment that she was asked to get a note from your mother. “Danica, I have invited Myrt to go out to dinner with us, but she decided you should be a ballerina on the ice at Rockefeller Center. So you better scoot home and figure out if any of your ‘Princess’ clothes are right for the Big Apple. You are to pack white tights and a suitable short skirt or mini-dress for skating.”

“Mom, Sis you can’t be serious?”

“Myrt said, ‘She wanted to celebrate my being cleared of misappropriate conduct of a doctor’ and insisted it is an overnight tonight in NYC. She insisted I was being stressed by my Mom/Sis responsibilities and we all needed a time out.”

“Sis, I hope you know how to skate as I am game for trying, but I want someone I trust out on the ice with me.”

“I have been a pretty good skater and I will be happy to give you some pointers. But as you once told me you looked up to Peggy Fleming and skaters since her.” I was tempted to ask if Dawn or Denise could go but realized I did need time with Debbie.

Joan pushed me out the door at 5:00 p.m. and Myrt and Debbie were there to pick me up. Myrt’s husband was driving us into the City so we could talk. He was to go on and visit some of his family overnight, so it would be a woman’s weekend out.

Aunt Myrt had gone online and got a suite near Times Square at a nice discount. Debbie had already packed some of my clothes and stuff. She had my silver mini-dress for skating and my dark blue and silver evening dress for dinner tonight. I had to take a quick shower and shampoo my hair as Myrt would put it up in rollers so we would have my hair ready by the time we would go to eat. Mr. Greene had wisely chosen to drive his spacious Lincoln.

It was not yet 6:00 as we were heading for the city and Debbie handed me her phone and told me to call the Holiday Parade person. I dialed the number but looked at my mother as he answered. “Tell him, yes you will do it.”

“This is Danica and you called me this morning about the Holiday Parade and being on one of the floats. My sister and guardian said yes I can do it. I can’t talk much right now, but Debbie wanted me to call and let you know my answer…” “Yes, I remember you said I might want to change my mind. Do you think my being crowned the Jersey Shore Princess makes me a person of any interest?”

“We asked that question two weeks ago and you were already on our shortlist with requests coming from the public when several of us saw your photo in this morning’s paper. ” “Ouch” Myrt tugged my hair as she combed and rolled it as we traveled. Mr. Law hung up and I looked at Debbie, not believing what was happening.

“We won’t get into that now, but you can assume I both love you and will hold you responsible for becoming the young woman I think you seek to be.” We were now going through one of the tunnels and to come out near the Port Authority building, a bit south and west of Times Square. Myrt put a beautiful scarf around my head as we were ready to get out and go into the Hilton.

Sis smiled at Dr. Myrt, “Only my sister can make such an entrance to the Hilton at Times Square.”

Myrt called to the Porters, “Can you bring up the luggage and have someone meet us at 2711 with the keys; I don’t want my God-daughter on display in the line to register.” It wasn’t a question, though as Dr. Myrt shared later she was trying to act like someone she wasn’t and see if she got away with it, which she did. We waited a few minutes but everything got there and I was shown to a modest but nice Princess bedroom. She gave the Porters a nice $50 tip.

The woman who brought up the keys showed me to my room and asked if I was indeed the Princess of the Jersey Shore. “There were three such contests but ours was the biggest and out shown the others,” I said.

“Your 8:30 reservation at the Hard Rock Café has been confirmed and they would like to know if you would grace them with 2-3 songs after your dinner? Either way will be okay with them, but if you would inform me by 8:00 they would be appreciative.”

“Would someone have a guitar I could use as I am not a classical singer and having an instrument might help me relax?” She agreed to pass along the information and hoped we would each get back to the other. Debbie heard the last part of the conversation and thought it would be a cool experience.

“Sis, what if someone famous is there and there I’ll just like an opening act and make a spectacle of myself? And what if their set up will it be like a piano bar or karaoke.”

“You will look good once Myrt brushes you out and you do your make-up to suit you. I believe this Cafe and one in London have a little theatre. Let’s not take my word on it, we will find out.” She gave me a hug and Aunt Myrt had a blower, brush, and comb for my hair. I was happy to do my make-up so it looked like me and not like someone Sis or Myrt’s age.

I called Angie at the desk in plenty of time. I confirmed my intentions and my request for a guitar and stated they had a small theatre as Debbie thought. She stopped by with a corsage courtesy of the Hilton and complimented how I looked. She asked me what I planned to sing.

“I am sure, ‘I Feel Like a Woman’, would be one.”

Angie broke in, “Do you know older rock-n-roll like Fleetwood Mac; I could picture you sounding like Christie McVie and singing ‘Don’t Stop’ or ‘Over My Head’.”

Sis busted out laughing and said, “You’re right she does and if they have the words and music she could do it.”

“Sis, you might be literally putting me in over my head. ‘Don Stop’ would be easier, but ‘Over my Head’ would sound nicer if I can pull it off.”

Angie shared, “I asked the Hard Rock to give me a 5-minute call before you sing. They said a guy named Tony from the Patriots overheard you might be there. He was calling some friends to stop over as they knew you. Do you know Tony on the Patriots?”

“It’s not the football team but a minor league baseball team in Jersey, and yes, Tony’s a great guy.”

I was getting nervous by the time we got there and Sage was our waiter, which I was told was good. He took us past the line with a smile knowing others were wondering if we had a reservation or were someone they should know.

“Princess Danica, it is nice to serve you and the others.”

I retorted, “My Sister and Dr. Myrt are the famous ones they save lives.” Sage smiled and suggested I share that with the crowd as I settle in to sing. The meal came and was eaten all too fast though I was assured it was just my nervousness.

The MC announced, “While we do have some noted guests tonight we are only sure of one other who will sing. We are going you start with a young woman who rocked the Jersey Shore to become Princess of the Jersey Shore 2012, Miss Danica Walters.”

The guitar was nice and a good fit for me, but as I took time to get a feel for it and the mic, I mentioned about my Sister Debbie as being the ones who save lives. I started with ‘I Feel like a Woman’ to get comfortable and then asked if there were any fans of the Fleetwood Mac women. “I won’t do Christine McVie justice but here goes it goes in ‘Over My Head’.” There is a time one hits it despite one’s self and tonight was it. I did well and the crowd got into it as well. My piano accompanist winked and we went back and did the closing verse.

I felt bad when I heard Stevie Nicks was one of the people in the audience. She would later sing and said, “While Christie and I are measured over against each other quite often we both made contributions to Fleetwood Mac and she was the one who first got the group on the charts.” Stevie said if I had stayed around we could jam to ‘Don’t Stop’ which brought applause from the audience.

Myrt insisted the weekend was for me and my Sister and I jammed for only that song. I was up by 7:00 which was early enough and we ate up in the suite. The Post and the Times social section made a short note of my singing at the Hard Rock Café. The most notable quote was “if she could do this well with songs for others, someone should give her a song to try on her own.” Another said, “The Jersey Shore will do better represented by her.” The morning air was crisp as we were down on the rink. Debbie had given me a special pair of panties to wear over my tights. We rented a nicely polished pair of white skates for each of us and I was given some leggings to put on as well.

Carl was not a skater as hard as I tried and wanted to be, but it came easier for Danica, especially with Debbie’s guidance. Debbie to me was Peggy Fleming down to the dark hair and fine features. Bicycling gave her strength and grace just seemed natural. I was happy to be skating with her. I managed to stretch out on one skate and two nice spins. Yes with my silver mini-dress my white frilled panties stood out.

The rest of the morning and day was relaxing, shopping therapy. Most of it window shopping but Aunt Myrt loved spoiling her prize surgeon and a niece. Mr. Greene had a big grin on his face as we drove back and we talked non-stop and pictures I did not know of from the trip were shared…

To Be Continued…

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My heart and prayers to those along the Jersey shore and NYC affected by Sandy. I was there to help for twenty days.

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