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We went to my house, and I quickly changed into an outfit there. I caught grief from two of my brothers and was told to sneak back to Dawn’s car and stay down until I was a block away from the house. Dad was in the house, he was very cordial to Dawn, but he did not acknowledge my problem with my brothers. “If it becomes a problem, I will take care of it at that point."
Dawn and I both went to have a pedicure and manicure at a neighboring community. Dawn was very happy and thankful when I paid for the both of us. Dawn already an attractive girl and her toenails like her fingernails had reflected the attention and care she had given them since she was a little girl. Having professional manicure and pedicure was still a treat for her; the joy we felt was similar to guys attending a special sports event.
It took my manicurist twelve minutes longer to do my nails. This time her work was not to make boys’ feet look decent but to help my nails look pretty for a girl going to the prom. Dawn was becoming used to my tears of joy as the transformation continued to go well. The manicurist put extensions on my fingernails as Dawn picked out the color.
The manicurist wanted to put on a simple but pretty detail on each nail. I quickly balked at the idea because the kids at school would notice and laugh. “The kids at your school would laugh just seeing your fingernails painted” Dawn shared. “But tomorrow you will go to my school as Danica and the girls at my school will be very impressed.”
“Your mother gave me permission to attend school with her on Thursday.” One of their counselors knew who I was and sent a note to my school saying I attended classes there for the day.” Jeff met us at school and was happy to show me a lot of attention at school. I enjoyed my time there as a girl with him and Dawn.
Jeff had a ballgame to play and we went to watch. I know and play baseball myself, finding the game interesting was not unusual. I was distracted by the attention I was getting from other boys.
When we got back to the Millers, I suspect we interrupted Mrs. Miller showing affection to Roberta. Though I thought the interruption may have changed the mood, Aunt Susan took Roberta to their room. Dawn knew but did not tell me her Mom as sometimes got so hot that her dad still had to satisfy her passions.
Jeff came over and took me home with him, but Dawn said I could not go until I had permission from her mother. Jeff settled down commenting on how pretty I was. He was happy that I was at their school.
Jeff's hands were wandering as they came down the back of my blouse to the top of my skirt and butt, but I asked him to show more respect. I wanted to hear how I looked like a hot girl, but not with that meaning. I knew the reputation of a girl visiting another school was subject to being questioned.
After dinner, I was permitted to go over to Jeff’s but needed to be home early. Mom said she preferred me to be back by 8:30. She said if I was not back by 8:45, I would not see Jeff until the prom. Jeff was happy and affectionate, saying he would like to make love to me before his parents came home. Jeff showed me where his room was and suggested I undress to get in the bed so he could imagine me as a girl. He was upset when I told him it wasn’t happening at this point.
Jeff said he loved me and honestly it was not hard to see his passion and I hoped it was love in his eyes. “Danica, you are looking very good as a girl, but I think we are both happy that you are still a boy.” I was not wanting to admit it, but his arms around me did excite the boy within me.
We were back on the couch in the living room and I was becoming aroused as Jeff’s pants started to grow and rise I knew he was full and hard. We had kissed and we touched each other. Jeff was taking his time to enjoy the moment. I was lying back on the couch as Jeff took me by the hips and drew me up on his lap. I opened my legs and Jeff’s cock grew hard and reached up to me.
I moved my legs around to one side but he held me to remain on top of him, and he seemed pleased with himself. Jeff was kissing and caressing my ear and neck. I was getting hotter. My excitement was escalating as was Jeff’s. He slowed up, and I thought he was losing his excitement instead he was lengthening his enjoyment.
I spoke up sharing I was becoming aroused and began to moan with enjoyment. “Jeff I need to get up and get home. He asked why I came over since I already knew he liked boys like me. I was getting too excited and forced myself to my feet and the door. Unfortunately, I could not stop the excitement within me as I went back to the Miller’s. I quickly ran up to Dawn’s bedroom, closing the door behind me.
Susan and Dawn were outside the door discussing which one should come in to talk to me or if they both should. The conversation was speculating what happened and whether I needed a parent’s shoulder or a friend or a parent to come down on me. I opened the door and invited them both in.
They were pleased that I came home, and we laughed wondering if I was the first girl who messed herself. Mom asked if this changed anything and I knew she meant about going to the prom.
“If you have some advice I will listen, but it’s just a matter of two guys who want a night so much, we were getting too excited. Hopefully, the wet dream will be over before the big event takes place. We both want the prom so much. I'm not turning back and I don’t think he will either. My biggest problem is I am rooting for Danica to please Carl and he wants Carl to please Jeff.”
Dawn gave me a big hug, and then said she would run some bubble bath in the tub and the sink. I asked, “Why would you run a bubble bath in both?”
Dawn giggled saying, “It’s a good way to clean your panties when you don’t want to wait for a machine load. You do know which one goes into the sink and gets rung out I hope.”
“Aunt Susan, I hope this isn’t something you need to tell my Mom. If you do, I am afraid I won’t be going to any prom this year or next.” She smiled and told me that I handled the situation and acted well, “As a mother, I am very proud of you, and I think your Mom loves you and is much more proud of you than I am.”
We had an enjoyable evening. Dawn’s dad has stayed as Roberta; she was content to be in Susan’s arms. Aunt Susan, Dawn and I talked after I was ready for bed. I asked Susan, “Do you think it is realistic that I could hope for a wife as understanding?”
Susan replied, “If she could see her way to enjoy you; hopefully she would see you as a whole person, I could see a woman enjoying herself with you.”
I was now blushing. “How about if it’s a man I fall in love with?” Susan and Dawn surrounded me with a big hug suggesting I stop by trying to make decisions and just get some sleep and dream about the prom.
Upon their leaving me to take a bath, I could hear Susan was interested in hearing Dawn’s response to seeing her dad dressed as Roberta. The discussion must have been very interesting as it went on past midnight. Dawn woke me early again to get ready for school. After my shower, there was an outfit for me, but I changed the blouse. It was a woman’s prerogative after all.
The day at school went fast as I was making new friends and had no responsibility for homework or quizzes. We went with Bonnie after school to pick up their gowns. We were going out with a number of their girlfriends that night, but we needed to take the gowns home to make sure they were safe.
Ten of us met for pizza and I was surprised at how long we tedalk and eat so little. As Carl, there was no way I could have sat and talked for two hours and eaten only two pieces of pizza. Dawn and Bonnie gave me a hard time on the way back as I held my own in the conversations.
We were home by ten and Dawn had us going to bed by 10:30. She knew better than I how early the morning would come and how much we had to do. We went for a jog took a shower and finished breakfast and were ready to leave the house by 10:30 a.m.
We were at the salon for our appointments. My appointment was with Jessica; I had borrowed a pair of Dawn’s sweatpants and a zip-top. I thought it was kind of scruffy but Jess said it was good. Dawn knew the style she wanted, but I needed Jessie’s help. She picked four styles for me to choose from; I like three but one was easily my first choice because of its curls. Dawn insisted I would want one of the other two. I was stubborn and kept my first choice.
Though I had shampooed my hair that morning Jessie washed and conditioned my hair again. She set to cutting and rolling it up into curlers. I thought back to when I was a little boy watching my mom getting her hair done. I felt bad that boys couldn’t have that done. I did enjoy holding the curlers and handing each one to the beautician, today was no different with Jessie.
She was surprised that it was my first time at a salon. Once she was done putting in the curlers, she used a setting gel and then put me under a dryer next to Dawn. I heard Dawn said I would be sorry, but I smiled in disbelief. Dawn talked most of the time we were under the dryer, but I understood very little of the conversation going on. It was noon when Jessie began to take the curlers out and comb out my hair. My mom and Mrs. Miller stopped to check on us and take some pictures. Neither was negative like Dawn, instead, they asked me if I was enjoying myself.
Another worker had come and was working on my nails. Jessie asked for my makeup which I handed to her. I was very happy, she did such a beautiful job. While it cost a pretty penny, Mom reminded me about all Jessie had done and encouraged me to give her a good tip.
I felt silly with my hair done, as well as the makeup and walking out of the salon and mall in borrowed, scruffy sweats. I looked at Dawn and had seen other girls and realized, I was being very girly and I enjoyed the moment. Mom said goodbye but said she and our neighbor Helen were coming to the promenade. Dawn and I had to take care not to bump our hair, nor smug our make-up as we got in and out of the van and back into the house.
I didn’t think I need to use the toilet, but Aunt Susan insisted. We stripped down. I used deodorant, powder and a very delicate body mist, and then I began to get dressed. My breasts were glued and the gaff was set in place as Dawn was perfect in blending the seams out of sight. I put on a garter belt after my panties and bra; they were special just for the prom, using the Middlesex colors. I swore I could feel everything like a girl.
I carefully pulled on my silk stockings with Susan’s guidance and watchful eye. Their silkiness sent shivers and goosebumps over my body. Using them and the straps were different from pantyhose. The stockings felt like a cool breeze over my legs.
Putting the slip on over my head felt nice but caused me to worry as I felt Carl slip out of sight. I would have been a basket case putting on my gown but Dawn’s Aunt Betty had come over to help her mother in putting on our gowns. They did Dawn first thinking it would help me to relax, but I knew Dawn was a regular girl and I was not.
This would be the fourth time I put on my gown, but never before had my hair and make-up been done. Susan made me close my eyes as the gown moved down and into place. My arms and shoulders were covered in chiffon and felt so girly.
Tea towels were draped around my neck as the make-up was retouched, and the hair was given little touches. My earrings were changed to add more sparkle, Helen’s necklace was placed around my neck and Ma Miller found a bracelet for one wrist and a delicate girl’s watch for the other. Dawn gave me a pinky ring for my hand. I filled my small purse with my make-up, tissues, a small brush, and two feminine pads. Dawn added a tampon despite my stern look. We were often holding hands and turning to the other so we could see what they did next and how it looked.
They had me step into my heels as Aunt Susan held one hand in givng me support. I was excited by the sound the heels were making. I was jealous of the smooth and even steps of Dawn. Jaz and Cassie had been allowed to come into the room. Susan touched up my hair and then allowed me to open my eyes. Cassie cheered, “Princess, Danica you look like a princess.” Jaz watched over Dawn, Cassie had become my little shadow. She had already drawn a picture of me as a princess and was now coloring in my gown. She drew in a crown despite Jaz’s complaint.
I looked into the mirror and saw my eyes so soft and beautiful and then allowed myself to see all of me. Wow, Cassie was right, I looked like a princess, but I was not alone. Dawn was ever as beautiful as me, but I could not have been any more beautiful if I tried to dream. I was now 5’ 11” and standing on my own, taking small steps and turning side to side.
Dawn was as happy for me as she was for herself. We sat down and Susan took some pictures as we talked. I am sure they were mostly to keep us focused and away from crying.
I wanted to give Dawn a big hug and kiss instead I had a crash course on how one so dressed and with makeup did it. I wanted to go downstairs and to show Dawn’s dad, but he had to come to see us. It was five or ten minutes before Jeff would be there. It was hard to be patient. I was told I needed to wait twelve minutes and for Dawn to be greeted first by Zach.
It was five-twenty when I was finally allowed to come down. I was nervous about tripping on a step, or that Jeff would be disappointed, having seen Dawn. Jeff was all smiles and full of compliments as he took my hand at the bottom step. Dawn and I had pictures together and then with our dates. I thought Jeff was going to give me a wrist corsage, but it was the traditional corsage that he needed to pin on.
He was now the nervous one and I looked down as best I could. I was so proud; my prince’s hands were big and strong, but gentle and loving as well. It was time to leave and Jeff and Zach had rented a limousine to take us to the promenade and then to the prom. The driver was quite the gentleman and help Dawn and me into the limo.
The promenade was simple but eloquent as we drove up to one entrance, were introduced and walked through the crowd in the gym and out another door. Jeff took my hands and whirled me around and we did a few steps like a slow dance. Our limo was waiting for us at the other end. I first saw Aunt Susan, Cassie, and Jaz. I was shortly worried I had missed my Mom. She was there with Helen and with Dad in tow I went and gave her a gentle kiss and to express my thanks. I was a bit sad as my Dad had backed away, taking pictures was his excuse.
I do not remember getting back into the limo, nor much of our meal. I ate just a little even though I was still hungry when the prom began. The first dance was special, being in Jeff’s arms and everyone seeing his beautiful date. He was graceful, I felt one hand at my side and the other slip behind my back.
I had been to a half dozen dances as Carl. Dawn was worried I would try to lead. Following Jeff and letting him lead seemed so natural. I liked it when we would turn or sway as I felt very feminine.
We were halfway through the dance and Jeff lifted one hand and gave me a light touch with the one at my waist. I stepped back and twirled around once and was back at his side dipping backward a little before I realized what we did. I had just begun to lean my head on his shoulder as he kissed me and the dance ended. Like many couples, we shared more than one kiss.
We shared a table with a friend of Jeff’s and a friend of Zach’s. Dawn knew both of their dates well. I felt a need to go to the lady’s room but waited another half hour before Dawn, Bonnie and I went. I was thankful I had the garter and stockings and did not have to work through pulling pantyhose up and down. Getting the dress up, sitting on the seat and using the paper was an experience that gave me a respect for women. The lady's rooms each had an attendant to check for buttons, hooks, and zippers as well as damp and dry cloths.
Checking my makeup and touching up my hair was another two steps that did not come so easy the way I was dressed. I turned to Dawn expecting her to step in and help me. Dawn had insisted Jessie tell me what to do at the salon, now I could do it. She was right and I was proud as any girl proving she was a big girl.
We had a great time and stayed until the prom ended at one. We were driven to the after-prom party at the school, where we said goodbye to the limousine and driver. Dawn let me know I was now on my own.
It was only now I was remembering I was a boy and that Jeff was interested in me as a boy. The party was fun, but come three we were both ready to leave. Jeff walked me out to his car where we stood and shared a few more kisses. Jeff asked if I was alright as I got into the car. I knew what he was asking and if that was alright.
It was a nice motel, Jeff had driven close to our room as he quietly escorted me into our room. We shared a couple of kisses, I turned and asked him to start undoing the back of my gown. It was unbuttoned past the back of my bra and I was able to undo the rest. Stepping out of my gown, I was able to hang it up. I was more excited than nervous. My biggest sadness was that soon the night would be over.
I was down to my panties and bra, having taken off my silk stockings and garter belt. Jeff was down to his underpants. His underpants were satin and it felt nice to rub him as he was getting big and stiff.
I played with him and dipped my mouth down, I was surprised that I enjoyed being there. I found the inside of his legs was sensitive and enjoyed my power over him. My other hand was holding his cock and feeling him.
Jeff was talking, happily moaning. Jeff’s shaft and head began to throb as I was going up and down on him. The intensity was growing in him. I would close my mouth to build up the heat. I would back off to slow down his growing excitement. He thought he was going to come in me and was disappointed he hadn’t.
But his body was still building up, now he was ready and building when I engulfed him again. He burst into my mouth; the gush of semen was great, hot and quickly filling my mouth and throat as I swallowed. He was still cumming inside of me; Jeff was holding my head onto him, trying to extend his enjoyment.
I found the taste of him to my liking. As he relaxed and he was returning to normal size I licked and sucked him clean. He would have little spasms as the joy shot through him. I finally lifted my head off and lied down next to him. We laid there touching each other and I kissed and caressed him but he was reluctant to taste himself on my lips.
It was twenty minutes and Jeff was getting aroused again. Now the focus was on him pleasing me. He wanted to know that I was responding as a boy the best I could. He had gotten some gel or cream and was coating the shaff of his cock and now my butt pushing his fingers into me to force some of the gel inside me.
Jeff was between my legs, holding my hips he was pulling me to him and I could feel the head of his cock position into place. He pushed his head into me before bringing his body forward and down on mine. My legs wrapped around him and we both worked to bring his cock down inside of me. He was warm, long and hard as he continued to move in me; it was turning him and me on more and more. Jeff soon ejaculated into me and while he was pleased and I enjoyed it a bit there was no orgasm.
We would lay and enjoy each other we waited a good hour before he went into me again. This time he took his time and worked harder, his body was stronger. This time when he came in me and he was having a rush of joy and I was enjoying an orgasm when a second and stronger orgasm overtook me.
Jeff said boys could only have one orgasm. The final time Jeff went into me it was from behind, he was mounting me as one male into another. I knew it was important to Jeff and probably a good reminder to me that he was making out with me as another guy. We took showers; I took effort not to wet my hair but to clean especially the lower half of my body.
I managed to get dressed in the gown with little help. I knew the gown had suffered a little but was still beautiful. I did my makeup and touched up my hair. I used the perfume ightly on me and then Jeff. He protested, but I insisted there was a girl inside of him too. I even used lipstick on him and we kissed once before he wiped it off.
It was 6:30 a.m. when we joined Dawn, Denise, and Bonnie and their dates for breakfast. Bonnie’s hair was down and Denise was casually wrapped in her date’s coat. The guys talked among themselves, we girls talked to each other but also worked to bring the guys into the remembrance of the prom.
Denise and Dawn had stayed at the after-prom party until it was over and had won some nice prizes. Bonnie’s were a bit better since she was a junior. Jeff took me to Dawn’s, taking time for kisses and hugs before I went into the house.
I began to take off my heels and take out my earrings when Aunt Susan told me to stop, “You need to fix yourself as we are going to church.” She informed me it was the custom at their church for the guys to show up in their tuxedos and the gals in their gowns. It was a time Dawn had waited years for and was fighting sleep to stay awake.
I was tempted to pass, but thought of all Dawn had done for me. I knew I would enjoy it too if I wanted. Zach wasn’t coming, but Jeff was, the Millers allowed us to sit a bit away from them. A woman came and sat just the pew ahead of us. She had three children a girl, a toddler in his twos and a baby a few months old. It was the Pfisters, I knew them from my church, but I had not seen them recently.
I said hello and she was surprised I knew her by name. I told her I had seen and met her with my aunt and uncle. It was no more than a few minutes into the church and the two-year-old began to act up. So I took the baby to help her out. The baby was good but shortly before the message, she messed her diaper, which made her even more content. Finally, I reached, grabbed the diaper bag and carried Caroline out.
A greeter showed me the nursery off the sanctuary. There were a few babies and toddlers, one woman nursing when I commenced to change the diaper on Caroline. I finished giving her bottle and was in the sanctuary for the close of the service. Mrs. Pfister thanked me as she got to enjoy the service.
I asked about her husband and she shared they weren’t together. She had kicked him out before the baby was born. She shared that it was harder on their two-year-old and daughter of four. I apologized and extended my sympathy. I let Dawn and Jeff out as I stayed with Mrs. Pfister as people left service. “I can’t believe he did that,” she began to confess.
Suspecting he had cheated on her I quickly agreed, “You are an attractive woman and he’s going to miss out on his children. He shouldn’t have cheated.” She began to correct me, “No he didn’t cheat, it was creepy, I caught him in one of my outfits, dressed as a woman.”
I said wow and sat down in amazement. Mrs. Pfister said, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have told you, you probably never heard something so sick.”
“I have… just this past month.” She was amazed and asked if I knew more. I said “It was the husband and dad of my close friends, not here but near where I live. The mom of my friend had kept it from her daughter for eight years. Until we had run into the house from school and he/she was there and couldn’t get to another room before we saw her.
He cried and we were sure, she the mom would be furious. But he/she sat and the mom shared. My friend knew her dad had left when she was eight, but they had gotten back together. It took that long for her mom to work through her anger, and feelings of disgust. When she caught him the third time she began realizing he wasn’t going to change. He didn’t dress around the children, but after she kicked him out she found the whole family was worse.
She had learned through a counselor about him being a crossdresser and that he may not have cheated on the relationship. Once when he was over visiting she had him change into an outfit and helped him to look better as a woman. The only one in the family who hadn’t know was my best friend and others outside the family. My friend and I even came to like him, we liked him more as a dad, but she’s cool.”
Mrs. Pfister was surprised and said it was a lot to accept. “I agree, I doubt if most women would have done what she did. It is easy to understand your reaction. I wouldn’t expect you to change. How you deal with things only you can decide.”
She asked me to tell my friend's name and ask if she could call the mom and wife. I told her “I couldn’t because I shouldn’t have told her anything as I couldn’t tell her name or story to someone else.” I wrote my cell phone number and said she could call.
She got herself composed before we left the church. When we got back to the Millers, Dawn’s aunt and uncle were there. We were visiting in the kitchen when I was falling to sleep on my feet. Her uncle picked me up off my feet and I was asleep in his arms.
Mrs. Miller helped me step out of my dress, slip and put me into bed. It was 4 p.m. before I woke up and my mother was over me on the edge of the bed. She had a sundress with fresh undergarments for me to wear. “So did this experience satisfy your appetite for being a girl? Your friend Dawn thinks you like to dress like a girl.”
“We went to church wearing our gowns and Danica ends upholding and then changing a baby’s diapers,” Dawn shared. My mom heard with interest and asked me to tell her more. “Mrs. Pfister now thinks Danica’s your niece. I helped her with Caroline; did you know she is separated from her husband?”
Mom asked, “Since when did you begin changing diapers?”
“It was easier for me than Mrs. Pfister with three children. I babysit, I just hadn’t changed a baby’s diaper.”
I did not realize it but I had changed out of my panties and bra into my fresh garments and sundress with Mom and Dawn in the room watching. When Mom asked about my humility then I became embarrassed but turned it around “You know you are partly to blame Mom. I had to try the gown, putting it on in front of Mrs. Richards. Dawn was already there when I undressed. The only difference was I was showing boy and girl parts.” I paused then with tears in my eyes I apologized as we hugged one another.
“Mrs. G, do you think she makes a pretty daughter?”
“I love all my sons and I am proud and glad he had this experience.” I heard Mom’s comment to mean this was to be an experience left in the past. “I love Danica and she is very beautiful.”
Dawn spoke up, “I hope she comes over whether or not she goes out with Jeff. As you can see she's used to changing in front of me and mom.” Mom asked and was surprised to learn where I slept at the Millers.
“She probably has a better selection of summer dress clothes than Carl right now.” We excused ourselves with Mrs. Miller taking my gown to the cleaners to be cleaned and hung in a bag for storing. Dawn gave me my two gifts from the after-prom party. One was a gift certificate to Maurice’s and the other to Victoria Secrets, I tried to give them back to Dawn but she insisted I take them.
My mother used the solvent we received from Aunt Susan to take off the gaff as well as my breast forms. She encouraged me to take a shower and to shampoo my hair. It was then that I learned why Dawn tried to warn me about the hairstyle I had chosen. They call it a permanent because it does not easily wash out.
I thought I did such a great job brushing my hair back into style. I had changed back into my regular clothes but I did not look like my regular self. I was going to cut my hair short but my brother Dan told on me and my parents stopped me. Dad wanted it cut but mom insisted I wait until the morning and showered and shampooed again. Mom knew it was going to make little difference but she also knew I had a bigger concern. I had put on my jeans and a t-shirt and had gone out to shoot some baskets as I often did to burn off nervous energy.
It was then I felt this strange sensation of the breast forms still being on me. As I dribbled or jumped for a shot, I felt the sensation of my breasts tingling. I called back to Dawn and she laughed at my problem but suggested when I woke up in the morning I should be back to myself.
Mom called me a while later and asked how I was doing. I suspected she knew more than I did, but I tried not to share how I felt. I complained about my hair and asked what we were going to do. Mom shared most of my mannerisms were off and that Danica’s voice crept back into my speech. I had continuously touched my chest and my mother asked what was going on as my hand was returning to my breasts again and again.
I was emphatic that it was my chest, boys do not have breasts. Mom asked me to take off my shirt and we both noticed my nipples were a bit large. Mom said they appeared to be budding and the tissue around them seemed puffy. Mom jokingly shared, if I had wanted to dress and look like a girl, I was getting my wish.
She placed a call into Dr. Myrt, who shared it would be a very unusual and quick reaction to the shots she gave me and inquired if I had been doing or taking anything else. I was not admitting it, but I had stolen and taken two of Aunt Susan’s birth control pills and Friday had taken and used another of Dawn’s. Mom stated I had a reprieve from school and showing off my hair as I had an 11:45 appointment to see Dr. Myrt.
“Mom, isn’t Dr. Myrt a woman’s doctor? It would be embarrassing for me to be going to her office.”
“If you want you can go as Danica but we are going to have to register you under your real name.” I went to bed at 10 and I was tired enough from the prom to go to sleep. I talked to Dawn and texted with Denise for well over an hour and a half, under the covers.
I made the mistake of telling Dawn I was texting with Denise and she somehow got the three of us on the phone. I told them both I was likely to miss school the next day and both of them agreed it was because of my permanent. Dawn suggested it could be my phantom breasts as well.
I was irritated she let Denise know that part of our conversation. She agreed to be quiet on the subject if I told her the feeling was going away. Unfortunately, I paused long enough before I lied and said it was. Neither she nor Denise believed me and both giggled at me. They both promised not to share with anyone. They joked, “It was our girl secret."
I was up just before six, ate breakfast with Mom and was taking a shower and shampooing my hair twice. My hair had changed a little but Danica’s hairdo was very evident. I regrettably admitted to myself that my chest was up to something. Mom looked and with a bit of nervousness in her voice said “It looks like your nipples are budding. She explained much to my grief what that meant. I went crying to my room afraid because part of me was very happy.
I stayed in my room on the computer until my brother was off to school. He had come in and eyed me up and down, saying, "This better be one of Carl's pranks. I'm getting fed up with you being a sissy." Mom and my oldest brother Dave had to come and break up the fight. My brother was spared punishment as he had to get to school.
Dad spoke up stating, "Carl you're the one guilty of upsetting the family." I guess it was a lot easier for one to change than the other five. He said, "I think we need to own up to the fact that this can’t keep going on."
The School had called by 9:00 a.m. in concern of my third day of missing school. Mom thanked them for checking and shared she would share today’s concern with the school nurse if it proved important. I was in my regular jeans and shirt until Mom insisted I change and put on a bra. The breast forms were placed in the cups and the straps were shortened to hold the forms snuggly.
We left and got to the doctor in plenty of time. Mom was nice and spoke to the receptionist to check me in. A nurse called me for my appointment, weighed me and took me to exam room three. I was sure Dr. Myrt was going to see me herself alone. When I was told I needed to put on one of those little exam tops I was upset but not too alarmed.
I was alarmed when the nurse knocked and came back into the room. She needed to take my vitals and ask some questions. I told her I was not a regular patient. “I know but you are as important as any other and the doctor asks me to follow these procedures.” I lied when she asked about other medications.
It was another five minutes before there was another knock and Internist Deb stepped in to examine me. I was about in tears as her scope went to my chest to check my heart. She asked if I needed my mother. She undid the front of my smock and lightly touched and examined my nipples. I was surprised when she said to me, “They are pretty: are you happy or upset about having them.” She paused, “Dr. Myrt said you went to a prom; by your hair, nails, and complexion; I suspect you were very pretty. Did you have an enjoyable time?”
“I am kind of scared though they look pretty. I am embarrassed; I thought I would be seeing just Dr. Myrt.”
“Dr. Myrt said she did you and your Aunt Susan a favor and saw you a week ago Saturday. You and your Mom agreed and said you wanted the shots she gave you. She informed you that the shots would not have a lasting effect. Now your body seems to be responding more dramatically and we need to help find out why. I'm sorry if you are a little bit uncomfortable.”
Dr. Myrt came in with a calming presence. Intern Deborah shared, “She’s speaking with her feminine voice so we are treating her as Danica; a boy whose breasts have begun to bud, for no known reason. I have taken a blood sample but there appears to be no apparent reason for the nipples to be budding with the breast tissue is beginning to develop.”
“So Danica can I start by asking how you enjoyed the prom?” She was examining me as we visited and even had me lay back on the table. She had my legs raised into stirrups and examine between my legs. She sat down to examine me more thoroughly. I was sitting back up and she was sitting in front of me.
“Your desire to be a girl is strong like I thought and I am glad you enjoyed yourself. I hope you and your date took precautions though. You are safe from some girl problems. Now I need to know from you if you did something, or I do I need to consider my niece or someone else did something to cause this? There is a possibility of another problem but it is third and down on the list.”
Dr. Myrt encouraged Deb to take my hand and place her other hand was on my shoulder. “Have you gotten into anyone’s medication or taken over the counter medicine for women?” She seemed to know, “You won’t be in any legal trouble, but I do need to know."
"Dawn thinks you are a special person. Your Aunt Susan thinks some medicine might be missing.” I began to cry and told her I had taken two of Aunt Susan’s pills and someone may have taken one from Dawn’s dispenser. The discussion was drawn out and my mother was now part of it.
Seemingly even the missing birth control pills did not fully explain the response of my body. Dr. Myrt shared she had placed a call to Susan to get her daughter out of school; thinking Dawn had to be part of what I was doing.
It was then I confessed to having been sneaking and using pre-natal medicine since I was 12 years old. Dr. Deb thought it may have helped to cause a delay in my male development, as well as awakened dormant female organs. The shots Dr. Myrt gave me combined with the birth control pills I used may have been the needed catalyst to trigger my female development.
"Danica, how long have you dreamt of being a girl, or is it boys you want to please?"
With tears in my eyes, I tell her, "My parents already had three boys. I just wanted to please them, especially my mommy. When others thought I was a girl, I liked the nice things they said. I didn't know they were kidding me. I just liked it. But then my dad got upset and I hid my feelings."
“We now,” Dr. Myrt spoke, “have a quite different problem and set of circumstances. I am not sure we want to arrest your development as Danica since you have such a strong will and determination to be a female. I suspect we would want to watch and research this very well. I believe we need to decide within 3-6 months if you should remain a male or continue to transition to being female.”
“Mrs. G, my recommendation to you would be to have ‘Danica’ continue as your niece, keep Carl out of school and have him stay with an aunt and uncle. If you want Danica to finish the school year that she go to Middlesex but complete the needed exams from his school.
She is not to be sexually active as she has been, but she needs to have and use her own medicine.”
“Nurse, please start a new file for Danica. Prepare these two shots for Intern Dr. Deb Sanders to give her.”
“Danica, your Mom has consented for you to live as a girl. Doing so is dependent on your agreement to do as I am requiring. You need to let me know you understand what is being asked of you and that Danica will be living up to that agreement.”
Mom asked, “You inferred that Danica has been sexually active; what do you mean by that?”
“I suspect Danica thought her girl's life was short and it appears she has had a boy sexually. She might have had orals sex, but that would be apart from what I am talking about.”
Mom looked at me disgusted and suggested that I had sex with Jeff on our first date. “I didn’t Mom. I'm sorry but it happened after the prom party.” I agreed with Dr. Myrt and Mom that I would continue as Danica and to live as we agreed. It was 1:00 p.m. before we left the doctor’s office. I had received my new shots and at Deb’s request, I touched and affirmed the beauty of my budding breasts.
It was agreed between the doctors and the mothers that I would not be able to date with Jeff until I had dated others, including going as a boy on a date with a girl. There was to be no sex with a person of either gender. Doing so would forfeit my part in decisions about my future. A quick statement was written and signed by at least five of us.
Mom felt a need to take me to the mall as we now needed to shop to build up a wardrobe for Danica. But Mom was angry and unsettled, I suspect with me, so she asked Susan if she would be willing to do it for her. She said Mrs. Richards would be pleased and helpful in selecting the clothing I would need as well.
Mom stayed in with Dr. Myrt, and said she had another doctor’s appointment to get too after that for herself...
Dawn and Aunt Susan went with me to get me some more clothes. If possible I would stay with them and finish the school year. Dawn was thrilled that Danica was to continue and wanted me to finish the school year with her. Shopping ended with a stop to get cosmetics and skin and hair care items. I was surprised I was getting what I needed to live as Danica.
Denise had texted me to get feminine care products for my purse and to keep track of my monthly visitor. Mom Miller giggled as she explained Denise’s reasoning. Dad and my brothers were not happy that I was continuing as Danica. Dan appreciated he did not have to explain his brother being his sister.
Jeff called and he was already inviting me on a date and was very disappointed when I told him I would not be sexually active and we would have to wait on the next date.
It wouldn’t be told to me but my mother went to the hospital from her Doctor’s appointment. My Dad made a decision that I was neither to know about my Mom being in the hospital nor communicate with her even by phone until I was back to normal.
To be continued...
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I'm lovin it.
Beautiful chapter, Jessica. Better flow and sweet and sensitively done. Though with where Danica is now, I really wonder how she is going to go on a date as a boy with a girl. She may need to find a friendly young trans-guy for some pointers on butching it up LOL.
Thanks, but honestly yes
I do appreciate you or anyone else who could help me to understand or portray another lifestyle better and with better sensitivity. but would appreciate such communication as a private message.
One of the great things in writing is the insight and comments of so many readers. No TG person is an expert in understanding our community.
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Started with a Prom Dress - 3 - The Prom
Wondering how things will turn out
May Your Light Forever Shine
Her dad
isn't being very nice. Unfortunately it happens that way with parents of trans-children way to often. I was lucky that my dad didn't disown me but he still has a hard time calling me Rebekah or Bekah. My mothers side of the family on the other hand completely stopped talking to me. Not my mother I dont know how she would have taken it as she passed before I came clean to everyone but my dads side of the family has been wonderful. I hope for Danicas sake that everything works out and she remains able to be in contact with her mom despite her dads influence.
Danica's dad is being stupid
This is HER mom but his mom is no longer supportive as she once was so it sounds like Dancia (Carl) is nolonger part of the family even her brothers are being stupid about Danica!!! I do know the feeling though (Not the prom dress or ther perm) of not being supported for being your self. Sad that Danica can't have ANY contact with her mother because I have a feeling that Danica is NORMAL I think she has female internal organs & the shot the Dr. gave her just trigered them no one knew untell she got the shots.
I would have thaught that mom would be more supportive than she is. Mom, dad & the other brothers are only thinking of them selfs & not about about how Danica feels & the "family is being upset by her" what a crock of BULL!!! They are terring the family appart by being so close minded.
When Danica talked to Mrs. Pfister she was talking about Dawn's dad but was smart about telling her she could not give her the name of her friend or their phone number as she didnt have that right to tell her about what she did. That is a ture friend to hide the family secrets like that & she added some other erouious details of her own :).
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Lots of unanswered questions for Danica...
Who to be, which gender to date and love, whether to continue to see the feckless Jeff. Yes it's true, the boy has no fecks and treated her with no respect: After all how old is Danica: 15, 16?
It seems to me that a young transgendered girl should be treated with the same respect as any young girl not just used to satisfy the lust of a selfish jerk especially when she's so vulnerable. I was taught that it was the man's responsibility to protect and care for his date. He didn't show that he cared for her, just that he wanted to get his rocks off.
I'm sure this will beget a lot of argument, but it's my opinion.
Jessica, Don't think my statements are a criticism of your story: I still love your unique approach to the subject, and your writing is much improved. You've improved marvelously in a very short time!
In fact you've done what a really good author does, You've made your readers CARE about your characters.
I care about Danica and really dislike Jeff. I have no idea why Dawn likes him. I think he's a selfish boor who thinks only of himself!
I love the story and your writing and have no idea where you're going from here and that's another sign of a good writer; your reader shouldn't see the end of your story... till the end of your story!
Great work, keep it up,
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
I'm with you, Ole!!
Jeff is finis as far as I'm concerned.
He used no protection and only thought about himself. Typical Jock, all balls and no brains!
She needs to forget him ASAP for her own benefit.
The stealing of other close friends medication is unforgiveable and unacceptable.
I am very disappointed in this showing in her character!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
I enjoyed the story
I enjoyed the story, I skip the sex stuff. I like the old movies were they just shut the door and let your imagination run wild.
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Didn't need quite so much sex stuff..
Like others, I believe that Jeff is history and that Danica's Dad needs some help coming to terms with what he can't control.
So sweet
His /her first bj
and first intercourse.
Lovely story.
Started with a prom dress part 3
This is getting so good can't wait to see what happens next hopping for the best
Love with strings
Twice now Jeff became upset when Danica called a halt to their steaming up the windows. This seems contrary to what's been said about him. It's as though he presents different personalities depending who he's with.
Dad has accused Danica with causing problems in the family. Isn't dad just esaobating the problem he thinks he see? Isn't he putting conditions on his love for Carl? He loves Carl only if he lives as his dad wants.
And now mom has entered into the hospital, but dad banned Danica unless Carl returns. Who benefits by Danica visiting her mom? Mom or dad? Whose morale will be affected by banning Danica from seeing her mom? Mom or dad?
And if mom should die before Danica is even told she's in the hospital? Has dad thought of the consequences of this possibility? Is dad prepared to suffer the hate Danica would level against him the rest of his life?
If mom is on the verge of death, would he suddenly change his mind and rush Danica to the hospital before she dies? And when Danica discovered how long was in the hospital, is dad ready to suffer the consequences of his decision? All because Danica wasn't going back to being Carl.
The doctor mentioned Danica's body kick starting her internal female organs. How does the doctor know Danica has internal female organs without a scan? And if indeed Danica has internal female organs, then dad's demands that Carl return to his idea of normal is moot. Because for Carl, normal would be being Danica.
Others have feelings too.