Work yesterday sucked. Rained all day, cleaned off a back patio of a recently vacated townhouse that they are getting ready to start showing first thing, then just blew wet leaves about all day with the blower. Wasn't the most efficient use of time, but it was the most efficient I could do with the rain, and the leaves just had to be blown away from the walkways, rain or not. Nothing terribly interesting happened, though I have mostly written a psalm in my head that I just need to mesh out in writing, which I intend to do tomorrow.
Yesterday was payday, though, and I burned over a hundred dollars already stopping at Walmart and the Dollar Tree on the way home. Picked up a bunch of depilatories, finger and toenail clippers, tweezers, nail file, a pumice stone, and some Niacin tablets. Also got a new (clean, not for work) clip visor, some cheese, and some oj. I'm now taking 1000 mg of Niacin a day to help counteract some of the undesired effects of the licorice, in addition to a teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (potassium salt) mixed into oj with my morning dose. At the Dollar Tree I picked up my 24 oz Propel (cheapest place for them), restocked my energy shots for a few more weeks, and a bag of harvest cheddar sun chips.
Ever try tying down a bunch of shopping bags to a bike rack in heavy rain? Not suggested.
I last shaved my face and removed all my body hair on Sunday before the meeting - almost a week later and my facial hair looks about like it used to halfway through the day. Going to start using depilatories on it on Saturdays, see if that lasts a full week at a time.
As I was getting ready for work today, my mother surprised me by presenting me with two possible names. I told her if she could choose a new name for me I'd use it. She seems to be on a mission to make sure I retain a somewhat masculine name - one name was Akira Kai... straight up Japanese, and while Akira CAN be either (tends towards males though...), Kai is masculine. Combined... well, since American's are known to bastardize everything anyways, I think no one would care... the other one was Audra Kai. At least Audra is very definitely female.
Well, I stand corrected, apparently, even though Kai has historically always been a male name, it is recently gaining popularity for females.
I am OK with Audra Kai, but I do wonder why the Japanese, she never would have had the least interest in it before her children gained an interest in Japanese culture... Could always pretend it's one of the other origin countries... Anyways, I think the meaning she was aiming for was "strong change"... even though Audra really means "noble strength", coming from Old English, and "change" is only one among many of the Japanese meanings, and "noble strength change" ... well, it's interesting, I guess.
With Akira Kai, she was actually going with the Burmese form of Kai, and aiming for "intelligent strength" ... though a strictly Japanese meaning would be one she doesn't necessarily like - "intelligent change"... heh.
Well, that was this morning, and I thought maybe she was on the mend, especially since later, she called my older brother while we were working and asked him for his opinion... Which he gave an opinion of full support, of course. Well... we'll talk more on this subject a bit later.
After work, I went up to my room and changed, then rode over to the sister who has an Abigail with the husband of another of my sister's. While I wasn't really intending to come out to them yet, it just sorta felt right. I have his full support and he assures me my sister will not be a problem.
The meeting with the other group of four went extremely well, as expected. I have all of their full support. Details aren't really necessary. Though I sent my sister for a loop when I told her the last time I shaved was Sunday night. She remembers my old hirsutism well. She also has a slight problem with a mustache she needs to remove frequently... though her imbalance is one of too much Aldosterone. She won't take pills though, and refuses to use herbal tinctures in hot water for a tea either... Could probably find her something that'll act on the reducer to Aldosterone to inhibit it... Would need to be careful though... inhibit it too much and you'll have another problem entirely which I do believe I might've mentioned a few times already... Anyways, that's neither here, nor there, she wouldn't use anything even should I suggest it, she wants to try to get shots or something.
Well, they drove me back home, and mom... well... she's really having a rough time. She backtracked again and started attacking transgender and saying a pre-op ts is not really any different from a tv... with the unsaid supposition that being tv means you must be gay. She also insists that since we need to keep taking at least estrogen for the rest of our lives, post-op, that we can't ever really transition... Oh... my poor mother... why must she remain so narrow-minded?
Speaking of her being narrow-minded, she objects to me calling a modern poetic prayer a psalm, because it's "not scripture". ... She does recall that much of what became compiled into the scriptures were once the diaries and journals of troubled believers, I hope? Including a woman, for one particular book. She seems to think the only psalms ever written are contained in the book of psalms - primarily written by one particular man, who was, by the time much of the the book was written, disgraced of God. Hm. And she seems to think a perfectly righteous young woman who just happened to be born in the wrong body can't write psalms.
So far it's looking likely that I will lose her and my two older siblings that are active LDS - even with my bishop supporting me.
I haven't mentioned the other still active LDS member of my family yet. She lives in Texas, and is so like our mother, that the two of them cannot get along. Especially since the sister has managed to become successful. But being so much alike pretty well assures me that what I see my mother going through, my sister will be worse - mom's my mom, whether she likes my choice or not, she's going to work a little harder at accepting me than a sister is likely to. Especially a sister I barely talk to. Ever. She's virtually cut ties with the family, and only ever talks to mom, and only when mom calls down there.
I think I just won't bother telling her, when it eventually reaches her ears she'll react by disowning me whether spun positively or not. Since I already have so little contact with her, losing her completely won't hurt as bad as the other fish, or mom.
I only have two siblings left that I actually care to talk to, one lives just a few blocks north in Michigan, the other lives out in California. I don't really worry about either of them.
Keeping on, keeping on,
Abigail Drew.
Sounds like you could change
Sounds like you could change it very slightly and go for Audrey Kay.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Excuse my ignorance, what's
Excuse my ignorance, what's LDS?
I wondered what LDS was as well.
Finding different reactions in one's own family is often, (dare I say always,) traumatic for us.
I had three siblings, 2 older sisters and an older brother (Girl, girl, boy then me.)
The only reactions I have had from my one brother (I never see my sisters and the oldest is dead anyway.)
My brother has responded very positively, and after 52 years of involuntary separation, we are now good friends. But you are right Abigail, the reactions of our families is one of the biggest issues in our lives. Certainly the biggest external issue after our own internal concerns.
Growing Old Disgracefully
Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Mormon. Or so I believe.
That is Correct
THat is correct.
Well... almost correct.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We prefer the shortened form of LDS, which is in turn shortened from Latter-Day Saint, because while Mormon was the prophet who mostly compiled the books that became the Book of Mormon, his son helped finish after he passed on, and neither of them are anywhere near as important to our religion than that we are Christian.
Calling us "Mormons" started as a derogatory against, not only the prophet Mormon, but our religion as a whole, making it out that we worshiped a man named Mormon, not God. He was an important man, but no more so than any other prophet. No where near as important as Christ.
You may recall that in the ancient Church that Christ and his apostles first set up, before the dark ages, all members were called Saints.
It's the Catholics who decided Sainthood was something to be reserved for particularly spectacular (in their opinion) people.
Yes, I do know quite a bit about Judeo-Christian history... I wish more people in my church did... they might be a little more open if they did.
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
Writing as an atheist
...I realised after I had posted that I had left the 'Jesus' out. I used the word 'Mormon' simply because that is how they are best known on these shores. No insult intended, and I am sure none was taken.
I live between two tabernacles....about five miles in each direction.
indeed, none taken.
Just explaining why you'll never see me refer to myself as Mormon unless I'm actually, y'know, thinking about it.
Most people who use it these days don't even know the history of the term, or care one way or another about us. But the history is still there... tainting the name... at least for me, and many other members.
Even though I know no one means ill by it, or at least few people mean ill by it, every time I am referred to as a "Mormon" part of me cringes.
The reaction is not against the person using the name, but the use of the name itself... if that makes sense at all.
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
However, it's NOT
However, it's NOT derogatory, really.
The Jews are sometimes referred to as the children of Israel (Israelites), because of the origin of the tribes. "Mormon's" means "They are of Mormon".
I've had a number of Mormons as friends, there are families that we've known for years, I even know several in Utah. None of them have ever taken offense to the word, because it's an apt description. I even have a copy of the Book of Mormon on the ... lets see. I think third shelf down, last on the right. I'm relatively non-religious, so I've had no problems reading just about anything I get my hands on.
If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (as a church), didn't like the name, I don't think their old commercials would have ended with a child saying "The Mormons". :)
Honestly, most churches with long names end up shortened, and LDS just brings to mind mind altering with chemicals (Yes, I know that's LSD)
'Baptists' are called that after John the Baptist. - there are other examples, I'm not going to drag them out. (Well, maybe "Mennonites". All Amish are Mennonites, but not all Mennonites are Amish - They are named after Frisian Menno Simons)
Keep in mind that lots of terms started off as slang, which I think is a better description than as a derogatory term. I mean, the full name of the church is a mouthful. People don't like long names - well, other than the Germans. They revel in them.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Mormons and Queers and Christians, oh my!
Well, Christian was originally a derogatory term for followers of a new Jewish sect who believed a certain rabbi had been the messiah, and eventually the early Christians took it and used it proudly as a label.
And "queer" was originally derogatory (and some still use it that way) when first used to refer to gay people, but now many "queer folk" proudly use it. And don't some TG folk use "gender queer"?
And "nigger" was... okay, that may be a bad example. Yes, they do use it amongst themselves now, but they still get quite offended/irate when we use it. Never mind. Still a work in progress? Who knows.
Professor Lisa
Languagophile and Etymologist
I've always been offended
I've always been offended about the misuse of the words 'gay' and 'queer'.
I mean, 'gay' means happy, or joyous. 'queer' means 'oddly different'.
Mind you, many homosexuals of both genders (sexes?) that I've known have definitely been queer people, but not that many of them have been gay.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Growing up in Salem, Oregon, there was a men's clothing store called The Gay Blade. When "gay" started being associated with homosexual the store changed its name to The Blade.
John Robert Mead
Perhaps you missed the memo. For at least the last 3 months, your church has been airing TV ads that finish with the phrase "I'm a Morman"
* * *
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
More like 30 years. 'The
More like 30 years. 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..... The Mormons'
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
that doesn't mean...
That it bothers some of us any less, just because the church as an organization doesn't mind.
And as I said, it bothers us more because of the sorts of people who first started using it, and why. Not for any other reason.
It's a little difficult to wear proudly a monicker based on the name of a guy we ourselves don't consider any more important than any other prophet. He's not the same as Christ. In fact, if anything, his son was more important than he was, since Moroni revealed the plates to Joseph Smith and got the ball rolling. In fact, the angel Moroni is the brass figure you see on many of our buildings.
I dunno, I know it really SHOULDN'T make me uncomfortable, but it does, and I'm not the only one.
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
I wish you the best of luck
I wish you the best of luck with your family, and keeping dry in the rain. :)
hugs hon
religious reasons as a barrier to acceptance? Hmmm. You're preaching to the choir here. My ex is like your mom, only worse. Hugs.
it's actually more complex than that...
The religion itself is not against us. The bishop of our ward even said that there's a chance in the future for open acceptance, not just a hush hush acceptance - not that I'd be overly interested in advertising my past even if I were allowed to.
He said that, with mom present. If she chose not to hear, it is because she is remaining closed-minded. She heard the part that I'll not be allowed in the temple loud and clear, though she missed the qualifier "for the time being."
It's not our religion that is at fault, in fact, I think in a way it is - the fact that the bishop is supporting me, that the church doesn't condemn me, is causing a trial of her faith as her own personal bigotry is being challenged by reality.
Or perhaps it is merely exacerbating a trial of the faith she was already having.
The church doesn't condemn us, but it can't yet accept us too loudly for fear of losing membership that they'd rather have a chance to slowly educate and prepare against the day when they can be, nay, must be more open.
There's also the issue that we just can't presently know for sure - at least, they can't - whether a person should in fact be male or female. Only God, Christ, the Holy Ghost, and the individual can know that. And individuals could lie, or be misled themselves. I think this is an excuse. A delaying tactic in place to help appease some trans-folk who might not be able to grasp the bigger picture.
It is my wholehearted belief that eventually, the time will come that I will be permitted to attend the temple as my whole self. Not as the Andrew Fortress, not as the transsexual I am presently aiming to be, but as a whole woman. Maybe I'm wrong, and it'll be as a whole man with this need to be female erased from me, but I doubt that. It's too deep.
That time will come when Christ does.
Abigail Drew.
PS: sorry if I'm sounding preachy, but as I hope you can tell by now, my faith is extremely important to me.
Abigail Drew.
I'm the same
except I'm pretty sure my ex's church would have a fit if I turned up in a skirt.
Many churches will, and do.
Even ours has difficulty with it. New converts who are trans end up going through a huge mess culminating in talking directly with a General Authority - and often further to a member of the Presidency, or even to the current prophet. Current members who come out usually end up shipped to a different stake once they start their RLT. Or worse, depending on local leadership who may not necessarily think twice to look at the guidebook. That's essentially the plan for me, btw, I'll continue attending my ward here in Toledo until such time as I am ready to start living full time as female, then I'll be shipped up north to the nearest Monroe ward. Finally, if the wrong members find out your status in some fashion, you could wind up ostracized by the members of your ward even though the religion itself accepts you...
Unfortunately, the world at large is still struggling with us, and religions, and even more, religious people, especially.
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
"I'll be shipped up north"
That sounds like your Church decides you and other transitioning members should move, and chooses where to "ship" you... Hmmm...
Hey, did your boss ever acknowledge the note you left her, and what it said?
well, not exactly like I meant it...
I'll still live where I've always lived unless I choose to physically move (which may happen yet... mom's getting worse, not better), I'll just attend a different ward in a different stake, where no one will recognize me as my past self.
As for my boss at work, nope, still nothing. I'm going to have to assume this means I'm OK there for as long as I want to keep working there. I've really only intended working there as a stop gap while I got my depression under control so I could go back to school and actually, y'know, make it this time... Little did I expect all of THIS! Not sure what I'm going to do now, really. Still want to try to make it back to school, but I know now I need to transition first. Transitioning is going to take a long time and a lot of money...
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.