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Don’t Blame Me…I’m A Martian-3
Chapter 3
I’m in here way too long.
Three days, I’m in here and they’ve run every test they can think of at the moment for their “Doctor-Like” interest. They don’t have a clue as to why I’m the way I am past the whole chimera thing and there’s been tests on most of my major organs and I swear they’d have opened me up just to take a better look.
Yes I’m pissy; it’s apparently my time of the month.
Yeah, my hormonal levels are right along side of a pubescent teen girl having her first bout of PMS. Oh never mind the fact I don’t have the ovaries so they’ve got no clue as to how but yeah…cramps, temperature, bloating, and this wild see-saw of emotions that makes me feel like a goth kid on crystal methe and ecstasy. Oh and apparently my boy bits are of a size they shouldn’t be considering the female hormones that’s in my body. It should be smaller but it’s not. Yeah great fun having these assholes playing around with my junk.
The dreams are helping either.
First there’s the me morphing into a girl nightmare and that’s usually all out of proportion. Scary really scary stuff when you are that freaked by it that you can feel your boobs getting bigger and sort of feel and know you’re getting dumber and more like some stupid bimbette. I’ve woken up from those twice now freaked out and in a panic, checking to see if my boobs got bigger overnight.
No, they haven’t. There’s just this hardness underneath this bit of jiggly flesh that’s starting to form. Oh their boobs alright, you can sort of notice them. You can really notice them if I turn sidelong. There’s two slightly curved bumps there now. And they ache, they’re sore and they’re itchy.
The second dream is more personal and more disturbing really. It’s me and then there’s this room or at least there’s this wall of windows and on the other side of it I see myself only it’s not myself but my twin sister. Yeah the one that’s part of me that I absorbed in the womb. I can look through the windows and see this alternate world that might have been her life.
Only she’s me, because in her life her name is Dylan as well. So it’s her other life but it’s me if I was her? Yup really psycho-babble stuff going on there. And I’m not telling anyone about it because the tests are more than enough I really don’t need to be seeing a shrink. I only had this dream once and we ended up looking at each other and there was this whole moment where she was looking at me and at my life with this whole…if only kind of longing in her eyes.
I’m more than ready to get the heck out of here when Mom comes to pick me up with Hillary in tow. No Dad, No Jax just the two of them? The what’s up feeling starts to slowly congeal as we leave Ocean City and start to drive to Atlantic City just twenty minutes away.
“Uhm, Mom? Why aren’t we going back to the cottage?”
“We’re going shopping Dylan there’s things that you’re going to need if this keeps the way it’s going.”
Hillary grins from her spot riding shotgun. “Hey it’ll be cool Dylan; we can have a girl’s day out.”
I give her the finger. And she cackles at me. I look to mom not at all amused. “I’m not a girl; I don’t need to go shopping for girls shit.”
“Stop saying shit Dylan. There’s some stuff you need to have until you get to the point where they’ve stopped growing and you can get surgery.”
“Surgery! WaddayameanSurgery!”
“Well I just thought that you’d not want to go through your life with a pair of breasts. I thought as soon as they were done growing in you’d be wanting a mastectomy.”
“No way! I’m not getting anything clipped, snipped or tucked!”
“So you can live with having breasts?”
“I dunno, but I’m not getting stuff cut off that I don’t need cut off.”
Hillary chuckles. “So sis, welcome to being a girl.”
“I’m not a girl!” I snap at her.
“Yeah well guys don’t have breasts.” She shot back with this smug grin on her face.
“I’m not a guy either or didn’t you hear the fucking doctors Hill, I’m neither! I’m a freak!” I’m crying, I don’t want to but the faucet’s been turned on and it just won’t stop until it stops. Goddamed Hormones…. “(Sniffle) Goddamned Hormones.)
Hillary looks at me her expression gone from teasing to thoughtful to oh shit I fucked up in a few moments. “OhmyGodDylanI’msosorry!” she’s tearing up too which is making mine worse and we’re both sniffling and I look at her and ask. “Hill?”
“Yeah Dylan?”
“Does this mean you’re gonna start looking at me and treating me like a sister?”
“(Sniffle) Yeah, maybe, I dunno.”
“So it’d be cool if I acted like a girl around you? Like a Sister?”
“Yeah…sure!” she’s kind of smiling now obviously getting cheered up by the idea.
I reach ahead to where she’s sitting in the front seat and give her a light slap in the face more to shock her than to hurt her, I wouldn’t do that. I grin at her. “Cunt.” And I say it in the way that only a sister could say it to her sister.
Mom has to stop the car and pull over to the curb she’s laughing that hard as Hillary is first completely shocked as shit then as the car stops she crawls over the seat to get me. She’s lightly hitting me calling me stuff like Skank and Bitch and it kind of ends up in a bit of rough housing and a tickle fight, right about then she hits me by accident? Right in the left boob, or starter boob.
Wow…In a bad way.
It’s not like it but at the same time…it’s very close to getting hit in the nuts. The pain isn’t reduced by the “padding” no it hurts like every nerve just screamed WTF and there’s more nerves and blood vessels and the blood rushes into the areas effected to combat the swelling, it’s a swelling that seems to push the pain all at once like a backlash from the impact and seems to concentrate on my nipple making it ache.
“Ow, goddamn it my tit!” I yell.
“Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit sorry Dylan, shit I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit you there that hard.”
I just kind of curl up a bit holding by now my throbbing breast kind of gasping. “Oh crap, Oh crap. Oh dammit that hurts, I never though it’d hurt that much.”
Hill’s rubbing my back winching in sympathy. “I’m sorry I really didn’t mean to hit you there.”
“I know, I believe you but wow, holy crap that sucks. It’s okay Hill let’s just not do that again any time soon.”
“Deal, I know how that feels, heck most guys have no clue as to how that feels.”
“Not too far from getting kicked in the stones actually sis.”
“Really? Oh, ow…”
“Yeah really, actually getting kicked in the stones has a more deep gut kind of hurt like that ache that hurts so bad that you want to hurl and fades away after a bit. Getting tit wacked is a sudden pain that rises to a painful ache and throb that fades but in a different way. Both really, really suck.”
Mom turns in the seat to look at us. “Good, now you both know stuff that you should know about when it comes to getting hit in private areas. Dylan you need some of the things we’re going to get. You’re growing and there’s a lot to being a girl or having some of the girl issues that you’re gonna have okay?”
I nod. “Yeah…okay.”
Hillary gets back into the front seat and we don’t actually go into Atlantic City instead we take the exit that leads us to The Shore Mall over in Egg Harbour. We get a parking spot and head into the mall and I’m dreading the entire affair. We go to store after store looking way more than buying except for the hyper embarrassment of being in the women’s clothing sections and my sister having way too much fun buying stuff with the money that she’s saved up.
I on the other hand am having my mother looking things over and picking out my training bras for my starter boobs and it’s as embarrassing as hell. She’s looking at underwear too that I’m going to need eventually with the way that my hips and stuff is supposed to go. The problem is my stuff in the front, we settle on boys styled underwear with a kind of not to girly cut and we get a few bras, nothing to frilly or froufrou mostly just basic trim and cotton with smooth padded liners. The thing is when I get them on and look in the mirror, there’s definitely boobage going on.
I look like a girl. Even in my Metallica tee shirt and my jeans I look like a girl, a little ratty and tomboyish but yeah…still a girl.
We don’t buy it but Hillary just won’t shut up until she gets me into one of those lifting bras for the girls that belong to the itty bitty titty committee and the effect is scary. I look like I’ve got much bigger boobs and there’s even the slight swelling hint of cleavage there. Add in the face that it’s kind of pinkish pearl colored and all delicate and lacy I can’t get it off fast enough and I almost ended up buying it because I almost damaged it getting it off.
Mom was watching me. “Dylan…are your sure that you aren’t going to want the surgeries and stuff?”
“Mom, it’s not just having breasts, I’m gonna have lots of girl stuff going on with my build and my bones and my skin so…fuck it, Y’know I’ve got a medical condition and how many people get stuff done then regret it? Besides…”
“It feel like I’d be killing her.”
“My twin sister, the one that’s part of me.”
I look at her and she’s giving me this worried look. “Dylan I’m not sure that’s a good way to look at it. We might need another opinion.”
“Another doctor mom…?”
“I was thinking maybe someone you could talk to uhm…professionally.”
“A shrink?”
“Yeah, honey I think so.”
“I want yours”
“Mom, I know you’ve been to one over some of the stuff that’s happened to you on the job. Her I’ll trust, you were pretty messed up last summer when you had to shoot that kid in the carjacking.”
“You know about all of that?”
“Mom, we’re kids not just stupid people who live in your house, spend your money and eat all of your food. We love you and dad and we notice when stuff goes on with you guys.”
“You never said anything.”
“What would we say about you getting shot and shooting a kid. We had know idea what the hell to say.”
“I can see that, so you think you’d go to see Stephanie?”
“Yeah, I’ll go. I need to get my head around all of this.”
“Okay, I’ll call her when we get back.”
“Yes honey?”
“I’m really glad you were wearing your vest that day.” I get overtaken by the damned hormones again and thick heavy tears start to fall and Mom cracks as she looks at me and starts crying too.
“I’m glad that I was wearing it too…” she starts crying really hard and there’s this moment like nothing I’ve ever had with her as she’s got her face in my stomach and crying over something she’s kept away from us for so long. Hill comes in looking worried at the crying and I mouth …Last Summer…to her and she reaches out and holds mom too and the three of us have this hard long but really bonding cry.
Maybe being like this isn’t that bad…I feel so much closer to both of them right now. It’s a feeling that seems to soak right into my heart.
It totally changes the mood of the shopping trip. Both Mom and Hill are way more into me getting my stuff the way that I’m going to be comfortable in it and with it. We actually kind of start to have a pretty good time and I get a look at the more girly side of things as Hillary shops and Mom even gets a few things. Mom’s taste is more along the line of mine, comfortable and sporty. I like some of Hill’s choices for her, not me and I’m liking the more adult but still fun/young look she’s going for to go back to university. If I’m ever going to dress more girly the college look is definitely gonna be more my speed.
There’s other things like some unisex clothes mostly pants and stuff but I get some of those basketball long shorts and some jerseys and guy stuff that mom says won’t irritate my skin and stuff.
But there’s most of my cosmetics that I need to get because of the changes in my skin and my PH balance and stuff. My regular stuff was starting to give me a rash and I’ve got to switch over to the girls stuff. I get all of that and I get some hair removal stuff on my own. I may start to look like a girl soon but I’m not going to be a hairy looking one.
But like the clothes I get I go for the more sporty stuff and not anything that’s too girly. Y’know what, girls get really screwed with some of the stuff they need to get for toiletries this stuff is expensive! Mom and Hillary both get a chuckle from that and take me on a tour through girl land and the cost of nice clothes, lingerie, underwear, make up, jewelry and stuff is expensive way more expensive than I thought.
Then there’s some of the stuff they talk about…Girls say a whole range of things that guys never get to hear. Sex is a big topic but more in the way of Hill asking what she should do and not do and what things mean in the relationship. I chime in from my perspective and get her sort of getting that for guys the sports thing is the hunter gathering thing, and it’s a social thing too. Guys watching the game are like us shopping, it’s a bonding thing in a way. It’s stuff we can talk about and use as an excuse to talk about other stuff and after a game both her and mom are surprised that there’s some of us guys that talk about girls but not just in the sexual way. That more than once it’s about what to do with a girl we’re seeing or to dump a bad relationship and to get a girl we like to go out with us and it’s not all the thug like grunting stuff.
I also get them thinking you can’t get between a guy and his friends by just going out with him. It doesn’t give the girl the right to just take over his life. Hill looks pissed at that. “So I’m dating some guy and I’m supposed to wait around and stuff for him to do his thing with his boys?”
“No, but it’s the way that a lot of girls go about it. You start going out with a guy you start seeing his friends too. If you just jump into their group and start taking over then you’re being a Yoko and they’ll hate your ass and you’ll just either get dumped or strung along for sex.”
“Yeah guys us girls for sex way too much.”
“Yeah but no, you girls get a lot out of some relationships that go nowhere either. How much jewelry do you have from guys that you’re not seeing as a serious relationship, that aren’t Mr. Right. Then the candy, flowers, dinners, dates, drinks we add that all up.”
“So you think guys deserve to have sex because you paid?”
“No, well some assholes are like that but if you’re seeing her and she’s not the right girl and you’re getting sex out of the deal he’s going to keep having sex as long as he can for as long as she’s offering until he can’t stand her anymore or they break up.”
“That’s being an asshole.”
“Not really, both people are getting stuff out of the relationship and it’s not that one sided Hill and you know it.”
“But, Guys should do that stuff and not expect the sex.”
“Yeah but we have higher sex drives, the need to push or line and it’s not just the guys.” I gesture at a store window with lingerie in it. “Women use sex as a weapon too.”
“Yeah but that’s what being a girl is about, we earn less, we aren’t as strong as guys and you can just take what you want sometimes so we’ve got to do things whatever way we can.”
I sigh. “Hill you’re not getting it. Look at the girls you know that are in really happy relationships. The way they dress and act and they’re usually way more laid back than other girls who haven’t found Mr. Right.”
“Yeah that’s because they’re happy.”
“Right, but the thing is to get there you gotta pass through his friends. You just get involved with some of the stuff they do slowly. Not jump in like you’ve got the right. You don’t. A new guy in the group wouldn’t either and you get cut slack for being a girl but they aren’t sleeping with you so they’re judging you on your personality and how you react to THEM not him.”
Hill actually stops looking shocked in that oh crap look. I nod at her. “Yup, you want his friends to like you in the way of when he fucks up with you their telling him he fucked up because they like you. That if he lets you get away he’s a fucking idiot. And they’ll want you around because secretly, we want a girl like that. We all want a girl like that who gets us and likes our friends and can hang with us but not take stuff over but really add to the group in a way that the guys can’t. It’s so not as much about the sex as you girls think.”
“Oh whoa.” She and mom are looking at me. “Hey, it’s not like you girls don’t put guys through the friends test either.”
Hillary looks at me. “But I want a guy that’ll spoil me, that’ll take me out and do things for me and stuff.”
Mom chimes in. “Hillary, that’s just stuff. Dylan’s kind of right on that point. There’s a lot more to the relationship than all of that. Those things are the perks in life, not what life should be about.”
I nod smiling. “It’s more complicated of course but basically in the end Hillary we fall in love with the girl who’s our friend first. It’s the way it’s supposed to work. If you don’t like and love the one you’re with then you’re just getting into crappy relationships and stuff. It’s why so many relationships don’t work, trophy husbands and wives. And abusive relationships on both ends and all that BS.”
Mom nods and Hillary asks. “So what about you and Amy?”
I sigh. “Honestly I don’t know…I mean she’s great and really fun to be around but it’s really strange. It’s hard too. I mean I know she’s going to go out with someone after I leave here just like I date back home but we’re both exclusive with each other when we’re here. It hurts like hell to leave and break things off at the end of every summer. I’ve just been waiting for it to just hurt to much at some point.”
Mom’s frowning a bit. I turn to her. “Look I know you don’t like her mom but Amy’s been through a ton of shit in her life and yeah she’s wild but it’s blowing off steam. Y’know you’re no where near the only person that gives her shit and there’s times she just gets fed up to not caring and gives you guys what you want to see her out of control because she’s been stuck with the label anyways.”
I stare at the floor as we walk. “Hell, there’s times I’m scared that she’ll do something really stupid and she’ll be gone.”
Hill asks. “So are you in love with her?”
“I don’t know? Love her yeah, easily, there’s a lot to love there. In love with her? I dunno, we’ve never had the chance to get that far. I’m scared that this stuff going on with me now’s going to change everything.”
I stop and look at my reflection. Long hair, ball cap, my black t-shirt showing the small curves of my starter boobs and my long lashes and very kind of androgynous look I’ve got going on right now.
“I’m scared of what going to happen with me. I’m scared of what this’ll lead to and that It might actually lead up to actually nothing…ever.”
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YAY! :-)
It's good to see another chapter of this story. It's a little heavier perhaps than some of the other chapters but it works well. I'm not yet sure what to make of the dreams as whether they are just dreams or more than that but I'm looking forward to finding out.
Thanks and of course, kudos! :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Yeah it got a bit heavy there.
I'm going to try and lighten the mood of this but I started to run with this conversation about the whole relationship thing and it's a teen story so I had a good angsty place to leave the chapter off at.
I'm glad you like it still.
Bailey Summers
“I’m scared of what going to happen with me. "
one can only imagine.
There's a lot
of things going to be going on in Dylan's life in the future I think.
Bailey Summers
I like this but...
Dylan swears and cusses way too much in front of his parents - I don't know, maybe not all parents bother but I know mine would freak out if I was using language like that all the time - especially when I was Dylan's age. It kind of broke the suspension of disbelief thing - Dylan was talking more like someone at least ten years older than him, the relationship rant was kind of weird too, it cam out of nowhere, ended up being the focus of the entire chapter and felt awkward and a bit out of place.
despite all that I do like this story - I am very keen to see further chapters in this story.
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
Well I thought some of that too
but I've seen and talked to kids that can and do talk to people like that. Dylan is fifteen and kids are very, very grown up compared to us and how we grew up. I was dating and into relationships since I was thirteen so. Some kids are fairly grown up for their ages but there's also the fact that he's trying to keep up with his mom and his college aged sister. It's a serious talk and one of the biggest talks of their life, it's not too far fetched really.
The swearing though is immature and right now their mom is cutting them some slack with what's going on with Dylan. sort of letting them have the pressure valve.
I'm really glad you like the story though.
Bailey Summers
Well that is a fair point
I guess it is in part due to the fact I am a middle Aged Scotsman, there is probably some cultural differences as well as generational ones - doesn't help my Mum was raised Catholic :P.
Having said that I swear like crazy sometimes - seriously it's like I have Turrete's or something LOL.
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
Strange... you don't look like a tank... or a castle! :)
Oh, you mean... Tourettes!
Sorry, I was just kidding, I saw 'Turret' and you know just how minds like ours work...
thought provoking chapter
Thanks Lonewolf
Glad you liked it.
Bailey Summers
Another Fine Production By:
!!Bailey Summers!! An author who goes places that "normal" writers, who, even in their wildest dreams, wouldn't have a clue even exist!
E makes great stories out of these "trips", too.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
I like taking these trips with you guys and seeing where these will take us. Thanks you so much.
Bailey Summers
Another good one!
I had to go back and read all 3 episodes-I couldn't remember the story very well. I can understand what Dylan is thinking. How will Amy handle this? How will anyone handle it? I imagine he's feeling very lonely right about now. I just hope he's wrong.
I'm intrigued by the idea that he's having cramps and other symptoms of a period. Could it be that those parts are there, just very undeveloped?
As usual, a great story. Very well done, and I'll look forward to more of this. What a surprise, I look forward to all of your stuff!
Dylan's doctors are just as perplexed
seeing as they've done tests and taken ultrasounds and stuff and don't know why he's retaining water, or getting cramps in the abdomen other than it might be a chemical reaction like a Transgendered person starting to feel ill from the start of HRT. But they're completely baffled really at his situation and lack of health problems so far.
Dylan's very scared actually because he's yet to see the others at the house and stuff or Amy and then what about after the summertime.
I'm glad you liked it.
Bailey Summers
I Like Dylan's Attitude
He doesn't like what's happening, but he is willing to stick it out. Letting 'nature' take its course seems to be the best avenue. Any overt action, especially in light of the medical profession's lack of understanding, may cause more serious problems. I think Dylan's wise beyond his years in many respects.
About the swearing: I remember in fifth grade when a friend said it was cool to swear. On the playground, with friends, anywhere but home, I swore like a sailor. I could turn it on and off. My parents never heard heard me swear until I was in my 20's. This was really a reflection of my fear of my parents. It goes very deep: far deeper than I have time to write about at this time. Let's just say that I was terrified of doing anything wrong, and it was compounded by the fact that I didn't know the rules.
Thanks Portia
I'm glad that you're liking this story that much. Dylan's been thinking hard on this and he honestly doesn't want anything like surgery...he thinks.
Bailey Summers
Ever now and then weird medical conditions do come up. Dylan sounds perhaps like a genetic Chimera with some kind of AIS (Androgen insensitivity syndrome) thing going on. Nature just loves surprises. The bit about feeling like he might be killing his merged sister brings home that he is the youngest child and a bit lonely. The stuff with Amy was good too. Will she accept his weirdness or will it be too much for her. As always you make us feel for your characters.
Gawd knows that some times I wish I was from somewhere other than Earth too!
"Scotty, beam me up! There's no intelligent life down here. Scotty? Any time now would be good. Hello?"
Thanks Grover!
I'm really glad that this story is hitting the right spots with so many people. Dylan's a real medical mystery, he is a chimera but there is no AIS he's dumping out male hormones like normal but he's not developing in the traditional/normal ways that and the fact there's parts and organs in his body that have tested as XY and others as XX DNA wise, it's one of the reasons they kept him for so long.
I really get what you mean about needing to get returned to the mothership, it's a little weird down here isn't it?
Bailey Summers
Interesting Story
Wow, a really interesting story... I read just read the two previous parts and I've got to say this is an awesome story...
Did i figure this rihgt? Dylan is starting his puperty? If that is true he knows imho way to much about relationships between guys and gals ^^ When I started I had no idea :(
Well whatever, thank you for writing and inventing this interesting character...
Not really knowing to much
about dating and stuff, Dylan's fifteen and has been dating since he was twelve. He's had a strange male puberty given his chimeraism but he's gone through it/is going through it still when the female stuff had just kicked in recently with a vengeance.
I'm not sure your age but I'm close to forty, and kids while still being kids are a whole lot more on the ball with some stuff today and still way too mature these days. Don't worry, Dylan's still got a lot of growing up and figuring things out to do.
I'm glad that you're enjoying the story though.
I'll try to lighten some things up and make some stuff about Dylan's personality a bit clearer though. It's these comments that get me thinking about stuff to write about the characters in a story and how to better round them out and polish them a bit.
Always a good thing.
Bailey Summers
Hum? Great start. Now if I am reading this right so far...
The docs say he is both obviously a male BUT is also producing puberty levels of female hormones, thus the beginnings of breast development and a female body shape. From preliminary tests they say he is a male/female chimera having absorbed a female twin early in development.
That he is suddenly developing as a female is not surprising even if he is fully both sexes. Females generally enter puberty BEFORE males but being a Chimera puts all bets off as to where tissues are and possibly/apparently affected when each puberty started. Fifteen is not necessarily late particularly for puberty given how sickly he was as a foundling and his small stature. I wonder if the male parts of his body are/were dominant, IE more developed, thus the start of male puberty first but now the female side is catching up thus the appearance of a female puberty? Will this harm his male reproductive system? Is he/can he be fertile as a male... as a female... as both ... or neither?
He/she is a puzzle. They can't find any ovaries and there is no mention of them finding any female reproductive structures -- so far. His testicles appear normal in size as is his other external male, um stuff.
So that leaves -- and I am no expert on intersex or chimera whatsoever -- ovotesties or he does have ovaries just not where they normally would be in the body. Maybe one testicle is an ovary? Or he has two testicles and two ovaries but the ovaries are say tucked up tight to the kidneys or someplace difficult to spot in a scan. Could even be a little like endometriosis where tissues of the lining of the uterus are scattered one or more places in the abdomen outside the uterus.
They ultrasounded him but if there is scattered bits of female and male tissue about it could make getting a clear image difficult or he could have all or most of the needed female organs but not in the normal positions, maybe higher or way to one side? He needs a full body MRI and better, more thorough ultrasounds before they can say anything definitive. And have we heard the results of the three days of testing yet?
And I agree a mastectomy is a poor choice at best. One, the docs say to wait until he AFTER he has stopped growing. This means potentially he will miss out on a lot of high school activities or will have a difficult time as he becomes more physically female. He will likely be short for a male and will have a female bodyshape -- hips and waist and possibly other bones/musculature so hacking off his breasts won't make him appear much more masculine. That he has feeling for his absorbed sister is a testament to his compassion.
The sister is okay, particularly after the breast bud whacking incident --OUCH! The brother needs some work to act appropriately with his brother/sister/whatever he/she is.
Who were his parents? Will they ever know? Can he adapt successfully to this odd, possibly dual life/sexuality? Can he find love an aceptance? Must he/she chose which to be at some point for health reasons? Can/will he/she remain both?
And what of Amy his sometimes girlfriend?
This sure is a complicated child... and story.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
What a great commentary:)
I loved this a whole lot on a ton of levels too. I'm not going to go into too much about Dylan's medical issues in comments because I don't want to ruin any surprises. But this gave me ideas and lots and lots of stuff to play with.
Thank you so much John for this and getting my brain all worked up. I'm so glad that you've enjoyed this.
Bailey Summers
A distant memory
I remember, from my distant childhood (now, don't be like that! Although, I was once chased by an Eohippus) a case which, I think, occurred in South Africa.
The child was assumed male although he only had one testicle. He was brought up male and seemed male, right up until about the age of eighteen, whereupon he grew the most impressive pair of breasts. Yes, there was a photo.
It seemed that he was a chimera, but his body was arranged the way that chimera chickens sometimes are, that is one whole side is one gender and the other side the other. He/she was literally half-man, half-woman. Of course, the hormones in his/her bloodstream didn't respect the boundary thus he had two breasts and, I believe, light facial hair on both sides.
I don't know what happened to him/her in the end so I can't say whether or not they removed the breasts to allow him to live as a male or even if he/she had enough of a female reproductive system to be able to give birth. He/she did, however, have one testicle and one ovary, proving that such things are possible.
Dylan's case is extra strange
where there doesn't seem to be any defined area of male then female he has organs that are either male or female genetically. The fact that things all seem to be in working order so far has them baffled and yes definitely wanting more tests. It's still a fun story to write.
Thanks for the wonderful comment too:)
Bailey Summers
The run-on sentences and lack of punctuation are killing me here. =(