Bridges 10

Bridges 10

Chapter 10

Henry Wade…

I’m pulled over to the side of the road and there’s the police cruiser behind me that’s the one that pulled me over. It’s one of the new constables. He did something with the dash and he got out with a German shepherd?

Then she pulled the white Mountie Bronco right in front of me. It was that fucking Cunt Cavanaugh…She’d already messed with my brother Derek. He’s on his guard since she had warned him that the way he was doing things might look bad. Now he’ll barely talk to me and took off yesterday taking his some of his vacation time.

Fucking coward, I never should have relied on him.

She get’s out and the cunt has this swagger. “Good afternoon Mr. Wade can you please step out of your vehicle?”
“What is the problem officer?” I get out slowly; I’m going to be mannerly. I’m holding my cell-phone in my hand and I’m already recording this.
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to search your truck.”
“On what grounds, this is my property and you need a warrant.”
“Why would we need a warrant Mr. Wade if you have nothing to hide?”
“It’s because I have my rights and I have every right to exercise them.”
“That’s true but because of testimony from a witness to a crime we’ve probable cause.”
“Witness, who, to what crime?”
“I’m afraid that’s information that I can’t give you Mr. Wade.”
“I’m calling my lawyer, you can’t do this?”
“I’m afraid I can Mr. Wade and I am. Constable Mitchell please start your search.”
“Listen here you fucking cunt! You can’t do this!”

I’m pissed and pointing at her and I shouldn’t have lost it. Then that dog is right there barking and growling and snarling at me, over and over again. I kick the dog away from me. “Get that fucking mutt the fuck way from me!”

That’s when she grabs me and twists my arm hard and takes me down hard to the ground. Her knee is on my back and she’s cuffing me.
“Mr. Henry Jason Wade, I’m placing you under arrest for the assault on an officer of an officer of the peace.”
“You’re lying! I never touched you or Mitchell it’s on tape, he’s got it all on his dash camera!’
“You’re being arrested for the assault on Officer Bruno.”
“Who the fuck is Officer Bruno?” I yell at her.
“That would be the K-9 officer you kicked.”
“The fucking dog!”
“Striking a police dog is the same as striking a human peace officer Mr. Wade.”
I shut up and she hauls me to my feet and reads me the rest of my rights as she puts me in the back of the bronco.
Another cruiser pulls up to talk to her and observe things as they search my Escalade. They go through my truck with a fine tooth comb and they find…a pint of rum I keep in the glove box. There’s a shotgun in the trunk and my camera’s she downloads my pictures…that might not be good. I’ve got pictures of the freak on the memory card.

They call a tow for my truck.

I’m taken to the RCMP station and I’m charged with having an unsecured firearm and open liquor as well. Those are just fines and I’m put into one of those glassed in offices to wait on my lawyer and for them to question me.

I see Derek come in and he’s talking to the bitch…I see Rick Blacklock go passed with another Mountie bitch and his little punk’s with him. They’re letting the kid out of his cuffs.

My lawyer isn’t far behind everything as he stares at Rick leaving with his kid. He’s representing them too. I don’t like the look of surprise on his face. Derek looks like he’s going to shit his pants when he see’s Paul Sullivan the Crown’s attorney get off the elevator with my lawyer and he looked at my brother and me then walked into the Cunt’s office.

My lawyer comes in. “Henry, you’re so fucked you’re going to have to plea out.”
“Why what do they have? I mean this is bullshit that dog was going to tear my leg off.”
“Screw the dog Henry, they’ve got your brother in here, they let the Blacklock kid walk after the shit he said to the cops faces? And Sullivan’s here? It’s seven in the evening Henry, the DA’s office doesn’t move on stuff like this unless they’ve got something big.”
“Shit! what the fuck do I do?”
“Give them Derek, blame it on him, he’s the dirty cop.”
I smile…Yeah.


I sit out back concrete steps of the station with a coffee and my take out. I lean back against the wall and just breathe then pull the hair pins out keeping my hair in a braid and out of the way. I take my cap off and shake my hair free and just sit there awhile with my eyes closed.

I can hear Andy talking to Bruno. I get up and walk out to our back yard area and over to the Kennels. Andy is giving Bruno his very well deserved tummy rubs. I go over and Bruno looks at me and gives me a look and an expressive whine. I reach into my take out bag and pull out a 4 patty bacon cheeseburger from Burger King and give it to him. “Here buddy you really deserve this.” Bruno being a dog of course wolfs it down tail wagging like crazy.

Andy looks at me. “We took a big risk playing that game today.”
“Yeah I know, but Henry has a temper from what I can tell. He was resorting to really underhanded shit y’know trying to get Sam out of her place.”
“Yeah but you really pushed it with the lie about probable cause.”
“I know, the Blacklock kid is a career criminal in the making but Henry didn’t know the kid wouldn’t talk.”
“Yes and you were very good at needling him into yelling at you to set Bruno on defend.”
Bruno’s ears perked up and he wagged his tail as he looked at us.
“Mmn, yeah I’m glad I was right about that.”
“About what particularly?”
“Oh that he wasn’t the kind of guy that’d take well to being told what to do by a woman.”
“Well there is that and he looked like the kind of asshat that’d kick a puppy.”
“There is that, plus having him do it on camera.”
“Good call on that.”
“It all might not have worked.”
“I know, but I did have a plan.”
“Pre-meditated entrapment’s a plan Cass?”
“Andy how often do guys like him just walk?”
“Too often, how’d you get Derek in?”
“I called him in.”
“And for what?”
“Oh if the bluff wasn’t working I was going to ask him to find some files of his I supposedly couldn’t find but the Crown prosecutor was just arriving and I knew they’d start jumping to conclusions once they saw him here.”
“Yeah how’d you get him here after hours?”
“Oh it was easy, I lifted his Blackberry then called him and said I’d found it in the parking lot and told him what time I’d be in at the station. He’s a lawyer, those guys are more married to those things than their wives.”
“And the kid?”
“We had charged him; I signed that it’d be okay if he was released to his father’s custody pending his trial date.”
“So you got them here all at once and spooked them with the CP being here after hours and…”
“And now Henry and Derek are both rolling over on one and other and the CP get’s a case dropped into his lap and both are going to see jail time.”
“And don’t forget the idiot insurance guy; he was mixed up with Derek.”
“True, I just wish we could have gotten something on Rick Blacklock.”
“Me too but we were pushing or luck.”
“Cass we practically broke the law.”
“Yes and no Andy we had enough evidence that would have been circumstantial enough really for probable cause.”
“Oh that’s really thin Cass.”
“Oh I know, but sometimes you’ve got to make a stand.”
“Uh-huh, and you liking Sam Chase has nothing to do with it?”
“No, guys like these guys need to be taken down, this was over a land deal Andy and they were using fear and intimidation and prejudice as weapons. If they were going to twist the system to ruin lives then I’m going to stop them.”
“Yeah, me too. I don’t like having to do it like we did but if they weren’t stopped here then just when would these guys get stopped?”

I lean over and give Andy a hug. “I’m going to get back inside and see the rest of this through.”
“Yeah I’ll go with you and we can maybe get through this all the faster?”


I could almost just sink into him like this. I’ve read a lot of stories both in magazines and various TG places on the net. They for at least my part, even in just the straight/normal run of the mill romance novel stuff take feeling protected and safe for granted.

I’m a transgendered girl with post combat PTSD for me right now in my life safe is equaling love.

Brandon just lets it be what it is. He just holds me gently but with this strength that he just seems to radiate sometimes. I’m not sure how long we’re there but I had gone through a few sets of the shakes and cried a little bit on his chest. Buy the time I’m feeling better and can look around albeit with bleary reddened eyes and splotchy skin the work crew is done for the day and the scent of a BBQ or a cook out or whatever is going on full swing and there’s beers being drank and…Brandon takes my chin in his hand gently and turned me to face him and then he kisses me…He’s the best kisser I’ve ever had

First he’s holding me with one arm still around me and kind of pulling me into him. His grip is strong but gentle and sure. Then there’s being against part of his body which is thickly muscled. He’s not a ripped ape or a godly vision but he’s real. Broad shoulders from decades of lifting and hauling. His arms are massively thick too from working with his hands all of his life. He’s just barely got abs but there’s a nice mid-thirties layer of fat on him. To be gym perfect he’d have to lose20-25lbs but I like him better this way…Brandon’s most amazing quality to me is he’s so real. His other hand is turning my head and guiding me into the kiss with the delicate grace of an artist. Lot’s of eye contact, the little hint of one of his smiles.

Then the kiss itself. He moves in and goes for this tilted head kiss and he it happens. And at first he gently touches my lips, like a combination of closing his mouth/taking a bite of something…like if there was icing on the tip of my tongue and he was sucking it off me. It ends with him tasting me on his lips and moving his lips like he can taste our kiss. One makes my nipples ache, and inside of me kind of twists up in a good way…The best way and then he kisses me again, and again.. It’s all so soft yet he’s not…I start to hurt, like I haven’t in awhile.

“Brandon…” I half moan it and half whine it.
He smiles that Brandon, shadow of a smile. “Come on, let’s go see the others and let them know you’re okay.”
“Just give me a..minute?”
“Are you okay?”
He wants to know? No he doesn’t want to know, not this. I could just not say anything but there’s this part of me that…still wants to test him. That part doesn’t shut up.
“I’m not going anywhere with a hard on in this dress.”
I study him for his reaction.
“Did I cause that?”
“Yes.” I blush with that.
“Good to know.”
“A guy likes to know he can turn a girl on.”
“Yeah Uhm…” He kisses me again and kind of walks me backwards until I’m leaning back against my car. His body presses against mine and his hands then slide over my dress and my body…one hand cups my breast…It’s hot, some one else’s body heat burning the sensitive nerves with just…it feels so good!, It’s been too long..there’s this strength in his hands and there’s these roughened edges from scars and all the work he’s done but he’s so insistent in the cupping squeeze that is the perfect pressure on them and then release as his hand still holds to the shape of my breast but slides over it, around it until his first two fingers do the motion over my nipple like their walking but are stroking it and the sensation is going right through my bra and my brain is boiling over. Oh…oh..and he’s still kissing me..I’m kind of panting and whining again…

“I need you to do something for me.”
“Okay….” my voice kind of trails off rising in pitch.
“Cum for me.” His hand reached down and rubbed me through my panties under my dress and he’s got his forehead pressed to mine and his hair is kind of hanging framing our faces, ramping up the intensity by shutting out the rest of the world…His hand on my breast squeezes just right again and it’s like permission…

I cry out, I would have screamed if my mouth wasn’t busy suddenly with his. Never in my life have I ever came like that. He damned near gave me my SRS right there because it felt like my balls exploded and it was turning inside out or rather outside in. It made me thrash in a few involuntary seconds, my body coated itself in a sheen of sweat.

Then I’m up into the air his arms has he’s scooped me up and is carrying me in his arms acrossed the road and up into my house…as soon as we’re through the door he slides the top of my dress and the straps of my bra off my shoulders and I’m up against the wall, or we’re bouncing off the walls as he’s sucking on my breasts and things are getting knocked over, we’re shucking clothes off at random. We kind of fall at the top of the stairs and he dragged teeth just ever so lightly over a nipple and sucked it into his mouth…worried it while it was there with his tongue. Sucked harder after that…Slid a finger into me…did things as he alternated his kisses…

My brain explodes…it’s like that white hot from when you come but this started from my breasts…nipples first then it exploded, that white hot pleasure into me…into my heart first where it spread to my brain and then the rest of me.

I do scream…I scream with rebirth.

I came…like a girl, they call it a breast orgasm and it’s rare…it’s…I’m…Men can’t have these, men can’t have these, men can’t have these…My brain is on overload but my soul is screaming triumphant to the universe…See!, I told you!

I remember us doing this, making love, touching and fondling and everything as we eventually make our way into my bedroom and up onto my four poster bed. By the time I’m there I’m ready for him.

He’s big, I don’t mean like long like in the silly stories but a good 7and  ½ inches or eight. Cut or circumcised, with a big tip but he’s thick and very, hard. It’s the most painful blissful thing I’ve ever felt and we make love…he finds all my good places and pleasure spots by careful experimentation. He’s older than me, I was expecting experience but…I didn’t know you could have sex for that long. I didn’t know you could…a guy could last that long and while I get “there’ twice before he does it’s the way I normally do but in doing that as my body seizes up around him sending these signals to my girly brain and a good part of what was I though just a male type of orgasm rushes that white hot pleasure through my insides from deep in my insides.

When he came inside of me I could feel the force of it, the heat of it and I came, I came involuntarily and I was close to another anyway…But this ripped another scream from my body, I had another breast induced one to go with it as he squeezed my breasts and he bit my shoulder..fastened his teeth on my collar bone as he came calling out my name, crying out my name…it was just everything…all at once.

His second wind he went harder, I was well lubricated and loosened up and sex-drunk that I wanted more and harder. I think it’s something I’ve been mentally fantasizing about as a girl. There are times you really want that. And it seemed like so much of this so unobtainable.

It was…sometimes there is a good thing about a man being a man and dominant…sexually powerful. Legs wrapped around his waist, then over his shoulders, then bent…as he leaned over me into the sex and literally my legs, ankles near my ears…

I honestly lost track, I remember being flipped over, I remember sideways…I know I got to the point where I got “there” and nothing came out…

Brandon did the same….I was good through about ten minutes of cuddling in exhaustion. Then everything hit me. All the feelings of today and that feeling that I discovered while we made love bubbled up…what it meant, what it really meant and it…I lost it but in a good way? Bawling and crying about that in a can’t sit still, hysterically happy freaking out kind of way…it was beyond being manic. It’s a good thing Brandon get’s it. Knows I’m off my nut. When it passes I cuddle into him like the girl I know I am more than ever now.

Then as much as I didn’t want to we have to get cleaned up, change the sheets. We take showers. I…I get cleaned up because there’s a…uhm…God I end up using a tampon for the first time in my life…He just wouldn’t stop running out…well you know. I’m out of the shower last and…Brandon helps dry me off and…Oh, oh..if you ever get the chance let your SO powder you after a bath or a shower…I had just lotioned and he started without me…he just did it and trailed that powder puff over my body…it wasn’t sexual, but it was? We both really hadn’t anything left in our tanks…instead her used it to make love to my senses…It really made this…it was the gentle intimate little thing that’ll always be part of my soul. He even dressed me in his red and black plaid work shirt he had tied around his waist…it’s thin flannel, it smells like him and of fresh sawdust and is huge on me and so soft…It’s that big the ends hang around the bottom of my bum and the sleeves hide my arms completely…It makes me feel so delicate, so girl-real my heart hurts from it in a good way, the best way.

We fall asleep and he holds me in those big powerful arms like…he makes me feel special, delicate, treasured…I’ve never had that before…I’m falling head over heels for him and I happily quietly cry myself to sleep in his arms.

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