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wondering vaguely if the medication that I had been given contained some sort of sedative…

Susan Brown
I slipped into bed, the lights faded again and I shut my eyes.
‘Goodnight, Rebecca.’
‘’Night,’ I replied sleepily.
I shut my eyes but for some reason could not sleep for thinking about my parents. Something was still at the back of my brain and I just couldn’t grasp it and then my eyes snapped open. I nearly gasped but just put my hand over my mouth as I didn’t want Helena to hear me as I had no idea how well the room and in particular I, was being monitored.
I was blessed with an almost photographic memory and I could recall almost word for word what my father had said. My Dada said that I should contact Auntie Connie in Brighton. “She’ll look after your interests. You know what she’s like–a bit scatty, but her heart’s in the right place and she’ll look over you and protect you, whatever happens. She knows about all this and is expecting a call”.
Why I didn’t take all of that in at the time of my conversation with him, I don’t know. Maybe my being upset at everything that had happened might have made me not pay as much attention as I should have at the time.
I did have an Auntie Connie, but she lived in Bournemouth–not Brighton–and I had never met her so had no idea what she was like; but Dada said that I knew what she was like. Was there some hidden message there?
Dada never would make a mistake like that; so if it wasn’t a mistake, what was he trying to tell me? Was it some sort of warning?
And now the story continues…
Suddenly I felt very tired and slipped off to sleep, wondering vaguely if the medication that I had been given contained some sort of sedative…
When I awoke the next morning, I felt that all was right with the world.
‘Good morning Rebecca and how are you today?’
I stretched in my bed, still feeling quite relaxed and contented.
‘Okay thanks, Helena. Have I got to get up?’
‘Well, it might be a good idea, breakfast is in forty minutes.’
After another long stretch, I got up and padded into the shower room. I felt that I should have remembered something. It was like a bee buzzing inside my head, but the feeling soon passed and I carried on with what I was doing.
I sat on the toilet and held what was left of my shrinking penis so that I wouldn’t splatter everywhere. After finishing my business and before the auto-flush worked I glanced down and noted that my urine seemed quite dark, a reddish brown. This didn’t bother me much as I assumed that it was just a sign that my promised transformation was continuing.
Slipping off my nightie, I put it down the chute and then went for a shower. I put the shower cycle on morning wakeup and was quickly more or less awake but still a bit fuzzy around the edges. After the drying cycle, I left the cubicle and returned to the bedroom. My school uniform was on the bed, which had been changed and made while I was in the shower. I thought little of this, being grateful that everything was ready for me.
As I dressed, I remembered something. ‘Helena, any news of my parents?’
‘We have not heard directly, but news has come in via the Swedish embassy that everything is starting to return to normal and that communications will be re-established within the next day or two.’
I felt a brief annoyance that Helena had not given me this information as soon as I awoke, but was in such a happy mood, I just shrugged my shoulders and started to look forward to my day ahead.
I dressed almost without thinking, the only thing of note was that my bra was a size larger and my breasts seemed bigger and stuck out a bit more. The areolas appeared larger and darker than I remembered and I smiled at the thought that every day I was getting closer and closer to being the real girl I wanted to be.
As I put on my neckerchief and tying it first time perfectly, I smiled, thinking that I was now so comfortable in the girls’ uniform, I had almost forgotten what it was like to wear boys’ clothes. In fact the thought of wearing anything boyish, made me feel slightly sick.
Once again, there was something on the edge of my consciousness that was niggling me but it was like a mist–something that I could not grab hold of and think about coherently. I brushed my hair as best as I could, then I spritzed myself with the delicate intoxicating fragrance that I now loved so much and then I was ready for the world again.
I met Bethany and Davina in the hallway and after group hugs we went to breakfast. We discussed what was on the agenda today and after checking our mini uPads, we saw that we had more induction this morning followed by another period with the V-R helmets in the afternoon.
In next to no time we were in the designated classroom and as we sat at our pods, the screen lit up and the headmistress appeared. She was all smiles and impeccably dressed, as usual.
‘Hello, girls, we are very happy with your progress and today it falls upon me to give you a bit more insight as to how things are going in your quest to become girls and how so much rests with you in these exciting times.
‘You all know how many countries are in turmoil over the blight that has befallen the world. As part of the Phoenix Project, you are at the forefront in the treatment and cure of the genetic time bomb that has gripped the human race for so many years. The world is watching us and hoping against hope that your treatment will provide us with an answer to all our prayers.
‘It is true to say that some countries are on the brink of collapse because of the genetic crisis and the financial turmoil over the last five years. Some countries with populations that have deep religious beliefs cannot reconcile the fact that in the future, the key movers and shifters by necessity, will be women not men. Societies will, by force of circumstances, become matriarchal rather than patriarchal. Women will hold the power by the very fact that they–and only they–have the key to survival. The boys that have been chosen to transform into girls have been picked for certain characteristics, among them being intelligence, being strong willed, winners–all the things that pick them out as survivors. What is said about survival of the fittest is as true today as when it was first uttered by Herbert Spencer after he read Darwn’s famous work, On the Origin of the Species in the mid nineteenth century.1
‘We will go more into such matters at a later date, but be assured, as the pioneers of this new treatment, when and I say when rather than if; when the first female child is born either here or the other special centres in England, Scotland, Wales or Eire you will be fáªted as heroes of the world.
‘Now to get down to basics, you will have all felt changes occurring in your bodies. We have highly sophisticated diagnostic and checking systems incorporated into your beds. This is done to ensure that you are kept safe and well at all times and to monitor your exciting changes. I can say that you are all on schedule to be fully assimilated within a short period of time. You may feel some aches and pains and you will definitely notice the changes taking place in your body. If you are in any discomfort, you must tell your ‘puter who will assist you in any way. Now I will pass you over to your mistress for today, Ms Park who will start your femininity training. It is not enough for you to have the body of a girl, you must look, feel, act and be a girl in every way. You will want your husband’s to feel that they have a real lady as a partner and not just a person who used to be a boy. Pleasing your husband is an important part of being a woman and a happy husband is a compliant one.
‘Remember my door is always open and if you have any concerns you must either speak to your helper, one of the staff or myself. We want, no need you to be perfectly happy and we will do all we can to assist you on your journey to womanhood.’
The screen was replaced by the school crest and then slid down out of the way leaving just the glass ’puter desk with the interactive touch screen.
I wasn’t entirely sure whether I wanted to please my husband–or any man for that matter–then I just relaxed, realising that I was being silly and there was nothing to worry about.
While we had been watching the head mistress, Ms Park had arrived and was standing in front of her lectern. She was wearing the same clothes as the other teachers and looked smart in her cream coloured business suit with tailored jacket and skirt, white silk blouse, black stockings and black heels. She was devastatingly beautiful with a short black hair styled in a bob. She had the look of the oriental about her and her skin was flawless and her eyes, dark, and almond shaped. She was not smiling however.
‘Well, girls…I say girls, but you have a long way to go. Miranda, you are slouching. Therese, do not sit like that with your legs open - I can see your panties. Rebecca, I assume that you brushed your hair today, but it looks like you used a rake. Sarah, you have been told, no makeup in school time––’
Two hours later we left the classroom with our ears still resounding from Ms Park’s rather intensive way of showing us the error of our ways. Evidently, I walked like a boy, talked like a boy and sat like a boy. This was shown to me using vids‘, ’puter reconstructions and rather comical interpretations by the theatrical and daunting Ms Park.
I was let off comparatively lightly; a few of the girls had cried after being shown their defects in front of the whole class. I didn’t cry, but must admit that I felt like it at times.
It was a decidedly relieved trio that sat down for lunch in a ladylike manner, took our pills and ate our food as daintily as possible.
After lunch it was back to the pods where, once again, we were transported via our V-R helmets, out of our enclosed classroom and into a world of wonderful colour. This time it was I who was riding with the dolphins, feeling and experiencing the wonderful ocean, as on the back of the astonishing creature, we leapt and dived in the warm waters. I felt the spray on my face and saw the breathtaking corals and brightly coloured fish as we swam in the deep blue sea. I wasn’t just watching it, I was experiencing it.
I awoke, as before, to the sound of Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony and stretched. My helmet had been removed and I felt very relaxed. All thoughts of the morning’s traumatic lesson with Ms Park had left my head.
There was something I had to ask Helena about, but I couldn’t remember what it was. I shook my head, thinking that it would probably come back to me and thought no more about it.
Looking at my finger watch, I was amazed that three and a half hours had passed! We went to the dining room and had something to eat. We were all tired and decided that although it was still a bit early, we would return to our rooms.
I hugged the other girls’ goodbye at my door and went in my room.
‘Hello Rebecca. Have you had a nice day?’
‘Yes, thanks.’ I yawned. ‘I am very tired though.’
‘That is normal. The accelerated treatment does that for you. Once the treatment is completed, you will have a lot more energy and feel wonderfully fit and well.’
‘I think that I’ll get changed and go to bed.’
‘Good idea. An early night will do you good and set you up for tomorrow.’
I changed into a shortie nightie as it was rather warm and after using the toilet, washing my hands and face, and brushing my teeth, I got into bed and decided to watch the news before going to sleep. I was just about to turn the vid on when Helena spoke up.
‘Don’t forget your medication.’
‘Sorry.’ I replied, getting up and going to the serving hatch where the clear mint flavoured liquid in a glass and three pills awaited me.
Soon I was back under the sheets. I stared at the vid. ‘News on, please, Helena.’
‘Sorry, Rebecca, the news channel is down at the moment.’
‘Oh, there isn’t a problem, is there?’
‘No, dear; it’s down for maintenance. It will be back up tomorrow. Would you like to watch a film?’
‘No thanks.’ I yawned, ‘I’m a bit tired anyway. I think that I’ll go to sleep now. Goodnight Helena.’
‘Goodnight. Sweet dreams, Rebecca.’
The lights faded and I fell asleep almost instantaneously.
I was travelling through the air on the back of a condor. Beneath me I could see the Earth, many miles below. We travelled a great distance in the blink of an eye. Soon we were over India and the bird swooped down–My white dress was billowing and flapping around me and my hair was getting into my eyes. As I brushed it aside with my hand as a city came into view. I saw fighting in the streets: people fighting hand to hand and there was terrible bloodshed with bodies everywhere. I heard gunfire and explosions all around but my eyes were fixed on a building shrouded in smoke that I vaguely recognised. We flew lower and I could see the big building more clearly. I recognised it as the embassy where my parents were. We got closer and then to my horror, the building exploded. I put my hands up to my face and felt myself falling off the back of the giant condor––
I woke up screaming realising that I wasn’t in my bed; I was somewhere that appeared to be an operating theatre. I was on a hard, but padded table. There were people around wearing scrubs and face masks. I couldn’t move. I glanced over at the wall and saw a picture; it was the Mona Lisa. In my confusion I wondered why the picture was there.
I wasn’t strapped down or anything, but my body felt strangely numb and I could only move my head slightly. I was aware of a mask over my mouth and nose and the cool dry air. Voices were raised and I could see some eyes that were vaguely familiar–
‘Put her out, quickly–’
My vision began to darken at the edges and my eyes drooped. I could say nothing and could feel nothing and then I could sense nothing––
It was morning when I awoke again. Rubbing my eyes, I yawned and looked across to the window. There was a vid of an orchard with flowers and green wavy grass. I could hear birds twittering and the sound of the breeze at it wafted gently through the grass.
I vaguely remembered a nasty dream that I had had but like many dreams it faded into nothingness. One thing I did remember though was the wonderful time I had on the dolphin yesterday. It made me smile and want more and more experiences like that. I was really beginning to enjoy it here and couldn’t wait until I was a complete girl with six petals.
‘Good morning, Rebecca.’
‘Hello, Helena.’
‘Did you sleep well?’
‘I think I had a nasty dream, but I can’t remember anything about it now.’
‘Well, you know if you have any problems like that, you can speak to your personal counsellor.’
‘I know but I don’t want to make a fuss. It was only a dream.’
I scratched my breasts absentmindedly, noting in passing that they seemed a little larger this morning. I got up and went to the shower room. Sitting on the loo, I put my hand down to hold my penis while I went–I really hated making a mess. It was getting so small now; it was almost flush with my body. Smiling, I wondered how long my outie would take to change into an innie–not very long at this rate!
I did the necessary and then got up as the loo began to auto flush. Before flush completed I noticed that, once again, the water seemed a brownish-red in colour. I shrugged as a thought came into my head that I shouldn’t worry about such things.
I removed my nightie and put it down the chute, then before taking my shower, I crossed to the full length mirror and took a long stare at myself. The changes in me were very apparent now. What fat that I had, was redistributing itself to make my body more feminine. My buttocks, hips and thighs seemed to be more padded than before and my pert breasts looked quite natural on the feminised body.
My nose seemed smaller and thinner. My eyebrows looked higher and thinner. My hair was soft, lush and getting longer every time I saw it. All in all, I was well on the way to becoming a real girl and I wondered what was happening inside me if the external signs were so dramatically different to before.
I turned around and then went to my bed, which had been made. As usual, my uniform was laid out for me and it took a matter of moments to get dressed. I was rather proud that I could put on my bra with no apparent effort and that my neckerchief no longer held any problems to me.
As I was now getting so quick in preparing myself for the day, I had a few minutes to spare. I had a funny metallic taste in my mouth and decided to have a drink while I waited for my friends to come and get me for breakfast.
‘Orange juice please,’ I said and then smiled and hummed to myself as I looked at a live vid feed on the window of Niagara Falls.
A few moments later I heard a soft chime and went to the hatch and picked up the glass of cold juice. The sides of the glass were slightly wet with condensation. I drank it down swiftly and was about to put it down when the glass slipped out of my hand and crashed to the floor.
‘Oh blast.’ I muttered as I kneeled down to pick up the shards of glass. I didn’t notice that the glass had gone everywhere when it shattered and my knee went directly onto a sharp piece, making me almost yell out.
But I didn’t. The sharp, stabbing pain did something to my brain. It was as if a curtain had been lifted and I instantly remembered the conversation that I had had with my father and the strange cryptic information about my aunt. Then I recalled the vivid nightmares that I had been having and that awful experience on the operating table.
‘Are you all right, Rebecca?’
‘Erm, yes, I broke a glass.’
‘Don’t worry; it will be cleared up for you. You weren’t hurt were you?’
‘No, just a tiny scratch on my leg.’
‘You must go to the medical centre so that they can have a look at it.’
‘It’s nothing.’ I said as I grabbed a tissue and put in over the bleeding cut.
‘Standing orders are for any injury–no matter how trivial–must be seen by the medical staff. The nurse is aware of the situation and is waiting for you.’
I didn’t argue because it would be fruitless.
‘All right, I’ll go. Can you tell my friends to go to breakfast without me?’
‘I have already informed them. I know that all this might seem silly, but you are living in a sterile environment and all accidents or illnesses must be monitored carefully. It’s for your own good.’
‘Where do I go then?’
‘Follow the yellow line outside and it will lead you directly to the medical facility.’
I picked up my shoulder bag and left my room. The pulsing line on the floor indicated the way I should go: according to the indicators, it was about three hundred yards away. As I walked, nodding to my fellow students as I passed them, my mind was on other things. I felt vulnerable and in some danger. My feeling was that I was being manipulated and things were happening that should not have been. I was now rather suspicious that I had not been able to speak to my parents. I did not want my mind messed with as well as my body. I had accepted–all be it reluctantly,–that I was well on the way to becoming a girl and that there was no turning back, but why did they need to manipulate my mind and keep me out of contact with my parents?
Were there others like me who felt that way and, if so, where were they?
I reached the medical facility and the doors swished open. As I entered, I saw several doors to my left and right. Straight in front of me was a desk, behind which sat a nurse in a crisp white uniform. She looked up and smiled as I approached.
‘Hi, Rebecca, hurt your leg have you?’
‘It’s nothing.’
‘We’ll just have a look at it to make sure. Would you like to go through that door and sit in the second room on your left? A doctor will come and see you there shortly.’
I smiled at her and went over to the door which slid open and let me through. I saw the room she mentioned and moved towards it, my heels clicking on the hard floor and echoing slightly as I walked. Glancing to the left I saw another door with a round glass window. I just glanced inside as I passed and almost stopped dead in my tracks. I recognised it. The room was the one in my dream–the operating theatre. I recognised it because there was a painting of the Mona Lisa on the wall––
1 –see:
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing, help with the plot-lines and pulling the story into shape.
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A travesty!
I'm really enjoying this story, I can't wait to see how it unfolds.
Seems that Rebecca has accidentally discovered that pain can disrupt the drugs, allowing one to once again experiance free thought.
Although she finally realises the validity of her nightmares and her fears, as well as all the questions she's been trying to think about ... will that new-found freedom of thought be allowed to remain or is the Doctor's true purpose to ensure the drug-induced fog is maintained knowing the effect pain can have on the drugged-state-of-mind? How will the Doctor's touch affect her ability to use this knowledge in the future ... either on herself and/or her friends?
Gotta see that next chapter Sue....
The Chosen~6
Rebecca seems to be a bit more than they ever bargained for.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
With the pin she felt from
With the pin she felt from the glass piece, Rebecca is now back in her real senses and just may decide to run for it when she has the chance. I also believe she will be off and running with Davina, who did not want to change in the beginning. Rebecca may also find that her parents are a) being held captive, or b) now deceased and that is why the school staff keeps brushing aside her request to talk with them. Jan
Maitriarchy - Fahrenheit 451
To say the least I am perplexed.
The Head MISTRESS (emphasis intended) talks about a Matriarchal Society as if it is a forgone conclusion that such a thing either is ready to be put into place or is inevitable. However, unless this experiment is a success and one of the former boys makes a complete transition into a genetic woman capable of bearing a child, any child at all and more specifically a baby girl who will be able to have female children of her own, then the whole concept of a matriarchal society will not come about.
There will no longer be any woman, and society will die out.
So, I go back to my question, is the premise that allows us to sympathize with these forced feminizations as a way to save civilization true. My doubts have become greater which each sentence I read.
The extreme brainwashing, isolation, condemnation, drugging, being shown hallucinogenic pictures is a type of Stockholm Syndrome. Isolate the victim, brain wash them and turn them into a sympathetic willing collaborator.
Rebecca is probably too far gone to return to being a male, but perhaps like Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451, she can find a band of rebels and help free this dystopian society.
Once again Sue you have me staring at my monitor in rapt fascination. This seems above and beyond what is necessary. I noticed the little "Women will have the power but you need to do whatever husband wants of you" bit. Yeah, right! A valuable commodity perhaps and commodities doesn't have rights. Great story Sue.
Well i could
speculate about drugs, Missing parents, Mona lisa.... But you know what?.... I think i'll just sit here and enjoy yet another well crafted story from the talented pen of Sue Brown...How you keep on producing such diverse stories Sue i'll never know, But i do know one thing....While ever you keep writing them....I'll keep reading them.
Thanks for a lot of enjoyment.
Cue spooky music.... we have
Cue spooky music.... we have complete control of your set, we can control the volume the horizontal hold.... oooooh-llaaaaaaaa...
Excellent - well paced and suspenseful !
Can't wait for the next episode.
Thanks for the opportunity to read it!
Yes there's definitely something sinister going on here, and I get the impression that Rebecca will be the one to find it.
Yes it's FemDom, but not as we know it, Jim, and I am sure that it's going to turn into something quite different.
I find it rather appropriate...
...that the Next story link takes you to "The Deep Dark Secret."
Unfortunately, I doubt we'll find out what the Deep, Dark Secret in this story is in the next chapter - but hopefully Rebecca (and us) will have more clues...
As for the brainwashing - Stepford Wives, anyone?
I'm starting to ponder on the possibility that the school was originally set up to "do exactly what it says on the tin", but the Head is taking advantage of the situation to impose additional 'training' on her charges. After all, since they spend several years at the school, you'd think they wouldn't need to speed up physical transition - just a spot of hypnosis at the beginning to calm them, then put them through a 'normal' female puberty. Unless they're so desperate they want to get the new intake pregnant before the school year's out...
You can probably bet that as soon as their femininity training is off-pat, they'll be implanted with the desire to get pregnant ASAP.
As for Rebecca, if pain is the key to 'unlocking' the 'fog', she'll need to think of a non-harmful way to do it, so Helena doesn't interfere and send her down to the medical wing again.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I think it is not merely pain
It has to be sharp, not some dull ache and discomfort that many feel right now.
The Principal as the culprit? It may be plausible. But, it also implies that the school has vast amounts of raw materials and facilities to transform them into the medicines students are being affected by. Otherwise, if the medications are shipped from outside, it means that more than a school gone horribly wrong is happening.
I have already noticed, due to reading similar stories, the greatest dichotomy in logic of the transformation enforcers. That is, that women will rule the society, inclluding transfromed ones. What I mean is:
---The transformees are apparently made to be not successful women but man-serving Stepford Wives, indeed. Such people are not fit to lead, and will always be servile.
---Men, who are used to transformees' services, will consider females to be for their own amusement and not as leaders.
---And if the crisis is not resolved and female babies are not born, then modern generation of confident and self-sufficient women will die out, leaving only the serviles and the machos.
The society they are, in fact, aiming for, is going to be not matriarchal per se, but is going to be modelled after the caste system:
---Natural Born Females as the top of the crop
---Mediocre Males as the primary workforce
---Transformed Talents as the serviles of the Mediocre Males
This allows to take over the society and get rid of the competition that can overthrow them. And as I said, if the underlying problem is not fixed, the ruling class will be short-lived. And Mediocre Males will likely continue in the same venue as before, thus condemning humanity to stagnation.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
I thought pretty much the
I thought pretty much the same. No way that brainwashed nu-girls can lead a nation or society. Men will always lead society since they have the drive to do it. While there are women who are as capable they're the minority.
And you don't get the kind of woman who has the necessary willpower to survive in high politics by brainwashing the nu-girls.
I really hope they won't succeed with their brainwashing program. This kind of female can't really be good for humanity. They're not partners for the guys but breeding chambers and sex toys and maybe houseslaves.
I wonder why the older females cooperate with this programm, they ought to know what's being done...
Quite captivating story,
thank you for writing,
The Chosen continues to be a great read
The Chosen continues to be a great read, Sue. Thanks for continuing it!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I'm weird,
'I just enjoy a good story which is being told to me!Thank you so much.Alison
something about this makes me really uncomfortable
And its not just the forced Fem aspect. The really disturbing part is the mind control. I do hope our hero doesn't have any kind of relapse.
I love it. The intrigue is
I love it. The intrigue is good, and I like that something has happened (pain from cutting her knee) to break through the fog induced upon her mind. The revealing dream was also a good touch. I am looking forward to the rest of the story. Thank you for continuing it.
Great story
Good to see that you started the story back up and didn't let a few spoil it for the many IT IS JUST MAKE BELIEVE GREAT LOOKING FOWARD TO THE NEXT CHAPTER
Slightly scary story
Rebecca was lucky to have the cut which "cut" through the fog they are keeping her in!! Not sure I understand why this is happening this way. I guess I will just have to keep reading and it will be cleared up.
You know Sue this is the fantasy that I have long had of being totally transformed so that I could be pregnant. When I tell my girlfriends that I am jealous of their having periods they just laugh at me and tell me I am crazy!!But that is my big regret of my transition!! The results of the surgery are great but I still somehow feel incomplete!!
Fare thee well,
"how many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something, but someone" Coco Chanel
Mona Lisa
"Are you real Mona Lisa or just a lovely work of art"?
Sums it up for me!
Nice going Sue!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
She's having dreams of the
She's having dreams of the future
It's pretty much overt.
The children are being brainwashed.
Please, don't blame Darwin for Herbert Spenser's sins, or Social Darwinism in general. Darwin's book was straight biology. Of course, nobody in the room knew enough to set that Head-Mistress straight.
The news is out of order, he has a pleasant flying dream that turns into a nightmare, and a broken glass yanks him out of his mental state.
I hope that he starts faking his medicine.
-- Daphne Xu