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Susan Brown
‘Rebecca, you did not appear to be with us today. Do you have a problem?’
‘Erm, no, not really,’ I replied, trying to think on my feet, ‘Erm, I have medical examination later and I’m worried about it.’
Her rather severe features softened somewhat. ‘Don’t worry, dear. They are good doctors here and will do all they can to help you. These examinations are vital to your health. Now run along or you will miss your break time.’
‘Thank you, Ms Park.’
‘You’re welcome, dear.’
I ran out and caught up the others. Bethany was talking to Stacy as I approached. ‘–so I said to Lisa, you should really try green, with your auburn hair it would suit you––’
‘Beth, can I have a word?’ I said, touching her arm.
‘Okay, see you in a minute, Stacy–’
I pulled her over to the side and waited until the others went on ahead.
‘Bethany, where’s Davina?’
‘What are you whispering for? Didn’t you know, she was called to the medical centre just after breakfast. I don’t know why. Mind you, she was as white as a sheet when she got up. P’raps she’s caught some sort of bug–?’
And now the story continues…
I felt decidedly faint and knew without a shadow of a doubt that Davina had been found out. Bethany was wittering on about her nails and she looked like she had no thoughts or worries about all the changes that were happening to us.
'I adore the frosty look on my nails; you should try it Becky–your nails are so boring, pink and not even shocking pink––'
'–look Beth, I have a bit of a headache so I'm going for a walk in the gardens.'
'Want me to come?' Bethany asked, brightly.
'That's all right. A bit of quiet time will do me good.'
'Okay, see you after break; don't forget that it’s hair care… I’m sooo looking forward to it–'
I left her at that. She wasn't helping me feel any better. She was much too over the top about everything. As I strolled round the lake, watching the fountains, I tried to think about what I should do now.
I almost wished that I was kind of like Beth and just accepted things. I wanted to be a girl now and I didn't think that it was just the “conditioning”.
Gazing up at a sky I noticed that it was grey and dismal. The rain was falling hard, but was being repelled by the force field. It may be cold, wet and miserable outside, but within the confines of the school gardens, it was warm, bright and felt like summer.
I sat down on the very seat where I had sat with Davina just yesterday, wondering what had happened to her, whether they found the scratches on her arm and if they had manipulated her mind. Were they aware that she had talked to me and that I had told Davina about my worries and concerns? Was I going to be next and will they take me away and subject me to some sort of brainwashing?
My head ached for real now, because I feared the future and wondered what had happened to the only person who, as far as I knew, other than myself had rebelled against the system. The anxiety almost overwhelmed me.
I breathed in deeply. Panicking would not help me one bit–I had to be strong to survive this onslaught. I waited for my heart to slow down and tried to think rationally about what may– or may not– have happened to Davina. It may well have been innocent and she might just have gone for one of the regular medicals to which we were subjected so frequently. However, if they did find out something, maybe my involvement–or any conversation about things–might not be discovered.
I had to stay positive, and act as if everything was normal. If I showed signs of worry, questions might get asked. I would have to go into ultra girlie mode and be as enthusiastic as Bethany to get through all this. I couldn't run and I couldn't hide so I would just go with the flow.
I stood up, brushed down my skirt, pushed my hair out of my eyes, put on a smile for any observing vids, and set off back indoors. I would do nothing for a few days to give any indication of rebellion: I would just bide my time and see what happened. Not bad logic for a twelve year old kid, but times were strange and I had had to do an awful lot of growing up in a very short space of time.
As I made my way down the corridor leading to my room, I glanced at my finger watch. I had fifteen minutes before I had to go to hair care. The door to my room opened silently as I approached.
‘Hello, Helena,’ I said cheerfully.
‘Hello, Rebecca, you sound happy.’
‘Yes, we have hair care in a few minutes, I just came in to change my blouse, it feels a bit yuckie after deportment.’
As I changed, Helena quizzed me. ‘How are you getting on with your lessons, Rebecca?’
‘Great, I have so much to learn. I can’t wait to be a real girl!’
‘That’s good. It’s nice that you are now accepting things more easily.’
‘Mmm––Oh, is Davina going to be in hair care class this afternoon?’
There was a pause. ‘I don’t have that information at the moment.’
‘Oh–never mind. I’ll just use the loo and then I had better get going.’
So, Davina was still not back. I wondered once again what was happening to her. Was it just a routine matter or was there something more sinister? I had no doubt at all, that despite what she said, Helena was perfectly well aware of the situation concerning my friend.
I felt a fair bit of discomfort when I went to the loo and the blood was quite noticeable in my wee. After cleaning myself up and readjusting my skirt, I went back into the bedroom. I didn’t want to tell Helena anything about the pains in my groin, but needed something for the nagging pain.
‘Helena, I have a bit of a headache, d’you have anything I could take?’
‘Of course, but you ought to see the doctor if it is worrying you.’
‘I will if the pills don’t work.’
I knew that if I told Helena about my real pain, she would insist on my going to the medical centre. I didn’t want to go within a mile of that place unless I absolutely had too!
I took my pills like a good girl and hurried off to the lesson.
I quite enjoyed playing about with my and other girls’ hair. I put the worries and concerns I had over Davina to the back of my mind and really got into the swing of things. The hair care lesson seemed to pass so fast and I was surprised that it was over so soon. I now had long wavy hair, slightly more blond than previously and I must admit that it looked great. Bethany–over the top, as usual–had gone for hair up and ringlets. It didn’t suit her, but she was happy and that was the main thing.
Lessons were over for the day and I decided to go for walk. I wanted to see as much as I could and discover if there were any weak points in the security. I was no expert, but thought that the more I knew of the layout, the better position I would be in to make an escape–I hoped.
Bethany and Rachel wanted me to go to the solarium with them as both girls liked the tanned look. Having read about the number of skin cancers that the old style solariums had caused, I wasn’t keen to try it, even though everyone says that it is as safe as smoking now is…not that we were allowed to smoke as it was considered to be unladylike.
As I walked and made mental notes of the various exits–locked to mere “Two Petals” like myself–I pondered about the changes in medicine that had occurred. It was strange how modern medicine had cured most things like cancers, heart disease and other killers, but not the common cold. Indeed, with organ cloning, the only thing that couldn’t be replaced yet was the brain and I understand that they were working on that.
And yet, science had spent years and billions of Europounds and Dollars in the attempt to resolve the birth-gender crisis and only now seemed to have at least found a reasonable chance of a solution. It made me shiver slightly that I was one of the guinea pigs upon which the future of humanity depended to overcome the enormous obstacle of no females being born.
I had my wireless earphones inserted as I listened to music on my mini uPad. I was humming a tune and looking as casual as possible as I tried to take everything in. I didn’t stick out in any way because one of the most popular pastimes at the school was walking. Mind you, it was getting a bit hard to concentrate as the pains in my groin were coming back with a vengeance and I was beginning to feel a bit faint. I sat down on a bench for a moment and felt rather strange. I could feel sweat trickling down my back and yet felt cold and I had begun to shiver.
I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them again, felt strangely detached. Looking down at my skirt, I saw that a red stain was growing on it. The only thing that concerned me was that I had ruined a perfectly good school skirt…
I could hear the sounds of warning alarms but ignored them. Closing my eyes, I felt rather light headed and confused. Someone touched my arm and I could hear them but it was as if I was hearing them from a great distance.
‘Rebecca, are you all right? Can you hear me?’
I sort of nodded, but couldn’t be bothered to open my eyes, and then I think I must have fallen asleep.
‘Hello, darling, how are you?’
I opened my eyes and there was Mummy looking down at me. She was so beautiful, her long blond hair framing her pretty face.
‘M–M–Mummy.’ I croaked, my mouth feeling as dry as the Sahara desert.
‘You’ve been unwell, love, but you’re getting better every day, your father and I will come and visit you as often as we can.’
‘I—I—I don’t under–understand.’
‘Don’t worry now, sweetheart; go back to sleep. They’re looking after you really well here and they will make you better soon.’
I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and I dived into a deep dark ocean…
I was at home with Mummy and Daddy. It was a lovely summer’s day. We were in the garden and the lawn looked so beautiful. I was playing with Peggy my Labradoodle; she was only a puppy and a very naughty girl. She had eaten a sausage off my plate. You see we were having a picnic on the lawn as it was my thirteenth birthday. I was wearing a pretty, flowery, summer dress and some brand new white shiny sandals.
The sun was so hot that I was wearing a straw Panama hat with a pink ribbon that trailed down the back and tickled my neck. I felt so pretty and was pleased that I was now allowed to wear makeup. I could taste the strawberries in my lipstick and see the mascara as I looked through my lashes. My nails were a shocking pink and glittered in the sunlight.
My parents were lying back, next to each other on a picnic blanket, they were holding hands–that was sweet–and were asleep. Mind you, the racket that Peggy was making would raise the dead. I got up, brushed the grass from my dress and wandered over to the bushes to which Peggy had just rushed. I could hear her barking at something. I hoped that it wasn’t a rabbit–we had lots in our garden. They were so sweet and had lovely fluffy tails.
I could hear her snuffling around behind a big bush and when I went behind it, I nearly screamed because there she was with a baby rabbit in her mouth, it was dead and blood was dripping from its mouth!
I screamed and then ran for my parents. The sun had gone in and clouds were rolling in, making the skin on my arms have goose bumps. My pretty sun hat flew off my head in the wind.
As I approached my Mummy and Daddy, I noticed that they hadn’t moved. With my screaming, you would have thought that they would at least sit up and see what all the fuss was about.
I skidded to a halt as I reached them. Rain had started to fall at first gently and then with a torrent. I was getting soaked and cold, it wasn’t the rain that was making me shiver though, it was the sight of my parents. They still had not moved. Their eyes were slightly open and they were not breathing. Daddy’s lips had a slight tinge of blue. Water streamed down their faces. Mummy’s makeup was running and her red lipstick was washing away making her lips blue too––
I wakened with a jolt. I was wide awake and in my bed at school. I remembered what had happened to me: I had had some bleeding whilst out on a walk, felt rather unwell and must have fainted. I shivered slightly at the thought of the terrible nightmare that I had just had.
Surveying the familiar room, I breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was back to normal. Luckily, my nightmare had already receded into the distance and I was relieved it was just a bad dream and not the real thing. It was strange though, I wasn’t thirteen yet and I didn’t have a puppy. I didn’t even recognise the house where the bad dream had taken place. It was only a dream, although it felt extremely real.
‘Hello, Rebecca, how are you feeling, dear?’ asked Helena, soothingly.
‘All right, thank you. I had a funny turn, didn’t I?’
‘Yes, dear, you’re nearly better now though.’
‘What happened?’
‘Your doctor will be here shortly and she’ll explain.’
Before I had a chance to say anything, the door swooshed open and a doctor came in together with a nurse. The nurse just smiled at me and fiddled around at the end of the bed while the doctor came to me.
‘Well, Rebecca; it’s nice to see you awake.’
‘What happened?’
‘I’ll tell you in just a moment. Let me just have a quick look at you first.’
‘Shall I get out of bed?’
‘No, dear, you can’t get up yet,’ she replied, pulling the covers up from my feet and bunching them below my chest, stopping me from seeing what she was doing.
There was a series of bleeps coming from the bottom of the bed and the nurse looked up and winked. She seemed pleasant and I smiled at her. It was funny; I couldn’t feel much from the area where the doctor was looking. I assumed that the area must have been anaesthetised or something. I wasn’t worried though as she seemed to know what she was doing. Presently she replaced the bed covers and came and sat by the bed.
‘Now, let me tell you what’s happened. We have a no secrets policy here so we must get you up to speed. First of all, this may look like your room, but it isn’t; you’re in the medical centre. Research shows that patients recover more quickly if they feel they’re in an environment which is familiar to them. That’s why we have replicated your bedroom down to the last screw, so that you feel at home and comfortable. The bed you are on is a special medical bed that is looking after all your bodily functions while you get better––’
‘–Sorry to interrupt, Doctor, but what’s wrong with me?’
The nurse giggled behind her hand and the doctor gave her an irritated glance.
‘Sylvia, any more of that and I’ll have you emptying bed pans until Christmas.’
‘Sorry, Doctor,’ Sylvia replied, but she was still grinning so I assumed the threat to be an idle one.
‘Now, where was I?’ the doctor continued after another withering glance at Nurse Sylvia. ‘Oh yes, I was trying to say, or rather answer your question. You might realise that you have been changing rather rapidly and your transformation has been accelerating lately?’
‘Yes and I was bleeding a bit when I went to the toilet.’
‘That’s right, this was all as expected. What’s been happening to you–without being too technical–is that the treatment and medications have been transforming your former male body into a female one–you know this from the information that you have already been given, but being a new treatment, it has been difficult to gauge how quickly the treatment would produce the desired effects. What has happened to you is that, for some reason, the treatment worked much faster than we anticipated.’
‘So–am–I a g—girl now?’
She nodded. ‘Yes, congratulations you are now a girl with a fully functioning female body which can make babies. In addition to this–and this is so exciting–initial tests show that it is highly likely that you will have female children.’
I looked up at her and my mouth dropped open in amazement. ‘So, I’m the first?’
‘Erm no, the second. The first one was your friend Davina, but she’s had a reaction to the treatment and is in intensive care. I can’t say more at the moment, but we have high hopes that she’ll pull through. She lost a lot of blood and had further complications before the medical squad could get to her and she’s still very poorly. She was on a slightly different medication regime to you and this may be why she has had problems which you have avoided. You do have a few problems though.’
‘I do?’
‘Well, at the moment you’re hooked up to the medibed but shortly, we’ll unplug you, as it were. We will sedate you before we do this as it would be unpleasant otherwise but after that, you’ll be able to get up and move about for a while. The only thing is that as your body has had such radical changes to not only your reproductive system but also to your urinary system, in effect you have urinary incontinence.’
‘Does that mean––?’
‘–that you have no control over your bladder at the moment? Yes, think of it like a baby who has no control. Your body has yet to become accustomed to your new plumbing. Your brain will, in a fairly short space of time, re-wire itself and realise when to go and when not to. In the mean time, you’ll have to wear special panties that will help you until you regain bladder control.’
‘You mean nappies? Yukk!’ I said with distaste.
‘Nappies, diapers, whatever you want to call them, yes. But it’s only temporary.’
‘Until when?’
‘I can’t say, but you’re young, strong and healthy so it shouldn’t be too long. Now, I have a few things to do, so it’s time for you to have a nap but are there any questions you have first?’
‘If I’m the first–or rather second–when will the other girls change?’
‘I can’t say. It all depends on the individual. Once the correct treatment is evaluated–with your help, of course–then the whole school will be given the treatment and we’ll be able to get rid of this curse that has been hanging over us for so long. Now, when you wake up, you will be back in your own room and you will be able to get up. Helena will let your personal nurse and counsellor know that you’re awake and they will help you with your ongoing medical needs and assimilation. Right close your eyes and count to ten.’
I woke up smiling. I had a stretch and opened my eyes. The lights were up and glancing over to the wall, I could see the huge vid of The Grand Canyon at dawn. The ceiling clock indicated that it was eight o’clock in the morning.
‘Good morning, Rebecca.’
‘’Morning, Helena.’
‘Are you feeling well?’
‘Yes thanks.’ I said as I stretched again and then yawned. I had no aches and pains and that was good. Mind you I was feeling really happy. I was one of the first girls in our group to be changed and I was now a real girl!
I felt down below and frowned as I felt the padding around my new girlie slit. I wanted to have a look at it. It was like a new toy that I wanted to play with–well not play exactly–but you know what I mean, I hope!
‘The nurse will be here shortly.’
‘Can’t I get up?’
‘Wait until she comes, dear.’
‘All right.’
I just lay back and surreptitiously felt the bits that I could reach. My breasts felt tender, a bit larger than I remembered and very sensitive. I felt a spasm of pleasure as my finger played with a nipple and also felt a strange wetness down below that I don’t think had anything to do with wee––
The door swished open and Sylvia, the nurse entered. ‘Sleeping Beauty awakes,’ she said, smiling.
‘I don’t know about the beauty bit, but I’m awake.’
‘Well, you’re back in your own room now.’
‘Can I get up yet?’
‘Of course,’
I won’t go into detail about matters of hygiene, those of you who have to wear such things will know what I’m talking about and those who don’t–well, I’m sure you really don’t want to know. After my shower though, I did get to have a look see at my new equipment. It was strange, seeing a slit where my penis used to be. I was tempted to have a rummage and a poke about down there, but knowing that “eyes” were everywhere, I didn’t do anything.
I was excused lessons for the foreseeable future until I was released by the medical team. I was still somewhat weak and slept rather a lot. I was asked not to mention my transition and so I kept quiet. I understood from Helena that Davina was getting better but she would not be back in circulation for a while and was not allowed visitors yet. I wondered when I would hear from my parents, but had been told that they had been transferred to a more secure location and I would hear from them as soon as it was safe.
My uPad and mini uPad had been replaced as I was told that the old model was now out of date. I looked forward to playing with my new ones, which had more functionality and did things that were evidently unbelievable.
I continued to go to meals with the others and hang out with Bethany, Chloe, Rachel and Helen. They were all very girlie and I loved them for it. Davina still wasn’t well so I sent her a card, a real old fashioned paper one. I didn’t get any response, but I wasn’t really expecting one.
I loved wearing pretty clothes and wanted to embrace my femininity whole heartedly. Wearing incontinence pants was a bit of a drag, and although things were getting better because I was now able to control myself to a limited extent, I was still leaking like a proverbial sieve, especially at night: I just got used to it after a while.
Quite soon, I was allowed back into normal lessons and I was so pleased to be with my friends and learn all things feminine! My days of being a boy were now in the far reaches of my memory and I never wanted to return to being one.
Every Monday, we had assembly and we all trouped in and sat on our seats. This was the only time that we were all together as a school and I could see the other pupils and teachers.
In the few weeks since my change, several of the other girls had changed too and it was now no secret that many of my friends, including the ecstatic Bethany, were fully functioning females.
Everything went quiet as the principal climbed on the rostrum and the lights dimmed.
‘Well girls, I would like to bring you up to date with what has been happening outside our own little community. I realise there have been a few problems with external communications of late, but we are doing all we can to rectify the matter. To us here at the school, the outside world seems far distant but we must never forget that we are part of the wider world and you all have an important part to play in the continuance of the human race.
‘Other countries are not as fortunate as ourselves and lack the knowledge and medical science to replicate the exciting things that we are doing here and at the other centres around the country. They want us to share our findings and our government will do so when the time is right. Unfortunately, certain countries feel that we should share our findings now, but our government is standing firm as we do not want, what is still a fledgling procedure, to be used before it is fully tested and evaluated. Also the costs involved in getting the answer to our dreams have been tremendous and we have asked these countries to share our burden by paying a reasonable fee for the expertise that we have so painstakingly acquired.
‘I regret that certain countries–for example France, Brazil, Mexico and several Middle Eastern states–have declined to give us such financial assistance and will be excluded for the time being from the first wave of information when it becomes available for distribution. Other countries like U.S.A.C. are reluctant to pay but as we have a special relationship with them, it is hoped that such resistance will change sooner rather than later.
‘On to other matters, I regret to inform you that Indo-China has declared war against Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Intense negotiations are taking place to try to stop the war, but these negotiations have not, as yet, born fruit. There has been a great loss of life and our prayers go out to those who have suffered.
‘Whilst there is tension around the world, we feel that it is best that any communication that you have with your families should be through official channels and therefore, until this crisis is over, we will have to monitor all outside communications from now on.
‘Now to more pleasant matters. The new salon is now open. Please use your uPads to make appointments. The gym has some new equipment for those who wish to tone up your bodies–and what girl does not want to have perfect body! I have pleasure to announce that the eagerly awaited holo chamber is nearing completion and very soon, four petals and above will be able to experience almost unlimited scenarios for you to enjoy. Details will be provided on your uPads.
‘Finally, I have great pleasure in announcing that we have eight new three petals amongst us. Please come forward, Julie, Teresa, Bethany, Rebecca, Suzanne, Rachel, Chloe and Helen.’
We all looked at each other, smiled with surprise and then stood up. We went to the raised stage, and were met by the smiling principal who, in turn, took off our two petal badges and replaced them with our new three petal ones. The whole school then stood and cheered and clapped us. I was so proud at that moment and became quite tearful. I was now a true girl, and a three petal. Things just couldn’t be better for me.
From that point I was happier than I had been in a long while. I enjoyed my lessons and being with my friends. I was a bit upset a few weeks later when I heard that Davina had been transferred to another place due to ongoing health issues, but she had sent me several messages via my mini uPad to say that she was getting better all the time.
I had also received a few messages from my parents. No more vidicasts because of security issues, but it was nice to hear from them anyway. I ached to see them again but realised that conditions in the outside world were none too bright at the moment and I needed to be patient.
I did get to explore my new body when I though I wasn’t being observed–normally at night, with the lights off–I won’t go into details, but I was very pleased with my new equipment and couldn’t wait until I was old enough to get married and have babies with the willing help of a handsome–correction, drop dead gorgeous man!
I spent a lot of time with my Helper, Mariette; she was a five petal and sixteen years old. She helped me with all those little things that aren’t covered by the normal school curriculum. We went for long walks and chatted about all things feminine. She loved clothes and often advised me about what goes with what and why I should have my hair like this or that. We also talked about boys, of course. It was funny, when I was a boy, I had no interest in the opposite sex; now, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. It was obvious to me that girls are far more mature than boys!
We also talked about politics and what was going on in the world. She wanted my opinion on everything from the treatment that we were receiving to what I felt about not seeing or hearing much from my parents. It was refreshing to talk to her about things and I always felt better after our little talks.
One evening, I was returning to my room after saying goodbye to my friends. I was just waiting for my door to recognise me and open, when I saw Mariette approaching.
‘Hi, Mariette.’
‘Hello, Becky, just going to your room?’
‘Yes, I’m tired, I need to change and chill out for a bit before bedtime. There’s a new game on my uPad I want to try too.’
‘Well, I won’t keep you. See you tomorrow.’
She took my hand and squeezed it, I felt a sharp stab of pain and then she hugged me and whispered, ‘Remember Dada. Show no surprise; meet me at the lake tomorrow during break.’
‘Bye,’ she said and walked on as the door swooshed open and I entered my room.
‘Hello, Rebecca.’
‘Hi, Helena. I’m quite tired so I’m getting changed and going to bed.
‘All right, dear.’
I went into the bathroom and changed into a nightie and clean incontipants. Looking casually at my hand, I could see a small puncture and a tiny blob of blood.
After brushing my hair and scunchiefying it, I went straight to bed after pretending to take my meds. The pills were in my cheek and as soon as the lights went out, I spat them out.
I stared up at the dim green clock on the ceiling and then thought about things. Since being pricked by Mariette, my heart had been racing and it was all I could do to keep looking calm and normal for the ever present and watchful surveillance.
Mariette had given me my unlock code word and reinforced it with the pin prick. The fact that I didn’t shout out or jump was more by luck and shock than anything else. Everything came back to me as the secret lock had opened the door to my secure memories buried deep inside a little corner of my brain.
Thoughts came flooding out about all the things that had been happening to me. Davina’s ‘illness’ and convenient transfer. The lack of communication with my parents. The fact that I had been so passive and accepting of all that had happened to me. The change of my mini and maxi uPad for a newer model. The fog had lifted once more and I wasn’t going to allow myself to be put under again if I could help it. There was something sinister going on here and I knew that we had not been given all of the facts regarding the state of things in the outside world.
The fact that Mariette knew my unlock code and how to get me back to reality meant that she must be part of some sort of resistance movement who had been given the information needed to snap me out of my conditioning. It had to be that, otherwise I was lost.
I felt for my mini uPad on the bedside cabinet and brought it under my covers. On the dimmest settings I gave myself a reminder of the following morning. It was one word and it was all I needed.
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing, help with the plot-lines and pulling the story into shape.
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What's True...
...and what isn't? As Rebecca recognizes, there's no certainty that Mariette's really part of a resistance group; any or all of that information could have been discovered by the authorities and they might be pursuing this to see where and how far it goes. But (as Rebecca says at the end), if that's the case, there's no hope for her already.
It's the fact that nothing they've said can be trusted -- that she's the first or second success of the new process and that others have also succeeded; that she first awoke at the medical center and not in her room. And of course, the alleged world situation and the safety of everyone's parents. (Backing up one more step, there's the whole setup: are they even in England any more? It'll certainly complicate Rebecca's escape plans if they're in, say, Kuwait.)
Then again, the authorities are actually telling the girls that in effect they're being held for ransom. True, they're saying that it's the process, not the people, who are for sale. But the proof of success will have to come from someone -- and Rebecca, via this "escape" plan, may indeed be the chosen one.
Intriguing, however it comes down.
Poor Rebecca
just who can she trust.....Is Mariette on the level? Or is it some sort of plan by the authorities to weed out potential troublemakers.....
Given the position Rebecca finds herself in at the moment, You would have to say her choice is somewhat limited in any action she could take... Still not able to travel outside the compound her choice is limited to accepting what the government wants for her and all that entails.... Or taking a chance with Mariette.
Which way will she go? Judging by the last paragraph i think her mind is made up, As Rebecca knows it will be far better to have a freedom of choice about her life, Rather than have her life planned by some faceless bureaucrat!
And once more the plot thickens
It would seem that there is some sort of resistance. What remains to be seen is If it is merely a disorganized rabble or if it is effective and has some sort of plan of action. There also the possibility of their having a link with the authorities but that seems unlikely as this facility appears to be a government program of some sort. I still wonder at the "Aunt" link of a few episodes previously and its future significance to the story. As ever I look forward to the next installment of this wonderful story.
It's time to make the wild mass guessing wheel spin once again. This time with:
---Some/most of the centers are in fact supporting the interests not of the UK, or the world - they are working for other countries or groups. The guinea pig kids are controlled because they are tailored to requests of those groups, and that includes heightened sexual awareness. Since in effect it is a form of slavery, not to mention a breach of many, many rights and laws, it is obviously kept under wraps. And since they already drug the children to make them complacent, I think it may be that they also are testing some other mnemonic triggers for 'final fitting'.
I have to wonder whether the transformees kept the personal logs of their lives (you know, those infamous girl diaries ;) ) that could be used later to address the timeline of changes.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
The Chosen~8
This is getting very good with all of the vried plot twists. Makes me wonder just what the REAL world situation is.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Splendid continuation, as usual! Don't really have any comments, helpful or otherwise, but with the vote-a-gizmo broke, this is the only way I have of posting heartfelt approval.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
WHo is she really
It seems strange that out of the blue Mariette shows up and is aware of Rebecca's recall word.
That she knows that pain or an injury causing bleeding has some effect is not strange, because this is something that is probably well known to the school's leaders.
That she know's the Dada trigger is more perplexing. Even if she is a member of an underground movement, how did she learn this and who told her.
If she is not part of the underground, then it is likely the school learned this from drug induced interrogation. In that case, Mariette is being used to test if Rebecca has been completely changed before she is sprung on the world. If nothing had happened by the use of the code word, and Rebecca did not react to it, she passes the test and then is
made ready to meet her future husband and become a baby making machine.
If she reacts to the meeting with Mariette, then the authorities know that she is not ready for prime time and will be subject to further conditioning or perhaps worse.
If Mariette is the real thing then how did she learn the code phrase. Two thoughts, a) Rebecca's dad has returned to the UK and is part of a group willing to fight to save his child. That group has connections and found others who could reach Mariette and advise her to get in contact with Rebecca; b)Davina while being transferred to a new prison, I mean school, was liberated by the resistance and told them about Rebecca.
Any scenario that supports an underground resistance, must however explain how Mariette has escaped detection and is able to work freely in the school environment.
Great story. Since the vote thingy is not working, I will vote here.
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Yes that is three votes, which unlike Chicago where it happens often, is not illegal on BCTS.
Ah, the blessed conspiracies!
Oh, you might think that this is only fiction, but we really are manipulated in society. I first realized it when I was expelled from Christianity. Since then, I have seen glimpses of it in the way marketing is done; the impulse stands at the store and the scrambled way that merchandise is arranged in the store. New regimenting regiemes are foisted upon us almost daily.
No, this is not as fictional as you think.
It is still a lovely story, and it makes me happy to see new episodes.
I want to add that I am happy to see the absence of the voting box. Votes were a source of pain for many of us.
Oh wow!
So they're basically blackmailing the rest of the world?! And war in India; awfully convenient, that... And now Rebecca's parents are making contact through Mariette maybe? This just gets better and better! Keep up the good work Sue!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Did we forget about her OLD/OBSOLITE PDA & PC they replaced ...
with new modern ones? The old and obsolescent PDA with her "Dada" reminder programmed into it like an alarm clock? It wasn't encrypted as far as I recall and it was provided by the facility. Would they give out something they had no control over or couldn't hack into?
It's either for real or a test by the baddies who found the message n the PDA, put two and two together, maybe even interrogated her "still recovering from complications" friend and are now testing our heroine to see if the latest brainwashing worked.
Now if they are the first who may be able to have female children, what of people like Mariette? Can they still be altered to this state or are they stuck as new women who can only have boys and are thus doubly cursed as many did not want to become girls and with women now being produced who can have girls they less desirable. And what of born women still of childbearing age can they have this new treatment? For TG's the sex change doesn't work well after puberty but perhaps just to repair a woman's reproductive system to normal? And are they certain its only the women? Were men's sperm altered as well?
Also I got the implication our heroine and her classmates are likely or designed to ONLY have girls? The opposite problem in the future, IE only females born or not? Can they later have boys if they wish? And why all the comm problems with the outside world and the seemingly obvious lies? Why the force field? VERY weird and ominous. And if they are sure they have a working cure I could easily see any country or parts of its leadership using it as a powerful political and diplomatic tool.
Wow Sue.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I'm So Glad You Continued
Thank you for the latest episode. The twists and turns continue.
Great episode! Here's a Vote for Chosen~8
Great episode! Here's a Vote for Chosen~8, since the "Vote" gadget isn't working.
Two thumbs up!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Oooooh! A co-conspirator...hopefully!
This is just getting more and more interesting, Sue!
Lie Back, Grit Your Teeth.....
Spread your legs,and think of England. Except that the way they are being conditioned there won't be much gritting of teeth! More....No! No! I won't say it or I'll be accused of prurience. Life as bimbos seems to be the desired end. Lots of horizontal jogging and Ugandan discussions.
I'm with Rami and John. The three S's. Suspicious, suspicious, suspicious, suspicious!
Loss of personal electronics. Replacement with new ones. Five-petal girl suddenly shows up as an ally, with the secret code. Hmmmmm.
Now, if tendrils of green fog appear....
What is suspicious
Is that you used four S'words in "The three S's". :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Do Not Resist
No, I'm not talking about the character in the story, I'm talking to you, the readers!
From what I know of Sue Brown's prodigious talents, I am somewhat amused by all these attempts to second-guess and predict her plot. She is far cleverer and more imaginative than any of us, making that a truly futile exercise. You'd have an easier time predicting the financial markets and making a fortune for your efforts.
Sit back, relax, go along for the ride, and enjoy the scenery.
Resistance is futile!
But It So Much Fun
Discussing stories like this and trying to decide what is going on, is so much fun. Chnages and Football Girl prove your point, most of the comments never hit the mark, but so what.
Enjoy the story, write the comments and enjoy them too.
The Three Pees
Oh, Faraway! Pedantic, pedantic, pedantic, pedantic!
A mature response
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Rebecca's future
In this chapter Rebecca is told:
But in Chapter 1 they were told:
It appears that the only way they will know if they are successful is to have their â€guinea pigs†be fertilized and wait to see if the result is a live female birth. Only then will they know if they are truly successful.
Given the circumstances it hardly seems likely that they will want to wait for their â€guinea pigs†to grow up and start a normal family. Instead it seems that they would want to proceed to the ultimate test of their process as soon as the test subjects can safely carry a pregnancy to term.
Society is getting to a critical point as the last of the genetic girls are now twenty years old and are in the prime of their fertility. I wonder how society is reacting to this whole situation. Are the genetic girls treated any different from those who have been converted?
How is society handling the psychological needs of the mothers? Knowing that you likely only have a fifty percent chance of having your baby survive is a heavy burden to bear when deciding to have children. It would seem that the devastating psychological effects of half of all pregnancies resulting in losing the (female) child would overwhelm the ability of society to provide assistance.
I suspect that Rebecca and the rest haven’t been moved somewhere else. It seems that the medical personnel are the same ones who did the initial month long evaluation. You would basically have to move your entire organization without the student’s knowledge.
I was also wondering if the “dormitory†is really a hospital ward with the entrance they first used leading to the lobby and “public†parts of the facility, while at the other end of the corridor is access to the medical facility. This would provide an easy way to transport the patients from their rooms to treatment and back without a lot of publicity.
Once the need for the intense medical intervention is complete the students can then be moved to another section of the facility and these “intake†rooms could then be used for the next batch of â€guinea pigsâ€. It would seem that they could process a new set of “students†every few months.
As far as the future for Rebecca and the others I can see two possibilities; if they are capable of giving birth to live female children then they may be needed as baby factories until a more normal distribution of the sexes is achieved. The other option is that they are being prepared to be trophy wives for the elite. Their school was described as a pretty rich public school, the perfect place to look for future wives for those who go to the elite public schools and whose families might pay handsomely for the privilege.
Michelle B
The plot thickens.
"Other countries are not as fortunate as ourselves and lack the knowledge and medical science to replicate the exciting things that we are doing here and at the other centres around the country." Unfortunately, the children (and laymen in general) are unaware of how patently false such a claim is. I assume that the principal is a layman rather than a liar.
Specific technology is one thing. Access to resources, equipment, and an uninterrupted locale to research in peace -- that's another thing. Scientific knowledge is a third. That last isn't limited to single countries.
Mariette -- Rebecca's helper is genuinely on her side now?
"...pretending to take my meds" Ah, she's learning. But does the darkness really prevent Helene from detecting that she spits them out?
Setting something up on her uPad: "It was one word and it was all I needed." Was that a good idea?
-- Daphne Xu