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Two weeks later, I awoke in the morning and before I even opened my eyes, I was smiling. You see, today was the day that I was to go back and start training with the club and it was the day of my birthday, I was now officially sixteen... By Susan Brown |
“Mr Ferris, I didn’t expect to see you here because you had been banned and I also did not expect to be questioned like this to prove who I am, so there wouldn’t be any reason for me to need to prove things. I am very upset though because this lovely dress has been stained–look.”
I stood up and although I was a bit tearful by now, I managed to smile as Ferris stared, with horror, on the now somewhat larger patch of red blood on my otherwise very clean dress.
He took one look at it–nearly said something–and then, pushing past the other members of the press, left the room in a hurry. Before he got very far I called out to him.
“Oh, Mr Ferris?”
He looked back just as he got to the door.
“Just one thing. My name is not Mark, it’s Susan.”
He gave me one more look of pure hatred and slammed out.
A few seconds later, pandemonium broke out as half the people rushed out of the room to file their stories and I left the scene with Daddy on one side of me and Mummy on the other. I was upset, but not–I think–as upset as Ferris was. It didn’t stop me though, from falling into my mother’s arms and bursting into tears.
And now the story continues…
Two weeks later, I awoke in the morning and before I even opened my eyes, I was smiling. You see, today was the day that I was to go back and begin training with the club again and it was also my birthday, I was now officially sixteen.
As I lay there, I cast my mind back to the dramatic press conference and the inevitable fallout.
After Bob Farris’s dramatic verbal attack on me and his subsequent storming out of the room, I fell into Mummy’s arms and was so upset that I didn’t quite know what was going on for a while. It must have been shock and the reaction to the events, but I only have a dim recollection of the next few hours. The strength that I had shown in front of all the press and in particular, The Ferret, had left me as soon as the conference had finished; in short, I was an emotional wreck. Somehow I was hustled out of the building and eventually found myself back home.
For two days I declined to leave my room and refused to eat. I wondered what Ferris had written about me and whether the whole world was against me. I slept fitfully and had vivid dreams of going out on the pitch in a short skirt and top and everyone laughing at me as I kept falling over whenever the ball was near me.
My parents were so concerned about me that they called in a doctor. After examining me and asking a lot of stupid questions about how I felt, she came to the blinding conclusion that I was in an emotional state because of a combination of factors. Firstly, the accident and resultant operation, secondly, the fact that my period was heavy and that I was being hormonal–whatever that means and thirdly, I was insecure in as much as I didn’t really believe that I could make it as a football player, a girl football player that is, in a man’s game.
She gave me some pills, said that the mind was a funny thing and that I would get used to things soon and that I should let my mind heal as well as my body.
At the time I thought that she was talking nonsense and I am ashamed to say I told her so. I was like a bear with a sore head and snapped at everyone. I wouldn’t listen to everyone saying that I was being dealt with sympathetically by the media and that the staff, players and supporters of my club and they were right behind me. I had just got it into my head that I was no good and that was that. That’s a lot of that’s, but that’s how I felt!
It was my second evening of myself imposed bedroom confinement and I was just lying on my bed in my nightie watching a cartoon, when there was a knock on the door.
‘Go away,’ I shouted.
There was another knock on the door.
‘I said, go away!’
‘Susan, open the door this instant!’
‘Oh blimey,’ I thought, ‘Auntie Chris!’
I got out of bed, went to the door, unlocked it and then opened it.
‘H–hello, Auntie Chris.’
She looked me up and down, with a frown on her face.
‘You have precicely twenty minutes to make yourself presentable and then you will come down and talk to me in your sitting room. We are alone; everyone has gone out. Twenty minutes––’
She glared at me again, obviously not liking what she saw, sniffed, shook her head and went off down the corridor.
I shut the door quietly and sat down on the bed. I felt a bit resentful that Mummy and Daddy had brought in the big guns in the shape of Auntie Chris. She wasn’t like my mum. She was strong and had very strict ideas as to how girls or boys for that matter behaved. Normally, she was a sweet lovely lady, but when she felt in the mood, she was more frightening than Mr McPherson!
I went over and looked at my reflection. I wasn’t a very pretty sight in my crumpled pink cotton nightie. My hair looked awful and my eyes had black smudges under them. I fleetingly thought of just locking my door again, telling Auntie Chris and anyone else to go to hell and diving under the covers. Then I sighed. It didn’t come natural to me to be a rebel. I suppose I was just beginning to feel a bit guilty. They had brought my auntie all the way down from sunny Haggisland to come and tell me off. At least I should let her rant and rave at me before I retracted back in to my shell.
I had a very quick shower, using a shower hat to keep my hair dry. It needed a wash, but I just didn’t have the time.
After drying myself with a towel, I put on my panties and bra–funny that I was now able to put on my bra without thinking. When I first started wearing one, I had a devil of a job putting it on, but now it was just second nature. Staring at my face, I was a bit pale and there were those dark circles under my eyes too, I nearly cried at the sight. After fighting back the tears, I put on some foundation to cover up my most obvious defects, then some blusher to put some colour into my cheeks. I didn’t bother with eye liner or mascara, in the mood I was in I would poke out my eye and anyway I wasn’t exactly going clubbing. I just finished off with some strawberry flavoured pink lippy and then, looking at the clock, I slipped on a white tank top and black skirt, then some black sandals. Brushing my hair as best as I could, took a few minutes though, as the tangles were vile.
Checking myself in the mirror, I noted that I wasn’t exactly a beauty queen, but at least I looked slightly more presentable.
I went downstairs and into the sitting room. Auntie Chris was standing by the window gazing out on the manicured garden outside. She was so like my poor dead mum that my heart nearly stopped as I caught her profile. As I walked up she turned around and looked at me.
‘Well, Susan, so what’s all this about, girl?’
I could feel the tears start to roll down my cheeks.
‘Oh, Auntie–’
Her face softened and she opened her arms and I flew into them.
After a while, I calmed down slightly. It had been like a dam bursting or something. Other than just after the press conference, this was the only time I had cried. I had bottled everything up and now had I just let everything go.
Auntie had gone to brew us each a cup of tea, while I repaired my ravaged face. After a short while, she returned with the drink that is supposed to make you feel better–no matter what. Funnily enough, as I sipped it, the tea did help me somewhat.
As we sat on the sofa, I told Auntie all that had happened to me over the last few days and before that. The accident and operation, the fallout of my enforced change of gender–well not enforced, that was the wrong word–I suppose the shock of discovering I was intersexed and all that meant to me, I suppose.
As I explained to Auntie Chris, I had wanted to be Susan full time eventually, but I wanted to do it on my own terms and at my own pace. Suddenly, when that ball hit me, the choice was taken out of my hands. I couldn’t just play football for a while and gradually out myself as and when I wanted to. It was a bit like being on a rollercoaster, I had been placed on it through no fault of my own and had not had a chance to get off until the ride was finished. I know that the explanation sounds silly, but I think Auntie Chris understood what I was saying.
She looked at me kindly; ‘So you feel that you don’t have any control over things?’
‘That’s right and I’m so worried about what everyone thinks of me.’
‘Even though your parents have told you that everyone is being supportive?’
‘I—I just thought that they were trying to be kind to me and not wanting me to feel hurt.’
‘They didn’t lie to you, and I don’t think that they ever would, and certainly not over something as important as this.’
She stood up and went to a table in the corner. ‘Come over here, Susan.’
I got to my feet and joined her. On the table were a number of newspapers.
She pointed to one. ‘Look.’
I stared at the headline.
This seasoned and perhaps cynical reporter turned up at the Melchester United press briefing expecting a run of the mill interview with possibly the most exciting new talent in British football–but nothing out of the ordinary. To say I was surprised by what I heard in that packed room, would, I think be an understatement–writes our football correspondent, Hamish Chisholm. | |
I put the paper down and sat on a chair. Auntie Chris was talking to me––
‘–The papers are virtually unanimous in their praise of you. You won’t be laughed at and people really appreciate what you have been through. Oh, there are idiots who think you’re the Devil’s Spawn, but let’s face it you can’t please all of the people all of the time, so be thankful that you have a large number of devoted fans who are willing you to be the best footballer in the country. Your web page has had record hits on it and the membership of your fan club has now reached six figures. Your publicity man tells me that he has been able to get enough sponsorship to ensure that you need never lift your finger working ever again once you finally retire and he has lined up countless interviews for you as well. So what is all this about your being a failure or not good enough, for goodness sake?’
I looked at her and smiled sheepishly. ‘I—I’ve been a bit of an idiot, haven’t I, Auntie?’
‘Yes, my dear, you have, but an understandable idiot. The things that you’ve been through would have tried someone twice your age with ten times your experience, but as long as you believe in yourself, that’s all that matters.’
So here I was, sixteen years old with the world at my feet. A lot of people had invested a lot of time on me, emotionally and financially. Now it was up to me to do the best I could to repay their trust and that is what I intended to do. Last night, I had a lot of apologies to make for my behaviour and it was nice to make it up to everyone. Mummy took me aside before I went to bed and I said sorry to her once more.
‘Look, Susan, for goodness sake stop saying “sorry”. Everyone understands and you should just drop it. Between you and me, when I was your age I was a right little sod. A lot of girls go through some angst but get through it. Just remember to try to hold yourself back and bite your tongue next month when the dreaded curse returns.’
‘Can’t I just take a pill?’ I whined.
‘If only it was that simple!’ She laughed.
Returning to the present, I jumped out of bed smiling; I went into to the bathroom and did the necessary. My smile widened as I remembered that my little monthly friend (not) was still absent and, I hoped, would stay that way for at least a fortnight!
As I left my bathroom, Claire rushed in–without knocking, of course. She hadn’t dressed yet either.
‘Wow, Susan, who’s the birthday girl then? Like, it’s going to be fab, brill, great, smart, neat and well and truly wicked tonight. Make sure you don’t break anything in training as I do not, like want to spend your birthday party night in the Accident and Emergency. We have some serious, heavy shopping to do. I need a wicked dress and you need something new too, so get to training and I’ll like, meet you there. Your Dad’s gonna drive us and the security goons are going to protect us from your adoring public. Andrew wanted to go–I think he fancies wearing a frock tonight, but he won’t ’cos he doesn’t want to, like out himself, y’know and––’
‘Like, what?’
‘Please zip it for a minute, or you’ll give me a headache. Let me get this training session over first and then we can talk partay!’
An hour later, Daddy drove me to the training ground. I wondered what reception I would get and as I got out of the car, Daddy dug me in the ribs and pointed.
I went all gooey as I saw a big banner across the reception building, on it emblazoned in red was: WELCOME BACK SUSAN AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
‘Aaaw, that’s so sweet!’
I was wearing my Melchester track suit, unisex of course as I didn’t think that a mini skirt, fish net stockings and five inch heels would be very appropriate today.
As I walked into reception, it was nice to see everyone greet me with nice smiles and ‘hellos’. I made my way to the dressing room and there was no one there except the kit man, who looked up as I walked in.
‘Hi, Susan,’ said Big Bill as he came over.
‘Hello, Bill, nice to see you; the others out already?’
‘Yes, the boss said that they should go out a few minutes early for your first day back while you get yourself sorted out. He also said that this was a one off and it won’t happen again.’
‘He would,’ I said smiling, but thankful for the unasked-for help in settling me back in.
I went over to the changing cubicle and took my trackies off. My training kit was already waiting for me so I quickly changed. I was wearing my sports bra already and knew that it supported me fairly well in the breast department. The last thing I wanted was to injure a team mate with an eyeful of breast–mind you, knowing some of those lecherous so-an’-sos, they probably wouldn’t mind too much.
As I pulled up my football socks and slipped in the shin guards, I still wondered if I would be accepted as one of the lads.
After tying the laces of my football boots and putting on the training bib, red this time, I walked out and noticed that Bill had disappeared. Going over to the long mirror, I pulled my hair back and slipped on a scrunchie. Scanning my image, I smiled. It was still the old Mark–except it wasn’t–no tell-tell bulge in my shorts and of course I had the hard-to-miss breasts. I was wearing no makeup, but my lips appeared to be fuller and looking down at my body, my hips were certainly bigger. As for my bum, well, let’s put it this way, if I landed on it, at least I had some padding!
No, come to think of it, this was definitely Susan staring back at me and I liked that a great deal.
I sighed and left the changing room. From the sound of the lads out on the pitch and some whistles blowing like mad, they were doing some intervals. I didn’t like that much and was glad that I had, at least, missed that bit of torture.
As I made my way up the slope and out to the training pitch, I could see that I was right; they were doing some interval training. I stood on the line and waited to be noticed. After a few minutes another whistle blew and the lads gratefully stopped for a breather.
Mike Thomas, the reserve team coach was taking the training session with the help of several of the assistant coaches. It was unbelievable that I didn’t know many names yet, but then I hadn’t really been with the club that long.
Mike saw me and called me over. As I ran up to him and the others, I got several ‘hi’s from the lads.
I sort of waved, still embarrassed at the situation. I wasn’t at all sure about myself, despite the pep talk that I had had with Auntie Chris and later my parents, but I had to just take a deep breath and pile in there.
‘Glad to see you, Sue. Right, lads; let’s get the training match started–
Soon I was running up and down the pitch as if I had never been away. But something was wrong, I wasn’t getting the ball much and nobody was tackling me. I called and called for the ball but it was as if I wasn’t on the pitch. I was getting a bit antsy at that, so I just stopped as the play went upfield and then walked off the pitch. I went and sat down on the benches and awaited developments.
It was only a few moments when it was noticed that I had left the field of play. Mike blew up and everything stopped. The lads all looked over at me and I could see more than a few frowns on their faces.
‘What’s wrong Sue? Are you in pain or something?’
I looked up at him.
‘No, I’m not in pain, but as no one wants me to join in with the game, this is all pretty pointless. If this is the way things are going to be, I had better find a team that does want to play with me.’
He sat down beside me.
‘Bugger, we’ve made things worse haven’t we?’
‘Yes you have. I either play with and for the team or I’m out. I’m not going to be some sort of token or mascot–I have a skill and I want to use it. It’s nearly half time, I’m going to powder my pretty nose and by the time I get back, if I don’t get what I want, then that’s it. I’m not being a prima donna, I just want to play.’
With that I went back down the tunnel and into the dressing room. Luckily the toilets were individual and I went into one and locked the door behind me. Sitting on the loo, I put my head in my hands. This wasn’t how it was meant to be. I thought that after all the support that the club and players had given me, I would be accepted. But I was being treated like a fragile and tender flower and I wasn’t going to accept that after all I had gone through.
Looking at the clock, I noticed that twenty minutes had passed. I reluctantly got up and went out again. I made sure that I wasn’t showing any signs of my despair, my eyes were a wee bit red, but I didn’t think that it would show.
As I walked out on the pitch, everyone was assuming their positions. I didn’t say anything and just went across to the right and waited for the game to restart.
The whistle blew and the game restarted in earnest. After a few moments, the ball came out to me and I slotted it out to the wing–I was back!
Judging by the bruises on my legs after the game, I think the lads took on board my feelings and let me play a normal game. It had been nil-nil at half time–the teams being roughly of equal strength–but as I was being carried in the first half, it was virtually ten against eleven, so it was surprising that no one on the opposition had scored.
Anyway, I soon got back into the swing of things and started spraying the ball, right, left and centre. I had to be careful as the other team were not holding back on the tackles any more. Daniel Schmitt just missed doing me an injury as I leapt over his flailing leg and ran upfield. It was only about ten minutes to go and you know me, I hate to lose. Anyway, then Arnold tried to tackle me and I just put the ball on one side of him and swerved around the other, picking up the ball as he tied himself in knots trying to turn two ways at once.
Obviously I hadn’t lost much speed, as I was streets ahead of my nearest team mate. Ivan Gloshter, the goalie, standing between the uprights, began moving towards me to reduce the angle. I was about ten yards from the penalty area and knew that if Ivan came any closer, there was no way that I would be able to get the ball past him easily. I took the decision to shoot, using my left rather than my–favoured–right foot. I thumped the ball with the outside of my foot and it swerved past the desperately diving Ivan as it bent like a banana into the corner of the net.
My team mates congratulated me like it was a premier league match and were all over me like a rash. I got kissed several times, but hey, boys even do that to each other after a goal, don’t they?
The match continued and we scored another one and I’m glad to say I made it because I went to the goal line near the corner flag and managed to cross for the ball to one of the up and coming youngsters–hark at me–to head it home.
All in all, after the faltering start, I had been treated as one of the team and that is exactly what I hoped for. The only fly in the ointment was how other teams and supporters would treat me, but I wasn’t worried about that as I went with Daddy, Claire and the ever present minders to the shopping centre. I was going to buy a drop dead gorgeous dress for my party and I was going to shop until I dropped!

Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing, making suggestions that I hadn't even thought of and pulling the story into shape.
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Glad To See
Susan return to the field, but I can't help but think that bob ferret will cause trouble, later. When he does, I hope what Susan has a ball ready for him and teaches him about poetic justice.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I agree Stanman, potential trouble.
However his true colours have been exposed and he may not have the guts to come back, especially with the chance of being sued!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Well done
I've loved this story since Chapter one but somehow can't remember commenting before (if I have then my memory has failed me again).
I really do like the way you're treating Susan, life is not a bed of roses (however much we'd hope it was).
Mostly Harmless
Another great chapter, but ...
... as Della Street used to say on the old Perry Mason TV show, "one thing puzzles me, Perry." It's her birthday, two weeks later, and her period FINALLY ends? She should have seen the doctor a lot sooner than that if she was still "on" after such a long time for her first.
Still, another terrific part of a terrific story!!! I wait for each one, and almost (but not quite) hold back a "squeee!" when I see it pop up.
Thank you!
Randalynn, it's a flashback -- updated and expanded
I see what confused you. you likely skimmed this bit. I quote.
Two weeks later, I awoke in the morning and before I even opened my eyes, I was smiling. You see, today was the day that I was to go back and start training with the club and it was the day of my birthday, I was now officially sixteen.
As I lay there, I thought back to the dramatic press conference and the inevitable fallout.
Then in the next few paragraps she describes her two days of holing up in her room after the press conference, afraid her life is in ruins. After her big cry with the aunt she realizes -- seeing the press articles -- she is accepted, even admired AND her period has ended.
See, just a few days, not two weeks. That would have implied cancer or something else nasty.
Great chapter, watch out for the Ferret and religious nutters, Susan. And the psycho fan that want you as his/her own and will kill -- ask John Lennon and Selina about fans. Fame has it's seedy side.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Add this bit i n too, I quote.
Returning to the present, I jumped out of bed smiling; I went into to the bathroom and did the necessary. My smile widened as I remembered that my little monthly friend (not) was still absent and, I hoped, would stay that way for at least a fortnight!
John in Wauwatosa
Using Her Head
I'm not 100% with all the football language*, but I gather from the description that Susan netted the second goal with a header?
That wasn't the only thing she used her head for. The half-time ultimatum displayed good sense and more than a bit of pluck. What with her injury and recent surgery, her new status, and extended recovery time, she would have to be very persuasive to make that argument stick, guys being guys. Still, though, the longer she waited to do that, the more entrenched and hard-to-overcome the "delicate flower" attitude might have got.
I'm glad the lads finally took her seriously and let her get a bit of real training in. Her first game against an opposing team is going to be... interesting. Assuming she scores the way she did in the training match, the sports headlines are going to be fun, too. The phrases "Sweetheart of Melchester" and "She-Devil of Melchester" are running through my head at the moment, along with the headlines "Men No Match For Little Girl," and "Young Woman Steals Game, And Hearts."
I'm ecstatic to get another chapter of this glorious story to read! Happily anticipating the next one now.
* - For example, I couldn't figure out where the "dead-ball line" was. My web searches only turned up references to Rugby League, where it seems to be some kind of base-line at the end of the pitch. Is this the goal line in football/soccer? Also, from the wording, I couldn't decipher if Susan made the crossing pass to her teammate who headed it in, or vice-versa.
Dead Ball Line
I too was a little confused by that but in football / soccer any free kick to restart the game after a foul or the ball going out of play (end lines) is considered a "dead ball" situation. In this case I don't think the reference is to a specific line but the spot where the ball has been placed for the free kick.
In addition, several times Susan has described passing the ball to a teammate to set up a goal as "making a goal" or in otherwords getting an assist on the goal. So interpreting, I would say that Susan took the free kick, passing it to a teammate who scored using their head to redirect the ball into the net (a header).
Michelle B
Dead Ball Line - clarification.
Regarding the dead ball line and where it is, I have changed the wording to goal line instead, as it can be a bit confusing. The dead ball line is any line where the ball goes out of play, it isn't used much any more and i was just harking back to my youth when the coach used to say get that f*****g ball across before it goes over the f*****g dead ball line you ****.
He wasn't a man of many words, but the ones that he did use were rather colourful!
Thanks for all the comments and votes, it's really appreciated by this humble scribe.
Dead Ball Line in Baseball
It brought a different picture to my mind. In baseball, a dead ball line is a feature of the ground rules in some parks where television cameras are located in foul territory on the field. The cameras, and cameramen, are surrounded by a marked area with a thick tape or chalk boundary. Any ball, which would already be in foul territory, that goes inside those areas is out of play, just as it would be if it went into the stands. The line around the cameras is sometimes called a dead ball line. There can be other situations in which the ground rules might specify dead ball lines, like if the ball goes into a covered dugout on the field.
Personally, I love the judicious use of the technical talk of sport and other occupations in fiction, it adds to a sense of reality and helps the reader feel involved. It's more true in some genres than others; mysteries and bestsellers almost always feature some sort of occupational jargon as color and it is common in romance writing, too. In fantasy and SF, the jargon may be wholly invented and that's almost an entirely other thing. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Another great chapter
I too wonder if Feris will show up again. Keep it comming
An emotional chapter!
Not for Sue, for me!
I have to admit I shed a tear or two.
What a wrap up in the papers, go girl!
Nice to see a game again and Sue getting back into what she does well.
Nice chapter Sue.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Football Girl Scores Again!
I'm flippin' tired but I'm leaving a comment. I just finished this chapter and I loved it. I love this story.
Thanks. Now I'm off to get some kip and dream about the story.
- Terry
I'm glad that Susan is back
I'm glad that Susan is back and working out with the team. I am worried about Ferris, I believe he will be up to no good and try to do something to harm Susan as she has caused him to lose his job (at least in his mind) and he most likely has gone off "the deep end" mentally. Jan
Sue's Back!
I really enjoy "Football girl". I thought you did a wonderful job describing the aftermath of the press conference and Susan's reaction. We are our own worst critics.
I liked the practice. It showed that Melchester is a much better team with Susan than without. She will and can succeed just by being herself.
Thanks Sue.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Sue, you exceeded my expectations, bravo!
This was much as I hoped/expected it might go and better.
She had a bit of ma funk, who wouldn't after that trial by fire at the press conference.
Her tough but loving Aunt helped her sort things out, sort out her priorities, what was her imagination -- the people hating her as a freak -- and what was real. Her friend Claire helped her realize, one, play football, two go shopping!
Susan has her priorities straight. The team treated her as a piece of glass at first, understandable but after her protests , treated her like one of the team, bruises and all.
Maybe they can use that hesitation to hurt a *frail woman* to their advantage for a while in matches until the opponents wise up that Susan is every bit the threat Mark was. Hey all is fair in love and football. Hum, given her rapidly growing *charms* -- IE her womanly figure, breasts included -- would Susan play dirty pool in a key match and switch to a regular bra or even braless to distract the opposing team? She is a team player after all.
Her team accepts her, she has her best girlfriend stanchly at her side, a cross dressing boyfriend and prospects for a financially set life. If not for the death of her mother at the hands of her sicko stepdad she has found heaven.
'Even the jerk reporter is toast,
Okay, when will you drop the hammer on Susan, Sue, you mean author?
-- snicker --
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I think the other teams will
I think the other teams will not play -frail- and proceed to beat the snot out of her. Even if it's in legal ways in hopes that her teammates will become over protective and do poorly or worse, taking penalty cards in trying to protect her.
Go ! Susan !
I've enjoyed the view from your mind's eye.
Sue, thank you
for bringing back our favorite footballer!
Usually when a hate fueled fanatic "goes to ground", ...
... he plots. And with the internet it's fairly easy to hook up with other similarly hate filled fanatics. Don't underestimate The Ferret; watch your back, Susan.
BE a lady!
I don't have any real evidence for this, and I've been wrong in guessing about Sue's stories more often than I'm right, but I'm wondering just how dedicated of a fanatic Bob Ferris is. He might be something slightly worse, because while they cause just as much harm they're insincere about it. The type of media whores that know what their constituents (in this case phobes & bigots...) want to hear, the type of outraged crusading stance to take, and they throw themselves into it like a role, their anger and zeal devoid of any serious underlying passion, their real goal being their own aggrandizement, the praise of their fans. Whatever it takes to get attention.
Which doesn't mean that can't be just as dangerous as the real article, his ego might demand vindication for this pipsqueak teenager making a fool of him. And as he loses juice with regular folks he may wind up seeking that all-important adulation from more fringe elements, and will modify his spiel accordingly, his tirades even more inflammatory & hateful, not caring who it might hurt.
Or maybe not. Either way I don't think I like this guy much. But I'm sure loving the story.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Melchester Maid Mauls Misanthropic Monster
Bob Ferris hiding and stewing, possibly plotting pernicious payback. Not a pretty thought.
But Susan is not a fragile flower of a female footballer. The girl can help it.
Actually I can envisage players on rival teams copping a surreptitious grope in the heat of the match!
I Can't Help Thinking...
... that a lot of people from the previous generation of American reporters would be proud of showing up at a news conference from which they were banned and then browbeating the celebrity at the podium when things had gotten way too feel-good for their cynical taste. (And then, of course, writing up the results afterward.) Far from getting fired over it, they'd probably have their co-workers buying them drinks at the bar for a couple of weeks.
Anyway, in this era of the Internet and the European Union, there are plenty of ways for Ferris to continue getting his message across. (I wonder if the Vatican needs a sportswriter.) And if the lawsuits ever happen, apparently he'll be able to show that no monetary damage was done to any of the plaintiffs by his muckraking, and in fact he ought to be able to countersue since their behavior toward him has made it more difficult for him to earn a living.
This isn't politics or crime news. It's celebrity journalism -- hardly a hotbed of truth and justice. Ferris is the villain of the story, but until he goes out and hires a hit man or a kidnapper or frames Susan for her birth mother's murder, he's an irritant, not a criminal.
What Does the Holy See
Are you suggesting Ferris join the Pope-arazzi?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I agree with Stan that
Bob Ferris is not out of the picture yet. He is a trouble maker and doesn't have a conscience. But that aside for now I am glad that Susan stood up for herself with the team and they let her play. But she is right, other teams won't be so easy going as her Melchester teammates were. I would love to go shopping until I dropped especially for a drop dead gorgeous dress n things to go with it. Shoes, earrings, necklace, bracelets, lingerie ... heehee. I mean that's why they invented stores isn't it, so girls can have fun? :P Another nice chapter Sue. Thank you for giving us a story that everyone likes.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
End Line Rules
I've played a lot of football/soccer, some of it with officials. I may have learned more about rules, coaching and watching my daughter's Y team play games.
> the ball going out of play (end lines) is considered a "dead ball" situation. In this case I don't think the reference is to a specific line but the spot where the ball has been placed for the free kick. < ..... I disagree.
If the ball crosses a sideline, the ball is thrown in. If the ball is played over the endline by the team defending the goal at that end of the pitch, the other team is given a corner kick. If the ball is played over the endline by the team attacking the goal, the other team is given what we called a goalie kick. It's taken by the goalie or a defender. The ball is placed on one of the down-field corners of the (rectangular) penalty area and kicked off the ground. I forget if that is a direct or indirect kick. A direct kick can score going right into the goal without anyone touching it. An indirect kick must be touched by someone else before going into the goal to score.
I like this story very much. I always enjoy watching wimyn's football on TV.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
If rival teams treat her with the same fragility...
... she'd be mental not to use it to advantage! They'll learn soon enough that being chivalrous will cost them goals.
Just the opposite
I don't think anyone will cut her any slack at all. I think they will see her as an affront to their machismo, for a girl, especially one such as her, to be playing their sport, much less on the same field as they are. They are going to try to cream her, and get rid of her at the earliest opportunity, blindsided if necessary, to teach her a lesson.
to Stanman & John in W.
I surely don't get the publicity that Susan is/will get. (or I'd be hiring bodyguards also). I'm now 5 yrs post-op, and yet still get harrassed @ times, specially w/ pronouns. B4 I retired, I was an IS manager with a pretty well known Insurance company.
It's not where I made my money from, that came years ago when I worked for a little company called Microsoft B4 they really went big & publc.
But, untill recently, part of my job was reporting to State Government oversight committies that my IS Dept. wasnt spending the government's money Unwisely.
I'm one of the lucky ones you hear about, in that I pass really well, w/o alot of cosmetic surgury. But I still got quite alot of flack from those bigots, that, 1, refused to accept I was a woman, 2, that I was a woman in a man's world, 3, just refused to believe, that I was 10 times smarter than them, that even in my ''weakened'' state, could take on most any man and proved it once on the house floor, when some senator that outweighed me by 100 lbs pinched my butt, and I floored him with a chop to his mid section. (mind you I have 50 yrs martial arts behind me & 13 of those was spent in the US Marines & Seal teams.
I do not tolerate stupidty, let alone from those that should of known better.
Recently I was asked what I most missed about not having a girl's childhood & I said, Who said I missed anything, and walked off.
Privately, I'll say just plain bonding, and maybe a sleepover or two,and that latter, I actually went to 3,4 cause I had 5 female cousins I hung out alot with. so, who knows. ??
I am lucky, I had alot of things early on that were bad,very bad, but later, when i hit adulthood and was on my own, I found out just how bad it could of been.
The only regret is i didnt transition earler, that I can erase 6-8 inches off my height. but even that extra height got me some opertunities I'd likely never gotten if I was six-foot-two.
Any TS that thinks they can go STEALTH in this day in age isnt living in the real world, but, a fantacy that will bite them in the butt @ worst possible moment.
take what you got, make use of it, and GIRL camouflage the rest the best ya can. Isnt that what the rest of our genitic peers do