Rasufelle's blog
Super Early Contest Announcement: January 2019 "Reader Retention Contest"
Long Delayed Contest Results, Here At Last
Contest results . . . will be a few days late.
Staycation Story Contest Winners!
July Staycation Contest over!
Just over a week left on the 2018 Staycation story contest!
A Reminder: July 2018 Contest Announcement: Staycation!
Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Story Contest: Results!
Ten Entries available, get your votes out there now!r
Kiss-and-Tale Contest: The Final Day!
Still two weeks left on the Fairy Kiss-and-Tale contest!
Unofficial May 2018 BCTS Contest: Fairy Kiss-and-Tales
Reminder: Melanie E.'s Fairy Kiss-and-Tale Contest
Re-finding a Friend Long Gone
The new keyboard is in!
Tappity Tappity Tappity: Your Keyboard And You
Job Hunting for Millennials Part Deux: The Internet Lies
Job Hunting for Millenials
Help me make a web site!
Who the heck is Stephe2006?
Tabletop gamers? Math geeks?
The Crone and the Child
A Bad Case of Writer's Block Isn't Always a Dirth of Creativity
The big Three Oh
I'm usually an advocate for "Every Vote Counts,"
Sometimes "Just Do It" Isn't Enough
ANOTHER Cover by Nyka!
Not Every Story Needs a Sequel
A New Challenger Appears: Book Covers by Nyka!