Rasufelle's blog

I can't do deadlines.

Well, my Hollywood! project is on hold indefinitely. Why?

1. Unforeseen continuity and balance issues.

2. My Summer Romance contest entry has grown to epic proportions (for me). It may not be finished in time for the contest, but since it is upwards of 40000 words twice over that is more than likely for the best.

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It's an epidemic!

Sixteen drabbles. Wow.

In less than two days the whole 'Drabble Theatre' thing has evolved from an interesting title for a writing exercise to, I'm not sure what, but something much bigger.

Thanks Edeyn for making this possible, and thanks to those authors who found the concept as attractive as I did for the inclusion of your stories.

Melanie E.

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A few questions

A few questions for anyone who reads my stuff.

1. Where's the comments? Oh Cheers 3 feels all lonely and dejected with only 2 comments actually about the story.

2. Drabble Theatre? Good idea, bad idea? A drabble a day 'cept weekends sound interesting?

3. Two trains are on their way to Boston...

Melanie E.

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The End Approacheth

'Oh, Cheers Part 3: WIN!' concludes the main story and should be up by Monday at the VERY latest. I'm gonna take a break before finishing the gaming breaks to start my next work of genius, 'Hollywood'! More music, more confusion, three more months before the next 'Echoes', you get the picture.

Melanie E.

Oh, yeah- anyone wanna help me write cheesy teen idol pop songs? I'm gonna need 'em.

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Later today?

It's about time! I should be able to post the first part of 'Oh, Cheers' later today! Looks like it might get expanded to 5 parts from 3 due to some missing bits I found, but regardless it's all coming along great, and this time next week I should be able to post part 2. With any luck (cross your fingers here) I'll be able to have this finished posting by the end of June or July, then I can get back to Echoes. Thanks for being patient with me and my rambling on all the time :)

Melanie E.

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In Need of a Title

I have almost completed the second draft of the first part of a three part story, and I already have the draft of part two finished and three outlined. The only major question now is what to call it? Its your typical Reluctant Cheerleader type story, and suggestions are welcome, with more information provided if requested. Also, for the one person who may still be waiting, Echoes 5 is still on hold until I have a computer again. On a related note, anyone wanna give away a laptop with wireless?


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Part IV!... Again.

The proofing/test reading of my story by my loyal subjects (I R UR QU33N LOL) shall be finished shortly, and as soon as I have all required feedback, may the posting begin! I'll try to have the next set of chapters up sooner, as well. After all, it's been, what, almost a month now since the last update? Yeah, that's a bit TOO long for my tastes, so I'll try to make more expedient postage in the future.

Thanks for the support, guys n' gals!

Melanie E.

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Part IV!

Part IV of Echoes will be up soon, following a quick re-re-re-readthrough and a few minor changes to try and make it seem a bit less whiny. With any luck, I'll have it up by Wednesday or Friday!

If anybody wants to read through it and maybe give me ideas on what to change, I always appreciate offers of help, especially from those who have an interest in the story. Thanks!

Melanie E.

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I'm thinking...

I'm thinking I'm gonna go ahead and post the next two chapters of "Echoes", though they haven't been proofed recently.

Also, to anyone reading the story:

There was a suggestion in the comments on the first two chapters concerning Miriam's name: I used some of the phrasing from that comment, and there is an explanation in the story- and it's a lot better in my opinion than that I didn't bother to check name spelling before writing the thing :P

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