Rasufelle's blog
Trans in Fantasy and Sci Fi
I Am The Most Terrible Of Terrible People
"Enamored" is finally available on Kindle!
One Dozen Roses: Calling Interested Authors!
Ready Reads: I Suck.
Ready Reads: One Week Delay
Ready Reads 2: Fantastic Gadgets (Gone Kablooie)
Ready Reads coming tomorrow
Ready Reads 1: Grown Ups!
Enamored is now live on Smashwords!
I have a new (non-TG) book available!
Back in Business -- Literally!
More good news!
Welp, the GOOD news is . . . .
I've been gone for a week, and here's why.
Random Inspirations Round 4
Random Inspirations Round 3
1st or 3rd Person?
Random Inspirations Round 2
Is there a point in another round?
Reader Retention Contest Results!
March 2019 Random Inspirations Challenge: Week 1!
March 2019 No Prize Challenge Announcement: Random Inspirations
January 2019 Reader Retention Contest is Officially Over!
One week left for contest entries!
So many stories!
One Week Warning
I missed my preview this weekend.
January 2019 Contest Prizes Teaser 2!