Rasufelle's blog

Weight loss is hard.

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You know what's tough? Self care. Self care is super, super tough.

But when it goes right, it's a great thing.

I've been letting my self-care slide a lot the last few years. I've gotten somewhat better about it in the last year and a half, since I sort-of left the work force and started focusing on work-from-home pursuits, but I've still languished in the land of 'I'll get to it later' on some things for far too long.

One of those is my weight.

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Trans in Fantasy and Sci Fi

So I've been thinkin' about writing a lot lately, and a few recent stories have spurned a bit of an odd series of thoughts in my noggin'.

A lot of trans fic, whether intentionally or unintentionally, tends towards fantasy to some degree or science fiction. That's not to say ALL stories do, but even when it's very light -- whether it be the miraculous power of subliminals to change you utterly or a brand-new magic pill that does the same -- a lot of trans stories delight in utilizing fantastical gadgets or wonder drugs to do the dirty work.

My question, though, is this:

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"Enamored" is finally available on Kindle!

Enamored Cover Small.jpgWoohoo! Yep, almost a whole *year* after I made it available on Smashwords I have finally gotten around to adding

Enamored: A Transgender Romance Fiction Two-Pack

to Amazon's listings too!

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One Dozen Roses: Calling Interested Authors!

Well, it's been a while since I did one o' these!

Okay, so here's the deal: I have a story idea. Err, more of a story *framework.* And I need help executing it.

The premise is as follows:

A TG convention is being held, and a group of women who have never met each other before are thrust together by a rather unique circumstance: they are all named Rose. What follows is a Canterbury Tales-esque series of short stories as the women get to know each other, telling their tales of how they came to be one of the dozen Roses.

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Ready Reads: I Suck.

Alright, so . . . yeah. If it ain't obvious I got nothing ready for today.

I'll be honest here: I really overcommitted on this. I don't have the head space right now or really the time to dedicate to doing this properly.

So, I'm asking for help.

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Ready Reads: One Week Delay


I know, I'm doing terrible at this so far.

I spent most of today at the hospital in Capital City (a 2 1/2 hour drive away) and will be doing the same tomorrow. Wednesday is Thanksgiving prep, and Thursday thanksgiving itself. Saturday my cousins have Plans for me.

To put none too fine a point on it, this is going to be a Busy Week, and I just don't have the time or headspace to do Ready Reads right now.

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Ready Reads 2: Fantastic Gadgets (Gone Kablooie)

I'd said that I'd do Ready Reads today, but . . .

See, there's a problem. After culling out repeat authors, stories that were FAR too short, and stories that were suggested but inappropriate due to requiring outside reading to understand, I was left with a grand total of four -- count 'em, FOUR -- suggested stories.


Here are the suggestions that passed muster.


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Ready Reads 1: Grown Ups!

After (almost) a week of suggestions and feedback, it's officially time for the first-ever post of . . .


In this, our inaugural posting, we are tackling the weird and wacky world of adults in a theme simply called "Grown Ups."

All of the stories featured below have point of view characters or protagonists aged 19 or older, and as is the premise for Ready Reads, every story is complete on BCTS!

So, without further adieu, let's get into our reader-submitted suggestions!

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Enamored is now live on Smashwords!

That's right, I have another, yes, another book, live right now and ready to sell, sell, sell, on Smashwords!

Enamored: A Transgender Romance Fiction Two pack!

Enamored Cover Small.jpg

If you like my stories "Romeo and Roomiette" and "Little by Little," then this is the pack for you! Enjoy both on your favorite reading device for the low, low price of only 1.99 USD.

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I have a new (non-TG) book available!

Heya everyone! I just wanted to share with y'all that I've got a brand-new book available on the interwebs! It's called "Grue's Frightful Tales Volume 1," and is a collection of short horror fiction!

It's good! It's cheap! It's creepy, but no more scary than the ghost stories when you were a kid! It's seasonally appropriate! It may or may not mean the difference between me being able to pay my bills in November! BUY NOW!


Melanie E.

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Back in Business -- Literally!

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I have a desktop again! And a job! And the two are related!

Okay, so as I've shared here before I've been trying to make something akin to a work from home situation work for me for a while. I've been trying to find indie devs interested in some of my music work, and I've had a couple of jobs lined up, but the death of my computer a couple of months ago almost killed that opportunity for me.

Until I re-negotiated one of my contracts.

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More good news!

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I have an interview Friday!

No point in counting chickens before they hatch, but past experience with interviews has been good for me so I have high hopes for this one. If things go well I may be employed again before the month is out, and in a job that (hopefully) will be easier on me than my last one, if admittedly still a stressful one. Still, it's a desk job, with part of my interview being a typing test which, hopefully, I can pass with flying colors :P

If I can land this job I already have a plan in place.

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Welp, the GOOD news is . . . .

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It looks like I will be building a new computer.

The motherboard, it seems is better toasted than we had thought. While it boots to BIOS fine upon pulling my CMOS battery there was a nasty burn ring on it, and trying to boot a few different Linux distros from USB returned issues every time, with the system trying to boot in only to start throwing errors and then crashing.

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I've been gone for a week, and here's why.

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I'd known it was coming for a while. At least two years, in fact, ever since we had to do the graft after the last failure, but it was still a terrible moment when it happened.

That's right, folks: the PSU in my desktop finally died.

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Random Inspirations Round 4

We had family visiting the last two days so sorry for missing my Friday posting schedule on these!

This next week's 3 words are:


A quick breakdown for 'em:

Hand. An extremity used for grasping and moving things. To pass something to another. A selection of usable options. Helping hand, hand of cards, the hand we're dealt, idle hands, hand of fate.

Needless. Pointless. Inane. Meaningless. Or, alternatively, "needless" could apply as in someone or something without any needs, something complete.

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Random Inspirations Round 3

Another Friday, another trio of words!

This week's words are:


Rotten. Spoiled, wasted, or otherwise worthless. Could be in reference to a terrible person, or more lightheartedly toward a character who is doted upon (spoiled rotten.) Other options could include simply having the character in a "rotten" situation, or perhaps dealing with outdated or worthless materials or foodstuffs. Alternatively, the story could be about the Sex Pistols.

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1st or 3rd Person?

Since I'm unemployed for the moment I figured I'd put some hard work into getting a few books done for Amazon. Rather than plugging away at my edit jobs for the two BCTS conversions I'm working on, though, I have a number of never-before-seen stories in the works I'm focusing on first, including the one I've chosen to focus on right now, a silly little short(ish) romance novel.

But . . . there's a problem.

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Random Inspirations Round 2

Despite not getting ANYTHING posted for the first set of prompts I'm gonna give this another shot.

As a reminder to people: this is about using the 3 words to INSPIRE a story, NOT "using the three words supplied IN a story." While the former might potentially mean the latter, they are not by any means the same thing. This week's words:


A few ways to consider how to use these words as inspiration:

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Is there a point in another round?


Tomorrow I SHOULD be posting the second set of challenge words for my "random inspirations challenge," but as of yet I haven't seen any stories posted for the first part (unless I missed them?)

If nobody has any interest in this challenge then that's okay, though I hope it's not because of the lack of a prize.

Melanie E.

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Reader Retention Contest Results!

The results are in!

And technically would have been up like 2 days ago if I hadn't had to debate with myself on one particular issue (we'll get into that later.)

For now, let's focus on how things went down.

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January 2019 Reader Retention Contest is Officially Over!

At least assuming we're not gonna see any entries from Japan/China.

As a reminder, everyone has until the end of February to do their reading and voting (these were a bit longer than your average contest entry story after all!) I'll announce contest winners at the end of the first week or so of March!

Thanks again to everyone who entered the contest. It's been really special to me seeing how enthusiastic everyone, both readers and authors, have been about this one, and I'm really glad we all did this together.

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One week left for contest entries!

Just a reminder to people that the last day to publish valid entries in the Reader Retention Contest is next Thursday at midnight (your local time.) If you have a story going you have one more week to finish it up: if you haven't started one yet, well, there's still time to pop out some 4-5k words and split 'em up and get 'em out there!

Just a reminder/update on how voting's gonna work this time around:

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So many stories!

Holy cow!

Thank you SO much everyone who's already chipped into the new contest! Wow! I've already got a ton of stuff to read, and I still haven't finished all the entries from the LAST contest (sorry Angie!)

Y'all're all awesome :)

Melanie E.

PS: Call it a bit of ego, but I was thinking of running a Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots contest for March if there was enough interest: otherwise I'd come up with something else. Opinions?

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January 2019 Contest Prizes Teaser 2!

Another weekend, another teaser of some of the books you can find in the Doppler Press bundle being offered as a prize in the Reader Retention contest!

For those of you who may have missed it here are the rules. For everyone else, here's the next two books to be revealed from the curated list!

My Choice:

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