Pippa K.'s blog

Another Celeb Offspring FtM

Warren Beatty and Annette Bening's 18 year old daughter is now their son, Stephen Ira [click here for story]. Dad is said to be publicly furious.

Stephen now joins Chaz Bono as one of the more famous FtM children of celebrities.

In my opinion, or perhaps just hope, such public transitions of "Inside Hollywood" -type names help to undemonize transgender issues in the public mind.


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Breast Obsessed

Japanese are weird, pt. 23c:

The following is a trailer for a Japanese tv show called approximately "The Ancient Dogoo Girl." What qualifies it to be here is a brief sequence in which a guy gets zapped and appears to sprout breasts. Other than that (well, even including that), it's just plain weird.


Any fans of Japanese graphic culture who are familiar with this genre of entertainment, feel free to fill us in on the background and such!

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I Hate Taking Off My Makeup!

I look in the mirror on my return home. There are the perfect eyes and lips I painted a few hours before. I'm definitely getting the hang of this makeup business. Pencil eyeliner, four shades of shadow expertly blended, brows trimmed, plucked, combed and secured in the right shape with some pump-type hairspray that I've transferred to an empty clear mascara bottle. The gel that came in it was useless, so I took it apart and washed it out. My lashes are bold and beautiful. The latest two-part mascara I've tried looks to be a big winner. They'll probably discontinue it next month.

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The Case Of The Haunted Scrotum

Okay, here's an odd thing. I found a reference to this in Andrew Sullivan's blog today, but his link didn't work. I poked around a bit and found the original article referenced. It's a .pdf of a scanned page from a medical journal, a bit over 250K, including what appears to be a scary picture of an illusory face inside a scrotum. (At least this is the first illusory face I've seen in a while that wasn't claimed to be Jesus!)

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Loving Christians

For all too many, and even one would be too many, this time of year reminds people of the power the Church holds in their community, a power too often used for evil and hate when it comes to people of alternate gender identity and sexuality. The number of TG folk who have been abused in the name of religion is staggering.

As an alternative, and to show the loving and accepting side of some Christian denominations, I'd like to share this page with you: http://www.nyym.org/nurture/gender/

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Wishing You All The Happiest Of Holidays!

On this eve of Christmas, and a couple days after the winter solstice, let me take this moment to wish you all the happiest of holidays! A very happy and merry Christmas, Idul, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, a belated happy Diwali, or however you celebrate your religious or non-religious mid-winter observances!

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On Expository Screeds

We've had some truly excellent writing posted here lately. Great, adventurous stories packed with powerful emotions and levels of deeper meaning. Humorous stories with reader misdirection and Aesop-like morals. Simple stories, yet with a powerful grip on the heart-strings that profoundly affect the readers. I love all of these!

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The High School Of My Dreams

Watch this! It will make you happy.


It's a lip-sync music video made by a high school, using the talents of the entire student body. Everyone. Together. With gusto. Nerds, geeks, jocks, the swim team in speedos, stoners, preppies, goths, cheerleaders, staff. Everyone. It makes me giddy.

Oh, and they did it backwards!

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Fetishy Fashion Pic Of The Day

Not sure if I should label this as NSFW ("Not Safe For Work"). Maybe someone else can offer their opinion on that. I'd call it tame, except for the fetishy aspect of it, at least by lingerie standards.

It's a picture of a group of 9 scantily-clad lingerie models, outside of a London department store, with a passing bus in the foreground and the driver clearly gawking. The women, in formation, are viewed from the rear and wearing indentical outfits, something which could best be described as storm-trooper-inspired lingerie with hats and boots to match.

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Isolation, Censure, Casting Out, and Community

I note with interest the new "Ignore User" button on all posts, blogs and comments.

Frankly, it makes me queasy.

It's not an intellectual reaction, exactly, but more of an emotional one on my part. It seems like some horrid level of overkill. I can't imagine that any adult here is so immature as to be unable to set aside a little irritation now and again and still be able to function without needing a mechanism to turn someone else invisible to them.

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Chaz Bono (FtM) on GMA -- OUTSTANDING Interview!!

What a wonderful interview by a wonderful person and activist for transgender acceptance! Good Morning America ("GMA") is a workday morning news-magazine show in the U.S. with a large viewership. It's great to see such a sympathetic interview on this, the Transgender Day of Remembrance.


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Advice Column Highlight

The last letter in this week's "Savage Love" sex advice column touches on a TG theme.


N.B.: This week's column is relatively tame as regards language, imagery, and squick factor, compared to other weeks. You probably shouldn't be reading this column from work.

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Resource: Technical / Medical Text (Extensive Data on Intersex and Sexual Development)

File this somewhere under Deep, Deep Background! Some of it might be useful to authors of TG fiction, but mostly I think it will be of interest to those who have intersex conditions.

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Prize Words

She walked into my office on legs as long as one of those long-legged birds that you see in Florida - the pink ones, not the white ones - except that she was standing on both of them, not just one of them, like those birds, the pink ones, and she wasn't wearing pink, but I knew right away that she was trouble, which those birds usually aren't.

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Taking Down A Blog Post

I've come to the conclusion that my prior blog post, "How To Look Like A Slut," was maybe a little too off-topic. We've all seen the how-to videos on applying makeup and developing a look. This was about how to do everything "right" and end up with a low-class look, on purpose. Frankly, I thought it was uncanny, especially knowing how good Paperlilies (her YouTube name) really looks when she's not messing around imitating people, and I thought her act was spot-on and hilarious.

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