Pippa K.'s blog


Sometimes a paragraph or two will move me, a lot. This is from an article I just started reading. This scene is from a classroom in Toronto where, for over a decade, the author has been sponsoring a series of sessions to promote social and emotional literacy, as well as empathy, by inviting a mother and her baby to spend time with the students.

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Re: FTM, Trans, Porn, Boundaries

This week's column from Tristan Taormino takes a look at what she characterizes as a new wave of "tranny porn". She reviews a number of movies featuring transmen. The reviews are explicit. The films don't sound like ones I'll be looking for, but I merely pass this column on for educational purposes in case anyone is interested.

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Eulogizing a Mom

Someone tried to bring this column to my attention several days ago, but I only just found it myself. It's Dan Savage's eloquent eulogy of his mother.

Many stories here have dealt with the family dynamics of "coming out" as transgendered. A frequent theme that appears is "oh, we thought you were gay," or hateful homophobic epithets while the beating occurs.

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Labor of Love

I hope I'm not being tiresome in reposting interesting tidbits I find elsewhere on the 'net every once in awhile.

This story is about an FTM man, legally married to a woman, who opted to carry their child when she couldn't.

For me, the most interesting part is the behavior of the medical staff where they live, putting their own petty attitudes above the health and welfare of their patient.

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Names, Names, What's in Names?

We were chatting about names, meanings, and which sex you might associate them with the other day in conjunction with one of the fine serials running.

Then, today, I noticed this story in the New York Times. (online subscription required, but easy to get and free.)


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Wigging Out

I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks, and I just found myself writing a message to a company that specializes in dressing boys up as girls (tranniegear.com). Having re-read my own letter, and having a streak of narcissistic self-appreciation of my own wit (should I make my own big head joke, or leave it for someone else to do?), I thought it might be fun enough to share.

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A Very Big Day

Today is a very big day in the U.S.

It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

It's the day of the Giants victory parade in New York City.

And, it's Super Tuesday, a day on which 24 States have their Presidential primary.

So, get out there and catch beads, cheer, and/or vote, as appropriate!

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My Mother Has Died

My mother passed away yesterday evening in the hospice. My father, my wife, and I were in attendance at the time. Her last couple of days were so hard, that it's truly a relief to see her at peace at last. Now, the focus turns to my father. We need to keep him busy, and engaged, and dealing with the outside world.

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Bad Advice? Gay or Transgender?

I'm a big fan of Dan Savage's sex advice column. Dan himself is gay, but he does a great job, in my humble opinion, of giving good advice to straight people, too. I find him to be witty, worldy, and well-centered and generally enjoy his sensible and insightful answers to even the kinkiest letters.

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This Week In Savage Love

Adult Babies! Crossdressers! Sex Advice!

For those of you who are fans of Dan Savage and his sex advice column, you've undoubtedly read it already, but I did want to give everyone a heads-up that this week's letters include one regarding a married Adult Baby and one regarding a married crossdresser

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On Comments

The following musings are not specific to this particular site, but to all sites of the genre. Actually, it has more to do with a discussion I was part of in a chatroom, said discussion having left me a bit irritated and in need of a soapbox to publicly expound upon. This, then, is my first blog entry.



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