dorothycolleen's blog


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Well, its been a frustrating week. I have been trying to get a letter from my doctor regarding my physical health so i could qualify for the assitance to go back to school, but no luck. Then today, I tried to get it from the local medi-center, and instead they sent me for an x-ray, and i have to go back monday. I am starting to fear that I could end up not being able to get it, and the whole dream of going back to school and maybe transitioning is going up in smoke. sigh.

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My brain chemistry is kicking my butt

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Well, I got most of what i need to do to go back to school done. If I can get my doctor to sign off for me wednsday, I will be as ready to go as I can be. I just wish I felt better, but I was due for a chemical down anyway, so now is as good a time as any, i guess. ah, well.

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Well, my visit to the goverment agency went well. I have some paperwork to fill out before i go back in 2 weeks, but i went back to the school to have them fill out their part of my paperwork, and they said the fact that they gave me the papers indicate a high chance that they will end up saying yes. We will see.

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I love the smell of nail polish in the morning!

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Ok, so thats a takeoff of Apocalypse now, but its approprate. This morning, for the 1st time ever, I painted my toenails. Before, I was always too scared to try it. Probably didnt to a great job, especailly since with my big belly its hard to reach my toes at all, lol. Meanwhile, tomorow is the big day. I go to the goverment agency to find out if the will sponcer me to go back to school. pray for me, ok?

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I might be in love

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Well, The above is a statement I never thought I would say again. I met somebody on a chat room, and she helped me get through the worst of my flashbacks. She knows my gender status, and it doesnt faze her a bit. She is also constantly complimenting me, calling me beautiful, and making me feel special and wanted in a way I have never felt before. I am being careful, trying to take my time and get to know her better, but also trying to enjoy the moment at the same time. We will have to see how it goes.

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In a fog

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Well, since I started having serious flashbacks, I am also aware of being in a fog mentally. Today, someone was asking me about somethin i said a couple of days ago, and I had no memory of it at all.I also have had no creative abilities at all, been unable to work on my writing. Hopefully the fog lifs soon.

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struggling with flashbacks

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I have really been struggling with flashbacks lately. I was talking on a chat site with someone, and they were flirting, and i really wanted to do something, but as soon as we started talking sexy, i froze up, and started to cry and shake. Since then, I cant seem to get it out of my head. I would like it to stop now.

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Square peg, meet round hole.

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Well, I had a couple of experiances that left me wondering if I will ever belong anywhere. The first happened Sunday morning. I was looking for a accepting church, so a quick search led me to one close, and I went. Now I am not the most conservitive Christian ever, but a church which has a hymn to Gaia just didnt seem like a good fit for me. Then Sunday night, I got into a heated discussion with the other members of the group at Pride, and I left wondering if I can ever belong there either. Ah, well.

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great news

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well, I went to the school, and told them my story, including the fact that I am tg. They are going to recomend me to the goverment agency that does retraining. I will see them at the end of the month, and if they approve, they will pay for my schooling. I almost cant belive it, everything could really fall into place.

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taking your clothes off in public

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The above is from a sketch from Montey Python. A man wants to change to go swimming on the beach, but every time he starts to get undressed, someone exposes him and he is forced to cover up again. Finally he goes into what looks like a dark room and starts to undress, only to find he is on a stage and stripper music is playing. So he just gives in and goes for it. I kinda feel my transition is like this. I keep wanting to have privacy to make my changes, but i fear i am going to have to "strip" my male self away in public, risking humiliation and abuse. Ah, well.

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Well, I learn tomorow if I could get a loan to return to school and take medical administation assistant. Yet, I find myself hesitating. It wouldn't be a bad job, but I cant see how I would transition doing it. You are still in the public eye, and nowhere to hide while making the changes nessasary to live as a woman. On the other hand, the company that does training might be a better fit, but untill I have my appointment with them at the end of the month, I won't know for sure. I could use some wisdom in making a right choice.

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good news. bad news, and camp fyrefly

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Well, its been a mixed bag emotionaly the last couple of days. First the good news - I gave my mom a card from her daughter, and she seemed to really appreciate it. The bad news was I got into a fight with my ex at her church today. I wore my bracelet, and my daughter noticed it, and my ex insisted i take it off. I refused, and left the church rather than make a scene. As far as I am concerned, thats the last time I will go to that church. There a couple of accepting churches, and I am going to go to one of them instead.

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a letter to a relative - posted with permission

This letter was writen by a friend of mine to a relative

Dear Relative --

You’ve no doubt noticed that I have had a lot of things on my mind lately and that I haven’t been myself for…well, years.
I’ve been trapped in depression and self-loathing for years…all because I took everything that people have dished out at people like myself and internalized it.
The message from school to people like Bernie was made clear. Don’t do that. Don’t act like that. Don’t BE that.
So, I took who I was and buried it for years.

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still stuck in wait mode

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Well, I am still stuck in wait mode. My counsilor got back to me with the name of a company that might help me get training, so I will be calling them monday, but i am having trouble remaining hopeful. I feel like i need to brace myself for the worst, and then if something good happens, it will feel like a bonus.

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comment totals

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Just for fun, I thought I would see what my most commented stories are. In order, they are:

The dead kid - 12 comments

Malfuntion! - 9 comments

A perfect opportunity - 8 comments

Grasp the sword tightly - 8 comments

A conversation with mother - 8 comments

The saga of E-Girl - 7 comments

A letter from a broken toy - 7 comments

Dear God - 7 comments

Summer Princess - 7 comments

I woke part 1 - 7 comments

and I woke part 6 - 7 comments.

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Snowstorm, and a mother's day dilemma

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well, we had a major snowstorm today. Made things intersting at work, as I had to wrangle carts and nearly froze. Meanwhile, I was having a bit of a dilemma with getting cards for mother's day. Its so hard to find one for an ex-wife, but i found one I liked for her. Then I had a real issue for getting one for my mom. Frankly, i wanted to show her i am her daughter, not her son, but I didnt want to spoil things in front of everyone else. I compermised, and got her gender-neutral card, and also got a card from a daughter that i will give her privately as from dorothy.

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waiting for wednesday

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Well, I am in "wait" mode, waiting for wednesday, when I will hopefully hear back from my counsilor's and maybe, just maybe, be able to fast track my transition. I need a back-up plan in case this doesnt work, so I dont get devestated and just give up hope. Still noodling that idea. meanwhile, I am slowly but surely starting to work on my next piece, but it might take a while. Ah, well.

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A B C's of Science Fiction, and rebutting the "cure"

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As a Science Fiction fan, the A B C's stand for (Isaac) Asimov, (Ray) Bradbury, and (Arthur C.) Clarke. I have now done little tributes to Asimov and Bradbury, but havent thought of one for Arthur C. Clarke.

(I can see the scene though . . . "Give me back my male clothes Hal!" "I am afraid I can't do that Dave . . .")

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good news

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Well, I have some good news. First, I weighed myself today, and I am down to 280 lbs from a high of 310. So thats a start. Also, I got a chance to talk to my counsilor, and she is looking into getting me help to go back to school. If I can, I will be able to get into the fast track in terms of transtioning. Keep a good thought for me, ok?

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gave myself a present

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Well, I had a bit of a rough day at work. It turned out i had not finished a job i was given yesterday, and I got in trouble. I had had a real struggle with it and made the mistake of not telling my supervisor before i left. So before i left, to cheer myself up, I bought a dozen pairs of women's socks, so I can replace my male ones. Then tonight, I stopped at the dollar store and bought a little bracelet and a bottle of lavander body spray. I also arranged to meet the pastor at the church on saturday, so thats done. So I feel better.

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my story shorted my down cycle

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Well, i managed to shorten my down cycle by completing my latest story. Be a nice trick if i could do that every time. I had a conversation with my brother about my gender struggle, and he is convinced i use it as some kind of escape, probably because of my rape. Ah, well.

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Why do i let them do this to me?

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Well, I let my family bully me into getting my hair cut. Even my mom, who I thought was on my side, helped, and in fact provided the money. And they used my daughter to push me too. I gave in, and feel rotten about it. I make myself the promice that this is the last time i am letting them run my life.

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good news about my daughter

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Well, I got some good news about my daughter. They did an MRI, and didnt find a growth in her brain, like they feared. They now think it was allergies putting pressure on her brain causing the problems. So she is on allergy meds, and hopefully things are looking up.

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Well, it seems like i am stuck, in more ways than one. I have paced the boundries of my cage and cant find an exit anywhere. Without a decent job, i simply cant transition. I cant get a decent job without schooling, and I cant afford schooling (dumb mistakes in my past mean i cant get a loan, either.) Meanwhile, i am also experiancing a lack of movent on the story front. I have about a dozen ideas, but cant seem to put anything together. ah, well.

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a girl moment breaks the hold of depression

Well, i had a moment at work that reminded me the how powerful a "girl moment" can be. I had been really struggling with depression, and yesterday one of my co-workers (who i have given some of my story) was talking about working at a sexual aide shop, and I asked about shoes, and ended up telling her about the mules I bought. I know its weird, but for just a moment, we were just 2 girls talking, and it toataly lifted my depression. Meanwhile, I am going to be busy for a bit working on my next story. I will check in, but probably wont be on much untill its done.

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weird dream

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Well, I had a very wierd dream. I was having dinner at a resteraunt on the top floor of this building, and afterward, after i had left, realized i had left behind my brother's guitar. I went to go back up, but was not allowed. So i went around, and joined a tour group walking through the building, hoping to find my way up. I left the group, and found myself in a pool, and someone threw me a pair of trunks, and i realized I was naked. Instead of putting them on, i tied them to my front, because i was wearing a backpack, which covered my rear.

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Sorry to everyone who was offended

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My sincere apoligies to anyone who was offended by my little essay. (Which, judgeing from the responce, was most people who read it). I hoped to get a conversation going on the subject, and boy, did that succeed, but never meant to hurt anybody's feelings. Right now i am debating trying to reword it better, or maybe just dumping it entirely as a bad job. I will think about it for a couple of days, and then decide.

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On Cross-Dressing and TG

On Cross-dressing and Transgender

There are, in my opinion, a number of levels to cross-dressing and transgendered tendencies. (For the sake of this essay, I will only deal with Male to Female, mostly because that’s the side I know best).

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