
Why Do My Votes Vary?

For a long time when I've voted the register has shown 2 hits. Recently it has sometimes been registering 3 hits and the other morning I even registered a 4 (lucky TD). I'm not complaining. I just wonder why it varies. If I knew I was going to score a 4 I could be a big help to my favourite authors, or maybe there's a market for votes. Any offers?

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Does Anyone Know?

What is happening with FM? I check every day but just get the "This page cannot be displayed". While BC is my favourite site I miss FM. There were stories there that I did not like but there were many that I did. There was always a degree of cross-pollination with authors posting on both sites and I would hate to see it disappear for ever.

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Small Problem

I log on to BC as usual-no problem, and then I go to My Account. That's OK and then I try to get into the Tracker function. The software tells me I have to reconfirm my user name and password, which I do. The info bar says "login successful" and returns me to My Account, so I try to access Tracker again, and back to reconfirm password, etc.
This has just happened today. Is it me or is anybody else experiencing the same glitch? Everything else seems to be normal,

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I'm All Weepy

I've just come from seeing "Mamma Mia". Yes, I know it has no TG content, but I'm a silly sentimental old tart. Probably many of you have already seen it but I think it's a lovely movie and Abba didn't get the credit that they deserved both for their lyrics and their melodies. I cried all the way through. Silly me, but I loved it,

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Chinese Style

I owe a debt to Kristina L S. I had no intention of writing a story for this challenge because
I couldn't see how it could be positive.
Nick's was tragic; Laika's a horror story. I mean...The Day of the Dead?
Sounds like a zombie movie. She showed me you could.
Yin and Yang, the balance of opposing forces in nature. The ebb and flow, give and take, all is a circle.

A Sort Of Anniversary

I was checking "My Stories" to see if anybody had read one today. I do this infrequently, not as if I'm anal-retentive, usually only once a day (OK, twice a day) and there was a "run" on the first piece I ever dared to publish on BC. Twelve reads!! What's going on? I wondered. Then I was scrolling down and I'm in the Jewel Box for a year ago. My first effort, a year ago already.

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Competition Backwash?

I submitted a story to the 2008 Summer Romance competition. I don't know why. I have never entered a contest here before and I certainly did not expect to win. If I bought all the tickets in a chook raffle I think I could manage to lose. However, as the days rolled by I was surprised and delighted by the reception my story got,not spectacular but respectable (by my lights, anyway).

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A Real Food Review

The subject of food reviews has been aired recently and one caught my attention today, which was half travel and half food in content. I thought it was so well-written and entertaining and, to me, everything that a good review should be that it was worth sharing. It's from the International Herald Tribune, a paper that I regard as the best English language newspaper in the world today.

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Your Favourite Wanker?

A tip of the hat to Ceri for the blog about writer/editor relationships. That and some of the comments made me start to think about those self-important "head firmly embedded in their anus" individuals who inflict their presence on us through the media and make us go apoplectic at the sight or sound of them or the words they write.

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I have just received an advisory that a new and dangerous virus is being spread under the heading "Invitation", and can be spread by infiltration into the email addresses of any contact. If you receive any communication with this heading the advice is to shut down your unit immediately even if the email is ostensibly from a friend.

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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi has been in the news somewhat this year, the 60th anniversary of his death. I came across an interesting observation about him.
As you probably know he walked barefoot most of the time, so his feet were extremely callused. He also ate very little, which led to his frailty and, with his odd diet, gave him bad breath. This made him a super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

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Taoist Funeral

Last week I participated in a funeral in the Taoist tradition in Hong Kong. While funerals are not most peoples' preferred activity the older you get the more of them you witness.

The Chinese experience is so different I thought I'd share it. Firstly, Taoism is the traditional religion of China with multiple gods and "saints". The terms don't translate exactly, so I'll approximate.

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Choices Pt 2

I then selected my tightest skirt, which happened to be the calf-length burgundy one that I had last worn just before Lucy had spilled the beans about the hormones. I remembered thinking I had put on some weight because it had hugged my hips so well…

Movie "Stardust"

I would not normally recommend a movie on this site , and believe me, this is not an advertising pitch, but I just saw the most wonderful film on a plane. The title is 'Stardust' and it really is a magical movie which includes TG/TV sequences (Robert De Niro as a TV pirate!) and it is one of the nicest films I have seen in a long time, but then I'm a silly sentimental old romantic.

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By Joanne Barbarella

(I owe Kristina LS a great big hug for helping to knock this into shape.)

Life gives us many choices.

Do you ever wonder where you might be and, more importantly, who you would be now if you had made a different decision?

This story takes place between 1959 and 1961 and is semi autobiographical.

Denizens Of The Antipodes

Some vital points were raised by participants in the recent blog discussion about food instigated by SueBrown and left unanswered, because she flummoxed me and I had to concede that I did not have the information readily to hand. In addition I was falsely accused by Sarah Lynn Morgan of hastening the demise of the Homing Leek. I will demonstrate below that this is a monstrous calumny.

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