Your Favourite Wanker?

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A tip of the hat to Ceri for the blog about writer/editor relationships. That and some of the comments made me start to think about those self-important "head firmly embedded in their anus" individuals who inflict their presence on us through the media and make us go apoplectic at the sight or sound of them or the words they write. You know, the people you wouldn't piss on if they were on fire (unless you pissed gasoline of course) or would actually cross the road to punch them in the nose.
Leaving out politicians, because it's all too easy for them to stir antipathy and rage in your breast, here are some of my "favourite" wankers, not necessarily in order:-

Clive James-for his absolute narcissism over the way he puts words together

Dave Letterman-the embodiment of every smart-arse New Yorker

Pamela Anderson-recently accepted a gig in a failing TV show sponsored by KFC and then proceeded to lambaste them for killing chickens. Doh!

Jeremy Clarkson-words fail me. I wish they'd fail him

Paris Hilton-famous for being famous. For what? Courting publicity?

Please note that I use the term "wanker" in its broadest sense in order to include the ladies.
I'd love to see the pet hates of others out there, and when I think of more I'll post them,

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