Jaye Michael

Blonde Joke-15

Blonde Joke
Chapter Fifteen
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


And, of course, the ultimate blonde joke is, “What’s black and blue and brunette?”
A brunette that’s told one too many blonde jokes.

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This story is 33 words long.

Blonde Joke-14

Blonde Joke
Chapter Fourteen
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How can you keep a blonde occupied for hours?
Give her a card that says, “Turn over,” on each side.

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This story is 28 words long.

Blonde Joke-13

Blonde Joke
Chapter Thirteen
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


What does a blonde think an innuendo is?
An Italian suppository.

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This story is 19 words long.

Blonde Joke-12

Blonde Joke
Chapter Twelve
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Why don’t bosses let blondes take lunch breaks?
So they don’t have to retrain them if they find their way back.

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This story is 31 words long.

Blonde Joke-11

Blonde Joke
Chapter Eleven
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


What do you do when a blonde throws a pin at you?
Run like Hell. She’s got a hand grenade in her mouth.

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This story is 32 words long.

Blonde Joke-10

Blonde Joke
Chapter Ten
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How did the blonde break her leg raking leaves?
She fell out of the tree.

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This story is 23 words long.

Blonde Joke-09

Blonde Joke
Chapter Nine
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


When is it legal to shoot a blonde in the head?
When you have a patch and a tire pump to reinflate it.

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This story is 31 words long.

Blonde Joke-08

Blonde Joke
Chapter Eight
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Why can’t blondes put in light bulbs?
They keep breaking them with the hammers.

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This story is 23 words long.

Blonde Joke-07

Blonde Joke
Chapter Seven
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, a dumb blonde,
and a smart blonde are walking down the street
when they spot a $10 bill. Who picks it up?

The dumb blonde. There’s no such thing as
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, or a smart blonde.

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This story is 52 words long.

Blonde Joke-06

Blonde Joke
Chapter Six
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How many blonde jokes are there?
None. They’re all true

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This story is 19 words long.

Blonde Joke-05

Blonde Joke
Chapter Five
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How many blondes does it take to make chocolate chip cookies?
Three. One to mix the dough and two to sort the M&Ms to remove the “W”s, “E”s and “3”s.

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This story is 42 words long.

Blonde Joke-04

Blonde Joke
Chapter Four
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


What is a blonde with brunette died hair?
Artificial Intelligence.

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This story is 18 words long.

Blonde Joke - Revised

Blonde Joke
by Jaye Michael

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This story is 6 words long.

The Case of the Poisoned Lord


The Case of the Poisoned Lord

As Chronicled By
John Watson, M.D


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This story is 13 words long.

To Shape One's Life - 4

Part 4 of 4
Chapter Nine: Cavalry's Coming.

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

Heroing is one of the shortest lived professions there is.

-- Will Rogers

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This story is 27 words long.

To Shape One's Life - 3

Part 3 of 4
Chapter Six: Deities to Go

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

It seems that I have spent my entire time
trying to make life more rational
and that it was all wasted effort.

-- A. J. Ayer

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This story is 41 words long.

To Shape One's Life - 2

Part 2 of 4

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

A tree cannot grow in the sky,
nor clouds be in the sea, nor fish live in the fields,
nor can blood be in sticks nor sap in rocks.

-- Titus Lucretius Carus<

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This story is 44 words long.

To Shape One's Life - 1

This was written about ten years ago. The idea was to answer the question,
"What would you do if you could do absolutely anything?"
It's presented here in sections. All 4 parts are now posted

Part 1 of 4
Prelude and Chapter One: Showtime.

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were;
and I say "Why not?"

-- George Bernard Shaw

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This story is 72 words long.

From Fire, From Ice


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


From Fire, From Ice


By Jaye Michael

Be thou chaste as ice, pure as snow,
thou shalt not escape calumny.
– William Shakespeare
Hamlet, III, i, 142


Day One

    Desolate but breathtaking, that’s how Charlie Dawson always described the Alaskan tundra. After completing his residency in General Medicine, he had fled joyously back to the land of his youth. Others had twisted and fought like salmon at the end of a hook only to be slowly reeled back into the bosom of the state that had covered the huge loans incurred by eight or more years of study and training. For some reason, the State of Alaska expected them to practice in the “Land of the Midnight Sun” or immediately reimburse the state for its costs–with interest and stiff penalties.

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This story is 130 words long.

Animated Story


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It's been a while since I've submitted anything, but I've just completed a 13 episode serial based on the idea that there are shapechangers in the world. They don't know why or how they can do what they can do, but the government is aware of their existance and wants their abilities. It has located as many as it can and is incarcerating them, hiding them away, denying them their due process rights, and performing non-consentual experiments on them. Of course, this is a fantasy; it could never really happen in this country.

Blonde Joke

Blonde Joke

by Jaye Michael

Some people can't take a joke.


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This story is 13 words long.

Blonde Joke-03

Blonde Joke
Chapter Three
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


What do you call a blonde wearing a leather jacket on a motorcycle?
A rebel without a clue.

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This story is 26 words long.

Blonde Joke-02

Blonde Joke
Chapter Two
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


What is a blonde's response to the comment, "Think about it."?
I don't have to, I'm blonde.

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This story is 25 words long.

Blonde Joke-01

Blonde Joke
Chapter One
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How does a blonde commit suicide?
Dumps her clothes in a pile and jumps off.

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This story is 23 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -21- Code Pink

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty-One -- Code Pink

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This story is 22 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -20- Tempus Fudges

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby


as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty (of 21) -- Tempus Fudges

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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -19- McKenzie the Giant Killer

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Nineteen -- McKenzie, the Giant Killer


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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -18- A Well-Heeled Spy

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Eighteen -- A Well Heeled Spy


Igor Batinoff was a small man; small of body, small of stature and small of mind. While he was still a young man, his size was not the result of immaturity.

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This story is 56 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -17- The Mansion and the Madame

The Rigby Narratives:


The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Seventeen -- The Mansion and the Madame

The storm raged on as bolts of lightning split the night sky. It was the only light available as McKenzie tried to locate his car before dashing to it through the pouring rain. Power looked to be out everywhere. Yes, McKenzie thought, another freaking Dark and Stormy Night. The wind tore at Mac's umbrella as he pushed off from the warehouse and ran for his car.

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This story is 92 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -16- All Dolled Up

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Sixteen -- All Dolled Up

The rain fell in sheets and the wind, gusting first this way and then that, made Corey Plaz's umbrella useless. He was completely soaked by the time he had run the short distance from his car to the employee entrance by the loading dock of Scagliola's Body Works. With his umbrella in one hand and his briefcase in the other, Corey leaned an elbow heavily on the doorbell while cursing fluently; hoping it would get him inside just a little bit faster. Furious, he was ready to start pounding on the door when it finally opened.

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This story is 120 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -15- Resistance is Futile

The Rigby Narratives:

The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Fifteen -- Resistance is Futile

A low hum, and bright white light flooding through his basement window, woke McKenzie from a deep sleep. Igor's barking didn't help any either. He blinked against the light for a moment, listened to the throbbing hum outside and then rolled over to go back to sleep. At that point he noticed that the mattress was further away than it should have been. He was floating-about six inches off the bed.

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This story is 95 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -14- The Curse


Audience Rating: 




The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Fourteen -- The Curse

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This story is 23 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -13- The Writing Life

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate
TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby
as told to
Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Thirteen -- The Writing Life

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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -12- Blonde Like Me

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Twelve -- Blonde Like Me

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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -11- My Auntie's Panties

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Eleven -- My Auntie's Panties

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This story is 24 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -10- Fangs for the Memories

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Ten -- Fangs for the Memories

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This story is 25 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -09- The Princess Journals

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Nine -- The Princess Journals

"McKenzie Rigby?" The man at the door wore a dark gray suit that screamed money. A red rose resided in the lapel of his suit jacket.

"Yeah?" McKenzie asked scratching at his chest. "That's me. Who are you?"

"I am Count Kristoff von Dachnaney. I represent the government of the Kingdom of Slovarnia. May I come in?" the man asked showing McKenzie his ID and papers.

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This story is 90 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -08- Vector/Victoria

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience
McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Eight -- Vector/Victoria

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you." Another bow and the applause finally died. Victoria Lane glided off the stage and to her dressing room, or as she preferred to call it, her closet with built in makeup table.

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This story is 62 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -07- SRU to You Too, McKenzie

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience


McKenzie Rigby

as told to

Andy Hollis


Jaye Michael

Chapter Seven -- SRU to You, Too, McKenzie

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This story is 26 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -6- Puppick

Rigby Narratives:

The Ultimate TG Experience

Chapter Six -- Puppick

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This story is 11 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -5- Faster than a Speeding Tall Building


Audience Rating: 




Chapter Five - Faster Than a Speeding Tall Building

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This story is 9 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -4- The Hundred Percent Solution


Audience Rating: 




Rigby Narratives

The Ultimate TG Experience

by McKenzie Rigby

as told to
Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Four -- The Hundred Percent Solution

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This story is 25 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -3- Dominatrix Barbie


Audience Rating: 




Rigby Narratives

The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

Andy Hollis

Jaye Michael


Chapter Three -- Dominatrix Barbie

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This story is 21 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -2- St. Elmo's Fire

Rigby Narratives:

The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby


Andy Hollis
Jaye Michael

Chapter Two -- St Elmo's Fire

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This story is 22 words long.

The Rigby Narratives -1- The Placebo Effect

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

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This story is 9 words long.


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