Retro-clothing / Petticoats / Crinolines

High Tea For Jennifer


This is a ghost story, and a love story. A couple's troubled marriage is strained further with the purchase of a mansion, especially when they find its former owner, now deceased, is still resident.

October Intervention

October Intervention

By Tyrone Slothrop

What do you owe for having your life saved?

Chapter 1: Vacation Cruise

The small yacht was going down as Emily looked through the storm. Fred was laying on the beach unconscious, completely tired after his futile attempts to swim out and get any supplies.

Winter Is The Season Of Endings

Winter Is The Season Of Endings

By Tyrone Slothrop- an Angelverse story

Parody is in the eye of those connected to the oxen being gored. Angel descends to visit a very strange lady…..


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