Pedro, Matthew, Fabiola, Matt, and Leigharch, get some downtime. And the used it to visit a sci-fi convention, so Matt and Leigharch can learn more about their realities. With some interesting events learned, and opinions formed.
Also, things finally start to converge, while a gang of multiverse biker hit the town of De La Plata Podrido. And with them, is a very interesting man whom has taken his old job of exploration of new civilizations, with even greater boldness, than before.
And they are not the only ones to come to town.
With the visitors being just as much surprised, as those whom they meet.
In addition, Pedro, Matthew, and their team come full circle. With revelations reveals. Including, who has been chasing them through the multiverse.
All in this chapter, titled, Bikers, Babes, And Hoverbikes.