Shame and Desire Chapter 51

“C’mon!” Elise exclaimed. “Let us see!”

Sierra gulped. Why had she agreed to this?

“Can you give me a few more minutes?” She asked.

“No.” Elise said flatly.

Well, that answer was certainly quick. She wasn’t going to get out of this one easily.

Sierra sighed, then slowly walked into view, revealing her body in a black bathing suit. No trunks, no shirt, no water shoes.

As she walked, Elise smiled radiantly, like a child who was about to open their Christmas presents. To her side, Amanda was grinning. Obviously, she found this whole situation quite humorous.

Sierra pointed down to her crotch. “Can you… see anything down there?”

“I mean… if you look closely. But trust me, no one will care.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, stop worrying so much. You’re gonna make yourself sick.”

“Okay.” Sierra said. “I trust you.”

Elise ran over and hugged Sierra tightly, kissing her cheek, and then her lips.

“You’re so brave.” She said to her.

Sierra smiled. That comment, as clichéd as it was, made her feel really good.

Elise backed out of the hug. “You look great too!”

Sierra looked down at herself, taking the time to examine her body, clad in this black bathing suit. A one piece, thankfully, she wasn’t near ready enough for a two piece. But the bathing suit was still quite revealing. Wearing it made her acutely aware of just how much of her body she was “showing off”, so to speak. Her arms and legs were out and completely free. Her breasts became more prominent with the suit specifically reaching down to get to their level. The suit made them look, not really bigger, but more special and important. It was a weird feeling that Sierra wasn’t sure if she liked or not.

While Sierra was looking at herself, one thing that did catch her eye was how much more tan Elise and Amanda were than her. Since they were both field hockey players and sprinters for the track and field team, they exercised in the sun a lot, so that made sense. Perhaps Sierra should get out more too.

“I guess I do.” Sierra said, hints of a smile appearing on her face.

“Of course you do.” Elise said back.

Sierra looked back up. Elise was stunning in her bikini, of course. She was always beautiful, and she was always so confident about it. Maybe underneath, she was insecure about her appearance, but if she was, she did a good job of hiding it.

Sierra noted Amanda didn’t look too bad in her bikini either. Of course she would never say that out loud, lest she want Elise to slap her.

Looking at the two girls in front of her, Sierra had to admit, it was kind of funny that, as a girl, she was hanging out with more hot girls in bikinis than she ever had as a guy.

Maybe one day, she’d even wear a bikini herself.

One day, she promised.


Sierra gripped onto Elise’s hand. Tighter than she needed to, but she was really nervous.

The first step was putting on the bathing suit. The second was actually walking around in it.

She sure was facing a lot of challenges today.

Sierra still couldn’t believe she let Elise convince her to do this. When she had first shown her this bikini, she pulled it out of her bag with the widest grin Sierra had ever seen on her face. She presented it to her, and Sierra wanted to shut the suggestion down immediately, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She knew that somewhere in her mind, she wanted to wear it. She’d be lying if she said she never fantasized about wearing women’s bathing suits. Hell, she’d be lying if she said she never fantasized about wearing bikinis. She knew that one part at the back of her mind was going to compel her to want to wear the suit. It was like how in old TG stories, a character’s mind after being transformed compelled them to wear women’s clothing, and made them want it. Except, Sierra didn’t need any brainwashing for her mind to make her want to wear women’s clothing. That was just how her mind was.

So she agreed to wear it. She already went on a rollercoaster, what more was this?

Elise was ecstatic when Sierra decided to wear the suit. She may have been more excited about it than Sierra was. She had even brought waterproof medical tape with her. She really wanted her to wear this!

It was safe to say that Elise had gotten what she wanted, all right. Amanda looked pretty thrilled about it too, as evidence from her grinning.

If only Sierra didn’t have to do so much on her part.

Only just more than halfway through this day and it was already turning out to be one of the most eventful Sierra had ever experienced. Just that day, she had done so many things that she never could have dreamed of doing just a few weeks ago. Getting put in makeup and a dress, coming out to Amanda, wearing women’s clothes in public, being a woman in public, and now, wearing a bathing suit in public. And that wasn’t even counting going on a rollercoaster.

Elise was for sure a good motivator. It was crazy how much you could do with just a little push.

Sierra rubbed her arm. She had always been self-conscious of the way she looked, so displaying so much of her body for the whole world to see was quite the unnerving prospect. And yet, here she was, doing it right then and there. She had agreed to this!

Sierra couldn’t help but look at her feet. This was probably the first time she had been barefoot in public in years. First time she had been barefoot out of the shower in years, even. It was a pretty hard step to take, in more ways than one, but she was glad she’d done it. She was never going to be the type of person who wears open toe footwear everywhere they went, but it was good to try and become less repulsed by your own body.

Still, her feet were kind of big. Were they too big for a woman? Would someone see them and immediately know she was trans? Maybe, maybe not. She hoped they’d be too focused on their own lives to notice things like that.

And what about her hands? Were they too big too? Examining her hands and comparing them to Elise’s and Amanda’s, she saw that her’s were indeed bigger. Was that bad? Sierra’s gut instinct was “yes”, as she had hated her “big man hands” ever since the start of puberty.

Having been an avid reader of TG stories for so long, Sierra knew how important the TG’d character’s hand size was in a lot of them. Important in the sense that it was brought up a lot when the character examines or “takes in” their transformed bodies. “For a Girl”, for instance, had a scene where Stephanie seems amazed by how small her hands are post transformation. “Of Heroes And Villains” had a scene where, after being transformed, Kara gets mad at how small her hands are, as she sees it as a representation of how much weaker she has become. But then later on, she examines her hands and has a complete change of heart, choosing to see them as delicate and graceful.

TG stories, for better or worse, just seemed to have a fascination with hands. It wasn’t hard to see why. After all, hands are immediately noticeable in your line of sight, and you use them a lot on a day to day basis. You see your hands a lot more than you see your chest or genitals. Combine that with how women’s hands tend to be smaller, and it made sense why TG stories brought up hand size so much. Emphasizing how small the MC’s hands are did a lot to reinforce the fact that they were a woman now.

Sierra herself had long been fascinated with the idea of having small hands. Girl’s hands were always just so much more graceful and nice looking than Devin’s big rough ones. Holding Elise’s hand had been a frequent source of jealousy for her.

At least her hands looked better than before. Softer skin could do a lot on its own.

She just wished they were smaller too.

“Is something wrong?” Elise asked.

“No.” Sierra said. “Just got lost in my thoughts.”


As the three girls continued walking through the park, Sierra turned her attention from her hands and feet down to her crotch, making sure there was no bulge. Elise had assured her this tape wouldn’t come off, but she was still worried. If someone saw her bulge, she didn’t know what she’d do. She’d probably run back to the car, refusing to ever come back to the park again.

Someone seeing her bulge… she shuddered at the thought. Her mind was quick to concoct all kinds of awful scenarios in her head.


The waterslide had dropped Sierra under the water. She was quick to surface, swimming her way back to the ground. She climbed up the ladder and got back up onto the surface, only to be greeted by dozens of disgusted, smirking, and aghast faces.

She looked over to Elise, who had her head down in shame. Right beside her, Amanda shook her head, showing a stern display of disappointment.

Confused, Sierra felt compelled to look down at her crotch, only to see her worst nightmares come to life. Her testicles had slipped out the side of her suit and her penis was erect, sticking right out for all to see.

She panicked, running away as far as she could, trying to get out of the public eye, but she couldn't find anywhere that people weren’t around. They all stared at her in disgust, some even running away from her in fear. There was nowhere to hide, nowhere that wasn’t out in the open.

Eventually, Sierra collapsed onto the ground, hoping that at one point she’d just die and it’d be over. But that never happened. She stayed on the ground and was forced to endure every single-

Sierra shook her head, shuddering. She got way too wrapped up in her imaginary scenarios. She needed to make sure she didn’t get too caught up in her own head.

Sierra switched her focus to where Elise and Amanda were walking toward. She saw a waterslide come into view.

“Oh…” She thought. “Perfect.”


Every minute the line to get into the waterslide grew shorter and shorter. The slide itself, encased mostly in a tube, only grew more intimidating with each step.

Sierra was starting to have second thoughts about wearing this bathing suit.

“I never should’ve given him my number.” Amanda said.

“He’s still messaging you?” Elise asked her.

“Every day, yeah.”

“Have you told him to stop?”

“Oh gee I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.” Amanda said mockingly. “Of fucking course I told him to stop. I told him if he wanted to keep texting me he needed to stop hitting on me. He hasn’t.”

“Sorry, it was just a question.” Elise defended. “What kind of stuff does he send?”

“Well, just this morning he sent me some shit that was like ‘Adam and Eve were meant to be together, just as Amanda and Steve are’. So dumb and forced, especially since Steven has never gone by ‘Steve’ in his life.”

“At this point just tell him to stop texting you altogether.” Elise explained. “If he doesn’t, block him.”

“Yeah that’s my plan right now.” Amanda said. “I just don’t get why he’s so obsessed with me.”

“That’s just part of being a hot girl.”

“Yeah, I know.” Amanda said in defeat. “I just wish it didn’t have to be like this.”

Sierra silently listened to their conversation, not having the desire to join it. It was definitely interesting. She’d never really been close to Steven, but she did know him and Ryan had some kind of falling out recently. They didn’t really talk to each other much these days. What the falling out was about, Sierra didn’t know. It might have been connected to this. Steven has had a pretty clear crush on Amanda for years, and in the past it seemed pretty harmless. But as of late, it’s become a bit obsessive and almost creepy. If that’s what caused Ryan to stop being friends with him, Sierra would understand.

Sierra assumed Amanda didn’t reciprocate Steven’s feelings, but wanted to be nice and give him a chance to talk to her. It looked like that backfired pretty hard.

In a way, it was a bit tragic. When he entered high school, Steven wanted to become a football player, and a thrower for the track and field team, just to get more popular and have an easier time getting girls.

He did become more popular. He had become a great athlete, well respected all around the school. He had the body and muscle to show for it too. But the harsh reality was that none of this automatically fixed the core problems he had with forming relationships with girls. Doing this didn’t suddenly get him a girlfriend, and he was left as hopeless as he was before. Much worse even, recently at least.

If there was a moral to this story, it was that you couldn’t expect changing one thing to fix everything, something Sierra already knew all too well.

Sierra looked and saw their turn on the slide was almost up. At least thinking about Steven had gotten her mind off the deranged fantasies her mind produced. What was she even worried about?

She looked back down at her crotch.

Oh, right.


The worker stationed at the ride ushered Sierra, Elise, and Amanda in, leaving Sierra needing to contain her gulp. She thought she heard Elise and Amanda excitedly talk about who was going to win in the race to the finish, but it was as if that conversation was happening far away, from a distance.

“Hey.” Elise said. “Are you okay?”

Sierra looked over to her and sighed. She should probably be honest with her. She leaned in and said quietly, “I’m afraid my tuck will go undone.”

Elise simply leaned in and kissed her. “You’ll be fine.” She cupped her face. “I’m right here with you.”

Hearing her repeated words from earlier in the day brought Sierra a sense of comfort. She smiled and whispered “thank you.”

Really, why was she scared at all?

“Are you three about ready?” The worker said with a hint of impatience.

“Yes.” Elise responded. “Sorry.”

All three of the girls were lined up and ready to go down. Sierra finally let herself unravel, and she could join in Elise and Amanda’s enjoyment.

The ride they were about to go on was a fast and short one, the Whitecap Racer. With six different tubes attached, it was easily one of the most immediately recognizable rides when walking around the ground of the park. As Sierra had heard from Elise and Amanda, it was an absolute thrill to go on.

And when she began going down it, she could see why.

It was fast, exhilarating. The water constantly rushing past her gave off a cool, pleasant feeling onto her skin. The turns of the tube were a joy to slide through. In the middle of it, she was thrust outside into the sun once more, seeing that Elise and Amanda were quite a ways ahead of her. She didn’t care.

It was then back into the tubes for another round of turns. It was even more exhilarating the second time. The water rushing past her felt even nicer on her skin, and the speed she was going felt even faster on her body.

Soon after it began, the ride came to an end. Not at a pool thankfully, but just as a place to stop and get back into the main park. Sierra saw the winner of the race, Amanda, proud of her victory as water splashed into her face, signaling her stop.

She got up and exited the ride, quick to get back to the main park. She looked down and, sure enough, there was almost no bulge. The tuck hadn’t come undone. She smiled. She was making herself worried over nothing, like usual for her. Nothing had happened, aside from her getting wet, which considering the heat and her mindset, she really needed.

Elise was right, she should try to relax more.

Back in the main park, Sierra brought Elise into a hug and a kiss. Elise happily reciprocated, their wet bodies snuggled against each other in a warm embrace. They didn’t hold the kiss for long, they were in public, and they didn’t want to put on a show for onlookers like last time, so they moved back to holding each other’s hands with smiles.

This may have been, by all means, a silly little accomplishment, but for Sierra it felt much bigger than that. It didn’t just feel like she was on top of the world, or that she was overcoming all her challenges. It felt like she was continuing to take the steps to becoming the brave, confident, adventurous, beautiful woman she had always wanted to be, all throughout her life.

It sounded overly cheesy, and it probably was. But that didn’t matter to Sierra. She was moving forward. And sometimes, that was enough.

“You owe me ten dollars, slowass.” Amanda said, smirking.

“Wait, you two made a bet?” Sierra asked.

“Of course, we did. What’s the fun in winning if there’s no consequence for losing?” Amanda asked.

“Seems a bit extreme.” Sierra said.

“Seems a bit fun. That’s what it is.” Amanda corrected. “Now Elise, my money.”

“I’ll give it to you when we leave today.” Elise told her.

“You better. If you don’t, I’m going to be the biggest pain in the ass about it until you do.”

Elise rolled her eyes while Sierra giggled. They were such an amazing trio.

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