Summer with Em - Part 23


Summer With Em - Chapter 23

By JulieDCole

I barely had the chance to sip my milky drink but I didn’t need it. I slipped under my sheets and hugged the spare pillow feeling very relaxed and found that I couldn’t get Frankie out of my mind. In her company I felt she had complete control of our budding relationship and when she’d kissed me I didn’t want her to stop.

I must have fallen quickly into a deep sleep because the next thing I knew my phone alarm was bleeping. The sheets were barely disturbed after I slipped out so re-making my bed was a doddle. I put on a shower cap and showered using a scented soap and wrapped myself in a large fluffy towel dabbing myself dry and applying body cream. My legs were looking tanned and I thought I’d better take care not to go mad so I had white marks.

I selected a white bra and a pair of Sloggi knickers to hold me nice and compact then sat on my bed and brushed out my hair. I was relieved that I had taken Em’s advice and worn a cap in the sunshine that might have dried it out and it was looking in good condition and the longer style suited the shape of my face far more than a boy cut. I tied it back so that I could apply some face cleansing cream and then I popped on a dressing gown whilst I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and a slice of brown toast.

No sign of life since it was early. The gown gaped open a bit at the front and I definitely now had enough bust for it to be prominent so I adjusted the tie around my waist. I felt completely relaxed.

As I tip-toed back to my room I felt a tingling sensation in my nipples that seemed to have happened more and more frequently this last few days. I stopped at the hall mirror and removed my bra to examine them in case it was an infection or if I was allergic to the silken materials I’d been wearing. I knew that I had sensitive skin and reacted to some washing agents but I’d taken care to hand wash the underwear and night clothes since I’d started using them.

Both nipples were a deep cherry red and much larger than I remembered. They seemed to respond to the gentle touch of my fingers so I cupped each breast in turn to try to sooth them. I could understand why women took great care of them and why they were so appealing to men. But they weren’t supposed to be there.

They were now a lot more developed compared to when I’d left home with plenty of shape so Em was right to encourage me to wear a bra until I understood what was happening. It had been bad enough hiding them at school but now seemed impossible. I certainly had developed enough to check them out with a GP. I did recall being held from behind one day by a school bully whilst another pupil lifted my t-shirt and groped me. Luckily I stamped hard on his foot so he let go then raised my knee sharply to ensure the other guy had something else to fondle.

I had to get some advice and treatment before things got out of hand. Normally I would have laughed at that but it wasn’t funny. I would wait for mum to arrive later in the week and discuss with her. Maybe it was the local water in Manchester that contained something that enhanced breasts. I’d noticed was much softer than water down in London but it didn’t seem to be unsafe to drink. Frankie and I had passed the local reservoirs on the way to Derbyshire so most fresh water ought to be pure. Much nicer than at home. I’d no idea where London got it’s water from. Surely not from the river Thames but probably waste water re-treated. I shuddered so no wonder mum drinks bottled water.

I made a point to check on-line later to look for a local GP practice who might be taking patients. I knew that it should be easier around Manchester than in London where most seemed busy these days. However I wasn’t very optimistic that I’d find one on the doorstep. I had a quick look on my i-phone whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. I was surprised to see that there was a practice just outside our compound with some capacity for new patients. It had two female GP’s and only one male one that might be a bit awkward but needs must. Since they were taking new patients and I decided not to hesitate and make contact by e-mail before I left for work. Maybe seeing a female GP would be better since I was now a lot more comfortable around women than men.

I looked at my bedside clock. I felt nervous about going into work as a young woman when I’d already presented as a young man. Colleagues probably assumed I was gay and at least I’d been welcomed so what the heck I had Bec’s support so that was the key factor.

It took me a good 45 minutes to dress and apply some make-up and I kept it as light as possible. I had several attempts and finally I ran out of time but I looked OK. I wished I’d decided to let Em help or found myself a good make-up artist to give me lessons and ensure I didn’t go over the top. I supposed it was better to look more natural anyway but there must be a trick to it. There was chance to pop into the Spa and have a chat with the girls during my break. They seemed nice enough and might have some free time. I decided to ask and hoped I I didn’t scare them away.

I took a deep intake of breath as I left the apartment. I did hear some signs of movement in Ems bedroom. Probably Bec’s getting ready to make tea and I was relieved to leave before she appeared since I had to respect her position as the boss of the fitness centre and not let people see that she was a friend having a relationship with Em.

I decided to walk rather than take the local bus from the compound since it was a clear blue sky morning again and it was still early and I had plenty of time. I love the summer months with long hours of daylight. The walk and the fresh air would do me good and it was a chance to identify some key landmarks so that I got an idea of which direction I was walking. This part of Manchester had been re-developed with some tall buildings.

I’d left my hair down to blow in the light breeze and let it dry fully. I’d brought some scrunchies in my bag so I planned on pulling it up into a pony tail when I arrived at work as Em had shown me.

This was my first time out alone since I’d arrived in Manchester and because I was dressed in such a feminine way I was much more nervous than I expected with butterflies in my stomach. It was as if every passer-by stared and looked me up and down so I tried my best to avoid all eye contact looking to my feet. Luckily the further I walked the more confident I became. I glanced in the occasional shop or office window and that also increased my confidence since I couldn’t see any sign of the boy who’d left home.

I soon realized that almost everybody was too busy rushing to work to take much notice of me and there were plenty of young women of my age walking in pairs or alone that gave me confidence. I doubted that happened much at home and certainly I’d never noticed anyway since I was rarely out of bed at this time on a morning. Life seemed different here in the North.

I had time to call at a Starbucks for a Cappuccino to go and I purchased my own coffee cup that I decided I’d carry around and use on future occasions and at work. Em and Bec’s were big into the environment and re-cycling that I’d never bothered about at home. It seemed that women cared much more than men and most guys I’d gone to school with discarded empty cans and food containers anywhere with the attitude they were keeping people in jobs. Somehow I didn’t feel I fitted with these creeps as far back as I could remember.

Whilst I was waiting for my cup to be cleaned and filled I noticed a small group of men sitting at a table eating breakfast buns and staring at women who entered and they were eyeing me up and down as well that made me feel embarrassed. It didn’t help when my name was called out to let me know my drink was ready since they obviously heard it and one then tried to catch my attention calling my name as I left the shop. As I turned towards them a female customer stepped between us and said something to them much to my relief. She came over and said not to let it upset me since they were harmless and she’d walk with me if I was upset. I thanked her and declined.

I supposed Starbucks was a regular stop for lots of early workers to avoid getting caught in the rush hour and for some it was breakfast on the go. These looked like university students on there way home from a night out rather than going to lectures. I’d have to take care not to send the wrong signals if I came across these guys again. Hopefully it was a one off.

When I arrived at the Health Centre it wasn’t open to the public so I went to the side door and buzzed where the night security guard opened it. He didn’t recognize me dressed as I was nor my identification tag perched between my two mounds. He seemed puzzled and asked to look more closely. I’d never given it a thought since I didn’t much look like the image on the tag. Fortunately my shift supervisor Helen was close at hand to confirm I was the same employee in the photo. He scratched his head and reluctantly let me enter.

Helen took me aside and told me that she’d been asked to take a photo and make a replacement security name card. Of course the photo on the tag had been scanned using the passport size one I’d submitted with my CV. She’d had a call from Bec’s the day before whilst I was out with Frankie..

My existing card still worked through the entrance turnstiles to the reception area and office and Helen asked if I had my uniform in the bag and showed me to the staff changing rooms pointing to the female side. I froze on the spot that Helen noticed so she gently pushed me forward through the door.

‘Nothing to be scared of at this time in the morning Kim we are all here already. There is a cubicle to change in for those who are shy but most of the staff don’t have a problem’

‘But Helen can I ask? Has Bec’s said anything to you about me?’

‘Yes of course she has she is my boss and she hired you. She spoke in confidence so don’t worry. I learned never to pre-judge people and treat them as I’d like to be treated. Whatever is in the past for you is your business. I can’t see you causing any problems here you seem very capable and balanced whatever you have been going through.’

‘But I haven’t been going through anything. I have always been a loner and I don’t have many friends. I guess being so quiet meant I was bullied a bit but aren’t we all? ‘

‘Look Kim there is a lot of jealousy at school between girls but bullying never existed in my day. It was a boy thing.’

It seemed that Helen wasn’t fully understanding what I was trying to say and perhaps Bec’s hadn’t told her everything after all. I wondered if she thought I’d been in some sort of lesbian relationship or that I liked to dress in a masculine way at home.

‘ Helen I don’t live like this at home. I don’t have any brothers or sisters to influence me so staying with my cousin Em who is not much older has been wonderful. She is the sister I never had and it’s different here in Manchester.’

‘So you are telling me she changed your style to show your assets?’

‘I suppose so but I dress as a boy at home. I am a boy. ’

‘Look face up to it Kim boys don’t grow breasts and they aren’t slender and pretty. They have hair all over the place and have deep voices and an Adams Apple.’

‘But Helen you are mistaken.’

‘Really. So you’ll be telling me you have swallowed your Adams Apple next and that you have a penis.’

‘But I have.’

‘Look you can’t swallow your Adams Apple.’

‘No I know I can’t’

‘Well come on get moving and stop being so sensitive. Bec’s is the boss here and she does her assessments of all employees and she will have checked you out. If you like dressing as a boy sometimes who am I to judge? Lots of women do, especially young women.’

‘But I don’t it’s just that’

‘Look Kim we have lots of customers here who are fitness fanatics who like to show their masculine side. But they know how to behave themselves. So what you choose to do in your private life or at home is your business. Are you telling me that you are gay?’

‘No Helen I’m not gay.’

‘Well even if you were you needn’t worry since it’s nothing new in Manchester or here for that matter.’

She totally wasn’t understanding me and she wasn’t letting me get much of a word in. Before I knew it we were entering the female staff changing area where I was presented with my locker and shown the discreet shower area and the dressing cubicles for those who prefer privacy.

It was all confusing but at least the privacy for changing made me feel better but only the problem of taking a shower if I was to go through with this. I needed to explain to Bec’s when I got the chance. I could cause a problem if anybody found out who I really was.’

At least I had the comfort of Helen explaining that it was unlikely that there would be more than 2 other staff members getting changed at any time. Not many nneded to shower and change since they arrived in sports gear and preferred to shower and change at home. Mainly it was the swimming instructors who needed to get out of wet gear.

She left me to change and said to meet her back at reception. I ducked into a cubicle and changed as quickly as possible whilst no one else was around.

Five minute later I was back out with my bag secured in my allocated locker. Two other girls had arrived and I was introduced and we were ready to be briefed and allocated our morning duties. My first session was on the reception answering calls from members booking fitness sessions and dealing with guests and visitors as they arrived. I’d already had my training but this was me on my own. It was a non-stop job with no time to relax. Helen was in the office if needed.

We opened the doors at 6-30am and there was a queue waiting. Most were males but a few ladies started to arrive. They tended to be already changed into training gear for the gym whereas the men seemed more men carried sports bags with either gym gear or swimming shorts. The first Yoga class was at 7 am so there was a sudden influx of ladies and by that time the phones were ringing non-stop to book classes 6 days in advance. Helen came to help me out for a while.

She whispered that I was receiving a lot of admiring glances from most of the male members as they passed behind our reception or stopped to collect towels. She kept winking at me as the fittest ones entered and made it clear which ones she fancied. By the time of my break I’d entered into the spirit of her game and got my own back by teasing her and making her look up to the stares from a couple of older admirers

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