Alex & Chris Chapter 64

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 64 The Young Mace

The cameraman who was filming the entire event was a minor Mace but he recognised Helcate when he saw her. He panned in on Alexis and her companions. He thinks and says to himself, I must inform my brothers the Queen she walks the earth once again.

Cleo said, “Astrid he knows who we are?”

“Yes I know. Tinkerbell has gone to watch what he does.”

“Look he is approaching.”

“Madam I thought my eyes where deceiving me when I first saw you. Your protectors have no need to worry I am only a minor mace and could never do you any harm. Looking around I see some I recognise and once called friends.”

He soon found he had the Green and Brown Queens at his side. “Honestly ladies you both know me and that I will keep my word.”

The Red Queen, “It is obvious you did not realise you were being monitored from the moment you recognised Alexis. I presume from what you said to yourself there are other maces close by?”

Cleo started to laugh and said, “Astrid this one is easy to anticipate. He does not want to cross Red yet he is unsure if he should admit that the others are close by.”

Astrid, “Perhaps we should ensure he calls the others. In fact I will personally ensure they are informed.”

The mace found he was thinking of the others & that he should let them know about Alexi’s arrival. What he did not realise was his thoughts were being magnified and sent out to the other maces. The arrival of his thoughts surprised the other maces who were astounded he had at last managed to transmit to them.

The chief Mace, “I think he was getting some help. Probably from some of those he is associating with. I doubt though a minor mace such as him would be allowed near a Queen. Regardless of whom it is we will go and pay our respects.”

“Sir have you noticed, all our minds are being probed?”

“I know full well those probing us are children. So they must be using us as test subjects like we used to do once when we were trying out our skills.”

“Sir I think you are wrong because I soon realised there was one giving instructions to the others. I am now getting my mother sends greetings to the Mace. We already have the youngest and inexperienced of your number with us. Tell the Chief Mace you have the privilege of being tested by many Golden queens.

The chief Mace thought for a while and then looked in the library. He pulled out a very large book and read it. “You did say golden queens as in a flight of?

“Yes sir that is what I was told.”

“In that case we had better summoned every Fay we have as they will also be expected with us.”

Very soon the hall of the Great Mace was full. And the Great Mace spoke, “Friends we have all been summoned. The Great Queen once again walks the earth and this time her daughters accompany her. Make no mistake even the smallest if riled can be deadly.”

“Sir you say a Great Queen. What sort of Queen? “Is she Fay, Mace, Magi, Titan or other?”

From one small group there was singing and dancing, “I wonder if we can get promoted boys we have looked for a queen to serve for a long time. Perhaps one of us could become a Royal.”

The grand Mace, “I see that at least one group is very happy at the news. I know some of them have looked long for a queen to serve and now perhaps they will get their hearts desire.”

“Sir did you say the great queens daughters were Golden Queens?”
“Are all you Fay deaf that I have to repeat myself several times? Yes that is what the message said.”

With that the remainder of the Fay started singing.
The chief leprechaun said, “Quiet everybody I am getting a message coming through which I will repeat. Greetings my entire Fay, Father of hobbits I wish you to use all your remaining gold to attire everyone as befits their station. All the gold that is except the Fay who tends the golden wand. She must be placed in front of you all and will embrace me immediately. I will send a means of transport so all of you may come here. I do not wish any to be left so please ensure those who are infirm or sick are also brought.”

One by one they all handed what little gold they had over to the Father of hobbits. At last only one was left and she had a golden wand. “This is all I have is it any good?”

“I think lassie that this wand has just earned you the first place on the transport when it arrives.” As he spoke a golden column appeared and took all the gold. “It appears lassie this must be our transport.” One by one they all followed the young Fay with the wand into the golden column.

The Chief Mace looked at the leprechaun and said, “Come we had better check we have everybody.

As he said it a voice spoke, “Well are you two coming all the rest have gone?”

The chief Mace said, “Young lady it is obvious you do not know who I am.”

The father of leprechauns said, “Sir it is you that do not realise. This is not one of my daughters for she is a Royal leprechaun 1st class and out ranks me and you many times. I take it your Royal mistress sent you.”

Saskia said, “Empress Alexis sent us to check nobody was left and no magical items are left behind as none of you will be returning here. As for your daughters they will soon become the companions of the Golden queens.”

The leprechaun kissed Saskia. “Now I am a happy father of leprechauns. I take it you are one of the Empresses Royal companions? For only a companion of the Empress will know that.”

As he spoke Saskias sisters arrived. “The big boss sent us to collect you slow coaches. There is us moving everything and we find you chatting with these two.”

The father of leprechauns said, “We will come as I do not wish to antagonise Empress Alexis.”

Saskia started to laugh, “All leprechauns and giants come under the direct control of Queen Astrid and Queen Cleo and their sisters. The title big boss refers to Queen Astrid and is a bit of a joke. Only Baby the smallest of us has totally managed to evade Astrid, all the rest spend some time with her.”

The chief Mace spoke, “I think I may have met this baby when I visited an old friend in England. If it is the same person then she was a companion to my god daughter. This baby though told me she was a hobbit.”

“Yes that will be our Baby she was playmate to a dragon princess. Now she is permanent baby to the Empress. If you are god father to the dragon princess then you will be expected at the wedding.”

Terri, “Chief Mace, Alexis knows full well you are financially embarrassed and would have been unable to come to the wedding. For quite a while now your magic has failed and you have been at a loss as to why. You father of leprechauns used your last gold to help your friend. You and I both know there was only one real piece of gold in that pile.”

“The children believed they were handing over real gold. When in fact they were handing pennies covered in gold paint.”

“Mistress It was supposed to be a stop gap until I could replenish their supply with real gold. I failed my children.”

The chief Mace said, “We learned that if we all work together then we can survive. I will gladly do your mistress bidding if she will restore my friends luck? As you appear to have the ear of your mistress I should tell you there are at least two groups who are not here. One is the very shy forest sprites and the others are the maids of the waters that live in the Rhine.”

“I take it you mean Gunther and his crew when you refer to forest sprites. That is unless there are some we do not know about. Gunther returned home some time ago when the forest he was tending was chopped down. As for the maids they are being collected as we speak No 1 & No 2 Mer companions have gone for them.

Finagle took hold of Saskia and started to dance. “I do not need telling who they are as I could always tell when she was close. We were always the very best of friends.”

Saskia said, “In that case I better tidy you up as you cannot meet her as you are.”

“If you could but lend me a gold coin then I could do it myself but it will have other consequences for others.”

Astrid and Cleo arrived with the chicks. “I might as well have done this job myself in the first place. Who sent me all those leprechauns?

Finagle looked across at Astrid & said, Mistress Galadriel are you the big boss?”

Astrid said, “I know full well what my hobbits call me. As for me being Galadriel I am sure Great grandmother would be pleased that you think she looks so young. I am Astrid no3 daughter of Alexis, defeater of the black flight and golden queen. This is my sister Cleo no 3 Cat daughter of Alexis, Princess of Umberto and Golden queen.”

The Mace and Fingle both bowed. “Mistress by any chance is there any vacancies for Royal Leprechauns?”

Cleo tossed him a gold coin and said, “I have a couple of vacancies for a senior hobbit and chosen partner if you do not want the job just return the coin.”

“I suppose I better dress you two correctly. I always seem to get hobbits that think I am Grandma Galadriel. That is better you both look like royal hobbits.”

The chief Mace said, “Why have you shrunk me?”
Fidel said, “I said there would be consequences for others if I returned to my natural form. Mistress did I here you correctly my brothers have returned also?”

Astrid said, “Well they are among us these days, but keep Gladioli happy.

Fidel, “Am I to take it she still has my brothers as babies?

Astrid, “Fadius and his wife are with another queen doing a similar job while all their children are all with me. All the Hobbits regardless of age are mine. Some call me Big Boss and others Queen of Hobbits.

Cleo, “Sister Mother is ready for the presentation starting with the parents of the children.”

Instead of going in the column which had vanished Astrid pointed her hands at those remaining and the next second they all found themselves in the Great Hall at Newswanstein Castle. Fidel looked around and ran across to Alexis. “Mistress you kept your promise you would come for me and launched herself at Alexis.”

Alexis, “At this rate I shall have to change all your surnames to Kissus.”

Several rather smart leprechauns appeared and one said, “Mistress Alexis when our sister has finished with you we wish to give her some new luck.”

Fidel stopped what she was doing when she heard Fadius voice.

“Well sister you made the same mistake we did unfortunately we mistook mistress Astrid for Galadriel but you have gone one better and mistaken Empress Alexis for her grandmother and promised you would be hers forever.”

Fidel said, “No brother you are not correct. My original vow was with Queen Galadriel but I also promised I would be true and loyal to all her descendants. I was reaffirming my vows with the new queen as I did with her daughters. Galadriel promised she or another would come for me when I was required. Saskia and the others came for me on Alexis orders.”

Alexis, “Well Fidel it is rare we see your brothers as they now are but they are here to present you and your family with their cauldrons of gold. Fadius snapped his fingers and a small group of Leprechauns appeared with Astrid & Cleo.

The smallest came running across to her mother and then looked at Alexis and said, “Can I sit on your knee please. They are so tall and I am so small.”

Alexis held her arms out and said, “Come”

Fidel rejoined the others as Astol and her sister brought in the other leprechauns. They then handed each leprechaun a cauldron and every leprechaun handed over one gold coin to Fidel & her family. Last was Galadriel who said, “Tonight I have regained a friend who was missing for some time. Also a daughter of mine was returned to me. She had no idea what she held. Fidel though would have recognised it as mine. I am referring to my golden wand that opened the portal for most of you to come home.”

“Now I am given to understand we need to find a new chief Mace as the former one has become your partner. Former Mace Fidel long ago formed an attachment with you but then her magic was weak. She gave her all and even pretended to be male so the other brothers would not realise what you had associated with.”

The Mace who had been filming said, “Actually there was no need for the deception as we all like Fidel & she was good for the boss.”

Alexis, “That may be but as you can see your chief is now one of my leprechauns so I need to appoint a new chief Mace. As you were observant in recognising me I will recommend the brothers inaugurate you as their new chief Mace. Be warned though that position will be taken away if you decide to follow in the former Chief Mace shoes.”

“Empress Alexis, I already have a fiancé who I love she is certainly not a leprechaun. I have played with enough leprechauns in my life so I should know what one looks like. I appear to be immune to their charms. With your permission may I present my future wife & companion to those assembled here? Empress, Fay and fellow Mace this is my fiancé Morvena of Lyonsea. I am at a loss though where Lyonsea actually is.”

Morvena spoke, “Empress Alexis I am well known in the Cornish kingdom although I have been away for a long time. I am surprised though that my siblings did not mention me to you as you appear to have their ear.”

“Morvena you did not escape my notice as even your father knew of your antics and whom you were enchanted with. It was decided to let you continue as you were doing no harm. Now you sir regardless of what I say you and Morvena are bound already as one. So with that in mind I better install you as the new chief Mace. As chief Mace you will reaffirm your vows.” Now to your Father in Law and mine. He is rather miffed that Morvena did not see fit to introduce you to him.”

Alexis points her hand at Morvena and her attire changes to a wedding dress. Malcolm says, “Lord Neptune I presume,” Morvena & I got married in the Eyes of man but today we reaffirm our vows in front of her family and ours. Children of ours this Gentleman is your grandfather.

As the children clambered round Neptune he said, “Morvena and Malcolm will you introduce these so I may give them a present. Taking it alternate in turns they introduced all the girls until they got to the last on who said, “Grandpa I am little Ariel as I am named after my aunt. My new friend Astrid tells me, I and my sisters have to greet you in the traditional way so you will come and read to us.” With that she brings out a water pistol and fires it at Neptune. As if on cue the others did the same.

Neptune picked her up and said, “You little Arial might be the youngest but one day you will be a great queen. In the meantime I will come and read to you.”

Little Ariel said, “Astrid told me to say, “Grandpa I have caught you wet & now you must pay the penalty.”

Neptune chuckled and said, “I take it little Ariel you have already joined Astrid’s flight as you appear to be all ready following her orders.”

“Grandpa I also received orders to wet you from a lady who said you would not mind getting wet for me and my sisters and if I did that you would have to spend some time with us. She was with Astrid and Astrid called her Grandma Christobell. Mummy has always taught us we should do as adults or a senior Royal tells us. So Astrid’s Grandma must be a queen granny at least.”

“Your not cross with me are you I would hate to think I had done wrong when I have just met you?”

Ariel came and picked her niece up and kisses her and said, “No grandpa was just a little surprised by your answer and how Morvena has taught you.”

“Aunt Ariel mummy loves Malcolm the magician. Malcolm talks to me a lot when mummy is swimming with the others. Water makes him poorly so I stay and talk to him. Malcolm is funny I saw him deliberate fail magical tests when I know he can do it easy as I have seen him do them and many that even the grand mace could not do. Malcolm told me that had to be our secret. He also told me if he went in water he would die. I think Malcolm needs me to teach him how to swim and then he can swim with us all.”

Neptune said, “You did correct following Grandma Cristobel’s orders. Now perhaps you will also wet your daddy.”

“Sorry Grandpa as much as I want to do that it would make daddy very sick if he got wet.”

“Malcolm am I to take it you are married to a princess of the sea but you have an aversion to water?

Malcolm said, “Sir I was found in a basket with a note addressed to my mother, Sydil please look after my child. He is never to be put in water and must only use a damp cloth to wash as he has an allergy to water. Since then I have always followed those instructions to the letter. There have been times I wanted to go swimming with both Ariel and Morvena but I realised that could not be. As for the magic I did deliberately fumble my tests as I did not want the others to know what I could do. Instead I let the master continue with his leprechaun partner.”

Neptune said, “Am I to take it you are fully aware what my daughter is Malcolm.”

“Sir one cannot have a wife and daughters like mine without realising what they are.” “Morvena was not the first of your daughters I met there was another who looked after me when Sydil became ill. As for my actual heritage I do not know it as I was a foundling.”

Neptune shouted “Lorelie”.
“Yes father I fed him as he was Sydil's child it would not matter if I did. As you can plainly see drinking my milk has had no adverse effect on Malcolm.”

Alexis spoke, “Morvena unknown to you some time ago your father decreed all his daughters had to become my companions. I have no intention of splitting you two up but I do intend to find out exactly who is the mother of Malcolm. Plainly you are not human or drinking Lorelie & Ariel’s milk would have made you a maid of the sea.” Alexis fastened a bracelet on to Malcom. It flashed for a while and showed a slight Mer infection.

Neptune spoke, “Morvena look at the bracelets and tell everyone what you see.”

“Father I see a very faint mermaid swimming and she is being guarded by a green dragon.”

Alexis spoke, “Malcolm it appears you are the child of a Green dragon and the real reason for you not going in the water was you would have shown your true colours. It would not have done for others to see that now though there is no reason not to do so.”

Malcom thought for a moment and said, “Empress Alexis It appears I am going to have the shortest reign in history as chief mace. If I go in the water I could turn into a dragon or I could also turn into a Mer princess. Either way I will no longer be chief Mace.”

Little Arial grinned and said, “Dad either way you will always be with us. Had you been human you would have become a Mer princess like me. Grandpa would have told you that before you sealed your union. My cousins tell me that dragons very seldom produce males and even if they do then once they hit purity they also change to female. So Dad as you have both coursing through your veins the only thing I can say with certainty is that you will come out female.”

The Green queen came and looked at the bracelet and looked puzzled for a while and then she also smiled. “Alexis I can honestly say the signature is not from my flight although I do recognise it as will all my sisters. The person whose signature is not with us at the moment but she and her family will be shortly as I have summoned them.”

Rombald entered the great hall with his greatly enlarged family. “Alexis we were all getting to know each other again when my wife said we all were required here immediately as she had received a royal summons.”

Greetings Uncle Rombald we are about to do some presentations but I need the help of your Queen Rombald and your dragon daughters. See the young man stood there place this on his wrist please and then take him for a flight.”

Rombald said, “A young man cannot go for a flight with my wife and daughters Alexis.”

“Rombald Alexis would not ask me to do that unless she had a good reason and I see he already is well protected by a Mer flight. I presume I am the reason for this charade Empress?”

Sydil came and stood by the young man. Who looked very surprised? “Mum I thought you were long gone.

“Malcolm I brought you up as my own hoping your mother would come to claim you. I was unable to feed you and Neptune’s daughters helped me out on that score. So you had several mothers. We all agreed though we would abide by the note and not place you in water. I think though it is now time for your real mother to take on her responsibilities. I think though you will be joining your cousins and aunts in the golden flight.”

Rombald cracked out laughing, “Sydil if you tried feeding one of my titan children you would soon dry up so I presume Ariel & Lorelie also helped out and if they did then Malcolm will also have gained certain abilities from them like he has from you. So there is no wonder Malcolm could work magic.”

Morvena spoke, “Empress Have I your permission to fly with my partner and then I will take her swimming before she accompanies her sisters.”

Alexis said, “Morvena place your arm around Malcolm’s neck. Malcolm watch Astrid and then do the same.”

Malcolm watched and copied & as he did so wings appeared out of his back. Malcolm grinned and said, “Morvena I appear to be Fay & not dragon. Or at least I have wings of a Fay rather than a dragon. Malcolm also noticed he appeared to be getting growths on his chest.

“Malcolm I need you to dive in to that pool of water at least I will continue to have your children for a long time to come.”

Ariel said, they appear to be falling. No they are diving into Lake Bodensee.” A short time later they both emerged.

Malcolm said, “Empress I was expecting to change into a green dragon but I became a Fay.” “I found I can also swim easily when in water. But now I can no longer be partner to Morvena.

Alexis said, “Malcolm we have to find a new name for you & I suggest Little Arial chooses a name for you. As for Morvena you and she are already one. I will not split you up and Morvena has already ensured Malcolm will be producing many mer for a long time to come. As Malcolm you took vows with Morvena. For the benefit of Rombald & his family who were still in England I wish you both to repeat them again using your new name.”

Little Arial spoke, “Can I make up a name I was wondering about something like ALLEMASY.”

This caused Rombald to grin and he said, Little Ariel, Even I can work out how you got that name. But I think Chanel or Chantel would be more appropriate.”

Malcom said, “Actually I quite like the name Chantel as it reminds me where I first met Morvena in the English Channel. I was on board a boat & thought she had fallen overboard & I threw her a lifebelt & since that day we have never been apart.” As Malcolm spoke he started to change again.

“What is happening to me now?”

Rombalds wife spoke, “It appears your body is still adjusting. Your dragon self is now coming on line & you appear to be a Green-Yellow at the moment but that will soon change when you both take your vows.

Neptune spoke, “Chantel it sounds like many of our people have fed you while you where a child and from each of them you have certain abilities. It makes no difference if you are Rombalds child or Draco’s or mine. You and Morvena will be united with Alexis. Alexis already has two of your Titan sisters as companions. Morvena the children you both had will join Astrid’s ever increasing group. Correction I should have said already have joined Astrid’s ever increasing group. Astrid I insist you welcome these two in the traditional way for new companions.

This statement brought about laughter from the group & both Morvena & Chantel looked puzzled. Alexis spoke, “They all know it entails getting very wet.”

Chantel spoke, “As I no longer have an excuse for not getting wet. I am game but those who wet me will have to remember I might also wet them.”

Morvena said, “I think those who have been your mothers or sisters should come round with us.”

Hannah spoke, “I am one of your sisters & I have not yet done the course. I was supposed to wrestle Uncle Draco but this option appeals to me.”

“From what I here as far as uncle Neptune is concerned wetter the better.”

On the shoreline of Bodensee a battle took place each side had water pistols & water cannons. Chantel ended up totally drenched but she also managed to drench Astrid and many of the hobbits. Chantel went up to Astrid and held her arm out and said, “I enjoyed that & hope we can continue another day.”

Astrid said, “It was fun & it has been a long time since any have managed to wet me. It is time though we dried out and had something to eat.” Astrid pointed her finger at all those who where wet and they found they were wearing dry clothing. “You promise me you Morvena & Hannah will do this again.”

“Hannah spoke “Astrid, all of us have taken vows to be companions of your mother and as such part of those vows includes playing with all the children and so it also includes having lots of water fights if that is what you want.”

Some of those recently released said Empress Alexis, “We also have not undergone the water trial & would it be ok for us to do it another day with Astrid at the same venue?

Astrid said, “I like the idea but Hannah, Morvena & Chantel should be on my side this time. Just too even it up the old man can join the candidates as he has not been wet for a while.
This brought a grin from Neptune. Alexis spoke, “Ladies by now you will have worked out my daughters like nothing better than trying to wet Neptune so be prepared to get very wet.”

One of the female who was released from the crypt said, “Well I am a water dragon & do not mind getting wet as it will do the world of good for my complexion.”

Rombalds wife, “You are a big fibber I know you used to tip toe through water because you hated it as do all our blue and green sisters. I had to undergo trial by fireballs & foul. Lucky for me Helen has given me something for my foul allergy as I still get a wakeup call every morning from the chicks. They appear to think I make a great nest. They are not the only ones who think so since arriving back I have awoke to find little dragons & kittens all snuggled up to me.”

Neptune started to laugh and said, “Well girls she said she enjoyed a good soaking and personally I think that is what she should receive.

Alexis, “Father what do you think?

“Well my sister has told all here she enjoys getting wet so if that is the case I think it should for the next 24 hours be open season on her and her sisters. But no magic to be invoked.

Alexis, “Aunts you heard Lord Draco’s suggestion now I will ask the children for their views.

Astrid, “Well as Aunt told us all she enjoyed getting wet I think all the children & Hobbits should ensure she gets her wish. If she was not honest with us as the Old man suggests then it will be a punishment for fibbing to us.”

“I think we should start the 24 hours just after breakfast tomorrow.”

The following morning Astrid noticed she had more helpers than she envisaged.

Gloag, “I have been instructed I have to report for duty along with my sisters. This will be the first time we have done anything like this. Father showed us a trick he thought might come in useful instead of us carrying water cannons. Let me demonstrate.”

The other giants laughed and said, “Gloag we never thought of that a taking mouthful of water.” All the young giants gave it a try.

Rombald turned up with the fully charged water cannons and said, “Astrid good luck & give them a good soaking. My wife is arranging an extra surprise for her sisters.”

The candidates all appeared wearing clothing to prevent them getting wet. They had not noticed a muddy patch and walked into it a fell down sliding towards the lake. As they where sliding Astrid on one side and Cleo on the other ensured they all got a good soaking. As the torrent of water poured down on them it swept them into the lake.

Astrid said, “You might as well have put on swimming costumes. If you all wish to discard the extra clothing before we continue.”

“Ok Astrid I told a lie hoping you would not let us but as we are all now wet There is no reason why we should not all enjoy ourselves. I have a score to settle with my brothers who have all backed you.”

Astrid said in that case you can have a water fight with the oldies. Grandpa Draco has wanted to have one for some time.”

Andorra sat on the sidelines watching and said, “Sisters I know how to sort them all out.” A short while later Alexis and the others noticed them flying overhead with what looked like a massive bed sheet full of water. As they approached they all let go and all in the water got soaked. As they were just recovering Rombalds wife fired a fireball into the air and it caused a cloud to burst over the participants.

Astrid, I will have to remember that when we have the next initiations although I doubt they will be as much fun as this.”

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