Alex & Chris Chapter 41

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 41 Endora joins the group.

Alexis, “It is no sign of disrespect Endora to you, but as you now look like me, and so I will have to call you Endora & Astrid has already named you big sister. You are not the only one who has been rejuvenated, but you are the most senior who has become one with me. Now to the more serious stuff. As some of you already know there is a charity bike race travelling across the country. Apparently we have Lance Armstrong & Jenny Bond both world champions entered, and then we have Jennie’s daughter Gaby who is now junior world champion after beating both boys and girls in her class. Rombald your daughters are still designated as security for the junior team.”

Endora, “Surly security is up to the event organisers.”

Astrid, “Not when all the junior team are our club members.”

Alexis. “Endora everyone in the team in some way is related to you. Gaby Bond is the team captain and junior world champion. Her main goal is to beat her mother in a race.”

“I take then Astrid will be cheering them on then?”

Yellow. “We will be cheering all our entrants on as part of the adult team is also ours.”

“The ancient market town of Skipton is having a medieval weekend at the same time so we all have to get dressed up as various personages from history. We had rather hopped to have the Clifford White coats, but because of other commitments they are unavailable for this weekend.”

Endora smiled, “We already have all the fully trained military personnel we will ever need. May I show you?” Endora blew a whistle and the entire Fay linked up.

“The Empress needs authentic medieval soldiers for a weekend that are fully trained in the arts of medieval warfare.”

One of the Fays, “Would that include the ancient art of Archery & Staves Madame?”
Alexis, “I have obviously overlooked my Fay. I need authentic soldiers of the Clifford White coats.”

“Empress Alexis many of us where there on the Royalist side during the civil war, and where original White coats. Others of us where with Prince Rupert of the Rhine, but for some reason we were never used at the battle of Marsden Moor. Had we been used the outcome of the battle would have been different. As it was we were all sent back to Skipton Castle and we held it for a considerable time after the rest of the North had fallen to the rebel army. Eventually though the Governor surrendered the castle to the roundheads. We all went back to our own homes.”

As Alexis was reviewing the Fay Christobell appeared with Ken & Hedi. “I thought you and the hobbits where supposed to be appearing in London?”

Christobell, “You obviously have not have heard the latest news.”

Alexis. “Well these last few days we all have been very busy.”

“Alexis Muslim extremists have detonated four bombs in London and in addition other bombs have been found in Birmingham, Leeds & Manchester. All public performances at theatres have been cancelled on the orders of the government. The prime minister is going to speak tonight to the nation.”

Alexis stopped what she was doing and ordered everyone into the great hall. There they switched on the great plasma screen and watched in silence as Tony Blaire spoke. “For many years one part of the united kingdom has had to deal with extremists. It is with a saddened heart I have to announce that Muslim extremists where responsible for the London Bombs in which 57 people so far are known to have died. With this in mind I along with the government have decided to reopen the former RAF camp at Milden hall as an internment camp for those of the Muslim faith. As I speak police & military units across the country will be rounding up all Muslims. They will all be taken to RAF Milden hall for processing. Any illegal immigrants we find during the round up will be immediately deported back to their original country of origin.”

The newscaster then went on to say, “Now on a lighter note the heat wave we have been experiencing is set to continue as temperatures reached 110 in central London.”

Angela. “We have already opened the park today and a gentleman asked if Lady Helen lived nearby as he wanted to speak with her.”

Helen looked at the screen and Angela panned the camera in closer. He was saying to his wife. “I hope Lady Helen will help us if she can. We certainly cannot return home until they have arrested all the Muslims. I cannot continue in my job as even that could put everybody at risk. “

Alexis decided to deal with it personally. “Hello can I help you?”

The gentleman and all his family all fell to their knees. “Mother Goddess we were looking for Lady Helen to help us.”

“Perhaps then I can help you.”

The youngest child held a book up, “Mother Goddess we need help.”

Alexis, “I think we had better get you all out of sight. Now before my court as parents perhaps you will explain your problem.”

“Mistress we are all Hindu, but because of the Muslim extremists we are now all targets. I am a respected doctor & my wife is a nurse, but now neither of us can even go to our jobs because of the actions of a few. Our house has been fire bombed and spray painted with get out Muslim murderers.”

Meanwhile flight after flight was leaving Milden hall bound for Pakistan or Bangladesh. At the same time other EEC countries where purging their population of all their Muslim populations. The EEC decided that identity cards would be required immediately for all the population in light of what had happened in England. In Bradford there was a battle between the police and the Muslim youths of the city. Eventually they and all their family where rounded up and deported immediately with their passports stamped Revoked and deported. Many other families decided not to wait and booked a one way passage back home to their country of origin. Many others who were not from the Indian subcontinent decided perhaps it was in their own interest to sell up and leave the country. Alexis was greatly saddened by what was happening all around the globe. The result was that Muslims were being either forced out or deported from every EEC Country and many other countries. Likewise there was an exchange of populations between India & Pakistan. Boundaries where being redrawn. One of the side effects of the deportations was that the selling of drugs was greatly reduced or became none existent. Alexis was still wondering what to do about her Indian guests.

Helen, “He is an excellent doctor & with our increasing population we could do with him working here. How do I convince him to stay?”

Alexis, “Well he called me Goddess & so it should be easy for me to convince him to stay here.”

Helen, “Dr Sing how may I help you?”

“Dr Helen we came looking for you but we found the Mother Goddess instead. There is nothing you can do for any of us we are doomed to serve the mother goddess for the rest of our days.” Helen went away chuckling.

Endora, “To them they have to do Alexis bidding regardless of their personal circumstances.” Alexis went to the Library with Endora & her siblings and looked at the books in the ancient Indian section. Eventually they found what they wanted.

Endora cracked out laughing. “You have the power of life and death over them all. You are the most revered of all the ancient Indian gods. All the others Indian gods would tremble in your wake. In a way I suppose they are correct. All the others do revere you.”

Astrid,” I found this. It refers to what has to happen to mortals who set their eyes on the goddess.”

Helen who had been helping, “I have also found this the priests would execute those who gazed upon the Goddess.”

Alexis, “Well that is not going to happen here. Astrid call your sisters. As my sisters and I have a duty to perform. Endora that includes you.”

Alexis was in full regalia. “They already call me Goddess so why not let them see me in all my different titles.” The Leprechauns brought the family in. “What shall I do with you as you have already gazed upon my form? Tell me what you see.”

The man was the first to look although it was his children who spoke. “We see the Goddess in all her shapes and sizes. We recognise the goddess in her younger forms. Father we came here looking for Miss Helen for help. Instead we find many goddesses.”

Alexis. “It is forbidden for mortals to gaze upon the gods or to enter a god’s house. Except when parents dedicate their children to the gods.”

The mother was quicker on the uptake than the father, “Mother goddess will you take our children as yours?”

Alexis looked at her, “That is just not possible.”

“But it has to be correct the girls are pure.”

“Yes they are pure but before they were born they were already promised to a god. Do you remember going for a sail when you were pregnant?” The husbands face went white as a ghost.

“Darling there was a storm and you promised the Queen of the seas any daughters you should have if we were delivered safely. That is why you cannot give them to the Goddess.”

The wives face changed and she smiled, “In that case I must honour my word or it is worth nothing.”

Alexis. “There is another problem your daughters have already made their own pact with some of those before you although they never rectified it.”

The mother, “Girls what did you say and with whom?”

“Mum it was only with Lady Helens daughters in the clinic. We said something like this. We all promise to be good friends and sisters to each other’s. We promise to help each other. Mum we should have made a blood pact but we never did although we bound our hands. The nurse came in and lady Helens daughters had to go dancing.”

Helen, “So when you needed help you came looking for me.”

“We still need help as we cannot return to our home.”

“Helen, “Astrid and sisters perhaps you should correct that mistake and re-say those vows now and do what you have to do.”

Astrid took hold of her thumb and cut it with a rather large knife. She did the same with the others and then they pressed them together. After repeating their vows.

Alexis, “Come give me a hug.”

They did as they were told and then one of them said, “We still must honour our mother’s word.”

Alexis, “You are already bound with the Queen of the seas. You could not be dearer to her if you where her own daughters. You and your family are safe but I need another sacrifice off your father and him alone. Your father summoned me as his patron goddess. His parents promised their daughter to me long ago but they never could fulfil their word. Instead they took their son & the priestess promised the parents it would be ok to dedicate the boy.”

The man kissed his wife and daughters. “My family they will be safe from harm?”

The man knelt before Alexis. “Immortal Goddess. Today I have to keep the pact my parents made long ago with you. I worked alongside Lady Helen & did not recognise her as a goddess and neither did I recognise her daughters as the goddesses they are. My soul is already yours to do as you will.”

Alexis, “Neither you nor your family shall come to harm although you all may have too changed slightly. You kept your word and I will honour the promises Astrid made to your daughters.”

“Your parents promise is acknowledged and they have provided me with two fine priestesses. You shall be the head Priestess. In time your daughters will join you in your duties.”

Helen, “Alexis her skills in the medical field are too good to lose.”

Alexis, “Indra how would you like to be part of a brand new medical facility here in the dales? For some time Helen and I have been working on plans to open up a new facility in the Dales. The journey time for Helen will be considerably reduced. The benefits for our patients are that they are in the countryside with purer air.”

“Goddess could you just not touch the patient and they would be healed?”

“I could and will in exceptional circumstances, but then that person must join our select group.”

Alexis, “The new facility we have already built and is already fully equipped with the most modern of equipment. We already have received enquiries from over loaded NHS hospitals about reducing their waiting lists. Some of my sisters where getting rather bored so the hospital which is built on the site of a former cheese factory is my answer. They get to select who if any I deal with personally. “Most will just get good medical treatment. Would you like to see the site before it is officially opened?”

“Yes I would like that very much but I am worried about my job because I have not given notice.”

Helen, “To put your mind at rest you worked for me and still do. As for the other your wife and friends have been holding back on you. Long before you came here your body was feminine. Your work colleagues all wanted me to tell you to wear a bra at work. More than once you have given the patients a thrill.”

Indra's wife, “I noticed the changes after our second daughter was born. Either you failed to notice or just denied the changes. It was as if you still saw yourself as male when it was obvious to all of us you were changing. The changes have been that gradual your skin softened and then all your body hair vanished. The hair on your head got thicker and longer you even put it in a ponytail. People already think we are a lesbian couple because we live together. All the goddess has done is open your eyes to what you are. We still love you and are still your family.”

They drove the short distance to the hospital and Indra looked, “How on earth did you manage to build this here.”

Helen. “Quite simple really the site was a former dairy that had gone to ruin and so as a Brown field site it was easy to develop. It apparently is creating a lot of jobs in the area. So far there is no bus service but enterprising locals have set up a taxi service. See that row of shops that is villagers who have decided to target the hospital clients. You will already know some of the staff we have here.”

Rose was there behind a desk, “Hi ya remember me? You helped Helen with my surgery.”

Alexis, “The facilities we had in s was very antiquated and overcrowded you will find most all your old team here.”

Indra, “How did some of the others get here so fast I know we left them all back at your home?”

Alexis, “I will show you their transport system. It’s an electric train. It is far easier to use this than to use than cars. It also is linked to my Castle in Skipton.”

“The tunnelling alone must have cost a fortune.”

“Not really the tunnel and building the hospital utilised the skills of some of my companions just as yours are to be utilised.”

It is mainly my Mer companions who run the park hence all the water everywhere. My dragon companions provide the bulk of the staff for the hospital.”

Yellow, “We all have to earn our keep so this is what some of us are doing.”

Alexis, “The villagers have all already realised the advantage of having a hospital close by. Some have even approached the house to ask if they could rent space within the hospital to sell various items. After the number of enquiries we had I had the Hobbits alter the design slightly. Within the hospital we have a shopping complex which will compare quite well with any major shopping centre. Those shops you saw earlier will soon be coming down as the hospital expands.”

As they walked around Indra said, “Is that a Transform shop?”

Alexis, “It is very similar but you just walk in as a male & walk out as female.”

“Among the shops there appears to be a walk in clinic?”

Alexis, “Yes Indra that is a walk in clinic. We can soon get the patients details from their medical records and if they need treatment point them in the correct direction.”

Indra, “Well without checking. I would say that man has type one diabetes.”

Helen called the man over, “Do you want the walk in clinic?”

“I was going to go and see my doctor but I cannot get in for three weeks. I was wondering if I could afford to go to the walk in as I am feeling very strange.” As he spoke the man collapsed.

Helen, “Straight to the hospital with him & we will sort everything later.” Indra had totally forgotten where she was and took over. Indra stayed with the man all through the night. Eventually he woke up With Indra by his bedside. “You are my first patient here as this was my first day at a new job. How long have you had diabetes?”

“Until you told me just now doctor I had no idea. About a month ago I went down with flu like virus & I lost a lot of weight. In a way losing the weight like I did was a benefit because I have heart problems. I though being tired all the time was because of dropping from 23stone down to 11 stone. I was not even trying to diet and my weight dropped off like it did that is why I wanted to see my doctor.”

Indra, “With your permission I would like to carry further tests out on you to determine just what is wrong with you. Doctor this hospital is it NHS or private as I cannot afford to pay.”

Indra, “I have already contacted your surgery to get your details & spoke to your doctor who promised the surgery would cover your treatment. The receptionist has also had a blasting for turning a diabetic patient away with the no appointments for three weeks.”

A short while later the man’s own doctor arrived and went to see his patient. Helen spotted him and called him to the office. “Just the man I wanted to see about this patient.”

“I have brought his notes over he came to see me a month ago with what appeared to be an influenza type infection.”

“Was he overweight at that time?”

“The last time I weighed him he was about 23 stone & I doubt that he will be much different now.”

“So I take it you will be shocked if I tell you he weighs a little under 11 stone.”

The doctor, “There is something that is not in the notes because I thought it might harm him if I was to put it in his notes. Clarence is not exactly normal for as long as I have known him he has always asking me to call him Laura. He has always insisted he is a woman but I told him before any consultant would accept him he would have to diet but that is too drastic.”

Helen, “I think you had better see these results as they are very interesting. There is absolutely no evidence he has been taking anything other than prescribed by you. As you can plainly see your patient has Type one Diabetes. In addition he has several other problems which you had not recognised. We did a full body scan on him and realised what had caused the rapid weight loss. Something happened causing your patients body to not develop correctly. The Antibiotics you prescribed caused the body to correct the mistake it had made and hence the rapid weight loss.”

The doctor, “Can I speak with Laura please.”

“Ok but at least one nurse has to be present.”

Clarence, “Hi doctor I had a funny turn and ended up here.”

“Clarence I understand you have lost a lot of weight.”

“I kept trying to get an appointment with you but the receptionist kept saying all your appointments had gone. Or the soonest was in three weeks’ time. I should have been seeing you in three weeks but I do not know if I will be fit to come in.”

“Clarence you know what we talked about previously. Well the doctors here have discovered all you need is a small operation to be the girl you always have been. As you are already here I have recommended it is done while you are here.”

Helen came in to the room, “My doctor is going to ask you to make me the girl I always knew I was.”

Helen, “Well we wanted to talk it out with you.”

“Doctor there is nothing to talk about. In fact the receptionist did me a good turn as I could have been waiting a long time if I had not collapsed when I did.”

Helen, “In that case will you sign this permission slip and then this legal document which is a request to change your birth certificate to female. Have you any idea what you want to be called?”

“Doctor I want to be called Laura Claire Hindenburg.”

“Very good Laura I will tell you what we found with the body scan. Your skeletal frame is that of a female. We also discovered you had several growths we did not expect to find. In your case though there is no problem except that you will be able to get pregnant once we are finished with you.”

Laura’s eyes lit up. “Doctor you mean I get to be a proper girl with everything?”

Helen, “Actually you are a girl with a rather large *** “

“Yes doctor I get the idea and the operation will mean I have to take the pill in future to ensure I do not get pregnant.”

Helen, “Your doctor agrees you should stay here and the practise will cover your fees. With a bit of look we might also solve some of your other problems.”

As they were talking a young woman came into the ward. “I am sorry the doctor gets overworked and I was trying to filter out those I thought where trying it on. I have had a reprimand from the doctor because of you. I am sorry because of me you ended up in hospital.”

Laura, “Well I might forgive you if you visit me every day and run a few errands for me. To be honest I need a friend I can talk to, which I have not got.”

The doctor, “Yes I think it might be what you need, Laura to help you.”

The doctor was leaving and Helen said, “Can you call at the office. We need a little chat before you go.”

The receptionist called at the office. “Dr Helen you wanted me?”

“Yes the patient needs somebody to do some considerable shopping for her. She has no parents or friends who can help so your boss thought you might be the best bet.”

“Dr Helen did the Doctor say she I thought Clarence was male?”

“So did everybody else until we did the scan and found he was a she.”
Lydia's face lit up. “You mean you want me to be her best friend and teacher all she needs to know about being a woman.”

Helen, “Somebody has to go shopping for the new clothes she will need and her home is going to need sorting out.”

“Ok I will do that tomorrow and I could get her some basics from the mall.”

Helen handed a card over, “Just charge it to this but it has only to be used for Laura.”

“Doctor what size is she?” Helen handed the measurements over. “Oh she is same as me so if it fits me it should be ok with Laura.”

Alexis spoke to Saskia, “Do you and your friends think you could go and tidy up the house?” A short while later Alexis got a message from Saskia to come and look at the house.

Alexis along with Yellow Alison & Jade went to see what the problem was. “It looks like Laura tried to be feminine at home. It looks more like a young child’s home than that of a young male.

Astrid found a diary. She read it aloud, “Been to doctors again. Still not lost any weight & doctor will not let me see consultant unless I do. Why does he not believe me when I say I am a girl? Doctor thinks I am taking drugs but I am not and never have. He quizzed me about where I was getting female hormones. I said, I keep telling you I do not take drugs but I know he did not believe me. Have been thinking of ending it all. Mummy & Aunt Sally came to me in a dream and told me to go and see a different doctor. I was told to ask for Doctor Helen.”

Had not had the courage to go and see Dr Helen yet. Mummy appeared again and was cross with me. You naughty girl I told you to go and see Dr Helen. Taking a few days off going to hidden corner. Found Dr Helens phone number and made appointment. Spent all day in Hidden corner. Like it there got talking to an old man with a beard. He was spending the day with his granddaughters. Told me his niece owned the place but she had been called away on family business. He asked me what was troubling me eventually I told him everything. I thought he would be disgusted with me but he was kind and sweet. His granddaughters eventually returned.”

“The old man said, "My friend here is in great need of some friends. I had to have tea with them and then they took me round the garden. We all ended up wet I had such a great day and wished it would never end. I did a silly thing the old man was reading to the girls and I fell asleep. I woke up and found all the girls asleep I kissed each one of them and said, I wish I was your sister and then we could have had a lot of fun like today. How perverted can I be? Found the old man and promised I would return. This has been the best day of my life. Mummy came to me smiling.

“You still have not been to doctors but I am not cross with you,”

“Mummy I have made an appointment though with Dr Helen. Told mummy about what I had been doing. She was still smiling; still go to see Doctor Helen but it is too late for you now. Then she asked if I had enjoyed myself. Mummy I wish I could go back again & I promised the old man I would. Started losing weight drastically most of my clothing no longer fits got rid of a lot to Salvation Army. Still have wardrobe full of Mum and Aunt Sally clothing I could never get rid of them. Still several weeks before I can get an appointment with Dr Helen. Heard about this new walk in clinic, hospital & shopping centre near to where the old man lives will go and decided to go and visit it and then call on the old man. Better get some sweets for the girls my little sisters. Decided against sweets bought all the girls a fairy dolls instead. I hope they each like them like I do. My collection looks after me and protects me. Mummy appeared to me again and said, good bye my son Clarence. See you soon my Daughter Laura. That was the end of the entries in the diary Mum.”

Jade was looking at the closet and spotted the dresses all had notes pinned on them. “Alexis look at these gowns.”

Alison, “It is strange as if somebody has tided up already. Neither food nor milk in the fridge & freezer is empty.”

Alexis, “Uncle Neptune can you come here immediately.”

Neptune looked round, “Which of the princesses does this belong to?”

“I was hoping Uncle you could enlighten us. Do you remember a young man about four weeks ago/?”

“Oh yes he helped me look after the babies in fact I asked him back but he never came back. The babies all treated him like an older sister. To be honest I thought he would return.”

“Actually he was planning too and had presents for his little friends but he was taken very ill. That is why I am here.”

Neptune looked around, “I remember a room almost exactly like this. It is such a long time though.”

Alison & Jade brought the two gowns out, “Do these give you any clues.”

Neptune looked at the dresses, “Do you mind putting them on so I can look at them better. “At first I thought they were Mer dresses but they are not. I do know where I have seen them before and I bet if you look in the Jewellery box we will have an answer.” Each piece of jewellery had a name on it. Alison & Jade took the dresses off again.

Astrid read the names, “Mum these mean nothing to me.”

However another voice spoke. “Empress it would appear that some misfortune has occurred to most of my remaining daughters. It also would appear that Clarence did not change because of the antibiotics, but because she is my daughters child.”

Alexis, “Clarence kissed each of the sleeping children.”

As they were talking another voice spoke up greetings Mother & Empress. “The others are loaning me power so I can warn you. Our little sister will soon be here to do your bidding so perhaps you all might hide.” As she spoke the door opened and a voice was speaking to herself.

“Doctor wants me to befriend a nut case. Well I am here now and early. Oh it is tidy. This looks like my old bed room silly me. How come he has the same collection I have at home? He must really think he is a little girl. Oh he has left his diaries out. Well if I have to be his friend then I better find out about him.” She read the diaries, “Wish mum was here then she could snap her fingers then you would be the little girl you so desire. I never did learn how to do those things like my sisters. I suppose one day I will find my family again until then I better do as doctor wishes. This place is remarkably clean other than the Diaries nothing is out of place. I could try on some of the dresses and take some that fit me to the hospital.”

Alexis and the others had made themselves invisible. “These dresses have two of my sister’s names on them. Suppose he must collect old dresses and things. Well Cordelia your little sister Lydia is at last putting on your presentation gown. My wand still does not work though. Oh Cordelia you have left your wand in the dress. It is a wonder that you have left this here. I wonder where you are. Fire Light us- Fire Extinguish us. What is happening to me?”

Loki appeared, “Lord Neptune will be pleased with me for what your mother did to Neptune’s son Poseidon. All her daughters are now on the same shelf. I better go and find Lord Neptune. “

Alexis, “He left the wand so I had better destroy it. But first we will take each of them outside and then I will break the wands.”

Neptune, “Alexis I did not order this it is Loki's way of punishing my sister.”

Once outside the pot fairies and the bracelet’s where placed together again. Alexis said the names one after another and bolts of energy shot from her finger tips to the bracelets. Last to be restored where Cordelia & Sally.

Cordelia came across to Alexis. “You are the one who has taken my child Laura under hand and my sister Lydia although she did not realise it. Lord Neptune I apologise for any distress our mother has caused you.”

Neptune, “First I did not order Loki to do what has been done. Secondly your mother and I have worked our differences out. As you’re older sister will attest. She became the victim of a mad man along with some of my daughters. Cordelia and sisters we have a hospital visit to make.”

Neptune went into the room, “By you have altered a lot since I last saw you.”

“I was coming to see you sir. I have presents for your granddaughters in my car. I hope you do not mind I got each of them a fairy. I suppose I am the real fairy. As each day passes I look more feminine. You are my only real friend so I will tell you a secret. Soon I will be a real girl once my body stops changing. Could you do me a favour I usually write my thoughts in a diary or notebook can you get me a pen and a note book.”

Neptune, “Well other than some sweets that is what I have brought you.”

“Err do you think it is possible for some of your granddaughters to visit me again. I liked the one called Astrid.”

“Actually Astrid and her sisters are waiting outside to talk to you.” Astrid and the others came in.

“Sorry sir I do not actually know your name.”

Neptune smiled, “Some of the others call me the Old man or Mr Vater.

“Sir if it is permissible I will do the same as your granddaughters and call you the Old man it sounds the nicest.”

Astrid and her siblings bounded on to the bed. Astrid, “You have been naughty you did not come to play with us.”

“Sorry Astrid I have not been very well since I last played with you. I was coming to see you but I have ended up in this hospital. I had bought all my little friends’ presents. However they are still in my car.”

Neptune, “If you tell me what your car looks like I will find it and bring the presents in here.”

A short time later Neptune returned, “I have the presents and I asked one of my staff to take the car home for me. You young lady are in no fit state to live on your own.”

“Err Old Man I have just thought of something I have a medical appointment in Leeds I will no longer need it. Can you find somebody to cancel it for me please?”

Astral, “Was it with mummy in Leeds?”

“Well Astral it was in Leeds with a Dr Helen at a clinic.”

“Oh if that is the case you can cancel it now as mummy is here.”
“Hello girls what are you doing here?”

“Mummy one of our sisters was sick so we have come to make her better like you do.”

Laura, “Are you the same Doctor I was supposed to see in Leeds?”

Helen took out a small laptop, “Apparently yes but you have jumped the cue. So I better delete your name from that date.”

“Are all these four your daughters?”

Two are my daughters and two my nieces but they all have the same father.”

Neptune, “All who get to call me the old Man also get a present off me.” Neptune placed a bracelet on Laura.

“I have a box full of these at home with all sorts of names inscribed on them including Mum and Aunt Sally.” Laura gave Neptune a kiss. “Since meeting you my life has been turned upside down.”

Lydia came to the bedside and when she saw Neptune said, “Hi I am Lydia.”

Laura, “These are the Old Man’s Granddaughters and my little friends.”

Lydia looked at the children sat in the bed. “Laura do you know who the children are?”

“Yes Lydia like you they are my friends and live in the big house they are Dr Helens daughters and nieces. The old man has asked me to come and stay with him until I fully recover.”

Lydia, “Do I get to have these as sisters too?”

Astral, “Only after you have been through our initiation ceremony.”

“You tend to get rather wet but it was fun & it earned me some true friends.”

“Oh Lydia you also have one of the Old Man’s bracelets like mine.”

Neptune, “Well it is time to be going.”

“Not so fast Uncle perhaps you should have explained everything to Laura. Like that she will never be returning home and neither will I.” “You Laura are my niece although there are only a couple of years between us. Your mother Cordelia is one of my older sisters. The Old man here is my uncle or your Grandmother’s brother.”

“Lydia I do not care if he is related or not he was the first person for a long time that has been kind to me. As for the little ones here I loved playing with them & I suppose I will have to help them in your initiation ceremony.”

“Astrid can you pinch me please.”

“Ouch, No I am awake. Mother and Aunt Sally. I must be dreaming again.”

“Cordelia nice to see you again, Hello Father what are you doing here?”

“Just looking after my Granddaughter Cordelia.”

“Mother why are you referring to the Old man as Father.”

Sally, “We want a word with you is it true what mother and Ariel have told us that you have married off all your daughters?”

Neptune, “To be honest I had forgot about my liaison with your mother. But basically it is correct.”

Cordelia, “Well I for one will not be living with another man.”

“Same here said, Sally & Lydia.”

Cordelia, “Laura this Old man is your Grand Father & one day he will try and pair you off like he is trying with us.”

Finally Alexis showed up, “I see you are much better now how do you feel about staying at the Manor with us.”

“The Old Man and the girls have asked me already.”

Cordelia, “My sisters and I seem to be out of work and we were wondering if you needed any help your Highness.”

Alexis, “Well my place is an all-female establishment with an occasional male visitor. Did not Neptune tell you he has already arranged something for you?”

“Sorry your majesty but I and my sisters have had our fill of men so if you will forgive us we would rather not go that way.”

“Laura looked at Alexis, “Well the old man has been good to me and if he wants to fix me up with a partner I will accept his choice when I am old enough.”

Cordelia, “No Laura.” but it was too late. “Empress she does not realise what she says.”

Astrid, “Laura agreed some time ago to become my sister & I am keeping her to that promise.”

Cordelia, “Empress may I become one of your companions then at least my daughter can keep her promise.” Cordelia was shortly followed by all her younger sisters voicing similar opinions.

Alexis, “So all of you want to become my companions in preference to the mate selected by your father and it is your own free choice?”

Lydia, “I understand some of us have to undergo a test before we are allowed to be united is that true.”

Endora, “Girls all potential recruits have to undergo trial by Astrid and it depends on that if you are accepted or not.”

“Well I for one will do it even if my old sisters think it is daft.” Cordelia noticed Astrid, Lydia and Laura putting their heads together and laughing.”

Astrid, “Laura has agreed to go round again as Laura this time with Lydia. They are setting off now.” Laura triggered the first device and soaked Laura.

Laura, “Remember wetter the better.” They stopped by the swimming area. “Wetter the better race you across and back. Now we have to make our way to the temple.”
“Laura” , Lydia said, “We have to say to the Empress mummy I have had an accident and wet my nic nicks.”

“Are you sure on that?” They got back to the temple absolutely soaking wet.”

The two of them approached Alexis, “Mummy we have had an accident and wet our Nic Nics.” Cordelia and the others burst out laughing.

Alexis turned to Helen, “Will you ensure these playmates of Astrid’s get something warm to wear.”

The two of them followed Helen to the nursery where they stripped off and dried themselves. Astrid came in “Oh good you both are my size now and we can have a lot of fun together.”

Lydia looked at herself in the mirror, “Is this because we asked the Empress to be our mummy?”

Laura, “I think I might be responsible as I was thinking it would have been nice for the two of us to grow up as sisters. Sorry Aunt Lydia.”

Lydia, “I think we can have some fun with my older sisters.”

“Aunt Lydia can you answer me a question. In a short space of time I have changed from a 22 year old male who thought he was a girl to a female and now I am a four year old girl as you are. Up till today I did not realise real magic existed.

“Yes we have all seen the conjurors illusions but that is all they are.”

“This is real and you were a real woman who prevented me from seeing the doctor. Then you where my friend and now apparently my sister.”

Lydia, “Until today I was never able to work magic unlike all my sisters. Today after I went to your house was the first time I had managed to work magic. When I saw the dresses I was tempted to put on Cordelia's. I did but my wand still would not work. Then Cordelia’s wand fell out and it worked for me. Alas it also triggered a spell on the dress and I was changed in to a china Fairy and placed alongside the others on your shelf.”

“I was too dumb to realise other friends where watching and soon they came to my rescue. It appeared that all but my eldest sister were also trapped as china fairies. Your mother had discovered a weakness and managed to break free for a short time.”

“Is mum a fairy then or a witch?”

“Actually neither. True my mother is the Sea witch and Father or Uncle is Lord Neptune. You played with Astrid and Neptune's Mer Granddaughters without ill effect. Father did not realise who you were. Just that you needed help. He was surprised when you went round the nursery and kissed every sleeping child and promised them you would come back to play with them.”

“They were my friends so why should I not kiss them?”

“All the children know not to kiss anybody unless instructed by a senior adult. A kiss from one of them can have dire consequences for a mere mortal. As I was saying your mother and sisters are not Mer but Sea Sprites. Unlike our fish sisters we keep our legs in water but are equally as fast as them.”

“Now Aunt I know you are teasing me because I swam with all the girls and none of them had fish tails. They all had pink costumes on which said, Junior Life Guard. They were all very good swimmers though.”

“I wonder if some of them where the daughters of sea sprites or have they found a way to stop the tails developing in water.”

Astrid appeared in the room with her sisters. “Good you are both dressed. I have to ask you both do you still wish to be my friend.”

Lydia, “It looks like I have no option but to be your friend.”

“Silly you always have an option.”

“You promised mum though you would look after Laura. Laura wants to be our friend.”

Lydia, “To be honest I like this form I now have. But I have a home and a job and all that needs sorting out.”

“You are Silly it is already sorted out & Sally has taken your job. As for your home that has already been emptied and all bills paid off. You have nothing to return for.”

“Is this permanent.”

Astrid changed to another form and Laura said, “Astrid you look just like the Empress.”

Astrid changed back. Lydia started to smile, “If you can do that then you must be able to link to the Empress and will know all she knows.”

Laura, “Our duties would they include wetting my Aunts as they have not been initiated.”

Lydia,” For once I am one step ahead of my sisters, Can we resume our adult form like you did?” They did as Astrid did and then changed back.

Lydia, “Astrid I also agree with you and will join your group as I think I might like it.”

“Cordelia is going to have a dickey fit when she sees the costumes we are wearing.”

Astrid, “Laura knows the colours you are wearing are reserved for only the Empresses daughters or companions.” They followed Astrid and sisters back to the main hall.

Alexis, “I see you found something dry to wear. I understand you Lydia have decided also to be a playmate and companion of my children as well as my companion.”

“Yes Empress that is correct.”

Cordelia started to splutter, “Lydia you cannot be serious.”

“Cordelia for now Laura needs to be a little girl and I will accompany her. Maybe in a short time we will both grow up.”

Lydia and Laura changed to an Adult form. “Empress in this form we are your companions.” They both kneel before Alexis.

Alexis. “You all heard them and so it shall be. When you are in your Adult guise you shall be my companions and when in child guise Astrid’s companions.”

Cordelia looked shocked, “Empress are we all going to become babies again?”

“No Cordelia although some of you may become mothers before too long. Not me I have Laura & Lydia to bring up now again. I wish mother was here to give me some advice.”

Chris, “Your mother could not teach you any more than you already know.”
“Yes, but now I have acquired two daughters.”

Sally spoke, “My sister seems to have forgotten that we are all willing to help look after Laura & Lydia.”

Angela was giggling away, “Cordelia your elder sister is already a companion of the Empress. In fact your mother insisted she became a companion. I am very surprised at mum because she was all for our sister being hitched up with Poseidon.”

Tilly, “Your sister made the same decision you did that she prefers girls. Your mother and sister both needed some time to relax after what they had been through so they are relaxing. In fact they have been playing with Laura & Lydia today.”

Cordelia and the others burst out laughing but then it came to a halt as a voice they all knew very well. “Cordelia you and the others could do worse than spend a month or two like this.”

“Mother I have no intention of reliving my childhood. I could perhaps do with losing a few years so I look about twenty but that is all.”

“Which of you girls would consider having babies?

“Which would consider being babies for a while? Good that means different initiation. Laura & Lydia can you take the others round the course. Right as the others have gone. Is there any here who does not want to be the Empresses companion?”

“Empress as you can see this collection is the remainder of my elder daughters which I give to you.”

Alexis. “This bit you are all going to love you will have to strip off and embrace me in the pool.”

Cordelia, “Empress is that all we have to do I thought we would have to go round the course like Lydia and then go into pool.”

Alexis, “Well going in the pool with me will certainly ensure you are permanently united with me and it will also ensure you become younger like you want.”

There was a giggle from one quarter but Cordelia and sisters did not take much notice. Meanwhile Laura was going round for the third time. One of the others said, “Lydia I suppose we will all become as young as you are?”

Astrid, “You are already Neptune’s daughters and have the ability to be as young as you wish. Apparently you all have forgotten or where never taught. I though am pleased to have some to be our age. Mum usually gets all the new recruits.”

Lydia, “So the object is to get as wet as possible. Lydia did you say there was a pool? Could we all go skinny dipping?” As they dived in the girls all said, “No doubt now whose daughters we are. Let’s see who is the fastest.”

Astrid, “You all need more practises. Oh Eck mum is bringing the others down here. Quiet.”

They watched as the remaining sisters got into the pool. Lydia noticed her mother and sister coming over to them. “The Empress thought you might like to have a closer look and the two of us have to join your group, as we are not going to do what the others do.”

As each one approached Alexis, “Once you embrace me there is no going back. We are for ever one.”

Lydia, “Sometimes I wished I could suckle from those great globes of Cordelia’s.”

“Funny you should mention that Cordelia and the others are going to be spending a lot of time in the nursery.”

Lydia, “Is this as young as we can go?”

Astrid, “No but if you go younger you are totally reliant on others like Cordelia. On the other hand Cordelia and her sisters are all going to have to learn mother craft?”

“Mum am I right in thinking that group are all going to become mothers very soon.”

“Very soon darling. By the morning every one of them will be younger and also have a full tummy.”
Lydia, “I know how as I remember from school. With the exception of Lord Neptune most Mer men look like mermaids except in the water and then they can do what they need to.”

“Astrid is the Empress like that.”

“Sort of similar but not quite the same. She was or is my real father and father to my cousins. A while ago our father started to change and now we have two mothers. It was thought we would never have any more sisters but that was wrong. Aunt is a geneticist and saved samples from dad so his companions could have children. What none of us realised was until we discovered by accident was Alexis could do the same as Mermen in water. Mum, Aunt and Alexis wife Chris where among the first recipients.”

“I think Astrid we might have the better deal at least we will not be feeding or changing nappies yet.”

The group went closer to watch. One of the older sisters, “Hey we are being watched by mermaids”.

Alexis, “They are guaranteed to bring you all good luck.”

Two of the elder sisters changed their minds before they got to Alexis. “Have you all grown tails? We always wanted one like the mermaids.”

Lydia, “To get one you have to become young like us. Then you have to kiss us all.”

“Mum are you trapped in this form?”

“No I am not trapped but I have no intention of going across there in my adult form. In this form we are all safe. Your sisters have all forgotten basic Biology and soon will pay for the mistake although I do not think they will regret their actions.”

Alexis went and put a costume on and the water then appeared to be alive with mermaids. “Astrid I thought you had nobody to play with and there are many here.”

“Yes all family they waited until the binding was complete as they would have to go and embrace Alexis if they were in the water before.”

“But we were.”

“You all embraced the younger version of Alexis me. So you are immune to mum and in fact any of you could embrace her now as you are.”

Lydia, “One day I will want a baby and then I will embrace the Empress for now though I am happy to play with her daughters.”

Lauren, “Well I have to learn all over again, but I will look forward to that day. Lydia you are correct on one thing though I would love to get my mouth round Cordelia’s breasts they look like they are going to explode.”

The sea witch laughed, “Until the new babies are born I think you two will have to help Cordelia out. I forgot the last time she got pregnant her sisters had to help her out as she produced that much milk immediately.”

That Night Cordelia started being sick and her breasts started producing milk. Cordelia found Laura & Lydia chatting. “Err would you two help me out I seem to be leaking.”

Lydia, “We can Cordelia but you will have to look after us.” They took a breast each and started to suck. “As the milk flowed they got smaller.” Initially Cordelia had not noticed the changes.

“Oh I understand now you both have become babies and as long as you are drinking from me you will remain so. Ok so long as I am producing milk I will look after the two of you. Lydia & Laura I never noticed how you two are alike and for neither of you am this new experience.”

Astrid came in, “Cordelia mum wants to see you about Lydia & Laura.”

Alexis, “Is it true you stared lactating and asked two of the others to relieve you?”

“Empress the two of them have done it previously so there is no problem.”

“I have had a chat with your mother and the last time all your sisters had to drain you before you returned to normal. The two of them will never do the job and most likely be condemned to being permanent babies. That I will not permit. Lydia & Laura can continue in that form for a while. But you are going to have to go to the nursery and there you will find plenty of others to drain you.”

“Empress the last time I started latching I was having Laura or Clarence as he was then. I have not been with a man for some time.”

“You do have the same abilities as Mermaids Once you have been with a man you can store his sample to use indefinable unless it is flushed out.”

“I did not realise that Empress.”

“Lucky you embraced me then. Now you will only ever have my children. As for Lydia & Laura your milk will be having certain effects on them. Those two will continue drinking from you until the twins are born and then they will take over. By the time the Twins are born Lydia & Laura will have become genetically my children.”

Lydia & Laura you both looked puzzled. “Laura when you first came here you where befriended by uncle and my daughters. You promised you would return and always be their friend. Before you left you went round all in the nursery and kissed every one of them and made a promise. As they were asleep they could not stop you. When you were in the hospital you kissed Lydia. Had you been a normal human you would have changed immediately to be a sister of the girls. You though are not human and managed to pass your infection on to Lydia. All of us here know we have not to give blood except to each other and likewise other than family members kissing is out.” Lydia & Laura who were no longer hungry again reverted to human form.

“We are back to normal.”

“You can always change back, but you will change back if you start getting Hungry. Now before you go and relieve Cordelia again have you any questions?”

Lydia, “Empress I can see Auras clearly and that of Cordelia has changed to pink with lots of gold.”

Cordelia looked at Alexis, “That is changing because my Aura is merging with the Empresses Aura. Just as yours has already.”

Cordelia picked up Laura, “You will always be my baby. It is totally irrelevant who your father was as you are now one of the Empresses daughters. We though are still caged in a way. We have our freedom but we can only really and truly socialise with our own kind. We may not go looking for a mate although in my case I am going to be too busy for that sort of thing.”

“Unlike earlier if we go swimming we all have to wear a special costume. Like those Astrid and the others wore when I first met them and played with them.”

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