Alex & Chris Chapter 40

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 40 The day of retribution.

Alexis, “Arran’s Queen you are quite correct, but retribution can wait a little while. Little Robin can you call all the song birds to summands all the birds of prey large and small and tell them I want to see them all tonight.”

The Queen looked at her two eldest daughters, “By the look of both of you I am very soon to be a grandmother.”

“Mum we are no longer Princesses but Queens of the Golden household.”

“So the gulls had the audacity to attack a group consisting of two pregnant Queens and Lord Draco. By Dragon law that means the total eradication of that group. By eagle law to attack a mother with child means death.”

Yellow, “Father she is correct we have to do something. My aunts where prepared to wipe out Lord Black if he attacked a dragon queen with children.”

Alexis, “I have thought long and hard about this. It is very hard ordering their destruction. However they have over stepped the mark and need to be taught a lesson. I though do not want anybody going and exacting their own retribution is that clear. We go when I give the word and some of you are rested. As she was speaking some elves brought a very badly injured Eagle owl in.”

“Mistress some albatrosses found her after they had to take shelter from gulls. They also transported the remainder of her cargo who are dirty but uninjured.”

Alexis summoned the leader of the Eagle owls, “Is this one of your group?”

“Mother she stayed behind for stragglers so we did not realise she had been attacked”.

“I am going to have to do something fast or she will die of her injuries.”

“Do what you have to Empress but make her whole again.”

Alexis laid her hands on the Eagle owl, “You saved my children now I save you. Mother of all eagles feel the power of the dragons as it pumps through your veins. I the golden dragon share my life force with you. You gave your all for my children now I share my all with you.”

“Empress no you must not do that.”

“Sorry it is far too late to say stop. What is done is done.”

The eagle owls watched as their mother’s plumage changed colour to a golden yellow. “Queen go with your children now, but later we have a score to settle with the herring gulls. I want all Dragons and birds of prey ready ten minutes before midnight. Lord Neptune my children off the sea can also help. From Saltburn to Scarborough and then on to Flamborough head shall tonight feel the full force of the golden Queens wrath. I intend to send a message, attacks by gulls will not be tolerated.”

Poseidon, “In that case my people of the sea will be ready to rescue any downed birds of Prey.”

“My Dragons shall blast the cliffs where the gulls live. Those who escape the fire shall be dealt with by all my birds of prey. Lord Arran & wife you will have the privilege of leading those winged squadrons. Lord Poseidon you will lead my children of the seas.”

Until the appointed time they all relaxed and rested. By the appointed time the injured eagle owl had come to Alexis, “Empress I seem to have some sort of problem. Something has happened to me I can become human.”

Alexis, “To heal you I had to give you part of myself that is why you can become human, I should also tell you that in future you will have to move in here with us.”

Alexi’s two eagle companions, “We are Lord Arran’s daughters so you are not the only bird here. There are others who are Lord Draco’s daughters.”

“Empress you mean to tell me some of these companions are Dragons?”

Yellow put her arms round Alexis, “Some of us are her sisters, but we all love her regardless of if we are Eagle, Dragon or Fay. We know it has upset her greatly. But our laws must be upheld and so it was with deep regret Alexis has ordered the destruction of the Herring gull colonies within a certain area. Lord Arran himself leads the eagle squadrons. To be honest it is the massed ranks of every bird of prey from the tiny Kestrel & Falcon to Eagle & Buzzard and a few more unusual species & I must not forget the eagle of the sea the Osprey.”

By midnight the herring gulls had all settled down for the night on their cliff top perches. At the stroke of midnight the destruction started. The dragons all sent flames along the cliffs. Many gulls where incinerated where they perched. Others tried to escape by flying upwards and where brought down by the eagle squadrons.

A smaller bird approached a falcon. “Please can you tell me what is happening?”

“Yes I can tell you to that you can tell your brethren. The Gulls attacked the Empress companions Eagles & the Lord Draco. They also attacked the Queen of the Eagle owls and nearly killed her.”

“Lord Draco as in Dragon lord? Oh dear there will be many we will never see again then. On the brighter side there will be more cliff space for us to colonise.”

“Remember my little friend. They brought the death sentence on themselves. They had over stepped the mark once too often and now all must pay the penalty.”

The ravens along with their scavenger cousins came and asked for permission to clear the cliffs of any remaining survivors. Starting at the top they sent the remains of the nests into the sea below. Before long they had accomplished their task and returned to their roosts inland. An odd herring gull or two were allowed to escape. In the space of a short time many colonies of Herring Gulls along the coastline had been eradicated.

The amount of herring Gulls falling into the sea provided a bonanza for the carnivores of the sea. Many creatures came to enjoy the harvest brought to them. The cliffs around the Castle headland at Scarborough though did not provide the same harvest as the dead fell onto dry land. By the morning the cliffs had all been cleared of the Gulls. A few who had escaped returned to find their homes and families all gone.

The little bird was there to greet them. “I would fly away to the west if I was you those who lived here have had a death sentence passed on them. They saw fit to attack Lord Draco & Three Queens of the eagle flight. Tell the other herring gulls to mend their ways or the same will happen to them.”

As Scarborough & the other east coast towns awoke the first thing everyone noticed was the quiet. No gulls screeching. Loads of dead herring gull started to be washed up on the sea shores. At first because of the 8ft wall nobody noticed the dead gulls until they started to decompose. Council workmen had to clear the remains away.

On the television news broadcast it just said, “The sudden demise of entire colonies of Herring gulls along the east coast had puzzled ornithologists. Some of the birds look like they have been in a fire and others like they were destroyed by birds of prey. Others show signs of being partially eaten in the sea. What happens will probably remain a mystery. No human could reach those cliffs and do what has been done in a single night.”

Back in China the Lama called for the brothers, “Can we get English television I want the Northern news if possible?” He got a map out and plotted from where he was to the story of the missing Herring gulls. Back in England the RSPB was investigating the habitat and found not one trace of the Herring Gulls ever living on the cliffs.

The inspector wrote in his report some sort of natural disaster must have happened to those colonies. It puzzles me though why the cliffs are so clean it is as if a giant hand has removed all trace of them.

Some residents when being interviewed by the news reporter said, “We remember they were all screeching around midnight and then it went quiet.”

One of the fishermen, “I was working at first light when I started getting dead herring gulls in my nets. I tossed them back into the sea."

Back in China sit Scarborough. “Sir why do you wish to go to Scarboough?”

“I wish to talk with the remaining birds and find out what happened although I think I already knowas it was Golden dragons we saw.”

“Yes sir a massive flight of them.”

“I had to look at the old manuscripts for something similar happening. The then Lama discovered the birds in question had attacked a child of a Golden Queen.”

“But sir we saw many golden queens not one.”

“According to the birds at the time Dragon law had been enacted. It looks as if something similar has happened in this area.”

Alexis was tossing and turning in her sleep. In the morning Draco spoke, “I hear you had a bad night.”

“Father I was wondering if I had done the correct thing with the Herring Gulls.”

“They were convicted by Dragon law and Eagle law many times over. You had to follow the law.”

The Eagle owl who had joined Alexis, “Draco he is correct. Had you not acted then my children would. Likewise Lord Arran would when he found his daughters where attacked. Lord Arran alone could have ordered their deaths. Their mother would have no hesitation as attacking young breeding queens is a death sentence. They though signed their own death warrants when they decided to attacked Lord Draco. No self-respecting Dragon could let that go unpunished.”

One very old and battered gull arrived at Alexis’s home and asked for an audience. “Empress we have a problem is it true the Herring Gull colonies on the east coast are no more?”

Alexis, “First off you are safe here. Yes they are destroyed because they attacked my mates who are with child and they also attacked my father Lord Draco.”

The eagle owl, “They also attacked me and I would be dead but for the Empress’s intervention. However I would have had no hesitation in ordering their eradication.”

Alexis, “I presume survivors have made it to your colony. Be assured though I will have no hesitation again in enacting similar retribution to any who attack my family. You may rest the night and then you can return safely to your colony.”

“Thank you Empress I thought all gulls knew of what happened in China, but it appears some did not or thought it was just a story.”

“Fear not, hopefully there will not be a repeat of what happened to your former relations. Already the song birds are broadcasting the news.”

“I will tell my colony what happened and why. They were convicted by our highest laws many times over. Whilst I am here I may as well tell you some information I heard. A man who talks with birds has been asking questions. He is coming from near the tallest peak or so I hear. The story is that he is coming in a great metal bird that carries men.”

“Osprey I heard you are leaving us in the morning would you accompany the Seagull to his colony to ensure no harm comes to him.”

The Lama found he had to get a flight to London or Manchester. He decided to go for Manchester and followed by his Acolytes he boarded the aeroplane. The journey was very long with a stop at Amsterdam before the plane took off on its final leg of the journey. One of the brothers had already booked their train tickets from Manchester to Scarborough. After landing and clearing customs they found their train & where told their journey time would be about 2.5 hours. They settled down into their compartments and read the local newspapers. All too soon they were entering Scarborough station.

The brothers and the Lama headed for the Carleton hotel where they were booked in at. After a good night’s rest they went exploring the cliffs soon they found some gulls that had not been cleared away.

“Look,” said a brother “This bird has been cooked.”

“This has been killed with talons.” They laid the dead birds back down.

Lama. “I wonder what actually happened.”

A wren said, “I can tell you as I watched it happen & I asked why.”

The Lama, “Are you not scared the same thing could happen to you?”

“You must be kidding little me. I would not have been insane or daft enough to attack who they attacked. It was their own fault the Queen ordered their destruction.”

So my little friend I was correct a dragon Empress has her nest nearby.”
“I did not say that holy one. They made the mistake of attacking Lord Draco & Lord Arran's pregnant daughters, and I must not forget the queen of all Owls.”

“I think I understand now my little friend. Dragon & Eagle laws are the highest of all laws you live by. By the sound of it the Gulls broke them not once but many times and because of that gulls paid the ultimate penalty with their lives.” By now Alexis knew of the Lamas appearance in Scarborough.

The Lama, “Brothers we have now to walk the long distance footpath known as the Lykewake walk. We will take water, but trust we can find food to get to our destination.” They saw many people while doing the walk. By evening they were hungry and tired but they continued walking.

Then they heard a voice, “Nay lads’ t'ha will not get to her any faster if you continued through the night. Come break bread with us.”

They gratefully received the bread, “Thank you for this kindness you have shown to us.” When they awoke the little people where gone, but they were refreshed.

The monks, “Father did we dream the little people fed us last night?”

“No we did not dream it. They must be watching us and wondering what we are up to. We will continue to rest or look around and tonight we will walk the way.” As night fell they listened and sure enough they heard the voices again.

“They are still here what do we do.”

The lama, “Greetings again little ones can we help you?”

One of the Leprechauns replied, “Our transport has a broken wing and cannot take us any further. We are stuck until it can be fixed.”

The Lama picked the bird up, “Come I will carry you and my monks will carry the little people.”

The Lama, “You fed us last night so it is only fair we help you.”

The little man. “Another day and we should be there. We need to scavenge for food for us all.” Eventually they all again shared food and water. The lama made sure the bird had some food and drink.

“Now my little friends I suppose we had better get walking so we are there before the sun comes up.” They reached the Hidden corner just as the sun was coming up. Saskia was the first one to spot the group and went out to greet them.

“Welcome holy one we were informed you were on the way here. Would you all like to refresh yourselves?”

The lama, “Before we are attended to this transport needs attention.”

Saskia looked at the bird, “Take him to the protectors they can soon heal that wound.”

“On my way here we also found these little people and decided to give them a lift & they provided us with food so it was a fair swap.”

Saskia blew her whistle and her sisters came running. “We have more guests. Can you show them to their accommodation and prepare them.”

The small group was all led away & the Lama noticed they were all very happy. They were all singing away as they left.

The Lama, “Before we change do you have somewhere that we can say a prayer or two?”

Astrid thought, “The Church is too far away but you could use the temple as it is not in use now.”

They followed Astrid who took them the short way.” The lama and monks crossed the water and turned the prayer wheels that had been put in place.”

Astrid, “I hope this will do. I will return for you all in a short while. “

“Father was that the goddess herself?”

Alexis chuckled as she listened to them talking.

“We can say our prayer here and there is plenty of water.”

The Lama, “You all think of me as holy but I tell you all. The goddess has far more power in her little finger than I have in my entire body. I did not come all this way to take her crown & I doubt that I could even if I wanted to in fact if I tried I would be as the herring gulls of the east coast.”

“But sir is it not a responsibility she has.”

“We are here to ensure reason always succeeds, but from what I already have learned she is a very reasonable person who finds she has been placed in this duty.”

“The little ones where extremely happy their queen had returned and informed me, Many more would be coming this way. I can understand now the turmoil she must have gone through when she had to order the destruction of the gull colonies.”

“I have to work out how long we can afford to stay here. It is not like at home where the people bring us all we need.” The lama and monks set up an altar and then proceeded to burn incense.

Alexis, “We will have to get them a supply of that it smells nice.” The monks also found there were hidden cells around the room each with its own facilities. Inside the cells was laid out fresh clothing for the monks. They all washed and changed in to the garments laid out before them.

Pixies collected the old clothing, “We will repair it and clean it all for you. Now though as you are ready our queen will grant you an audience. You need to go back to the entrance and there you will be met by security.” They set off but soon got themselves lost. They eventually found themselves in the water park.

“Look your Holiness there is somebody swimming perhaps they can help us.” Ariel was in the pool with the mini mermaids.

“Sorry for disturbing your girls’ lessons but we have got lost. We were supposed to go to start from the temple & meet security but we got lost.”

Ariel, “Will one of you pass me my robe please.” The Lama passed Ariel her robe and she got out of the water. “You must be the Lama & Monks. I have been hearing about you from various sources.”

One of the monks whispered, “Sir have we all passed over is this heaven? The girl bears the sign of an ancient God.”

Ariel, “Yes I do bear my father’s mark. No you are not dead and this is not heaven. You were wondering what would happen if humans attacked Alexis or her companions. They already have but they survive. They were lucky to be caught by others, as father has rather a violent temper when we are involved. Sorry I did not introduce myself I am Ariel one of the daughters of Lord Neptune.”

The Lama bowed, “So I was correct you are a princess of the sea. The little ones are they yours?”

“Most of them are the Grand children of my father and Lord Draco.”
The youngsters all fully dressed and wearing tiaras came to Ariel and handed her tiara. “We have to go to the great hall mum is expecting guests.”

Ariel, “It appears the security comprises of me and the princesses.” As they entered the great hall all but one child went to sit down.

“Mother there was a slight slip up. These are our guests,”

“Greetings Lama and brothers as my daughter said, you are our guests. First I wish to thank you for the help you gave my little people. The Osprey you found is now recovered and is again performing duties for me. Currently he and his family have gone to the Isle of Man to bring back more of my people.”

“Mistress every lama before me has been charged with looking after this talisman. We have to bring it to you and say Endora lies sleeping in our sacred mountain.”

Lord Snow smiled, “Lama you did well. Place the talisman in the fireplace.”

“Alexis would you be so kind as to light the fire.” As Alexis did so in far off China one of the mountains erupted and lava & ash spewed forth.

Snow. “She will soon be here to inspect us all. Alexis, Endora is a fire dragon like you but not as powerful. She is also my and lord Arran’s mother.”

Alexis. “In that case she also will have the title of senior granny. For that is what she is many times removed.”

A voice, “I would just prefer Endora. I see you already have many Grannies around here. Lama I must apologise my escape from the mountain caused a flow of lava. It has destroyed your temple, but I managed to get all your belongings and manuscripts to safety.”

“Endora we knew what would happen when you awoke. For centuries our people have looked after your talisman and when the next Lama was chosen he was told what to do. Your dragon children visited not long ago so I knew the day had arrived and I had to do my duty. We sold all of value to raise the airfare to get here.”

Alexis, “We can replace the temple for you.”

“Empress I am tied to Endora if she is here then I and the brothers must be close by.”

Endora spoke Lama you are a guest here as are the brothers. I am giving you to Empress Alexis as my gift to her. It is my desire you all stay here and say prayers each evening. During the day you may interact with the guests Alexis has or go to your cells.”

Alexis, “Endora for thousands of years they may have been your priests, but that does not give you the right to treat them as slaves. Remember you are subservient to me, but you have your own free will. Had they not brought me your talisman you would still lie sleeping.”

Endora was about to speak when Snow announced, “Mother this is Alexis the Golden Empress daughter of Lord Draco.”

“Yes my son I know full well who she is and what she is.”

“Alexis I apologise the lama should have been given a choice and so should the brothers.”

The Lama, “Endora our brotherhood has served you faithfully for generations. Our home may be gone but not our spirit. I thank you for saving our manuscripts. Empress ALEXIS, The brothers and I wondered if it was possible to use the temple permanently?”

“The gardens and temple are open to the public from 09.00 to 18.00 and occasionally at different times. If you can work round this then yes you can use the temple. In fact you can help Endora with the centre while I am away. Most of us have other jobs we do, but at weekends we are normally all here.”

Endora, “Alexis you may not realise it, but I have known for some time all you were doing. The incident with the Herring Gulls. I once had to do similar but not on the scale that you did. The others will sit up and behave now.”

The falcon flew in “Mistress your dragon falcon reporting.” All passengers disembarked safely. There was one incident but I dealt with it. One gull broke away from the others that where returning to their nests and attacked. It was a fatal move for the gull as I had to take it out. Other than that incident there was no problem we flew over the nesting gulls and they did not attack us.”

Saskia, “Alexis there is a massive flight of Gulls coming this way.” Alexis went out to see what was going on.

The old gull laid a fish at Alexis’s feet. “We will bring you more fish as a piece offering. I apologise for the earlier attack I found my son and finished him off myself.”

“I thank you for the piece offering. This I gratefully accept. I am sorry about the death of your son. Had he attacked one of my companions then it would have brought my wrath on all the colonies in your area. Fear not though I know this was an isolated incident. My eagle squadron though will be patrolling the skies and if they see any incidents then justice will be instant.”

Endora, “You seem to be the wisest of all the Gulls perhaps your people can come to the same arrangement that I did with the Gulls of China after a similar incident.”

“Mother of all dragons the pact you made with those in China is applicable to us. It appears the onus is on the western gulls to honour the pact if you are here. We will all take it in turn to bring the tribute.”

Lord Neptune spoke up. “Yes I agree you should still bring tribute, but it will be greater because the sins of your cousins were greater.”

Alexis, “I will keep the tribute simple one large fish from each of you once a week. Once you have brought your catch then you will be free for another week.”

“Mother of all Dragons I well remember the pact the Chinese gulls had with you.”

Alexis, “Providing you honour the new pact then there will be no more trouble. I have no intention of destroying your colonies for what your late son did. I accept your gifts and bid you share with us. Remember the skies are being patrolled by my officials and any infringement will unlike Endora will dealt with immediately” After eating the Gulls all departed.

Endora, “They will all tow the line, as they know full well from what the escapees have told them the action that can be taken against them. Now stand up and give this old Grandmother a twirl. Yes you certainly are Queen of all dragons.”

Neptune & Galadriel where laughing. “Why would my grandson & granddaughter be laughing at me when I talk to Alexis?”

“Galadriel that is not seemly for the Fay queen & Neptune I am surprised at you. Have you not both brought enough of your Fay here?”

Alexis. “Sorry Endora you are under the impression that the Fay belong to Galadriel & Neptune. I not only control all the Dragons and Birds. All these Fay are also mine as are the Mer. To Grandma Galadriel I am still her little girl, but along with Lord Neptune they both bow down to me. As you see from the flights coming in. My Fay comes from all around the globe.”

Galadriel put her arm round Alexis, “Yes Endora she is both Fay and Dragon & with Draco for a father she could be nothing more than an Empress. Her first companions where her sisters and cousins. The amount of Royal leprechauns should have told you something was different with Alexis. I could only ever manage three. “

“Sorry Alexis I thought mistakenly you were like me a mother of fire dragons, but younger. I see more clearly now. You are the one the ancients foretold.”

The lama & Monks who had been listening, “Mistress Endora you did manage to save the library from the all-consuming flames?”

“Yes I placed it with Alexis volumes so all here could read them.”

Astrid took the monks to the library. A short time later they returned.

“Lady Endora you were correct.”

Alexis, “Well Endora mother of all dragons. What did the ancients say?”

“Well most of it seems correct apart from the first bit.”
The Lama read it out. “The Greatest of all queens shall arise. She will not be born of a queen nor be a princess. Hardship he and mother will know. After he takes his first mate others will come and unite with him. As they do her strength increases. A new era for all the peoples of the earth beckons. The ancient’s seem to have made several mistakes in their text.”

Alexis “No Lama the ancients got their text correct. I did not change until I took my first mate.”

The lama, “Mistress we all want to stay here, but we all have a problem. It takes all our will power not to jump in the pool with Queen Ariel. She may not realise but the scent she gives off in an evening is highly attractive to us. If we stay here I fear we may do something we later regret.”

Endora, “It is forbidden for my priests to have sex they must totally abstain from it.”

“What about Priestesses?”

“They may but only with a dragon lord.” The Lama followed by the monks all came and kissed Alexis.

The Lama, “With a kiss we are bound to you Alexis.”

Alexis, “Go to sleep in your cells and in the morning I will have your decision as to whether you stay or not.” They left the room.

Endora. “I know what those kisses did and it will relieve them of the problem they had with Ariel.”

Alexis, “Those sailors of old had no chance if Ariel & her sisters where about. They would all become new sisters. The monks did not fully understand what the binding ceremony that made them monks did. Now they can have peace of mind and be priestesses and accompany me to the pool if they wish.” Ariel and the others giggled.

“My sons and grandsons have all left.”

“The Lama & monks where not exactly men when they slept the night here. Even I cannot restore what has been removed. Also they no longer have access to the herbs they have being taking.”

“Alexis did you say there was a pool around here I certainly could do with a swim? Going to sleep in a volcano is not the best place to cool down.”

Endora dived into the pool and swam for a bit eventually she surfaced, “Ah that is better now I can once again take my human form.”

As Endora took her human form at first she thought she would look as old as she was when she fell asleep. Ariel was the one brave enough to speak.

“Endora we are sure going to love having you around. Other than your insignia nobody could tell the difference.”

Alexis, “It looks as if Grandma Endora will have to join our special club. I must have used too much power to release you Endora. This is what they are all staring at.” Alexis shows Endora her reflection in a mirror.

“No wonder I have regenerated to when I was in my early twenties. If I look like you I cannot even be called grandma.”

Astrid, “I can call you big sister Endora.”

Endora, “I suppose you are another of Alexi’s sisters for you look like me when I was four?”

“Yes and no are both correct. Alexis is not my birth mother, but I am an exact but younger replica of her. Officially Alex was my father; So Alexis is my big sister. I have many big sisters you have still too meet. If by accident or design you look like Alexis then you are automatically a big sister.”

Lord Percy. “Endora the child is correct & I for one will not cross her. She although the youngest is the one who will defend Alexis the keenest. I should know she is quite a brave little dragon. If Astrid decides you are a big sister then that is your title. Big sisters have the task of looking after and playing with little sisters. You though are also to be initiated into the special look alike section we have.”

The Red queen. “Yes but first you have to undergo an initiation rite.”

Astrid, “Ah that reminds me the others never did fully undergo the initiation procedure.”

Endora, “Why do I feel I am being set up.”

Alexis, “It will wait while morning and Endora can have the others go with her including the priestesses.”

The Green Queen looked at Astrid, “Do you really want us to do the course again?”

Yellow, “Of course Aunt it was only a trial run if Astrid was not over seeing it because she was fast asleep.”

Endora, “Little sister if you did not initiate them then they should also go through with me.”

Astrid's eyes lit up. “Ok then you can all do the course, but I need to go to bed this little dragon needs her sleep. Can Saskia tuck me in mum?”

Helen & Lesley looked across at Alexis who said, “Of course she may.”

Rombald was chuckling away. “What a mix Saskia & Astrid.”

Endora, “What is so special about the child wanting a Leprechaun to tuck her up?”

Alexis. “Astrid thinks of Rombald and his daughters & the Leprechauns as her personal army. By now she will have organised your initiation and be asleep.”

Red Queen, “She has an ingenious mind and never twice does the same thing happen. At different times we all have had to undergo the initiation ceremony.”

Rombald, “Well I must bid you ladies good night. I have much to do before I go to sleep.” The remaining males also apologised and left.

Neptune, “I have just remembered it is my turn for the Nursery tonight I better go.”

Endora, “If I did not know better I would have thought they did not want to be in the same room as me.”

Yellow appeared, “Aunt Red you are required in the nursery.”

“Sorry grandmother, but it looks like I am still on Astrid's group with my brothers.”

Endora, “I take it all of those have undergone some sort of initiation.”

Draco, “I managed to avoid all Astrid’s traps, but the last one and I was completely drenched with that. Neptune was told he would have to serve a month in the nursery if he was caught wet.”

“Was he caught wet?”

“Astrid gave the hobbits instructions to spray Neptune with water cannon & so he was caught. He keeps getting caught and then has to serve another month.”

“I take it my grandson must enjoy being caught or he would not allow himself to get wet.”

Meanwhile Astrid had it all worked out. “Uncle Neptune they will all be looking for traps but there will not be any. I do need the help of the weather Fay. What I would like is a rain cloud to follow Endora's group around the grounds but only rain on that group. I want all the leprechauns armed with water cannons, and we will be invisible but waiting by the pool. Once they get to the pool can we make the rain go faster until they are inside again?”

Red, “Remember my blue and green sisters love plenty of water so make sure they get well and truly soaked.”

Endora retired with the others and the Green and Blue said, “We did it before quite easy and we found all the traps laid for us but never triggered.”

“It will be a doodle the second time round the garden sister.”

The following morning they all were up early and had a hearty breakfast. They all noticed Astrid was missing again. Blue Queen. “It looks like Astrid has slept in yet again.”

Green Queen, “One thing I have learned is you never under estimate Astrid.”

Alexis, “Actually she has already been in and had her breakfast with her team.”

Endora, “You are the Empress and so you must know what she is up too.”

“I have to remain neutral and nothing will happen to you other than you have to avoid getting wet. Anybody getting wet by Astrid’s planning will have a forfeit to perform. I will walk with you to the start and then you are on your own.”

Green, “Watch that stone Endora, water comes out of it and now there is a tree that does the same thing over there. It missed us like the other jet of water did.”

Endora looked skywards, “Look there is a rain cloud in an almost clear blue sky! At least we cannot blame Astrid if it starts raining today.”

They got to the water garden without mishap. Green walked over and looked inside the temple and then crossed back. “Astrid is not in the temple.”

The cloud decided now was the time to release her load of water as a deluge of water hit the entire group and they all found themselves swept into the pool. “At least it was not Astrid’s doing although we are all wet.”

As they got up a second deluge gave them another soaking. Then they all heard the laughter as Astrid and the others materialised. “I was asked to give you Blue and Green Queens a good soaking as apparently you like water.” This brought a giggle from the mermaids.

Neptune, “Astrid my two sisters here are supposed to be water dragons but they do not like getting wet. So I just had to ensure a certain rain cloud did as Astrid wanted and gave the entire group a good soaking.” Endora had discovered Astrid’s store of water pistols and fired on Neptune. “I understand the penalty for you Grandson is another month in the nursery if you are found wet.”

Neptune laughed, “So grandmother are you sentencing me to another month or is it Alexis.”

Astrid, “Uncle Neptune would purposely get wet to spend another month in the nursery so you wetting him is no punishment had you not soaked him would have been the punishment.”

Green and Blue looked at each other, “In that case we had better ensure our brother keep getting wet.” They all burst out laughing.

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