Alternative Release - 7

Alternative Release Chapter 7
By Kerry Brown

Jo and Kerry discuss lovers, or 'What Every Woman Needs'
New clarity comes through talking about problems

The sun came up just after seven but today the rain clouds had settled in to keep the place dark and dreary, the sort of day that people would make tomato soup and bread rolls the only allowable food with large mugs of cocoa. Breakfast was served at eight and the two girls pulled up bright and bushy tailed for once although the birthday boy seemed slightly under the weather as he herded the sheep through the paddock nearby.

“Good morning ladies” sang Anne “and how are we both today?” Kerry looked at her, “how can you be so cheerful every day it’s’ not fair” “just have to do it, that’s what being a hostess is all about” Anne said as she offered porridge or pancakes. Jo took both but on different plates then came back for bacon, eggs and baked beans, “still have no idea where you put it all girl” commented Kerry for Anne’s benefit.

They ate breakfast while talking to Anne about the local business opportunities, Kerry was fascinated by the B&B concept and the return for the farm stay. Anne told her that the return was more lifestyle than financial, the cost being setting up the operation rather than operating it each day. The farm still made money to cover the daily needs of the family but the farm stay had been a gamble that had been put forward by their accountant as crop returns died in the late 90’s. Smaller farms could not compete with the larger ones in terms of machinery and manpower let alone the constant threat of drought or disaster. “The only problem is the lack of private time for myself” said Anne turning to the dishes that had been piled up behind the counter, “oh well better get started or I’ll never finish” Anne said walking off.

Jo and Kerry went back to their chalet feeling the winter bite into their skin “any plans for today or do we just hang around here and watch movies?” asked Jo. “What say we hang around until lunch then go for a drive to the beach if the rain lets up” suggested Kerry picking up the pile of movies she had brought with her. Jo stoked the fire into life while Kerry loaded the DVD Player and slipped her boots off in exchange for a pair of fluffy slippers.

“Never thought I would choose slippers as suitable footwear, but then I now do lots of things that I never expected to do” said Kerry sitting on the floor and curling her feet under the table. Jo looked at her thinking about the changes over the 18 months, Paul had been easy to get on with but never really mixed with anyone else. Then Kerry appeared after the separation and after another six months the changes just seemed to keep coming, the hair was now well past her shoulders and the dress sense had settled down to more conservative than showy. Then the change in attitudes, Paul was grumpy some times and insecure the rest, Kerry was happy and always confident even when Jo pushed the envelope with her. The movie started and Jo turned with her back against the chair facing the fire and TV, they sat there for the entire movie.

“Let’s grab a drink before the next one” said Kerry standing up and triggering the kettle, Jo pulled back the curtains only to find the rain still drizzling down the glass.

“Looks like one more movie unless you have another idea” questioned Jo “actually we could just talk for a while” replied Kerry. “You know, when you mentioned the slippers I was thinking about all of the changes that I have seen over the last 18 months. I think you have made huge changes and as far as I can see you haven’t dropped the ball anywhere” said Jo, “well I did lose the ball totally” laughed Kerry. Jo wanted to know how Kerry was feeling after the divorce went through but wasn’t sure about how to ask.

“Can I ask a personal question, you can tell me to butt out if you want to” asked Jo, Kerry wondered what she meant as Jo seemed to know almost anything, “go on then ask away.”

Jo softened her tone “I was just wondering how you were going after the divorce went through?” Kerry sat there thinking about it for a minute.

“I guess that I just powered through it like I did when I started the transition, head down tail up so to speak. I still think about the pain I caused to everyone including the kids and Janet but most of that was compounded by the need to be myself or dress as I felt I needed to so it got very messy in my mind.”

Kerry knew she was not making sense in what she was saying “sorry that sounds so cold let me start again.” Kerry took a drink from her mug of coffee “I hurt so many people so that I could get what I wanted, I know that was selfish but I had convinced myself that it was the only alternative. I was always going back and forth in my mind, from one point of view being resist doing anything to if I don’t do something then I’ll kill myself. I was becoming more and more difficult to live with until I just knew I had to get away regardless of how much it hurt people. The first few weeks I just survived then I set my goals and it was like the whole stress of it all vanished as I had a purpose so when the papers came through it was more like just another milestone in becoming Kerry. I talk with Janet regularly and help her with anything I can but I know she still only partly understands why I had to do it. I guess that means I am handling things quite well considering the pain I caused everyone.”

Kerry breathed a sigh and drank another mouthful of coffee then looked at Jo “is that what you expected?”

“Not really, I thought you would have been having some grief or anger at least” Jo said looking at Kerry “I had so many things to look forward to I had no time for grief or loss. Just think how far I’ve come, Paul seems so long ago even now after only seven months of transition.”

“You can say that again, I have trouble picturing Paul some days you look so good” said Jo. “One more question if I can, how do you handle the sex question you seem to be comfortable switching to female mode already?” It was a good question thought Kerry and one that had caused her to question the whole transition option for her life. “What I mean is, Saturday night you relieved poor Mark without any visible conflict and you are still technically a man in woman’s clothing, doesn’t that cause you some problems?” asked Jo trying not to offend Kerry.

Kerry shifted on the floor slightly trying to get away from the direct question of her sexuality, as a woman sex with a man is normal but as a man it becomes much harder. “The only way I can describe how I resolve the issue is to say how I see myself, I am a woman with plumbing problems so there is no issue. If however I get to think like a man then I get really screwed up, so to speak. Remember a few months ago when you tried on my spare corset and the problem your playing around caused me? Well that happens far less occasionally now since the hormones have been upgraded and even sitting in the spa with you when you had no pants on was only a little difficult for me. The only risk is that I may turn lesbian just to keep a foot in each camp” Kerry said jokingly.

“I wondered if I was safe in there and now you tell me I’d better watch out for Kerry rather than Paul, great” chuckled Jo.

The phone rang as Jo was drinking the last of her coffee, Anne wanted to know if they wanted some homemade tomato soup and fresh bread since she had some spares and it was too cold to go out.

“Love to join you for lunch” finished Kerry hanging the phone on the hook again, “sounds like we are going to get something better than cold cheese and old bread rolls, coming?” asked Kerry grabbing her coat and slipping into her boots. The pair of them ran through the rain and under the dining room roof jumping over puddles as they ran into the door, Anne opened it as they fumbled with the door knob.

“Come inside and take off those coats before you get any wetter” Anne said pointing to the coat rack. “Thought you might like some hot soup and fresh bread today, been cooking up for the family” Anne said spooning out a couple of bowls of piping hot red soup next to large chunks of bread, there was a bowl containing fresh butter in the middle of the table.

“Don’t tell me you make your own butter as well?” asked Kerry, Anne looked at her strangely “just like mum taught me to” said Anne smiling. “I guess the farm life is still something that you have to be born to” commented Jo as she dunked a large piece of bread into the hot soup.

“Been sitting there talking have you?” asked Anne “kind of, just need some down time after a heavy stage at work for both of us.” Anne turned around from the large soup pot and came over with her own bowl, “what do you two girls do for work?” Jo had just put another chunk in her mouth so waved to Kerry to answer “I sell accounting software and Jo installs it at client sites” Kerry said dunking her bread. Jo was more interested in the soup than talking at the moment so didn’t add anything else, “so that makes you fairly brainy then, is it your company?” Kerry smiled at Anne, “no, we work with twenty others for a boss that pays fairly well, don’t think I’d want to have the stress of owning it.”

Anne sat and talked with the two girls for nearly an hour while the rain fell, then the sun peeked out of the clouds, “well it’s going to be dry for the rest of the day according to the weather man so you could get some sightseeing in if you wanted to” stated Anne clearing the table and ending the conversation.

“Is there anywhere else that we should absolutely visit down here?” asked Jo pulling her coat around her shoulders. “You could try the old fudge factory, they should be open, if you go there ask for John and tell him I sent you and make sure he shows you the reject box.”

Anne vanished through the swing doors to her kitchen as the girls closed the dining room door and walked back to their chalet. “Lets get out of here for a while and get some fresh air into our lungs” said Kerry stepping into the bathroom forgetting to lock the door. Jo burst into the room as Kerry was sitting on the loo, she quickly closed her legs and shouted at Jo to turn away “sorry, anyway I’ve seen everything you have girl” Jo laughed at Kerry’s sudden attack of modesty. “Maybe but can’t a girl get some privacy for a few minutes?” Kerry replied trying to hide herself. “I’m glad to see that you sit to pee instead of standing and aiming at the bowl” “I’m glad you don’t either little sister, now please give me a break and let me finish.” Jo was sitting at a small vanity putting on her makeup as Kerry opened the door again, “thanks, now you can use it” said Kerry. The banter between the two of them always made Kerry feel so happy having Jo as a friend as well as a work colleague.

The drive to the fudge factory was only a few minutes and parking the car was easy given the lack of tourists in the town today probably due to the rain clouds. Jo pushed the door open and held it while Kerry entered, the room was cosy with a fire at one end and wooden shelves all around the room except for a small counter and till at one end behind which a young girl stood wrapping some things in brown paper.

“Good afternoon ladies, feel free to just browse or ask me if I can help with anything” she said going back to her task. Jo stepped up to the counter “Anne at the bed and breakfast said that we should ask for John and mention her name”, “let me just get him for you” the girl answered while she pushed a phone button and spoke quickly to John. A minute later John walked into the room, he was around fifty, grey hair, slightly overweight but a huge smile on his face.

“Anne told you about me did she?” he asked chuckling to himself. Kerry stepped closer and introduced herself and Jo “actually she never told us anything apart from making sure to ask for you, what’s to tell?” asked Kerry. John frowned “oh well I guess they are only old stories anyway” Jo remembered the other comment “she did say to not forget about the reject box though.” John pressed a button under the counter and a wooden panel opened up behind where he was standing, “follow me into our wonderland of fudge” reminiscent of Willy Wonker and the tour of Wonkerland.

The whole process of making fudge was actually very easy as long as the place was clean, the large slab of marble being cooled by cold water to speed up the process. John allowed them to make a small amount of fudge with their own mixture of nuts and cherries, the fudge spilled out over the marble and they added the extras, it was scraped back and forth over the slab until it started to get colder then it was rolled into a log shape ready for cutting into pieces. At times Kerry thought he may have been flirting with her but missed it until when she was bending over to cut the fudge his hands helped her a little bit more than she expected.

“If I have your sticky finger marks on these jeans then you can clean them up” Kerry said smiling at John showing mock anger but flirting back to him.

John showed them the reject box and after some careful picking had samples of over twenty types and flavours of fudge to take home, “we can call this one two cherries” said John wrapping up their special fudge they had made. Both girls thanked John for the personal tour and promised to come back next time they were in town. As Jo started the car they could see John waving from the showroom, a quick wave and they headed down the road.

“I think old John has too much time to day dream” Jo chuckled. Kerry laughed “I don’t know about daydreaming but he definitely needs to get laid or something, and don’t look at me sis.” They drove past a small café and Jo quickly pulled the car into a parking bay “time for coffee and cake, my shout” she said turning off the car.

The café had tables both inside and outside but given the threat of rain they chose to sit inside near the windows. Jo ordered for both of them and sat back down with Kerry “I think I know you too well when I can order without even asking what you want” Jo said. Kerry looked at her, she really did get on surprisingly well with her and even put up with her flamboyant antics at time.

“You never did really finish telling me what happened to Tom did you” said Kerry looking at Jo as she sipped her latte. Jo put the cup down while still holding the handle, “Tom just wanted a sex partner for the odd week that he had to be based in town, the other five weeks out on the mines were like another life to him. I guess I should have known when he would only call when he came to town saying that the mine site was not in a mobile service region. And before you ask the sex wasn’t that good anyway” Jo said lifting the cup to her mouth.

“Can you afford the flat by yourself then or are you going to find another flat mate to cover the cost?” asked Kerry allowing her to move over the Tom news. “Not sure what to do, the place is too small for two people full time and too expensive for just me with my lifestyle of eating and shopping. I may have to find a smaller flat at better cost but the travel to work adds up each week so it becomes a catch22 situation.”

The two girls sat eating their cake and drinking coffee while the world outside went on around them, the rain lightly drizzled and looked like staying for the rest of the day. “What say we drive down to the beach watch the waves and go for a walk along the beach?” suggested Kerry, and so an hour later they found themselves arm in arm strolling along the beach after walking for nearly forty minutes in light rain.

“I don’t know about you but I can feel the rain just getting through my coat, it’s time for a warm room, log fire and a glass or two of fine wine. What say we pick up something for dinner before we head back to the B&B, how about pizza?” said Jo always the one to choose comfort food rather than sensible. “Alright but only because it’s cold and raining and only if we can have a meat lovers as well” said Kerry pulling Jo along the beach. As Kerry looked down the beach she could see only one meandering set of foot prints along the beach, Kerry looked closer at the footprints, at times the steps got so close it looked like only one person had walked along the beach. She pulled Jo’s arm closer to her and they walked off the beach into the car parking area. Jo took one last look at the water as it crashed onto the shoreline, breakers causing white caps to form along the entire beach and froth blowing along after being dumped on the sand by the surging waters.

The pizza shop had only just opened so their choices would be ready in half an hour as the oven still had to reach full temperature. “Lets just walk along through the shops for a while” offered Jo, “as long as we stay clear of John” laughed Kerry and they left the pizza shop. They walked around arm in arm again like two close friends chatting, the shops were getting ready to close but Jo found a small pottery shop containing handmade bowls and figurines. They entered being careful as they walked around the gallery come shop, the higher prices reflecting the artistic nature of the work. Jo picked up a clay piece of two people walking arm in arm, unusually it was two women.

“I think they saw us coming down the street” said Jo referring to the price being nearly a hundred dollars. Kerry looked at it carefully and remembered the figurines she had seen in the shopping centre nearly a year ago. Then she had missed Janet and the pain of leaving was too much for her, but now the figurines looked more like her and Jo as they had walked along the beach earlier on. Jo picked it up telling Kerry “I am going to buy this so that I can remember the holiday when I’m old and grey, like you” moving quickly away from Kerry’s hand aimed at her arm.

“Just you wait till I get you home miss” laughed Kerry trying to look serious, “what you going to do, spank me?” replied Jo as she headed to the sales counter.

“I’ll have this for my mother please” Jo said putting it on the counter and pulling out her MasterCard to pay for it. Kerry strolled around looking at the bowls and glass trays made from old pieces of glass broken and melted into shape, the pattern forming a coloured shadow on the shelf, “anything else mum?’ shouted Jo.

“You are so in trouble for cheek like that” said Kerry “I have a good mind to cancel your pizza order.” The sales person had no idea what was going on and just stood there waiting for the imprinter to finish producing a receipt. “Ignore us, she’s just being silly if I was her mother she would have been adopted out with manners like that” said Kerry smiling to the sales girl. Jo picked up the bag and thanked the girl for staying open, they walked out into the street as the lights came on and the shop door closed firmly behind them, the closed sign already turned around.

The pizza was ready and sitting on the rack by the time they returned, Kerry picked them up as Jo unlocked the car doors. Kerry opened the back door and put the pizzas on the seat before climbing into the front of the car, Jo reversed and turned the car towards the farmstay and a log fire. Anne had already started the log fire so when Jo and Kerry opened the door to their chalet the room was already nice and warm.

“I am so cold I need to get warm before I eat, what about a spa?” asked Jo, Kerry put another log onto the fire then said “why not we can heat up the pizza in the microwave later.” Jo walked into the spa and turned the hot water on and poured a bottle of bubble liquid into the spa, “that should make it look better.”

Kerry had poured a couple of glasses of wine and carried the glasses and the rest of the bottle into the bathroom as Jo finished stripping down to her knickers, a pile of clothes spread over the floor. Kerry placed the wine glasses on the edge of the spa as Jo dropped her remaining garment to the floor and stepped into the spa taking a glass as she did so. Kerry turned and went back into the bedroom to get undressed and hang up her clothes rather than leaving them scattered around the chalet. Kerry looked in the mirror as she finished getting ready for the spa, her white silk knickers being the only covering she had on but still the body reminded her of her hybrid state, not quite there but never to return either. She grabbed the two bath robes and headed into the bathroom, Kerry closed the door behind her and threw the robes on a stool. Jo was reclining and sipping at her glass of white as the steam rose from the water and started to fill the room, Kerry stepped over the edge of the spa into the water.

“Still got to wear the safety pants to protect me from Paul?” shot Jo as Kerry slipped down into the bubbles. Kerry grabbed her glass of wine and took a sip, “not really, it’s just that it reminds me of how far I have to go still, I think I can trust myself.”

The spa jets pounded their bodies for ten minutes then cut off as the two girls refilled their glasses, the spa had heating built into the system so the water kept at the same temperature while the girls soaked away the cold of winter. Jo turned to Kerry, “does my body really tease you or are you just joking?” Kerry looked at her, “this is called a transition for a very good reason, it is both physical and mental so that includes my perception of who I am.” Jo looked at her with a blank look on her face “I hear that but does my body do anything to you?” Jo asked again trying to get Kerry to be clearer in what she was saying.

Kerry looked down at her glass “OK, if I let myself get carried away with Paul thoughts then I would find you body very exciting but that doesn’t seem in line with where Kerry is going so why go there, it would only mean confusion for me.”

“So when you attacked Clive and that guy last Saturday it was as a female and not a gay male, is that right?” asked Jo “well if you put it that bluntly, yes I guess so” said Kerry amazed at how simple Jo made it sound when it had taken her so long to make it clear in her own mind.

“If I had sex with a woman that would be as a lesbian since I now see myself as a woman” added Kerry trying to make sure that Jo had more than enough information.

“Can I ask one more very personal question then since we are being so open tonight?” asked Jo looking for approval from Kerry. Getting a nod meant she could proceed, “so what are you looking for in a lover then?” Kerry turned her body towards Jo, she could see Jo’s body in all of her glory as she sipped wine so innocently surrounded by bubbles. Kerry took several seconds before she spoke.

“I think that it comes down to how do I want to be treated rather than who or what, let me put that another way, hot lusty sex is great as a young adult but now the thought of “wam bam thank you mam sex” is as interesting as dead fish on cold chips. Love has to be shared, taken over time and enjoyed by both parties, it must leave both people wanting to spend more time doing exactly the same thing again and again. It must be gentle and caring as well as exciting and fulfilling, I think I need to be wanted for who I am and not what I can do for someone between their legs. If sex is nothing more than an exchange of body fluids then why bother inviting anyone else to be there, just plug into a machine and sit back. So Clive and Mark were just a distraction on the roadway to the future, nothing more than that”. Kerry took another drink of wine, “is that what you expected to hear from me?” asked Kerry as Jo sat there quietly thinking.

“Not quite how I would have put it but I think you have more girl thoughts than most of the women at work” Jo laughed “they just talk about the hot and steamy stuff as if it’s the only thing that matters.”

Jo moved closer to Kerry as she sat in the spa, “I just want to say how much I love spending time with you, you really are more than just a work colleague. You always tell things like they are and don’t mix it up with agendas or scheming to get your own way.” Jo leaned forward and gave Kerry a peck on the cheek, “and don’t ask about Tom anymore or I’ll cry.”

Kerry put her arm around Jo’s shoulder to console her, “OK now it’s my turn for truth or dare, what did he do to my little sister?” Jo ended up telling Kerry all about how he just wanted sex every day and didn’t want to go out shopping or to the movies or dancing. Jo felt used by him rather than loved by him and she had called it all off and never heard from him since. Kerry had left her arm around Jo all the time she spoke in a very protective manner and Jo seemed to snuggle into Kerry’s side.

“Come on let’s get out of here and eat some food before we get teary eyed” Jo said standing up to get out of the spa, her naked hair free body right in front of Kerry’s face as if she had not heard what Kerry had said just a few minutes earlier. Jo wrapped a bathrobe around her body after drying her legs and feet then walked over her old clothes into the bedroom. Kerry shook her head, it was just like having kids in the house who needed tidying up after them all day long. She stood and took off her white silk pants then dried herself with a fresh towel before putting on another pair of pants and wrapping the bathrobe around her body to keep the warmth in.

Jo had nuked some of the pizza in the microwave and was sitting in the bed trying to flick through the TV channels looking for anything worth watching. Kerry poured two more glasses of wine and hopped into the big bed next to Jo, “swap, one glass for some warm pizza, OK?” she said handing Jo the wine. They sat there with the main lights off and the log fire roaring away as the TV shot beams of light into the room like ghostly shadows. During one of the advert breaks both girls had swapped the thick bathrobes that kept them warm for their nighties. As they continued drinking, the wine and warmth of the fire helped them feel sleepy, the movie was slow moving and Jo laid down and propped her head up with a pillow while Kerry continued to watch the show. As the show finished Kerry had slipped down alongside Jo and had her arm wrapped around Jo who had snuggled down so her back was into Kerry’s side and she was holding onto Kerry’s arm like a teddy bear for security. To Kerry it seemed quite normal laying there watching TV while her favorite girl snoozed gently beside her, except it was not Paul being drawn into the picture.

Jo stirred and rubbed her hand up Kerry’s arm as it lay across her chest, the action caused Kerry to move suddenly as she realized the problem. Kerry had been gently holding Jo’s breast and playing with the nipple that had now become hard as Jo woke from the light sleep. “Don’t stop, that feels so nice to be held by you” said Jo putting Kerry’s hand back on her breast and wriggling back under the blankets.

Kerry had a sudden attack of guilty thoughts alongside thoughts of joy then back to guilt and on to confusion. Jo rolled over to face Kerry while making sure her arm didn’t escape, her own hand landing on Kerry’s right breast as she looked into her eyes, Jo could see the startled deer look on Kerry’s face as she reached up to touch her face. Jo moved her hand slowly and stroked the side of her face gently which caused Kerry to relax somewhat, the kiss was gentle and warm and neither woman moved quickly.

It seemed just a peaceful time laying there in each other's arms, the confusion dying away as Jo gently touched Kerry and again they kissed but this time initiated by Kerry. Jo touched her face again, moving locks of auburn hair out of her eyes. Her fingers outlined Kerry’s lips and caused Kerry to kiss her hand gently like a lover being seduced, their eyes hardly leaving each other's eyes.

The moment seemed to last for ages as Jo and Kerry touched and kissed, Jo slowly moving her hand down Kerry’s shoulder to her right breast which caused Kerry to bite her lip as the sensation was instant. Kerry pushed her mouth towards Jo, an emotional kiss that involved all of her body and engulfed Jo leaving nothing to her imagination about how Kerry was feeling. Almost by instinct Kerry moved her own free arm so she could gently touch Jo’s body and the same response came as Kerry gently caressed her while still holding her close.

They lay there touching, kissing and exploring each other's body as the fire continued to heat the room, the TV had long ago been turned off. Jo sat upright and with a single movement pulled her nightie over her head then settled back onto the pillow facing the ceiling, Kerry did the same and lay back down facing Jo. This time Kerry slowly caressed Jo’s body and leaned over to kiss her breasts, the nipples standing to attention like soldiers ready for action. Jo pulled her head up towards her and kissed her again while holding her face with both hands. Kerry’s hand moving gently over Jo’s stomach as she kissed and muzzled her cheeks and ears.

Jo arched her back as Kerry continued to touch her stomach winding her way slowly down to the smooth mound between her legs. Kerry let her hand rest gently without touching Jo’s lips, the sheer touch caused Jo to press her mouth hard against Kerry’s mouth and run her arms down her back pulling her towards her own body. The two women lay there kissing and moving so subtly in patterns that together they could not perform but wanted to be connected as lovers.

Jo shifted and moved her legs so slightly that an observer would have missed it but to the gentle touch of Kerry’s hand nothing was missed. Her hand moved deeper between her legs touching her thighs like feathers massaging delicate skin, the shiver going up Jo’s entire body. As Kerry moved her body lower in the bed she found Jo guiding her hands, Kerry moved her fingers lightly touching the outside of Jo’s lips teasing her by pressing gently but determinedly towards the point where Jo wanted her to go. Jo’s vagina was warm, inviting and so smooth as it parted like an oyster to reveal the pearl, but Kerry played around touching gently but not rushing. Jo moaned as Kerry finally found the entrance and pushed inwards to feel the wet walls of Jo’s most feminine place, Jo’s hands pushed Kerry’s fingers deeper inside her tunnel as she rubbed the palm up against her exposed parts.

Kerry knew how to make love but had never taken so much time doing it, she had nothing to gain sexually for herself as the hormones had long since killed any reaction from her penis. The thought of an orgasm was totally out of the question but this was so different it made her feel so alive, the sheer beauty of being touched and held so gently was like nothing she had felt before. Jo had not raced or forced anything it just seemed to happen and Kerry had not gone looking for it nor hiding from it either.

Kerry moved her hand and started to caress Jo’s clitoris and lips while Jo moved her hands to her breasts and closed her eyes. With her spare hand Kerry played with Jo’s nipples gently touching and squeezing them causing Jo to move as the ripples of pleasure rolled through her body. Kerry moved her fingers around sensing the response that Jo was having and as Jo got close to climaxing Kerry kissed her neck then gently nibbled her ears. Jo moaned as Kerry brought her to full climax then kept going until Jo screamed to stop, snatching her hands away and pulling Kerry up to her face to kiss her.

As Jo kissed Kerry she forced her to roll over so she was on top of Kerry and continued kissing and rubbing her hands over her body. Jo was actually lying between her legs but absolutely nothing was stirring down below, Jo rolled off and lay on the bed beside Kerry.

They laid there for a good twenty minutes just kissing and gently touching each other until Kerry started moving back down to Jo’s little mound of joy. Her hands moved carefully up and down her legs and again Jo opened them signifying her approval to proceed. Kerry ran her hands on the inside of Jo’s legs but as she did Kerry turned around so her head was on Jo’s belly which she kissed and gently licked towards where Jo’s bikini line would have been if she had pubic hair. Jo opened her legs wider as Kerry reached the top of her mound with kisses and nudging with her nose, again every sign was to proceed.

With delicate kisses and massaging with her tongue Kerry brought Jo close to the point of no return before backing off and letting her smolder like a fire that was ready to be fanned into flame. Jo’s hand found the inside of Kerry’s left leg and rose to the top without touching the white silk pants that she knew contained “the problem” as Kerry called it.

Inside Kerry’s mind the compilation of hours of kissing and touching was becoming too much to bear, she stopped and raised her head without turning around to Jo and slipped her pants off her bottom and down to her knees. Jo saw the action and understood the trust that Kerry was giving her, as Kerry lifted her leg Jo helped the pants to go past her knee and then the other leg until they lay on the floor, the safety barrier discarded, no longer required in the safe loving environment of their chalet bedroom.

Kerry returned to pleasuring Jo without a single word being said as Jo started slowly but very gently to touch Kerry where no one had been for nearly two years. The doctor had done a good job and a large amount of the scrotum had been retracted back into the cavity caused by removing the testicles and some of the body tissue behind the penis. The whole area was still very sensual to touch and sent the normal effect through Kerry’s body distracting her from what she had been doing to Jo. The result was that Jo went over the top while still touching Kerry, her hands exploring every crevice and fold of skin then as she came Jo’s hand sat idly over the tuft of pubic hair massaging the small mound that remained of Paul’s manhood.

Jo had to stop to catch her breath but left her hand on Kerry’s buttocks as she lay facing the bottom of the bed, the pair of them hot with the excitement of the last two hours. The blankets had long been discarded as the two had moved around in the bed so much, Jo changed position and faced Kerry at the bottom of the bed. Jo kissed her so passionately it seemed to go on and on, the two of them wrapped in each other's embrace their breasts touching and melding sending more sensations through each of them.

Kerry lay back onto her back looking at the ceiling, a tear rolling down the side of her face sparkled in the fire light that filled the room. Jo caught it with her finger and wiped it away, then gently kissed the cheek that was red from the fires glow. She leaned into Kerry and put her hand on Kerry’s belly as the protective arm once again wrapped around Jo to keep her close and safe beside Kerry. Again they felt no need to rush and lay there cuddling as the fire between them seemed to have taken firm hold, a fire that neither of them had planned or expected.

Jo moved her hands slowly down Kerry’s belly as she kissed her neck then breasts until she reached her bikini line that had been so carefully shaped by laser treatment to look like the female shape. The small nub of the penis still sat exposed as the skin was rolled away from the tip, due to months of hormone treatment the feeling still worked but erection was impossible. Jo moved around it and touched directly below the scrotum making Kerry arch her pelvis upwards, Jo continued to explore finding several spots that made Kerry move or moan slightly.

Time stood still as Jo explored with her finger tips, her long nails increasing the effect as she traced the side of the scrotum. Jo again peeled back the foreskin and started to kiss the remnant of manhood, the outward signs were minimal but inside Kerry felt the changes reaching into her belly, the tension rolling around slowly building then fading. Kerry lay there with her hands and well manicured finger nails pressing into her belly pulling upwards as she rolled her pelvis upwards towards the source of pleasure. Jo pressed all of the buttons she new until Kerry shook, she did not explode like Paul would have done but lay there biting her lip and holding her breath as if delaying the dying feeling that had gone off in her abdomen. If this was how a woman experienced orgasm Kerry could live with it.

Several minutes went by before they moved back to the top of the bed then pulled up the blankets and lay back down resting in each other's warm glow. The fire slowly died and sleep came so easily to both of them dreams filling their minds as they snuggled under the doona.

The morning light came through the gaps in the curtains, the chilly edge of winter biting at the room and the noses of girls that lay curled up in the warm bed. Jo was the first to stir and rolled towards Kerry, she looked at the face of her colleague and friend wondering how she would feel in the cold light of day. Kerry must have sensed the eyes that looked at her and opened her eyes to find Jo’s face so close to her own, not imposing on her personal space but inviting her into a joined space.

It could have been very awkward waking up to find your best friend lying next to you in the bed. Instead Kerry rolled her head towards Jo and offered her lips for a kiss, she was not disappointed as Jo beamed her smile and replied with her warm lips and gentle touch of her hand on Kerry’s stomach. There was a feeling similar to that very first encounter between young lovers except neither of these two were young but most definitely they had become lovers. Jo moved closer until they again lay wrapped into one being, the day was cold but inside both of them felt a warmth that came from each other.

Kerry had to break the mood by going to the toilet but triggered the kettle on her way there, Jo stayed under the doona waiting for her return. They missed breakfast as they sat in bed and talked and drank tea and coffee, it was far more important to both of them than food and neither wanted to risk losing what had happened in the last twelve hours.

Finally they did venture out of the bedroom and tidied up the chalet before heading up to the kitchen to see if Anne had any leftovers. They found her making bread surrounded by flour and grain, yeast sat in a small jar on the table.

“Good morning sleepy heads, have you had enough rest yet?” Anne asked them not really expecting an answer. “I reckon I could sleep for another day” said Jo giggling slightly.

“We seem to forget about the emotional and physical cost of doing long hours at work until the pressure comes off” added Kerry trying to hide Jo’s giggle. Even if Anne had spotted anything she would not have said a single word about it as being a hostess meant not asking.

“Would you two lovely girls like something to eat, I assume that’s why you have come in here looking so sheepish” Anne said smiling at them. “Yes please unless it’s too much trouble” said Jo quickly, trying not to appear too eager. Anne told them to pull up a stool to the bench while she made them something to eat, putting mugs of coffee down on the work bench for them first.

It was amazing how quickly Anne threw together a serving plate of bacon, eggs, beans and tomatoes finished off with toast. The two girls had not realized how little they had eaten last night, the majority of the pizza being left near the fireplace slowly turning into dry stale slices in the cardboard box. “We did get some food last night but spent too long soaking in that great spa” Jo said before biting into a slice of toast. “Leftover pizza doesn’t quite taste the same if it gets left out near the fireplace all night” Kerry added as she served up another egg on top of her toast.

“Anything planned today being your last day with us?” Anne said as she continued making bread for the entire family and guests. The two girls had not realised that this was going to be their last night away together and a hint of sadness hit both of them, they had enjoyed themselves in more ways than they had ever thought.

The drive through the small towns and tourist stops happened more like time travelers in a trance, they looked and sampled but they seemed disconnected from the reality of the place. Neither of them noticed how the impact of Anne’s comment had effected them so much until they stopped for a drink in a small tea house beside the beach. Sitting alone outside in the pleasant sunlight and sipping on their drinks it was Kerry that finally brought it up.

“I feel so crappy today like I just lost something” Kerry said looking at Jo “me too, it’s not buyers remorse is it” she said touching Kerry’s hand.

“No, it’s just” she stopped then looked at Jo with tears in her eyes, “I haven’t felt like this for so long. It sounds really corny but my heart is hurting at the thought of going back to work and not being able to share with you how I am feeling. I wish we could stay here for a few more days to sort out how we feel about last night.” Her tears overflowed her eyes but she could see that Jo had the same problem written all over her face, the pain at going back was the problem.

“Are you concerned about last night, is that the problem?” asked Jo hoping against hope that she had it wrong. “No, the opposite is true, I loved last night so much I don’t want to leave it to just a holiday thing, actually it’s far more than just last night it has been the entire trip. You call me big sister and friend but to me you have become so much more but I need to know how you really feel about me.”

Jo let out a sigh, and put her cup down so she could take Kerry’s hands in her own, the same look of wet eyes looking straight into Kerry’s eyes. “I have loved you since you first came out with us dancing on that Friday night, you always treat me like I’m special, you care for me like no one else has ever done. I could not think of any reason to not spend every waking moment with you, nor can I think of anyone else that I’d rather be with although the thought of that scares me shitless, sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that. What I mean is I really love you and that seems so opposite to everything that I have been taught or done.” Jo choked back a crying sound as she finished.

“Does that mean we stop or proceed, precious one?” Kerry said holding Jo’s hands. The winter sun had vanished but neither wanted to go inside, “lets go and sit in the car so we can talk without getting our butts frozen off” suggested Kerry trying to keep it together as well.

Kerry drove the car this time, she pulled into a small car parking area overlooking the surf as it pounded relentlessly onto the foreshore, the dirty white foam rolling along the beach only to get caught in small tufts of beach grasses that lined the sand dunes. Nobody was walking along the beach today not even the seagulls that seemed to live at the beach all year long, it was just the two of them sitting staring out at nature. Kerry parked the car, set the handbrake and turned off the ignition, she turned in her seat so she could look at Jo. Kerry took hold of Jo’s hand again and gently kissed it as she waited for Jo to talk.

“That’s just what I mean, you show me so much love and just let me talk it through without getting defensive or making solutions like a man” Jo laughed as she realized the irony of the comment.

“I totally agree with you, I think men can be so insensitive sometimes” Kerry laughed still holding on to Jo’s hand. Jo lifted her hand and touched Kerry’s face gently stroking her hair as Kerry pushed her head towards Jo’s hand, the mutual caress saying more than just a touch of body parts. “I have no idea how to solve this problem or even if we have a problem” said Kerry “do we have a problem or an opportunity as Bill would say?”

Bill always told them to see problems as opportunities needing more thinking time, but both of these girls had the answer but neither had the nerve to say what they wanted due to the enormity of the situation. Jo looked at Kerry as if digging for an answer in her eyes “what I’d love to do is stay for a few more days and talk this through. Remember on Friday when I asked if you wanted to adopt me and you said that I could move in? Well that doesn’t sound too silly anymore, after all I need a place to stay and you need tucking up into bed every night.” Kerry had already come to the same conclusion but needed to hear it from Jo’s lips.

“What about your stuff where would you store all of the furniture?” Jo had a quick answer “the flat was rented furnished so the only things I have are my clothes and cooking gear and you already know that I can’t cook to save my life.”

Suddenly the sun light came back out making the car brighter as if a weight had been lifted from them, both, in fact it had been lifted and they felt it in their spirits. The problem only needed talking through and the opportunity became apparent to them, they would tell Bill that Jo was moving in to help with the costs since Tom had been sent packing and she could not afford the large flat she had. The sunshine stayed all afternoon as they continued to visit tourist things and pick up small items to remember the trip with.

As they drove into the farm Anne was walking back from their chalet, she waved to them as they parked the car and walked over to speak to them, she said that she had just finished making the fire and had left a treat for them on the bed.

“Any chance of staying another couple of nights Anne?’ blurted out Kerry hoping that the place was not fully booked out.

“That’s the treat I just left on your bed, a couple cancelled today and that makes your room available until Sunday if you want it, and you can have the extra four days at half price.” The speed of sound is slow compared to the response from Jo’s lips “done” she said and jumped to hug Kerry. If Anne had any doubts they had just been blown away by Jo’s action.

“We would love to Anne, we had just been talking about how restful it is down here and we didn’t want to go back to work yet” said Kerry trying to keep some form of decorum. Anne walked off to her kitchen as Jo opened the door to the chalet, lying on the bed were two fresh bathrobes and spa bubble bombs alongside a box of chocolates. A small card sat open on top of the chocolates, it read “You seem to be enjoying this so much how would you like to stay a few extra nights?”

“Do you think she realizes just how much fun we are having or is it just a sales pitch?” asked Jo “who cares, lets just enjoy it some more before we have to go back” Kerry said putting the chocolates in the fridge.

Coming up, Kerry and Jo enjoy the rest of the break before going back to work and life together.
Anne enjoys some girl time away from the farm.

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