War and Peace Pt 9

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War and Peace



Part Nine

The package contained scanty lingerie, babydoll night sets, a vibrator and dildo as well as other female products.

Mabel had been looking at me for a while and suddenly said " God you could be Abigail`s twin, they really did a job on you"

She showed me a picture of the childrens mother and I saw what she meant, before my capture the resemblance was there put not like now after they had done surgery on me.

We talked for a while before going to bed and as we shared a bedroom she saw the surgical alterations and exclaimed " So they did turn you into a woman ?"

The next morning after I was dressed I got the children ready for their day at the creche, fed them and took them to the meeting hall for the day before I weny to our makeshift hospital.

Ethel came to see me and we talked for while, she asked about how I felt and to be honest I was as mad as hell with the doctor that had changed my body yet I felt relaxed at the same time, maybe living as a woman for well over a year had done something to me.

Later that day a couple of officers with a guard arrived at the settlement and informed us that as soon as winter weather stopped they were going to do a complete rebuild of the settlement and put in proper metaled roads, that cheered the women up no end.

All the buildings were definately well past their sell by date and only the hard work of the people in the settlements made them liveable. I asked if all the settlements were getting the same treatment was told that the ones in this command were and that it was up to the various regional commanders how the dealt with the settlements.

Let me explain a little about the area, the area was settled some 200 yrs ago and there was only one major town in this little country, the terrain was such that without heavy machinery and lots of money everything roads, buildings etc were basically ranshackle.

The only decent buildings were the in the main down because they had a port, access the outlying regions was pretty bad but the settlements didn`t mind as they governed themselves for the most part.

The only thing they produced was meat,wool and livestock, mainly sheep and cattle, so as a country they were pretty poor even by 3rd world standards. They never asked for or recieved aid from outside nations and were content with their lot.

They were born and died in the area they lived in for the most part and it wasn`t until the war they realised that they could have better lives but at a price. Each family was wealthy in they`re own rights. Not in hard cash or money in the bank but in livestock as they owned huge herds and flocks.

Just about everything else was imported but at a cost, they paid a percentage of they`re earning each year to a central fund to the Central Committee as they called they`re government. It wasn`t an elected body as in most countries but a member from each of the settlements usually the elders who met several times a year to make decisions for everyone.

It seemed to work well from what I could tell form listening to people, any major decisions were put to the settlers before being acted upon. It seemed to work better than what we civilised nations called Democracy, as everyone was deciding what their little
community did instead of a bunch of corrupt politicians.

A simple nation with simple needs, except that war had arrived on their doorstep and thing would change, whether for the better or not only time would tell and after living with these simple folk I hoped for the better.

Before I was sugically changed I had been accepted by these woman and now I was one of them I learned a few of the things they had kept hidden from me.

The creche was run by four young girls about 16 yrs of age or so I thought, apparently all males over the age of 14 were rounded up and sent into captivity with the rest of men, but these 4 were dressed and now lived as young women, they were being trained in the traditional female skills and kept hidden, fortunately the other settlements didn`t know about this.

I had been back about a month when a delegation from one of nearby settlements arrived, they had a middle aged woman with them who had her hand tied. It turned out that this was person that had betrayed my presence and they wanted me to deal with her.

Questioning her we found out that that she had only betrayed me to save her son and husband form being shot after they had fought and seriously injured some guards were they confined.

I told them to let her go and forget it ever happened, she did it to protect her family as would any wife and mother and I didn`t hold her responsible for the cruelty of enemy troops or their leaders.

I would hate to have had the blood of an innocent on my hands and after all I was still alive, it made me wonder how the other settlements had found out about my punishment and return though but I suspect the settlement had they`re own ways of keeping each informed on what was going on.

As soon as winter passed a unit of engineers came to the settlement and surveyed the area, they told us where they would start and that we should empty the first buildings they were clearing away which we did.

The land was cleared and prefabricated houses were erected on concrete foundations, as they moved through demolishing and building metaled road were laid and after around six months a new settlement had been built and occupied, there were six properties that were empty and we were told that new women would be arriving soon.

All the houses were newly furnished and now had gas and electric, catalogues were given to the women to get new clothes for themselves and their children and anything else they wanted. They even built small well equipped clinic new barns a schoolroom and a new meeting hall.

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War and Peace Pt 9

Glad that she was not vindictive.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine