War and Peace Pt 8

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War and Peace



Part Eight

When I awoke I was lying in a hospital bed, that wouldn`t have been so bad but I couldn`t move I had been strapped down onto the bed.

What the hell was going on? why was I here? I hadn`t been sick or injured so what was going on. I could only move my head slightly from to side to side and noticed a drip that appeared to inserted into my body. I had no feeling anywhere the only sesations I had was sight, sound and smell.

A short while later a nurse came looked and looked at me and then left, a couple of minutes later a doctor appeared accompanied by the Commandant.

I tried to talk but nothing came out, the two men laughed. "Don`t worry" the doctor said we`ll soon have you out and back to the settlement.

I felt the bed tilt, not the top half but the whole bed, seconds later I was upright as if I was standing. The covers fell away and the two of them stood facing me.

" You do good work doctor" the Commandant said

" This is a proceedure we`ve never tried before " said the doctor

The Commandant looked me in the face and told me that I had been found guilty of being a spy, I expected him to tell me I was to be shot or hung.

The Commandant continued " The sentence for for spying is usually death by firing squad but in your case an exception has been made, We wouldn`t like to see those two children suffer and they seem to have bonded with you. So you are going to carry on being their mother and living in the settlement.

At this point the doctor continued " To that end we`ve surically altered your body, in other words you have been given sex reassignment surgery, your body is that of a woman ,breast, vagina, the works. Oh you can`t pregnant as you don`t have the right internal anatomy. we also made slight changes to your facial features."

They moved to one side and I could myself in a mirror, something was sprayed onto my throat and a few seconds later I managed to speak.

"Why ?" I asked.

"Those children have already lost thier mother once and we felt it would serve a better purpose for you to continue as their mother, we`re not completely without feelings you know" the Commandant continued and they left

The bed was put back into its horizontal position by one of nurses that entered, I was freed from the restraints and the drip diconnected.

The nurses never spoke as I was put into a nightgown, I was then put into a wheelchair and taken to a salon in the hospital were my hair was permed and styled.

I spent the next two weeks in physiotherapy getting back my muscular strength, I had been in the hospital for two months during the trial and surgery.

I still couldn`t believe what they had done to me but at laest I was still alive, what I didn`t realise that my old was gone forever nobody,my own side or family was going to believe what had happened to me.

A shrink saw me daily to help me adjust to what has happened, he was appalled that experimental surgery had been carried out without my permission. I didn`t know until he told me the Commandant and Doctor were sadistic and that they loved mistreating prisoners.

At the end of the two weeks I was given new clothing and told to get dressed after which I was taken to the Commandants office.

"Well your body now matches your new life, you`ll be returned to your home today" he said

That afternoon I was the settlement and after the military left everyone wanted to know what had happened so I told them.

They were aghast at what had happened but welcomed me back, I was reunited with the children and went home with Mabel to feed them, bathed and put to bed.

Once we were alone Mabel handed me a large package that was address to me ,it had arrived yesterday. I opened it and started to unpack it. it really enforced what my new life would be like.

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I had a bad feeling that was

I had a bad feeling that was going to happen, saying that I have a feeling she would have ended up struggling with identity crisis sooner or later. As for no-one would believe, I hope thats not the case. Her identity can be proved and I'm sure the village will back up her story, I suspect the shrink would also be a witness.

Looking forward to finding out, thanks for sharing.

Lizzie :)


Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p

War and Peace Pt 8

Shows just how sadistic those in power can be.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine