What's Taking So Long? - Part 8 of 10


Never ask your wife, "What’s taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it’s been very interesting.


What's Taking So Long?

Part 8

I had decided to go for a permanent voice change, and a few more minor changes to make me more feminine. Minor changes? Maybe not minor, but changes. Brest implants, cheek implants, hip implants, and butt implants.

We had told my mother and sister about what I was doing, going to work at the day spa as the receptionist, and webmistress. And, that I needed to look like a woman to do it. We told them that I was only going to have surgery to modify my voice. The rest was going to be a surprise.


The following two weeks dragged by. We did attend a support group meeting with Shelly and Cathy. It was hard not telling anyone what was planned.

The Monday before surgery finally arrived. Janet had taken today and tomorrow off from work to be with me. About one that afternoon, we headed for the Middle Field Hospital, and arrived just before two. I went through all the paper work, and was taken to a private room. As instructed I undressed, and put on one of those nasty hospital gowns. A nurse came in, took all my vital signs, and about half a gallon of blood, or so it seemed. Then it was off to x-ray for a chest x-ray, and full facial pictures.

We had just finished dinner, not bad for a hospital meal, when there was a knock at the door, and it opened. In walked Dr. Bob, and what I took to be his colleague. "Hi Briana. Hi Janet.", he said, "This is my colleague Dr. Lisa Vincent. She is going to be doing your vocal chord surgery."

"Dr. Lisa Vincent? Any relation?", I asked.

"Yes, she's my wife."

"Very nice to meet you Dr. Vincent."

"Very nice to meet you to Briana. And, you can make it Dr. Lisa."

Dr. Lisa preceded to give me a good going over, at least my throat and neck. When she was done, she said, "Very good. Dr. Bob was right. You are a very good candidate for this procedure. We'll have you sounding like a girl very soon, and your Adams Apple will become smaller, almost to the point of disappearing. You won't be able to talk for a little while after the operation. In fact I don't want you to even try for two or three days."

I nodded ok.

"I have some other patients to see. I'll leave you in Dr. Bob's hands, and see you early tomorrow morning." She walked out of the room.

"She seems very nice, but all business.", I said to Dr. Bob.

"Yes, she is that. A very good doctor, and surgeon. Now, I did get you into the breast implant trial, so you’re all set there. I'll explain everything to the two of you after surgery, and that is scheduled for seven in the morning. Dr. Lisa will do her procedure first. Then we'll do the breast implants and cheek implants, followed by the hips and buttocks together. I sometimes like to move fat from one part of the body to another. But, you don't have that much body fat, so I'm going to use implants on yours. Any questions?"


"My nurse will be along shortly with papers for you to sign. I'll see you tomorrow.", he said as he walked out of the room.

About fifteen minutes later Dr. Bob's nurse came in. "Hi Briana. I'm Nancy, Dr. Bob's nurse. We're going to be doing a number of procedures on you tomorrow, and I need your signatures on these so that we can do them."

I looked them over, it was the usual, permission to do this or that procedure, you can die during surgery, etc. I signed each one, and handed them back to her.

"You get a good nights sleep, and we'll see you in the morning.", she said.

"Thank you."

As she walked out the door, I looked at Janet and mouthed, "Completely different than at the office."

"She must have had a bad day. I have those, too."

Janet wasn't going to drive home, but took a room at a local motel, so she could be at the hospital early. She left at the end of visiting hours, and I was alone with my thoughts. I figured that I wasn't going to sleep, but within minutes of Janet leaving I was sound asleep. The next morning, a nurse came in at about five to give me a shot of some kind, and Janet came in a little before six. The shot must have been some kind of tranquillizer, as I got really drowsy. Janet sat, and talked to me. But, I sure don't remember what it was about. At about six thirty, a couple of orderlies came in with a Gurney to take me to surgery. I gave Janet a kiss, and said, "I love you. See you in a little while."

“I love you too.", she said.

The surgery went smoothly. I remember walking up in recovery, it was just like someone flipped a switch, I was asleep and then fully awake. Dr's. Bob and Lisa were standing there. Dr. Bob said, "Everything went great, just like planned. Remember, don't try to talk. And, we'll see you in a little while in your room, and tell you all about it. You'll be here in recovery for another hour or so, and then they'll take you back to your room. I’ve also told Janet that everything went great, and to go get some lunch. We'll see you in a little while."

I laid there and closed my eyes, and must have fallen back asleep. As it seemed like it was only minutes before I was being wheeled back to my room. Janet was sitting there, all smiles. After they got me into bed, she sat down, held my hand, and said, "Hi there. They told me everything went as planned, and they would be in to talk to us soon. I brought you a pad of paper and pencil, so that you could write messages. I also called Mom and told her that everything went fine." I took the paper and wrote, "I love you." She smiled, and said, "I love you too." And, I dosed off for a little while.

An hour or two later the doctors walked in. Dr. Lisa started, "Everything went just fine. You'll have a sore throat for a few days, and also be on liquids for a while. I don't want you to even try to talk until I see you in my office in four days, and then we'll see how you’re doing, and decide on how soon you can start talking. Ok?"

I nodded yes.

Dr. Bob then added, "Like Dr. Lisa said, everything went great. I want you to stay in the hospital for two more days. This will let us be sure that there are no infection or complications. Your cheek implants went in just fine. You may have some swelling, a little pain, and possibly some bruising. There are a few sutures, which we'll take out in a week or so. Follow the instructions on the discharge instructions that you'll get and everything will be just great.

"The hips and buttocks, also went just fine. We used implants, like I said we would. You have a special garment on that will provide support to the area, and you'll need to wear it for a week or so. You can take it off for showers. But, no showers until after all the sutures are out.

"Now, I saved the best for last. The breast implants. To begin with there is no fluid in them. We go in through a small incision in each arm pit. And, they go in rolled up, and we flatten them out above the chest muscle. A little tube leads from the sack to the arm pit, so that fluid can be added until we reach the desired size. Yours can go from A to DD, currently they are at a B. We do this to allow the skin to slowly stretch and become accustomed to the new breast.

“Special fluid, which mimics breast tissue, is slowly added to fill the implant to whatever size you want, and we'll show Janet how to do this. Once you've reached the size you desire, we go in and remove the fitting, seal the tube, and there is nothing showing. One thing you'll notice with these, unlike some implants, they are not symmetrical, it won't look like you have two half balloons for breasts. They will look and feel like real breasts.

"That's enough for now. Both of you get some rest, and I'll stop in and see you tomorrow. And, you can probably go home on Thursday. Ok?"

I shook my head yes. The doctors left. I took the pad and wrote, "Did you get all that? My head was swimming."

"Yes. It all sounded great. We'll get you home on Thursday, and it won't be long before everything is back to normal."

I smiled at her, and fell back asleep.

Later that afternoon nurse Nancy came in with two syringes. She began, "These syringes contain the fluid that is used to fill the breast implants. When Briana is discharged on Thursday, you'll be given a supply of these already filled with the special solution. It's thicker than water, so these have a large size needle to make it easier to inject the fluid. We recommended that you add no more than 10ml's a day. This way the skin has a chance to slowly stretch as the implant expands. It will take a while to reach your desired size, but it will be worth it. Janet will need to do this for you. It’s too hard to do it yourself. I'll do the right side, and show Janet how. Then she can do the left side.

"Here's the end of the filler tube. There is a little cap over a rubber like membrane that the needle will poke through.", she said, showing Janet the fitting. Then as she did the steps, she instructed Janet, "First you remove the little cap, then you wipe the fitting with an alcohol wipe, to prevent any contamination. Then remove the cap off the syringe, and push the needle through the membrane. Then slowly push the plunger until the syringe was empty. Pull it back out, and put the syringe in a biohazard container. We'll give you one of those. Then finally put the cap back on the filler tube. Easy. Your turn."

Janet went through injecting the fluid into the left side, just like she'd done it a hundred times before. Nancy was impressed, "You've done this before, haven't you."

"No. Never."

"Well, you did great. You won't have a problem doing this at home. I'll be back tomorrow, to check the sites, and give you the injections. See you then.", she said as she walked out the door.

The next two days at the hospital dragged. The only saving grace was Janet's visits, and on Wednesday afternoon when Shelly and Cathy showed up. They were really surprised with the cheek implants. I was able to hide the breasts from them, until Nancy walked in to check the sites and give me my injections.

After Nancy left, Shelly said, "You little sneak. Breast implants and you didn't tell us."

I wrote on my pad, "We wanted it to be a surprise. I guess I shouldn't tell you about the hip and butt implants either." Followed by a smiley face.

"You are a sneak. But a lovable sneak. Does your Mom know?"

"No. I thought that Janet and I would go over after everything heals, and do a show and tell.", I wrote.


Janet took me home on Thursday afternoon. She had the couch in the livingroom all set up so that I could relax. She gave me my shots, and fixed a very nice dinner, of course mine was still liquid, but tastier than what the hospital had been giving me. Friday was a quiet day, Mom called to see how I was doing. And, Jackie told her that I was doing well, but wasn't supposed to talk yet.

Friday just dragged by, and Saturday I had an appointment with Dr. Lisa in the morning. She checked me out, and said that everything looked great. She then had me try speaking in a whisper. It hurt a little, like a sore throat, but I could hear a definite change in the pitch of my voice. Janet smiled when she heard it. The doctor said, that I could continue speaking in a whisper, as long as it didn't start hurting too much, and that I could start eating soft foods. And, as it felt better I could use it more and more. She wanted to see me again in another week, unless I had a problem. On the way home, Janet and I talked a little. I didn't want to push things too far, and end up undoing the doctors’ work.

Later that day I had a surprise, Shelly and Cathy came over for a visit. We sat and chatted for a while about a number of things, when Cathy said, "We have a present for you."

I whispered, "A present? What? Why?"

"You'll see in a minute. And, it's just because. I need to go to the car.", she said as she got up.

She was back in a few minutes carrying a couple of cases. "We, Shelly and I, decided that you needed a real pick me up. And, we both know what a pain it can be to wear a wig all the time. So, as our gift to you, we are going to do a hair weave. And, we're going to use real hair, no synthetics for you. Then tomorrow, you can come to the spa, and we'll do a full hair treatment, and your hair will look just fabulous."

"Wow! That's too expensive.", I whispered.

"No arguing now. You'll hurt your new voice, and we can't have that."

They had me sit in a kitchen chair, and went to work. It took them quite a while, but when they were done, I had a very nice head of hair, that actually went down below my shoulders and it looked natural. I was impressed, as was Janet.

"Guys, this looks great. I can't thank you enough."

"We couldn't have our new receptionist and webmistress looking shabby. Now could we?"

I gave them both big hugs.

Janet made a big batch of spaghetti and with some of her home made sauce, it was a great first solid food in almost a week. The girls stayed until late evening. And, we made plans to meet them at the spa around eleven the next morning.

On Sunday we arrived at the spa right on time. Shelly and Cathy gave me the works, and I felt like a million dollars when they were done. It was a major pick me up.

Monday I went to see Dr. Bob. He was very happy with how I was healing. He removed the stitches, and replaced them, at least the ones on by hips and butt, with stri-strips. He said that the stri-strips would come off over time. And, that I was healing so quickly, that I didn't have to wear the special garment any longer.

Over the next couple of weeks, I saw the doctors a few times, and they were both very happy with their work, as were we. Dr. Bob took pictures of the breasts for the clinical study, and I filled out a couple of questionnaires. My new voice was going strong, it was somewhat low, and sultry, but there was no doubt that it was feminine. My breasts continued to grow through the injections that Janet was giving me. We had decided to stop at what would be a C cup. Janet was also working on a very important part of my transformation, my deportment, or how to speak and act as a woman. She really put it to me, if I said something like a man would, she would correct me and make me say it properly over and over. And, it wasn't long before everything that I did was feminine. Janet and I, like Shelly and Cathy, came across to everyone like a lesbian couple, except to those that really knew us.

I finally called Mom, and said we were coming to visit. She wasn't sure who she was talking to at first, but quickly figure out that it was me. We made the drive over on a Saturday, as we planned to spend the weekend. When Mom opened the door, she just stood there, looked me over very closely, and said, "You had more done then your voice. Didn't you?"

"Yes, mama."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you. And, I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, come in, and lets get a closer look."

We went into the livingroom, sat, and filled her and Kate in on everything. My Mom was very surprised with the breast implants. Kate, just sat, looked, and listened, finally saying, "Welcome to the family, sister."

We had a great visit with Mom and Kate. Janet and I slept in my old bedroom. Which to my surprise had been changed somewhat. It now had a feminine look to it. I was very pleased. I now really know that my Mom has accepted my transition.

We left after lunch on Sunday, as there was a meeting of the support group, and we had missed the last one. The meeting was a special one, one that honored the significant others of the members who dressed or were transitioning. When the girls who knew me, saw the new me, they couldn't believe it. And, when they found out that I was going to be living full time as a female, they were really surprised and excited. Everyone was also excited to hear that I was going to work at Shelly's spa. I don't know how many times I had to tell the full story, but it had to be a dozen or so.

Tomorrow we launch the web site, and Tuesday I started at the spa.

- End Part 8 -


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