What's Taking So Long? - Part 7 of 10


Never ask your wife, "What’s taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it’s been very interesting.


What's Taking So Long?

Part 7

Doctor Bob

I had decided to take the job that Shelly had offered. I found that I had the support of everyone that really mattered to me, my mom, my sister, and most of all Janet. I was going to spend the next few days checking out all the options. I was leaning toward a permanent voice change, and then really living full time as a woman. There was just something that really did feel so right about it.

Janet gave me the name and phone number of the speech pathologist. On Monday morning, I called both the doctor, really a plastic surgeon, and the pathologist. I was able to get into see the doctor on Thursday evening. He kept that time open for special patients. The pathologist couldn't see me until next week on Tuesday. The plastic surgeon's office e-mailed me a questionnaire, which I filled out and e-mailed back.

Over the next few days, I worked on the web page for the spa. I also did some deep web surfing, looking for information on changing one's voice. I also found some very interesting information out there on all aspects of male to female changes. On Wednesday evening Shelly and Cathy came over to look at what I had done on the web page. They were very happy, but had a few suggestions, and changes.

We sat around talking about the spa and my job there. Shelly reached into the oversize purse, which she always carried, pulled out two bottles, and said, "We brought you a present. It's the stronger formula of the moisturizer. It's the one that after two uses will render the hair follicles inactive permanently. Cathy used it, and continues to use it, it keeps her skins softer than any other moisturizer that we've tried."

"Thank you.", I said.

"Is Janet going with you tomorrow?"

"We haven't talked about it. But, I hope she does."

"It might be good. The doctor can also talk with her, to be sure that this is a mutual decision."

"Can you get tomorrow off?", I said looking at Janet.

"Already done. Figured that you might like me to tag along."

"I'm sorry that I didn't say anything earlier."

"That's ok, I guess. You've had a lot of things on your mind."

The appointment was at six o'clock on Thursday evening. Janet had some errands to run in the morning, coming back with a few packages. I took a nice long hot bath using scented oils. The doctor’s office was in Middle Field where the Queen's Court club was, we left home a little before five, and found the doctors office without a problem. We were the only ones there, and the receptionist had me fill out the usual pile of forms. His nurse came out to the waiting room, and said, "MS Blankenship?"


"Please come with me."

"Can my wife come along?"

"Of course."

We followed her toward the exam rooms. She took my height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature. And, then asked me a ton of question, finally saying, "The doctor likes to have pictures taken of all new patients. He uses them to show you how various changes will effect your appearance, and for before and after comparisons. Do you mind?"

"Of course not."

"He likes to have them taken completely disrobed. Is that ok?"


"Here is a gown. Please remove all your cloths, including all your underwear, and I'll be back in a few minutes.", she handed me the gown and walked out the door.

"All business. Isn't she?", I commented.

Janet just smiled.

I undressed and put on the gown, one of those that shows your full backside. The nurse came back in with a digital camera, and she took four head shots, front, left, right, and back. Then she had me remove the gown, and again four shots. She then pulled out a tape measure and said, "I need to take a number of body measurements." She started at my head and worked her way down, neck, chest, waist, etc. She then said that the doctor would be with us soon.

About fifteen minutes later the doctor, Dr. Vincent, knocked and walked in.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Vincent, and you must be MS. Blankinship, and you are?", he said looking at Janet.

"I'm Janet Blankship, Briana's wife."

"Good. Seeing you here tells me that you support this is at least in part."

"I'm in full support of this Dr. Vincent."

"Good. I see by the questionnaire that you are interested in a voice change to female."


"You realize that this is a permanent change?"

"Yes, I'm looking into both. The surgery, and also retraining through a speech pathologist. But, I'm leaning toward the permanent change. I want to live full time as a female."

"Let's see. According to the questionnaire, you’re not interested in a sex change. Correct?"


"The voice surgery is done by a colleague that is an ear, nose, and throat specialist. If you do decide on the surgery, you'll meet her the day before surgery. She has done about one hundred of these, with no complications. Except, for those people who didn't follow their post surgery instructions. Can you fill me in, in detail on your story, and do you mind if I tape record it for my records?"

"No, I don't mind you recording it." And, I proceeded to tell him my complete story from childhood until today. When I was done, he proceeded to examine me completely. He then said, "Why don't you get dressed, and we'll talk more in my office. Just come out into the hall, turn right, and it's the first door on your right."

After he left, Janet said, "I like him. He seems very nice."

"Me too. Cathy had nothing but praise for him."

I finished dressing, and Janet and I walked down the hall to his office. We knocked, and heard, "Come in."

The doctor was sitting behind his desk, working on his computer. And, he said, "Have a seat. And, it's Briana and Janet. Right? Do you mind if we use first names? It’s just easier that way. You can call me, Dr. Bob."

"First names are fine.", Janet said.

"According to the questionnaire, you have an interest in some other procedures to be done at the same time."


Janet looked at me, a little surprised. I turned, and smiled at her.

"Some new information for Janet, I see."

"Yes. We didn't talk about this, I thought I would keep it as a surprise until today."

"Well, lets see what she thinks of your ideas. While you were dressing, I worked up some graphics that show some of the things that you asked about. Remember what you’re going to see may not be exactly what the final out come will be. Now, you asked about a little work on your nose. Here is what I think might look good on you. We narrow it a little, and add a little up turn."

He popped up a picture of my face from three sides, showing before, on a large screen hanging on the wall. Then, below them the same three pictures, but with modifications to my nose.

"Now, I took a liberty on something. You didn't show interest in this one way or another. But, cheek implants will really add to your feminine appearance. Actually more than doing anything to you nose. In fact your nose isn't bad for a woman."

He added three more pictures. These showed the cheek implants, without the nose job. It really enhanced my look.

"In fact.” Dr. Bob continued, “In taking a close look at your face, the only thing that I would do is the cheek implants. If you weren't going to have anything else done, we could do it right here in the office, using a local. Your Adams Apple will be smaller, once my colleague is finished. And, the nose job won't change things that much. Your nose is almost perfect for your feminine face. Ok, so far?"


"Breast implants. You indicated an interest in implants. Not interested in hormones?"

Janet again looked at me with surprise.

"No, we're not interested in hormones.", I replied.

"There is a new procedure out, in fact it's only in clinical trials right now. And, we are part of the trial, and have done a dozen procedures with complete success. And, there have been more than one hundred and fifty procedures of this kind done, with no problems. Most have been done on women for breast reconstruction, and only a few on transgendered people. I can't tell you much about it yet, but if I can get you accepted into the study, the company will pick up the full cost. The only requirement, is that you come back to see me on a regular basis. I can only tell you, that you won't lose nipple sensitivity as with some implants, and the scar will be completely invisible once it's healed. With breast implants on a transgendered, I also recommend that the hips and buttocks have some work done. Here take a look."

He cleared the screen, and brought up my full body shots, all four profiles. He then started adding breasts to the pictures, he worked up from an A to a D cup, and also added the changes to my hips and butt.

He added, "We can decide on the cup size at a later date, but I wouldn't go any larger than a D. In fact that may be too large, a full C might just be perfect."

We sat and talked for another three quarters of an hour. Janet, was intrigued with the breast implant idea. And, I was impressed with the changes the cheek implants would create in my face. It was a little after eight when we left Dr. Bob's office, and I told him that we were going to talk this over, and that I would get back to him after I met with the speech pathologist on Tuesday.

After we got in the car, Janet said, "Any more surprises for me MS Briana?"

"No. I just wanted to check into everything. You know me, 'Just the facts. Nothing but the facts.'"

"Ok. But, no more surprise. Especially like this."

"Sorry. But, the more I've thought about this, the more permanent I want it to be. You got me going with Briana, and I love you and her. I just want to make us happy." The tears started again. I'm glad we were still sitting in the parking lot.

"Don't cry.", Janet said.

"I'm sorry. It just came over me again."

"Do we need to see someone? Are you depressed?"

"I'm not depressed. And, I don't think I need to see anyone. I've got you and that's all I need."

I finally got the tears stopped, and we headed home. We talked long and hard all the way. Janet was only slightly upset that I hadn't said anything about the breast implants or anything else before we saw the doctor. And, she got over it fairly quickly.

We got home around nine. Janet told me to fix us a couple of drinks while she changed. It took her longer than normal to change, but then I heard her walk into the livingroom. I turned, and there she stood, in what I call my 'school girl' look. The short plaid skirt that hits mid thigh, white blouse, which she had tied in a knot just below her breasts. But, no white socks and saddle shoes, she had on white hose, and black shoes with 4" heels and ankle straps. She lifted her skirt a little and showed me the tops of her nylons were attached to a garter belt.

"Your turn to change. Everything is laid out on the bed. No panties or gaff.", she said with an evil smile.

I half ran to the bedroom, laid out on the bed was the identical outfit that Janet had on except the shoes were red. I changed as quickly as I could. I carefully walked back to the livingroom. I haven't walked in 4" heels very often. She was sitting seductively on the couch, showing the tops of her nylons. She patted the seat next to her, and said, "Come here and have a seat." I walked over and sat next to her, she handed me my drink.

We sat, drank, and just looked at each other. She sat her glass down on the end table, took my glass, and set it next to hers. She moved closer, placed her hand behind my head, and pulled me into a deep kiss. She continued kissing me, and started playing with my false breasts. She then started kissing and nibbling on my neck and ears. A major turn on for both of us. She must have spent ten minutes there before she untied my blouse, removed it, unzipped my skirt, and worked it off. She started kissing and licking her way down my body. She kissed and nibbled the inside of my thighs. Needless to say, I had a major erection by then. She looked at me, and said, "I've never seen such a big clit." With that she licked it from base to tip, it sent waves a pleasure through me. She took it in her mouth, very slowly. I watched as it disappeared between her bright red lips. The actions of her tongue and lips were just fantastic. She would bring me to the edge, stop, look up into my eyes, smiled, and then start again. I finally couldn't hold on any longer, and I warned her, "I'm coming." She picked up the pace, and I came in an earth shattering orgasm that seemed to last minutes. She continued to suck until I was dry.

She looked into my eyes, smiled, and said, "Now it's your turn, lover." With that she gave me a deep kiss, again I could taste my juices, but this time she passed some to me that she hadn't swallowed. It surprised me a little, the texture was completely different from anything that I had experienced before, but not unpleasant. I was still completely turned on, as was she. She changed her position on the couch, and I took off her blouse and bra. I started deep kissing her, still tasting my juices, I worked on her neck and ears, and then started down her body. I purposefully kept my hands busy on her breasts, and away from her pussy, this drives her crazy. I stopped for a while at her navel. She finally pushed my head down toward her pussy. I knew what she wanted. I lifted the skirt, saw her garter belt, stockings, and a completely hairless pussy. I looked up at her, she grinned, and asked, "You like?" I came back with, "I love!", and dove between her legs. When my tongue hit her clit, she screamed, she had the quickest orgasm that I've ever seen her have. I spent a long time exploring this hairless honey pot. She finally begged me to stop, after a number of strong orgasms.

We cuddled for a while on the couch, just holding each other. I finally asked, "When did you do that?"

"Shelly did it this morning. It was a present for you. And, I'm going to keep it this way. In fact, I'm going to use the improved moisturized on it, so that I don't have to go through another wax job like that."

"Was it worth it?"

"Every little painful rip. Do you really like it that way?"

"Very much. I think it was worth the pain, as long as it was you and not me.", I said with a grin that got me a playful punch.

The next morning Janet had to go to work, something about a meeting with the big boss. We decided, that if I decided to have the implants that we wouldn't tell anyone until after the surgery. Janet called about two in the afternoon, with some great news. She had been promoted to department head, and her old boss, James Goldman, was made vice-president of operations. She was very excited. I made her a fantastic candle light dinner to celebrate.

We talked more over the weekend about what we should do. And, finally made up our minds, that I should have the surgery without talking to the speech pathologist. So, on Monday I called the doctors office and told him of our decision. He said that he had checked into getting me into the breast implant trial, and was able to, because they were looking for transgendered people to participate in it. He transferred me to his secretary, who took all the additional information that was needed to schedule the surgery, she would call me back when everything was set up. I called Janet and told her what I had found out.

Dr. Bob's secretary called back on Tuesday, and the surgery was scheduled for two weeks, at the Middle Field Hospital. I needed to be there by two in the afternoon on the Monday before. I again called Janet and told her the details. She said, "Don't make dinner. I want to take you out to celebrate." She didn't have to tell me twice. I didn't mind cooking for us, but I'd rather go out. She took me to Lombardie's, and we had a nice dinner like two girl friends, two very close girlfriends.

I asked her, "Do you think I should call Mom?"

"Yes. But, let's don't tell her about the other things. Just keep it to the voice change. Same thing with Shelly and Cathy. Let's keep it our little secret, until it's all done."

I called Mom that evening and told her that we had decided on the permanent voice change, so I was going to have minor surgery in two weeks. She wanted to come and sit with Janet, but I lied to her and told her it was minor surgery. And, that it was done as out patient surgery. And, that I'd call her as soon as the doctor said I could talk, but Janet would call her as soon as we were home.

I then called Shelly and Cathy, and basically told them the same thing. They were excited for us.

- End Part 7 -


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