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Never ask your wife, "What’s taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it’s been very interesting. And, I begin to find out what it takes to look good. And, then there's Cathy.
This story was written in 2002.
What's Taking So Long?
Part 1
What did I say?
Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner or you just might find out what takes so long, as I did. My name is Brian and my wife is Janet. At the time of this story we had been married about three years. Janet's job requires her to attend some very fancy parties and dinners once or twice a month and yours truly was always her escort.
This adventure began one fateful Friday evening. We were going to one of these fancy dinners and it was supposed to start a seven, with drinks. It was 6:30 and we were going to be late. I had been ready since six. I walked into the bedroom, Janet was sitting at her dresser and hadn't even put her dress on.
"What's taking so long. We're going to be late."
That statement sealed my fate. She turned around and glared at me.
"What's taking so long? What's taking so long! Do you have any idea what it takes to look as good as you MEN want us to look!? You don't need to answer. Because you have no idea!"
"I'm sorry. But, we should have left fifteen minutes ago."
"I know. We'll just be late. Now, go into my closet and get the dress that's in the dry cleaner’s bag."
I knew by the tone of her voice that I was in trouble, so I went into the closet and dutifully got her dress for her. I brought it out and just stood there with it. She got up from her dressing table, took the dress, and removed the dry cleaner’s bag from it, took it off the hanger and looked at it.
"Damn! They told me they got the spot off and they didn't! Wait until I get a hold of him! Now, I've got to find something else to wear."
I knew better than to say any more so I just stood there. She stomped into her closet, and a few minutes later came out wearing a very nice, long, off the shoulder dress.
"Just don't stand there, zip me up.", she said as she turned around.
I zipped her up. She looked very nice, as usual.
"You look very nice." I said, trying to mend fences,
"I guess it will have to do. Get my wrap and we can go."
I helped her with her wrap and we grabbed a cab to the dinner, arriving only twenty minutes late. The dinner was the usual thing. The only thing that was a little unusual was that Janet spent more time than normal talking with her friends Shelly and Cathy.
It was well after Midnight when we arrived back home and the trip was very quiet. Janet was in deep thought the entire time. I figured that she was still mad at me for reminding her that we were going to be late, but, I was wrong. The sex that night was something else. As we were settling down to sleep I thought I heard her say, ‘What's taking so long? I think you’re going to find out.'. But, I wasn't sure, I was already half asleep.
The rest of the weekend went as normal. Saturday we went to a movie. It was Janet's pick, so it was a chick flick. I really don't mind, some of them are good. On Sunday, we spent the day at the park having a picnic lunch and a long swim in the lake. After we got into bed that night, she was playing with my nipples, getting me really turned on. She looked me square in the eyes and said, "So, ‘What's taking so long?' I think that you really need to find out. You need to experience what I go through just to look nice for you. I'll make a deal with you: You spend a weekend in my shoes and I'll do anything that you want me to the following weekend."
"You want me to spend a weekend as a girl?"
"Yes. The whole deal."
"I don't know..."
"Are you afraid to find out what takes so long? Are you afraid to find out what it feels like to be feminine for a few days? I know that you have a feminine side. I've know for a long time. I know that you wear some of my things when I'm gone and I've found some of the bookmarks that you have on your computer."
I just lay there and looked at her, getting a little tear of fright in my eye.
She continued, "Don't start crying on me. One of the reasons that I fell in love and married you is that you were always kind and gentle. You are one of the kindest people that I know, and I wouldn't have you any other way."
"How... How long have you known?"
"Well before we were married. Your Mom told me that she suspected that you were wearing some of her things, as well as some of your sister Kate's things. She could never prove it, but she knew that you were a special boy."
"She knew? Did my sister?"
"Your Mom never said if Kate did or not. I don't think your Mom cared that you wore her things. She said that you were always careful with them. It didn't seem to bother her. She just wanted me to be aware before we were married. I wish you would have told me up front."
"You’re not mad?"
"No. I've been reading up on crossdressers, transvestites, etc., and I think I understand that it's something that's just part of you. Something that you need to do. Something that you can't stop doing."
"I wish I didn't feel this way. I've tried to stop, but I just can't.", and I started to cry.
She hugged me, saying, "It's OK. It's part of you. There is nothing you can do to stop. It's just you., and I don't love you any less. I only wish you would have told me about it."
"I'm sorry, but, I was afraid to."
"You shouldn't have been afraid to tell me. What about my offer? You spend a weekend in my shoes and I'll do anything that you want me to the following weekend."
"You really want me to spend a weekend as a woman?"
"Yep. I want you to find out what it's like to be a woman, or at least partially. I think that it would help you better understand what I go through. And, maybe I can try and understand you better. Deal?"
She smiled and gave me a big hug. Then said, "Can you take Friday off?"
"I think. Why?"
"It will take all day Friday just getting you ready for the weekend. A girl isn't made in an hour. I've made an appointment for you at the day spa that Shelly owns, and it will take her and her staff the better part of the day to do their magic."
"You've already made arraignments? I don't know if I want anyone else to know."
"Too late. That discussion that I was having with Shelly and Cathy at dinner last Friday was about you. Shelly has done this before, and actually has about a dozen customers that are crossdressers. So relax, everything is going to be fine."
You know how when you’re waiting for something to happen, either the time flies or it goes very slowly? Well the next four days dragged by. Thursday night finally arrived and Janet took me out dinner, by then I was getting the idea that she was really looking forward to me going through with this. She just got so excited whenever she talked about it. I have to admit that I was kind of curious too. After dinner, we took a walk before heading home, and again some great sex that night.
"Get a good night’s sleep. You have an early up and a long day ahead of you tomorrow.", she said. She turned off the light and fell right to sleep. I just laid there and thought about what I was getting into.
The Day Spa
The alarm went off at 5:00. Janet jumped out of bed, yanked the covers off and said, "Come on sleepy head, rise and shine. Today is your big day. Get a good shower and shave real close while I make us some breakfast."
I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After my shower, I shaved twice trying to remove as much of my overnight growth as I could. I walked out to the bedroom, and there was some clothes on the bed for me. A pair of panties, a bra, and some of my regular male outer clothes. I pulled on the panties, just love the feel of nylon. I wrapped the bra around my chest with the fastener in front, fastened it, rotated it around my chest, and put my arms through the straps.
"I knew you had done that before, and now I'm sure. You’re too good at it.", I heard Janet say from the door.
I turned towards her and she was smiling.
I finished dressing and we had a light breakfast. As she said:‘A girl has to watch her figure.'
"Well, are you ready to go?", she asked.
"As ready as I will ever be. Are you really sure that you want me to do this?"
"Yes. I'm really excited to see how you feel about what us regular girls go through for you guys."
"Let's go."
We drove a little farther out of town, to a secluded area where the houses are about a quarter of a mile apart and set back a couple of hundred yards from the street. We turned into a driveway that was only marked by a house number sign, "7587 Highspring Road". The house looked like a small version of an English manor house.
I looked at her and said, "How much is this costing?"
"Don't worry. It's all been taken care of."
"By who?"
"Don't ask questions. Just get out of the car." she said as she parked and turned off the car.
We got out of the car and walked up to the door. Janet pressed the door bell button and in a minute Shelly answered the door. The girls greeted each other with a hug and cheek kiss.
"Shelly, you remember Brian, don't you?"
"Of course I do. Brian, I understand that you want to find out what a girl goes through to be pretty for the boys?"
I looked at Janet, she smiled at me. I looked at Shelly and said, "I guess."
"He sounds a little tentative, Janet?"
"I think he's just nervous. He doesn't know what's going to happen."
"Brian, there is nothing to be nervous about. We are only going to do what we do to the girls that come here and want to look like a million bucks when they leave. Janet has had most of the services for herself that we are going to do for you. Haven't you Janet?"
"Yes, and you know how good I look when I come home from here. Ready to get started?"
"You always look great, but they have something really great to start with. With me?" I trailed off.
"Come on in here, you two, so we can get started." Shelly said.
The three of us walked into the house. Shelly explained, that she lived on the second floor with her husband, and used the first floor for her business. They had inherited the house from her husband's parents.
We walked into a room that was set up as a very fancy waiting room. Very soft chairs, all with telephones next to them. The decorations were very feminine and very nicely done. Shelly said, "We don't need to stop here, you’re only one of four clients that we have today and the others won't be here for a few hours. That we can devote our full time to you, at least in the beginning."
We walked through one of the doors that ran off of the waiting room. This room was done more like what I would expect to see in a beauty shop, but, the decor was much more elegant. The chair was well padded and looked to be covered in leather. The shelves were all glass, the cabinets were oak and everything was spotless.
Shelly turned to me, and said, "Lets see what we have to work with. Take off your clothes."
I looked a Janet. "Go on.", she said.
I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and removed it, revealing my bra. I then took off my shoes and pants. I was standing there in only a bra and panty, in front of my wife and Shelly. Shelly never changed her expression, she was all business. She had me turn around.
"Definite possibilities. Definite possibilities.", she said as she pressed a button on the wall. In a few seconds in walked Cathy. She continued, "You remember Cathy don't you? She was at the dinner last week. You might as well take off the bra, you don't have any breasts yet."
"Hi, Brian."
"Hi, Cathy.", I said as I removed the bra.
"Cathy is going to take a few measurements, so that we get everything correct. And, do you mind if we take a picture? We like to have a before and after picture of all out transformations."
"No, as long as it doesn't get out."
"It won't. We keep one print for our album. You get the negative and any prints that you want."
With that Cathy took my picture and started measuring everything from my head down.
Wait a second, did she say, " don't have any breasts, yet"? What did she mean by "yet"?
After Cathy finished measuring, she handed the paper to Shelly. She looked it over, turned to Janet, and said, "Our guess as to his sizes were very close."
"Good.", Janet said, "I'll go shopping while you get started."
"You’re leaving!?", I said.
"You’re in good hands, and I have some shopping to do for our new girl. Besides, I don't want to see you until you’re all done. I'll be back this afternoon."
She gave me a kiss, turned, and walked out the door.
Shelly said, "We might as well get started. The first part is the most unpleasant one. We need to remove all your body hair, and the best way to do that is with a body wax. It hurts to start with, but as your endorphins kick in it gets bearable. Janet asked us to give you a bikini wax. Is that ok?"
"I guess. But, all my body hair?"
"Sure. It will make you smooth and soft. Here, put this on and Cathy can take you to the waxing room. We'll come back here later.", as she handed me a short, light pink, silk robe. I put it on and it hit me about mid-thigh.
Cathy took my hand and led me out through the door that she came in through and down a hall to the end room. We walked in and there was another girl there. Cathy said, "This is Kate. She is our waxing technician, and she is very good at it. Kate this is Brian."
"Hi Brian. I know that Miss Shelly told you there is a little pain involved with this, but, we'll make it as painless as possible. Since we are doing a bikini wax on you, you need to strip."
I blushed.
"It's OK. We have a number of male clients, and we've seen it all."
I reached up under the robe and pulled the panties down, then untied the robe and very slowly removed it.
Kate looked me over, and said to Cathy, "Well not too much body hair, except on the legs and arms. We'll trim the hair in the genital area, before we wax it." Then she turned to me and said, "OK Brian, up on the table and on your stomach. We'll start with the back of your legs and work up. We've found that by starting on the back of the legs that, by the time we get higher up on the body the endorphins have kicked in. Since we're doing a full body wax, both Cathy and I will be working on you."
I got up on the table and laid on my stomach. Cathy and Kate each rolled a cart up to the table. Kate said, "Since you've never had this done before, here’s what were going to do. We'll spread the warm wax on a long narrow strip of your skin. Then we'll place strips of cloth over the wax. Wait a few seconds. And, pull the strips off. The wax isn't hot enough to burn you. But, there will be a little pain when we pull the strips of cloth off. We'll warn you the first time we pull off the strip. Are you ready?"
"Go ahead.", I said. What did I get myself into?
I felt Cathy and Kate spread the wax over an area on both of my lower legs. Then I felt them place the cloth in place and rub it a couple of times. Then Kate said, "Ready. 1 - 2 - 3". I felt a pain like I've never felt before and jumped.
"Ouch! That really hurt."
"The first one is always the worst. We'll wait a minute before we do the next area.", Kate said. As she and Cathy rubbed the areas that they had just done. After a minute or so, I felt them apply the wax to another area, then the cloth strip. And, with no warning this time, they pulled the strips off. It hurt almost as much.
"Any better?, Kate asked.
"A little. You girls really go through this on a regular basis?"
"Yes. It's funny, but the more you do it the easier it gets. Also, over time the hair grows in finer and thinner, and you don't have to do it as often."
I felt them going through the procedure again. This time it was a little better than the last. By the time they were through with the back of my legs it really wasn't too bad. Having you butt waxed is really something, something like being paddled. They worked up my back, at first it hurt almost as bad as when they started on my legs, but it was getting easier. They finally finished my back and I rolled over. I completely forgot that I was stark naked. I blushed and went to cover my privates when I realized that there I was showing everything to these two girls.
"Don't be so embarrassed Brian. We've seen it all.", Cathy said.
They started working up my legs. I was getting a little concerned when they got close to my privates. Kate took out a pair of electric clippers, like a barber uses, and worked around my genitals, saying, "We need to get the hairs a little shorter. Plus, we want to have the hairs that we leave looking neat and trim. Janet wanted us to leave a little hair in a feminine look. We really wanted to do you like we do hers, hairless. It looks so good that way."
They started giving me the bikini wax. That really hurt.
Once done there, they started working up my belly and chest. That was easy compared to the bikini wax. They then did my hand and arms. And, I figured that they were done. But, they weren't. They had my underarms to do. I figured that this would really hurt. But, surprisingly it didn't. When they were done, they had me stand up and Kate went over me with a fine tooth comb, to see if they had missed anything. There were a couple of spots, and she redid the areas very quickly.
"Well that was the worst part.", Cathy said, "Now, it's time for some relaxation." She had me put my robe back on and took me to another room. In it was a marble tub filled with a clear liquid that smelled very good. She said, "This is a special bath that will help your skin recover from the waxing, it's thicker than water. You need to just slide down into the liquid, so that your whole body is covered. Then we'll dim the lights, turn on some soft music, and let you relax for a while."
I took off my robe, no longer embarrassed, and stepped into the bath. The warm liquid was a little thinner than warm honey and felt very good. I slid in until my body was covered up to the neck. Cathy turned down the lights, turned on some very soothing music, and left saying, "See you in a little while with some lunch."
I just relaxed, closed my eyes, and thought about nothing. What ever this liquid was, it was very relaxing.
What seemed like minutes later, Cathy walked in carrying a tray. She said, "Well did you have a good relaxing soak?"
"Yes. But, I've only been in here for a few minutes."
"No. Try a little longer than a half an hour."
"No way."
"Yes. Very relaxing isn't it? Ready for a little lunch?"
"Yes and yes,"
"Good. Stay in the tub, you need another ten minutes or so. I'll feed you, so you can stay completely immersed."
She fed me like you see the slave girls feeding the emperor in those old movies. She gave me grapes, cheese squares, little squares of meat, and ice tea to drink. When we were finished, she helped me out of the tub and showed me to a shower. I took a nice long, hot shower. I felt my hairless body for the first time and got turned on. I put my robe back on and walked out of the shower room, and Cathy took me to another room.
She said, "The pampering continues. This is Sally. She is will give you a very good massage, and at the same time rub in a very good moisturizer. The moisturizer will do a couple of things. It will, along with the bath, help your skin recover from the waxing. Of course it will moisturize your skin and it will also help keep you hair from regrowing too fast."
"Oh, how long before the hair starts to grow back?"
"Well, usually, it's six to eight weeks before any sign of it returns. The makeup of the bath liquid and the moisturizers keeps the hair from regrowing. Then we do it all over again."
"Six to eight weeks! I didn't realize that it took that long. I figured that it would regrow as fast as my facial hair did."
"Normally it does. But, the additives in the bath and moisturizer fool the hair into not growing. Now, be good for Sally. I'll be back when she's finished." Cathy left me alone with Sally.
"Hi, Brian. Let's take the robe off, hop up on my table and well get started. You'll enjoy this."
I took the robe off and laid down on my stomach. She started at my feet and very slowly started working up my legs, making small talk all the time. The moisturizer that she was using had a very feminine aroma to it. She continued up my body, missing nothing. After what I figured was ten minutes, she had me roll over on my back. Again she started at my feet and worked her way up. She commented on how well my bikini wax looked and I thanked her. She worked her way up to my chest and spent a long time there, using a different type of moisturizer. She then worked on my arms. When she was done, she said, "Be careful. Some people after an hour’s massage and a nice long hot bath get very dizzy when they sit up, so go slow."
"It's been a hour?"
"Yes, actually a little longer than a hour. So go slow."
I sat up and did feel a little light headed, so I sat there for a minute until my head cleared. Cathy walked back into the room, and said, "Well you look all rested and relaxed."
"That was just great. I never knew that a massage could feel so good. Thank you, Sally."
"My pleasure. Come back and see us."
"I just might." What did I just say?
"Are you ready for some more pampering?"
"If it's anything like the bath and massage, yes."
"You'll enjoy this just as much. This is where we'll start bring out your fem side."
I hesitated for a second and then figured that's what I was here for. I put my robe on and Cathy led me back to the original room where this all started. There Shelly was waiting for us.
"Don't we look all pampered and relaxed, and you smell really good.", Shelly said.
"I feel great. I didn't know that a long hot bath followed by a massage could feel so good. I'm beginning to see why you girls like this sort of thing."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now the real fun begins. When we're finished here, I'm convinced that we'll have you looking and feeling like a girl."
"That's my deal with Janet. Spend a weekend finding out what it's like to be a girl."
"Well the first thing that we need to do is give you a girl’s shape. We thought that forms in a bra would work, but Janet wanted it to be as close to real as possible. So, we are going to use a pair of glue-on prosthesis forms. These are as close to being real, in feel and weight, as any that are made."
"Glue on? Does that mean I'm stuck with them for a long time?"
"No. The glue will degrade all by itself after about 30 days and the forms will just come off. But, there is a solvent that will cause the glue to dissolve any time you want it to, and we'll be sure you have a bottle before you leave."
"I guess. Let's go for it."
"Robe off and into the chair."
I took the robe off and sat in the chair. Cathy reclined the chair until I was almost laying flat. Shelly walked over with two boxes and set them on a cart that already had a couple of bottles on it.
Shelly continued, "With your chest size, we are going to try a C cup first and if that doesn't look right, we'll go up a size. So, just lay back and let us do our thing."
She took one of the forms out of it's box and set it on my chest, moved it around a little and then drew a very light outline of it on my skin. She did the same with the other form, then placed them both back in their boxes and gave them to Cathy. I saw Cathy spread a liquid on the back of the forms. Shelly spread some liquid on my chest, being careful to stay within the lines. She said, "We have to wait for the liquid to dry. Then we'll carefully position the forms. Let them dry for a few minutes and presto, you'll have breasts."
I laid there, thinking of why I was doing this. I guess it was out of my love for Janet and a curiosity of what it might be like. After about five minutes Shelly checked the glue and pronounced it dry. She took the form for the right side and carefully put it place. She pressed on it very firmly and then worked around the edges. Then she took my right hand and placed it on the form, saying, "You need to hold it firmly in place for a few minutes."
"You’re right, it feels almost like skin, but cooler."
"Give it a little while and it will warm to body temperature and it will feel just like it's part of you."
She then moved to the left side and went through the same procedure, and there I was holding both of my breasts in place. My breasts?
After about five minutes, she checked the adhesion and said it was a good job. She worked around the edges and re- glued any edge that was loose. Then Cathy took some makeup and worked around the edge. When she was done, you couldn't see where the prostheses ended and my skin started. "This is a semi-permanent makeup that will stay in place, even in the shower, for about a week and then it can be reapplied or, with a solvent, it can be removed any time.", Cathy said.
"Lets sit you up, so that you can see what they feel like. Then we can see if we need to go up another size."
The weight on my chest was amazing. I never realized that a set of breasts was so heavy. Shelly saw the reaction on my face. Smiled and said, "Heavy aren't they?"
"A lot more than I thought they would be. How do they look."
"I like they way they look on you. I think we picked the right size. But, we'll let Janet make the final decision, she might want you bigger. Let's get your bra on, it will be more comfortable."
She handed me the bra that I had worn that morning and I put it on just the way I had that morning. She smiled at me, saying, "Janet was right. You've done it before. You just need to learn how to get your breasts into the bra cups properly. Bend over, and move them around until they seat in the cups and feel good."
I did as she suggested and when I stood up straight, I had cleavage.
"Very good. I think Janet will be happy with this. Now we need to get your butt and hips into proportion with your breasts. There are a couple of ways we can do this. There is a type of panty that has forms that fill out both the hips and butt. Then there is a special kind of panty, it's made by the same company that makes the breast forms. It's glued on in about the same way, but it has a vagina and you have to pee sitting down. You can actually have sex with it on, but you’re on the female side, no erection, but you can climax. I asked Janet about it, and she said that it was up to you."
"Why not. I've gone this far, might as well go all the way."
"I thought that you might.", she said as she reached for another box. She took out something that looked like a female torso from the belly button to just below the cheeks. "Now, when you put this on, there is a sheath inside that your penis goes into. It will allow you to pee like a girl. Also, the gel that we'll put in it before you put it on will keep you from having an erection. But, you will still have full sensitivity. We'll then use a special glue to glue it all in place. Still want to do it?"
She took the torso form and filled the tube with a gel, and handed it to me. I started putting my penis into the tube. As soon as it touched the gel I started getting hard, and it slipped right in. In a few seconds I went soft. I got up on the table again, and Shelly and Cathy went to work with the glue and makeup. When they were done, I got up and looked in the mirror, and saw my head on a girl’s body.
"What do you think?"
"I can't believe that they make things like this. I looks so natural, right down to the hair. The only problem that I see is that there is no feeling when I touch my breasts or bottom."
"Technology has only come so far. Maybe someday they will develop something that will have feeling. We have more to do any time you’re ready."
"Well, I need to try out the peeing like a girl option."
"The restroom is over there, and don't forget to wipe when you done. Oh, here are your panties, might as well start wearing them.", Cathy said.
I walked into the restroom and sat on the toilet. It took a little while to start, but once I did it came in a torrent. It was different than peeing like a man, it appeared to spray out instead of being a stream. I remembered to wipe.
When I came back out there were three girls waiting for me, Shelly, Cathy, and a girl introduced as Alice, their nail technician. I sat back in the chair and they went to work. Cathy began with a pedicure, Alice began on a manicure, and Shelly started on my face.
Shelly said, "I'm going to start working on your eyes. So, I want you to close them and not open them until I tell you."
I closed my eyes and I felt her start working to work. It felt like she was measuring, she wold touch my nose and the corner of one eye, and then the other. She wold touch my nose again, and the inside corner of my eye. I then felt her apply something on my eyebrow. Then something else. All of a sudden I felt her pull quickly and felt the pain that I had when my legs were first waxed. Oh God, she had just waxed my eyebrow. Then she did it the other one. I had to see what she had done.
"Can I see?"
"I guess, but it's your last look in a mirror until we're done."
I opened my eyes, she handed me a mirror, and I looked. I now had very thin, very feminine, eyebrows. I sighed.
Shelly took the mirror away and continued working on my face. "Did you shave this morning?"
"Yes. Twice."
"Were going to have to do it again."
She got a bowl of hot water, and proceed to shave me. Very close. When she was done, she ran a ball of cotton all over my face and pronounced it smooth. She then got started with my makeup. The first thing was a good moisturizer. I won't bother you with all the details, but she spent a lot of time working on the foundation and my eyes. She also told me that the moisturizer had something that would retard beard growth for a few days and, if I would continue to use it, a time would come when I wouldn't have to shave at all.
Cathy finished with my feet, and I had some very pretty red nails. Alice was working on a set of acrylic nails that went about a half an inch beyond the end of my fingers, and the same red as my toes. The only thing that I see were my feet and hands, and they were looking very feminine. Shelly was almost done. She said to Cathy, "Go and see if Janet is back and if she is, tell her that were almost done and ready for the unveiling, just as soon as I get a wig fitted."
Cathy walked out to the reception room and returned in a few minutes. "She's here and has a number of packages with her."
"Good. Go and get the wig that we selected and we'll see how it looks. Brian, this is a human hair wig and will feel almost natural."
Shelly took the wig, a strawberry blond one that went to just below my shoulders and carefully fitted it over a wig cap that she had added while she was working on my makeup. She fussed, combed, brushed, and sprayed until it was done to her satisfaction.
"You know,", she said to me, "a woman's hair is her crowning glory, and yours is fit for a queen. Are you ready for the unveiling?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
"OK. Cathy, go get Janet."
Cathy went to the door and motioned for Janet to come in. When Janet walked in, the packages she was carrying hit the floor, along with her jaw. Once she recovered, she said, "I see four lovely women in this room, one is me, one is Shelly, one is Cathy, but who is this! It can't be Brian, no one that beautiful and feminine could possibly be named Brian. My name is Janet, what's yours?"
I looked at her, smiled, and said, "My name is Briana."
"Briana? A very pretty name. Shelly, I can't believe what you and the other girls have done. She is downright gorgeous. Been thinking about a new name very long honey?", she asked with a wink.
Shelly said, "We had a good clean canvas too work with. She was very apprehensive to start with, but I think that she really enjoyed herself. She even went with the special panty."
With that Janet's face just lit up.
"You know girls, you've had the mirrors covered in here and I haven't seen what I look like. Can I please see?", I asked.
"Not right now honey. I want you to be complete when you see yourself for the first time.", Janet said.
I pouted like a 5 year old.
"But, Briana, I brought you some new clothes. I figured that you wouldn't want to leave in those old, ugly male clothes, looking like the gorgeous woman that you are."
"Why thank you, Janet. You really shouldn't have, but, it's very nice of you.", I was getting into the role. "Shelly, would you and Cathy excuse us for a little while so that I can get dressed."
"Of course sweetheart, but Cathy needs to take one of the after pictures first.", Shelly said, "Then we'll be in the reception area when you’re done. Take off your robe."
When I took off the robe, Janet's eyes just lit up. Cathy took another picture, and she and Shelly left us alone. Janet just stood there for a few seconds looking at me. She finally said, "I didn't really think that you'd go through with it. And, you actually choose the special panties." She walked over and gave me a big kiss, saying, "I love you, Briana."
"A deal is a deal, and I love you too, Shelly. You didn't mess up my lipstick did you?"
"No silly. Shelly uses permanent lipstick. It won't come off for a long time. Drop the panties."
I dropped them. She just stared.. "Turn around."
I did a slow turn.
"You can't see the seam. Shelly really does great work. Let's see the breasts."
I took off the bra. Janet walked over and copped a feel.
"My they feel real. OK, let's get you dressed. We have things to do."
She started going through the packages that she had brought in, and handed me a few. First was a demi-bra, which she helped me put on, followed by a garter belt and black nylons, then sexy panties that matched the bra. Then a gorgeous print silk skirt and white silk blouse and a pair of black Mary Jane's with a 2" heel. She had even gotten me a feminine watch, some rings, a necklace and ear rings. Ear rings for pierced ears!
"Oh, we have one more thing to do. You can't wear those ear rings without getting your ears pierced.", she said as she pulled out a piercing gun. I sat down in the chair, and said, "Go for it." Shortly I had two piercings in each ear with ear rings to match.
The only thing that we couldn't do anything about was my Adams Apple, but Janet came up with a answer. She found a very fancy cloth choker that hid it perfectly.
"OK, let's have a look." I modeled my outfit for her. She just smiled and said, "Girl, the only thing that isn't female on you is your voice. There is no way anyone is going to know you're a guy."
"Can I see now?"
"Yes. Go stand in front of the full length mirror and turn your back to it. I'll pull the cover."
I walked over in front of the mirror. Assumed my best feminine pose, which wasn't good.
"Here we go. On 3. 1, 2, 3"
The cover came off the mirror, and I was face to face with a very beautiful woman. It took a few seconds to realize that, that woman was me. I got lightheaded, and thought that I was going to pass out. Janet rushed over and helped me into the chair.
"Are you OK?"
"I think so. It was a shock to see myself like this. I never realized that I could look like this."
"Isn't makeup wonderful? It works great on a good canvas. Let's get things picked up, we have things to do."
We got everything together and walked out into the reception room. Shelly and Cathy were there, as was another woman, who appeared to be paying her bill. They turned towards us, Shelly and Cathy smiled, the woman just said, "Oh my! My dear you are very pretty." I smiled and blushed.
We waited while the woman finished paying her bill and left.
Shelly said, "Briana, you just passed your first test. That lady is the president of one of the biggest lady’s clubs in town, and if she didn't read you I doubt that anyone else will."
Cathy added, "Briana, if I didn't know better. I'd say that you were the most feminine woman in the room and there was no way that there was a man under there." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "We need one more picture. A group picture of the four of us.", she added.
We got into a nice group pose, as Cathy set the timer. The flash went off and Shelly said, "There’s a great picture, two very pretty girls and two very pretty boys."
"Two very pretty girls and two very pretty boys?", I said, looking very puzzled at Shelly.
Shelly grinned, and said, "Briana, I would like you to meet my husband, Carl."
I just stood there and stared. "Cathy? You're a man? Can't be."
"Yes. Always have been a man, always will be. At least between the legs. I have the body of a woman and the genitalia of a man. Like I tell everyone, I was born a man and made a woman "
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So being introduced to Carl,
So being introduced to Carl, why do I feel a whole new life style coming for Briana? As the old "Laugh In" show comment used to be made "Veeeery Interesting!!" J-Lynn
Excellent Story Teddy
Another masterful work from your mind Teddie! The gentleness with which you create your characters is like a magnet drawing me into your story! I will have to finish the rest of what you have posted up here for this series tonight. Brian's character is just alluring as I live it while reading.
Sephrena Miller
souning really great now to p
souning really great now to part tow