Becoming Christine -4-

Authors Note: Sorry for taking so long but real life issues took over there for a bit, however I am happy to report work is becoming less hectic no more 7-days straight and surgery in August went great. I have started part 5 but it is slow goings as I’m working 6 days 12 hours with 2 hours drive time. This limits my writing to my one day off in-between house work. So enjoy and I’ll get back at it. Sincerely, Chrissyfire

Becoming Christine
Part 4

by Chrissyfire

School started and I was a little leery about walking into school wondering if anyone would recognize me or not. I was dressed as I usually did with a pair of blue jeans and a tee shirt hair in a neutral style. I met up with Nikki, Cindy, and Stacey a few blocks from the school as we had last year it was something of a ritual since last year. We would meet up with Joan in front of the school by the buses. When I had reached, the front doors of the school one of the boys on the football team who was right behind me made a quick last minute hustle just enough to grab the door handle before I could.

“Here we go after you,” Scott said. “Thanks Scott, but you didn’t have to do that”, I told him while obviously blushing. “It’s OK I wanted to, well I gotta jet see you around,” and with that Scott took off down the hallway. “Oh I’m not so sure going to that party was a good idea anymore,” I told Stacey. “I don’t know if I would say that he’s cute besides boys’ should open doors for girls”. “Yeah that’s my point”, I said, “Why do you think I was trying to open it for you guys”.

“Now don’t start that again you just need to relax besides if they want to see you as a girl then why not let them,” said Cindy. “Well maybe I don’t want them to find out later and kick my ass for trying to fool them,” I said as manly as I could. “Oh you’re reading too much into it Chrissy, come on let’s get to class”, said Nikki.

The days seamed to pass to slowly that I noticed I hadn’t been paying much attention in my 4th hour class and when I looked done at my notes is when I saw that I had written John Marlow over and over several times surrounded by hearts, flowers, and rainbows. “God, I must be really losing my mind”, I thought as the bell rang. I was so glad to see everyone at lunch. I quickly got my tray and sat down next to Cindy. Before I knew it, we were all in the latest gossip from what had been happening since the summer ended. Everyone was discussing, who was with whom and who was open for the taking.

Cindy asked me, “Shawn, how are things going with ah, well you know?” and then in a whisper said, “John”. I was ever so eager to tell them about our latest date. Nikki and the girls were so happy to be back in school. It was a little easier for them being in a more popular crowd. I was not so happy to be back in school and was longing for the last days of summer to still be here. I wanted to be Chrissy, to be myself again and not this lowly shadow of a person not noticed.

As past, I was still seeing John whenever the chance would arise on the weekends, watching him play, and cheering his team to win. He was a very good football player. After the games we would go and hang out at Denny’s and the boys would talk about how they did, the girls about how great there boyfriends looked playing in their uniforms. I often had many second thoughts about who I was and many times filled with self-doubt but whenever I was in John’s arms those doubts seamed to fade away until there was only the feelings I had for this Boy. I was comfortable being on Johns arm and more time we spent together, the more I enjoyed being his Girl.

Sometimes John would be a little upset that I did not bring my school ID with me so we could go to the dance after the games. Truth is that not bringing it was the only thing saving me from being discovered. However, he made me promise to bring my ID next week because he had a surprise for me. He knew I did not take promises lightly and knew if I made one, it would be kept and only an act of GOD would keep me from fulfilling a promise to him, but how I going to pull this one off was beyond me.

Therefore, the girls and I developed a plan that just might work. I had always had an uncanny ability with computers and Cindy working as an office aide. Nikki being a teacher’s aide and Stacey is the Guidance Aid. The plan was for Nikki to get Mrs. Bordings office to be open so I could sneak in and access the computers in the office in order to change my school records in the system. Then I would set a new copy to print out in the office for Cindy to snatch up and replace the old ones in my permanent folder.

Once the records in the computer where changed with my new name and sex I would have to get dressed up and then get my new School ID taken by Stacey in the Guidance office. Therefore, the plan was set and now all we had to do was make it work without being caught and if anyone caught us, we would all be in serious trouble and could face expulsion or at least suspended.

I watched the clock nervously Wednesday until it was time. I asked Mr. Kellum to use the restroom and left the class to go meet Nikki in Mrs. B’s office. So far so good, I knew I would only have a short time before Mr. Kellum would wonder why I was one so long.

Cindy had giving me a password of one of the secretaries the day before. That helped immensely or it may have taken too long to hack the password in such a short time. I had all the information changed in a matter of two minutes then programmed a delay in the printing to make sure it would print at a give time so Cindy could get ready to receive them.

I got back just as Mr. Kellum was coming out to see what was taking me so long. I told him that my stomach was hurting real bad and cramping. He said, “OK hurry back to your seat and finish up your work there is not much time left”. I hurried to finish my work before the bell rang and it would be time to start phase two of the plan. In the hall way I told Cindy what time it would be printing so she would be ready.

Only part three of the plan was I still nervous about meeting Nikki and Sam to get ready for my Picture. This would mean transforming into Chrissy in school, in a very short time, and to get in and out of the guidance office undetected. I was praying that everyone would be too busy getting into their lockers and not notice me. Right before the last bell the office and guidance would empty to monitor the halls and the buses so this was the only time that the records and my new ID could happen.

It all had to be timed just right or we would be caught for sure. As soon as the last bell rang, I hurried to the only unisex bathroom in the school right next to the main office. Sam had my cloths and Nikki had the makeup. I had to change really quick and Nikki did my makeup cause she was much faster then I was while Sam was on hair duty. Joan was watching and making sure that no one came in and disturbed us. I was all finished in record time. Therefore, there was only one thing to do.

As I stepped out of the bathroom I looked up and down the halls only to see that the halls were not completely empty, the fear and sweat running down my back as we rushed straight to the guidance office and success so far no one had noticed a thing. Cindy met us there and said, “OK the switch has been made and you’re now officially a girl”.

She handed me my old records so we could place them back when that time came. I set down in the chair and Stacey took my picture. It would take a full five minutes until it would be finished printing. As soon as it finished we headed out the door and almost knocked over one of the counselors who advised us to slow it down. We did it and with not a moment to spare. So with my new ID in hand we walked to Nikki’s house this way I could clean up before going home.

The rest of week seemed to drag on as I anxiously waited for the weekend to come. I desperately wanted to know what the surprise John had in store for me. Finally, the last bell rung on Friday I was so looking forward to see John again. I had barely gotten to talk to him this week on the phone. He gave me no hints as to what he had in store although I believe it was his way of making sure we could go to the after game dance.

My Parents had left a half hour ago to head down to the river. They had asked me to come but they knew since football season had started there was not a game that I had missed yet. I arranged to meet up with Sam so I could change over at her house and then have John meet me there. Sam just lived around the corner from me, her mom was a bartender working the closing shift so she would not be home until about 4am, and her dad was no longer around. Many thoughts flooded my mind while I was getting ready, “Am I being stupid, crazy, or just stark raving mad?” I would have to wait to answer those questions as John’s car had just pulled up. “He’s walking to the door Chrissy are you ready?” asked Sam.

“My god Chrissy you never stop getting more beautiful do you,” said John as he offered his hand to walk me to the car. I blushed as I took his hand and politely said, “Thank you John”. I eased myself into the car eager to find out what John had planned for us tonight. Much to my surprised John stopped the car on the square and said, “OK give shall we get something to eat.” “Ok but just something quick I don’t want to make you late.” I said. “Don’t worry we have plenty of time before the game that is why I still wanted to pick you up at 6 tonight.” “Still, but John always picks me up at six every Friday,” I thought to myself.

We took our seats inside of Thousand Islands a restaurant and local hang out of teens to get a cheap bite to eat before our games located only a 5-minute walk from my high school. As I look around there were many eyes on us, well me in particular. Some of the faces were saying “What the Hell? While others were saying I thought so”. John is only focused on me and I seemed to forget all the eyes that were upon us while I basked in his warming smile. I checked my watch as were had just finished eating and said, “Oh god John we’re going to be so late, it’s fifteen minutes till seven”.

“No we’re not I don’t have to play tonight,” John said, we’ll down “so I thought we could do something else and spend more time together tonight and I thought we could watch your school tonight”. “Oh John, what a lovely surprise,” I said while thinking just how in the hell am I going to get away with this one. “I know you are always cheering for my team and that is only because you’re really cheering for me, so I thought we could go and cheer on Dave and we could spend some time with your friends instead of mine”. “Besides I’ll need to see what kind of competition I have at you school to try and keep you,” John said with a laugh in his voice. As John excused himself to use the bathroom, I quickly grabbed my phone and called Nikki in a panic “Nikki, John’s bringing me to our game and dance tonight, what the hell am I going to do?”

“Relax Chrissy we’ll think of something, I’ll grab Cindy and we’ll meet you at the south gate call me when you guys are parking, OK? And we’ll come meet you guys.” said Nikki as she hung up the phone to call Cindy. John sitting back at the table said, “Were you telling Nikki the good news when I was walking back I saw you on the phone”. “Yeah they said they would save us some seats and she said to call her when we’re parking and she would meet us by the south gate”, I said as sweet as I could not letting him know my mind was such a wreck.

We got up and walked to the cashier to pay for our dinner the girl behind the counter gave me a puzzled look. John was too busy looking through his wallet to notice her. John held my hand gently as we walked to car and when we were standing next to John’s car, he gave me a very long deep kiss making my worries fad entirely away. John started to unlock the door and still looking dreamily; I slowly sat as John ran around the car and got in the driver s seat.

“John honey, we need to hurry if we’re going to make it before kickoff,” I said. “Chrissy, would you go to the Homecoming dance with me?” John asked putting the car in park. I put on a brave face turned to look at him and said, “Well I’ll have to ask my parents but Yes I would love to be your date for Homecoming” I said with a sweet smile hoping he would not see right through me. Then I quickly grab my phone and called Nikki to tell her we were walking toward the gate.

John handed money over to pay for our tickets to Mrs. Jacob my Math teacher who was giving me the weirdest look as she handed John his change. “God my life is so over”, I thought walking away to give my ticket over to my assistant principle Mr. Larry Schneider. Mr. Schneider asked to see our school ID’s. He looked at Johns first and said, “Welcome Mr. Marlow hope you enjoy the game. I handed my newly made id over to Mr. Schneider and said, “Good evening Mr. Schneider” in what I hoped to be an unworried girls voice. He looked at it intensely studying the id the name Shawn Christine Hanzal on it with a perplexing look on his face.

Then he spoke, “Shawn nice to see you again”. “Shawn?” John said with a questioning tone. “Mr. Schneider you know she only likes to go by her middle name”, Nikki said in a scolding tone. “Thank you there is a god” I thought as Nikki once again stepped in to advert me from danger. Mr. Schneider looking at my id again before handing me back my id said, “Yes, I’m sorry Christine, it must have slipped my mind I’m terribly sorry”. “Chrissy, so glad you could drag John over here for a change” said Cindy trying to reinforce my being Chrissy in front of Mr. Schneider as we started to walk away leaving Mr. Schneider completely bewildered.

I then said, “John honey I need to go to the little girl’s room before we head up to the seats do you mind?” John said he was going to get a drink from the concessions stand and he would meet me right back here. Nikki, Cindy, Sam and I headed off to the restrooms and I was on the verge of tears. “OK, so does anyone have any ideas of how I am going to get though tonight and the rest of my life without getting found out or kill?”, I asked Nikki and the girls. “Well I’m not real sure but for a start I don’t think it would be wise for shown ever to come back to school that for sure”, said Cindy. “Well you did wish you could be Chrissy more didn’t you, besides we have talked about this before no one knows who Shawn was or is anyhow,”, said Nikki. “I don’t know why you are even fretting it anyways, now come on the guys are waiting.”

When we were heading to walked out of restroom, we ran into Mrs. Coffia, Nikki and my English teacher, walking in. “Shawn!” she yelled, “What the hell do you think you are doing in here and dressed like, like…” she paused, “We’re going to see Mr. Schneider right this minute”. “Dressed like what?” I snapped back at her, “Can’t a girl dress up every now and then without people making a federal case out of it.” Nikki took my student id, shoved it at her, and said, “We just left Mr. Schneider as he checked our tickets and ID’s at the south gate.” “Ms. Pinter, there is no need to raise your voice or be rude,” said Mrs. Coffia.

She looked at it in disbelief and the said, “Oh I’m sorry I had always thought you were a boy buy the way you always dressed,” as she handed me back my school id. “You should be” said Cindy in a protective tone, “Here we are trying to get her out of her shell and everyone makes her doubt herself, come on Chrissy lets go.” “Girls wait!” said Mrs. Coffia “I’m, sorry I was just shocked and Ms. Hanzal, you do look very beautiful tonight, your friends are right you shouldn’t hide yourself, now enjoy the rest of the evening and again I’m sorry and if you prefer I can refer to you as Chrissy in class if you wish.” I just simply nodded as she placed my ID back into my hands.

We walked out of the bathroom and there was John laughing and talking with Rich, Matt, and Scott. “Great”, I thought as we walked up to where they were standing. Scott looked at me and said, “Wow definitely better than that tomboy look you had, you keep looking this good and I’ll have to steal you away from John here”. John simply said, “Nope I don’t need to keep an eye on her, I trust her” then he bent down and gave me a kiss right in front of everyone. This was both to show how much he cared and to show everyone there that I was his girl and they should keep their grubby hands off less they wish to lose them. This both excited me and scared me at the same time. One thing was for sure there would be no turning back now. I was now Chrissy for him and to the rest of my school. How could I let this happen, I thought to myself.

Our team had won pummeling Chesterton 21 to 10. We walked into the auxiliary gym to the dance. I was like a fish out of water being this close to everyone whom I went to school every day dressed as Chrissy. John led me over to where everyone was sitting and I sat down next to Nikki. John asked if we would like some punch, I nodded so did and he and Dave left for the other end of the gym. I said to Nikki, “There is not a chance in hell I can ever go back to being me with how everyone saw me dressed, I’m so screwed.” Nikki leaned over to me and said, “So what! I mean, like at least no one has pointed their finger and shouted ‘Look at that guy!’” “Yeah I guess your right there is that but, what happens when I come to school Monday, let alone when I get home tonight,” I said. “Well girl enjoy the rest of the night as if it will be your last and deal with it when you get to school on Monday.” Sam said.

When the boys came back, we were in a big girl group hug and giggling. As we disentangled ourselves from one another John looked at me, smiled and said, “Are you feeling better?” “Yes much better, I’m sorry I have been a little off, here let me show you how much better I feel,” I said. Then I turned to Nikki I said, “Hey Nikki put in that certain request and lets show these boys a good time” and then dragging him to the middle of the dance floor I let my cares fade and for the first time that night I began to have fun.

John dropped us off at Sam’s and then left to get home before curfew but not before giving a heavenly kiss. I called mom and dad, told them I was at Sam’s and asked if it would be OK to watch a movie with everyone so we could wind down before going home. Dad said it would be OK but not to be out to late cause I still had chores to do tomorrow and that he wanted no excuses. “Yes dad I will make sure everything is done and I won’t be out much more then another one and a half to two hours at most. I promise,” I said before hanging up the phone.

The girls and I talked about the night from the look on the teachers faces to the reaction of people I have been going to school with for the past 3 years that didn’t know I existed till tonight. The girls started to talk about homecoming as it was only 2 weeks away. Then Nikki turned and asked if John had asked me if he could be my date to Homecoming Dance. I looked at her and said, “Yes he asked me tonight but He asked me to his Homecoming Dance.” “Awe and I thought you would be able to come with us,” said Joan. “Yeah that totally is not fair that you go to his and not to ours,” chimed Cindy. “But it might be better this way if you really think about it besides tonight was pushing things really far and I’m not sure I convinced everyone,” I said.

“Besides, I don’t want to get found out and it’s just safer this way. Plus, I can help you all out getting ready for the dance and then you can help me out the following weekend. It really is a win; win for me at this point.” “Oh my god, said Cindy we haven’t even picked out our dresses yet. We have to go shopping tomorrow before all the good ones are gone.” Therefore, it was official in girl language we were going shopping tomorrow and not stopping until everyone’s outfits were drop dead gorgeous.

I woke up Saturday morning to the small rays of light passing thru my curtains sparkling of the dust motes. The laughter of Eddie and Jobo in the morning show was playing on my alarm clock. I lifted my head to look at the time to see it was only 8 O’clock in the morning. Well dad and mom would be expecting me to finish all my chores early and I had no idea if they would have one of their friends check up on me to make sure I was doing as I was asked. I slowly dragged my lazy carcass out of bed and headed into the kitchen to pore myself some cereal and then to clean the garage.

Once again, it was that time of month where the garage needed its cleaning. I mentally thanked god it was not as bad as it had been last month when mom was preparing for her arts and craft show, now that was a messy garage. I quickly arranged the items on the shelves picked up the trash on the floor, swept it and put the mover back in its place. I closed the doors and when back inside to get ready, as it was shopping day with the girls. I called Nikki to see if we were still meeting at 11 O’clock and she confirmed they would be by to pick me up the she hung up.

I was starting to get used to the whole routine, I checked my legs and underarms in the shower and ran my razor over them as needed. I was so glad that my hair did not grow very fast. As I was getting ready I looked over at the computer sitting over on my desk all dusty and alone. I mental thought about how long it had been since I last was on it and wondered how much email was piling up. “Wow”, I thought. “My priorities have really changed. Usually on a day like today I would be checking my messages on a few BBS’s that I hang out on and playing LORD, Legend of the Red Dragon on Mojo or Wild Bill’s BBS.

Here I was getting all dressed up to head to the mall to shop for a homecoming dress with my best girlfriends. I knew not one dress store, shoe store, or accessory store was going to stand a chance as we made our way thru the mall. The trip was like most trips we had made thru the mall trying on everything while doing a small modeling bit in front of the other girls seeking their approval until everyone finally found that perfect dress that brought out the each special feature they were looking for.

Nikki went with a pale pink strapless with sequence wrapping the top with a single rowed pattern encircling to the bottom. Pam the bustiest of us went with a dark blue with a plunging neckline. Cindy’s was a sky blue that hugged her like a second skin. Joan decided on an asymmetrical hem, higher on the left side, and showing her thigh, while hanging below the knee rather elegantly on the other in off white.

Mine on the other hand was a middle length in blackish green satin, off the shoulders, straight across above the bust neckline, and the bottom was gathered up into some nice pleats. I knew to keep the neckline high as I would need to keep my false breasts well hidden.

After we had finished with finding our dresses, we continued to look for purses and shoes. I however didn’t understand why we were all picking out white fabric ones. However, that question was soon answered when we handed over our dresses, shoes and handbags to the woman at the counter. It seems you can have them died to make you outfits perfectly. I was very impressed to the knowledge these girls had. I never knew there was a dye process. It did make sense though if you only thought about had women always seem to have shoes that seemed as if were made for that outfit alone.

We continued with our trip thru the mall and ate a late lunch while staring at the many guys who were hanging out by the arcade. The arcade I thought to myself that was another place I had hardly visited since I had become Chrissy sure I had been to the mall lots of time but only with the girls and yet not once had I been to the arcade now for the last three months. Four months ago, I would have been just one of the solo guys hanging out playing Tekken or some other fighting game like Mortal Combat.

It is a ritual of sort, to see who could be the best of the best. It was weird now that I thought about it I mean it was fun but nothing like that fun I have had with these five wonderful girls who had taken me in to be one of their own. It was something I would never trade for the life of me.

With all the shopping done and I knew mom and dad would be coming home soon, we headed back to Sam’s so I could get change and head for home. I said my goodbyes and headed off for home. Mom and dad come home about an hour after me and seemed to have a wonderful time relaxing at the river. Mom said Jenny, Ken, and a few of the other teens where asking about me and were wondering why I don’t come anymore.

I thought for a minute and then simply said, “I’ll make it down but I just want to spend time with my friends and we can’t take all of them can we.” Mom just sighed and continued to look over the house to see if I did get all of my chores done and dad was inspecting the garage. Both please with how well I was keeping my chores done and not forgetting the smallest detail, they dropped the nagging and we all went off to bed.

I was so busy all throughout the day I had not once stopped to think about school tomorrow, what was going to happen when I walked in tomorrow. I had almost completely forgotten the events Friday night my teacher’s, the vice principle, all my classmates who saw John and I hanging all over each other not to mention them seeing John kissing me. What was I going to do now?

Everyone had now surely seen me; this was not like Stacey’s party where I could have been a friend from out of town and just it could be a mistaken identity case. What would my teachers think if I showed up as the bland same old me? What if someone put together everything, what would I do? Oh, so many questions going thru my head kept me up much later then I wanted. It was just so hard to sleep with all this hanging over my head.

I reached the girls and they could tell I was completely wreaked. “Chrissy are you OK? It looks like you didn’t sleep at all last night,” said Nikki. “In truth I didn’t sleep very good last night. I have been going over Friday in my head and I’m really worried about what is going to happen today,” I told them. “What if Mrs. Cuffia does call me Chrissy during class? Everyone will start asking me why I only dress good on the weekends and not to mention the questions I will start getting about a John.”

“Well we have some time if you want, we can go to my house you have some cloths over there from this weekend’s shopping trip and you could just get dressed up and see how it goes,” Sam said. “No I think I better just try and lay low still I’m not sure if I can handle that yet,” I said with as much confidence as I could muster at that particular moment.

“Chrissy look you need to take the leap sometime so I might as well be now besides if you think about it you really are committed at this point,” Cindy said. I knew she was right because I was already imagining walking in to the school and all the questions starting right there at the front door. “OK, I’ll do it there is no better time than now I guess, let’s do this, but I’m going to need help cause we’ll all be late if I do it all myself.”

We ran back to Sam’s and Nikki started my makeup as Cindy did something with my hair and Sam was on outfit detail. It took no time at all and I was ready in just under ten minutes still plenty of time to meet Joan at the bus if we hurried. The reality of it all was I suddenly felt better. I never realized how much of a crutch makeup had become. I truly felt naked without it.

We reach the buses a little late but there was Joan still waiting for us. She knew we would never leave her. She saw us coming and smiled then she took a good look at me and looked stunned. “WOW,” she said, “what brought this on, are you sure you want to do this Chrissy?” We explain the conversation we had when we first met this morning and how we all felt that I was pretty, much committed at this point if I wanted to be Chrissy and since all the teachers had already seen Chrissy if might just be easier. She looked around and said, “Well with the way everyone is looking I guess it’s too late to turn back now we might as well get this show on the road.” Boys were passing and taking double looks, girls were smiling as they walked past so this was my decisive moment the doors stood just five more feet.

We walked in as if nothing was amiss and to my much surprise, everyone was saying hi, one girl asked me where I found my top and I told her where I had found it. I somehow was no longer an invisible body that seemed to follow in the shadow of my friends; I was now an equal. Rich, Dave and a few of his friends meet up with us just as they always do but something strange happened.

Eric started to talk to me, “Wow Chrissy you look great, if I wasn’t so worried about your boyfriend I might try and hit on you.” I blushed and said, “Well I guess I’ll just have to keep reminding yourself that I’m taken.” “Yeah besides John would pulverize you and you know it,” Rich said while laughing. That wasn’t very nice I thought besides Eric seems to be a nice guy and at least he was being honest unlike me at that moment.

I was extremely aware of everything I was wearing from the small diamond earrings, the cover up, the powder on my face, the taste and feeling of my lipstick, the mascara on my eyelashes, to the bra that was already feel a little uncomfortable, even down to my dusty pink fingernails. Class Started and the teacher looked at me as if a little confuse but didn’t say anything to draw unnecessary attention to me.

It was nerve racking having so many people staring at me as we had walked down the hall and during that class even. I was so happy when the bell finally rang. I knew Cindy would be waiting just outside the door waiting to walk me to my next class. “So how is it going so far,” asked Cindy? “Well everyone has been staring but no one has been mean to me so far, but I’m still a little scared,” I said.

Each class was more of the same thing teachers a little confuse and strange looks from many of my classmates Math was a little easier as Mrs. Jacobs seemed to be please with my sudden burst of femininity. A few girls had told me how much better I look and where glad I had come out of my tomboy phase. Lunch was better it was nice to get some food in my stomach to settle it down. I could still feel a thousand eyes on me from all angles some students with bewildered expressions and at least one girl telling me how much she liked my hair. My confidence was growing. Perhaps, in this case, not having any close friends besides my five partners in crime was an asset.

The rest of the day past pretty much the same as the first half of the day and by the time the last bell rang I was so glad it was over. I do not think I could have taken much more of this sensory overload. I met up with the girl right outside the front doors so we come say bye to Joan before we started our walk back home. Well back to Sam’s anyways so I could make my transformation back into Shawn once again. I thought about how wonderful it would be if I could just continue to be me.

The next few weeks had flown by so fast I could hardly believe that this week it would be my turn to go to Homecoming not as a geeky boy but as a girl with her boyfriend. I was too excited for words. I had been bouncing all over the house all morning that even my mom was wondering what had gotten into me. We had it all planned out I would as always had over to Sam’s to begin my transformation and John would be by to pick me up at five.

I told mom I was heading over to Nikki’s house and then we would be meeting up with Rich and Cindy to head off to the mall for a few hours and then to a double feature and I should be home about eleven. I hugged mom goodbye and set off for Sam’s house.

By the time I had arrived, everybody was already there, had everything laid out and ready to go. Little did I know they had something special planned for me, when I walked up to the door they all grabbed me and had me change into a plain outfit as if we were heading out to the mall.

I was a little confused but I did as I was told, yet still something still was amiss because I didn’t know why they had asked me to meet them at ten in the morning. I kept asking myself why I would need so much time to get ready, but I figured that just wanted some time with me before I was gone for the evening. I had also planned to meet them back just before eleven to clean up so I could go home without my parents suspecting a thing.

I was just about to put some makeup on when Nikki stopped me. “Don’t worry about doing that we have a surprise for you,” Nikki said. Soon we were in Joan’s Mom’s car and driving. “Ah can I ask where we are going,” I said with a little worry in my voice. Everyone just kind of looked at me and smiled. Soon I was standing in front of CP Nails one of three nail salons in town. “OK Chrissy time to get on with the pampering,” said Cindy.

I had done this before but yes these girls did know how special I wanted to look for tonight. I had the works a pedicure, manicure, and a good massage on my feet. They took a minute and decided I would get some Airbrushing done to make my nails just that extra special. The colors they picked out would match my dress perfectly and the detail of the little hearts and flowers were to die for.

After we finished there, they took me to Chicago’s Hair Cutters. I told them I really didn’t need my hair cut I needed it to grow out. Sam just hushed me and had me take a seat in one of the waiting chairs. They had made me an appointment to have my hair done. First with a wash, this almost made me fall asleep. The stylists hands scrubbing and massaging my scalp was heavenly. I could definitely get so used to this I thought to myself as she started to wrap my wet hair in a towel.

She led me over to another chair, which she reclined so I was leaning backward and looking up at the ceiling. I was told to close my eyes and she would begin the facial. Now this was something I had not had before, I wondered how it would feel. She started to put some kind of cream on my face and as it dried, I could feel the skin on my face tighten up.

I was truly enjoying myself and I was so lucky to have such great friend to do all of this for me. The facial was removed and the something warm was being applied to my eyebrow line. Seeing I had never had a facial before I assumed it was just part of the process until I felt the ripping of hair and pain coming from my eyebrow. I about jumped out of my seat and half way across the salon as the girls were just giggling at me. It was utter horror as I inspected the damage above my right eye.

I was looking at almost a perfect shaped eyebrow of a typical teenage girl. Nikki told me to just relax they just wanted me to look as perfect as possible for my date with John. Pulling Nikki aside I said, “Nikki how do you expect me to explain this to my mom? I think this will be something she will definitely notice when she looks at me.” Her face then took on the sudden horror that mine did and then the other girls seeing the reaction now on Nikki’s face were suddenly quite.

“Oh my god Chrissy I wasn’t thinking, sometimes we just forget your little problem. We have just come to know you as well one of us and we forget that your really a boy,” she said in no more the a whisper so no one else could here. “Well you can’t stop know we’ll just have to figure something out later and Chrissy I am sorry,” Nikki said almost in tears. I sat back down in the chair and allowed the stylist to continue with her work. I was fighting the tears back as hard as I could but I knew when I reached the car they would be overflowing.

Nikki sat back with the girls and huddled them together so they would know what we had spoken about. They were just about finish when the stylist held up a mirror for me to see the full extent of the damages. I loved the way they made my eyes even more feminine but I knew there would be no way to keep them hidden from my mom. As I looked over to them, they had looked as if someone had stolen all the wind from their sails. I looked over to them and gave them the best smile I could muster.

I knew they did not mean any malice they just wanted me to be perfect. I had to admit even I from time to time had forgotten I was not a girl myself so how could I harbor any harsh feeling toward them at all. These five girls were my truest of friends and I knew they would never have done this to cause me any problems at home. They were just girls treating one of their girlfriends to a great makeover much as they had had done before their big night at their dance.

So with my eyes anew and my hair complete it was now time for the last step in this makeover the makeup. Sam showed a picture of my dress to the stylist who had turned me from the mirror and began diligently working on my face. I was getting so impatient wanting to see the finish product myself as the girls just ooo’ed and ahhh’ed. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it any more she announced I was finished and turned me around to see the new me.

I was completely slack jawed as I looked at the gorgeous babe looking back at me. I could have passed for eighteen or maybe even nineteen. I was completely beautiful. My worry about my eyes was no longer any concern to me at this point. My only concern now was if John was going to like the new and improved me. I got out of the chair and turned to face the girls who were about as dumbfounded as me.

I think this was the first time they had been this speechless in their life. It took everyone a few minutes to come back into reality so we could pay and thank the stylist for such beautiful work. We all were bouncing up and down all the way to the car except for Nikki. She quickly hugged me and pleaded with me not to be mad at her. She was still upset and worried that my mom would kill me when she sees me next.

“Look”, I said, “How can I be mad at any of you? I even can be caught up in the moment too and I even forget that well that I’m different. So come on let’s just worry about his later beside I have a dance and a gorgeous guy to get ready for.” It only took a moment and then we were all together in such a great group hug that would make Barney barf.

These were my BFF’s, my sisters and nothing was ever going to keep me mad at them for long. I did think about how to hide my eyebrows. I did wear hats a lot so I could always wear it slightly low for a few days or a week without much fuss from mom I told myself. Hey worse comes to worse I can say that I told the girls they were being childish and they dared my to do it since I didn’t think it hurt that much, OK yeah that just might work.

It was just after five thirty when we finally made it back to Sam’s house and I could not believe how long all of that took. It did give me a new appreciation for the length of time girls spend getting ready for these big dances and now I was one of them and had shared in a time-honored tradition. I had to hurry to finish getting ready before John got there.

I was starting to get nervous but then I realized that no one expects a girl to be ready on time. I just took a deep breath and told myself to relax. I put on some fresh panties, nylons, my new strapless bra, and glue on my falsies, and pulled on my dress. Nikki came in, told me John was here, and waiting down stairs as she helped my zip up my dress. OK all that was finished now shoes, a quick makeup check and I was now ready to go down stairs to meet my date.

Nikki went first and announced my arrive as if I was some princess entering a grand ballroom. Everyone rush to the bottom of the stairs to watch me come down. I was breathing so hard and my heart felt as if it was going to leap out of my chest when turned the corner and began to descend the staircase. I looked to John to see his reaction and it was the reaction I was hoping for, completely breathless.

Good I thought to myself we feel the same way, John took my breath away as I looked at him in his suit as it perfectly hugged his body as if it was specially tailored to fit every well defined muscle in his body. “God Chrissy, words cannot describe how beautiful you look absolutely stunning,” John said. Gushing I replied, “Thank You John, I might I say you look quite handsome as well.”

Everyone started in with taking pictures as John placed the corsage on my hand and in turn, as I pinned the matching flower to his lapel. I had been out with John numerous times so why did I feel so nervous tonight. We walked out to the car hand and hand, John opened the door to the car, wow how courteous he was being tonight. As we pulled away everyone was jumping, waving, and telling us to have fun.

When I looked over at John he placed a hand gently on my left leg. A few months ago, I probably would have pushed his hand away, but tonight I laid my hand on top of his and gave it a little squeeze. My emotions were not much better than a grab bag swirling through my soul. However, tonight I was not going to think about what this might mean. Tonight, I wanted nothing more than to be here on this date to be with John and to be his girl.

We had a nice little dinner just the two of us at Twelve Islands. There were a few looks but nothing could distract me from looking into his eyes all throughout dinner. Could his eyes be anymore blue? John guided me with his hand gently around my waste and once again opened the car door for me. Before getting in the car, I turned to look at him and it was as if he could read my mind as he slowly lowered his lips to touch mine. His kiss was different tonight very much with passion, soft and subtle enough not to smear my lipstick.

As we slowly pulled away, I looked past him and saw my MOM looking directly at me. They just had walked out of Chicago’s kitty corner from where we were. My mom’s eyes were lit up like a deer looking into headlights on a dark country road. “John we’re going to be late and I was hoping to get our pictures done before the lines get to bad, plus it will give us more kissing time on the dance floor” hoping this would make him move a little quicker to get the car moving before my mom could make it across the street and stop us.

The car little too slowly for my taste started to pull away from my mom and I knew I was going to be dead when I got home. That moment I knew my fate, it was a certainty but for now I was going to live as if there was no tomorrow because for me I was sure my life as I know it would end when I walked back thru my door.

When we arrived at John’s school, I my head started to race. I’m I really doing this or is it just a dream and I was going to wake up any minute and have this fantasy spoiled. I had never in my life been interested in a boys yet I was really beginning to love all the attention John was giving me more and more each time we were together. I was surprised how nervous I was getting.

I had been around John and his friends before but tonight it seemed as if this was a competition. I had been to school dances before but this was the first time I was the arm candy. As we walked in John lead me with his hand gently placed in the small of my back. He was full of confidence and to his credit, his eyes barely wondered from me. He was ever the gentleman introducing me and complementing everyone whom we had conversed with thru the lines for picture and all the way back to the main area.

When we dances his eyes where fixed on me. At times, it was as if he could see into my soul as it was reaching for him. John, Mike, Scott, and Eric went up to the DJ, requested “All 4 Love by Color Me Bad”, brought us to the center of the dance floor and danced and lipped the words to us as if they were singing to us. It was so sweet their dates and I almost began to cry but I also gave me an idea. When the boys finish I got the girls together and we chose “Finally, by CeCe Peniston”.

Then the boys decided to get funny with “I’m too sexy by Right Said Fred” they were really trying to get us going by unbuttoning their shirts and God they could dance well. Tracy mentioned that they might have planned and practiced this. Then Mandy came up with one that she hoped would put us over the top and keep the boys in line and begging all night long “Giving Him Something He Can Feel by En Vogue”. Wow could she pick a song. I was I little nervous but the Girls did have a point we do spend a lot of time getting ready for these dances and we wanted as much of these boy’s attention we could get.

The DJ said, “Mike, Scott, Eric and John we have a special request from Mandy, Tracey, Maria and Chrissy would you please join them on the dance floor now please.” I had no clue how Mandy got the DJ to do it but it was really putting the boys on the spot. I must say it had worked like a charm the boys were right next to us in seconds. Mandy gave the DJ thumbs up and he started the song. We pushed the boys about an arm’s length away and began to mouth the words and dance as provocatively as we could. The boys were extremely shocked and from the bulges beginning to push on the front of their pants as we slightly rubbed against them it had the desired effect we wanted.

Even though we enjoyed the company of each other, we were all wanting more time from the group and a little more time alone with our respective victim. It all worked like a charm and mentally I reminded myself I must thank Mandy later. John was back to giving me his full attention as I gave him mine. There was nothing in the world I wanted more at this moment then just to be with him. The last song of the dance was Bryan Adam’s “(Every Thing I Do,) I Do It For You. John held me close as we swayed back and forth with my head laying on his chest, my nose nuzzling his neck, his check resting on me.

The night was mystical and romantic and soon reality began to sink in at the last song ended and I began to feel a heavy weight being bestowed upon me. I knew what was waiting for me when I got home and that scared me more than death itself. After the way my parent acted that one night so long ago when we left the Psychiatrist’s office, I knew life as I know it was ending.

As I approached, my house all the lights were on and they were waiting for me to come home. This was the first time I had let John Drop me off at home. John stopped the car and opened my door then he suddenly lifted my lips to meet his in the most perfect kiss in the world and when he pulled away, he said in the most heartfelt voice almost a whisper, “Chrissy I Love You.” What? Wait a minute, What did he just say?!? My inside voice was screaming at me saying, “Don’t say it! Don’t you dare say it! Mouth anything’…... he’ll never notice just don’t say it!

My emotions were all over the place like ripples in a still pond from the first drop of rain spreading in all directions, then like the breathless school girl I had become I said, “I love you too John, I love you with all of my heart”. I had just told John, a boy, that I loved him and meant every single word of it, so help me God I did with every fiber of my being did I loved this boy.

The porch light came on and I rush John to get back in his car and leave. He started to pull away just as Mom and Dad stared out at me. If looks could kill, I would have been a greasy stain on the sidewalk. While looking into my parents eyes, I have never seen such anger and disgust before this very night. Mom of course was the first to speak, “Shawn, What the hell do you think you are doing, who the hell was that, and just what the hell have you got to say for yourself”. Before I could speak, Mom chimed in, “Well you better answer me, Shawn, I’m waiting and it better be good”. Dad sputtered a few times in a vain attempt to say something but couldn’t, I was thinking, “Mom could you give Dad a zany too before that vain in his forehead pops.”

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