Becoming Christine -3-

Becoming Christine
Part 3

by Chrissyfire


I woke up the next morning to a banging on my bedroom window, looked out and saw Nikki. I said, “Hang on and I’d open the door”. Much to my surprise as I opened the door, the whole gang was present and accounted for. While looking at me they busted out in laughter. “What is so funny”, I asked. “Did you have a rough night?” Stacey asked. The puzzled look must have suggested that I had no clue what she was talking about. Then she said, “Chrissy, your makeup is all smeared and you’re still in the same cloths”. “Oh right, come in and I’ll get cleaned up”, I said still half asleep.

Upon coming out of the bathroom and taking a seat next to Nikki on the couch, they were well into gossip and other talk about last night. Nikki had given them a detailed account about what had happened when the guys dropped us off. I sat there with my hands pressed into my lap while they stared at me in disbelief and so begins the questions; these were questions I had no real answers for and made me even more confused then I already was. “What it felt like?”, “How good of a kisser was he?”, “Are you gay?”. My head was spinning and my emotions were going north, south, east, and west all at the same time. I could not even keep track of who was asking what. I finally broke down and started crying.

Nikki ever the big sister came to my defense yelling at Sam for asking the gay question. They all snapped into sobbing sister mode at we all started crying together. They all tried to calm me down the best they could which took awhile. “Chrissy, like, I don’t know what to say,” said Stacey. “I’m so terribly sorry. We were just, joking around. We didn’t really think you’re actually that way or anything.” Joan said, “We weren’t trying to hurt your feelings”. Cindy said, “Hey, we’re buds for life, aren’t we? We goofed. We’re sorry.”

When I finally stopped crying, I tried to answer their questions slowly as best I could. I was just so confused. I said, “I never ever, ever have had the desire to kiss a boy.” “My head was spinning while at the theater and the weird thoughts I had at the mall when I went to the girls’ room after being asked out. I can’t even put into words how my soul finally seamed filled”.

They listened to my every word so quietly I was getting more nervous than I was before. Cindy stood up and said "Honey I don't care if you’re gay or not gay. But what I think from all like you've told us and the way you have even acted while dressed in guy cloths, you have been like a sister to me." Nikki chimed in with "What I think is to me you've always been Chrissy and I have no Idea who this Shawn guy is we're talking about." I could not help but to start crying all over again. While I was trying to talk threw my tears I managed to say, "That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." I started to feel better herewith my best friends in a group hug that would make Barny barf.

Once again I went to the bathroom to clean up as soon as I came out they said “OK sister spill it." I said, "Spill what?" They looked at me and laughed, I was so puzzled until Stacey said, "Honey you still have a question or two to answer, like Is he a good kisser?" I could feel my face turning red as I started to sweat. "I don't know I've never kissed a boy before." They look at me and said, “Well he must have been for you to turn that red. Besides, you have kissed girls before and you've kissed Nikki so let’s hear some comparisons.

First off, I told Nikki that she was a great kisser. She gave me a thank you and assured me that mine were great as well. We all giggled a little as I was trying to continue. “It felt different from anything I have ever felt before kissing anyone ever”, I said. “I was so absorbed in being Chrissy that the thought of really being Shawn and a guy was lost. All I knew was that I was Chrissy, a girl, and that was all that mattered. Everyone accepted me as just one of the girls and how I felt was this is who I am and have always been. “Hell I don't even know who Shawn truly was. I felt small and yet secure in his arms”. They just smiled and said, “Now you know how we feel”.

Stacey said, "OK well now that that is settled I think we need to set some ground rules for our new sister." I said, "Ground rules what you mean ground rules?” Nikki said, "Well I think I should start this one. First of all Chrissy, You really need to be more careful about losing control. After all what would have happened if John had gotten his hands up to your bra and that implant could have fallen out of that bra last night?" I was shocked.

"Don't get me wrong hon., I don't mean to remind you of being a well you know it's that well hon. your plumbing and body is not exactly up to par, It’s just that you could get beaten up or even worse if someone found out. I don't want you to get hurt." She was right I did lose control and was so close to being found out last night. Cindy said, “From what Nikki told us if she hadn't of yelled you might have been in real trouble last night." I said, "Well your right you’re both right, I was just so caught up in the moment I wasn't thinking. I was well… I'm not sure where my mind was but it wasn't on being Shawn that's for sure."

Joan was giving me her well duh that’s for sure look, as she was giggling at me. Therefore, they all took turns with laying down a nice long list for me to try to remember of what not to do or let happen. They reassured me one of them would always go with me everywhere to; insure I kept somewhat of a level head. So, with all the ground rules set it was time to figure out what we were going to do today. We decided to head down to Francher Lake. Beach, water, guys, and sun I mean what was there really to decide right?

It's not a big lake but right in town at the fair grounds it was a great location, close, and everyone hangs out down there. I stood up went to my room and put on my swim trunks, a tank top and grabbed a towel. When I came out, they asked, “What the hell are you wearing like what are you doing”. I said "What I got ready to go, so we going or what?" They looked at me then they said, “Well we want our sister to go that’s all’. “Are you nuts I can't. My makeup would like run if I got into the water beside I don’t have anything to wear anyways”.

Nikki looked at me and said "Sis I got you don't worry about a thing. Go get your bra, falsies, put on that sun dress you bought the other day, and lets go." As we walked to Nikki's house, I felt like the whole world was looking at me and of course we ran into Cindy's boyfriend Rich. I was mortified. Cindy handled the situation with ease “Rich, you remember Chrissy from last night don't you?”

He said, “Yeah your dating John right?” I said, “Well I just met him Thursday and last night was only our first date I wouldn’t say we’re going steady just yet”. I was so scared and blushing at that moment I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself. He asked, “What are you up too, Cindy”? She said, “We’re going to Nikki's, then my house, and the whole gang is meeting up at Francher”. He said, “Cool the guy's were thinking about heading there too just let me see if a few other guys wanted to go and I’ll see you there”.

When we got to Nikki's house Nikki's mom and dad said hi and she told them we were heading down to the beach. “We’re going our suits on and heading out” Nikki said. I followed Nikki up to her room and she handed me a bathing suit and asked me to go put it on. The top was a Black Speedo full coverage top that held my falsies in place very good. It gave them just a little bounce without making them look to fake. The bottoms matched the top and were tight enough to hold my unsightly bits tightly tucked away in place between my legs giving me the flat appearance that a normal girl should have.

They were also a little thicker material then the string bikini she was wearing. She also gave me a small tie rap to go with it “just in case you need to cover up anything in an emergency this way you can head to the bathroom and get it all put back away” she said. “Sit down you ready for another quick lesson?” She put on some mascara, eyeliner, and then some eye shadow. I looked at her like she was crazy. "Isn't that going to run together and smear when you get into the water? You said you were going to get into the water didn't you?"

She looked at me, smiled and said, "Honey you have a lot to learn yet little one, every girl has some water proof makeup and just be glad you don't have facial hair to worry about." I smile and said, "Well I haven’t been a girl long you know this is still new to me." I put it on just as she did, even though it wasn't much I did somewhat feel better. To be honest, I was feeling kind of naked being out in public without make-up on. I was amazed at how much of a crutch it could be.

We headed to Cindy's house to meet up with her she only lived one block from the beach and she was ready and waiting for us when we got there. Cindy gave me that shocked look and from the look I must have had, Cindy blurted out “no honey you look fine I just can't believe how good you look that's all”. I felt a sigh of relief come over me, with my fear was subsiding; we were off for the beach.

When we arrived at the beach, we checked out the guys, picked the best spot, laid out our towels, and put on sunscreen. I used a very high sunscreen because I burn easy. The guys were over by the diving board showing off and we just watched and laughed at their expense. We laid out talking about guys and what we wanted to do before summer ends and school start back up. Just then, I heard a voice that sent shivers up and down my body. I opened my eyes and looked up and much to my disbelief was John and Dave. I was at a loss for words. He said that Rich stopped by Dave’s and asked if they were going to come down.

“I wasn't ganna come until Rich said you would be here” said John. I thought to myself, "I'll have to kill, um thank him later." I was flattered but I was scared too with my body was saying, lose control again, jumping him right now here on the beach but my mind was screaming NO! Nikki Help! as my body and mind were at war with one other. “Do not look him in the eyes fight it. God those eyes are like sapphires pools lit by the moonlight” I silently thought.

I told him I was glad to see him too, but then he asked me if I would go out with him again. My jaw dropped and I didn't know what to say. I could not believe this was happening again the feelings were building up inside of me making me so confused. I was trying to remember the rules but I just couldn't think straight. Nikki thank god came to my rescue again and said "Ahh, let’s get into the water and cool you two both off before you make another seen like last night".
As we headed into the water the guys were calling John to join them diving off the diving board to show off some cool trick type dives so they might impress the girls there watching. Us girls had a good laugh as they acted like fools trying to outdo each other. It was all very amusing watching them try to do back flips, forward flips, and some things there was no name to even attempt to call it. We did a lot of cheering and egging them on with our cat calls cheering for our guys giving them a lot of false courage to try attempt crazier stuff.

Rich was trying to do some weird kind of spinning flip dive and did a pain full belly flop. At that point, I was giggling so bad I almost started crying. Cindy and the other girls were giggling just as hard as I was then it came. Then the challenge as old as primordial ooze its self “if you think you can do better than let’s see you try it, come on let’s see sweet cheeks” said Steve. The guys were very playful but it was a challenge never the less. Nikki said, “You know, we don’t want to make you manly men look bad now."

The more we teased the more jeering they were doing for us to prove it. Then the bets started “if one of you girls can do better then we'll do anything you ask but, if you can't then we get whatever we want” put in Dave. Then I just had to ask, “so say we lose what you want us you do?" The answer sent shivers all though my body that I almost froze in place. "We want to see some titties right here out in the open." Dave said. Nikki without missing a beat said, "Then you’re going to lose some pants then. Be sides we have a secret weapon."

They all laughed at the concept that we had a secret weapon that could possibly beat them. Nikki’s next words were just increasing my fear of being discovered, “Well if you think it’s’ so funny except the challenge unless you’re scared”. “We’re not scared; so we have a deal then?” The next words that came from both sides made me start sweating even though the water was 70 degrees or so and it was in the 90's so far all summer long. The words "DEAL" I looked at her in utter horror.

She motions us into a circle and I said, “Hello earth to Nikki, what are you doing trying to get me found out?” with the other girls agreeing with me. Then Nikki said, "Everyone calm down, Chrissy you dove for our school last year right?" I said "Yes but this is different, I’ve never did a in one of these before. Let alone with tits. What if they pop out or I lose my bottoms, what then?" she trying to calm me done as she always manages to do although I’m still not quite sure how she does it.

She looked at me and said softly " "Look Chrissy you set like 5 records last year’s this is a piece of cake, beside none of them have your training on a board, they don't even move that thingy that I watched you move all the time when I came to you meets. Beside nothing has moved yet right so don't worry we’ve got your back hon." She was right of course but I was beyond ready to throw up. They picked Steve to do the diving for boys. Steve who was one of Dave and John’s friend from Merriville High School, although he was not on the diving team but he did know a few good dives that I had noticed him do earlier. Nikki screamed, “Fine Chrissy will dive for us.

At that, I climbed Out of the water and walked to the board. I asked “Can I could do a few warm up dives? I haven’t been on the board all day”. The guys agreed to let me to 2 practice dives then the contest begins. I did a warm up approach to see how the board flexed and how fast the board reacts. I adjusted the board to the way I felt good with it even though they started in with jeers of their own; “We don't have all day here sweetness”, and “hey sexy don't be too scared to actual go off this year OK the water not going to hurt you”.

Not like I wasn't nervous enough. Well I did two basic dives, the board felt good, flexible, and nothing seemed to move. I was feeling better about this and starting to get a little sassy. Steve said “Ladies first” and I replied, “go ahead do all three of your dives cause I only need one” yes I was really getting sassy. At that, all the guys started laughing at me as if I was insane or something. John walked over, gave me a kiss, and got yelled at for fraternizing with the enemy. Dave told Steve to teach me a lessen and he nodded. I just stood there and smiled. Steve did a one and a half flips in the tuck position and dove into the water.

He said, “Beat that” with a satisfied grin as he was coming up the ladder. I said, “OK I'll do it in the pike position that’s harder right?” Everyone nodded. I walked to the end of the board and then took five steps back to my starting position as I was taught. I started my approach and left the board did my one and a half pike and entered the water perfectly. All the guy’s jaws fell open like what the hell just happened. They all started jeering Steve, “Are you going to let some girl show you up like that?” asked Dave. Steve went to the end of the board, did a single back flip, and landed feet first in the water. Feeling sassier because I know I can do a back and a half pike. “Those guys' think I wouldn't try a back flip because I was a girl ha this will show them” I thought to myself.

However, I said “Is that it that’s the best you got?" while trying to suppress my giggling. I could see he was getting pissed because of being put on the stop by a girl, but he was even more pissed when I finished my back and a half. We could tell the guys were starting to get nervous by how they kept telling Steve that it was OK and they knew he could beat me with his best dive next to come. The girls were cheering me on. Steve said, “OK you’re never going to beat this one, a forward two and a half somersaults”.

For someone not on a team he did dive very well and completed the dive with grace. Steve extremely pleased with himself got back out of the water and said, “So you just want to show me those sweet titties now and save some embarrassment?’ I looked at him, "Not when I can see all of you have to drop your shorts," I said while smiling as sweet as I could. Nikki screamed, "Come on Chrissy just do it we want to see their little man hood shrivel up when you whoop their ass, it's all yours now babe." Steve was screaming back, “Not a chance in hell she going too top that”.

I smiled at him then walked over to John kissed him and said "Honey get ready to drop them for me when I come back up because those shorts are mine baby." They all just looked at me in wonder and Steve asked, “so what you going to do then little miss thing”? I looked, smiled and said, “Just watch little boys”. I lined up, did one of the best, hardest dives in my arsenal a full twisting one and a half, and I hit the water perfect. When I came up and looked at the guys standing there they were in disbelief. John looked at me with a big sexy smile and said, "Baby when I'm beat, I'm beat."
He took off his shorts, threw them to me, and said, “Well we lost; at least let’s go out with some dignity”. I missed catching his shorts cause I was too busy staring and mentally slapped myself for looking at all of his glory. The rest of the guys followed suit and then they all jumped in and swam out to us waiting. John swam up and suddenly yet softly kissed my cheek just in front of my ear. I was deeply annoyed by the tingle that went down my spine.

We swam around letting the guys chase us and begging us for their shorts. When we finally gave them back they asked how I learned to dive like that, I told them that I learned it last year at a summer camp diving school. John and I swam for a little while then I was getting cold and said that I was going to head back in and warm up. John and I left and went back to my towel as I lay down and started to put my sunscreen back on and John offered to help me. I told him, “Only if you behave”. His touch was soft and gentle I could have died right then and been forever happy.

Here I was being accepted as a girl being massaged with sunscreen lotion all over my body and it was as if all my dreams were coming true. After he finished I was like putty all mushy and gooey. Then John asked, "You never did get to answer my question." I asked him if I could tell him something and asked to him to please not be mad. The girls had me practice this in our rules section that I needed to tell him that I was not in the whole sex thing to get the idea that last time was a freak accident.

I told him that I was not acting like myself last night and had some issues with myself about my action. He gave me a confused puppy dog look. I told him that I had a very bad experience the first time and that the next time I want it to be with someone who really loves me. I told him that it was so bad that the next person would have to marry me so that I knew I wasn't just another notch on their belt. He looked at me, smiled at me, and said that he could behave and that sex was not that important to him.

John said, “I once had a bad experience too so I kind of know how you feel”. “Will you be coming to Stacey’s party, because I would like to go with the prettiest girl in CP”. I said, "Well you might want to get some glasses because I was far from that." Nikki and Dave came up and asked, “What’s up?” and John politely told them that he was waiting for an answer if I would go to Stacey's Party with him in two weeks. I told him, “I‘m not sure if I am able to go yet, it depends on my parents plans”. He said, “That’s OK I understand what that’s like, but if you do come I will be there waiting for you”.

The rest of the guys came up and said, “Hey John were heading over to the park to play some b ball you want to join us or just stare at her all day”. John had a look as if he would have rather just drool over me all day but, he said, "Yeah, yeah I'm coming" and then right before he turned he lifted my chin and pressed his lips to mine his kisses were so full of passion they made me melt like butter in the hot sun. He pulled away slowly and said, "You know you really are quite beautiful today" with that he left.

We continued to layout and talk about the guys after they left. We had many good laughs because they were so cocky on that board. Joan said, "God I'll never forget their faces when you did that last drive, it was awesome Girl." We all took turns telling what part was our favorite part about what happened. It started getting boring down at Francher so we decided to head back to Nikki's place.

As we were walking, Stacey asked, “Are you going to come to my party”? I’m not sure I have no clue what my parents are doing that weekend and besides there are going to be a lot of people from school there”, I said. “After all, your back to school parties have been legendary since seventh grade”. “So what”, Cindy said. I replied to Cindy saying, “Well Cindy for one thing I’m scared of being found out or recognized”. They all reassured me that I would be fine they didn't even recognize me when they saw me the first time. “Not to mention Chrissy the only people in school that really know what you are, are on the swim and diving team”, said Stacey. “Exactly”, I told her “and some of them would be there that’s my problem besides what do you mean they're the only people”?

They took turns explaining how I dressed and that all of my cloths guy cloths were so neutral looking and that they heard people question if I was a boy or girl before they just never said anything so they didn't hurt my feelings. I then asked, “What about the fact that I dated Maria and Nikki?” Nikki said "People don't even remember the fact that you dated her cause you guys only like dated a month or so, and as for me well I'm bi remember so you'll not get any brownie points with dating me besides who did you date in junior high even?, Nobody did you”.

It hit me she’s right I never really dated at all. “I mean there was Tammy who was now an open Lesbian, Clara openly Bi and Christina she was at least straight I think but that was it, right”? Geese I hate when Nikki’s right. I've always been hiding from everyone and I didn't really have any friends but them. My only true friends were these girls right in front of me. I didn't even hang out with any guys from school swim team or really otherwise. Besides the fact that her parents took care of the fairgrounds (where we were at this moment) and I hadn't been given a weird look all day.
"Hey Chrissy, you did just fine at the beach today and that’s where the party is going to be anyways it will be dark and John will be here." Stacey cooed.

I could feel myself blush at that last part. She was right but getting so close to school starting was really nagging me. “What if somebody recognized me after school started? That and John I didn't know how I was going to handle this much longer” thinking silently to myself. “It just feels like I’m getting way in over my head” I said with a saddening tone. The walk back to Nikki's seemed short with all the thoughts going through my head. When we arrived, we changed, and talked about what everyone was going to wear to the party. Everyone finally decided it would be another mall trip to get new outfits for the party, which was really an excuse to go shopping again, but hey, that’s what we girls do.

The days seemed to fly by so fast, the party being just 1-day away mom and dad would be heading back down to the river, and they finally agreed to let me stay and go to the party after talking to Stacey’s Mom. Stacey's mom told them she would be there the entire time to supervise the party so my mom was OK with me going. My mom just wanted to make sure that we kids were not pulling a fast one.

Mom and dad were leaving in about an hour and Nikki and the girls were to pick me up around 4pm about 2 hours from now. I was running around trying to get all my chores done before they left to get the most amount of money to go shopping with. I managed to complete everything just before they left even the lawn and laundry. Dad handed me 50 dollars for my choirs and Mom handed me an extra 50 for spending money to eat or buy something for myself. Mom was proud that I have been getting everything done without being told.

She told me that these girl friends have been a good influence on me, she just didn't understand why she never meet any oh my guy friends. “Well mom they’re more interested in computers, football and I don’t really get into that stuff you know that, besides don’t I get teased enough for arts and crafts,” I said with a slight tinge of anger. “Look mom I get the inside track on how the girls think and what they want it’s a good trade off”. “Nikki's friends have boyfriends too that hang out with us so you could say that I hang out with guys a lot too.” Mom just nodded as if she understood but I could tell that she just was not happy with that answer. I pleaded with her not to pry too much.

I was so hard to keep secrets from my mom she would rearrange my room and use that as an excuse to search it for anything however, I knew she was looking for secrete notes. When she found them, she would read them and all the questions would start making me feel as if I was on trial. Then she would tell me, “if they are so private, you should learn to hide them better”. That is when I started to hide them in the attic. She would never go up there and nothing was ever stored up there, beside the access for it was in my closet and mom need a ladder to even reach it.

I could however crawl up my shelves, open it, then crawl up, and hide everything up there in a duffel bag. Therefore, if it was important that is where it went. Mom and dad left about a half hour late as I was on the phone talking to Nikki and we were planning where all we need to go and get. I was making a list of things I need like more foundation, eyeliner, panty hose and stuff like that. Mom came over, gave me a kiss, and said, “What’s this?” “Oh this”, I said, “ah… I’m just ah… keeping a list to help Nikki as we go shopping later so she doesn’t forget anything”. Then mom grabbed the phone, and told Nikki, “You better keep him out of trouble while we're gone”. Mom laughed and then handed the phone back to me and they left.

Mom and dad always drove the same way and I called Joan on three-way calling to see when they pasted her house because she lived next to the highway. Joan told us we they had gotten on the on ramp to the highway, and then I knew it was safe to get my stuff down from the attic. Mom and Dad didn't know where Joan lived and that was why. One time they had told me they were leaving when in reality, they only went for something to eat then came home I was so close to being busted. When they came home, they said they forgot something when I knew they were just checking up on me. So every since that night everyone has been very helpful in keeping Chrissy from my parents. Joan gave the all clear and Nikki said, “We'll be right there Chrissy”.

The girls picked me up right on cue and we were on our way off to the mall. Here I was just one of the girls laughing and talking about boys, hair, cloths, and makeup. I was accepted into the inner sanctum just like a real girl. We did not leave one store unturned when looking for cloths and jewelry to wear to the party. The girls helped me pick out a nice short black dress for the party. They said I needed to look nice for the party and for my boyfriend. “Boyfriend?” I thought, “I have a boyfriend, I could live with that”. I asked the girls, “What do you mean boyfriend, it’s not like he has asked me to go steady or anything”.

“Well you like him and he obviously likes you,” said Stacey. “Yes but,” Stacey cut me off before I could continue. “You need to stop thinking about it girl, besides this might be the last time Chrissy will be able to go out till next summer” said Stacey. This was the last time for Chrissy to go out. That thought made me shudder with an indescribable sadness. I looked at myself in the mirror and with the sadness starting to overwhelm me I began started to cry. “Chrissy are you OK?” asked Nikki. All I could do was shake my head and hurry back into the dressing room.

I heard a small commotion outside as I was trying not to make a sound with tears flowing down my face. There was a knock at the door and then I heard a voice ask to come in. It was Nikki she took one look at me and immediately knew why I was crying. “Oh honey you will always be Chrissy to us lets get you dressed and fix this mess you made of you makeup.” she said wile brushing the tears from my cheek. She was my best friend and could read me like an open book. She knew without me saying a word that I was upset about knowing Stacey was right; Chrissy would have to go away after tomorrow night. She helped me finish changing in silence then just gave me a big hug. After she helped me do a quick fix on my makeup and we left the dressing room to pay for my dress.

Today I was so excited I could barely contain myself because the party was tonight. I managed to get all my chores done in record timing and spent the afternoon reading a couple of the teen magazines I had picked up from the mall last night. It was almost 4 O’clock before I knew it. Time to get ready for the Party I would never forget. I stopped briefly in front of the mirror to look at myself. I almost didn’t recognize the person in the mirror anymore. I have been taking really good care of my skin and hair for almost a year now and I couldn’t believe the differences it made. My skin and hair was softer and longer. My face was that of a teen goddess and I did not see the awkward geeky boy any longer, just a beautiful girl screaming to be free.

I took extra time in the shower washing my hair taking in the sweet strawberry scent of my shampoo. After rinsing my hair and applying conditioner, I checked my body to see if there were, any touch-ups that I needed to do while the conditioner worked its magic. I slowly scrubbed my body with a louffa sponge peeling all the loose dead skin away leaving only the soft silky skin behind. I grabbed my razor to make doubly sure my legs would be smooth for John.

I finished by rinsing the conditioner out of my hair, turning off the shower, brushed my teeth, rinsed real good, then left the bathroom, and headed to my room. After drying off, I applied a strawberry lotion all over my body. As I was applying the lotion, I giggled at the thought of John caressing my legs. I finished getting ready with just minutes to spare. “Wow” I thought, “my priorities have certainly changed as far as getting ready for a party”. I checked myself once more in the mirror just before leaving the house to meet Nikki and the girls. I was ready as far as being presentable went, but mentally, I was a wreck.

It was a quarter after seven and I was fit to be tied. John was not here and I was very uncomfortable being in close proximity of so many people I knew from school. Nervous wreck no I was a derailed freight train would be a better description. Nikki and Cindy took me to the side because they come see I was distressed and visibly shaking. I said, “Everyone was staring at me and John’s not here. I‘m so scared that someone was going to put two and two together, and if they do I am so screwed”. Just then, Nikki looked past me, then back at me, smiled and said, “Relax, take a deep breath, now turn around”. I did as she said and when I turned around there was John heading toward me.

I saw a few of the girls follow him with their heads wondering who he was and who he was here for. Much to his credit, his eyes never took their focus off me. As he walked toward me, I was frozen in my tracks unable to move. He walked up to me, placed one hand on my check, one hand around my back, and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss; you could feel all the way down your body through your toes. He slowly pulled away and said.”You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen”.

Oh was he working the charm tonight. I could see disappointed looks all around the room as he held me tight. The expressions on those faces ran from admiration ‘you go girl’ to ‘Damn maybe I don’t have a chance with him now…’ We danced and talked as time was working against us. Then John said, “Hey let’s take a little walk down by the beach” walking hand and hand I was on cloud nine; at that, moment I wished the night would never end. The moon and stars beautifully lighted the night sky as we sat down on a bench. I put my arms around his neck pulling him in close to kiss his lips thinking I could kiss him forever.

He ever so gently touched my naked leg sending shivers down my spine. His touch was so soft, caring and not once did he try to go too far respecting my boundaries at all times. He would only touch what was already exposed to the night sky never in the slightest making me feel uncomfortable. Little did he know how much I longed to feel his touch over every inch of my body. The more I was touching and caressing his chest the hotter. The warning bells started to go off in the back of my mind so I knew I had to start bringing him back down. My mind was a whirling conflict-ion of emotions.

“Hey love birds,” Stacey said, “it’s almost time to rap the party so the last two songs are going to be slow ones so I didn’t want you two to miss it”. My mind was saying “God she really perfect timing, Thank you, but my body was saying Please go away” however, I said, “We’re coming”. We walked back to meet up with everyone as the last songs were starting.

He held me tight as I rested my head on his shoulder and he leaned his head to mine as we danced. John softly whispered, “I wish this night would never end”. “Me too”, I whispered back. I lifted my head to look in his eyes with a longing. He looked back at me into my soul as if he understood and softly pressed his lips to mine as the last song “Unchained Melody” ended.

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