The Beautiful Girl in Town 4 The Difference Time Makes

The Beautiful Girl in Town 4
The Difference Time Makes

By Jessica C

The best thing to say about sleeping that night was that it was interesting. Samantha’s thoughts are that throughout the day, from getting up, getting help from Deanne and Roxanne to going through the school day as a girl, to being one of the girls to help with decorations for the dance. Every step was more than Sam had ever imagined. The kiss from Russ and dancing with Bill were weird, but a nice weird. He hadn’t told his mother about that nor Tally asking him out. He still needed to tell his parents to confirm their date. ‘What would his mom think about Tally having asked Samantha out?’

While he couldn’t remember much the dreams were good, at least one was as Samantha. Tally not Russ had Samantha’s interest, as a girl? Deanne being a big sister was good, she has helped Sam become a better student. Bruce saw it as a sign that he needed to be stronger.

During breakfast, Bruce told his parents that he was invited on his first date. The idea of him and Tally going bowling was seen as a nice idea. “There’s one more thing though; she asked Samantha and hoped I would go as Samantha.”

Dad chuckled, “I’ve heard at work how the girls today get you guys to agree to crazy things. It’s okay with me if it’s okay with you. I do request that your date involves another couple of friends.”

Bruce looked at his Mom; she said, “That sounds good to me. I ask that you’re home by 10:30. If needed you can give her a ride home after that, but you’d need to come right back.”

Dad said, “I hope you are going back to being Bruce.”

Bruce responded, “Of course Dad, I have the date and the play; so it won’t be over until all that is over.

Mom spoke, “But it would be nice to have my daughter for Mother’s Day and the church’s Mother-Daughter Brunch.” Bruce gave a typical teenager stare not wanting his life dictated by hi parents.

Bruce was at school before friends Russ and Sharon pointed out that he forgot to take his nail polish off. The fingernails were just the known half of it. There were his toenails and the fact that he had gym today.

Miss Hughes was happy to see his permission slip signed and said Bruce had the part as Molly. Friday all cast members needed to be to school by 7:00 a.m. They’d get their script copy, and hear who’s who in the cast. The next week they would begin reading through it. People would already be expected to know their lines.

Bruce continued to go to Deanne Tremble’s after school. Deanne had now added a reading program for him to practice his reading. She had set up a program for him to read stories and test his understanding. Between the need to read faster and remember what was read, his school reading for school benefited. At the end of each book; Deanne would give him a congratulatory kiss on the cheek.

Breathing in her fragrance was a treat in itself. If she sprayed him with a mist of her perfume, she sent him into heaven. The downside was walking past anyone on the way home or encountering his brother Dan before he would wash the fragrance off. Others gave him a strange look or giggled. Dan would give him a rough time especially if no parent was home. Dan liked pushing Bruce around and just dominating him as much as he could.

Reading through the play, he was overcome with how often Molly was on stage and the number of her lines. She wasn’t a major character, but Molly was more important than he would have thought. He found himself, excited to be a sister in slinky panties and pretty lace bras to Deanne. He wondered, what if, he hadn’t agreed to be in the play? This would answer a lot of his questions about what it would be like to be a girl.

Jake, one of the male actors, had not experienced the being encountered. Some of which Bruce had not experienced yet. When Bruce heard Molly’s sister talking about her life changes; he later asked Deanne what that was about. Deanne embarrassed finally told him; he asked if it hurt or ever caused her to get sick. She hugged him, “You are such a sensitive boy. Some girlfriend is going to cherish you.”


Deanne said, “If you ask her about it before she knows you; she might get grossed out.” It was a Friday and Deanne got an idea. “Would you like to know what it might be like for Molly?”

Bruce took the bait and said, “Sure, whatever.”

She came back with a thick hygiene napkin and told him how to wear it in his underwear, and to pull his underpants up tight. “Sleep in it tonight and continue wearing it through tomorrow.” She even told him how to dispose of it afterward.

Reluctantly, he did as was suggested. Wearing the pad was indeed yucky in the way it felt. He initially thought he was experiencing more than he wanted to know. It created a bit of a stink, so much so; that Samantha happily took a shower and used baby powder before bowling with Tally.


True to his agreement, he dressed as Samantha to go bowling. He didn’t know that Tally took Sam to a tea room for dinner. The owner gave them a lesson on women’s dining etiquette. Maria got Miss Samantha to sit up straight, to keep her napkin and one hand in her lap, and have her take small bites and eat slowly.

Bruce told her about the experience of wearing a feminine napkin. It became part of their evening discussion. Tally asked if it was to get into her character of Molly. Tally asked about a girl’s experience of waiting for a certain boy to notice her.

Tally remarked how nicely Samantha looked in her outfit. While Sam had thought Tally looked a little fatter in her outfit but didn’t say anything. Luckily Sam had told Tally she was pretty, which despite looking heavier she did.

When they got to the bowling alley, Talley used the women’s locker area to take off her wrap-around skirt. It revealed her blouse was a tunic-style sweater that extended down to her thighs. Her leggings and the tunic sweater prevented her from exposing her panties like Sam was in fear.

Samantha dressed as a girl and receiving girls’ bowling shoes picked out a lighter bowling ball than usual. When Brock and Hadden approached and asked to join them, Tally said, “We’re on a date, so unless you’re dating one another the answer is no.”

Upset, Hadden said, “But he’s dressed as a girl like he was on Crossover Day.” Bruce cringes for a moment.

But Tally boldly stated, “I like him and I have a soft spot for him as Samantha, as well as, Bruce. Now leave us alone.” It was the first time that Bruce finally understood that a girl was attracted to him.

Hadden said, "Bruce If you like dressing as a girl, what’s wrong with you being my date and Tally being with Brock?”

Samantha stayed calm and said, “Because, I came with her as her date.”

Hadden said, “Would you go out with me?”

Samantha got upset and said, “Just leave us alone.” Hadden pressed for an answer, and Samantha turned to Tally, “Let’s go bowling without them.”

Hadden and Brock finally walked away; only after Brock asked Hadden, “Were you seriously asking Bruce for a date as Samantha?” The two guys were out of earshot and neither Tally nor Sam heard if there was a reply.

Once Samantha was past being overly self-conscious bowling in a skirt, she enjoyed bowling. She and Tally loved talking together. Both complimented the other at different times about how they were dressed. Sam said Tally looked good with her long hair. Sammy enjoyed an excuse for allowing his hair to grow longer for the play, ‘A Time to Bloom’.

Soon Tally and Sam marked what they did each frame, but quit adding the score. Instead Tally asked Samantha to giggle instead of laugh and to think of something that would bring her to tears. That was hard as Bruce had learned not to cry, after being teased so often that real boys don’t cry. Tally knew Bruce was close to a grandmother who died. She asked Samantha to talk about her grandmother, and the tears slowly came. People from several lanes over were wondering and asked why she was crying.

Two guys voiced it was because she was being a wuss. Then other girls and some moms were moved and gave her comfort. Samantha drunk in the attention and sympathy she was getting.

There was a time in the second act when Sam’s character Molly was to cry about something. Tally said, “I think something like that will help you with similar feelings.” Tally and Sam hugged like best friends being there for each other.

Sam commented, “You like me being a girl don’t you?”

Tally says, “I don’t want to scare you, but I love all you are, Bruce included. I find you attractive in being vulnerable with me.”

For Sam, it was mostly Bruce, but what was seen by others was Tally giving Bruce one big kiss. When Sam drew herself back several around them applauded.

When they went to take back their shoes and check out; the woman at the desk laughed. “Someone tried telling me that one of you is a boy… Seeing you kiss was beautiful, but I want to thank you for not taking it any further.”

Going home, Bruce confessed, “I’ve never really loved anyone; I’ve hardly dated. If this is love, I think I’m in heaven.” Tally pulled off by a park, stopped the car, and gave Samantha a big kiss lipstick on lip-gloss. “There you went and did it; you’re making me cry like a girl,” Sam said.

Tally after having Sam fix her makeup, walked Samantha up to the door. She said, “Thanks, for going out with me Samantha. I hope we can do it again and you can be whoever you’d like. I’ve liked Bruce longer, but please wear panties.” They had exchanged a kiss before Sam said thanks as she was ready to go inside and Sam snuck a second kiss just before she went in the house.

Bruce took a few steps into the house and stood there as he heard his Mom coming. Upon seeing him, the mom beamed, “So it looks like your evening went well?”

“Well, being Samantha made for an interesting evening and I think, Tally thought it went well. It went very well, Mom, Tally’s my girlfriend and we’re in love.”

He could sense his mother was pondering to ask a question. He responded saying, “The both of us Bruce and Samantha.”

“Am I safe in assuming” his Mom asked, “things didn’t get out of hand.”

“Mom, you should know better; it was our first date.”

Samantha asked his Mom for help in taking off her makeup. Going into his room he saw some girl pajamas out as well as his regular pair. He looked at his Mom and she said, “I just thought you might want to finish the night as Samantha. You know you don’t have to.”

Samantha asks, “Are they my cousins?”

“They’re new and they’re yours. But I’ll take them back if you don’t want them?”

“Thanks, just leave them now.” Mom already put a makeup cleanser in the bathroom along with a moisturizer. He didn’t think he needed the moisturizer but his mom said you need to keep that on for a minimum of five minutes.

Once he could wash off the moisturizer, Mom left the room and he hurried to put on the baby doll PJs and got in bed. Mom surprised him by coming back into the room to talk and he thought she didn’t know what he was wearing. That was until she folded up his regular PJs and put them away. She left the room saying, “Goodnight sweetie.”


Morning came early as his mother woke him, asking. Why don’t we go jogging over by Murray at the wildlife area? It is a pretty area and Deanne was thinking of being there around 8:00 a.m. She called last night and said she’d like to see you before school on Monday.”

Bruce wanted to sleep in, but he was intrigued that Deanne wanted to see him. Bruce put on a pair of running shorts that Deanne had given him to wear when they were studying. He wore it with a knit running skirt over it. He was going to wear a baggy top, but his mom said, “You’ve gone that far wear a sports bra with your cutlets and a nice top. You’d do well to put your hair into a high ponytail.”

Mom and he were ready to turn onto Washington Avenue when they saw Deanne, Roxy, and Tally pass and go in front of Them. “Mom, I didn’t want Tally to see me still dressed as Samantha.”

Mom said, “We could turn around and stay home but I’m sure they already saw us.” He agreed and they turned to follow them. Mom said, “You know you could tell Tally; you’re doing this to get in character of being Deanne’s little sister.”

Bruce says, “That would be good; then I can just relax and enjoy myself.”

Mom asks, “Bruce, please tell me do you like seeing yourself as a girl?”

“Mom,” Bruce mutters, “That would be bad, don’t you think?”

She said, “I’m not asking you what you think others would say. I want your honest answer. Remember, I’m your mother and I love you very much. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t care.”

“Well,” Bruce changed to Sam’s voice, “I like some things about it like being your daughter, Deanne’s sister, and seeing things from a girl’s perspective.”

Mom says, “I haven’t been around you as Samantha with other girls very much. But you seem to glow a little being part of the girl talk and being seen as another girl.”

Mom’s car phone rang and it was Roxanne calling us. “My sister saw you talking and wondered if it is girl talk, a mother-daughter moment.”

Sam talked to his mom, “Yes, there is a part of me that wishes I were a girl. Oh no!” He quickly became anxious realizing the other friends heard what he said.

Deanne spoke next, realizing the other girls might have heard his confession, “Don’t worry Sam, we won’t tell. It is like you found another part of yourself. You are blossoming and it isn’t like it’s a Samantha or Bruce thing. You’re the same as you were, just more and better.”

Once everyone was in the park, the others paused; then they hugged Samantha and told her how nice she looked. Bruce would have just started out running, but the girls started stretching and Mom indicated to Sam that she needed to learn to do things the correct way.

Everyone started as one pack of runners but eventually got strung out. Mom and Deanne were the two who were in the best shape, but Sam worked to stay up with them. Tally and Roxy teased, “We enjoy watching Sam’s buns, can you make them wiggle a little more?” He tried not to, but they commented, “You do that too well for a boy.”

His Mom stepped back alongside him, saying, “We will talk later young woman.”

They started their cool down some twenty minutes before getting back in the vehicles. Deanne said they would stop at the small country bakery. Mom responded, “Is it good? We will too, I want this daughter of mine to show me her walk.”

“Ut oh!” Roxy and Tally said in harmony.

His Mother said, “It’s not a problem, it just informs me that I don’t know her as well as I thought.”

All the girls thought they had burnt off enough calories to splurge and get something they would not regularly have. When Samantha was ready to order milk with her cream-filled treat, the other insisted she graduate to a cholate mocha. She looked at her mom, who said, “Yes, I think you’ll enjoy it.”

Once they had their orders and enjoyed themselves, Samantha’s mom looked at Samantha and tried to snuff out a giggle. Deanne asked, “What’s funny?”

Mom tried to say, “Nothing,” which made the others including Samantha demand that she tell them why she was ready to giggle.

She looked at Samantha, “Are you sure what you want me to say?” She paused and waited for Sam to respond.

Sam, ‘I don’t know what she was thinking, but it can’t be too bad.’ “Yes, Mom, I’d like to hear it too?”

Mom said, “I was thinking your little mocha mustache is cute. What caused me to say it, was it might be the only way you ever get a mustache.”

Sam said, “What makes you think that as I mature I won’t have a mustache.”

Tally was the one to fill in the blank, “Because you are becoming a girl.”

Sam was upset, not because of the innuendo, but because she was beginning to think of that too. “Mom, there could be worse things as all of you are girls.”

Roxanne said, “Sam, have you noticed how wonderful you are as a girl? You’re becoming one of those beauties a boy will be afraid to approach.”

He laughed, “That’s funny I was just getting into the part of crossover day, and now it’s the play.”

Roxanne says, “You know if Tally didn’t have eyes for you, I’d be interested.”

Suddenly, he’s not thinking things are funny, “Mom, I think we should get back so I can change out of these clothes.”

Mother was surprised and the three girls all started apologizing. Deanne’s the first to speak, “We’re sorry for joking too much.”

Bruce spoke, “I know, but it’s time I get back and into my own clothes.” He went and got into his Mother’s car and was quiet. The girls waved and tried to talk to him, but he only waved once and then hid his face like he was trying to nap.

Halfway home Mother broke the silence, “Enough of that Sam, you can get to being Bruce. It is what we expected. It was you and others who were enjoying you as Sam.”

“Mother, did you hear Roxanne say she liked me? Then she said, “I was getting so pretty that the other boys would be afraid to ask me out.”

To be continued…

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