Unfinished Business Part 2

A big thanks to Don for the editing! I couldn't have done it without you!
Unfinished Business Part 2
Artwork by Brianna Luna

Ingrid stepped inside the Club, pausing for a moment to let her eyes adjust to the low light. The techno was so loud it almost seemed to have physical substance. She looked back at Emily and smiled. Emily grinned back at her, then took her arm and led her further inside. The place was packed. This was a much nicer place than most of the others on the strip, and wasn't nearly as packed with frat boys and sorority girls.

Emily leaned in close and whispered, well, talked quietly enough not to be heard, “That was awesome! How did you know that would work?” She giggled, putting her hand to her mouth.

Ingrid shrugged. “I didn't. I just figured we had nothing to lose?” Ingrid beamed at her.

Emily gave her a big hug. “Now what? We have no ID..They won't sell to us.”

Ingrid cast her eyes around the bar and smiled. She could see at least five guys looking at her and Emily, all of them trying hard not to look like they were looking. “We wait.” Ingrid said, putting the accent on thick. “They'll swoop in soon.”

Ingrid opened her handbag and pulled out a cigarette. She held it in between her fingers and continued to rifle through the bag, hoping to lure one of them in. She cast her glance upwards to see two men approaching. They were both in their early 20's and dressed pretty hip. Good looking. They had already scoped us out and knew who they were going to talk to. The taller one produced a zippo and flicked it. Ingrid leaned in and lit her cigarette then smiled at him.

“Danke.” Ingrid said, inhaling.

His smile widened. His wing-man was already chatting up Emily, or trying to over the din. Ingrid looked at the tall one again and smiled at him.

“Hi.” he said, giving her another grin. “I'm Patrick.” It was very hard to hear over the music, but Ingrid heard the introduction.

“I'm Ingrid. Nice to meet you.” Ingrid said, holding out her hand.

Patrick took her hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. “Can I buy you a drink?”

Ingrid gave him her sweetest smile. “A martini..Stoli, two olives. Please.”

He grinned at her and held up a finger. “Be back in a sec, Ingrid.”

Ingrid looked over at Emily. Her man had already headed over to the bar too. Ingrid moved over to her and put her arm around her. “See...no problem getting a drink.” Ingrid said, then kissed her softly on the lips. She could see the two guys at the bar out of the corner of her eye, the expression on their face was just priceless. Emily noticed it too, then the two of them made the kiss a little hotter, swapping just a tiny bit of tongue. “That'll get their blood up.” Ingrid whispered. The two girls were still giggling when the guys showed up.

“Thank you for the drink.” Ingrid said, leaning in close to his ear. He smelled good, but he was nowhere near as much of a looker as Brad.

“You're welcome.” Patrick said. “You want to go talk outside? So we can hear?”

Ingrid nodded, then took Patrick's arm and started to follow. She squeezed his arm and he stopped, then she turned to Emily. “'Outside.” Ingrid mouthed to Emily.

Emily nodded, then the two of them started following. The stepped out onto the back porch and it was actually fairly quiet, almost peaceful. There were some other small groups of people gathered around talking, enjoying the cool evening and the fresh air.

“Hi.” Patrick said, flashing her another smile. He took a sip from his gin and tonic. “How's your drink?”

Ingrid took another sip. “Very good. Thank you.” she said.

“What part of Germany are you from?” He asked while he absently played with the stirrer in his drink.

“I'm from Bonn.” she said. “Are you from here..Washington?”

He shook his head. “No...I'm from New York. Upstate...Near Albany.”

She smiled. “Are you going to school here?” She asked.

“No...I moved down here to go to school, then got a job as a DJ and kind of let school slide.” He said, laughing. “How bout you?”

Ingrid shook her head. “No...I am not going to University right now.” She said, not actually lying. “Maybe next fall.” She took a last drag from her cigarette and put it out in the ashtray on the picnic table, then took a seat.

“Cool.” he said, sitting next to her.

They talked for about fifteen more minutes, then Patrick got up to get her another drink. His friend, who she now knew was Mike, got up to get another drink for Emily. Emily walked over and joined Ingrid at the table. She sat down next to her grinning, ear to ear.

“Having fun?” Emily said. She took a drag from her cigarette. “I am.”

Ingrid laughed. “Yeah, I am, I guess. I'm not particularly into him, but he is nice enough.”

Emily giggled. “Yeah, you are all hung up on Brad.”

Ingrid put her finger to her lips to hush her. “Shhhhh....”

The two of them were laughing when the guys came out with their drinks.

“You two are always laughing.” Patrick said.

He handed the drink to her then sat down next to her. Mike sat next to Emily.

“We enjoy each others company.” Ingrid said, then leaned over and kissed Emily on the lips. Emily smiled when she kissed her.

“Yes we do.” Emily said.

The boys were both grinning now. They cast glances at each other, then looked back to the girls.

“Wow.” Mike said. “That's hot.” He tried to say it quietly enough that only Patrick would hear, but Ingrid heard it.

Both girls started laughing again. “We are just messing with you.” Ingrid said, grinning at them. “We are glad you enjoy.” She pulled a cigarette out of her purse and waited for Patrick to light it for her. “Thank you.” she said after a languorous French inhale.

“The pleasure is all mine.” Patrick said. “Believe me.”

The four of them chatted until both of the girls had finished their drinks. “Another drink?” Patrick asked Ingrid as she was eating the olives off the pick in her drink.

She looked down at her watch. “I”m sorry honey...We have to go. I have to be up early in the morning. We are to go skiing.” Ingrid said.

Patrick looked crestfallen. “Damn.”

Ingrid laughed. She reached in her purse and pulled out a sharpie, then took patrick's hand and turned it over. She wrote her name and cell phone number on his hand in big, loopy, girly writing. “Call me. We will go out on a proper date.” Ingrid said, then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled, and Ingrid was sure that he was blushing. Emily reached over and took the sharpie and wrote her number on Mike's hand.

The girls said their goodbyes then took each other's hands and headed back through the club. When they walked out the front door, the bouncer turned and looked at them. Ingrid winked at him. Emily noticed the look then leaned over and gave her a good long kiss. The bouncer's grin widened, along with all the guys standing near the front of the line.

The two of them walked down the street and around the corner before they busted out laughing. “That was awesome.” Emily said, trying to stifle a laugh.

Ingrid managed to stifle her own laughter. “Yes...It was.” she said, putting her arm around Emily's waist. “And, I think I might not be ready to drive, honey.”

Emily laughed. “I don't think I can drive either, girl.”

Ingrid pushed the unlock button on her remote. Emily climbed in the passenger door and Ingrid got in the driver's seat. She didn't put the key in the ignition though. “Nope. Not able to drive just yet. God I'm a lightweight.” Ingrid said, giggling.

Emily nodded. “Well, I'm not much better.”

Ingrid shook her head. “I know.” she said, then lit a cigarette. She cracked the window and turned back to Emily. “So...What do you want to do to kill time until we can go home?” She took a drag then exhaled out the window.

Emily scooted across the seat up close to her. “All that kissing got me thinking of something we could do.” Emily said quietly.

Ingrid smiled at her. “Really?” She said, then leaned towards her.

Emily kissed her on the lips. Their tongues met and they kissed each other deeply. They broke their kiss and looked at each other for a moment. Ingrid took a drag from her cigarette, then Emily took it away from her and took a drag herself before throwing it out the window. They smiled at each other, then leaned in and started kissing again.

Time seemed to stop for Ingrid as they kissed. They pulled in closer to each other, melting into one another, feeling nothing but the sensual pleasure of each others mouths and bodies.

“Yeah, go for it!” someone yelled from outside.

Ingrid and Emily pulled apart and looked up, surprised. There were a couple of frat boys and their dates standing on the sidewalk watching them. Emily got a really pissed off look on her face and flipped them off. Ingrid just started laughing.

“Fuckers.” Emily said, seething with anger. Then, suddenly she started laughing.

Ingrid leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

“Lets go....I think I can make it now.” she said. “I'll just be careful.”

She started the car, lit another cigarette and pulled out. Ingrid saw Emily's lighter flash as she lit her own.

“I had a lot of fun tonight, Emily.” Ingrid said, casting a sidelong glance at the leggy blonde in her passenger seat.

“Me too baby...It was awesome. I actually don't remember the last time I had so much fun.” Emily said, grinning ear to ear.

“I do have a question though...” Ingrid said, then took a nervous drag off her cigarette.

“Go ahead..Hon.” Emily said, a concerned look on her face.

“I've never been...I've never been popular, or hell...I've never had a girl look twice at me. Never had much luck with guys either,except once I got to make out with Mark Hagan.” Ingrid said, with a short laugh. She looked over at Emily. She took another drag, trying to work out what she was going to say.

“Go on baby.” Emily said, putting her hand on Ingrid's knee.

“I don't know, hon. I love you Emm...You are my best friend. I don't want us fooling around to ruin our relationship. I love fooling around with you, don't get me wrong...But I'm really carrying a torch for Brad.” Ingrid said, blurting it out quickly.

Emily smiled at her then leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I won't ever let anything come between us, baby.” She said. “If you don't want to mess around any more, I'm not going to press you...”

Ingrid laughed. “No, that's not it...I really like messing around with you, it's...” She laughed harder. “It's fucking great.” She turned and looked at Emily and smiled, then looked back at the road. “I just didn't want to screw things up.”
Emily ran her hand up Ingrid's thigh. “Baby, you have nothing to worry about there.” she said. “We're just friends...with benefits.”

The drive home flew by, but getting back to the house was a huge relief for Ingrid who was absolutely terrified she was going to get pulled over. The girls got out of the car as the garage door was closing. They walked hand in hand into the house and dropped their purses on the kitchen island. “Want to keep this party going?” Emm said, opening the cupboard and pulling out a bottle of vodka.

Ingrid leaned against the counter and chewed on her fingernail for a second. “We have to get up pretty early to go skiing, don't we?”

Emily shrugged. “As long as we are on the road by noon we can make it there in time to do a little skiing tomorrow and have all day Sunday before we have to come back home.” She said, opening the bottle and pulling glasses out of the cabinet.

Ingrid smiled, then pulled the orange juice out of the fridge. “Ok...You are a horrible influence on me, Emily Vandiveer.” She said as she poured the orange juice. “But I love you for it.”

Emily topped off the glasses with vodka. “I know it, baby.” They clinked glasses, then walked hand in hand up the stairs.

Ingrid woke up with the sun streaming into her eyes. She turned her head and buried it back in the covers. Something warm brushed against her leg so she opened her eyes to see what it was and was quite surprised to see that it was Emily's foot. Emily was lying next to her, naked, covered only by a little bit of sheet. Ingrid looked down to see that she too was naked. That was when the headache that had been tapping on the back of her eyes pulled out a hammer.

“Uggghhhhh.” Ingrid said, putting her hand to her forehead. Her mouth tasted like a toxic waste dump, her lungs actually seemed to ache, and her bottom was more than a little sore. She tried to sit up but only managed to get up on one elbow. Last night was slowly coming back to her, but only in small, flashes.

She remembered getting home from the bar and going upstairs. She also remembered the two of them sitting on the floor of the bedroom doing shots of vodka. After that, it gets a little vague. She looked over at the place on the floor where they were hanging out and saw the big crystal ashtray, nearly overflowing and she knew she had cleaned it out yesterday. There were a few glasses on the floor and two empty vodka bottles, bottles which she knew yesterday were each half full. Ingrid's eyes actually seemed to creak in her skull as she looked at the devastation they had wrought on the room. Their clothes were scattered everywhere. There were sex toys and towels here and there. It looked like a Hunter S. Thompson party had spilled into suburban Virginia. Ingrid tried really hard to focus on the clock, and finally had to get her glasses on to see what time it was. Eight AM. She let her head fall back onto the pillow and closed her eyes.

“Ughhhhh.” She moaned as her headache continued to pound. Emily rolled over and pulled more covers over her. Ingrid opened her eyes and sat up again. Ingrid started coughing and felt like someone had poured oatmeal in her chest. It took a couple of seconds to get it clear feeling. She shook her head trying to clear it, realized that it wasn't a good idea to do that when you are as hung over as she was, then held her head in her hands for a couple of minutes.

She couldn't help but smile at Emily, who looked so peaceful sleeping there. Her mouth was turned up in a little smile, her ample breasts were rising and falling with her breath. Ingrid suppresses a laugh at the horrible state of Emily's makeup and hair though, fearing that hers wouldn't be much better. At least she's not dying of a hangover yet, Ingrid thought, then climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

The image that greeted her in the mirror gave her quite a start. Her hair was all over the place, sticking up like a strange halo where the artfully sculpted up do had turned into an avant guard horror show. Her raccoon eyes and smeared lipstick added to the look. Ingrid started the shower and climbed in, letting the water flow over her for quite a while, trying to wash the hangover away. She washed her face and then her hair, taking a lot longer than normal because of the sluggishness in her limbs, and the pounding in her head.

She ran a razor over her legs and pits then climbed out and wrapped a towel around her, covering her breast-forms like they were real breasts. She considered taking them off but didn't feel like it right now. She'd read that she could wear them for up to four days without any problems and decided she was going to wear them all weekend. She wrapped her hair in a towel, forming it into a turban, then walked out into the bedroom.

“Oh, shit.” She head Emily mutter from the bed. “Uhhhhhh”. Emily moaned then clutched her on head, like she was trying to keep her skull from splitting open. “What did we do last night?”, Emily said, rolling onto her side and propping her head on her hand.

Ingrid sat down on the end of the bed. “I don't remember all of it...But it was a hell of a fun night.” She purred. “Get in there and take a shower, it will make you feel a lot better.”

Emily sat up and coughed, then steadied herself on the bed. “I have never drunk, or smoked as much as we did last night, girl.” She coughed again.

“I know. We partied like rock stars last night, Emm...And we are paying for it this morning.” Ingrid said, then patted her on the knee. “Get dressed, I'll clean up in here.”

Emily padded into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. Ingrid started picking up the bedroom and had everything pretty much neat and tidy by the time Emily came out.

Emily had a towel wrapped around her, but didn't bother with putting her long blonde locks up in a towel, she just let the wet hair hang down around her shoulders. She sat down on the chase lounge and lit a cigarette. “What time do you want to head up to Whitetail?” Emily said, leaning back in the chase.

Ingrid shrugged, then walked over and sat down next to Emily. She took one of Emily's cigarettes and lit it. She coughed a little bit as her lungs protested the horrible abuse she'd put them through last night. She had never smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in a day, much less almost a pack and a half. She'd heard that people smoked a lot more when they were drinking heavily, and now she understood why. “I dunno. Want to head up there around eleven?” Ingrid said, laying her head on Emily's thigh.

“Sure.” Emily said. “That sounds good to me. Gives us a little time to recover before heading out...besides, I think I'm actually still a little drunk.” She started laughing, then clutched her head and moaned.

Ingrid nodded. “I think I might be too.” Ingrid stood up, letting her cigarette dangle from the corner of her lips. “I'll get us some aspirin.”

After both of the girls took their aspirin, washing it down with cups of coffee, they were feeling almost human. Then it was off to the bathroom to finish getting ready. They chatted and laughed, remembering stuff from last night as they dried their hair. Ingrid finished blow drying her hair first and stood there looking at it for a minute, running her hands through its length.

“What's wrong, Ingrid?” Emily asked, setting down the hair dryer.

“My hair...It looks ok when I put it up, but it is not styled at all, and since it's basically all one length, there is like nothing I can do with it except put it up, or let it hang.” She looked really frustrated and her frown deepened.

Emily stepped over and put her arms around her, peering over her shoulder. “I'm sorry Hon...I don't know what we could do about it that wouldn't get you TOTALLY busted when you are dressed as Richard.”

Ingrid's frown, which she didn't think could get any worse, surprised her and deepened more. “I know...It just sucks.” Ingrid said, throwing down her brush. Tears started rolling down her cheeks now, unbidden, but unstoppable. “I don't want to have to hide anymore, Emm.” She said, then turned and buried her face in Emily's shoulder, great sobs wracking her body.

Emily ran her hand through her Ingrid's hair and patted her on the back, shushing her quietly. “I know baby...I'm sorry.” Eventually, the tears stopped and Ingrid stood up, wiping her eyes.

“I just don't know what to do about it.” She said, sitting down in the little princess wrought iron chair at the bathroom counter. “I don't know how to tell them the truth.” That much was true. She didn't know how to tell them, though she assumed that Uncle Fred already had more than a little suspicion.

Emily perched on the counter, her face a mask of total compassion. “I don't know what to tell you, Ingrid. If you do completely come out now, it will totally screw you up at school and who knows what will happen with your Aunt and Uncle.”

Ingrid let her head drop. “I know...It's the school part that worries me the most. I think my Aunt and Uncle will be cool with it...I mean, if he was going to get really pissed, he would have already let the bomb drop. He knows what's going on, Emm...He's good.” Ingrid couldn't help but suppress a chuckle. “What do you think? Honestly?”

Emily thought about it for a second. “Well...I think you should go ahead and come out to them....Then at least you don't have to hide who you are at home. Then, maybe you can start female hormones like you talked about, even before schools out. You only have a couple of months, hon.' She said, then put her hand on Ingrid's leg. “You are tough as nails, girl...You can do a couple of months standing on your head.”

Ingrid laughed, then wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “Thanks honey.” ingrid said, then stood up and gave her a hug. “I do want to do something with my hair though...And I need to do something about these eyebrows..I mean, they are fine, not too thick, but they are not what I want.” Ingrid said, running her index finger across her left brow. It was not bushy, which had helped her get by all this time, but it wasn't shaped very well. Most people would just assume she was going all European and natural about it, but she wanted cute little arched eyebrows like Emily's and she know that it just wasn't going to happen till she got out of school.

“Well...” Emily said, then stopped and nibbled on her fingernail while she formed the thought. “We could take you to the salon and get them shaped up a bit...They will do a much better job than I could...And you can show them pretty much exactly how much to take off. Most people wont notice as Richard anyway.”

Ingrid smiled. “You think it will work?” She asked, her eyes brightening.

Emily nodded. “I need to get mine done anyway. There is a great salon in the mall that takes walk ins no problem.”

Ingrid looked in the mirror and fluffed her hair. “What do you think I can do about this mess?” she asked.

Emily shrugged. “You could get it cut short...”

Ingrid looked at her, then looked in the mirror. “Do you think I could pull off short without looking like a boy?”

Emily laughed, almost guffawing. “Ingrid, you would look like a girl if you shaved your head.” She said, shaking her head. “No, you would look really hot with short hair, and could get a really fem style, then slick it back at school.”

Ingrid had never thought about that. She could do that. In a flash she was up and had her notebook open doing a search for hairstyles. After a quick google search for short women's hairstyles she had found her winner. Victoria Beckham's bob was the hairstyle for her. It was posh (pun intended) and would look great with a cocktail dress, or with jeans and a cami. “That's the one.” Ingrid said, pointing to it. Emily turned off the hairdryer and came to look.

“Are you sure?” Emily said, not sounding convinced. “It looks awesome, and would be super cute but could you carry it off as Richard?”

Ingrid shrugged. “I could say I'm going for a skater hair do...But in all honesty, I don't think it matters. I already get made fun of at school. I don't talk to any of them anyway, so who cares.” She had made up her mind. “The only thing that worries me is that I might not be able to put it in a good up-do.”

Emily laughed. “You are such a girl.” She said, reaching across her to get a cigarette. Emily lit one and gave it to Ingrid, then lit one for herself.

“Danke.” Ingrid said, while she searched for the answer to the up-do question. And there was the answer, Posh herself with some fantastic up-dos. “Yes.” Ingrid said, beaming ear to ear. “That's definitely it.”

“Awesome.” Emily said. “You Want to throw on some clothes and head down to the mall?” Emily looked at her watch. “It's been open for half an hour now.”

Ingrid glanced at the clock. Nine Thirty. “Cool. Lets go. I need to stop at the ski shop over by the mall, and I also need to get some shades.”

Emily, who was slipping into her jeans, stopped. “Shades?”

“Yeah...I need some shades for skiing. I don't have any that I want to wear.” Ingrid said, then took a last drag from her cigarette and exhaled as she spoke. “I saw some fantastic little Dior shades that I have to have.”

Emily shook her head. “Girl, once you actually have your trust fund, the malls of the world are going to be in trouble!”

Ingrid laughed, then stood up and started actually dressing herself. “You know it, girl.”

They both dressed in Jeans and sweaters, Emily in the clothes she wore over last night, and Ingrid in a pair of Old Navy (yes, I know, appalling) low rise Flirt cut jeans and a black cashmere sweater. The girls did their make-up, nothing dramatic, just a bit of eyeliner, mascara and lippy for both of them. It was amazing to Ingrid that she didn't need more make-up to appear female, and her skin was still looking flawless, even after sleeping in her make up last night.
Ingrid put on the black Fendi slingbacks she'd worn with the jeans a few weeks ago, the Prada puffer coat and a pair of D&G shades and she was ready to go.

The girls headed back down to Tyson's Galleria. It was very cold and the girls rushed to get inside. Ingrid's stomach was doing flip-flops as she walked into the salon. The woman at the counter looked up and smiled. “HI girls...Do you have appointments?”

Ingrid shook her head. Emily spoke up. “No, maam...Can we get in this morning, we are heading out skiing this afternoon.”

The woman smiled, and looked at the computer screen for a second. “Well, I can get one of you in in about fifteen minutes, and the other in half an hour.” She said, looking back up at them.

“Awesome.” Emily said, looking over at Ingrid.” Ingrid, since you have to get a cut and eyebrows done, you go first. I just need my eyebrows waxed.”

“Danke.” Ingrid said smiling back at her. “Ok..That sounds great. Fifteen minutes then?”

“Your name?” he woman said, her hands perched over the keyboard.

“Ingrid Wolfe.” She said smiling at her. “And this is Emily Vandiveer.”

“Good, ladies.” See you in fifteen minutes.

The girls had just enough time to walk to the Starbucks and buy some coffee before it was time for Ingrid's appointment.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Emily said, tugging at the sleeve of Ingrid's Prada coat.

Ingrid nodded and smiled. “I am sure.” She said. Her hand was in her pocket, clutching the printed photo of Victoria Beckham with the hairstyle she wanted.

Emily gave her a big hug. “I'm here for you.”

The two of them held hands and went inside.

Ingrid sat down in the chair, feeling more nervous than she ever had in her life. She wanted to get up and run, but instead, took a deep breath and looked up at the stylist.

“Hi. I'm Cindy.” The stylist said, running her and through Ingrid's hair to get an idea of the texture. “What can I do for you today, hon?”

Ingrid swallowed hard. “Well...I want to get my hair cut.” She stopped. “scheisse...I left it in my jacket.” Ingrid said, looking over at the coat rack.

“I’]ll get it.” Emily said, then hopped up and got the picture. She unfolded it and handed it to Cindy.

“Yeah, that is going to look great on you, Ingrid. Show off that fantastic neck of yours.” Cindy said, studying the picture and Ingrid. “You are almost as thin as Posh, here, so it will look fierce....Want to do the color too?”

Ingrid looked over at Emily, who shook her head “no”. “I guess not today, Miss.” Ingrid said. “I do not have time, we are going skiing.”

Cindy smiled. “I understand. It would look great blonde, though.” She said, putting down the picture.

Everything else Cindy said was completely lost on Ingrid, who was so intently watching her hair being cut that she was barely even aware of the talking. It didn't take too long and it was done. It looked fantastic, just like the picture. Ingrid tried hard to see Richard peering out from under those long eyelashes and just couldn't see him. Ingrid picked up the picture and compared her hair to the one in the pic and the match was perfect. She smiled and looked over at Emily, who was grinning back at her. “It is great, Cindy.” Ingrid said.

“I'm glad you like it. I was worried you weren't digging it for a second there, the look you had on your face.” She said. “Now, eyebrows?”

Ingrid nodded, then took off her glasses and handed them to Emily. “I just want them neatened up.” Ingrid said, handing her back the picture of Victoria Beckham.

“Emily Vandiveer?” A voice said from across the room.
“Right here.” Emily said, standing up. “Ingrid, your glasses are on the counter.” Emily said, then bopped over to get her brows done.

“OK. I gotcha.” Cindy said, then she started working. The wax was hot and it kind of startled Ingrid when she first put it on. “Sorry. It's hot wax, not much can be done to soften that blow.”

Ingrid laughed. She winced when the first strip came off, and again with the second It seemed like a long time and a lot more hair than she thought should be coming off, but it was too late now. In for a penny, in for a pound, Ingrid thought.

“There.” Cindy said, moving out of the way.

Ingrid leaned forward and still couldn't see. Then she remembered her glasses. She put them on and her mouth fell open. Her brows, which she meant to just get neatened up, were now nothing but thin, beautifully curved arches. Very much like Victoria's in the picture.

“What‘s wrong honey, I did them just like the picture?” Cindy said, sounding very worried.

Ingrid looked over at her, then back to her reflection. Maybe my Richard glasses will hide them...Maybe no one will look. I'm fucked. She thought.

“They...They are beautiful.” Ingrid said, admitting what she really thought. “They are less than I expected, but lovely. Thank you.” Ingrid said, gulping hard.

Now there is no way to hide it, she thought, I will have to tell my Aunt and Uncle. I will be able to hide it at school, but there is no way I can hide it all the time.

“Whew.” Cindy said. “I thought I'd messed up. You handed me the picture and I thought it was how you wanted it.”

Ingrid shook her head. “No...they are fine.” She said.

“I'm sorry, you still look upset. How bout I give you a free manicure to make up for it, since I can‘t put them back on?” Cindy said, trying to make light of it. Ingrid could tell she didn't want a complaint. And, Ingrid thought, I wasn't very clear on what I wanted.

“Yes, that sounds good.” Ingrid said, smiling at her.

“They do look very nice, so much better than the bushy look. That look is so last year anyway.” Cindy said, rolling over them manicure table.

When Emily came back over, her mouth flopped open like a fish. “Ingrid.” she said, looking at the brows and the hair. “Your brows.”

Ingrid smiled and shrugged. “Cindy felt bad for doing them too sparse so she gives me free manicure. I am almost done.” she said.

Half an hour later, a new Ingrid walked out of the Salon. Her hair, now cut in a Beckham “Pob”, her brows and fingernails neatly manicured. She felt beautiful, even if she did feel a sense of impending doom. The girls looked at each other and started laughing.

“I am so fucked.” Ingrid said, shaking her hair. She really liked the way her hair shook in front of her face. “Oh, well.”

Emily put her arm around her. “I know. I'm sorry.” She said, stifling her laughter.

“Don't be. I look good. I feel good. Fuck it.” Ingrid said with a shrug. “C'est La vie. I need a cigarette.”

Emily laughed. “Amen.” she said, then the two of them headed out the main doors.

Ingrid perched on a planter and lit a cigarette. The sun was bright now, as it was almost eleven. “We are not going to get on the road by noon, Emm.” She said, looking over at her best friend, who was lighting her own cigarette.

“I know. We are on girl time anyway.” Emm said while she exhaled. “You do look awesome, Ingrid. Even better than before.”

Ingrid felt herself blush. “Thanks, Emm. Your brows look fantastic too, and I always envy all that blonde hair.”

Emily reached up and touched her hair. “Yeah, Seeing that do on you makes me want to get mine cut like that. Would it bother you if I got mine done similar?” Emily asked.

“Hell no.” Ingrid said, grinning at her. “We can find an awesome short bob for you...your hair is sort of curly so we'll have to find the perfect one for curly hair...this one is for stick straight hair like mine.” Ingrid said, laughing.

The girls finished their cigarettes and went inside, heading straight to Nieman Marcus. Ingrid knew exactly where she was heading and in minutes they were standing in front of the sunglasses. “There they are.” she said, scooping a pair of
white opal framed Dior Airspeed 1's off the shelf. She put them on and posed in front of the mirror. They looked fantastic with her new hair do. “What do you think, Emm?” She said, turning and giving her a pout.

Emm laughed. “Love them. Jealous.” She said, putting her hand on her hip.

Ingrid giggled. “Here.” she said, looking over the rack and pulling off a pair of
black framed Dior 60's 1's from the shelf. “Try these.”

Emily put them on. They looked great on her, the classic big, black framed 1960‘s styled glasses set her light complexion off perfectly. “Perfect.” Ingrid said.

The sales woman, who had been standing near by asked. “Can I help you girls?”

Ingrid turned and looked at her, pushing the glasses on top of her head. “We'll take them.” She said, then winked at Emily.

Emily looked surprised. “I can't let you buy these for me.” She said, looking at the price tag. “These are almost two hundred dollars!”

Ingrid just shrugged and waved her off. “You're my best friend. We'll take them.”
She took the glasses from the still stunned Emily and walked over to the counter. Five minutes later, and $450 dollars lighter, both girls walked out with new sunglasses.

“Thank you, Ingrid. I don't know what to say.” Emily said, fiddling with the glasses.

“It's the least I can do, Emm. Like I said, you are my best friend.” Ingrid said, smiling at her.

Next stop was the ski shop. Ingrid rushed in and bought herself a new pair of ski boots, a pair of clear Technica Attiva Pro's, the first women's ski boots she had ever owned. They were much nicer than her old ones, and way cooler. She had already gone through her mom's ski stuff and found the things she would be wearing on the slopes, the only thing that didn't work were her mom's boots. They were a little too snug in the toes and she didn't feel like suffering all weekend. She also made a quick stop at the drug store and picked up some contact solution, then put on her contacts in the women's restroom. She had new sunglasses to wear and couldn't do that on top of her glasses.

By one o'clock the girls were on the road, finally, headed out to the slopes. Ingrid felt fantastic, having shaken the feeling that she was on death row, she decided to just enjoy the weekend and let the chips fall where they may. About thirty minutes into the drive, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw it was Uncle Fred. Ingrid held up a finger to Emily, cleared her throat and tried to conjure up Richard's voice. All that really meant was dropping the accent.

“Hello.” Richard said, through Ingrid's mouth.

“Hey Rich.” Fred said. “Are you and Emily on your way to Whitetail yet?”

“Yeah, Uncle Fred. We got a late start.” Rich said, smiling over at Emily. “What's up?”

“I just wanted to remind you that you need to pick up the keys from the office before you go to the Condo.” He said. Rich could tell he was driving too. “Just tell the girl at the counter you are there to pick up the keys for number 331, she knows you are coming in today.” Fred said.

Richard swallowed hard. “Ok...” he said, feeling an edge of panic. “OK. Can do. Do I have to sign anything or something?”

“Nope.” Just tell them you want the keys to 331 and that's it.” Fred said. “have fun and be careful. I'll see you Monday when you get home.”

“Right. Thanks Uncle Fred.” Richard said. “Bye.”

He hung up the phone and looked over at Emily. “Uh oh.” He said, not switching to the Ingrid voice. “I totally forgot I had to pick up the keys.”

Emily started laughing. “oh, shit.” She bit her lower lip. “What are you going to do?”

He looked at the road stretching out in front of him, then looked in the mirror. Ingrid stared back at him. He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked over at her, letting Ingrid take over so to speak. He was always so much more confident in that persona anyway.

“I'm going to walk in and get the keys.” Ingrid said, the accent returning. “If they question me, I'll tell them who I really am. Fuck them if they don't like it. It's my condo now.”

Emily giggled, then gave her a high five. “I doubt they will ask. Fred told them you are picking up the key and they are expecting you.”

Ingrid shrugged. “We'll see.” She said.

They stopped at a gas station, filled up the tank and picked up some cigarettes and Red Bull. In another hour, they were pulling in to the management office of the condos.

Ingrid took a deep breath, then perched the new Dior sunglasses on her head. “Ok. Here I go.” She said.

“You want me to go with you?” Emily said, flicking her ashes out the window.

“No. Watch the car. I'll be right back.” She said.
Ingrid got out and walked up to the door, the snow crunching under her boots. A bell tinkled as she entered. A middle aged man looked up from a magazine behind the counter and smiled. “Good   afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you?” He said, standing up.

She swallowed hard, then smiled at him. “Yes. I need to pick up the key to 331. Fred called ahead to tell you I was coming?” She said, leaning against the counter. Her enhanced bosom looked fantastic in the tight, cashmere sweater and the man's eyes went instantly to it.

“Um...Well, he called and said his nephew was coming to pick it up.” The man said, smiling up at her.

“I am picking it up.” She said. “His niece, not his nephew.”

Just then, an older woman, probably fifty or so came out from the back office. “Is there a problem?” she asked the man, then smiled at Ingrid.

“Well, Fred Blake called yesterday and said his nephew would be coming to pick up the keys to 331, the Wolfe place.” He started.

The woman looked at Ingrid then opened her mouth a little in surprise. “You are Allison's daughter, aren't you?”

Ingrid nodded. “Yes. My mother is...was, Allison Wolfe.” The words were heavy in her mouth.

“Tom, she is the spitting image of her mother. Except she got Richard's brown hair.” She said. “I'm Lisa Byrum...I've managed this complex for years and know , knew, your parents very well. I don't remember them having such a beautiful daughter, but you are just the spitting image of your mother...I'm sorry, I said that already. I just can't get over it.” Lisa said, putting the keys on the counter. “If there is anything you need, you just call ok?”

Ingrid nodded. “Thank you, Ms Byrum.” she said, feeling very awkward and very busted.

She waved and headed back out to the SUV. “Well, Emm. I got the key but I am SOOOOO busted.” She said, laughing. “She is going to put two and two together and I'm going to be so fried.”

Ms. Byrum, or Tom had already turned the heat on in the condo so it was nice and toasty. The girls unloaded all their ski stuff and their baggage then went over by the fireplace to warm up. It was almost 3 now, so they would only have a couple of hours of skiing today if they hit the mountain right now, which meant they needed to really get a move on.

They decided to each take a bedroom, rather than share the master, but they both ended up in the master bedroom getting ready. Ingrid put on a pair of white Baby Slim pants, made by Killy. They were tight, satiny and super sexy as well as warm. She left on her black cashmere sweater and topped it off with her white Tasmin jacket from Emmegi. She stopped and posed in front of the mirror for a second. The outfit looked awesome, but for the first time in ages when she put on one of her mom's outfits, she felt a tinge of sadness. She remembered the last time they had gone skiing. Her mom had just bought this outfit and was so happy she would get to wear it skiing in the Alps.

“You OK?” Emily said, looking over at Ingrid. She was dressed in a very sporty, Pink Spyder coat and bib.

“Yeah...I just was remembering the last time my mom wore this outfit.” Ingrid said, running her hand over the fox fur around the hood. “Made me a little sad.”

Emily walked over and hugged her. “She would be glad it's getting worn by someone who looks so awesome in it. Now lets get out there and break some hearts, and hopefully not bones.” Emily said, grinning madly.

Ingrid laughed, then nodded her head. She stopped at the vanity and put on a new coat of pink lip-gloss then followed Emm downstairs. She put her cigarettes in her pocket along with her lighter and her wallet. The management had laid out their ski lift tickets for them on the counter, so the attached the lift tickets to their jackets. Both of them grabbed their gloves and the rest of their ski stuff and they were out the door.

Ingrid was carving down the slopes, enjoying the feel of the cold wind against her face. Emily on the other hand, was tearing it up, using her short freestyle skis she was an absolute madwoman. Ingrid couldn't help but smile at her as she zoomed past, hopping moguls and jumping anything she could. Ingrid on the other hand, was just happy not to be falling down. She was a pretty good skier, but nothing of Emm's caliber. They made four runs in forty five minutes and Ingrid was ready for a break. Her new boots weren't broken in and her calf muscles were killing her. They skidded to a stop at the bottom of the hill near the lodge and Ingrid held up her hand.

“Emm, honey. I'm going to sit the next few runs out. I'm bushed, and I need to get these ski's off for a minute. she said, grinning at her. “You go ahead.”

Emily smiled back at her. “you sure? I can wait with you.” Emily said, but her eyes were back up the mountain.

“No. Go. Have fun. I'll be right here with a cup of coffee when you get back.” Ingrid said, waving her off. She didn't have to tell her twice and Emily was skiing towards the lifts.

Ingrid took off her K3's and leaned them an the poles against the railing. She walked over to the snack bar and ordered a large cup of coffee. She took the coffee and wandered back over by the railing to look up at the slopes. A couple moved from a table nearby, close enough she could keep an eye on her skis, so she took it. She lit a cigarette then leaned back and closed her eyes, wiggling her toes in her ski boots.

“Hello again.” someone said. A man's voice. “We keep bumping into each other.”

It was Brad. Ingrid's eyes popped open and she fought to keep from grinning at him like an idiot. Instead of grinning, she took a drag from her cigarette then cooly gave him a smile. “Yes we do, Bradley. How nice to see you.” she said, gesturing for him to sit down.

He was dressed in a blue, North Face jacket and bib. His shaggy blonde hair was blowing in the breeze. He looked absolutely dreamy.

“You know, the first time I met you, you made a Charade Comment...Now I think its very funny that I run into you on the porch at a ski resort...Very much like in the movie, don't you think?” He said, taking off his gloves and setting them on the table.

“Uncanny.” She said, laughing. “You are not a treasury agent, I hope?”

He shook his head. “No. I'm a high school senior.” He laughed. “You look great, by the way. I love the new hair cut.”

Her hand went to her hair, then she smiled at him. “Thank you, Bradley. I'm glad you like it.”

She took a nervous drag from her cigarette. She was now fairly certain he would catch on to the fact that Ingrid was actually Richard. This very carefully crafted charade would all fall down around her ears.

“You ok?” he said, his voice full of concern.

She looked up at him and smiled. “Certainly. I am fine. Are you here alone?” She asked.

“No. I'm here with Mark, a friend from school. He ran into your friend Emily and she told me you were over here. So, it's really not exactly chance that I ran into you.” he said, sounding a little embarrassed.

“It is ok. Where is he now?” Ingrid asked over the rim of her coffee cup.

“He went up the mountain with Emily. Don't tell her, but he's had the hots for her for years.” Brad said conspiratorially.

“Oh, I won‘t tell her.” Ingrid said, smirking.

“Of course you will...you girls don't keep any secrets from each other, even I know that.” Brad said, laughing.

“You are right. I will tell her first thing.” she said, unable to keep herself from laughing.

Brad realized he was staring at her, then looked away. “Are you staying up here?” he asked, changing the subject.

“Yes. We are in the condos. You?” She asked.

“Yeah...We're staying in the lodge. Mark's parents are here with us.” he said, sounding very unhappy about that situation.

“Emily and I have the condo all to ourselves.” Ingrid said, grinning. Hoping beyond hope that she might get to see more of Bradley later.

“Really? How did you swing that?” He asked, laughing. “My parents would never go for that.”

She shrugged. “It is my condo.”

“You mean, it belongs to your family?” he asked.

“No. It's mine.” She said, then did a french inhale.

“Wow.” he said. His eyes were fixed on her lips as she exhaled. “I mean, that's cool.”

Ingrid couldn't help but smile. “Would you boys like to come by tonight and visit?” She asked, hoping he would say yes.

“Sure. What time?” He asked, sounding more than a little excited.

“Say, eight oclock. We do not have much to drink, so if you want something, please bring it.” She said.
“Cool. I think we can arrange something.” he said.

Ingrid finished her cigarette while the two of them made small talk, mainly about the skiing and the weather. She put it out, then looked up the mountain. It was starting to get dark. “Maybe time for one more run before the night skiing?” she asked.

He nodded. “Sure. Want some company?” Bradley asked, standing up and offering his hand.

The two of them rode the lift up together, then skied down, horsing around the whole way. Ingrid couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun with anyone except Emily. She was grinning ear to ear as she followed Brad down the slopes.

Bradley watched as Ingrid walked skied off towards her condo and realized he was smiling like an idiot. He turned and wiped the grin off his face, then popped off his skis and started towards his room. He knew that Mark and Emily wouldn't be down for quite a while, they would go until they absolutely had to get off the slopes. He was just not that committed today.

He dropped his stuff in his room and stripped out of his ski gear. Something was bothering him, that nagging feeling that something about Ingrid was both familiar and not quite right at the same time. He had a theory about it, one that was causing him more than a little distress. He thought that Ingrid might be Richard Wolfe. He actually laughed out loud at the thought.

Bradley walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The steam started clouding the room as he climbed inside. His mind was going over the facts as he knew them. They drove exactly the same model car. They were the same height and build, except for the obvious breasts on Ingrid but those could be some sort of appliance. They looked very similar. He'd been caught by Richard studying him in the lunch room, a fact that made him very embarrassed. He secretly didn't want to admit that he thought Richard was very pretty, because he reminded him so much of Ingrid. That thought, the first time it surfaced, caused him a lot of anguish.

Bradley wasn't sure what to think right now. He thought Ingrid was gorgeous, stylish, and really cool. Trying to temper that by the fact that she might actually be a sixteen year old guy was making his head hurt. He put his head under the water and let the scalding jets pound against his head for a while. What will I do if I'm right? He thought, trying to work it out. Will that actually change how I feel? Will it make me happy that I'm right, or sad that I'm wrong? His imagination suddenly shifted to thinking of what Ingrid would look like naked. It wasn't the first time he'd thought of that, he had to admit, but it was the first time he was thinking of it objectively. And the thought that came to mind was how Richard looked in the locker room that day he got in a fight. Bradley hadn't wanted to admit how much he thought Richard looked like a girl from behind, a very skinny, string bean of a girl, but not bad by any stretch. He shook his head, trying to get that thought to go away. Then the camera of his mind's eye began to rotate around Ingrid's body. She was standing in front of him, naked, her pert round breasts standing out from her thin frame, her flat belly gleaming, her small penis. His mind screeched to a halt. That thought should have completely disgusted him, but looking down at his now very hard cock, he could see that it was not having that effect at all. He sighed loudly, then took matters into his own hands, unable to shake the image of a nude Ingrid/Richard from his mind.

Ingrid dropped her keys on the counter and opened the fridge. It was completely empty. She sighed, then closed the door, realizing that she was going to need to run to the grocery store. There was a small grocer up on the mountain, so, she changed out of her ski boots into her Uggs, grabbed her purse and headed for her car.

The grocery store was sort of crowded, but it felt nice to be somewhere you could be completely anonymous. She did notice a lot of the boys, and men, watching her walk by in her tight, white, sateen pants, which made her smile. She picked up a twelve pack of sodas, a meat and cheese tray, some grapes, crackers, and a box of pop tarts for the morning. She was eyeing the alcohol in the corner, but was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to get away with that without being carded. sighing, she headed up to the front to pay.

She loaded the groceries in the back of the SUV then headed back to the condo. She was unloading them into the fridge when Emily, grinning ear to ear, walked in.

“Hi Emm.” Ingrid said, looking over her shoulder. “My, you look happy.”

Emily dropped her stuff by the door and hung up her coat. “I had the best time. Mark is an awesome skier, and so damn cute to bat!” She said, perching on one of the bar stools at the counter.

“Coffee?” Ingrid said, pulling a cup out of the cabinet.

“Oh, yes. Please.” Emily said, blowing into her hands. “Cool, you picked up food.”

Ingrid handed her the coffee cup. “Yeah, Brad and Mark are coming over tonight.” Ingrid said, giving her a little smile, then perching on the other bar stool.

Emily's eyes got as big as saucers. “They are? Awesome!” She said, then dug her cigarettes out of her jacket pocket. She offered one to Ingrid, who took one, then got one for herself.

“Are you sure that's a good idea though, spending that much time with Brad? Aren't you worried he's going to twig on to who you really are?” Emily said, then exhaled a thin plume of smoke towards the kitchen light.

Ingrid shrugged. “I don't care anymore. I like Bradley. I like him a lot. If he likes me, then so be it. If he doesn't, I guess he'll tell everyone at school and make my life a living hell.” Ingrid said, sounding like she had made up her mind.

“Are you sure you want to trust him like that, baby?” Emily said.

“I trusted you and it's been the best thing that ever happened to me.” Ingrid said sincerely. “I think he's a good person. And even if nothing romantic comes out of it, which would be a real stretch if he knew the truth, then at least I really don't think he's going to try to have me socially crucified. But, there is only one way to know for sure.” Ingrid said, trying to sound more brave then she was feeling.

“Ok.” Emily said, then added. “I'm here for you if things go bad. But I am really glad they are coming over. I really do like Mark.” She was practically bubbling.

“Well, they are going to be here in about an hour. So, I'm going to fix my hair and do my face.” Ingrid said, getting up. “I'll use the master bath, you use the one off your room, OK?”

Emily nodded, then got up and gave Ingrid a hug. “Thanks hon. I'm going to hit the shower. I worked up quite a sweat out there.”

“I know. You were ripping it up, girl.” Ingrid said.

Then headed upstairs to get ready. She didn't need to shower, so she just washed her face, getting her make-up off to start with a clean slate. She patted her face dry and looked at herself in the mirror. Without any make up, and with her new ultra girly brows and hair, she looked like Ingrid without make-up. Not, as she had thought before, like Richard Wolfe. She looked really hard, trying to see the boy she had been, but couldn't for the life of her see it. Sure, she looked the same, but those little changes were enough that it was very obvious. She wetted her hair and slicked it back, trying to figure out how she was going to style it to go back to being Richard at school. It seemed like a lost cause, so she gave up and dried her hair.

She pulled her hair up into a headband and started on her make-up She decided she was going to go for straight 60s glamour tonight, so she out on some mineral foundation, then started to work with her liquid eyeliner. She did some really impressive cats eyes, topped off with a slight line of white eye-shadow, then added some ultra-length mascara that made her eyelashes look a mile long. She stopped and admired her handiwork for a second. Feeling really pleased with her work, she put on her lipstick, going for a white frosted look. She'd always loved the “Mod” look and with the white pants and tight black sweater, she was rocking the Emma Peel look tonight.

Ingrid leaned in and examined her face. The make-up did make a big difference in her appearance, making her look a lot older than 16, more like 19 or 20, which she really liked. But under the make-up, she could see things that as a woman, she would really like to change. Her lips weren't as plump as her mother's, which made her sad, but she knew that could be fixed with 15 minutes in a doctors office. She also wasn't terribly happy with the shape of her face, it seemed a little boyish to her she had to admit, but that would change once she started taking female hormones. The thought of that brightened her face. She would be able to grow into a woman, not completely, but more so that she was right now. With that thought, she pulled her hair down and started styling it. She brushed it out good, then used the hot iron to put some flip on the ends. She topped it off with a bump it, and a white vinyl headband to complete the 60's mod look. She looked at herself in the mirror and realized what she was missing.

“Duh.” she said, digging through her jewelry box. She found the dangly, earrings she was looking for. They were silver, with large, white upside down triangles on them. She had found them in her mother's jewelry box and thought they were great. She pulled the small silver hoops she'd always worn, both as Richard and as Ingrid, out and put them in. They were really heavy, but she liked how they hung down as long as her hair. She shook her head a little, watching the earrings and her hair sway.

Ingrid scooped up her sunglasses and perched them on top of her head, knowing that cool sunglasses were just as cool over your headband as they were on your face. She walked out into the living room. She could still hear the shower running in the extra bedroom and knew that Emily would still be quite a while getting ready. Ingrid looked at her watch and saw that the guys should be here in around thirty minutes. She poured herself another cup of coffee, put on her coat and walked out onto the balcony.

The ski resort was lit up for night skiing. It was beautiful, the way the lights shone against the snow. She leaned against the railing on her elbows and lit a cigarette. She was lost in thought, wondering what tonight, and next week would bring, when she heard the door bell ring.

“Hi.” Ingrid said, opening the door. Bradley was standing closest to the door, wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a big, black, leather coat. Mark was behind him wearing a pair of tan cargo's and a Wedgeworth Lacrosse sweatshirt. “Come in.” She said, stepping aside.

“Hi Ingrid.” Bradley said, looking her up and down. She was holding the door open with one hand and the other was cast daintily out to the side with a cigarette held near the tip of her fingers. His eyes finally finished climbing all the way up her and stopped on her face. She was made up very classy, and in that outfit she looked like a Bond girl or something. “Wow, you look great.” he said, then leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. He immediately regretted doing it, because he started blushing.

Ingrid was taken off guard by the kiss on the cheek, which set her to blushing. She smiled. “Hello...You must be Mark.” She said, after the boys stepped inside. I'm Ingrid.

“I know, Brad's told me a lot about you. And he wasn't lying.” Mark said, grinning. “Very nice to meet you.” He shook her hand.

Ingrid then noticed that Bradley was holding a very large, paper sack. “Would you like to put that down?” She asked, guiding him towards the kitchen. She took a final drag from her cigarette, then put it out in the ashtray on the counter.

“Thanks.” he said, putting on the counter. “We brought some beer and some Smirnoff Ice.” he said, pulling a couple of six packs out of the bag. “Mark has a pretty good fake ID.” he said with a grin.

“Ah, yes, it pays to have illicit connections.” Mark said, leaning against the bar and looking around. “Where is Emily?” he asked.

Ingrid smiled. “She's still getting ready. She'll be down in a few minutes.” Ingrid opened the refrigerator and pulled out the snack tray and the grapes. Brad jumped right in and helped her lay out the snacks.

“Quite the hostess.” Bradley said. He was standing right next to her as she worked. She gave him a little bump with her butt and smiled.

“I would love one of those Ice drinks, Bradley.” Ingrid said as she washed off the grapes.

“Sure.” he said, opening the fridge. He unscrewed the cap and waited for her to take the bottle. “Enjoy.” he said, then pulled out a beer for him and handed one to Mark.

“Make yourself at home Mark. The television is over there, and we have cable.” Ingrid said, then took a sip from her drink. It was pretty good. “Sweet.” she said out loud, more to herself than anything.

“I thought you would like it. Most girls seem to like those better than beer.” He said, then popped a grape in his mouth.
“I do like it.” she said with a smile. “I am surprised that you are drinking, Bradley. I thought you had no vices.”

He laughed. “Nah, I have plenty. Just not the same ones as you.” he said. “My tastes are not so sophisticated. My vices are beer, junk food, and video games. All things that will rot you one way or another.”

Ingrid laughed. “See, then we are not so different, you and I.” she said, pulling a cigarette out of her pack. She started to reach for her lighter, but Bradley picked it up first.

“Allow me.” he said, then flicked the Givinche for her. She leaned in and put her hand on top of his to steady it, then lit her cigarette. She was very conscious of what she was doing as she took a deep, cheek hollowing drag, then did a snap inhale.

“Thank you.” she said, then exhaled the smoke skyward.

“You are welcome.” He said, unable to take his eyes off her.

“Sorry it took me so long.” Emily said, walking into the living room. She was wearing a very cute black skirt, with leggings and a hot pink Joan Jett T shirt. Her hair was pulled up into a very punky looking Updo and her make-up was straight 80s rock star. She looked awesome, and very Emily.

“Hi Emily.” Mark said, standing up. His eyes were glued to her as she walked into the room.

“Hello Emm.” Ingrid said. “The boys were kind enough to bring drinks.” She said, holding up her glass.

“After last night, I'm not sure if that's a good idea.” she said, laughing, but took one of the beers anyway. “But since when have I been one to worry about good ideas. Hey Brad.” She said, bopping him with her hip.

Ingrid laughed. “I know.” Ingrid purred.

The obligatory group conversation started, all of them gathered around the bar nibbling on food and drinking while they talked about their day skiing. It was pretty obvious that both couples wanted to go off by themselves and get to know one another better so it didn't last too long. After an hour, that seemed to Ingrid like three days, they were finally able to make their break. She walked over and put her Ipod in the dock on the stereo and selected random. The song “Call Me” by Blondie came on, which was one of her favorite songs so she took that as a good omen.

The condo wasn't huge, but it was plenty big for two couples to find places to talk alone. Ingrid and Brad settled on the leather sofa near the fireplace, while Emily and Mark seemed quite content to stay at the bar and nibble while they talked.

Ingrid pulled out a cigarette, then looked over at Brad. “This will not bother you, sitting so close to me will it?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Normally, I would say yes. But now. No.” he said, smiling, then picked her lighter up off the table and lit her cigarette for her. He watched her take a drag, then french inhale. She must know I like that, he thought as he watched her. “Are you sure you aren't a time traveler, sent here from the 1960s to torment high school boys?” he asked, laughing.

She laughed, then nodded, a serious look on her face. “Yes. It is all part of an insidious East German plot to destroy the future.” She said, cocking her arm up near her shoulder so her cigarette was pointed towards the ceiling “It is very smart, no?”

Ingrid finished her first Smirnoff Ice and Bradley got up to get her another one, and to grab a beer for himself. She finished her cigarette and put it out. She could tell he was thinking something, and she wanted to ask what it was but she was scared that he was thinking the truth about her. Her mouth was faster than her brain, and before she could stop herself, the terrible question had spilled out over her frosted lipstick. “What's wrong, Bradley?” she bit her lip, but it was too late. She'd asked.

He didn't sit down. He stood there, holding both drinks, then looked over towards the kitchen. “Umm...You want to go out on the balcony? Get some fresh air?” he asked.

She looked over towards the kitchen, then nodded. She stood up and grabbed her coat, which he helped her put on. Ingrid picked up her cigarettes and lighter and put them in her pocket, then took the drink from Brad. He shrugged into his coat.

“Where are y'all going?” Emily asked.

“We are going to get some air. It’s ok.” Ingrid said, giving her the best reassuring smile she could.

They stepped outside into the dark silence. Ingrid could hear music playing at one of the other condos, something jazzy, and could hear people talking in one of the other hot tubs somewhere nearby.   The wind was blowing a little, so she zipped up her jacket.   She turned to Brad, who had a puzzled, almost grave expression on his face.   Scheisse, she thought, he knows.   She didn't speak, but couldn't handle just standing there, so she lit a cigarette.

Brad took stood there for a moment watching Ingrid as she zipped up her coat and lit a cigarette.   He had to know whether his suspicions were true, but what if they weren't?   He didn't know what to say, so he took another drink of his beer and just watched her for a moment, enjoying how the light played across her skin and how much she looked like some sort of ghost standing there in all white against the night.

“What?” Ingrid finally asked, unable to contain her self anymore and feeling terribly self conscious.  

He couldn't help but smile.   “You look beautiful.” he said, meaning every word.   “I just...” he started, then said.” I have to ask you something.   But I really don't know how to ask it.” he said.

Her heart fell.   Was he playing with her, giving her a compliment like that, just to bash her hopes once he knew the truth?   “go ahead.” she said quietly, then took a nervous drag.

“I...” He started, then laughed.   “I felt like I knew you from the first time I saw you.   But I could not for the life of me figure out how.”   He moved over and leaned against the hot tub next to her.   She looked very small, and frail next to him, and he swore she had a frightened expression on her face.   “It really bugged me after we hung out at the coffee shop.   I just KNEW that I had met you before.   I knew it.”   He took another drink, then played with the snow with the toe of his boot for a second.

Ingrid gulped.   Here it comes.   He knows and he's going to out me in front of everyone, she thought.

“I started paying close attention to things.   At school.   At home.   You made quite an impression, I realized.” he said, smiling at her.   His teeth gleaming in the light from a neighbor's porch.   “But then I started putting two and two together and came up with a result that wasn't quite four.”

Ingrid looked down at the snow, feeling like tears were coming.   She was busted.   This was far worse than she'd imagined.   She took a final, deep drag from her cigarette and dropped it on the deck, grinding it out with the toe of her boot.

“I...I think you have a secret, Ingrid.” he said finally.   “I think I know what that secret is.   So rather than ask straight out...I'm going to ask you a simple question.”

She looked up at him.   Her eyes were wide with fright, and bright with tears.

“Is Richard Wolfe going to come back to school after Christmas with a new, shorter hairstyle?” he asked.   There was no malice in his voice, but the inflection told her that he did know.

She nodded, then a tear rolled down her cheek.   “I'm sorry.” Ingrid said, dropping the German accent.  

He reached out and lifted her chin so he could look in her eyes.   They were so wide and hurt.   She, well he, his mind tried to correct.   She, he firmly thought has been through so much.   “I...” he started, then watched as another tear rolled down her cheek. Then, he did something he would have never expected.   He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.  

Ingrid was looking into his eyes, terrified that he was going to hit her, or call her a freak.   Instead, he leaned in and kissed her.   Her body went rigid.   Her lips felt like rigor mortis had set in.   Then, after a brief instant, she melted.   Her mouth opened and accepted his tongue, hers seeking his out.   The tears kept rolling down her cheeks and she sobbed, despite herself as they kissed.

Bradley was almost as surprised as she was.   He was a little taken aback when he kissed her.   He had never kissed a girl who smoked before, he had only actually kissed two girls in his life and they were both very sporty types.   The taste was odd, and not terribly pleasant.   An ashy taste, mingled with the sweetness of the Smirnoff Ice, but as they kissed, he accepted it and took her into a strong embrace.   They kissed for a long time.   He could feel the pain in her as she sobbed, with happiness or release he wasn't sure.   Eventually, they broke the kiss.   She looked up at him, her cheeks still wet with tears.   Strangely, he thought, her make-up isn't running.

She looked down.   “I'm sorry...I must look a mess.” she said, the German accent coming back.   She laughed, then said with her regular voice.   “sorry.”

“No.   You look fine, Ingrid.” he said, not having a tissue or a hanky, he offered her a napkin he had in his pocket.   “that eyeliner must be waterproof.”

She laughed.   “It is.” she dabbed at her eyes.”I'm sorry for lying to you Bradley...But I couldn't very well tell you the truth either.” She said, her lips falling into a pout.   “I tried to avoid anyone I knew, but you kept popping up everywhere!” she said, sounding exasperated.

“Why...Why do you do it?” he asked.   Very unsure of himself right now.   He was very turned on by Ingrid, which excited him and sickened him at the same time.   She was still a boy, a little voice in his head kept screaming.

“I...just sort of fell into it.” She said, shrugging.   She picked up a cigarette and started to reach for her lighter, but again, Bradley got to it first and lit it for her. “You like doing that, don't you?” She asked, nodding thanks.

“Yeah...Makes me feel like one of the guys in all those old movies you know we both love.” He said, setting the lighter down on top of her pack. “Go on.”

She started telling him the whole story.   He was aghast at her description of the horrors those gangsters inflicted on him and his family, though she didn't describe it in complete detail, he got the picture.   She told him about the first year after the incident, and how Ingrid was just sort of born.   She broke down in tears a couple of times and he held her close, letting the crying fit subside.   It took close to thirty minutes, another drink, and three cigarettes to get him up to date.

“So, that's it.”   My whole story.   Leaving out the bits about her and Emm, of course, she thought.   “I understand if you think I'm too damaged to even worry about.” Ingrid said, choking back a sob.

He pulled her close and held her for a second before speaking.   “I...don't think you are too damaged.   I think you are way stronger than anyone I know.   After all that happened to you, you found a way to cope.” He said quietly.

She pulled back from him and threw her cigarette over the balcony into the snow.   “So.   What now, Bradley?” she asked.

He reached up and touched her cheek.   She winced and shied away, so he moved in and kissed her again.   They kissed for a little while, exploring each others mouths, holding each other tight in the chill winter night.  

“That was nice.” she said, looking into his eyes.   “But I mean.   What now?”   She asked, pressing him.

“I don't know.” he said, smiling at her.   “I know all about you now, and for some strange reason, it doesn't bother me. I’m still very attracted to you.” He reached up and tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear.  

“You know I'm not a girl, Bradley.” she said quietly.   “I look like one, for the most part.   But I'm not wholly a girl.”

“I know.” he said, his voice barely a whisper.

“I'm going to be starting hormone therapy, which will bring on changes that will make me chemically, a woman.   But physically, and genetically, I'll be male.” She said, hoping she was bringing the point home.

“I know that too.” he said, then laughed.   “So, that means you will be growing breasts of your own?” he said, a lascivious look in his eyes.

Ingrid giggled.   “Boys.   All you think about are boobs.” she said, slapping him on the leg.   “But, yes.   I will.   Since I only barely started male puberty before the accident, I should, according to my research, transition really well.   I won’t ever gain any of the distinctly male traits, like jutting brow and big bone structure.   I should grow my own breasts, but they will most likely be smallish, like my mother's were before she had them augmented.” She said with a shrug.

“That's ok.” He said, smiling. “I don't mind.”

She hugged up against him.   She had been so enraptured in their conversation that she hadn't realized how cold she was.   “Bradley, I'm freezing.” she said, shivering even under her warm clothes.

“Ok.” he said, helping her up.   “Let’s go back inside.”

The two of them went inside, but Emily and Mark were nowhere to be seen.   Ingrid smiled and shook her head.   That bad girl, she thought, but she knew she'd been thinking the same thing.   Ingrid sat down on the hearth and warmed her hands in front of the fire.   Bradley sat down next to her and handed her another drink.  

“Thank you.” she said, putting the German accent back on in case Mark heard.

“I like the accent, Ingrid.   It adds to the mystique.” he said into her ear, then kissed her on the neck.

She smiled and moaned softly as his lips touched her neck.   “So...how are we going to handle things?” she asked, hoping he had some idea, cause she had not thought that far ahead.

“Well...” he said between kisses on her neck. “I figure we'll do exactly like we've been doing I’ll watch out for Richard at school, and see Ingrid afterwards.” he said, then nibbled on her neck a little bit.

“You think that will work?   Do you think anyone else will get suspicions?” she said, finding it very hard to concentrate with him doing that.

“Nope.   I don't think anyone will.   I hardly believe it myself, Ingrid, and I know for sure.   We will just have to be careful, that's all.” he said.

“Ok.” she said, then took another sip of her drink.   “I'm really glad I bumped into you, Bradley Worthington.” she said, kissing him softly on the lips.

“I'm very glad I ran into you, Ingrid Wolfe.” he said.   “You have altered my perception forever.”   Then the two of them fell into a tight embrace, kissing each other with only the passion that two teenagers can muster.

Ingrid's sex drive, which was not incredibly strong thanks to a lack of proper sex hormones, was not non existent.   Usually, her thoughts about sex had more to do with curiosity, and thought than wanton desire, but now, she was feeling that desire more strongly than she ever had before.   She felt her penis twitch in her panties as it tried to harden.   Then she ran her hand down Bradley's back, slipped it around his hip and rested it in his lap.   She could feel an immense hardness there as they kissed.   Throwing caution to the wind, she reached over and slipped her hand down the waistband of his jeans.   They were pretty tight, so she couldn't get her hand all the way in there, but she could touch the end of his penis, which was straining against his underwear.   He started at the touch.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” he asked, sounding concerned.  

Ingrid just smiled and ran her finger across the tip of his penis. It was slightly slick from pre-cum.   She nodded, then the two of them were kissing again.   It was irritating her that she couldn't' get her hand down his jeans so she stopped and put her hand against his chest.   He stopped kissing her.   “Lets go in the bedroom, Bradley.” she said, standing up.   He looked scared now.   “don't worry...I will not do anything you don't want to do.” she said with a smirk.   He laughed and looked down at his feet, then stood up.   “Get me another drink?” she said, gesturing towards the kitchen.   He nodded and headed that way.

She walked down the hall to the bedroom.   Her heart was pounding so hard if felt like it was going to leap out of her chest.   She took off her coat and dropped it in the easy chair, then lit a cigarette, hoping it would calm her down.   She laid down on the bed and was reclined there, smoking when he walked in.   He smiled at her and shut the door.  

His eyes took in her whole body.   The tight, shiny white pants, the form hugging black sweater.   She had taken off her shoes and socks and his eyes were drawn right to her blue painted toe nails. “God, you are sexy.” he said, leaning against the door frame.  

Ingrid smiled at him, then patted the bed next to her.   She took the sunglasses off the top of her head and laid them on the table next to her cigarettes.   She took one last, deep drag, then put the cigarette out.   Bradley sat down next to her and handed her the drink.   She took a long pull from the bottle, soothing her throat.   Then the two of them were kissing again.   They laid on the bed kissing for quite a while, their hands feeling each others bodies through their clothes.   Then, Ingrid finally decided to make the move she'd wanted to for so long. She slid her hand down the front of his jeans and took hold of his cock.   It was massive, she thought, so much bigger hard than she'd imagined.   She smiled up at him.

“You sure?” he said, sounding very unsure himself.  

She didn't answer, but instead, unbuttoned his pants and let the monster out of its cage.   It was big, over seven inches long and thick.   She smiled at his penis, then up at him. “Wow.” she said with a chuckle.

“What?” he asked, defensively.

“Its huge.” she said, then leaned down and kissed the tip.   Bradley moaned and leaned his head back as she took the tip into her mouth.   She sucked on the tip for a second, then took more of it into her mouth.   She was very careful not to touch her teeth to it, since she'd heard that guys didn't' like that.   She sucked on it for a second, bobbing up and down, then came up and let it pop out of her mouth.   Breathing a little heavy, she took the base of it in her hand and stroked it up and down a few times.   “I'm new at this, so if I do something you don't like...tell me.” she said.   Bradley just nodded.  

She smiled, then went down on him again.   Bradley couldn't help but watch her as she took his cock into her mouth.   The way her pink lips looked around his shaft turned him on.   And the way she was looking up at him, with those big wide eyes, made even more sexy by the cat's eye make up.   For a second, all that was going through his head was “A guy is sucking your cock, you faggot.”.   Then he looked into her eyes and that thought was gone. No, another voice in his head said, fighting for coherency through the pleasure.   “She's a girl, just a different kind of girl”, and she was learning fast.

“That's good.” He said, or muttered, he wasn't sure.  

Ingrid was really getting into it now.   She had dreamed of this for years.   Not specifically with Bradley, though she had thought of him specifically several times.      She had always been attracted to boys, though at the time she thought it was just some sort of phase that would pass, but it didn't.   It just got stronger with the years.   She did like girls, she thought they were beautiful, and graceful.   She did really enjoy making out with Emm, but it wasn't the same.   It didn't' light a fire in her like it did here with Brad.   She was going down on him vigorously now, taking him deeper into her mouth with each stroke, working the base of his shaft with her hand.   She went too far a couple of times and gagged, then had to take a breath before going back down, but she was loving every minute of it.   After what seemed like hours, but was really no more than ten minutes, of worshiping his cock, he moaned, then said. “I'm going to cum.”, he moved like he was expecting Ingrid to back off then, but she was having none of that. She was going to do this all the way, and do it right.   Instead, she doubled her efforts, working him so hard her jaw started aching.   She felt the muscles tighten up in his abdomen, then he cam, moaning loudly and shooting a huge amount of hot cum into her mouth.   She thought she was ready for it, but it still took her by surprise, making her flinch.   She let his cock come out of her mouth, and one more spurt hit her on the lips.   She fought to swallow, the cum was thicker than she expected, but got it down.  

Bradley looked up into Ingrid's face.   She was panting, hovering over his cock, a little bit of cum on her lips.   She licked them clean, then used the tip of her finger to get the rest off his penis.   She licked her finger clean then, as well and smiled at him.

“Yummy.” she said, lying, but only a little lie.   She thought that she could actually come to really like that taste.   It made the effort seem worthwhile.  

“Wow.” he said, panting, laying back on the bed. Ingrid rolled over and lit a cigarette.   “That was amazing.” he said.

“Really?   So I did good?” she asked, genuinely wanting to know.

“Yeah...that was awesome.   You...You weren't scared of it.   The only other girl who did that for me seemed like she was scared of my, my penis.   It made it awkward.”   He said, propping himself up on his elbow.

“Thank you, Bradley.” she said, then did a snap inhale.   “I enjoyed that immensely myself.”

“It's still hard for me to believe.” Bradley said, shaking his head.

“What?” Ingrid said, a confused look on her face.

“That you are a boy.” he said quietly.   “You are beautiful.”

Ingrid blushed.   It didn't bother her for him to say that, it actually made her feel good that he was accepting her for what she was.   “I'm a girl..with a little extra.” she said with a chuckle.

He laughed at that too.   “Is...Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked.

“Hold me.” she said, then cuddled up against him.   He held her, her back against his chest while she finished her cigarette.  

He enjoyed holding her close like this. Her smoking, which would normally bother him, didn't bother him at all.   In fact, he thought it was sexy.   He'd heard of smoking fetishes before but had never given it any thought.   Now, he understood it.   As he laid there, holding her tight, Bradley realized that his life had changed forever.   His horizons, which had been rather narrow before, had been drastically widened.   She finished her cigarette and put it out, then took a drink from her bottle and rolled over to face him.   He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, taking in the smoky taste of her mouth, the cool spot on her lips where the bottle had touched.

They kissed for a little while, holding one another.   Then, Bradley's hand, almost acting without guidance from his brain, slid down the front of her body and cupped her groin through the tight ski pants.  

She started at his touch.   “No...You don't want to do that.   It'll ruin it for you.” she said, meaning it but still actually wanting him to touch her.

“No it wont.” he said.   “Take them off.” he said, fighting with the buckle on her belt.

She took a deep breath then undid the pants, arched up on her back and slithered out of them.   He watched her slide the pants down those long smooth legs and felt himself hardening again.   She was wearing tight black panties, with a slight bulge in the front.   HE reached down, a look of fascination on his face and slid the cloth aside.   Her penis, semi hard and about five inches long, popped out of its tuck and stood sort of at attention.   He looked up at her face, and smiled incredulously.   “It is true.” he said, shaking his head.   “It was like I was imagining it, even after you told me.”

She started to cover herself up, but he stopped her.   “No.” he said, then took it in his hand.      It seemed familiar to him, while at the same time utterly alien and wrong.   He lifted it up with his fingers and looked at the smooth place where her testicles would have been.   “Smooth.” he said, smiling at her.   “I like the fact it’s all shaved.” he said.

Ingrid smiled nervously.   “Can I smoke?   You are making me a nervous wreck here.” she said, reaching for her cigarettes.

“Sure.   It'll be sexy.   Slide over and prop up on the pillows.” he said, helping her slide over.   She laid her head on the pillows and lit a cigarette.   He watched in fascination as she exhaled a thick cone of   stark white smoke, then turned his attention back down south.   Brad played with her cock for a little while, running his hand up and down its shaft.   He smiled up at her as it started to harden even more.   Brad swallowed hard, working up courage to do what he really wanted, then leaned over and took the tip of her penis in his mouth.   Ingrid moaned and writhed a little when he did that, then she took a long, cheek hollowing drag from her cigarette.   Bradley took more of her little cock into his mouth, sucking gently as he bobbed up and down.   He was able to take the whole thing into his mouth with no problem, which caused Ingrid to shiver underneath him.   Ingrid reached out and ran her fingers through his hair.  

“That feels so good, baby.” Ingrid purred.   Her fingers were intertwined in his hair how, holding on as he took her whole.   It wasn't very long before she felt like she was going to cum.   “I'm going to cum baby.” she said, tightening her grip on his head.  

Bradley let her cock pop out of his mouth, but kept pumping it with his free hand.      He pumped it about five times, then she came, spurting on his chin and into his open mouth.   Ingrid cried out as she came.   It was a good orgasm, but as usual there was hardly any ejaculate.   She looked down at Bradley smiled as he licked his lips.   Ingrid let her head fall back on the pillows for a second, then took another deep drag, snap inhaled, then sat up.   Bradley moved up to kiss her before she had exhaled.   He wasn't sure why he did it, he knew he was going to get a mouth full of her smoke, but he didn't care.   She kissed him for about fifteen seconds before she tried to pull away to exhale.   “No.   Keep kissing me.” He said, then kissed her again.   She smiled against his lips, then exhaled into his mouth.   He inhaled it greedily, but had to pull away before she had finished.   He blew the smoke out and coughed a little.   The taste was horrid, he thought, then the nicotine washed over him and he actually understood a little bit why people smoke.

Ingrid laughed.   “You are letting your freak flag fly, honey.” she said, then took another drag.   “thank you very much.   That was so awesome.” She said.

Bradley blushed.   “I guess I am...and you are very welcome.   Thank you.” he said, laughing a little.   “That was something I thought I would never do...two things I thought I would never do.” he laughed harder.  

Ingrid exhaled a thin stream of smoke off to her right.   “Want another hot kiss?” she said, exhaling while she talked.

Bradley got up on his knees and waited while she took another drag.   He leaned in and kissed her.   This time, she only held it in for a few seconds before she started letting it out.   He didn't breathe in as much this time, but still managed to inhale quite a bit.   He fought the cough that he felt coming, then exhaled.   That feeling washed over him again, right down to his toes.   “Wow...Does it feel like that every time you smoke?” He asked, leaning back on his elbows.

“No.   Only the first one of the day, or after not smoking for a long time.   Once it's in your system, it doesn't feel as good.” she said.   “That buzz is a very special thing that doesn't last if you actually start smoking.” she said with a shrug.   “But it still makes me feel good, and I have a definite fetishist’s view of smoking.

Bradley chuckled.   “I think I do too, now.”

She glanced over at the clock.   It was almost midnight.   “Almost midnight, Bradley.” she said standing up.      Ingrid pulled on her pants.   “I don't want you getting into any trouble.”

Brad laid on his back and stared at the ceiling for a minute.   “I know.   I don't want to go back yet.” he said, rolling over to watch her as she went in the bathroom.  

Ingrid looked back over her shoulder and smiled.   “I wish you could stay too.” she   said.   “But, I'm not that kind of girl.”   She grinned at him.

“What kind of girl are you, Miss Ingrid?” He asked, returning the grin.  

“I'm the kind of girl who goes down on the first date, but doesn't give it up till later.” she said, then leaned towards the mirror and started fixing her make-up.

“Good to know.   When is later?” he asked with a chuckle.   “I want to make sure I'm here.”

She looked over her shoulder an stuck her tongue  out at him.   “You never know, so you'll just have to make sure you are around a lot.” she said, then puckered her lips and put on more frosted pink lipstick.   “How do I look?” she asked, then fluffed her hair a little more.

“Perfect.” he said, hopping off the bed.   He slid back into his jeans and put his boots on.   “I could stay, you know?” he said.

Ingrid shook her head.   “Nope.   then I would never get to do any skiing tomorrow.   You must buy me lunch tomorrow.” she said, laying her head on his shoulder.

“Deal.” He said, turning his head and kissing her on the cheek.

The two of them walked out of the bedroom hand in hand.   Emm and Mark were still in her bedroom, though the interesting noises had died down.   Ingrid went into the kitchen and grabbed the last Ice for herself and a beer for Bradley.   She set it down on the counter for him, then perched on one of the stools.   Bradley sat across from her, took the beer and nodded thanks.

“Life's funny.” Brad said, looking into Ingrid's eyes.   “If you would have told me what I was going to do tonight, before tonight, I would have told you that you were insane. “ he said laughing.

Ingrid shrugged.   “I have learned that life is crazy.” she said, pulling a cigarette from her pack.   She put it to her lips and Bradley lit it for her.   She took a deep drag then french inhaled.   “I have decided just to roll with it.” she said, exhaling the smoke as she talked.

“Hear. Hear.” Bradley said, holding up his bottle.   They clinked bottles, then drank.  

The door to the bedroom opened and Emily and Mark came walking out, hand in hand.   They had both taken the time to put themselves back together, just like Ingrid and Bradley had, so nothing looked amiss except the Cheshire cat expressions both of them were wearing.   Hell, Ingrid thought, Everyone in this house is wearing that expression tonight.

Plans were made to hook up the following morning.   Goodbyes were said, and goodbye kisses were shared.   Then the boys left.   Ingrid waved goodbye, and could see Emily doing the same from over her shoulder, then she closed the door and leaned her back against it.

“That was an awesome evening, Ingrid.” Emily said, walking over to the bar.   She pulled out a cigarette and lit it.   “How was yours?”

Ingrid smiled.   “I told him everything.” she said.  

Emily literally jumped like the words hurt her.   “You did what?”   She asked, incredulously.

“I told him the truth.” she said dreamily.

“And what makes you think he isn't going to tell everyone?” Emily asked.

“Because...He would have a hard time explaining why he gave me head if he didn't like me.” She said, perching back on her stool.

“Holy shit!   He didn't!” Emm said, shaking her head.

“He did.” Ingrid said, her eyes going all dreamy.   She rested her chin on her hand then took a drag.   “It was awesome.   I went down on him first, of course, which was also great.” she said.

“That is kick ass.” Emily said, flicking her ashes in the ashtray.   “Did you go, like all the way?”

Ingrid shook her head.   “No.   How bout you?” She asked, grinning at Emily.

“Well...Yes and no.” She said.

“Ok, you are going to have to explain that one to me.” Ingrid said with a chuckle.

“Have you ever heard of a technical virgin?” Emily asked, her eyes glittering with mischief.

“Um...No.” Ingrid said.

“I have never had vaginal sex.” Emm said with a nod.   “So, technically” she held her fingers up to make the quotation marks.   “I'm a virgin.”

Ingrid laughed.   “Wait. You said when we did it that you had never done anal either.   So...”   Ingrid stopped.   Struck by the revelation.

“Yep.   You were my first.   I'd had oral and played with fingers and stuff.   But no penis had been anywhere in my...” she gestured to her groin and butt, “Southern Region before yours.”

Ingrid actually felt flattered.   “And you let me screw you in the butt?   Wait...” Ingrid said, thinking back to it.   She had just been playing with fingers in there, it was Emily who lowered herself onto Ingrid's cock.   “No...You fucked me, using your butt.” Ingrid said, laughing.

Emily joined in laughing with her.   “I liked it a lot.   So...Tonight, I tried it again.” She said.   “But, I made him wear a condom and it was a lot harder...Literally.   But GOD it was awesome once we got it going.” she said, then shook her head and whistled.

Ingrid giggled.   “So, he was big?” She asked.

Emily nodded.   “How bout Brad?”

“Big.” Ingrid said.   “Scary big.”

Emily laughed again.   “Would you let him stick that in you?” She asked, making a little fucking motion with her hands.  

Ingrid scoffed.   “I had to really fight not to jump on that thing and ride like my life depended on it.   But it's more complicated, you know.   I was so surprised when he went down on me I couldn't' believe it.   I thought he was just touching it to show he wasn't grossed out.”   Ingrid said.   “I still can't believe it.”

The girls talked for a little while longer, then after one thirty they headed off to their rooms to get ready for bed.

The next morning, the girls were up and out on the slopes fairly early.   They managed to get three good runs before hooking up with the boys.   Ingrid and Bradley had a lot of fun skiing until lunch time, when they finally decided to take a break.   They sat down in an outdoor cafe, which was cool because they had these tall, gas burning heaters that made the porch pretty warm.   Ingrid ordered a cup of coffee, Brad a cup of cocoa.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Ingrid purred, looking at him over the rim of her coffee cup.

Bradley grinned and looked down at the table.   “I was just thinking how weird all this is.” he said, looking up at her.   “You look beautiful.” he said.   She hadn't gotten all glammed up today, just wearing a little eyeliner and the same frosted pink lipstick.

Ingrid blushed and looked down at the table.   She pulled a cigarette out of her pocket and was surprised when Bradley produced a little blue bic lighter and lit it for her.   “Thank you.” she said, laughing. “When did you get that?”

He grinned at her.   “This morning.” he said.   “I figured it would be the gentlemanly thing to do.   So don't have to borrow your lighter to light your cigarettes.”

She laughed.   It was actually very sweet.   “Bradley, my dear.   You are a gentleman, and born too late it seems.   As was I.” She said, smiling at him.

“I guess I was.” he said, smiling.   “So...” he said, pausing to try to get his thoughts in order.   “What are you going to do about school?” he whispered.

Ingrid didn't speak right away.   She was trying to figure out exactly what to say.   they had touched on it last night, but didn't really go into the subject very deeply.   “I don't know.   I think you are right about no one really paying attention to whether Richard got a hair cut or not.” she said with a little smile.   She fiddled with her cigarette for a second, rounding the cherry on the edge of the ashtray, gathering her thoughts.   “But, it's going to be very difficult not being...” she frowned.   “Not being me.” she looked up at him.   “Not being able to talk to you...”

She looked down.

Bradley frowned.   “I know.” he said, then looked up at the sky and watched the clouds roll by for a few seconds.   “It will be really hard not to talk, not to be with you...” he said, sounding genuinely sad about it.   “I'll have to fight to not smile like an idiot every time I see you.”

Ingrid laughed.   “Well, I have been fighting staring at you like a lovestruck puppy for the last four months.” she said, returning his grin.   “I've seen you staring at me at school too, you know?”

He looked down, embarrassed.   “I know.   At first I was trying to figure it out, you know.   But...” he started, not wanting to admit it.   “But, I was staring at you because I thought you were pretty.”   He said the words quickly, like pulling off a band aid.

“Really?” Ingrid said with a chuckle.   “You thought I was pretty as Richard?” She said, not believing it.

“Shut up.” he said, then gave her a feigned mean look.   “It was hard enough to admit without you making fun of me for it.” he said, sounding half way between hurt and joking.

“No, I'm flattered as hell.” Ingrid said, holding her hands up in surrender.   “I just didn't expect it.”

He laughed.   “Ingrid...even without make up, you are pretty.   It was very hard not to look at you and think it.   It was fascinating, and it made me crazy.   I couldn't understand it...Now I do. You're a girl.   Plain and simple.” he said quite confidently.

Ingrid smiled at him.   “Thank you.   That is a very nice thing to say.” she said, putting her hand on his.   “I did think of something that you need to consider, Bradley.” she said, quite seriously.   “I'm going to start transitioning soon.   I'm going to come out to my Aunt and Uncle on Monday.   I will still be attending school as Richard, there's only a few months left until I graduate.   But I will be on hormones, finally, and there will be changes.   I will hide them as best I can, but it will happen.” she said, then took a final drag and put out her cigarette.   “After school is out, I will be Ingrid full time.   I'll be me completely.   You have a decision to make.   If you keep seeing me, not at school mind you, but after school and people know about it, once I transition it is going to come out.   People will know that I was a guy, people who know me anyway, and they are going to know about you being with me.   You have to consider what that will mean for you and your reputation.   It hurts me so much to have to bring this up, but I don't want you to get into something that could hurt you later.” she said, squeezing his hand tightly, like she was holding on for dear life. “If you get out now, people will think you found out and left me alone.   If not, who knows what people will think.”

Bradley's face dropped.   He hadn't thought of that at all.   What would people think?   What would his parents think?   He felt like a bomb had been dropped on him.   “I hadn't thought of that.” he said quietly.  

Ingrid felt so very sad right then.   She felt that she might actually love Bradley, and that she had to tell him her fears because she didn't want anything bad to happen to him on her account.   “Hey...” she said, then reached out and put her finger under his chin to bring his face up so she could look in his eyes.   Her voice was thick, like she was going to cry as she spoke.   “I understand, baby.   I don't want anything bad to happen to you because of me.   If this weekend is all we get, then it's all we get.   I understand.” she said.   She could feel tears welling up in her eyes and was so thankful she had on the big Dior shades.   His eyes were huge, and sad.   Doe eyes, she thought.   “I need to use the ladies.” she said, standing up.  

She rushed to the restroom, barely making it in the door before the waterworks started.   Ingrid put her sunglasses up on top of her head and grabbed a wad of tissues.   She hugged herself tight across the chest to try and keep the sobbing from getting too bad but nothing was helping.   She knew from their first kiss that it was all doomed, but she couldn't bring herself to face the reality.   It had been nagging at her since last night but she didn't want to say anything because she was scared it was true.   A women came out of one of the stalls.   She looked at Ingrid and saw a beautiful young girl crying her eyes out and her face instantly became compassionate and sad.  

“Are you ok, miss?” the woman said, grabbing some more tissues and bringing them over to her.

Ingrid looked up at her and tried to stop crying.   “I'm sorry.” Ingrid said.   She didn't want to talk to the woman and couldn't think of anything to say to get out of having to talk to her so she started telling her what happened, only she was telling her in rapid fire German. The woman looked horrified, unable to understand what his poor girl was saying.  

“I'm sorry, I don't understand you.” the woman said, feeling awful about it.   “Do you need help?” the woman said slowly.

Ingrid shook her head.   “No.” she said.   “I ok.” she said, playing up the bad English completely.   “Go...I fine.” she said, finally bringing it under control.   It was funny because baring her soul to the woman, even if she didn't understand, helped a lot.   “Thank you.”

The woman nodded and gave her a weak smile as she left.   That woman will have a funny story about a sad, German girl crying in a bathroom, Ingrid thought.   She turned to the mirror.   Her face was a wreck, so she washed her face and tidied up her make up before going back to the patio.   Bradley was sitting there, staring up at the mountain.   He looked over at her and the sadness in his eyes made her almost want to burst into tears again.

“You were crying.” Bradley said, taking her hand.   “I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you cry.”

She shook her head.   “You didn't do anything, honey.” she said, then fumbled a cigarette out of her pack.   Bradley, always the gentleman, lit it for her.   “I just brought a little too much reality to our fantastic weekend.” she said sadly.

“Yeah...” he said quietly, barely a whisper.   “I hate to admit it, but I really don't know what to do now.   It all seemed so clear before, but now...” he trailed off.

Ingrid bit her lip, then leaned across the table and kissed him on the lips.   “I know.” she whispered.   “We still have the rest of today.   Lets not talk about it again.   We will let things happen the way they happen.” she said.   “I will not hold it against you if we never see one another again...Romantically, I mean.”

He looked scared by that thought.   “No, I didn't say that...” he started, but Ingrid leaned in and kissed him on the lips again, silencing him.

“Shhhhh.” she said.   “enough talk.” She leaned back and took a nice, cheek hollowing drag then french inhaled.   “We will get nowhere talking about it now.   Lets just enjoy the day.”

Bradley looked like he really wanted to talk more, but instead, leaned back in his chair.   Neither spoke for a while.   Ingrid smoked her cigarette in silence while Bradley watched her.   “You are beautiful.” he said finally.   “And you are the sexiest sixteen year old girl I've ever met.”

Ingrid laughed.   “Thank you, my love.”   She said.   “And you my dear, are the loveliest man I know.” She meant every word of it.

The rest of the afternoon skiing was good, but was clouded by their discussion of the realities that both of them faced when they got back to the real world.   This snowy fairy land was not the reality of Arlington, where they had families and friends and reputations to worry about.   This was a magic place where they were able to be themselves with no worries other than each other. At about five O'clock, both tired, they decided to call it a day.  

“Come see me tonight...Around eight?” Ingrid said, snuggling up against Bradley's chest.   He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. They kissed for a long time, finally parting.  

“Ok.” He said, smiling.   “It's a date.”

“Good.” she said “Tonight then.”   She pecked him on the cheek then turned and skied away.

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