(Life after Camp Kumoni) By Anistasia Allread Edited by Nick B Pete Shaw knows my secret.” “What?” Samantha was incredulous |
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Erika wrapped a towel around herself. She was wearing panties and her bra under it but didn’t want to come close to freaking her friends out.
“Samantha?” she called exiting the bathroom.
“Could you help explain this stuff to me?” she asked, tossing the duffle with her uniform on the bed. “Tell me what is what and how it is supposed to go on?”
“Sure.” Samantha dug into the duffle and started pulling out the uniform bits and laying them on the bed. “The top is called the shell. When it is cold out at a game, you put this turtleneck on under the shell to keep your arms and neck warm. This of course is your skirt, and these are called spankies.” She held up red underwear looking things. “They go on under your skirt. You’ll have to get some nylons and white tennis shoes. This should get you started. When your kit comes, you’ll also have warm-up pants and a jacket.”
“Go on,” Krystal urged. “Try it on and let’s see how it looks.”
Samantha nodded in agreement.
Erika took the offered garments into the bathroom and slipped into them. She studied herself in the mirror turning one way and then another. She enjoyed the swish of the skirt as she twisted, treasuring how it flowed around her thighs. She tugged a little at the bottom seam, hoping to cover a little more of her bared leg. She opened the door and showed off for friends.
“Now, on Friday’s we put your hair in pigtails or in braids with red and white ribbon, go a touch heavier on your eye makeup and you will have every boy in school drooling,” Samantha chuckled. “I’ll take you shopping for shoes and accessories Wednesday after practice.”
“I’ll try and get some money from my dad,” Erika nodded. She looked over at Krystal, “When are you getting your uniform?”
Krystal looked at Samantha.
“She’ll have warm-ups for this Friday’s away game. She should have her uniform by next Tuesday or Wednesday.”
“Are you hungry?” Mrs. Martin asked as Eric entered the house.
“Famished,” Eric practically groaned.
“There is a plate on the stove, you can nuke it. How was school?”
“Fine,” he replied and dropped his backpack near the kitchen table. He put the plate in the microwave and began warming the food.
“You have a Doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning,” his mother told him, “After the appointment, I’ll drop you off at school.”
Eric’s heart jumped. “Dr. Barts wants to see me tomorrow morning?” He wondered if the doctor had changed her mind on spilling the beans on the charade that he and his friends were playing.
“No, a medical doctor,” His mother clarified, “Dr. Barts suggested that you see a medical doctor and get some blood work done.”
“Why?” Eric asked.
“She’s concerned that you haven’t seemed to have gone through puberty. She just wants to make sure that your hormone levels are okay.”
“I’m fine,” Eric protested.
“Eric, you’re fifteen and you are tiny for your age, you haven’t got much more than peach fuzz on your face and your voice hasn’t changed. There might be something going on.”
“But I feel fine.”
“And you may be, but we need to check it out to make sure,” Mrs. Martin stated.
The microwave ‘dinged’. Eric took the plate to the table and devoured his dinner. “What time is my appointment?”
“What time will I be able to go to school?”
“Eleven, maybe. Why?”
“Just want to know what classes I’ll miss.” How was he going to change into Erika? All her clothes were at Tricia’s.
“You are doing better this year at school, aren’t you? You’ve never been eager to go to school before.”
“It helps having friends,” Eric admitted.
He finished eating and took care of his dishes before heading up stairs to his room, pulling out his phone and calling Tricia.
“Hey, how was practice?” she asked.
“I’m tired.”
“I’ll bet you are.”
“Tricia, we have a slight problem.”
“My mom is dropping me off at school tomorrow after a doctor’s appointment.”
“Crap. What should we do?”
“Can you bring me some clothes tomorrow?”
“Sure, but how will I get them to you?”
“Leave them in my locker.”
“I’ll need your combo.”
That was easy enough, Eric quickly gave her the locker combination.
“Something simple; jeans and a nice top, I guess,” Eric suggested.
“Not a problem.”
“Thanks Tricia.”
“You’re welcome. I missed you this afternoon.”
“I missed you too. I was so tired and sore after practice that I went to Samantha’s to soak in the hot tub.”
“What did you end up wearing home?”
“My practice sweats. I’ll have my forms and gaffe in my back pack tomorrow, but will need you to bring me some basic makeup and something to tie my hair back with.”
“Thanks, Tricia.”
The two made small talk as Eric got ready for bed. He was so tired from all of the dancing, and he had muscles that he didn’t even know he had.
Eric sat in the plastic chair; his arm propped uncomfortably on the small table as the nurse wrapped the rubber tourniquet around his bicep.
“Just a small poke,” she cautioned.
Eric tried not to flinch as she inserted the needle into his arm then pushed tubes into the back end to catch the blood.
“How much do they need?” he asked.
“Not much. You’ll be fine.”
The prick in his arm began to itch as soon as she pulled the needle out.
“I think I’m beginning to understand why people don’t like hospitals or doctors,” Eric muttered to himself.
The exam that the doctor performed was embarrassing. Not only did the doctor poke him in the belly and throat, but also did a hernia exam and then to add to the embarrassment, did a rectal exam.
Eric’s mother was asked to leave the room for the more intimate exam, but that didn’t make it any more comfortable. Neither did the doctor ‘umming’ and ‘aahing’.
Eric held the cotton ball to his skin as the nurse placed a band aid over it then joined his mother in the waiting room.
“Done?” she smiled.
“I sure hope so,” he muttered just loud enough for her to hear.
The two walked quietly out to the car.
“Would you like some lunch before going to school?” his mom asked.
“Nah, I’m fine,” he sighed.
“Shall I pick you up after school tonight?” his mother asked.
“Nah. I was going to study with Tricia and Krystal tonight.”
“What time are you planning on being home?” She asked.
“Sooner than last night,” Eric promised.
His mother pulled up to the front of the building and turned the car off.
“What are you doing?” Eric asked.
“I’ve got to sign you in,” She stated.
“It’s alright,” Eric’s heart fluttered. “All I need is to show the office this doctor’s note,” he held the note up.
“Is that a new policy?” his mother asked.
“Yes. They say it helps to minimize non-essential people in the school.” Eric tried not to blink as he told his mom.
“Oh, Okay, honey,” She sighed. “have a good day. Will you be home in time for dinner, or do I need to save you a plate?”
“I should be home in time.” He opened the car door.
“Have a good day.” His mother turned the car back on and pulled out of the drive.
Eric breathed a deep sigh of relief as he waited for a few moments before turning towards the school.
He entered the building and quickly made his way past the office. He needed to get to his locker and change into Erika before signing in. Eric turned down the hall where his locker was located and saw Greg and Tyler talking as they came down the hall towards him.
“Shit!” Eric’s brain screamed. He turned around and ducked back around the corner.
“. . . the plague?” he heard Tyler ask Greg.
Eric looked around. He needed to either out run the two or hide until he could get to his locker and change. His heart beat a bit faster as he heard two sets of feet pick up their pace.
He quickly looked around and saw that the small A.V. storage room’s door was slightly ajar. Eric sprinted to the door and slipped inside. He quickly closed the door behind him and peaked out of the corner of the small window in the door.
“Who are you hiding from?” a voice asked from behind him.
Eric whirled around to find Pete looking up from a worktable. “Greg and Tyler,” he said, and immediately regretted it. Erika wouldn’t be hiding from the jocks; only one who had suffered from them before would hide from them.
“Quick, get into that closet,” Pete pointed.
Eric didn’t even think, he threw himself into the closet and closed the door just seconds before the door to the room opened.
“Did the plague come in here?” Tyler asked.
“I haven’t seen the plague since last year. I thought he moved or something.” Pete looked from Tyler back down to a computer he was working on.
“He’s still in town. Greg and I thought we just saw him in the hall.”
“He’s not in this room.” Pete stated without looking up.
“If you see him, let us know.” With that, Tyler closed the door and muttered something to Greg.
“Stay there.” Pete muttered.
Eric waited twenty more seconds before opening the closet door. “Thanks.”
“Those two are assholes.” Pete looked up from the open computer case. “You know you look like shit when you’re not dressed like a girl.”
“Huh?” Eric felt blood drain from his face, “What are you talking about?”
“Look Eric, or do you prefer Erika now? You and Samantha may have fooled everyone in this school, but I know who you are. I figured it out your first day.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to go tell anyone, especially not those two goons.” Pete glanced towards the door.
“Why not?” Eric asked.
“I don’t like most of the people at this school either.” Pete shrugged. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.
“Uh… Thanks?” Eric went towards the door.
“Give it another few seconds, to make sure they’re out of the hall.” He went back to working on the hard drive. “Besides, you look hot as Erika.”
Eric turned to look at Pete, who was again intent on his work. He slowly opened the door and peered out into an empty hall.
“Thanks again, Pete,” he called over his shoulder as he slipped out of the room and down the hall to his locker. He sighed with relief as he pulled a duffle out of it and raced down to the girl’s bathroom.
By the time the bell rang signaling the break between classes, Erika was wearing a pair of white Capri pants and a white tank-top under an open-weave pink sweater with a plunging neck line. She stood in front of a mirror applying her makeup when girls began filtering into the bathroom to pee before going to their next class.
“Hi Erika, I didn’t see you in second period,” a girl greeted.
“Yeah, I just got here from a doctor’s appointment,” she replied. She finished putting lip gloss on her lips.
“You going to Julian’s party?”
“Yes, are you?”
“Of course,” the girl smiled. “It’s supposed to be one of the biggest of the season.”
Erika made sure that Eric’s clothes were stuffed safely in the duffle put it in her locker in exchange for her books for her next class.
“There you are.” Krystal greeted, “Where have you been?”
“I had a doctor’s appointment,”
“Everything okay?”
“I think so. I had to have blood drawn.”
“I took notes for you.” Krystal smiled. “I just hope you can read them.”
“Thank you,” Erika smiled. Eric had never had anyone think of him if he skipped a class or was sick. Even Summer didn’t take notes for him. Of course, then again, she was never in any of his classes, except art class.
“I've got to go sign in. I'll see you in a few moments.” Erika promised. She walked down the crowded hall. Students seemed to part for her as she went. Erika was becoming nervous. Feelings of 'the plague' were creeping in on her consciousness. There was a difference in their presence, a difference with their bearing. Erika forced her lips into a smile and began to receive smiles in return. Not evil smiles, not snide smiles that hid alternate intentions. She lifted her chin a bit more as she made her way for the office to sign in.
“Where is your parent?” the receptionist asked.
“She had to get to work, why?” Erika asked innocently.
“In the future, your parent needs to sign you in if you are coming in from a doctor’s appointment,” the receptionist explained.
“Oh, I didn’t know,” Erika lied. “At my last school all I needed was a doctor’s note.”
“Sign here,” the receptionist pointed.
Erika signed herself in and thanked the receptionist and waved as she left the office.
“You alright?” Samantha asked at lunch.
“Yes, just had to give some blood.”
“What do you want?” Tricia asked as Jake approached the table with Tyler.
“Greg and I saw 'the plague' at school earlier.” Tyler announced. “Can you believe that disease coming back to this school?”
“He has a right to an education too,” Tricia stated.
“You haven't met him, you wouldn't know.” Jake made sure to keep his distance from the blonde.
“Where did you see him?” Victoria asked, trying not to make eye contact with Erika.
“In the science hall,” Tyler told them. “He took off when he saw Greg and me.”
“Why would he take off?” Tricia pressed.
“Well… we have a, ah… history,” Tyler tried not to laugh.
“One of these days, your 'history' will come back and haunt you,” Tricia promised.
“Yeah, right,” Tyler snickered. “You should have seen what happened to him last year.”
Erika looked down at the food in front of her, avoiding eye contact with the two jocks. Shame and embarrassment washed over her.
“I heard about that despicable act,” Tricia's voice took on an edge.
Jake involuntarily took a slight step back.
“You all should have gone to jail,” she snarled.
“Come, Jake, we aren't welcome amongst these snobs,” Tyler turned.
“Neanderthals,” Krystal muttered.
“Stupid jocks,” Victoria agreed.
“I'm sorry guys,” Erika looked up from her food, her cheeks flushed and moisture filling her eyes.
“You have nothing to be sorry about, Erika,” Samantha stated, “They're the dumb asses.”
Erika smiled weakly and looked away. She saw Pete across the commons, sitting at a table to himself. She turned back to her friends, “I have to tell you girls something.”
“What?” Tricia asked. The others looked at Erika with some concern.
Erika looked around to see if there was anyone within ear shot, then looked at her friends, one by one, “Pete knows.”
“Pete? Who's Pete?” Krystal asked.
“Pete knows what?” Victoria asked at the same time.
“Pete Shaw knows my secret.”
“What?” Samantha was incredulous.
“When I went to get my stuff out of my locker, I saw Greg and Tyler. I turned and fled to escape. I hid in the A.V. Room and Pete was in there. He helped me hide, until those two jerks were gone. Then he told me that he preferred me as Erika,” she explained. “It's almost creepy in a way.”
“Would he be one to tell?” Tricia asked the other girls at the table.
“I don't think so,” Victoria shook her head. “If he wanted to tell, he would have 'outed' Erika to Tyler and Greg to help himself out. I think she's safe for now.” She looked at Erika, “If he threatens to blackmail you, you let us know immediately, okay?”
Erika nodded.
Erika exited Tricia’s bathroom and presented herself to Tricia and Samantha, “Do I have this on right?” She asked.
“Give us a twirl,” Samantha instructed.
“Damn girl! You look fine,” Tricia beamed as she watched Erika's skirt flare.
“You are going to break a lot of guy's concentration in class today,” Samantha admitted. “Have a seat so I can put your hair in pigtails.”
Erika sat down on the bed and suffered Samantha pulling a brush through her dark locks, pulling them tight and securing them with an elastic, then tying a red and white ribbon around each.
She may be breaking a lot of guy’s concentration in class today, but the feeling of the nylons, wrapping her legs in a seductive embrace was going to be breaking her own concentration. She sighed lightly to herself as she thought about pulling the stockings up over her legs.
Samantha backed away after tying the last ribbon. Tricia stepped forward, pushed Erika backwards on the bed, then fell on top of her, their lips embracing. Erika flinched as she felt Tricia's hand slide over her nylon encased leg from her knee up her inner thigh.
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Since I was late last week, I thought I'd make up for it and post early this week. I hope you all enjoy
Oh, Yes!
Most definitely enjoyed. Thanks for the early present!
It was a great surprise!
I hope Pete isn't the blackmail-y type.
If he wanted to blackmail her, he would have already done it before
Alyssa, thanks for the early chapter ... but sadly it means there is now more than a week to wait before the next (the next chapter won't be early, will it?)
I wonder what Eric/a's mother will say when she discovers what happens at school. She'll hardly be pleased, but again, I don't think she'll be able to stop it. It has gone too far already. I just wonder when she's going to discover. It's bound to come out at some point. Sometimes parents do receive letters from school or are invited to school events ...
Just feeding our addiction
... fix me Anistasia, Fix me ! *gasp* 8-).
I can release my tourniquet now *sigh*.
Problem is I have to put it on as soon as I finish reading it thoroughly.
That exchange with Pete gave the plot a realistic tang as it is hard to believe that you can fool all of the people all the time as that old diddy goes.
How Pete will fit into the mix will be interesting. I mean is there a secret society of Plague supporters at school kinda like the Abolitionists of old ? Is there an Underground Railroad of safe houses where Erik/a will be welcome ? Is there a secret handshake ? Is there a secret ceremony where all prospective members must be klutzes ? Yes, yes the latter is a Joke!!!! Sheesh!
Finally, from the end of the chapter, no matter what happens Erika will exist in some shape or form. It still remains to be seen what his/her Preferred Identity will be.
Thank you very much Ani :).
Impending Train Wreck
Could Pete Shaw be the trigger or catalyst that brings everything crashing down on poor Erika? Why else would you suddenly introduce such a character?
Arrggg! Why did you have to post that blog entry? Now I'll be madly speculating until the dreaded chapter 21. You Madam, are a true meanie -- not to be confused with a Blue Meanie. :p
Now for the good stuff ....
Erika sounds so cute and happy with her rally squad outfit. I hope she gets plenty of good memories ... before it all comes crashing down! *sigh*
Thanks and please keep up the good work.
- Terry
Who says its gonna crash down?
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
A.A. Did...
...in a blog post last week.
Peter Could Very Well Be
Very much like Eric, only he is not the plague. Peter could also be trans-gendered. Erica can be the mascot/leader of the trans-students.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Pete seems to be a good person
Hi Ani,
I suppose Pete just isn't strong enough to openly stand up to the goons. Erica needs more friends like Pete and I would be willing to bet there are many "Pete"s in the school.
Thank you for posting this chapter for our enjoyment.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Yes I think he is too
As a matter of fact there seem to be a lot more than one would expect, even among the cheer folks.
Every school has their outcasts and if you take your normal 'bell curve' a silent majority of kids who are only involved in their own issues and don't waste their time harassing other kids. Though apparently Eric was considered so extreme even the outcasts did not take him in. However, the author did mention throughout this series that there were even teachers on the anti-'Plague' bandwagon so who knows what kind of moral fiber the folks in this town have ?
On another point, it is interesting to note that Pete in a way seems to speak for the unbiased majority in commenting that Erika looks a whole heck a lot better than Eric. I kinda understand where Pete is coming from as my partner has always said I looked 'off' before my change. My current packaging 'fits' better and I am considered attractive by far from the old days.
Anyway, Pete may very well be the tip of the iceberg and maybe even represent fifth columnists in the social structure of the student body who are natural allies of Erik/a.
Eric/a's story is about to take a drastic change.
Pete Shaw may be an interesting addition to the mix, what he does, who he likes, etc. But, I do not understand why the previous comments concern him. IT'S THE BLOOD TEST that's important. I think the results of the dreaded BLOOD TEST and Medical Exam will change the entire scope of this story.
When the results are announced, what will we find? A normal or slightly lower level of male hormones, or as I think the plot will develop a completely unbalanced set of hormones, with female hormones flooding the body. What did the hernia, rectal and genital exam reveal? Have the testicles dropped, are they underdeveloped, are they even there? Once the test results are revealed, Dr. Bart's decision will be made easier. If the tests show normal male levels, he will argue for Eric to be Eric. If the results are the opposite, Dr. Barts will recommend to mom and Eric that ERIKA should be the correct persona. I think mom will go along with it, the girls from camp and school will enjoy it, dad will be a question and perhaps Tricia will have competition from Pete Shaw. Eric will begin to fade away or become non-existant. Erika will be happy since she will no longer need to be conflicted or fight the battle going on within her.
Process those Blood tests already.
We'll See...
...but I'm guessing that's not where this is heading, since that gives Erika and her parents too easy a way out. This hasn't been a simple story where all the signs point to "girl", and I'd rather not see it start now.
In any case, I've seen nothing that I can recall that would suggest that "female hormones [are] flooding the body", at least on the physical level. There may be some mental development in that direction, but I don't think that assumption is necessary to explain Erika's behavior.
And as for Pete, hormones probably wouldn't affect Erika's sexual orientation. If there's an attraction to males that Eric was suppressing, it could come out, and there'll be the usual school pressure on Erika to project herself as a hetero girl, in which case Pete may be a candidate whether Erika really swings that way or not. I wouldn't be surprised if Erika were bi, but I don't think I'd bet that way.
Keeping in mind that Eric is at the minimum a sophomore (10th)
that would be a pretty late bloomer.
But I doubt that he is flooding with female hormones, and certainly none of them have tried giving Eric/Erika female hormones, so it would not be self induced.
Another great Chapter AA... Sorry I missed it yesterday, as I have been out of town for the past 1.5 weeks! looking forward to the next bit, but I don't know if I can handle the wait till Chapter 21 for the train wreck.
Another awesome update!
Great update! I really liked this chapter, however I do wonder how Pete figured it out on the first day and if he knew and didn't say anything why did he feel he *had* to say something now? And about that school sign in thing. Is that typical of your area for a parent to have to sign their child in? Because where I live the child just needs a signed note. A doctor's note would definitely suffice.
I can't wait for everything to finally fall a part... wait that sounds sadistic... what I mean is I hate the suspense of knowing it's going to happen but not having it happen. At least once it's over there'll be no more suspense! *Anyway* great update and keep up the good work.
To rami: If I had to guess I'd say that the blood test isn't all *that* important. I mean it might show slightly low testosterone levels but he's still young so puberty may just not have struck yet. Also it really doesn't seem like Erika will have an interest in boys. Sure s/he could be suppressing the "desire" but it seemed pretty clear (to me anyway) in the last book that Erika was revolted by the thought of dating a boy. Furthermore Dr. Barts seems like a pretty competent psychologist. I honestly don't think Eric/Erika will be forced by the doctor into choosing a gender based on these exams.
I could be wrong but this is the opinion I've formed so far.
Eric/a's Blood Test a red herring.
I hope Eric is right regarding my comment on the Blood Test. I agree that up to this chapter there was nothing pointing in that direction. Perhaps A.A. is throwing in a red herring to confuse us.
Tis a nifty tale you weave
Wow, this can't go on much longer. What happens if the Doc wants to give her some Testosterone to "Jump Start" her. Do they even do that shit anymore? Maybe she's one of those late blooming women? I can see the jig is going to be up as soon as the Doctor wants to DO something.
Loving it.
My heart was racing
God! My heart was racing at times! You know, I could see this as an afternoon TV series.
Thank you again...
...for a great chapter!
Since catching up with Eric/ka's story, I've been reading some other things, trying to fill the time. Unfortunately, there's little out there that's anywhere near as good, or as >real<-feeling emotionally. You're a great writer, and I look forward to the next installment! :-)
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
I love it!!!!!
I have wanted to tell you how much I love this story too. It is so intriging to know that Erika is right there in front of them (her family) and they do not see her. I also can relate to being two people all wrapped up in one person. That is something that many of us can relate to. So thank you and keep writing it is always worth the wait.
Lana Lund
Lana Lund
I have a feeling that Erika
I have a feeling that Erika is going to be "outed" by the receptionist of the school because she will call Mom and inform her that she has to sign Erika back in from a Doctor's appointment. Then Mom will know. This is a rather strange policy, as a note from a doctor was generally sufficient in all my various schools. Pete may turn out to be "a knight in shining armor" for Erika later on, especially if he already knows who Erika really is. Once Erika's cover is blown, Pete can step in and help her overcome. J-Lynn
Doesn't Work, I Think...
Erika is registered as Erika Summers and her (altered) contact information won't match the Martins. So Mom won't be in the loop at this point.
(As was the case at camp when she was Erika Martinez, just what happens when someone in authority DOES try to contact the parents remains to be seen. But actual contact with the parents almost certainly won't be any part of it.)
I see a disaster looming.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
too close !
those guys are gonna be a problem ...