Currently, I have merged Alyssa Plant's former Identity of Belladonna into her new account of Kit. Then she arranged her stories in a new format. Now I am currently running the OSC debug through her older stories to bring them back to life. For anyone reading them tonight, you will notice the little squares in her works vanishing slowly. That's me.
I am behind the scenes fixing her stories now.
Can't seem to see any of them?
I didn't know BellaDonna (An author I love) had changed identities.
I don't see Belladonna, Kit or Alyssa Plant under authors.
And, yet there are new stories on today from Alyssa Plant.
What am I doing wrong?
she is under authors here she goes by the name of "Kit" now but her author name is still Alyssa Plant. Belladonna was her name under her old email, which she had lost. So that is why the merger happened. Gives her back control of her stories, the older ones. The works that I am fixing are under the Old Stories Section she so neatly made.
Her Works are all debugged now!
All finished! Also finished Arecee's works and Sarah Lynn Morgan's.