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Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.
Author's Note: Here's the new chapter of book two of A Cold Fey in Hell. I added the sexual content warning on this one because while there is no actual sex, sexual acts are heavily implied. Further chapters are available on my Patreon page. Thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support. I hope you all enjoy. ~Amethyst.
Chapter 20: Final Preparations
We didn’t eat our dinner at one of the big booths near the kitchen like we usually would that night. Stella decided that it would be better for me if we instead ate at one of the tables nearest the main stage so that we could be right in the thick of the action and I could get familiar with the atmosphere and watch some of the other dancers at work. It also put us in a spot where we were more available to the club patrons for interaction and conversation.
It wasn’t like any of that was new to me, I had done all of that before on the occasions where I had shadowed Rhissa and my mother after all. Mom and Rhissa had always guided the conversations though, and had kept me away from some of the more… enthusiastic patrons of the club. Did my mentors and good friends, the Dicken sisters, do that?
Hell no. Those succu-bitches (and I use that term in the most affectionate way possible) threw me to the wolves, almost literally in the case of the Werewolf who was just a little too handsy until I firmly set my boundaries with him. They didn’t intervene at all, and I was forced to handle my end of any conversations and politely and firmly turn down any unwelcome advances on my own, preferably without damaging the customers. Damaging the difficult customers was Melody and Aunt Merry’s job after all, and I knew that both of them would have been very happy to do so if someone went too far with me.
I knew what they were doing, of course. They were throwing me in the deep end and checking if I would sink or swim. If I started having a panic attack or something, or they felt like they really did need to intervene for some reason, then they would, but they wanted to make sure I was ready to handle this kind of thing every night on my own. Given that age-old survival choice of sink or swim, I learned to swim pretty damn fast.
The thing to remember here was that in this club, we (the dancers) were the ones in control, not the patrons. Melody and Aunt Merry would eject anyone who was too rowdy or broke the rules and it was our choice which patrons we chose to talk with or offer extra services to, and which ones we would politely decline. Those who we had to decline more firmly knew (or quickly learned) that they would not be rebuffed a third time, the third strike would involve a violent ejection out the door.
It took us almost two hours from the time we sat down to finish our dinner with all the interruptions by curious club patrons. A few had seen me around before when I was shadowing Mom or Rhissa, or hanging out and eating with my mentors, but things were different then. When I was shadowing, it was made clear that I wasn’t working yet, just in training, and there was an unwritten rule about bothering the dancers or other staff while we were at the booths near the kitchen. Those booths were almost an employee refuge, where we went when we really needed a break and just wanted to enjoy our meal quietly and in peace, and the regular customers knew it.
Sitting and having our meal near the main stage, or anywhere other than the large booths by the kitchen, was a sign that we were available to talk and open to propositions for extra services. This was an announcement that I was now fair game. It was still early, just getting into the dinner rush when we sat down, but there were still plenty of club patrons who were interested in trying to get shot at the new Nymph or one or more of the Succubus triplets.
Just before we finally managed to finish eating, we even had a proposition from a table full of guys nearby for a group session, which surprised me a little. Thankfully, Stella decided to take charge in that case. She gave their spokesman a winning smile and actually looked like she was considering it for a minute before shaking her head. “Orgies can be fun, but they take time if you really want to enjoy them, so we usually don’t offer group sessions until closer to closing. All of us except Crystal still have shows to do tonight too. Adora is on in half an hour, I think, so we just wouldn’t have the time. If you’re still around closer to closing, maybe we can sit down and work something out.”
After the guy went back to his table to let his friends know it wasn’t happening, at least not anytime soon, I turned to the sisters and asked, “Group sessions? I didn’t know we offered those.”
Adora shrugged as she replied. “It’s included under party specials. The three of us actually get requests for that a lot. Stella wasn’t lying about them being fun. They tend to go long and really scratch that itch for sex. We also make a ton of money when doing them.”
“And you’re okay with doing that… together?” I asked. I didn’t think I could do that with Jess, like ever, and we weren’t even genetically related. Still, I had to admit that the thought of having sex with twins or triplets was one of my fantasies back when I was a guy. Even now, I was getting a little turned on by thinking about it and looking at the three. No. They were friends, and almost like family. Bad Nymph brain.
“To be fair, we kinda crossed that boundary after we Manifested, and we got used to it,” Anita replied with a shrug. “We were all desperately horny and fairly isolated until we learned to control our shapeshifting and stuff, so we had nobody to turn to but our dad, who we were living with at the time. No way were we doing anything with him, so we… helped each other out. I can understand you not wanting to do anything like that with your mother, Crystal, the thought of doing anything like that with a parent would make me cringe too, and that’s why we set ground rules when negotiating these things, like who we aren’t comfortable being in a group session with.”
Stella was quick to add, “That being said, as much as all the staff here are a big happy family, most of us aren’t related by blood. We just have to be professional, enjoy ourselves in the moment, and what happens in a group session stays there, or amongst those who were directly involved. We actually had a session like that with Rhissa once not long before you arrived, and since then we’ve all been much closer friends.”
“Being professional and enjoying the moment for the fun it is, is the key, Crystal,” Adora pointed out. “Given what we all do for a living, and working together like we do, it’s a given that we’re all going to see one another naked or in some sort of intimate manner. Is seeing each other having sex, and maybe being involved and enjoying it as well, really that much worse than seeing each other stripping and teasing the audience while naked on a stage or pole? You get used to it, and it’s only awkward if you make it awkward.”
They were probably right. I was getting used to seeing the other dancers who lived upstairs naked and performing, and I no longer batted an eye at even seeing my mother do it. I would never want to do a group session with her though. Objectively, I know my mother is hot, but she’s my mom so I don’t really see her that way, and doing anything more than watching her perform was going to be a hard no.
It was similar with Pandora and Genevieve. Pandora was going to be my stepmother soon and Genevieve was Lou’s mother, and that would make things with my Werewolf friend super awkward. I was glad Jess wasn’t an entertainer at the club, but if she was, she’d definitely be on the no-list too.
Rhissa I was kinda unsure about. Come Spring Break, she was going to be my stepsister, even if she was only Pandora’s daughter by adoption. I couldn’t deny being attracted to her though, and the way she had used that to mercilessly tease me and test my self-control before our first shopping trip together wasn’t exactly giving off sister vibes. I hadn’t grown up with her like I had with Jess either, and Rhissa and I were both adults who were in no way related yet. I was going to classify Rhissa as a maybe, leaning toward hell yeah.
I couldn’t believe that I was seriously considering which of the women I lived with and cared about that I would potentially have group sex with. What even is my life now? I was broken out of my thoughts as one of the sisters said, “A penny for your thoughts, Crystal.”
“Give me that penny, Stella, I already know what she’s thinking. She’s making a mental list of the entertainers here who she wouldn’t consent to being in a group session with,” Anita said with a smile as she reached out to place her hand on mine. “If it helps, try to think of those you might be cool doing it with as friends with benefits, very fun benefits, that you can make a lot of money with.”
“Thanks, I think I’d be okay doing things with pretty much everyone but my mom, Pandora, and Genevieve,” I said, reciting my mental no-list.
“Yeah, all of those are understandable,” Stella said pensively. “To be honest, I would have thought Rhissa and Carmilla would be on that list too though.”
“Yeah, well Rhissa is sexy and a total tease, and it might be nice to see her squirming for a change. Does Carmilla really… she treats almost everyone who lives above the club as a kid, and she’s the momma bear. I can’t picture her even…” I said, trailing off as I tried and failed to get that picture in my mind. Okay, she was definitely on the no-list too.
“You’re right about Carmilla,” Adora said with a faint smile. “This is her nest and, to her, we’re almost all children under her protection. Even though she’s a lesbian, the only two she’ll do group sessions with are Tiffani and Pandora, probably because she sees them as her fellow founders and matriarchs of this nest.”
“Oh, thank the Divine,” I muttered, letting out a long slow breath. Not only does Carmilla give off total momma bear vibes, but she’s also one of the scariest Paranormals on the planet. I also couldn’t stop picturing her in dominatrix gear since I heard that that was what most of the men who wanted her extra services were into.
I had to mentally thank Anita as she pulled me out of that terrifying mental image by pointing out, “Look how flexible Sukoha is.”
I found myself staring at the Kuromihar on the stage with the lights shining on her glistening pale green skin and long crimson hair as she was arranged in a very compromising position on stage, her charms on display for everyone to see. Wow, Anita was right, she really was flexible. I didn’t think that even I could lick my own... She’s definitely on the yes-list, as in yes, please. Oh great, and now I was getting horny… well, hornier.
“Well, as much as I enjoy seeing Sukoha work, and Crystal blushing like that, I’m on in fifteen minutes and Stella is on after me, so we need to start getting ready to go on stage. And we should go talk to Pandora and Tiffani about Crystal starting work tomorrow night too,” Adora said with a teasing grin.
The three led me backstage, where my mom and Pandora were snuggling on a couch where dancers could chill between performances if they weren’t feeling like interacting with the club patrons and offering extra services. Both of them had been on stage earlier while we were eating dinner, my mother before Sukoha took the stage. They looked up at our approach and both were smiling as their gazes focused on me.
“So, girls, is Crystal ready for the stage yet?” Pandora asked my mentors.
“Yup, though she has a bad case of the first-time jitters,” Stella announced. “We’re going to give her one more training session in the morning and you can put her on the schedule for tomorrow night. Feel free to work her pretty little ass off.”
“Good, it’s Saturday tomorrow so we can have her work a full shift to break her in,” my future stepmother said with an unnerving smile. “We’ll give her a few shows on the main stage and have her work one of the mini stages on and off for most of the night when she’s not on the main stage, offering extra services, or taking a break. That is if she wants to offer the extra services. Is that something that you’re ready for, Crystal?”
“I… umm…” I hesitated. On the one hand, I could get all the sex a Nymph could want that way, but on the other hand, I was having some major performance anxiety about both dancing and having sex with potential strangers for money.
“This is your decision, Crystal,” Anita said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a friendly hug. “I think you should do it though. Don’t overthink it. Honestly, the best way to get over the hump is to just say ‘fuck it’ and do it.”
Adora immediately agreed. “Yeah, it’s just sex it’s supposed to be fun, not stressful. So, if someone asks you, and he’s not a total creeper, then have fun and make a bit of cash doing it. The guys are usually a lot more nervous than we are too, especially with pretty girls like you. You’re the one in control. So, all you need to do is take him to one of the rooms upstairs and take matters in hand. I’m sure he’ll rise to the occasion and once you’re over your nerves you’ll cum to enjoy it, hopefully, several times.”
I giggled. Their damn sex puns and lewd expressions got me to giggle and relieved some of the tension that I was feeling, which was probably the entire point. “I’ll give it a try,” I conceded. “If I don’t feel comfortable with someone then I just need to say no, right? And I’ll be the one in control.”
“Awww… my baby is all grown up,” Mom blubbered, practically crying as she leaped out of Pandora’s arms and off the couch to crush me in a hug. “Don’t you worry, Snowflake, you’ll do just fine.”
After that, the Dicken triplets left me in Mom and Pandora’s capable hands. The pair spent the next twenty minutes giving me a refresher on the club rules, the drink codes if someone offered to buy me a drink and I didn’t want anything alcoholic, and what to do if a patron was causing trouble. In most cases, the latter was pretty obvious, call Aunt Merry or Melody to bounce them. That was only if it happened in the public areas of the club though.
I did have the possibility of calling Melody via the Salamander network and getting her to teleport to me, but that wasn’t a thing for most of the other dancers and they made it clear that I shouldn’t count on it if I thought I might be in immediate danger. There were also special circumstances to consider, such as if I was somewhere where other people couldn’t see, like in one of the rooms upstairs giving the client extra services. It had happened to girls working here before, even if very rarely, and could always happen again.
If that was the case, and the customer tried to go against the limits set up beforehand or push for something that hadn’t been agreed upon and wouldn’t take no for an answer, I was allowed to take action to defend myself. I could obviously contact Melody to bounce him, but if I felt threatened, I could take other action until she could arrive. In my case, I would be free to unleash full frontal freezing fury upon them. We had the right to work in a safe environment and defend ourselves if that safety was threatened, and the club would support any girl who worked here if it came to that.
Once they were both done making sure that I knew all the procedures and other important information about working at the club, they worked on adding me to the schedule for tomorrow night. It looked like I would be working my butt off from open to close, but I did have a dinner break and several smaller breaks in there, including one from nine o’clock to nine thirty so I could go upstairs and spend a little bit of quality time with Selina while getting her in bed. I thought that was sweet of both of them to consider my daughter’s needs like that, but they were both being all grandmotherly over her since she showed up, so I guess it wasn’t surprising.
After that, Mom half-dragged me to the costume racks for all of the dancers, where she pulled out one of the rolling clothing racks from the back and, smiling from ear to ear, she said, “Tada!”
The rack had my name on it, in sparkly blue cursive script no less, and it was full of clothes. There had to be a good two dozen different stage costumes and underwear sets there. “Is all that for me, Mom? How?” I sputtered.
“Lana has been working her butt off on costumes for your shows since you agreed to work here just before Christmas,” Mom told me with a proud grin as she hugged me. “All the rest of us already had a large assortment of stage wear, and we wanted to be ready for you when you officially start work. Most of us started with a couple of costumes and worked our way up to what we have now, but with the baby coming soon, Lana wanted to have a wide assortment ready for you before she’s too preoccupied with feedings, diaper changes, and not sleeping at night for what could be months to a year.”
I was a little bit shocked and touched by the effort, but I frowned as I turned to my mother. “I appreciate the effort, really I do, but she shouldn’t have been working so hard, Mom. Isn’t all that stress bad for her and the baby?”
“It’s not stressful if you love what you do,” Lana pointed out as she stepped out of her office/sewing room with a hand resting on her swollen belly. “I had so many ideas for you that I wanted to see you wear on stage, Crystal, so you better work your way through all of them while I’m laid up, got it? If you really feel that bad about it, then you’ll just have to babysit for us on the occasional Sunday when Derek and I need a break from the baby.”
“I think I can manage that. Thanks, Lana,” I replied with a grateful smile as I broke free from Mom’s hug and gave one to Lana, being careful not to squeeze her too hard with the baby on board.
Lana showed me all the stage costumes she had made for me after that, along with what panty and bra sets went with each, and even had some ideas on how I could do my makeup with each outfit if I wanted to be dramatic and more eye-catching than usual. Each outfit she showed me was amazing and if I was going to be forced to wear clothes, even if it was just to get on stage to take them off, then these were clothes I wouldn’t mind wearing at all. There were some that would make me look so damn sexy, while others were meant to captivate the audience with each piece that I removed.
There was one outfit in particular that caught my eye though. It was just so… me. It had this whole ice princess look to it, and I just knew that when I wore that every eye in the house would be on me from the moment that I stepped out on stage.
There wasn’t much at all to the underwear for the outfit, merely a simple pair of ice blue thong panties that would cover the important part until I was ready to take them off, and a pair of similarly colored pasties to cover my nipples. There was also a pair of white thigh-high stockings that looked like they been lightly dusted with silver and blue glitter. For shoes, there was a simple pair of white three-inch stilettos that would probably make my legs look amazing.
On top of all that, I would wear a mini dress that had spaghetti shoulder straps and a longer hem in the back than in the front. In front, the dress would barely reach down to my thighs, tapering lower to reach my knees in the back. The dress was made entirely of sheer, ice-blue material that would probably leave nothing to the imagination if it weren’t for the silvery-white sequin snowflakes that were artistically arranged all over it, including some in just the right spots to obscure the areas that would be of most interest to my audience.
A hooded half cape of the same icy blue shade as the thong and pasties with white faux-fur trim and a snowflake clasp would hang just low enough in the front to obscure my chest further but give brief sneak peeks to what was hinted at underneath whenever I moved the right way. The outfit even had a sparkly silver tiara that resembled a half snowflake. I was so in love with that outfit and the thought of how it would look on me when I stepped out on stage that as soon as Lana finished her show and tell for it, I said, “That’s the one. That’s what I want to wear for my first show.”
To my surprise, Lana extracted a twenty-dollar bill from somewhere and immediately handed it to Mom following my announcement. Mom was doing a horrible job of trying not to look smug, or just not trying at all, as she said, “I told you she’d pick that one. I know my daughter.”
“Hmmph, we haven’t even shown her the naughty schoolgirl outfit that I said she was going to pick yet,” Lana retorted. Wait. Naughty schoolgirl outfit? Well… maybe for my second show tomorrow night.
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Further chapters are available on my Patreon page.
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Naughty schoolgirl outfit?
Naughty Schoolgirl
Well, that definitely IS her.
If the shoe fits...
Though I guess in this case it would be: if the school uniform fits...
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
The best costumes hint
rather than display every thing up front. She is going to knock them dead. Or freeze them in their seats.
Never show the goods brazenly first, tease your way up to it.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3