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I'm beginning a coming-of-age tale to help celebrate the publishing of Wildcat Summer as a Kindle book. I've rewritten it to hopefully improve it. I've also added more in one volume
I'm beginning a coming-of-age tale to help celebrate the publishing of Wildcat Summer as a Kindle book. I've rewritten it to hopefully improve it. I've also added more in one volume
That is one of the worst cases of abuse……
That I have read in some time. Haley’s mother should call the police. He has his child restrained like a dog after punching him in the chin and knocking him out? What is the mother doing?
She has a masters in counseling and she stays with a man like her husband? That is hard to believe. How can any woman as smart as that, and with the training she has, put up with a man like him? She needs to take her child and run! Call the police and have that asshole locked up!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Dear D.
Thank you for reading and writing. I hear what you have to say. I'm sure that you felt the same way reading this as when I wrote it.
But sometimes, someone is mean and cruel to the bone, and sometimes, a mom stays around because she's afraid to do something, worrying that she'd be left alone. Maybe she has more education, but they both have mental problems. Perhaps she is bipolar, and he suffers from depression. Now, I'm not saying these two people exist, but imagine that 'mad dog' is real enough to be in this story.
And hold your breath for the next chapter or ...